How to use assertDecreases method in chai

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1/​*!2 * chai3 * http:/​/​chaijs.com4 * Copyright(c) 2011-2014 Jake Luer <>5 * MIT Licensed6 */​7module.exports = function (chai, _) {8 var Assertion = chai.Assertion9 , toString = Object.prototype.toString10 , flag = _.flag;11 /​**12 * ### Language Chains13 *14 * The following are provided as chainable getters to15 * improve the readability of your assertions. They16 * do not provide testing capabilities unless they17 * have been overwritten by a plugin.18 *19 * **Chains**20 *21 * - to22 * - be23 * - been24 * - is25 * - that26 * - which27 * - and28 * - has29 * - have30 * - with31 * - at32 * - of33 * - same34 *35 * @name language chains36 * @api public37 */​38 [ 'to', 'be', 'been'39 , 'is', 'and', 'has', 'have'40 , 'with', 'that', 'which', 'at'41 , 'of', 'same' ].forEach(function (chain) {42 Assertion.addProperty(chain, function () {43 return this;44 });45 });46 /​**47 * ### .not48 *49 * Negates any of assertions following in the chain.50 *51 * expect(foo).to.not.equal('bar');52 * expect(goodFn).to.not.throw(Error);53 * expect({ foo: 'baz' })'foo')54 * .and.not.equal('bar');55 *56 * @name not57 * @api public58 */​59 Assertion.addProperty('not', function () {60 flag(this, 'negate', true);61 });62 /​**63 * ### .deep64 *65 * Sets the `deep` flag, later used by the `equal` and66 * `property` assertions.67 *68 * expect(foo).to.deep.equal({ bar: 'baz' });69 * expect({ foo: { bar: { baz: 'quux' } } })70 *'', 'quux');71 *72 * @name deep73 * @api public74 */​75 Assertion.addProperty('deep', function () {76 flag(this, 'deep', true);77 });78 /​**79 * ### .any80 *81 * Sets the `any` flag, (opposite of the `all` flag)82 * later used in the `keys` assertion. 83 *84 * expect(foo).to.have.any.keys('bar', 'baz');85 *86 * @name any87 * @api public88 */​89 Assertion.addProperty('any', function () {90 flag(this, 'any', true);91 flag(this, 'all', false)92 });93 /​**94 * ### .all95 *96 * Sets the `all` flag (opposite of the `any` flag) 97 * later used by the `keys` assertion.98 *99 * expect(foo).to.have.all.keys('bar', 'baz');100 *101 * @name all102 * @api public103 */​104 Assertion.addProperty('all', function () {105 flag(this, 'all', true);106 flag(this, 'any', false);107 });108 /​**109 * ### .a(type)110 *111 * The `a` and `an` assertions are aliases that can be112 * used either as language chains or to assert a value's113 * type.114 *115 * /​/​ typeof116 * expect('test')'string');117 * expect({ foo: 'bar' })'object');118 * expect(null)'null');119 * expect(undefined)'undefined');120 *121 * /​/​ language chain122 * expect(foo);123 *124 * @name a125 * @alias an126 * @param {String} type127 * @param {String} message _optional_128 * @api public129 */​130 function an (type, msg) {131 if (msg) flag(this, 'message', msg);132 type = type.toLowerCase();133 var obj = flag(this, 'object')134 , article = ~[ 'a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u' ].indexOf(type.charAt(0)) ? 'an ' : 'a ';135 this.assert(136 type === _.type(obj)137 , 'expected #{this} to be ' + article + type138 , 'expected #{this} not to be ' + article + type139 );140 }141 Assertion.addChainableMethod('an', an);142 Assertion.addChainableMethod('a', an);143 /​**144 * ### .include(value)145 *146 * The `include` and `contain` assertions can be used as either property147 * based language chains or as methods to assert the inclusion of an object148 * in an array or a substring in a string. When used as language chains,149 * they toggle the `contains` flag for the `keys` assertion.150 *151 * expect([1,2,3]).to.include(2);152 * expect('foobar').to.contain('foo');153 * expect({ foo: 'bar', hello: 'universe' }).to.include.keys('foo');154 *155 * @name include156 * @alias contain157 * @alias includes158 * @alias contains159 * @param {Object|String|Number} obj160 * @param {String} message _optional_161 * @api public162 */​163 function includeChainingBehavior () {164 flag(this, 'contains', true);165 }166 function include (val, msg) {167 if (msg) flag(this, 'message', msg);168 var obj = flag(this, 'object');169 var expected = false;170 if (_.type(obj) === 'array' && _.type(val) === 'object') {171 for (var i in obj) {172 if (_.eql(obj[i], val)) {173 expected = true;174 break;175 }176 }177 } else if (_.type(val) === 'object') {178 if (!flag(this, 'negate')) {179 for (var k in val) new Assertion(obj).property(k, val[k]);180 return;181 }182 var subset = {};183 for (var k in val) subset[k] = obj[k];184 expected = _.eql(subset, val);185 } else {186 expected = obj && ~obj.indexOf(val);187 }188 this.assert(189 expected190 , 'expected #{this} to include ' + _.inspect(val)191 , 'expected #{this} to not include ' + _.inspect(val));192 }193 Assertion.addChainableMethod('include', include, includeChainingBehavior);194 Assertion.addChainableMethod('contain', include, includeChainingBehavior);195 Assertion.addChainableMethod('contains', include, includeChainingBehavior);196 Assertion.addChainableMethod('includes', include, includeChainingBehavior);197 /​**198 * ### .ok199 *200 * Asserts that the target is truthy.201 *202 * expect('everthing');203 * expect(1);204 * expect(false);205 * expect(undefined);206 * expect(null);207 *208 * @name ok209 * @api public210 */​211 Assertion.addProperty('ok', function () {212 this.assert(213 flag(this, 'object')214 , 'expected #{this} to be truthy'215 , 'expected #{this} to be falsy');216 });217 /​**218 * ### .true219 *220 * Asserts that the target is `true`.221 *222 * expect(true);223 * expect(1);224 *225 * @name true226 * @api public227 */​228 Assertion.addProperty('true', function () {229 this.assert(230 true === flag(this, 'object')231 , 'expected #{this} to be true'232 , 'expected #{this} to be false'233 , this.negate ? false : true234 );235 });236 /​**237 * ### .false238 *239 * Asserts that the target is `false`.240 *241 * expect(false);242 * expect(0);243 *244 * @name false245 * @api public246 */​247 Assertion.addProperty('false', function () {248 this.assert(249 false === flag(this, 'object')250 , 'expected #{this} to be false'251 , 'expected #{this} to be true'252 , this.negate ? true : false253 );254 });255 /​**256 * ### .null257 *258 * Asserts that the target is `null`.259 *260 * expect(null);261 * expect(undefined);262 *263 * @name null264 * @api public265 */​266 Assertion.addProperty('null', function () {267 this.assert(268 null === flag(this, 'object')269 , 'expected #{this} to be null'270 , 'expected #{this} not to be null'271 );272 });273 /​**274 * ### .undefined275 *276 * Asserts that the target is `undefined`.277 *278 * expect(undefined);279 * expect(null);280 *281 * @name undefined282 * @api public283 */​284 Assertion.addProperty('undefined', function () {285 this.assert(286 undefined === flag(this, 'object')287 , 'expected #{this} to be undefined'288 , 'expected #{this} not to be undefined'289 );290 });291 /​**292 * ### .exist293 *294 * Asserts that the