How to use SameValueZero method in chai

Best JavaScript code snippet using chai


Source: samevalue.js Github


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1/​/​ Copyright 2010 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.2/​/​ Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without3/​/​ modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are4/​/​ met:5/​/​6/​/​ * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright7/​/​ notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.8/​/​ * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above9/​/​ copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following10/​/​ disclaimer in the documentation and/​or other materials provided11/​/​ with the distribution.12/​/​ * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its13/​/​ contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived14/​/​ from this software without specific prior written permission.15/​/​16/​/​ THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS17/​/​ "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT18/​/​ LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR19/​/​ A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT20/​/​ OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL,21/​/​ SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT22/​/​ LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE,23/​/​ DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY24/​/​ THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT25/​/​ (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE26/​/​ OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.27/​/​ Flags: --allow-natives-syntax28/​/​ Test the SameValue and SameValueZero internal methods.29var obj1 = {x: 10, y: 11, z: "test"};30var obj2 = {x: 10, y: 11, z: "test"};31/​/​ uses the SameValue algorithm.32var sameValue =;33/​/​ Set#has() uses the SameValueZero algorithm.34var sameValueZero = (x, y) => new Set([x]).has(y);35/​/​ Calls SameValue and SameValueZero and checks that their results match.36function sameValueBoth(a, b) {37 var result = sameValue(a, b);38 assertTrue(result === sameValueZero(a, b));39 return result;40}41/​/​ Calls SameValue and SameValueZero and checks that their results don't match.42function sameValueZeroOnly(a, b) {43 var result = sameValueZero(a, b);44 assertTrue(result && !sameValue(a, b));45 return result;46}47assertTrue(sameValueBoth(0, 0));48assertTrue(sameValueBoth(+0, +0));49assertTrue(sameValueBoth(-0, -0));50assertTrue(sameValueBoth(1, 1));51assertTrue(sameValueBoth(2, 2));52assertTrue(sameValueBoth(-1, -1));53assertTrue(sameValueBoth(0.5, 0.5));54assertTrue(sameValueBoth(true, true));55assertTrue(sameValueBoth(false, false));56assertTrue(sameValueBoth(NaN, NaN));57assertTrue(sameValueBoth(null, null));58assertTrue(sameValueBoth("foo", "foo"));59assertTrue(sameValueBoth(obj1, obj1));60/​/​ Undefined values.61assertTrue(sameValueBoth());62assertTrue(sameValueBoth(undefined, undefined));63assertFalse(sameValueBoth(0,1));64assertFalse(sameValueBoth("foo", "bar"));65assertFalse(sameValueBoth(obj1, obj2));66assertFalse(sameValueBoth(true, false));67assertFalse(sameValueBoth(obj1, true));68assertFalse(sameValueBoth(obj1, "foo"));69assertFalse(sameValueBoth(obj1, 1));70assertFalse(sameValueBoth(obj1, undefined));71assertFalse(sameValueBoth(obj1, NaN));72assertFalse(sameValueBoth(undefined, true));73assertFalse(sameValueBoth(undefined, "foo"));74assertFalse(sameValueBoth(undefined, 1));75assertFalse(sameValueBoth(undefined, obj1));76assertFalse(sameValueBoth(undefined, NaN));77assertFalse(sameValueBoth(NaN, true));78assertFalse(sameValueBoth(NaN, "foo"));79assertFalse(sameValueBoth(NaN, 1));80assertFalse(sameValueBoth(NaN, obj1));81assertFalse(sameValueBoth(NaN, undefined));82assertFalse(sameValueBoth("foo", true));83assertFalse(sameValueBoth("foo", 1));84assertFalse(sameValueBoth("foo", obj1));85assertFalse(sameValueBoth("foo", undefined));86assertFalse(sameValueBoth("foo", NaN));87assertFalse(sameValueBoth(true, 1));88assertFalse(sameValueBoth(true, obj1));89assertFalse(sameValueBoth(true, undefined));90assertFalse(sameValueBoth(true, NaN));91assertFalse(sameValueBoth(true, "foo"));92assertFalse(sameValueBoth(1, true));93assertFalse(sameValueBoth(1, obj1));94assertFalse(sameValueBoth(1, undefined));95assertFalse(sameValueBoth(1, NaN));96assertFalse(sameValueBoth(1, "foo"));97/​/​ Special string cases.98assertFalse(sameValueBoth("1", 1));99assertFalse(sameValueBoth("true", true));100assertFalse(sameValueBoth("false", false));101assertFalse(sameValueBoth("undefined", undefined));102assertFalse(sameValueBoth("NaN", NaN));103/​/​ SameValue considers -0 and +0 to be different; SameValueZero considers104/​/​ -0 and +0 to be the same.105assertTrue(sameValueZeroOnly(+0, -0));...

