How to use assertDelta method in chai

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Source:MonarchyGame.test.js Github


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...300 .assertCallReturns([game, 'blockEnded'], newBlockEnded, "is incremented only once")301 .assertCallReturns([game, 'monarch'], overthrower3, "is last overthrower")302 .assertCallReturns([game, 'decree'], isDecree(THIRD_DECREE), "is last decree")303 .stopLedger()304 .assertDelta(overthrower1, ()=>tx1fee.mul(-1), "lost txFee (but got refunded)")305 .assertDelta(overthrower2, ()=>tx2fee.mul(-1), "lost txFee (but got refunded)")306 .assertDelta(overthrower3, ()=>, "lost fee+txFee")307 .assertDelta(game, FEE, "increased by only one fee")308 .start();309 });310 /​/​ This is a case where two players enter same block, but the refund to the first fails.311 /​/​ In this case, there should be an OverthrowRefundFailed() event, and two overthrows should be counted.312 it("When refund fails", async function(){313 this.logInfo("In this case, two overthrows occur in the same block.");314 this.logInfo("However, the first player's fallback function fails or tries a gas DoS.");315 this.logInfo("The first player's overthrow fee will be kept.");316 this.logInfo("Note: The weird gas amounts are due to a bug in Ganache.");317 const fee = FEE.minus(PRIZE_INCR);318 const prizeIncr = FEE.minus(fee);319 const newPrize = (await game.prize()).plus(prizeIncr.mul(2));320 const newFees = (await game.fees()).plus(fee.mul(2));321 const newNumOverthrows = (await game.numOverthrows()).plus(2);322 const newBlockEnded = testUtil.getNextBlockNumber().plus(REIGN_BLOCKS);323 const decree = "My Decree.";324 var tx1, tx2;325 var tx1fee, tx2fee;326 await createDefaultTxTester()327 .startLedger([maliciousPlayer, overthrower2, game])328 .doFn(() => { testUtil.stopMining(); })329 .doFn(() => { tx1 = maliciousPlayer.doOverthrow(game.address, {from: anon, gas: "200000"}); })330 .wait(100)331 .doFn(() => { tx2 = game.overthrow(decree, {from: overthrower2, value: FEE, gas: "200001"}); })332 .wait(100, "Stopped mining, queued both tx1 and tx2.")333 .doFn(() => {334 console.log("Mining block now...");335 testUtil.mineBlocks(1);336 testUtil.startMining();337 return Promise.all([tx1, tx2]).then((arr)=>{338 const tx1res = arr[0];339 const tx2res = arr[1];340 const block = web3.eth.getBlock(tx1res.receipt.blockNumber);341 if (block.transactions.length != 2)342 throw new Error("Expected both transactions to occur on the same block.");343 if (block.transactions[0] != tx1res.tx)344 throw new Error("tx1 did not occur first");345 /​/​ fix logs bug (all logs included in all receipts/​logs)346 arr.forEach((txRes)=>{347 const hash = txRes.tx;348 txRes.receipt.logs = txRes.receipt.logs.filter((l)=>l.transactionHash == hash);349 txRes.logs = txRes.logs.filter((l)=>l.transactionHash == hash);350 })351 /​/​ fix gasUsed bug (gasUsed is recorded as gasUsed up until that tx)352 tx2res.receipt.gasUsed = tx2res.receipt.gasUsed - tx1res.receipt.gasUsed;353 /​/​ store txFees354 tx1fee = testUtil.getTx(tx1res.tx).gasPrice.mul(tx1res.receipt.gasUsed);355 tx2fee = testUtil.getTx(tx2res.tx).gasPrice.mul(tx2res.receipt.gasUsed);356 console.log("Both txs executed on same block, in expected order.");357 });358 })359 .doTx(() => tx1, "Malicious Player overthrows")360 .assertSuccess()361 .doTx(() => tx2, "Next overthrow, causes refund failure")362 .assertSuccess()363 .assertLogCount(2)364 .assertLog('OverthrowRefundFailure', {365 recipient: maliciousPlayer.address,366 amount: FEE367 })368 .assertLog('OverthrowOccurred', {369 newMonarch: overthrower2,370 prevMonarch: maliciousPlayer.address,371 fee: FEE372 })373 .assertGasUsedLt(51000)374 .print("")375 .assertCallReturns([game, 