How to use chainingBehavior method in chai

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Source:addChainableMethod.js Github


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1/​*!2 * Chai - addChainingMethod utility3 * Copyright(c) 2012-2014 Jake Luer <>4 * MIT Licensed5 */​6/​*!7 * Module dependencies8 */​9var transferFlags = require('./​transferFlags');10var flag = require('./​flag');11var config = require('../​config');12/​*!13 * Module variables14 */​15/​/​ Check whether `__proto__` is supported16var hasProtoSupport = '__proto__' in Object;17/​/​ Without `__proto__` support, this module will need to add properties to a function.18/​/​ However, some Function.prototype methods cannot be overwritten,19/​/​ and there seems no easy cross-platform way to detect them (@see chaijs/​chai/​issues/​69).20var excludeNames = /​^(?:length|name|arguments|caller)$/​;21/​/​ Cache `Function` properties22var call =,23 apply = Function.prototype.apply;24/​**25 * ### addChainableMethod (ctx, name, method, chainingBehavior)26 *27 * Adds a method to an object, such that the method can also be chained.28 *29 * utils.addChainableMethod(chai.Assertion.prototype, 'foo', function (str) {30 * var obj = utils.flag(this, 'object');31 * new chai.Assertion(obj);32 * });33 *34 * Can also be accessed directly from `chai.Assertion`.35 *36 * chai.Assertion.addChainableMethod('foo', fn, chainingBehavior);37 *38 * The result can then be used as both a method assertion, executing both `method` and39 * `chainingBehavior`, or as a language chain, which only executes `chainingBehavior`.40 *41 * expect(fooStr)'bar');42 * expect(fooStr)'foo');43 *44 * @param {Object} ctx object to which the method is added45 * @param {String} name of method to add46 * @param {Function} method function to be used for `name`, when called47 * @param {Function} chainingBehavior function to be called every time the property is accessed48 * @namespace Utils49 * @name addChainableMethod50 * @api public51 */​52module.exports = function (ctx, name, method, chainingBehavior) {53 if (typeof chainingBehavior !== 'function') {54 chainingBehavior = function () { };55 }56 var chainableBehavior = {57 method: method58 , chainingBehavior: chainingBehavior59 };60 /​/​ save the methods so we can overwrite them later, if we need to.61 if (!ctx.__methods) {62 ctx.__methods = {};63 }64 ctx.__methods[name] = chainableBehavior;65 Object.defineProperty(ctx, name,66 { get: function () {67;68 var assert = function assert() {69 var old_ssfi = flag(this, 'ssfi');70 if (old_ssfi && config.includeStack === false)71 flag(this, 'ssfi', assert);72 var result = chainableBehavior.method.apply(this, arguments);73 return result === undefined ? this : result;74 };75 /​/​ Use `__proto__` if available76 if (hasProtoSupport) {77 /​/​ Inherit all properties from the object by replacing the `Function` prototype78 var prototype = assert.__proto__ = Object.create(this);79 /​/​ Restore the `call` and `apply` methods from `Function`80 = call;81 prototype.apply = apply;82 }83 /​/​ Otherwise, redefine all properties (slow!)84 else {85 var asserterNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(ctx);86 asserterNames.forEach(function (asserterName) {87 if (!excludeNames.test(asserterName)) {88 var pd = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(ctx, asserterName);89 Object.defineProperty(assert, asserterName, pd);90 }91 });92 }93 transferFlags(this, assert);94 return assert;95 }96 , configurable: true97 });...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var chainable = require('./​chainable.js');2var chain = new chainable();3 .chainingBehavior('1')4 .chainingBehavior('2')5 .chainingBehavior('3')6 .chainingBehavior('4')7 .chainingBehavior('5')8 .chainingBehavior('6')9 .chainingBehavior('7')10 .chainingBehavior('8')11 .chainingBehavior('9')12 .chainingBehavior('10')13 .chainingBehavior('11')14 .chainingBehavior('12')15 .chainingBehavior('13')16 .chainingBehavior('14')17 .chainingBehavior('15')18 .chainingBehavior('16')19 .chainingBehavior('17')20 .chainingBehavior('18')21 .chainingBehavior('19')22 .chainingBehavior('20')23 .chainingBehavior('21')24 .chainingBehavior('22')25 .chainingBehavior('23')26 .chainingBehavior('24')27 .chainingBehavior('25')28 .chainingBehavior('26')29 .chainingBehavior('27')30 .chainingBehavior('28')31 .chainingBehavior('29')32 .chainingBehavior('30')33 .chainingBehavior('31')34 .chainingBehavior('32')35 .chainingBehavior('33')36 .chainingBehavior('34')37 .chainingBehavior('35')38 .chainingBehavior('36')39 .chainingBehavior('37')40 .chainingBehavior('38')41 .chainingBehavior('39')42 .chainingBehavior('40')43 .chainingBehavior('41')44 .chainingBehavior('42')45 .chainingBehavior('43')46 .chainingBehavior('44')47 .chainingBehavior('45')48 .chainingBehavior('46')49 .chainingBehavior('47')50 .chainingBehavior('48')51 .chainingBehavior('49')52 .chainingBehavior('50')53 .chainingBehavior('51')54 .chainingBehavior('52')55 .chainingBehavior('53')56 .chainingBehavior('54')57 .chainingBehavior('55')58 .chainingBehavior('56')59 .chainingBehavior('57')60 .chainingBehavior('58')61 .chainingBehavior('59')62 .chainingBehavior('60')63 .chainingBehavior('61')64 .chainingBehavior('62')65 .chainingBehavior('63')66 .chainingBehavior('64')67 .chainingBehavior('65')68 .chainingBehavior('66')69 .chainingBehavior('67')70 .chainingBehavior('68')

