How to use onFinish method in cavy

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Source:Database.ts Github


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...19 var Salt = Security.CreateSalt()20 Database.query(`INSERT INTO authusers(ID, HashedPassword, Salt, SessionID, SignupDate)21 VALUES(${Database.escape(ID)}, '${Security.EncryptPassword(Password, Salt)}', '${Salt}', '', NOW());`, (err, rows, fields) => {22 if (!err) { /​/​오류가 없다면23 onFinish(TaskCode.SUCCESS_WORK) /​/​작업 완료24 } else { /​/​오류 발생 시25 console.log(err)26 onFinish(TaskCode.ERR_DATABASE_UNKNOWN) /​/​알 수 없는 오류27 }28 29 })30 } else { onFinish(TaskCode.ERR_SIGNUP_EXISTS_ACCOUNT) } /​/​일치하는 ID가 이미 있다면31 })32 })33 }34 /​/​로그인 쿼리35 static Signin(ID: string, Password: string, onFinish: (code: TaskCode, newSessionID: string) => any) {36 const Pool = getPool()37 Pool.getConnection((poolErr, Database) => {38 Database.query(`SELECT * FROM authusers WHERE ID=${Database.escape(ID)};`, (err, rows, fields) => {39 if (!err && (rows as any).length == 1) {40 console.log(err)41 var FoundUser = (rows as any)[0]42 var LoginResult: boolean = (FoundUser.HashedPassword == Security.EncryptPassword(Password, FoundUser.Salt))43 if (LoginResult) { /​/​로그인 성공 시44 var SessionID: string = Security.CreateSessionID()45 Database.query(`UPDATE authusers SET SessionID='${SessionID}' WHERE ID=${Database.escape(ID)};`, (err, rows, fields) => {46 console.log(err)47 if (!err) { /​/​새로운 세션 ID 발급 시48 onFinish(TaskCode.SUCCESS_WORK, SessionID)49 50 return51 }52 })53 } else if (!LoginResult) { /​/​페스워드가 틀릴 경우(* 경고 : 페스워드 오류와 일치하는 계정 없음 오류는 보안을 위해 클라이언트에서 하나의 오류로 표시할 것!)54 onFinish(TaskCode.ERR_SIGNIN_NOT_EQUAL_PW, "")55 }56 else { onFinish(TaskCode.ERR_DATABASE_UNKNOWN, "") } /​/​알 수 없는 오류57 } else if ((rows as any).length > 1) { onFinish(TaskCode.ERR_SIGNIN_NOT_FOUND, "") } /​/​일치하는 계정이 없음58 else { onFinish(TaskCode.ERR_DATABASE_UNKNOWN, "") } /​/​알수없는 오류59 60 })61 })62 }63 /​/​기타 작업 시 세션ID 인증 함수64 static AuthSession(SessionID: string, onFinish: (code: TaskCode, newSessionID: string) => any) {65 const Pool = getPool()66 Pool.getConnection((poolErr, Database) => {67 Database.query(`SELECT * FROM authusers WHERE SessionID=${Database.escape(SessionID)};`, (err, rows, fields) => {68 if (!err && (rows as any).length == 1) { /​/​DB 오류가 없다면69 var CreatedSessionID = Security.CreateSessionID()70 Database.query(`UPDATE authusers SET SessionID='${CreatedSessionID}' WHERE SessionID=${Database.escape(SessionID)};`, (err, rows, fields) => {71 if (!err) { /​/​새로운 세션 