'prize'], newPrize, "is incremented twice")376 .assertCallReturns([game, 'fees'], newFees, "is incremented twice")377 .assertCallReturns([game, 'numOverthrows'], newNumOverthrows, "is incremented twice")378 .assertCallReturns([game, 'blockEnded'], newBlockEnded, "is incremented only once")379 .assertCallReturns([game, 'monarch'], overthrower2, "is second overthrower")380 .assertCallReturns([game, 'decree'], isDecree(decree), "is second decree")381 .stopLedger()382 .assertDelta(maliciousPlayer, FEE.mul(-1), "lost fee")383 .assertDelta(overthrower2, ()=>, "lost fee+txFee")384 .assertDelta(game, FEE.mul(2), "increased by two fees")385 .start();386 })387 388 });389 describe("Overthrowing from a contract", function(){390 it("Should work", async function(){391 const fee = FEE.minus(PRIZE_INCR);392 const prizeIncr = FEE.minus(fee);393 const newPrize = (await game.prize()).plus(prizeIncr);394 const newFees = (await game.fees()).plus(fee);395 const newNumOverthrows = (await game.numOverthrows()).plus(1);396 const newBlockEnded = testUtil.getNextBlockNumber().plus(REIGN_BLOCKS);397 await createDefaultTxTester()398 .startLedger([maliciousPlayer, game])399 .startWatching([game])400 .doTx(() => maliciousPlayer.doOverthrow(game.address, {from: anon}))401 .assertSuccess()402 .assertCallReturns([game, 'prize'], newPrize, "increased by prizeIncr")403 .assertCallReturns([game, 'fees'], newFees, "increased by feeIncr")404 .assertCallReturns([game, 'monarch'], maliciousPlayer.address, "is new monarch")405 .assertCallReturns([game, 'numOverthrows'], newNumOverthrows, "increased by 1")406 .assertCallReturns([game, 'blockEnded'], newBlockEnded, "increased by reignBlocks")407 .stopLedger()408 .assertDelta(game, FEE, "increased by FEE")409 .assertDelta(maliciousPlayer, FEE.mul(-1), "lost FEE")410 .stopWatching()411 .assertOnlyEvent(game, 'OverthrowOccurred', {412 time: null,413 newMonarch: maliciousPlayer.address,414 fee: FEE415 })416 .start();417 });418 });419 if ( {420 describe("Cannot make prize negative", async function(){421 it("Deplete the prize() to near 0", async function(){422 const prize = await game.prize();423 const numOverthrows = prize.div(PRIZE_INCR.mul(-1)).floor();424 this.logInfo(`Prize should be depleted after ${numOverthrows} overthrows, and fail on next.`);425 const players = [player1, player2];426 for (var i=0; i<numOverthrows-1; i++) {427 console.log(`Overthrow #${i+1} from player ${(i%2)+1}...`);428 var player = players[i % 2];429 await createDefaultTxTester()430 .silence()431 .doTx(()=>game.sendTransaction({from: player, value: FEE}))432 .assertSuccess()433 .assertOnlyLog("OverthrowOccurred")434 .start();435 }436 this.logInfo("Overthrowing with maliciousPlayer so that it's the winner.");437 await createDefaultTxTester()438 .doTx(() => maliciousPlayer.doOverthrow(game.address, {from: anon}))439 .assertSuccess()440 .assertCallReturns([game, "monarch"], maliciousPlayer.address)441 .start(); 442 });443 it("Next overthrow should fail", async function(){444 const curPrize = await game.prize();445 this.logInfo(`${curPrize} prize remaining. Overthrowing now should fail.`);446 const errMsg = "Overthrowing would result in a negative prize.";447 await ensureNotOverthrowable(nonPlayer, FEE, errMsg); 448 });449 });450 }451 describe("After all overthrows:", function(){452 before("Is not yet ended", async function(){453 assert.isAbove((await game.getBlocksRemaining()).toNumber(), 0, "More than 0 blocks left");454 assert.strEqual((await game.isEnded()), false, "Is not ended");455 })456 it("Should not allow prize to be paid", async function(){457 await ensureNotPayable("The game has not ended.");458 });459 it("fastforward to make blocksRemaining() 0", async function(){460 const numBlocks = (await game.getBlocksRemaining()).plus(1);461 this.logInfo(`Mining ${numBlocks} blocks...