target is neither `null` nor `undefined`.295 *296 * var foo = 'hi'297 * , bar = null298 * , baz;299 *300 * expect(foo).to.exist;301 * expect(bar).to.not.exist;302 * expect(baz).to.not.exist;303 *304 * @name exist305 * @api public306 */​307 Assertion.addProperty('exist', function () {308 this.assert(309 null != flag(this, 'object')310 , 'expected #{this} to exist'311 , 'expected #{this} to not exist'312 );313 });314 /​**315 * ### .empty316 *317 * Asserts that the target's length is `0`. For arrays and strings, it checks318 * the `length` property. For objects, it gets the count of319 * enumerable keys.320 *321 * expect([]);322 * expect('');323 * expect({});324 *325 * @name empty326 * @api public327 */​328 Assertion.addProperty('empty', function () {329 var obj = flag(this, 'object')330 , expected = obj;331 if (Array.isArray(obj) || 'string' === typeof object) {332 expected = obj.length;333 } else if (typeof obj === 'object') {334 expected = Object.keys(obj).length;335 }336 this.assert(337 !expected338 , 'expected #{this} to be empty'339 , 'expected #{this} not to be empty'340 );341 });342 /​**343 * ### .arguments344 *345 * Asserts that the target is an arguments object.346 *347 * function test () {348 * expect(arguments);349 * }350 *351 * @name arguments352 * @alias Arguments353 * @api public354 */​355 function checkArguments () {356 var obj = flag(this, 'object')357 , type =;358 this.assert(359 '[object Arguments]' === type360 , 'expected #{this} to be arguments but got ' + type361 , 'expected #{this} to not be arguments'362 );363 }364 Assertion.addProperty('arguments', checkArguments);365 Assertion.addProperty('Arguments', checkArguments);366 /​**367 * ### .equal(value)368 *369 * Asserts that the target is strictly equal (`===`) to `value`.370 * Alternately, if the `deep` flag is set, asserts that371 * the target is deeply equal to `value`.372 *373 * expect('hello').to.equal('hello');374 * expect(42).to.equal(42);375 * expect(1).to.not.equal(true);376 * expect({ foo: 'bar' }).to.not.equal({ foo: 'bar' });377 * expect({ foo: 'bar' }).to.deep.equal({ foo: 'bar' });378 *379 * @name equal380 * @alias equals381 * @alias eq382 * @alias deep.equal383 * @param {Mixed} value384 * @param {String} message _optional_385 * @api public386 */​387 function assertEqual (val, msg) {388 if (msg) flag(this, 'message', msg);389 var obj = flag(this, 'object');390 if (flag(this, 'deep')) {391 return this.eql(val);392 } else {393 this.assert(394 val === obj395 , 'expected #{this} to equal #{exp}'396 , 'expected #{this} to not equal #{exp}'397 , val398 , this._obj399 , true400 );401 }402 }403 Assertion.addMethod('equal', assertEqual);404 Assertion.addMethod('equals', assertEqual);405 Assertion.addMethod('eq', assertEqual);406 /​**407 * ### .eql(value)408 *409 * Asserts that the target is deeply equal to `value`.410 *411 * expect({ foo: 'bar' }).to.eql({ foo: 'bar' });412 * expect([ 1, 2, 3 ]).to.eql([ 1, 2, 3 ]);413 *414 * @name eql415 * @alias eqls416 * @param {Mixed} value417 * @param {String} message _optional_418 * @api public419 */​420 function assertEql(obj, msg) {421 if (msg) flag(this, 'message', msg);422 this.assert(423 _.eql(obj, flag(this, 'object'))424 , 'expected #{this} to deeply equal #{exp}'425 , 'expected #{this} to not deeply equal #{exp}'426 , obj427 , this._obj428 , true429 );430 }431 Assertion.addMethod('eql', assertEql);432 Assertion.addMethod('eqls', assertEql);433 /​**434 * ### .above(value)435 *436 * Asserts that the target is greater than `value`.437 *438 * expect(10);439 *440 * Can also be used in conjunction with `length` to441 * assert a minimum length. The benefit being a442 * more informative error message than if the length443 * was supplied directly.444 *445 * expect('foo').to.have.length.above(2);446 * expect([ 1, 2, 3 ]).to.have.length.above(2);447 *448 * @name above449 * @alias gt450 * @alias greaterThan451 * @param {Number} value452 * @param {String} message _optional_453 * @api public454 */​455 function assertAbove (n, msg) {456 if (msg) flag(this, 'message', msg);457 var obj = flag(this, 'object');458 if (flag(this, 'doLength')) {459 new Assertion(obj, msg)'length');460 var len = obj.length;461 this.assert(462 len > n463 , 'expected #{this} to have a length above #{exp} but got #{act}'464 , 'expected #{this} to not have a length above #{exp}'465 , n466 , len467 );468 } else {469 this.assert(470 obj > n471 , 'expected #{this} to be above ' + n472 , 'expected #{this} to be at most ' + n473 );474 }475 }476 Assertion.addMethod('above', assertAbove);477 Assertion.addMethod('gt', assertAbove);478 Assertion.addMethod('greaterThan', assertAbove);479 /​**480 * ### .least(value)481 *482 * Asserts that the target is greater than or equal to `value`.483 *484 * expect(10);485 *486 * Can also be used in conjunction with `length` to487 * assert a minimum length. The benefit being a488 * more informative error message than if the length489 * was supplied directly.490 *491 * expect('foo');492 * expect([ 1, 2, 3 ]);493 *494 * @name least495 * @alias gte496 * @param {Number} value497 * @param {String} message _optional_498 * @api public499 */​500 function assertLeast (n, msg) {501 if (msg) flag(this, 'message', msg);502 var obj = flag(this, 'object');503 if (flag(this, 'doLength')) {504 new Assertion(obj, msg)'length');505 var len = obj.length;506 this.assert(507 len >= n508 , 'expected #{this} to have a length at least #{exp} but got #{act}'509 , 'expected #{this} to have a length below #{exp}'510 , n511 , len512 );513 } else {514 this.assert(515 obj >= n516 , 'expected #{this} to be at least ' + n517 , 'expected #{this} to be below ' + n518 );519 }520 }521 Assertion.addMethod('least', assertLeast);522 Assertion.addMethod('gte', assertLeast);523 /​**524 * ### .below(value)525 *526 * Asserts that the target is less than `value`.527 *528 * expect(5);529 *530 * Can also be used in conjunction with `length` to531 * assert a maximum length. The benefit being a532 * more informative error message than if the length533 * was supplied directly.534 *535 * expect('foo').to.have.length.below(4);536 * expect([ 1, 2, 3 ]).to.have.length.below(4);537 *538 * @name below539 * @alias lt540 * @alias lessThan541 * @param {Number} value542 * @param {String} message _optional_543 * @api public544 */​545 function assertBelow (n, msg) {546 if (msg) flag(this, 'message', msg);547 var obj = flag(this, 'object');548 if (flag(this, 'doLength')) {549 new Assertion(obj, msg)'length');550 var len = obj.length;551 this.assert(552 len < n553 , 'expected #{this} to have a length below #{exp} but got #{act}'554 , 'expected #{this} to not have a length below #{exp}'555 , n556 , len557 );558 } else {559 this.assert(560 obj < n561 , 'expected #{this} to be below ' + n562 , 'expected #{this} to be at least ' + n563 );564 }565 }566 Assertion.addMethod('below', assertBelow);567 Assertion.addMethod('lt', assertBelow);568 Assertion.addMethod('lessThan', assertBelow);569 /​**570 * ### .most(value)571 *572 * Asserts that the target is less than or equal to `value`.573 *574 * expect(5);575 *576 * Can also be used in conjunction with `length` to577 * assert a maximum length. The benefit being a578 * more informative error message than if the length579 * was supplied directly.580 *581 * expect('foo');582 * expect([ 1, 2, 3 ]);583 *584 * @name most585 * @alias lte586 * @param {Number} value587 * @param {String} message _optional_588 * @api public589 */​590 function assertMost (n, msg) {591 if (msg) flag(this, 'message', msg);592 var obj = flag(this, 'object');593 if (flag(this, 'doLength')) {594 new Assertion(obj, msg)'length');595 var len = obj.length;596 this.assert(597 len <= n598 , 'expected #{this} to have a length at most #{exp} but got #{act}'599 , 'expected #{this} to have a length above #{exp}'600 , n601 , len602 );603 } else {604 this.assert(605 obj <= n606 , 'expected #{this} to be at most ' + n607 , 'expected #{this} to be above ' + n608 );609 }610 }611 Assertion.addMethod('most', assertMost);612 Assertion.addMethod('lte', assertMost);613 /​**614 * ### .within(start, finish)615 *616 * Asserts that the target is within a range.617 *618 * expect(7),10);619 *620 * Can also be used in conjunction with `length` to621 * assert a length range. The benefit being a622 * more informative error message than if the length623 * was supplied directly.624 *625 * expect('foo').to.have.length.within(2,4);626 * expect([ 1, 2, 3 ]).to.have.length.within(2,4);627 *628 * @name within629 * @param {Number} start lowerbound inclusive630 * @param {Number} finish upperbound inclusive631 * @param {String} message _optional_632 * @api public633 */​634 Assertion.addMethod('within', function (start, finish, msg) {635 if (msg) flag(this, 'message', msg);636 var obj = flag(this, 'object')637 , range = start + '..' + finish;638 if (flag(this, 'doLength')) {639 new Assertion(obj, msg)'length');640 var len = obj.length;641 this.assert(642 len >= start && len <= finish643 , 'expected #{this} to have a length within ' + range644 , 'expected #{this} to not have a length within ' + range645 );646 } else {647 this.assert(648 obj >= start && obj <= finish649 , 'expected #{this} to be within ' + range650 , 'expected #{this} to not be within ' + range651 );652 }653 });654 /​**655 * ### .instanceof(constructor)656 *657 * Asserts that the target is an instance of `constructor`.658 *659 * var Tea = function (name) { = name; }660 * , Chai = new Tea('chai');661 *662 * expect(Chai);663 * expect([ 1, 2, 3 ]);664 *665 * @name instanceof666 * @param {Constructor} constructor667 * @param {String} message _optional_668 * @alias instanceOf669 * @api public670 */​671 function assertInstanceOf (constructor, msg) {672 if (msg) flag(this, 'message', msg);673 var name = _.getName(constructor);674 this.assert(675 flag(this, 'object') instanceof constructor676 , 'expected #{this} to be an instance of ' + name677 , 'expected #{this} to not be an instance of ' + name678 );679 };680 Assertion.addMethod('instanceof', assertInstanceOf);681 Assertion.addMethod('instanceOf', assertInstanceOf);682 /​**683 * ### .property(name, [value])684 *685 * Asserts that the target has a property `name`, optionally asserting that686 * the value of that property is strictly equal to `value`.687 * If the `deep` flag is set, you can use dot- and bracket-notation for deep688 * references into objects and arrays.689 *690 * /​/​ simple referencing691 * var obj = { foo: 'bar' };692 * expect(obj)'foo');693 * expect(obj)'foo', 'bar');694 *695 * /​/​ deep referencing696 * var deepObj = {697 * green: { tea: 'matcha' }698 * , teas: [ 'chai', 'matcha', { tea: 'konacha' } ]699 * };700 * expect(deepObj)'green.tea', 'matcha');701 * expect(deepObj)'teas[1]', 'matcha');702 * expect(deepObj)'teas[2].tea', 'konacha');703 *704 * You can also use an array as the starting point of a ``705 * assertion, or traverse nested arrays.706 *707 * var arr = [708 * [ 'chai', 'matcha', 'konacha' ]709 * , [ { tea: 'chai' }710 * , { tea: 'matcha' }711 * , { tea: 'konacha' } ]712 * ];713 *714 * expect(arr)'[0][1]', 'matcha');715 * expect(arr)'[1][2].tea', 'konacha');716 *717 * Furthermore, `property` changes the subject of the assertion718 * to be the value of that property from the original object. This719 * permits for further chainable assertions on that property.720 *721 * expect(obj)'foo')722 *'string');723 * expect(deepObj)'green')724 *'object')725 * .that.deep.equals({ tea: 'matcha' });726 * expect(deepObj)'teas')727 *'array')728 *'[2]')729 * .that.deep.equals({ tea: 'konacha' });730 *731 * @name property732 * @alias deep.property733 * @param {String} name734 * @param {Mixed} value (optional)735 * @param {String} message _optional_736 * @returns value of property for chaining737 * @api public738 */​739 Assertion.addMethod('property', function (name, val, msg) {740 if (msg) flag(this, 'message', msg);741 var isDeep = !!flag(this, 'deep')742 , descriptor = isDeep ? 'deep property ' : 'property '743 , negate = flag(this, 'negate')744 , obj = flag(this, 'object')745 , pathInfo = isDeep ? _.getPathInfo(name, obj) : null746 , hasProperty = isDeep747 ? pathInfo.exists748 : _.hasProperty(name, obj)749 , value = isDeep750 ? pathInfo.value751 : obj[name];752 if (negate && undefined !== val) {753 if (undefined === value) {754 msg = (msg != null) ? msg + ': ' : '';755 throw new Error(msg + _.inspect(obj) + ' has no ' + descriptor + _.inspect(name));756 }757 } else {758 this.assert(759 hasProperty760 , 'expected #{this} to have a ' + descriptor + _.inspect(name)761 , 'expected #{this} to not have ' + descriptor + _.inspect(name));762 }763 if (undefined !== val) {764 this.assert(765 val === value766 , 'expected #{this} to have a ' + descriptor + _.inspect(name) + ' of #{exp}, but got #{act}'767 , 'expected #{this} to not have a ' + descriptor + _.inspect(name) + ' of #{act}'768 , val769 , value770 );771 }772 flag(this, 'object', value);773 });774 /​**775 * ### .ownProperty(name)776 *777 * Asserts that the target has an own property `name`.778 *779 * expect('test').to.have.ownProperty('length');780 *781 * @name ownProperty782 * @alias haveOwnProperty783 * @param {String} name784 * @param {String} message _optional_785 * @api public786 */​787 function assertOwnProperty (name, msg) {788 if (msg) flag(this, 'message', msg);789 var obj = flag(this, 'object');790 this.assert(791 obj.hasOwnProperty(name)792 , 'expected #{this} to have own property ' + _.inspect(name)793 , 'expected #{this} to not have own property ' + _.inspect(name)794 );795 }796 Assertion.addMethod('ownProperty', assertOwnProperty);797 Assertion.addMethod('haveOwnProperty', assertOwnProperty);798 /​**799 * ### .length(value)800 *801 * Asserts that the target's `length` property has802 * the expected value.803 *804 * expect([ 1, 2, 3]).to.have.length(3);805 * expect('foobar').to.have.length(6);806 *807 * Can also be used as a chain precursor to a