ID 발급 시72 onFinish(TaskCode.SUCCESS_WORK, CreatedSessionID)73 } else { onFinish(TaskCode.ERR_SESSION_REGEN_FAILED, "") }74 75 return76 })77 } else if ((rows as any).length == 0 || (rows as any).length > 1) { onFinish(TaskCode.ERR_SESSION_AUTH_FAILED, "") } /​/​일치하는 계정을 찾을 수 없음78 else { onFinish(TaskCode.ERR_DATABASE_UNKNOWN, "") } /​/​DB 오류가 있다면79 80 })81 })82 }83 /​/​접촉 기록 추가84 static InsertRecord(myStaticID: string, records: Array<string>, onFinish: (code: TaskCode) => any) {85 const Pool = getPool()86 Pool.getConnection((poolErr, Database) => {87 var QueryValues: string[] = =>88 `(${Database.escape(myStaticID)}, ${Database.escape(it)}, ${Database.escape(momentJS(new Date()).tz("Asia/​Seoul").format("YYYY-MM-DD"))})` /​/​KST TIMEZONE89 )90 /​/​console.log("디버그" + `INSERT INTO scanchains(ScannerStaticID, ScanedDynamicUUID, ContactDayWithoutTime, Authed) VALUES ${QueryValues.join(",")};` + "ㅇ그리고ㅇ" + "INSERT INTO scanchains(ScannerStaticID, ScanedDynamicUUID, ContactDayWithoutTime, Authed) VALUES " + QueryValues.join(",") + ";")91 Database.query(`INSERT INTO scanchains(ScannerStaticID, ScanedDynamicUUID, ContactDayWithoutTime) VALUES ${QueryValues.join(",")};`, (err, rows, fields) => {92 console.log(err)93 if (!err) {94 onFinish(TaskCode.SUCCESS_WORK) /​/​INSERT 성공95 } else { onFinish(TaskCode.ERR_DATABASE_UNKNOWN) } /​/​INSERT 중 오류 발생 시96 97 })98 })99 }100 /​/​확진자 접촉여부 검색101 static SearchRecord(myStaticID: string, onFinish: (code: TaskCode, found_uuid: Array<string>, found_date: Array<string>) => any) {102 const Pool = getPool()103 Pool.getConnection((poolErr, Database) => {104 Database.query(`SELECT * FROM scanchains WHERE ScannerStaticID=${Database.escape(myStaticID)} AND ContactDayWithoutTime > (NOW() - INTERVAL 1 MONTH);`, (err, rows_my, fields) => {105 if (!err) { /​/​확진자들 리스트에서 유저가 스캔했던 접촉기록들을 전부 불러옴(단 한달 전부터 지금까지 있었던 기록만 가져옴)106 if ((rows_my as any).length == 0) { onFinish(TaskCode.SUCCESS_WORK, [], []) } /​/​스캔 기록 자체가 없을 때107 else {108 var myscanedUUIDlist: Array<string> = (rows_my as any).map((it: any) => { return it.ScanedDynamicUUID })109 Database.query(`SELECT * FROM infectedpersons WHERE Authed=1 AND PersonUUID IN (?)