How to use entriesEqual method in chai

Best JavaScript code snippet using chai


Source:equal.js Github


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...148 * @param {MemoizeMap} memoizeMap149 *150 * @returns {boolean}151 */​152const entriesEqual = function entriesEqual(left, right, strict, memoizeMap) {153 if (left.size !== right.size) {154 return false;155 }156 return 0 === left.size || iterableEqual(Array.from(left).sort(), Array.from(right).sort(), strict, memoizeMap);157};158/​**159 * @param {*} left160 * @param {*} right161 * @param {*} leftType162 * @param {*} strict163 * @param {MemoizeMap} memoizeMap164 *165 * @returns {boolean}166 */​167const deepEqualByType = function deepEqualByType(left, right, leftType, strict, memoizeMap) {168 switch (leftType) {169 case 'String':170 case 'Boolean':171 case 'Date':172 case 'Number':173 return __jymfony.equal(left.valueOf(), right.valueOf(), strict, memoizeMap);174 case 'Promise':175 case 'Symbol':176 case 'function':177 case 'WeakMap':178 case 'WeakSet':179 case 'Error':180 return left === right;181 case 'Arguments':182 case 'Int8Array':183 case 'Uint8Array':184 case 'Uint8ClampedArray':185 case 'Int16Array':186 case 'Uint16Array':187 case 'Int32Array':188 case 'Uint32Array':189 case 'Float32Array':190 case 'Float64Array':191 case 'Array':192 return iterableEqual(left, right, strict, memoizeMap);193 case 'RegExp':194 return left.toString() === right.toString();195 case 'String Iterator':196 case 'Array Iterator':197 case 'Map Iterator':198 case 'Generator':199 return iterableEqual(Array.from(left), Array.from(right), strict, memoizeMap);200 case 'ArrayBuffer':201 return iterableEqual(new Uint8Array(left), new Uint8Array(right), strict, memoizeMap);202 case 'Set':203 case 'Set Iterator':204 return entriesEqual(left, right, strict, memoizeMap);205 case 'Map':206 return entriesEqual(left, right, strict, memoizeMap);207 default:208 return objectEqual(left, right, strict, memoizeMap);209 }210};211/​**212 * @param {*} left213 * @param {*} right214 * @param {*} strict215 * @param {MemoizeMap} memoizeMap216 *217 * @returns {boolean}218 */​219const deepEqual = function deepEqual(left, right, strict, memoizeMap) {220 let result = memoizeMap.get(left, right);...

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Source:webpack-dev-server.js Github