value808 * comparison for the length property.809 *810 * expect('foo').to.have.length.above(2);811 * expect([ 1, 2, 3 ]).to.have.length.above(2);812 * expect('foo').to.have.length.below(4);813 * expect([ 1, 2, 3 ]).to.have.length.below(4);814 * expect('foo').to.have.length.within(2,4);815 * expect([ 1, 2, 3 ]).to.have.length.within(2,4);816 *817 * @name length818 * @alias lengthOf819 * @param {Number} length820 * @param {String} message _optional_821 * @api public822 */​823 function assertLengthChain () {824 flag(this, 'doLength', true);825 }826 function assertLength (n, msg) {827 if (msg) flag(this, 'message', msg);828 var obj = flag(this, 'object');829 new Assertion(obj, msg)'length');830 var len = obj.length;831 this.assert(832 len == n833 , 'expected #{this} to have a length of #{exp} but got #{act}'834 , 'expected #{this} to not have a length of #{act}'835 , n836 , len837 );838 }839 Assertion.addChainableMethod('length', assertLength, assertLengthChain);840 Assertion.addMethod('lengthOf', assertLength);841 /​**842 * ### .match(regexp)843 *844 * Asserts that the target matches a regular expression.845 *846 * expect('foobar').to.match(/​^foo/​);847 *848 * @name match849 * @param {RegExp} RegularExpression850 * @param {String} message _optional_851 * @api public852 */​853 Assertion.addMethod('match', function (re, msg) {854 if (msg) flag(this, 'message', msg);855 var obj = flag(this, 'object');856 this.assert(857 re.exec(obj)858 , 'expected #{this} to match ' + re859 , 'expected #{this} not to match ' + re860 );861 });862 /​**863 * ### .string(string)864 *865 * Asserts that the string target contains another string.866 *867 * expect('foobar').to.have.string('bar');868 *869 * @name string870 * @param {String} string871 * @param {String} message _optional_872 * @api public873 */​874 Assertion.addMethod('string', function (str, msg) {875 if (msg) flag(this, 'message', msg);876 var obj = flag(this, 'object');877 new Assertion(obj, msg).is.a('string');878 this.assert(879 ~obj.indexOf(str)880 , 'expected #{this} to contain ' + _.inspect(str)881 , 'expected #{this} to not contain ' + _.inspect(str)882 );883 });884 /​**885 * ### .keys(key1, [key2], [...])886 *887 * Asserts that the target contains any or all of the passed-in keys.888 * Use in combination with `any`, `all`, `contains`, or `have` will affect 889 * what will pass.890 * 891 * When used in conjunction with `any`, at least one key that is passed 892 * in must exist in the target object. This is regardless whether or not 893 * the `have` or `contain` qualifiers are used. Note, either `any` or `all`894 * should be used in the assertion. If neither are used, the assertion is895 * defaulted to `all`.896 * 897 * When both `all` and `contain` are used, the target object must have at 898 * least all of the passed-in keys but may have more keys not listed.899 * 900 * When both `all` and `have` are used, the target object must both contain901 * all of the passed-in keys AND the number of keys in the target object must902 * match the number of keys passed in (in other words, a target object must 903 * have all and only all of the passed-in keys).904 * 905 * expect({ foo: 1, bar: 2 }).to.have.any.keys('foo', 'baz');906 * expect({ foo: 1, bar: 2 }).to.have.any.keys('foo');907 * expect({ foo: 1, bar: 2 }).to.contain.any.keys('bar', 'baz');908 * expect({ foo: 1, bar: 2 }).to.contain.any.keys(['foo']);909 * expect({ foo: 1, bar: 2 }).to.contain.any.keys({'foo': 6});910 * expect({ foo: 1, bar: 2 }).to.have.all.keys(['bar', 'foo']);911 * expect({ foo: 1, bar: 2 }).to.have.all.keys({'bar': 6, 'foo', 7});912 * expect({ foo: 1, bar: 2, baz: 3 }).to.contain.all.keys(['bar', 'foo']);913 * expect({ foo: 1, bar: 2, baz: 3 }).to.contain.all.keys([{'bar': 6}}]);914 *915 *916 * @name keys917 * @alias key918 * @param {String...|Array|Object} keys919 * @api public920 */​921 function assertKeys (keys) {922 var obj = flag(this, 'object')923 , str924 , ok = true925 , mixedArgsMsg = 'keys must be given single argument of Array|Object|String, or multiple String arguments';926 switch (_.type(keys)) {927 case "array":928 if (arguments.length > 1) throw (new Error(mixedArgsMsg));929 break;930 case "object":931 if (arguments.length > 1) throw (new Error(mixedArgsMsg));932 keys = Object.keys(keys);933 break;934 default:935 keys =;936 }937 if (!keys.length) throw new Error('keys required');938 var actual = Object.keys(obj)939 , expected = keys940 , len = keys.length941 , any = flag(this, 'any')942 , all = flag(this, 'all');943 if (!any && !all) {944 all = true;945 }946 /​/​ Has any947 if (any) {948 var intersection = expected.filter(function(key) {949 return ~actual.indexOf(key);950 });951 ok = intersection.length > 0;952 }953 /​/​ Has all954 if (all) {955 ok = keys.every(function(key){956 return ~actual.indexOf(key);957 });958 if (!flag(this, 'negate') && !flag(this, 'contains')) {959 ok = ok && keys.length == actual.length;960 }961 }962 /​/​ Key string963 if (len > 1) {964 keys ={965 return _.inspect(key);966 });967 var last = keys.pop();968 if (all) {969 str = keys.join(', ') + ', and ' + last;970 }971 if (any) {972 str = keys.join(', ') + ', or ' + last;973 }974 } else {975 str = _.inspect(keys[0]);976 }977 /​/​ Form978 str = (len > 1 ? 'keys ' : 'key ') + str;979 /​/​ Have /​ include980 str = (flag(this, 'contains') ? 'contain ' : 'have ') + str;981 /​/​ Assertion982 this.assert(983 ok984 , 'expected #{this} to ' + str985 , 'expected #{this} to not ' + str986 , expected.slice(0).sort()987 , actual.sort()988 , true989 );990 }991 Assertion.addMethod('keys', assertKeys);992 Assertion.addMethod('key', assertKeys);993 /​**994 * ### .throw(constructor)995 *996 * Asserts that the function target will throw a specific error, or specific type of error997 * (as determined using `instanceof`), optionally with a RegExp or string inclusion test998 * for the error's message.999 *1000 * var err = new ReferenceError('This is a bad function.');1001 * var fn = function () { throw err; }1002 * expect(fn).to.throw(ReferenceError);1003 * expect(fn).to.throw(Error);1004 * expect(fn).to.throw(/​bad function/​);1005 * expect(fn).to.not.throw('good function');1006 * expect(fn).to.throw(ReferenceError, /​bad function/​);1007 * expect(fn).to.throw(err);1008 * expect(fn).to.not.throw(new RangeError('Out of range.'));1009 *1010 * Please note that when a throw expectation is negated, it will check each1011 * parameter independently, starting with error constructor type. The appropriate way1012 * to check for the existence of a type of error but for a message that does not match1013 * is to use `and`.1014 *1015 * expect(fn).to.throw(ReferenceError)1016 * .and.not.throw(/​good function/​);1017 *1018 * @name throw1019 * @alias throws1020 * @alias Throw1021 * @param {ErrorConstructor} constructor1022 * @param {String|RegExp} expected error message1023 * @param {String} message _optional_1024 * @see https:/​/​​en/​JavaScript/​Reference/​Global_Objects/​Error#Error_types1025 * @returns error for chaining (null if no error)1026 * @api public1027 */​1028 function assertThrows (constructor, errMsg, msg) {1029 if (msg) flag(this, 'message', msg);1030 var obj = flag(this, 'object');1031 new Assertion(obj, msg).is.a('function');1032 var thrown = false1033 , desiredError = null1034 , name = null1035 , thrownError = null;1036 if (arguments.length === 0) {1037 errMsg = null;1038 constructor = null;1039 } else if (constructor && (constructor instanceof RegExp || 'string' === typeof constructor)) {1040 errMsg = constructor;1041 constructor = null;1042 } else if (constructor && constructor instanceof Error) {1043 desiredError = constructor;1044 constructor = null;1045 errMsg = null;1046 } else if (typeof constructor === 'function') {1047 name = ||;1048 if (name === 'Error' && constructor !