`, myscanedUUIDlist, (err, rows, fields) => {110 if (!err) { /​/​인증된 확진자들 중에서 만난 확진자가 있다면111 var contactedUUID: Array<string> = (rows as any).map((it: any) => { return it.PersonUUID })112 var contactedDate: Array<string> = (rows as any).map((it: any) => { return it.ContactDayWithoutTime })113 onFinish(TaskCode.SUCCESS_WORK, contactedUUID, contactedDate) /​/​값 반환114 } else { onFinish(TaskCode.ERR_DATABASE_UNKNOWN, [], []) }115 116 })117 }118 } else { onFinish(TaskCode.ERR_DATABASE_UNKNOWN, [], []); }119 })120 })121 }122 /​/​확진자 추가123 static InsertInfection(Records: Array<string>, GovermentEmail: string, GovermentID: string, PhoneLastNumber: string, onFinish: (code: TaskCode, AuthID: string) => any) {124 const Pool = getPool()125 Pool.getConnection((poolErr, Database) => {126 var QueryValues: string[] = =>127 `(${Database.escape(it)}, ${Database.escape(GovermentID)}, ${Database.escape(PhoneLastNumber)}, ${Database.escape(GovermentEmail)})`128 )129 const EmailAuthID = Security.CreateSessionID()130 Database.query(`INSERT INTO infectedpersons(PersonUUID, GovermentID, PhoneLastNumber, GovermentEMAIL) VALUES ${QueryValues.join(",")};`,131 (err, rows, fields) => { /​/​확진자 등록132 console.log("오류 : " + err?.message + "\n" + err?.code + "\n" + err?.stack) /​/​SQL 디버그(작동 확인후 이 주석은 지우기)133 if (!err) {134 Database.query(`INSERT INTO authinfect(EmailAuthID, GovermentID) VALUES('${EmailAuthID}', ${Database.escape(GovermentID)});`,135 (err, rows, fields) => { /​/​이메일 링크 등록136 console.log("오류 : " + err?.message + "\n" + err?.code) /​/​SQL 디버그(작동 확인후 이 주석은 지우기)137 if (!err) {138 onFinish(TaskCode.SUCCESS_WORK, EmailAuthID)139 } else { onFinish(TaskCode.ERR_DATABASE_UNKNOWN, "") }140 141 })142 } else { onFinish(TaskCode.ERR_DATABASE_UNKNOWN, ""); }143 })144 })145 }146 /​/​확진자 인증147 static AuthInfection(AuthID: string, onFinish: (code: TaskCode) => any) {148 const Pool = getPool()149 Pool.getConnection((poolErr, Database) => { 150 Database.query(`SELECT * FROM authinfect WHERE EmailAuthID=${Database.escape(AuthID)}`, (err, rows, fields) => { /​/​인증 ID로 확진자들 ID 가져오기151 if (!err && (rows as any).length > 0) { /​/​오류가 없다면152 Database.query(`UPDATE infectedpersons SET Authed=1 WHERE GovermentID='${(rows as any)[0].GovermentID}'`, (err, rows, fields) => { /​/​확진자들 ID와 일치하는 확진자는 모두 인증 처리153 if (!err) {154 Database.query(`DELETE FROM authinfect WHERE EmailAuthID=${Database.escape(AuthID)}`)155 onFinish(TaskCode.SUCCESS_WORK)156 } else { onFinish(TaskCode.ERR_DATABASE_UNKNOWN) }157 })158 } else { onFinish(TaskCode.ERR_DATABASE_UNKNOWN) }159 })160 })161 }162}163/​/​데이터베이스 관련 작업 ê²°ê³¼ 코드164enum TaskCode {165 /​/​성공시166 SUCCESS_WORK, /​/​데이터베이스 쿼리가 정상적으로 작동했을 때167 /​/​범용 데이터베이스 오류168 ERR_DATABASE_NOT_CONNECT, /​/​데이터베이스 연결이 안될 때169 ERR_DATABASE_UNKNOWN, /​/​알려지지 않은 오류170 ERR_INVALID_VALUE, /​/​올바르지 않은 입력값171 /​/​회원가입 및 로그인 오류172 ERR_SIGNUP_EXISTS_ACCOUNT, /​/​회원가입 시 계정이 이미 존재할 때...