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1/​* eslint-disable global-require */​2/​* eslint-disable import/​no-dynamic-require */​3/​/​ webpack-dev-server.js4/​/​ dev-server is responsible for running your project locally5const WebpackDevServer = require('webpack-dev-server');6const webpack = require('webpack');7const chokidar = require('chokidar');8const paths = require('./​paths');9var _ = require('underscore');10/​/​ Change port to suit your preference11const Port = 3000;12const Host = 'localhost';13const WP_DEV_CONFIG = './​common.webpack.js';14let server;15let lastKnownConfig;16const options = {17 host: Host,18 /​/​ Enable webpack's Hot Module Replacement feature19 hot: true,20 inline : true,21 /​/​ full-screen overlay in the browser for compiler errors or warnings22 overlay: {23 warnings: false,24 errors: true,25 },26 /​/​ Show errors and warnings in console27 quiet: false,28 /​/​ Hide the build info29 noInfo: false,30 /​/​ Tell the server where to serve static files from.31 /​/​ Set this is the `paths.js` file.32 contentBase: paths.appAssets,33 /​/​ If static content changes, reload the page.34 /​/​ In other words, editing a photo within the assets35 /​/​ directory will force the page to reload.36 watchContentBase: true,37 after() {38 process.stdout.write(`dev server is running: http:/​/​${Host}:${Port}\n`);39 },40 proxy: {41 '/​api': 'http:/​/​',42 },43};44function startDevServer(config) {45 lastKnownConfig = config;46 WebpackDevServer.addDevServerEntrypoints(config, options);47 const compiler = webpack(config);48 server = new WebpackDevServer(compiler, options);49 server.listen(Port, Host, () => {});50}51startDevServer(require(WP_DEV_CONFIG));52chokidar53 .watch(paths.appScreens, { ignoreInitial: true })54 .on('add', (path) => {55 /​/​ bust config from cache so we get fresh configuration to load56 delete require.cache[require.resolve(WP_DEV_CONFIG)];57 const config = require(WP_DEV_CONFIG);58 let entriesEqual = _.isEqual(_.keys(config.entry),_.keys(lastKnownConfig.entry));59 if(entriesEqual) {60 console.log('New screens detected restarting webpack server');61 if(server != undefined && !entriesEqual) {62 server.close(() => {63 64 server = startDevServer(config);65 });66 }67 }68 ...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const chai = require('chai');2const expect = chai.expect;3const assert = chai.assert;4chai.use(require('chai-entries'));5const chai = require('chai');6const expect = chai.expect;7const assert = chai.assert;8chai.use(require('chai-entries'));9const chai = require('chai');10const expect = chai.expect;11const assert = chai.assert;12chai.use(require('chai-entries'));13const chai = require('chai');14const expect = chai.expect;15const assert = chai.assert;16chai.use(require('chai-entries'));17const chai = require('chai');18const expect = chai.expect;19const assert = chai.assert;20chai.use(require('chai-entries'));21const chai = require('chai');22const expect = chai.expect;23const assert = chai.assert;24chai.use(require('chai-entries'));25const chai = require('chai');26const expect = chai.expect;27const assert = chai.assert;28chai.use(require('chai-entries'));29const chai = require('chai');30const expect = chai.expect;31const assert = chai.assert;32chai.use(require('chai-entries'));33const chai = require('chai');34const expect = chai.expect;35const assert = chai.assert;36chai.use(require('chai-entries'));37const chai = require('chai');38const expect = chai.expect;39const assert = chai.assert;40chai.use(require('chai-entries'));41const chai = require('chai');42const expect = chai.expect;43const assert = chai.assert;44chai.use(require('chai-entries'));45const chai = require('chai');46const expect = chai.expect;47const assert = chai.assert;48chai.use(require('chai-entries'));

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const chai = require('chai');2const assert = chai.assert;3const entriesEqual = require('../​src/​entriesEqual.js');4describe('entriesEqual', () => {5 it('should return true if entries are equal', () => {6 const actual = entriesEqual(7 );8 assert.isTrue(actual);9 });10 it('should return false if entries are not equal', () => {11 const actual = entriesEqual(12 );13 assert.isFalse(actual);14 });15 it('should return false if entries are not equal', () => {16 const actual = entriesEqual(

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var chai = require('chai');2var expect = chai.expect;3describe('my test', function(){4 it('should work', function(){5 var obj1 = { foo: 'bar' };6 v obj2 = { foo: 'bar' };7 var obj3 = { foo: 'baz' };8 expect(obj1).to.not.equal(obj2);9 expect(obj1).to.dep.equal(obj2);10 xpect(obj1).to.not.deep.e(obj3);11 });12});13var chai = require('chai');14var expect = chai.expect;15describe('my test', function(){16 it('should work', function(){17 var obj1 = { foo: 'bar' };18 var obj2 = { foo: 'bar' };19 var obj3 = { foo: 'baz' };20 expect(obj1).to.not.equal(obj2);21 expect(obj1).to.deep.equal(obj2);22 expect(obj1).to.not.deep.equal(obj3);23 });24});25var chai = require('chai');26var expect = chai.expect;27describe('my test', function(){28 it('should work', function(){29 var obj1 = { foo: 'bar' };30 var obj2 = { foo: 'bar' };31 var obj3 = { foo: 'baz' };32 expect(obj1).to.not.equal(obj2);33 expect(obj1).to.deep.equal(obj2);34 expect(obj1).to.not.deep.equal(obj3);35 });36});37var chai = require('chai');38var expect = chai.expect;39describe('my test', function(){40 it('should work', function(){41 var obj1 = { foo: 'bar' };42 var obj2 = { foo: 'bar' };43 var obj3 = { foo: 'baz' };44 expect(obj1).to.not.equal(obj2);45 expect(obj1).to.deep.equal(obj2);46 expect(obj1).to.not.deep.equal(obj3);47 });48});49var chai = require('chai');50var expect = chai.expect;51describe('my test', function(){52 it('should work', function(){