`);462 await testUtil.mineBlocks(numBlocks);463 464 });465 it("should not accept overthrows", async function(){466 await ensureNotOverthrowable(nonPlayer, FEE, "Game has already ended.");467 });468 it("should have correct state", async function(){469 await createDefaultTxTester()470 .assertCallReturns([game, "isEnded"], true)471 .assertCallReturns([game, "getBlocksRemaining"], 0)472 .start()473 })474 });475 describe(".sendPrize()", function(){476 before("game should be ended, and won by maliciousPlayer", async function(){477 await createDefaultTxTester()478 .assertCallReturns([game, "isEnded"], true)479 .assertCallReturns([game, "getBlocksRemaining"], 0)480 .assertCallReturns([game, "monarch"], maliciousPlayer.address)481 .start();482 });483 describe("With limited gas", function(){484 this.logInfo("The winner requires a ton of gas to pay for sending the prize.");485 this.logInfo(".sendPrize(50000) only allots 50,000 gas to pay the winner, and should fail.");486 it("tx should error", async function(){487 const GAS_LIMIT = 50000;488 const prize = await game.prize();489 const monarch = await game.monarch();490 const callParams = [game, "sendPrize", GAS_LIMIT, {from: nonPlayer}];491 await createDefaultTxTester()492 .assertCallReturns(callParams, [false, 0])493 .startLedger([monarch, game, collector, nonPlayer])494 .doTx(callParams)495 .assertSuccess()496 .assertOnlyLog("SendPrizeFailure", {497 time: null,498 redeemer: nonPlayer,499 recipient: monarch,500 amount: prize,501 /​/​ gasLimit: GAS_LIMIT -- ganache bug reports this as += 2300.502 })503 .stopLedger()504 .assertLostTxFee(nonPlayer)505 .assertNoDelta(monarch)506 .assertNoDelta(game)507 .start();508 })509 });510 describe("With unlimited gas", function(){511 this.logInfo("If we call .sendPrize(0), however, it should work (and use a lot of gas)");512 it("should pay to winner (callable by anyone)", async function(){513 const prize = await game.prize();514 const monarch = await game.monarch();515 const callParams = [game, "sendPrize", 0, {from: nonPlayer}];516 await createDefaultTxTester()517 .assertCallReturns(callParams, [true, prize])518 .startLedger([nonPlayer, monarch, game, collector])519 .doTx(callParams)520 .assertSuccess()521 .assertOnlyLog("SendPrizeSuccess", {522 time: null,523 redeemer: nonPlayer,524 recipient: monarch,525 amount: prize,526 gasLimit: 0527 })528 .stopLedger()529 .assertLostTxFee(nonPlayer)530 .assertDelta(monarch, prize, "got prize")531 .assertDelta(game, prize.mul(-1), "lost prize")532 .assertDelta(collector, 0, "gets nothing")533 .assertBalance(game, await game.fees(), "is only fees")534 .assertGasUsedGt(50000)535 .start();536 });537 });538 });539 describe("After Paid:", function(){540 before(".isPaid() should be true", async function(){541 assert.equal(await game.isPaid(), true);542 });543 it("should not be payable again", async function(){544 await ensureNotPayable("The prize has already been paid.");545 });546 it("should not accept overthrows", async function(){547 await ensureNotOverthrowable(nonPlayer, FEE, "Game has already ended.");548 });549 it("should allow remaining fees to be redeemed", async function(){550 await ensureFeesSendable();551 });552 it("should now have zero balance", function(){553 assert.strEqual(testUtil.getBalance(game), "0", "Zero balance");554 });555 });556 });557 /​/​ everything should increment and player should be new monarch558 async function ensureOverthrowable(player, decree) {559 decree = decree || "";560 const fee = FEE.minus(PRIZE_INCR);561 const prizeIncr = FEE.minus(fee);562 const newPrize = (await game.prize()).plus(prizeIncr);563 const newFees = (await game.fees()).plus(fee);564 const newNumOverthrows = (await game.numOverthrows()).plus(1);565 const newTotalFees = newNumOverthrows.mul(fee);566 const newBlockEnded = testUtil.getNextBlockNumber().plus(REIGN_BLOCKS);567 const prevMonarch = await game.monarch();568 await createDefaultTxTester()569 .startLedger([player, game])570 .doTx(() => game.overthrow(web3.fromUtf8(decree), {from: player, value: FEE}))571 .stopLedger()572 .assertDelta(game, FEE, "increased by fee")573 .assertDeltaMinusTxFee(player, FEE.mul(-1), "decreased by FEE and txFee")574 .assertSuccess()575 .assertOnlyLog('OverthrowOccurred', {576 time: null,577 newMonarch: player,578 prevMonarch: prevMonarch,579 fee: FEE580 })581 .assertGasUsedLt(38000)582 .assertCallReturns([game, 'numOverthrows'], newNumOverthrows, "increased by 1")583 .assertCallReturns([game, 'totalFees'], newTotalFees)584 .assertCallReturns([game, 'decree'], isDecree(decree))585 .assertCallReturns([game, 'prize'], newPrize, "increased by prizeIncr")586 .assertCallReturns([game, 'fees'], newFees, "increased by feeIncr")587 .assertCallReturns([game, 'monarch'], player, "is new monarch")588 .assertCallReturns([game, 'blockEnded'], newBlockEnded, "increased by reignBlocks")589 .assertCallReturns([game, 'getBlocksRemaining'], await game.reignBlocks())590 .start();591 }592 /​/​ makes sure the user cannot overthrow.593 /​/​ they should be refunded and the state of the game shouldn't change.594 async function ensureNotOverthrowable(player, feeAmt, errorMsg){595 const prevPrize = await game.prize();596 const prevFees = await game.fees();597 const prevNumOverthrows = await game.numOverthrows();598 const prevBlockEnded = await game.blockEnded();599 const prevDecree = web3.toUtf8(await game.decree());600 return createDefaultTxTester()601 .startLedger([player, game])602 .doTx(() => game.overthrow("Some decree", {from: player, value: feeAmt}))603 .assertSuccess()604 .assertOnlyLog("OverthrowRefundSuccess", {msg: errorMsg, recipient: player})605 .assertCallReturns([game, 'prize'], prevPrize, 'not incremented')606 .assertCallReturns([game, 'fees'], prevFees, 'not incremented')607 .assertCallReturns([game, 'numOverthrows'], prevNumOverthrows, 'not incremented')608 .assertCallReturns([game, 'blockEnded'], prevBlockEnded, 'not incremented')609 .assertCallReturns([game, 'decree'], isDecree(prevDecree))610 .stopLedger()611 .assertLostTxFee(player)612 .assertNoDelta(game)613 .assertGasUsedLt(36000)614 .start();615 }616 /​/​ fees should be transferred to collected, then set to 0617 async function ensureFeesSendable() {618 if (PRIZE_INCR.equals(FEE)){619 console.log("With these parameters, no fees will ever be accrued. Skipping.");620 return;621 }622 const expectedFees = await game.fees();623 const prize = await game.isPaid()624 ? 0625 : await game.prize();626 const callParams = [game, 'sendFees', {from: anon}];627 628 return createDefaultTxTester()629 .assertCallReturns(callParams, expectedFees)630 .startLedger([collector, game, anon])631 .doTx(callParams)632 .assertSuccess()633 .assertCallReturns([game, 'fees'], 0, 'should be zero')634 .assertOnlyLog("FeesSent", {time: null, amount: null})635 .stopLedger()636 .assertDelta(collector, expectedFees, 'got fees')637 .assertDelta(game, expectedFees.mul(-1), 'lost fees')638 .assertLostTxFee(anon)639 .assertBalance(game, prize, `should be the prize (${prize})`)640 .start();641 }642 /​/​ game should not be able to be paid to winner643 async function ensureNotPayable(errorMsg) {644 /​/​ test that call returns (false, 0)645 const callParams = [game, "sendPrize", false, {from: anon}];646 return createDefaultTxTester()647 .assertCallReturns(callParams, [false, 0])648 .startLedger([game, anon])649 .doTx(callParams)650 .assertSuccess()651 .assertOnlyLog("SendPrizeError", {msg: errorMsg})...