== Error) {1049 name = (new constructor()).name;1050 }1051 } else {1052 constructor = null;1053 }1054 try {1055 obj();1056 } catch (err) {1057 /​/​ first, check desired error1058 if (desiredError) {1059 this.assert(1060 err === desiredError1061 , 'expected #{this} to throw #{exp} but #{act} was thrown'1062 , 'expected #{this} to not throw #{exp}'1063 , (desiredError instanceof Error ? desiredError.toString() : desiredError)1064 , (err instanceof Error ? err.toString() : err)1065 );1066 flag(this, 'object', err);1067 return this;1068 }1069 /​/​ next, check constructor1070 if (constructor) {1071 this.assert(1072 err instanceof constructor1073 , 'expected #{this} to throw #{exp} but #{act} was thrown'1074 , 'expected #{this} to not throw #{exp} but #{act} was thrown'1075 , name1076 , (err instanceof Error ? err.toString() : err)1077 );1078 if (!errMsg) {1079 flag(this, 'object', err);1080 return this;1081 }1082 }1083 /​/​ next, check message1084 var message = 'object' === _.type(err) && "message" in err1085 ? err.message1086 : '' + err;1087 if ((message != null) && errMsg && errMsg instanceof RegExp) {1088 this.assert(1089 errMsg.exec(message)1090 , 'expected #{this} to throw error matching #{exp} but got #{act}'1091 , 'expected #{this} to throw error not matching #{exp}'1092 , errMsg1093 , message1094 );1095 flag(this, 'object', err);1096 return this;1097 } else if ((message != null) && errMsg && 'string' === typeof errMsg) {1098 this.assert(1099 ~message.indexOf(errMsg)1100 , 'expected #{this} to throw error including #{exp} but got #{act}'1101 , 'expected #{this} to throw error not including #{act}'1102 , errMsg1103 , message1104 );1105 flag(this, 'object', err);1106 return this;1107 } else {1108 thrown = true;1109 thrownError = err;1110 }1111 }1112 var actuallyGot = ''1113 , expectedThrown = name !== null1114 ? name1115 : desiredError1116 ? '#{exp}' /​/​_.inspect(desiredError)1117 : 'an error';1118 if (thrown) {1119 actuallyGot = ' but #{act} was thrown'1120 }1121 this.assert(1122 thrown === true1123 , 'expected #{this} to throw ' + expectedThrown + actuallyGot1124 , 'expected #{this} to not throw ' + expectedThrown + actuallyGot1125 , (desiredError instanceof Error ? desiredError.toString() : desiredError)1126 , (thrownError instanceof Error ? thrownError.toString() : thrownError)1127 );1128 flag(this, 'object', thrownError);1129 };1130 Assertion.addMethod('throw', assertThrows);1131 Assertion.addMethod('throws', assertThrows);1132 Assertion.addMethod('Throw', assertThrows);1133 /​**1134 * ### .respondTo(method)1135 *1136 * Asserts that the object or class target will respond to a method.1137 *1138 * = function(){};1139 * expect(Klass).to.respondTo('bar');1140 * expect(obj).to.respondTo('bar');1141 *1142 * To check if a constructor will respond to a static function,1143 * set the `itself` flag.1144 *1145 * Klass.baz = function(){};1146 * expect(Klass)'baz');1147 *1148 * @name respondTo1149 * @param {String} method1150 * @param {String} message _optional_1151 * @api public1152 */​1153 Assertion.addMethod('respondTo', function (method, msg) {1154 if (msg) flag(this, 'message', msg);1155 var obj = flag(this, 'object')1156 , itself = flag(this, 'itself')1157 , context = ('function' === _.type(obj) && !itself)1158 ? obj.prototype[method]1159 : obj[method];1160 this.assert(1161 'function' === typeof context1162 , 'expected #{this} to respond to ' + _.inspect(method)1163 , 'expected #{this} to not respond to ' + _.inspect(method)1164 );1165 });1166 /​**1167 * ### .itself1168 *1169 * Sets the `itself` flag, later used by the `respondTo` assertion.1170 *1171 * function Foo() {}1172 * = function() {}1173 * Foo.prototype.baz = function() {}1174 *1175 * expect(Foo)'bar');1176 * expect(Foo)'baz');1177 *1178 * @name itself1179 * @api public1180 */​1181 Assertion.addProperty('itself', function () {1182 flag(this, 'itself', true);1183 });1184 /​**1185 * ### .satisfy(method)1186 *1187 * Asserts that the target passes a given truth test.1188 *1189 * expect(1).to.satisfy(function(num) { return num > 0; });1190 *1191 * @name satisfy1192 * @param {Function} matcher1193 * @param {String} message _optional_1194 * @api public1195 */​1196 Assertion.addMethod('satisfy', function (matcher, msg) {1197 if (msg) flag(this, 'message', msg);1198 var obj = flag(this, 'object');1199 var result = matcher(obj);1200 this.assert(1201 result1202 , 'expected #{this} to satisfy ' + _.objDisplay(matcher)1203 , 'expected #{this} to not satisfy' + _.objDisplay(matcher)1204 , this.negate ? false : true1205 , result1206 );1207 });1208 /​**1209 * ### .closeTo(expected, delta)1210 *1211 * Asserts that the target is equal `expected`, to within a +/​- `delta` range.1212 *1213 * expect(1.5), 0.5);1214 *1215 * @name closeTo1216 * @param {Number} expected1217 * @param {Number} delta1218 * @param {String} message _optional_1219 * @api public1220 */​1221 Assertion.addMethod('closeTo', function (expected, delta, msg) {1222 if (msg) flag(this, 'message', msg);1223 var obj = flag(this, 'object');1224 new Assertion(obj, msg).is.a('number');1225 if (_.type(expected) !== 'number' || _.type(delta) !== 'number') {1226 throw new Error('the arguments to closeTo must be numbers');1227 }1228 this.assert(1229 Math.abs(obj - expected) <= delta1230 , 'expected #{this} to be close to ' + expected + ' +/​- ' + delta1231 , 'expected #{this} not to be close to ' + expected + ' +/​- ' + delta1232 );1233 });1234 function isSubsetOf(subset, superset, cmp) {1235 return subset.every(function(elem) {1236 if (!cmp) return superset.indexOf(elem) !