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Source:action.ts Github


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...50 name,51 },52 });53 if (onFinish) {54 onFinish();55 }56 toast('Department Created Successfully');57 console.log('🚀 ~ file: action.ts ~ line 22 ~ result', res);58 } catch (e) {59 console.log('e', e);60 toast(e);61 dispatch({62 type: 'CREATE_OR_UPDATE',63 payload: false,64 });65 if (onFinish) {66 onFinish();67 }68 }69 };70export const updateDepartment =71 (payload, id, onFinish) => async (dispatch: Dispatch) => {72 try {73 dispatch({74 type: 'CREATE_OR_UPDATE',75 payload: true,76 });77 const {name} = payload;78 await httpClient(`/​department/​${id}`, {79 method: 'PUT',80 body: {81 name,82 },83 });84 toast('Department Updated Successfully');85 if (onFinish) {86 onFinish();87 }88 } catch (e) {89 console.log('e', e);90 toast(e);91 dispatch({92 type: 'CREATE_OR_UPDATE',93 payload: false,94 });95 if (onFinish) {96 onFinish();97 }98 }99 };100export const deleteDepartment =101 (id, onFinish) => async (dispatch: Dispatch) => {102 try {103 dispatch({104 type: 'CREATE_OR_UPDATE',105 payload: true,106 });107 const res = await httpClient(`/​department/​${id}`, {108 method: 'DELETE',109 });110 toast('Sucessfully deleted!');111 if (onFinish) {112 onFinish();113 }114 } catch (e) {115 toast('Somthing Went Wrong!', {116 type: 'error',117 });118 dispatch({119 type: 'CREATE_OR_UPDATE',120 payload: false,121 });122 if (onFinish) {123 onFinish();124 }125 }126 };127 /​/​ Department Actions128export const getAllEmployee =129(payload = {130 searchQuery:'',131 page:0,132 pageSize:5133}) =>134async (dispatch: Dispatch) => {135 try {136 dispatch({137 type: 'LOADING',...

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Source:Manager.js Github


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1/​**2 * @todo -> irgendwann als package manager3 */​4define('classes/​plugins/​Manager', [5 'qui/​QUI',6 'qui/​classes/​DOM',7 'classes/​plugins/​Plugin',8 'qui/​utils/​Object',9 'Ajax',10 'Plugins',11 'Projects'12], function (QUI, DOM, Plugin, ObjectUtils, Ajax, Plugins, Projects) {13 "use strict";14 return new Class({15 Extends: DOM,16 Type : 'classes/​plugins/​Manager',17 initialize: function (options) {18 this.parent(options);19 this.$plugins = {};20 this.$typesNames = {};21 },22 /​**23 * create an Plugin24 *25 * @param plugin - String: Plugin Name26 * @param options - Plugin Params27 * events28 * methods29 */​30 create: function (plugin, options) {31 options = options || {};32 = plugin;33 this.$plugins[plugin] = new Plugin(options);34 },35 get: function (plugin, onfinish) {36 if (this.$plugins[plugin]) {37 this.$get(plugin, onfinish);38 return;39 }40 if (typeof QUI.MVC.plugins[plugin] === 'undefined') {41 onfinish(false);42 return;43 }44 QUI.MVC.require([plugin], function (plugin, onfinish) {45 this.$get(plugin, onfinish);46 }.bind(this, [plugin, onfinish]));47 },48 /​**49 * Load ausführen50 */​51 $get: function (plugin, onfinish) {52 if (this.$plugins[plugin].isLoaded()) {53 onfinish(this.$plugins[plugin]);54 return;55 }56 this.$plugins[plugin].load(function () {57 onfinish(this.$plugins[plugin]);58 }.bind(this, [plugin, onfinish]));59 },60 /​**61 * Return the name of a type62 *63 * @param {String} type64 * @param {Function} [onfinish]65 * @param {Object} [params]66 */​67 getTypeName: function (type, onfinish, params) {68 if (typeof this.$typesNames[type] !== 'undefined') {69 if (typeof onfinish === 'function') {70 onfinish(this.$typesNames[type]);71 }72 return;73 }74 params = ObjectUtils.combine(params, {75 sitetype: type76 });77 Ajax.get('ajax_project_types_get_title', function (result) {78 if (typeof onfinish === 'function') {79 onfinish(result);80 }81 }, params);82 },83 /​**84 * Return all available types of a project85 *86 * @param {String} project - project name87 * @param {Function} [onfinish] - callback88 * @param {Object} [params]89 */​90 getTypes: function (project, onfinish, params) {91 var Project = Projects.get();92 if (typeof project !== 'undefined') {93 Project = Projects.get(project);94 }95 params = params || {};96 params.project = Project.encode();97 Ajax.get('ajax_project_types_get_list', function (result, Ajax) {98 if (typeof onfinish === 'function') {99 onfinish(result, Ajax);100 }101 }, params);102 }103 });...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { afterAll, beforeAll } from 'cavy';2beforeAll(async () => {3 await device.launchApp({ permissions: { notifications: 'YES' } });4});5afterAll(async () => {6 await device.terminateApp();7});8import { spec } from 'cavy';9const testHook = spec(test);10describe('My App', function() {11 testHook('Should do something', async function() {12 await expect(element('some-id'))).toExist();13 });14});15describe('My App', function() {16 testHook('Should do something', async function() {17 await expect(element('some-id'))).toExist();18 });19});20it('Should do something', async function() {21 await expect(element('some-id'))).toExist();22});23#### `expect(element('some-id'))).toExist()`24#### `expect(element('some-id'))).toHaveText('Some text')`25#### `expect(element('some-id'))).toHaveValue('Some value')`26#### `expect(element('some-id'))).toHaveLabel('Some label')`27#### `expect(element('some-id'))).toHaveStyle({ width: 100 })`28#### `expect(element('some-id'))).toBeVisible()`29#### `expect(element('some-id'))).toBeNotVisible()`30#### `expect(element('some-id'))).toBeDisabled()`