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var chainingBehavior = require('./​chainingBehavior.js');2var chai = require('chai');3var expect = chai.expect;4describe('chainingBehavior', function() {5 it('should return the correct value', function() {6 var result = chainingBehavior.add(1).multiply(2).square().result();7 expect(result).to.equal(9);8 });9});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const chai = require('chai');2chai.use(require('chai-as-promised'));3const expect = chai.expect;4const assert = chai.assert;5const should = chai.should();6const assert = require('assert');7const should = require('should');8const expect = require('expect');9const expect = require('chai').expect;10const should = require('chai').should();11const assert = require('chai').assert;12const assert = require('chai').assert;13const should = require('chai').should();14const expect = require('chai').expect;15const should = require('chai').should();16const assert = require('chai').assert;17const should = require('chai').should();18const expect = require('chai').expect;19const should = require('chai').should();20const assert = require('chai').assert;21const should = require('chai').should();22const expect = require('chai').expect;23const should = require('chai').should();24const assert = require('chai').assert;25const should = require('chai').should();26const expect = require('chai').expect;27const should = require('chai').should();28const assert = require('chai').assert;29const should = require('chai').should();30const expect = require('chai').expect;31const should = require('chai').should();32const assert = require('chai').assert;

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const chainableBehavior = require('./​chainableBehavior');2const behavior = new chainableBehavior();3 .chainableBehavior('a', 1)4 .chainableBehavior('b', 2)5 .chainableBehavior('c', 3)6 .chainableBehavior('d', 4)7 .chainableBehavior('e', 5)8 .chainableBehavior('f', 6)9 .chainableBehavior('g', 7);10console.log(behavior);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var chainingBehavior = require('./​chainingBehavior');2var obj = chainingBehavior();3 .add('foo')4 .add('bar')5 .add('baz')6 .remove('foo')7 .add('foo')

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var chainingBehavior = require('./​chainingBehavior.js');2var cb = new chainingBehavior();3cb.chainingBehavior();4var chainingBehavior = function(){5 this.chainingBehavior = function(){6 console.log("test");7 }8}9module.exports = chainingBehavior;

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var chainingBehavior = require('./​chainingBehavior');2var classes = require('./​classes');3var classNames = Object.keys(classes);4for (var i = 0; i < classNames.length; i++) {5 var className = classNames[i];6 var classObj = classes[className];7 chainingBehavior(classObj);8}9function Person() {10 = 'default name';11}12Person.prototype.setName = function (name) {13 = name;14 return this;15};16Person.prototype.getName = function () {17 return;18};19module.exports = Person;20function Student() {21 this.grade = 'default grade';22}23Student.prototype.setGrade = function (grade) {24 this.grade = grade;25 return this;26};27Student.prototype.getGrade = function () {28 return this.grade;29};30module.exports = Student;31function Teacher() {32 this.subject = 'default subject';33}34Teacher.prototype.setSubject = function (subject) {35 this.subject = subject;36 return this;37};38Teacher.prototype.getSubject = function () {39 return this.subject;40};41module.exports = Teacher;42function Principal() {43 = 'default school';44}45Principal.prototype.setSchool = function (school) {46 = school;47 return this;48};49Principal.prototype.getSchool = function () {50 return;51};52module.exports = Principal;53function Employee() {54 this.salary = 'default salary';55}56Employee.prototype.setSalary = function (salary) {57 this.salary = salary;58 return this;59};60Employee.prototype.getSalary = function () {61 return this.salary;62};63module.exports = Employee;64function StudentTeacher() {65 this.grade = 'default grade';66 this.subject = 'default subject';67}68StudentTeacher.prototype.setGrade = function (grade) {69 this.grade = grade;70 return this;71};72StudentTeacher.prototype.getGrade = function () {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var chainableBehavior = require('./​chainableBehavior.js');2var test = function (app) {3 return chainableBehavior.create()4 .addBehavior(function (request, response, next) {5 response.write("Hello ");6 next();7 })8 .addBehavior(function (request, response, next) {9 response.write("World");10 next();11 })12 .addBehavior(function (request, response, next) {13 response.end();14 });15}16module.exports = test;

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