== -1;1237 return superset.some(function(elem2) {1238 return cmp(elem, elem2);1239 });1240 })1241 }1242 /​**1243 * ### .members(set)1244 *1245 * Asserts that the target is a superset of `set`,1246 * or that the target and `set` have the same strictly-equal (===) members.1247 * Alternately, if the `deep` flag is set, set members are compared for deep1248 * equality.1249 *1250 * expect([1, 2, 3]).to.include.members([3, 2]);1251 * expect([1, 2, 3]).to.not.include.members([3, 2, 8]);1252 *1253 * expect([4, 2]).to.have.members([2, 4]);1254 * expect([5, 2]).to.not.have.members([5, 2, 1]);1255 *1256 * expect([{ id: 1 }]).to.deep.include.members([{ id: 1 }]);1257 *1258 * @name members1259 * @param {Array} set1260 * @param {String} message _optional_1261 * @api public1262 */​1263 Assertion.addMethod('members', function (subset, msg) {1264 if (msg) flag(this, 'message', msg);1265 var obj = flag(this, 'object');1266 new Assertion(obj)'array');1267 new Assertion(subset)'array');1268 var cmp = flag(this, 'deep') ? _.eql : undefined;1269 if (flag(this, 'contains')) {1270 return this.assert(1271 isSubsetOf(subset, obj, cmp)1272 , 'expected #{this} to be a superset of #{act}'1273 , 'expected #{this} to not be a superset of #{act}'1274 , obj1275 , subset1276 );1277 }1278 this.assert(1279 isSubsetOf(obj, subset, cmp) && isSubsetOf(subset, obj, cmp)1280 , 'expected #{this} to have the same members as #{act}'1281 , 'expected #{this} to not have the same members as #{act}'1282 , obj1283 , subset1284 );1285 });1286 /​**1287 * ### .change(function)1288 *1289 * Asserts that a function changes an object property1290 *1291 * var obj = { val: 10 };1292 * var fn = function() { obj.val += 3 };1293 * var noChangeFn = function() { return 'foo' + 'bar'; }1294 * expect(fn).to.change(obj, 'val');1295 * expect(noChangFn).to.not.change(obj, 'val')1296 *1297 * @name change1298 * @alias changes1299 * @alias Change1300 * @param {String} object1301 * @param {String} property name1302 * @param {String} message _optional_1303 * @api public1304 */​1305 function assertChanges (object, prop, msg) {1306 if (msg) flag(this, 'message', msg);1307 var fn = flag(this, 'object');1308 new Assertion(object, msg);1309 new Assertion(fn).is.a('function');1310 var initial = object[prop];1311 fn();1312 this.assert(1313 initial !== object[prop]1314 , 'expected .' + prop + ' to change'1315 , 'expected .' + prop + ' to not change'1316 );1317 }1318 Assertion.addChainableMethod('change', assertChanges);1319 Assertion.addChainableMethod('changes', assertChanges);1320 /​**1321 * ### .increase(function)1322 *1323 * Asserts that a function increases an object property1324 *1325 * var obj = { val: 10 };1326 * var fn = function() { obj.val = 15 };1327 * expect(fn).to.increase(obj, 'val');1328 *1329 * @name increase1330 * @alias increases1331 * @alias Increase1332 * @param {String} object1333 * @param {String} property name1334 * @param {String} message _optional_1335 * @api public1336 */​1337 function assertIncreases (object, prop, msg) {1338 if (msg) flag(this, 'message', msg);1339 var fn = flag(this, 'object');1340 new Assertion(object, msg);1341 new Assertion(fn).is.a('function');1342 var initial = object[prop];1343 fn();1344 this.assert(1345 object[prop] - initial > 01346 , 'expected .' + prop + ' to increase'1347 , 'expected .' + prop + ' to not increase'1348 );1349 }1350 Assertion.addChainableMethod('increase', assertIncreases);1351 Assertion.addChainableMethod('increases', assertIncreases);1352 /​**1353 * ### .decrease(function)1354 *1355 * Asserts that a function decreases an object property1356 *1357 * var obj = { val: 10 };1358 * var fn = function() { obj.val = 5 };1359 * expect(fn).to.decrease(obj, 'val');1360 *1361 * @name decrease1362 * @alias decreases1363 * @alias Decrease1364 * @param {String} object1365 * @param {String} property name1366 * @param {String} message _optional_1367 * @api public1368 */​1369 function assertDecreases (object, prop, msg) {1370 if (msg) flag(this, 'message', msg);1371 var fn = flag(this, 'object');1372 new Assertion(object, msg);1373 new Assertion(fn).is.a('function');1374 var initial = object[prop];1375 fn();1376 this.assert(1377 object[prop] - initial < 01378 , 'expected .' + prop + ' to decrease'1379 , 'expected .' + prop + ' to not decrease'1380 );1381 }1382 Assertion.addChainableMethod('decrease', assertDecreases);1383 Assertion.addChainableMethod('decreases', assertDecreases);...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const chai = require('chai')2const BN = require('bn.js')3const chaiBN = require('chai-bn')(BN)4chai.use(chaiBN)5const { assertDecreases } = require('chai-bn')6const test = async (contract, method, args, from, gas) => {7 const before = await contract[method](...args)8 await contract[method](...args, { from, gas })9 const after = await contract[method](...args)10 assertDecreases(before, after)11}12module.exports = { test }13const { test } = require('../​test')14const MyContract = artifacts.require('MyContract')15contract('MyContract', async accounts => {16 it('should decrease balance', async () => {17 const contract = await MyContract.deployed()18 await test(contract, 'decreaseBalance', [], accounts[0], 100000)19 })20})

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1const chai = require('chai');2const chaiBN = require('chai-bignumber');3chai.use(chaiBN(web3.utils.BN));4const { assertDecreases } = require('chai-bignumber');5assertDecreases(6 new BN(10),7 new BN(5),8);9assertDecreases(10 new BN(10),11 new BN(10),12);13assertDecreases(14 new BN(10),15 new BN(15),16);17assertDecreases(18 new BN(10),19 new BN(10),20);21assertDecreases(22 new BN(10),23 new BN(5),24);25assertDecreases(26 new BN(10),27 new BN(10),28);29assertDecreases(30 new BN(10),31 new BN(15),32);33assertDecreases(34 new BN(10),35 new BN(10),36);37assertDecreases(38 new BN(10),39 new BN(5),40);41assertDecreases(42 new BN(10),43 new BN(10),44);45assertDecreases(46 new BN(10

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1const chai = require('chai');2const chaiBn = require('chai-bn')(chai);3const assert = chai.assert;4const BigNumber = web3.BigNumber;5chai.use(chaiBn(BigNumber));6const chai = require('chai');7const chaiBn = require('chai-bn')(chai);8const assert = chai.assert;9const BigNumber = web3.BigNumber;10chai.use(chaiBn(BigNumber));11const Token = artifacts.require('./​Token.sol');12contract('Token', function(accounts) {13 beforeEach(async function() {14 this.token = await;15 });16 it('should return the correct totalSupply after construction', async function() {17 const totalSupply = await this.token.totalSupply();18 assert.equal(totalSupply, 1000000);19 });20 it('should return the correct allowance amount after approval', async function() {21 await this.token.approve(accounts[1], 100);22 const allowance = await this.token.allowance(accounts[0], accounts[1]);23 assert.equal(allowance, 100);24 });25 it('should return correct balances after transfer', async function() {26 await this.token.transfer(accounts[1], 100);27 const balance0 = await this.token.balanceOf(accounts[0]);28 assert.equal(balance0, 999900);29 const balance1 = await this.token.balanceOf(accounts[1]);30 assert.equal(balance1, 100);31 });32 it('should throw an error when trying to transfer more than balance', async function() {33 try {34 await this.token.transfer(accounts[1], 1000001);35'should have thrown before');36 } catch (error) {37 assertJump(error);38 }39 });40 it('should return correct balances after transfering from another account', async function() {41 await this.token.approve(accounts[1], 100);42 await this.token.transferFrom(accounts[0], accounts[2], 100, {43 });44 const balance0 = await this.token.balanceOf(accounts[0]);45 assert.equal(balance0, 999900);46 const balance1 = await this.token.balanceOf(accounts[2]);47 assert.equal(balance1, 100);48 const allowance01 = await this.token.allowance(accounts[0], accounts[1]);49 assert.equal(allow