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Using AI Code Generation


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1describe('test', function () {2 it('should equal', function () {3 expect({a: 1, b: 2}).to.entriesEqual({b: 2, a: 1});4 });5});6 );7 assert.isFalse(actual);8 });9 it('should return true if entries are equal', () => {10 const actual = entriesEqual(11 );12 assert.isTrue(actual);13 });14 it('should return true if entries are equal', () => {15 const actual = entriesEqual(16 );17 assert.isTrue(actual);18 });19 it('should return true if entries are equal', () => {20 const actual = entriesEqual(21 );22 assert.isTrue(actual);23 });24 it('should return true if entries are equal', () => {25 const actual = entriesEqual(

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const chai = require('chai');2const expect = chai.expect;3const entriesEqual = require('chai-entries-equal');4chai.use(entriesEqual);5describe('Test entriesEqual method of chai', () => {6 it('should return true if all the entries in the two objects are equal', () => {7 const obj1 = {8 };9 const obj2 = {10 };11 expect(obj1).to.entriesEqual(obj2);12 });13 it('should return false if all the entries in the two objects are not equal', () => {14 const obj1 = {15 };16 const obj2 = {17 };18 expect(obj1).to.not.entriesEqual(obj2);19 });20});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const chai = require('chai');2const expect = chai.expect;3const assert = chai.assert;4chai.use(require('chai-entries'));5describe('chai-entries', () => {6 it('should check if the entries of two arrays are equal', () => {7 const array1 = [['a', 1], ['b', 2]];8 const array2 = [['a', 1], ['b', 2]];9 expect(array1).to.have.entriesEqual(array2);10 });11});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const chai = require('chai');2const expect = chai.expect;3const assert = chai.assert;4const entriesEqual = require('chai-entries-equal');5chai.use(entriesEqual);6const myObject = {7}8expect(myObject).to.have.entriesEqual({9});10expect(myObject).to.have.entriesEqual({11}, 'myObject has the same entries as the given object');12expect(myObject).to.have.entriesEqual({13}, 'myObject has the same entries as the given object', 'myObject should have the same entries as the given object');14assert.entriesEqual(myObject, {15});16assert.entriesEqual(myObject, {17}, 'myObject has the same entries as the given object');18assert.entriesEqual(myObject, {19}, 'myObject has the same entries as the given object', 'myObject should have the same entries as the given object');20const myObject2 = {21}22expect(myObject2).to.have.entriesEqual({23});24expect(myObject2).to.have.entriesEqual({25}, 'myObject has the same entries as the given object');26expect(myObject2).to.have.entriesEqual({27}, 'myObject has the same entries as the given object', 'myObject should have the same entries as the given object');28assert.entriesEqual(myObject2, {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const chai = require('chai');2const expect = chai.expect;3const entriesEqual = require('../​entriesEqual');4chai.use(entriesEqual);5describe('entriesEqual', () => {6 it('should return true if the key-value pairs of two objects are equal', () => {7 const obj1 = { a: 1, b: 2 };8 const obj2 = { b: 2, a: 1 };9 expect(obj1).to.entriesEqual(obj2);10 });11 it('should return false if the key-value pairs of two objects are not equal', () => {12 const obj1 = { a: 1, b: 2 };13 const obj2 = { a: 1, b: 3 };14 expect(obj1).to.not.entriesEqual(obj2);15 });16});17MIT © [Nikhil Sharma](

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