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Source: sameValueZero.test.js Github


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1import { multiTest } from 'type-enforcer-test-helper';2import { sameValueZero } from '../​index.js';3import {4 abstractEqual,5 alwaysEqual,6 alwaysNotEqual,7 messageFalse,8 messageTrue,9 sameValueEqual,10 sameValueNotEqual11} from './​helpers/​compareValues.js';12describe('sameValueZero', () => {13 multiTest({14 values: alwaysEqual,15 message: messageTrue,16 test(value) {17 return sameValueZero(value[0], value[1]);18 },19 assertion: 'true'20 });21 multiTest({22 values: sameValueNotEqual,23 message: messageTrue,24 test(value) {25 return sameValueZero(value[0], value[1]);26 },27 assertion: 'true'28 });29 multiTest({30 values: abstractEqual,31 message: messageFalse,32 test(value) {33 return sameValueZero(value[0], value[1]);34 },35 assertion: 'false'36 });37 multiTest({38 values: alwaysNotEqual,39 message: messageFalse,40 test(value) {41 return sameValueZero(value[0], value[1]);42 },43 assertion: 'false'44 });45 multiTest({46 values: sameValueEqual,47 message: messageTrue,48 test(value) {49 return sameValueZero(value[0], value[1]);50 },51 assertion: 'true'52 });...

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Using AI Code Generation


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Using AI Code Generation


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1var chai = require('chai');2var expect = chai.expect;3var assert = chai.assert;4var chaiHttp = require('chai-http');5chai.use(chaiHttp);6var chaiJsonSchema = require('chai-json-schema');7chai.use(chaiJsonSchema);8var supertest = require('supertest');9var mocha = require('mocha');10var describe = mocha.describe;11var it =;12var schema = require('./​schema.json');13var data = require('./​data.json');14var faker = require('faker');15var moment = require('moment');16var _ = require('lodash');17var async = require('async');18var request = require('request');19var cheerio = require('cheerio');20var jsdom = require('jsdom');21var {JSDOM} = jsdom;22var dom = new JSDOM('<!DOCTYPE html><p>Hello world</​p>');23var axios = require('axios');24var superagent = require('superagent');25var rp = require('request-promise');26var fetch = require('node-fetch');27var rp = require('request-promise-native');28var got = require('got');

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Using AI Code Generation


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Using AI Code Generation


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1var chai = require('chai');2var assert = chai.assert;3var expect = chai.expect;4var should = chai.should;5var assert = require('assert');6var expect = require('chai').expect;7var should = require('chai').should();8var chai = require('chai');9var assert = chai.assert;10var expect = chai.expect;11var should = chai.should();12function add(a, b) {13 return a + b;14}15function sub(a, b) {16 return a - b;17}18function mul(a, b) {19 return a * b;20}21function div(a, b) {22 return a /​ b;23}24function name(name) {25 return name;26}27function num(num) {28 return num;29}30function str(str) {31 return str;32}33function bool(bool) {34 return bool;35}36function arr(arr) {37 return arr;38}39function obj(obj) {40 return obj;41}42function undef(undef) {43 return undef;44}45function nul(nul) {46 return nul;47}48function func(func) {49 return func;50}51function nan(nan) {52 return nan;53}54function infinity(infinity) {55 return infinity;56}57function negInfinity(negInfinity) {58 return negInfinity;59}60function negZero(negZero) {61 return negZero;62}63function posZero(posZero) {64 return posZero;65}66function negNum(negNum) {67 return negNum;68}69function posNum(posNum) {70 return posNum;71}72function negNumStr(negNumStr) {73 return negNumStr;74}75function posNumStr(posNumStr) {76 return posNumStr;77}78function negNumStr(negNumStr) {79 return negNumStr;80}81function posNumStr(posNumStr) {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const chai = require('chai');2const assert = chai.assert;3const expect = chai.expect;4const chaiHttp = require('chai-http');5const server = require('../​server');6const { response } = require('express');7const { create } = require('domain');8const { isMainThread } = require('worker_threads');9chai.use(chaiHttp);10let _id;11let _id2;12let _id3;13let _id4;14suite('Functional Tests', function () {15 suite('Routing tests', function () {16 suite('POST /​api/​issues/​{project} => object with issue data', function () {17 test('Every field filled in', function (done) {18 .request(server)19 .post('/​api/​issues/​apitest')20 .send({21 })22 .end(function (err, res) {23 assert.equal(res.status, 200);24 assert.equal(res.body.issue_title, 'Title');25 assert.equal(res.body.issue_text, 'text');26 assert.equal(27 );28 assert.equal(res.body.assigned_to, 'Chai and Mocha');29 assert.equal(res.body.status_text, 'In QA');30 assert.equal(, true);31, '_id');32 _id = res.body._id;33 done();34 });35 });36 test('Required fields filled in', function (done) {37 .request(server)38 .post('/​api/​issues/​apitest')39 .send({40 })41 .end(function (err, res) {42 assert.equal(res.status, 200);43 assert.equal(res.body.issue_title, 'Title');44 assert.equal(res.body.issue_text, 'text');45 assert.equal(46 );47 assert.equal(res.body.assigned_to, '');48 assert.equal(res.body.status_text, '');49 assert.equal(, true);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const assert = require('chai').use(require('chai-same-value-zero')).assert;2const { checkCashRegister } = require('../​cashRegister');3describe('Cash Register', () => {4 it('should return an object', () => {5 assert.isObject(checkCashRegister(19.5, 20, [6 ]));7 });8 it('should return {status: "INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS", change: []} if cid is less than the change due', () => {9 assert.deepEqual(checkCashRegister(19.5, 20, [10 ]), {status: "INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS", change: []});11 });12 it('should return {status: "CLOSED", change: [...cid]} if cid is equal to the change due', () => {13 assert.deepEqual(checkCashRegister(19.5, 20, [14 ]), {status: "CLOSED", change: [["PENNY", 0.5]]});15 });16 it('should return {status: "OPEN", change: [...cid]} if cid is greater than the change due', () => {17 assert.deepEqual(checkCashRegister(19.5, 20, [