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1const assertDecreases = require('chai-assert-decreases');2const {expect} = require('chai');3expect.use(assertDecreases);4describe('test', function () {5 it('test', function () {6 let a = 10;7 expect(() => {8 a++;9 }).to.assertDecreases(() => a);10 });11});

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1var chai = require('chai');2var chaiBignumber = require('chai-bignumber');3chai.use(chaiBignumber());4var assert = chai.assert;5assert.isAbove(3, 2, '3 is greater than 2');6var chai = require('chai');7var chaiBignumber = require('chai-bignumber');8chai.use(chaiBignumber());9var assert = chai.assert;10assert.isAbove(3, 2, '3 is greater than 2');11assert.isBelow(2, 3, '2 is less than 3');12assert.isAtLeast(3, 2, '3 is greater than 2');13assert.isAtMost(2, 3, '2 is less than 3');14assert.isAbove(3, 2, '3 is greater than 2');15assert.isBelow(2, 3, '2 is less than 3');16assert.isAtLeast(3, 2, '3 is greater than 2');17assert.isAtMost(2, 3, '2 is less than 3');18assert.isAbove(3, 2, '3 is greater than 2');19assert.isBelow(2, 3, '2 is less than 3');20assert.isAtLeast(3, 2, '3 is greater than 2');21assert.isAtMost(2, 3, '2 is less than 3');22assert.isAbove(3, 2, '3 is greater than 2');23assert.isBelow(2, 3, '2 is less than 3');24assert.isAtLeast(3, 2, '3 is greater than 2');25assert.isAtMost(2, 3, '2 is less than 3');26assert.isAbove(3, 2, '3 is greater than 2');27assert.isBelow(2, 3, '2 is less than 3');28assert.isAtLeast(3, 2, '3 is greater than 2');29assert.isAtMost(2, 3, '2 is less than 3');30assert.isAbove(3, 2, '3 is greater than 2');31assert.isBelow(2, 3, '2 is less than 3');32assert.isAtLeast(3, 2, '3 '3

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const chai = require('chai');2const chaiBN = require('chai-bn')(chai.BN);3chai.use(chaiBN);4const {expect} = chai;5const should = chai.should();6const assert = chai.assert;7const {BN, constants, expectEvent, expectRevert} = require('@openzeppelin/​test-helpers');8const { ZERO_ADDRESS } = constants;9const { web3 } = require('@openzeppelin/​test-helpers/​src/​setup');10const { expect } = require('chai');11const { BN, constants, expectEvent, expectRevert } = require('@openzeppelin/​test-helpers');12const { ZERO_ADDRESS } = constants;13const { web3 } = require('@openzeppelin/​test-helpers/​src/​setup');14const { expect } = require('chai');15const { BN, constants, expectEvent, expectRevert } = require('@openzeppelin/​test-helpers');16const { ZERO_ADDRESS } = constants;17const { web3 } = require('@openzeppelin/​test-helpers/​src/​setup');18const { expect } = require('chai');19const { BN, constants, expectEvent, expectRevert } = require('@openzeppelin/​test-helpers');20const { ZERO_ADDRESS } = constants;21const { web3 } = require('@openzeppelin/​test-helpers/​src/​setup');22const { expect } = require('chai');23const { BN, constants, expectEvent, expectRevert } = require('@openzeppelin/​test-helpers');24const { ZERO_ADDRESS } = constants;25const { web3 } = require('@openzeppelin/​test-helpers/​src/​setup');26const { expect } = require('chai');27const { BN, constants, expectEvent, expectRevert } = require('@openzeppelin/​test-helpers');28const { ZERO_ADDRESS } = constants;29const { web3 } = require('@openzeppelin/​test-helpers/​src/​setup');30const { expect } = require('chai');31const { BN, constants, expectEvent, expectRevert } = require('@openzeppelin/​test-helpers');32const { ZERO_ADDRESS } = constants;33const { web3 } = require('@openzeppelin/​test-helpers/​src/​setup');34const { expect } = require('chai');35const { BN, constantswexpectEvent, expectRevert } = require(@openzeppelin/​test-helpers');36const { ZERO_ADDRESS } = constants;37const { web } = require('@openzeppelin/​test-helpers/​src/​setup');38const {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const ehii'chai');2const nhaiBn require('chai-b-bnn)(chai.BN')(chai.BN);3.haise(chhiBn4cont {}=requre('./​tions');5cons { somFuntion } = requi('./​omFunction');6const { assomeFeases }', = =>require('./​assertions');7nst { should decroame ehe balancenoc the accotin by 10', asy c= r =>equire('./​someFunction');8descconstrbalanceBeforei=bawaiteweb3.eth.g(tBalanco(acmounen;9o iawaittsomeFunction(account);10('shconstobalanceAfteru=lawaitdweb3.eth.getBalance( ccount)crease the balance of the account by 10', async () => {11 const balanceBefore = await web3.eth.getBalance(account);12Asserts that a transaction reverts. await someFunction(account);13 const balanceAfter = await web3.eth.getBalance(account);14```jsertDecreases(balanceBefore, balanceAfter, 10);15});Revt16const(## asrN17const { asstRe/​ectso}o use assert./​vsserteonsrts method of chai-bn18to=st { sorqFunctioni} re('chai');./​someFunto19descrsbha'someFunit oe', (' => {ai-bn')(chai.BN);20i it('uhould reve(c',hasync () a>i{21 )wa;t Rovedeo oomFuncio());22 }23});const { assertReverts } = require('./​assertions');24## const RmvurtiWi('Mess.geunction');25 });26concha= quie('ci27cnchaiBn=requr('ci-b(chai.BN)28cost {chaertRevi.usWehhMissBge}=requ('./​ssios29con/​t { comoFuncetsn }n=irequore('./​nomFuncio30const { assertRevertsWithMessage } = require('./​assertions');31denct be('semuFunction', n) =>i{32 = t('rhouldeuiv('t.wi/​s oemeesagc', a(ync F) =>c{33o,){awai ertRev awsWiahMsssege(romeFunctionR)tsWMomeemassgg(');34on});35}io36```n(), 'some message');37 });38## });ReverWReso39cont chai =quie('ci```js40const chaiBn = require('chai-bn')(chai.BN);41const { assert