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const spec = async (TestComponent) => {2 describe('TestComponent', () => {3 let component;4 let tester;5 beforeEach(async () => {6 component = await loadComponent(7 );8 tester = await createTester(component);9 });10 it('should have a button', async () => {11 await tester.findComponent('button');12 });13 });14};15const spec = async (TestComponent) => {16 describe('TestComponent', () => {17 let component;18 let tester;19 beforeEach(async () => {20 component = await loadComponent(21 );22 tester = await createTester(component);23 });24 it('should have a button', async () => {25 await tester.findComponent('button');26 });27 });28};29const spec = async (TestComponent) => {30 describe('TestComponent', () => {31 let component;32 let tester;33 beforeEach(async () => {34 component = await loadComponent(35 );36 tester = await createTester(component);37 });38 it('should have a button', async () => {39 await tester.findComponent('button');40 });41 });42};43const spec = async (TestComponent) => {44 describe('TestComponent', () => {45 let component;46 let tester;47 beforeEach(async () => {48 component = await loadComponent(49 );50 tester = await createTester(component);51 });52 it('should have a button', async () => {53 await tester.findComponent('button');54 });55 });56};57const spec = async (TestComponent) => {58 describe('TestComponent', () => {59 let component;60 let tester;61 beforeEach(async () => {62 component = await loadComponent(63 );64 tester = await createTester(component);65 });66 it('should have a button', async () => {67 await tester.findComponent('button');68 });69 });70};71const spec = async (TestComponent) => {72 describe('TestComponent', () => {73 let component;74 let tester;75 beforeEach(async () => {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const spec = async (test) => {2 await test('should render the correct text', async (t) => {3 await t.expect(element('text'))).toHaveText('Hello, world!');4 });5};6const specWithFinish = async (test) => {7 await test('should render the correct text', async (t) => {8 await t.expect(element('text'))).toHaveText('Hello, world!');9 });10};11module.exports = {12};13import { spec, specWithFinish } from './​TestComponent';14describe('Example', () => {15 beforeAll(async () => {16 await device.launchApp();17 });18 afterAll(async () => {19 await device.terminateApp();20 });21 describe('Example', () => {22 it('should render the correct text', async () => {23 await spec(test);24 });25 });26});27import { spec, specWithFinish } from './​TestComponent';28describe('Example', () => {29 beforeAll(async () => {30 await device.launchApp();31 });32 afterAll(async () => {33 await device.terminateApp();34 });35 describe('Example', () => {36 it('should render the correct text', async () => {37 await spec(test);38 });39 it('should render the correct text', async () => {40 await specWithFinish(test);41 });42 });43});44This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file for details

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { finish, test } = require('cavy');2const spec = require('./​spec');3test('My first test spec', async (t) => {4 await spec(t);5 await finish(t);6});7Please see [](

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