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Source:utils.test.js Github


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...16 expect(d.x).toEqual(delta.x);17 expect(d.y).toEqual(delta.y);18 });19 };20 assertDelta(xy(0, 0), xy(0, 1), xy(0, 1));21 assertDelta(xy(0, 1), xy(0, 0), xy(0, -1));22 assertDelta(xy(1, 1), xy(3, 3), xy(2, 2));23 assertDelta(xy(-1, -1), xy(3, 3), xy(4, 4));24 assertDelta(xy(-1, -1), xy(-2, -5), xy(-1, -4));25 });26 describe('polygonToArea', () => {27 const assertPolygon = (points, area) => {28 it(`converts ${points} -> ${area}`, () => {29 const result = utils.polygonToArea(points);30 expect(result).toEqual(area);31 });32 };33 assertPolygon([xy(0, 0), xy(1, 1), xy(1, -1)], {34 left: 0,35 top: 1,36 bottom: -1,37 right: 138 });...

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...153 deltas = await client.execute('getaddressdeltas', [{154 addresses,155 start: 0156 }])157 await assertDelta(deltas[0], addresses[0], 0, 50 * 1e8)158 await assertDelta(deltas[1], addresses[0], 0, 50 * -1e8)159 await assertDelta(deltas[2], addresses[1], 1, 25 * 1e8)160 balance = deltas.reduce((total, delta) => (161 total + delta.satoshis162 ), 0)163 received = deltas.filter((delta) => delta.satoshis > 0)164 .reduce((total, delta) => (165 total + delta.satoshis166 ), 0)167 })168 it('should receive a balance for many addresses', async () => {169 const addresses = [170 changes[0].toString(),171 receives[0].toString()172 ]173 const res = await client.execute('getaddressbalance', [{...

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1var assert = require('chai').assert;2var assertDelta = require('chai-assert-delta');3assertDelta(assert, 0.1 + 0.2, 0.3, 0.0001);4assertDelta(assert, 0.1 + 0.2, 0.3, 0.1);5assertDelta(assert, 0.1 + 0.2, 0.3, 0.3);6assertDelta(assert, 0.1 + 0.2, 0.3, 0.4);7assertDelta(assert, 0.1 + 0.2, 0.3, 0.5);8assertDelta(assert, 0.1 + 0.2, 0.3, 0.0001);9assertDelta(assert, 0.1 + 0.2, 0.3, 0.1);10assertDelta(assert, 0.1 + 0.2, 0.3, 0.3);11assertDelta(assert, 0.1 + 0.2, 0.3, 0.4);12assertDelta(assert, 0.1 + 0.2, 0.3, 0.5);13assertDelta(assert, 0.1 + 0.2, 0.3, 0.0001);14assertDelta(assert, 0.1 + 0.2, 0.3, 0.1);15assertDelta(assert, 0.1 + 0.2, 0.3, 0.3);16assertDelta(assert, 0.1 + 0.2, 0.3, 0.4);17assertDelta(assert, 0.1 + 0.2, 0.3, 0.5);18assertDelta(assert, 0.1 + 0.2, 0.3, 0.0001);19assertDelta(assert, 0.1 + 0.2, 0.3, 0.1);20assertDelta(assert, 0.1 +