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const chai = require('chai');2const chaiBN = require('chai-bn')(chai.BN);3chai.use(chaiBN);4const {expect} = chai;5const should = chai.should();6const assert = chai.assert;7const {BN, constants, expectEvent, expectRevert} = require('@openzeppelin/​test-helpers');8const { ZERO_ADDRESS } = constants;9const { web3 } = require('@openzeppelin/​test-helpers/​src/​setup');10const { expect } = require('chai');11const { BN, constants, expectEvent, expectRevert } = require('@openzeppelin/​test-helpers');12const { ZERO_ADDRESS } = constants;13const { web3 } = require('@openzeppelin/​test-helpers/​src/​setup');14const { expect } = require('chai');15const { BN, constants, expectEvent, expectRevert } = require('@openzeppelin/​test-helpers');16const { ZERO_ADDRESS } = constants;17const { web3 } = require('@openzeppelin/​test-helpers/​src/​setup');18const { expect } = require('chai');19const { BN, constants, expectEvent, expectRevert } = require('@openzeppelin/​test-helpers');20const { ZERO_ADDRESS } = constants;21const { web3 } = require('@openzeppelin/​test-helpers/​src/​setup');22const { expect } = require('chai');23const { BN, constants, expectEvent, expectRevert } = require('@openzeppelin/​test-helpers');24const { ZERO_ADDRESS } = constants;25const { web3 } = require('@openzeppelin/​test-helpers/​src/​setup');26const { expect } = require('chai');27const { BN, constants, expectEvent, expectRevert } = require('@openzeppelin/​test-helpers');28const { ZERO_ADDRESS } = constants;29const { web3 } = require('@openzeppelin/​test-helpers/​src/​setup');30const { expect } = require('chai');31const { BN, constants, expectEvent, expectRevert } = require('@openzeppelin/​test-helpers');32const { ZERO_ADDRESS } = constants;33const { web3 } = require('@openzeppelin/​test-helpers/​src/​setup');34const { expect } = require('chai');35const { BN, constants, expectEvent, expectRevert } = require('@openzeppelin/​test-helpers');36const { ZERO_ADDRESS } = constants;37const { web3 } = require('@openzeppelin/​test-helpers/​src/​setup');38const {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const assertDecreases = require('chai-assert-decreases');2const {expect} = require('chai');3expect.use(assertDecreases);4describe('test', function () {5 it('test', function () {6 let a = 10;7 expect(() => {8 a++;9 }).to.assertDecreases(() => a);10 });11});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var chai = require('chai');2var chaiBignumber = require('chai-bignumber');3chai.use(chaiBignumber());4var assert = chai.assert;5assert.isAbove(3, 2, '3 is greater than 2');6var chai = require('chai');7var chaiBignumber = require('chai-bignumber');8chai.use(chaiBignumber());9var assert = chai.assert;10assert.isAbove(3, 2, '3 is greater than 2');11assert.isBelow(2, 3, '2 is less than 3');12assert.isAtLeast(3, 2, '3 is greater than 2');13assert.isAtMost(2, 3, '2 is less than 3');14assert.isAbove(3, 2, '3 is greater than 2');15assert.isBelow(2, 3, '2 is less than 3');16assert.isAtLeast(3, 2, '3 is greater than 2');17assert.isAtMost(2, 3, '2 is less than 3');18assert.isAbove(3, 2, '3 is greater than 2');19assert.isBelow(2, 3, '2 is less than 3');20assert.isAtLeast(3, 2, '3 is greater than 2');21assert.isAtMost(2, 3, '2 is less than 3');22assert.isAbove(3, 2, '3 is greater than 2');23assert.isBelow(2, 3, '2 is less than 3');24assert.isAtLeast(3, 2, '3 is greater than 2');25assert.isAtMost(2, 3, '2 is less than 3');26assert.isAbove(3, 2, '3 is greater than 2');27assert.isBelow(2, 3, '2 is less than 3');28assert.isAtLeast(3, 2, '3 is greater than 2');29assert.isAtMost(2, 3, '2 is less than 3');30assert.isAbove(3, 2, '3 is greater than 2');31assert.isBelow(2, 3, '2 is less than 3');32assert.isAtLeast(3, 2, '3

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const assert = require('chai').assert;2const expect = require('chai').expect;3const should = require('chai').should();4const BigNumber = require('bignumber.js');5const assertDecreases = async function (promise, value) {6 const before = new BigNumber(await promise());7 const after = new BigNumber(await promise());8 assert.isTrue(after.isLessThan(before), `Expected ${after.toString()} to be less than ${before.toString()}`);9 assert.isTrue(after.isEqualTo(before.minus(value)), `Expected ${after.toString()} to be equal to ${before.minus(value).toString()}`);10};11const assertIncreases = async function (promise, value) {12 const before = new BigNumber(await promise());13 const after = new BigNumber(await promise());14 assert.isTrue(after.isGreaterThan(before), `Expected ${after.toString()} to be greater than ${before.toString()}`);15 assert.isTrue(after.isEqualTo(, `Expected ${after.toString()} to be equal to ${}`);16};17contract('Test', function (accounts) {18 it('should assert true', async function () {19 const value = 10;20 const promise = async () => {21 return value;22 };23 await assertDecreases(promise, 1);24 });25});26contract('Test', function (accounts) {27 it('should assert true', async function () {28 const value = 10;29 const promise = async () => {30 return value;31 };32 await assertIncreases(promise, 1);33 });34});35contract('Test', function (accounts) {36 it('should assert true', async function () {37 const value = 10;38 const promise = async () => {39 return value;40 };41 await assertDecreases(promise, 1);42 });43});44contract('Test', function (accounts) {45 it('should assert true', async function () {46 const value = 10;47 const promise = async () => {48 return value;49 };50 await assertIncreases(promise, 1);51 });52});53contract('Test', function (accounts) {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const chai = require('chai');2const chaiBn = require('chai-bn')(chai);3const { expect } = chai;4const { BN } = web3.utils;5const BigNumber = web3.BigNumber;6const MyContract = artifacts.require('MyContract');7contract('MyContract', function () {8 it('should decrease', async function () {9 const myContract = await;10 const value = new BN(100);11 expect(await myContract.decrease(value));12 });13});14pragma solidity ^0.5.0;15import "openzeppelin-solidity/​contracts/​math/​SafeMath.sol";16contract MyContract {17 using SafeMath for uint256;18 uint256 public value;19 function decrease(uint256 _value) public returns (uint256) {20 value = value.sub(_value);21 return value;22 }23}24const BN = web3.utils.BN;

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1const assert = require('chai').assert;2const { assertDecreases } = require('chai-assert-decreases');3const test = async () => {4 let n = 10;5 const result = await assertDecreases(() => n, () => {6 n -= 5;7 });8 assert.equal(result, 5);9};10test();11const assert = require('chai').assert;12const { assertDecreases } = require('chai-assert-decreases');13const test = async () => {14 let n = 10;15 const result = await assertDecreases(() => n, () => {16 n -= 5;17 });18 assert.equal(result, 5);19};20test();21const assert = require('chai').assert;22const { assertDecreases } = require('chai-assert-decreases');23const test = async () => {24 let n = 10;25 const result = await assertDecreases(() => n, () => {26 n -= 5;27 });28 assert.equal(result, 5);29};30test();31const assert = require('chai').assert;32const { assertDecreases } = require('chai-assert-decreases');33const test = async () => {34 let n = 10;35 const result = await assertDecreases(() => n, () => {36 n -= 5;37 });38 assert.equal(result, 5);39};40test();41const assert = require('chai').assert;42const { assertDecreases } = require('chai-assert-decreases');43const test = async () => {44 let n = 10;45 const result = await assertDecreases(() => n, () => {46 n -= 5;47 });48 assert.equal(result, 5);49};50test();51const assert = require('chai').assert;52const { assertDecreases } = require('chai-assert-decreases');53const test = async () => {54 let n = 10;55 const result = await assertDecreases(()

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