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var chai = require('chai');2var expect = chai.expect;3var assert = chai.assert;4var should = chai.should();5describe('should', function() {6 it('should return true', function() {7 var a = 1;8 var b = 1;9 a.should.equal(b);10 });11});12describe('expect', function() {13 it('should return true', function() {14 var a = 1;15 var b = 1;16 expect(a).to.equal(b);17 });18});19describe('assert', function() {20 it('should return true', function() {21 var a = 1;22 var b = 1;23 assert.equal(a, b);24 });25});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const chai = require('chai');2const assert = chai.assert;3const expect = chai.expect;4const should = chai.should();5const {add,subtract,multiply,divide} = require('../​src/​calculator');6describe('Calculator',function(){7 describe('Add',function(){8 it('should return 5 when 2 and 3 are passed',function(){9 expect(add(2,3)).to.equal(5);10 });11 it('should return 0 when 2 and -2 are passed',function(){12 expect(add(2,-2)).to.equal(0);13 });14 it('should return 0 when 0 and 0 are passed',function(){15 expect(add(0,0)).to.equal(0);16 });17 it('should return 0 when 0 and 0 are passed',function(){18 expect(add(0,0)).to.equal(0);19 });20 it('should return 0 when 0 and 0 are passed',function(){21 expect(add(0,0)).to.equal(0);22 });23 it('should return 0 when 0 and 0 are passed',function(){24 expect(add(0,0)).to.equal(0);25 });26 it('should return 0 when 0 and 0 are passed',function(){27 expect(add(0,0)).to.equal(0);28 });29 });30 describe('Subtract',function(){31 it('should return -1 when 2 and 3 are passed',function(){32 expect(subtract(2,3)).to.equal(-1);33 });34 it('should return 4 when 2 and -2 are passed',function(){35 expect(subtract(2,-2)).to.equal(4);36 });37 it('should return 0 when 0 and 0 are passed',function(){38 expect(subtract(0,0)).to.equal(0);39 });40 });41 describe('Multiply',function(){42 it('should return 6 when 2 and 3 are passed',function(){43 expect(multiply(2,3)).to.equal(6);44 });45 it('should return -4 when 2 and -2 are passed',function(){46 expect(multiply(2,-2)).to.equal(-4);47 });48 it('should return 0 when 0 and 0 are passed',

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const chai = require('chai');2const expect = chai.expect;3const assert = chai.assert;4describe('Test case 1', function () {5 it('should return true', function () {6 expect(1).to.equal(1);7 });8});9describe('Test case 2', function () {10 it('should return true', function () {11 expect(1).to.not.equal(2);12 });13});14describe('Test case 3', function () {15 it('should return true', function () {16 expect(1)'number');17 });18});19describe('Test case 4', function () {20 it('should return true', function () {21 expect(1);22 });23});24describe('Test case 5', function () {25 it('should return true', function () {26 expect({ a: 1 }).to.deep.equal({ a: 1 });27 });28});29describe('Test case 6', function () {30 it('should return true', function () {31 expect({ a: 1 })'a');32 });33});34describe('Test case 7', function () {35 it('should return true', function () {36 expect([1, 2, 3]).to.have.lengthOf(3);37 });38});39describe('Test case 8', function () {40 it('should return true', function () {41 expect('foobar').to.have.lengthOf(6);42 });43});44describe('Test case 9', function () {45 it('should return true', function () {46 expect('foobar').to.match(/​^foo/​);47 });48});49describe('Test case 10', function () {50 it('should return true', function () {51 expect('foobar').to.have.string('bar');52 });53});54describe('Test case 11', function () {55 it('should return true', function () {56 expect(null);57 });58});59describe('Test case 12', function () {60 it('should return true', function ()

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