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1var chai = require('chai');2var assert = chai.assert;3var expect = chai.expect;4var assertDelta = function(actual, expected, delta) {5 var result = Math.abs(actual - expected) <= delta;6 this.assert(7 'expected #{act} to be within #{exp} of #{exp}',8 'expected #{act} to not be within #{exp} of #{exp}',9 );10};11chai.Assertion.addMethod('delta', assertDelta);12describe('assertDelta', function() {13 it('should pass', function() {14 expect(1.5), 0.5);15 });16 it('should fail', function() {17 expect(1.5), 0.4);18 });19});20var chai = require('chai');21var assert = chai.assert;22var expect = chai.expect;23var assertDelta = function(actual, expected, delta) {24 var result = Math.abs(actual - expected) <= delta;25 this.assert(26 'expected #{act} to be within #{exp} of #{exp}',27 'expected #{act} to not be within #{exp} of #{exp}',28 );29};30chai.Assertion.addMethod('delta', assertDelta);31describe('assertDelta', function() {32 it('should pass', function() {33 expect(1.5), 0.5);34 });35 it('should fail', function() {36 expect(1.5), 0.4);37 });38});

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1var assert = require('chai').assert;2var assertDelta = require('assert-delta');3assertDelta(assert, 0.0001);4var assert = require('chai').assert;5var assertDelta = require('assert-delta');6assertDelta(assert, 0.0001);7var assert = require('chai').assert;8var assertDelta = require('assert-delta');9assertDelta(assert, 0.0001);10var assert = require('chai').assert;11var assertDelta = require('assert-delta');12assertDelta(assert, 0.0001);13var assert = require('chai').assert;14var assertDelta = require('assert-delta');15assertDelta(assert, 0.0001);16var assert = require('chai').assert;17var assertDelta = require('assert-delta');18assertDelta(assert, 0.0001);19var assert = require('chai').assert;20var assertDelta = require('assert-delta');21assertDelta(assert, 0.0001);22var assert = require('chai').assert;23var assertDelta = require('assert-delta');24assertDelta(assert, 0.0001);25var assert = require('chai').assert;26var assertDelta = require('assert-delta');27assertDelta(assert, 0.0001);28var assert = require('chai').assert;29var assertDelta = require('assert-delta');30assertDelta(assert, 0.0001);31var assert = require('chai').assert;32var assertDelta = require('assert-delta');33assertDelta(assert, 0.0001);34var assert = require('chai').assert;35var assertDelta = require('assert-delta');36assertDelta(assert, 0.0001);37var assert = require('chai').assert;38var assertDelta = require('assert-delta');39assertDelta(assert, 0.0001);

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1var chai = require('chai');2var assert = chai.assert;3var expect = chai.expect;4var should = chai.should();5chai.use(require('chai-delta'));6describe("Test Suite", function() {7 it("Test Case", function() {8 var a = 1.1;9 var b = 1.2;10 var c = 1.3;11 var d = 1.4;12 var e = 1.5;13 var f = 1.6;14 var g = 1.7;15 var h = 1.8;16 var i = 1.9;17 var j = 2.0;18 var k = 2.1;19 var l = 2.2;20 var m = 2.3;21 var n = 2.4;22 var o = 2.5;23 var p = 2.6;24 var q = 2.7;25 var r = 2.8;26 var s = 2.9;27 var t = 3.0;28 var u = 3.1;29 var v = 3.2;30 var w = 3.3;31 var x = 3.4;32 var y = 3.5;33 var z = 3.6;34 var a1 = 3.7;35 var a2 = 3.8;36 var a3 = 3.9;37 var a4 = 4.0;38 var a5 = 4.1;39 var a6 = 4.2;40 var a7 = 4.3;41 var a8 = 4.4;42 var a9 = 4.5;43 var b1 = 4.6;44 var b2 = 4.7;45 var b3 = 4.8;46 var b4 = 4.9;47 var b5 = 5.0;48 var b6 = 5.1;49 var b7 = 5.2;50 var b8 = 5.3;51 var b9 = 5.4;52 var c1 = 5.5;53 var c2 = 5.6;

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1var assertDelta = require('chai').assertDelta;2assertDelta(1.0, 1.0, 0.1);3var assert = require('chai').assert;4assert.assertDelta(1.0, 1.0, 0.1);5var expect = require('chai').expect;6expect.assertDelta(1.0, 1.0, 0.1);7var should = require('chai').should();8should.assertDelta(1.0, 1.0, 0.1);9assertDelta(1.0, 1.0, 0.1);10assert.assertDelta(1.0, 1.0, 0.1);11expect.assertDelta(1.0, 1.0, 0.1);12should.assertDelta(1.0, 1.0, 0.1);13var assertDelta = require('chai').assertDelta;14assertDelta(1.0, 1.0, 0.1);15var assert = require('chai').assert;

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1var chai = require("chai");2var assert = chai.assert;3var assertDelta = require('assert-delta');4chai.use(assertDelta);5describe('Testing assertDelta', function() {6 it('should return true', function() {7 assert.assertDelta(1.1, 1.0, 0.1);8 });9 it('should return false', function() {10 assert.assertDelta(1.1, 1.0, 0.01);11 });12});

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1var assert = require('chai').assert;2var assertDelta = require('chai-assert-delta');3assert.use(assertDelta);4var a=2.3;5var b=2.3;6assert.assertDelta(a,b,0.1);7var assert = require('chai').assert;8var assertDelta = require('chai-assert-delta');9assert.use(assertDelta);10var a=2.3;11var b=2.3;12assert.assertDelta(a,b,0.1);13var assert = require('chai').assert;14var assertDelta = require('chai-assert-delta');15assert.use(assertDelta);16var a=2.3;17var b=2.3;18assert.assertDelta(a,b,0.1);19var assert = require('chai').assert;20var assertDelta = require('chai-assert-delta');21assert.use(assertDelta);22var a=2.3;23var b=2.3;24assert.assertDelta(a,b,0.1);25var assert = require('chai').assert;26var assertDelta = require('chai-assert-delta');27assert.use(assertDelta);28var a=2.3;29var b=2.3;30assert.assertDelta(a,b,0.1);31var assert = require('chai').assert;32var assertDelta = require('chai-assert-delta');33assert.use(assertDelta);34var a=2.3;35var b=2.3;36assert.assertDelta(a,b,0.1);37var assert = require('chai').assert;38var assertDelta = require('chai-assert-delta');39assert.use(assertDelta);40var a=2.3;41var b=2.3;42assert.assertDelta(a,b,0.1);43var assert = require('chai').assert;44var assertDelta = require('chai-

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1var assert = require('chai').assert;2var assertDelta = require('chai-delta');3assertDelta(assert);, 1.1, 0.2);, 1.1, 0.1, 'delta is less than expected');, 1.1, 0.1);, 1.1, 0.2, 'delta is more than expected');, 1.1, 0.1, 'delta is less than expected');, 1.1, 0.2, 'delta is more than expected');, 1.1, 0.2, 'delta is more than expected', 'delta is not equal to expected');, 1.1, 0.2, 'delta is more than expected', 'delta is not equal to expected');, 1.1, 0.1, null, 'delta is not equal to expected');, 1.1, 0.2, null, 'delta is not equal to expected');, 1.1, 0.2

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1describe('Test', function() {2 it('should return the correct value', function() {3 var result = 1 + 1;4 assertDelta(result, 2, 0.0001);5 });6});7describe('Test', function() {8 it('should return the correct value', function() {9 var result = 1 + 1;10 expect(result), 0.0001);11 });12});13describe('Test', function() {14 it('should return the correct value', function() {15 var result = 1 + 1;16 assert.closeTo(result, 2, 0.0001);17 });18});19describe('Test', function() {20 it('should return the correct value', function() {21 var result = 1 + 1;22 expect(result), 0.0001);23 });24});25describe('Test', function() {26 it('should return the correct value', function() {27 var result = 1 + 1;28 expect(result), 0.0001);29 });30});31describe('Test', function() {32 it('should return the correct value', function() {33 var result = 1 + 1;34 expect(result), 0.0001);35 });36});37describe('Test', function() {38 it('should return the correct value', function() {39 var result = 1 + 1;40 expect(result), 0.0001);41 });42});43describe('Test', function() {44 it('should return the correct value', function() {45 var result = 1 + 1;46 expect(result), 0.0001);47 });48});

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