How to use tarBundle method in Best

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Source:MeteorDeployer.spec.ts Github


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...311 const result = deployer.dockerIsInstalled();312 assert.isFalse(result, 'docker should not be considered installed when an empty path is returned');313 });314});315describe('MeteorDeployer.tarBundle()', (): void => {316 it('should verify bundlePath is readable', (): void => {317 const callback = sinon.fake();318 sinon.stub(fs, 'accessSync').callsFake(callback);319 sinon.stub(childProcess, 'execSync').callsFake(sinon.fake());320 const deployer = new MeteorDeployer(MeteorSettingsFixture, ConfigurationFixture);321 322 deployer.tarBundle(deployer.bundlePath, deployer.config.buildPath, '1.0.0');323 assert.isTrue(callback.calledTwice);324 const directory: string = callback.args[0][0];325 assert.equal(directory, deployer.bundlePath);326 });327 it('should verify buildPath is readable', (): void => {328 const callback = sinon.fake();329 sinon.stub(fs, 'accessSync').callsFake(callback);330 sinon.stub(childProcess, 'execSync').callsFake(sinon.fake());331 const deployer = new MeteorDeployer(MeteorSettingsFixture, ConfigurationFixture);332 333 deployer.tarBundle(deployer.bundlePath, deployer.config.buildPath, '1.0.0');334 assert.isTrue(callback.calledTwice);335 const directory: string = callback.args[1][0];336 assert.equal(directory, deployer.config.buildPath);337 });338 it('should move to bundle subdir', (): void => {339 sinon.stub(fs, 'accessSync').callsFake(sinon.fake());340 const callback = sinon.fake();341 sinon.stub(childProcess, 'execSync').callsFake(callback);342 const deployer = new MeteorDeployer(MeteorSettingsFixture, ConfigurationFixture);343 344 deployer.tarBundle(deployer.bundlePath, deployer.config.buildPath, '1.0.0');345 assert.isTrue(callback.calledOnce);346 const command: string = callback.args[0][0];347 assert.include(command, `-C "${deployer.bundlePath}"`);348 });349 it('should create tar with app name', (): void => {350 sinon.stub(fs, 'accessSync').callsFake(sinon.fake());351 sinon.stub(fs, 'existsSync').returns(true);/​/​archive created352 const callback = sinon.fake();353 sinon.stub(childProcess, 'execSync').callsFake(callback);354 const deployer = new MeteorDeployer(MeteorSettingsFixture, ConfigurationFixture);355 356 deployer.tarBundle(deployer.bundlePath, deployer.config.buildPath, '1.0.0');357 const command: string = callback.args[0][0];358 assert.include(command, `-czf "/​some/​path/​${deployer.appName}/​${deployer.appName}_1.0.0.tar"`);359 });360 it('should append verison number to tar', (): void => {361 sinon.stub(fs, 'accessSync').callsFake(sinon.fake());362 const callback = sinon.fake();363 sinon.stub(childProcess, 'execSync').callsFake(callback);364 const deployer = new MeteorDeployer(MeteorSettingsFixture, ConfigurationFixture);365 const version = '9.9.9';366 367 deployer.tarBundle(deployer.bundlePath, deployer.config.buildPath, version);368 assert.isTrue(callback.calledOnce);369 const command: string = callback.args[0][0];370 assert.include(command, `${deployer.appName}_${version}.tar`);371 });372 it('should return tar path', (): void => {373 sinon.stub(fs, 'accessSync').callsFake(sinon.fake());374 sinon.stub(fs, 'existsSync').returns(true);375 const callback = sinon.fake();376 sinon.stub(childProcess, 'execSync').callsFake(callback);377 const deployer = new MeteorDeployer(MeteorSettingsFixture, ConfigurationFixture);378 const version = '9.9.9';379 380 let result = deployer.tarBundle(deployer.bundlePath, deployer.config.buildPath, version);381 assert.isNotNull(result);382 assert.equal(result, path.join(deployer.config.buildPath, deployer.appName, `${deployer.appName}_${version}.tar`));383 });384 it('should return undefined if archive does not exist', (): void => {385 sinon.stub(fs, 'accessSync').callsFake(sinon.fake());386 sinon.stub(fs, 'existsSync').returns(false);387 const callback = sinon.fake();388 sinon.stub(childProcess, 'execSync').callsFake(callback);389 const deployer = new MeteorDeployer(MeteorSettingsFixture, ConfigurationFixture);390 const version = '9.9.9';391 392 let result = deployer.tarBundle(deployer.bundlePath, deployer.config.buildPath, version);393 assert.isUndefined(result);394 });395});396describe('Meteor.performUpload()', (): void => {397 it('should set ARCHIVE_PATH', (): void => {398 const callback = sinon.fake();399 sinon.stub(childProcess, 'execSync').callsFake(callback);400 const deployer = new MeteorDeployer(MeteorSettingsFixture, ConfigurationFixture);401 const archivePath = path.join(ConfigurationFixture.buildPath, 'build', 'archive.tar');402 403 deployer.performUpload(archivePath);404 assert.isTrue(callback.calledOnce);405 const command: string = callback.args[0][0];406 assert.include(command, archivePath);...

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Source:script.js Github


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1/​/​ Copyright 2014 Technical Machine, Inc. See the COPYRIGHT2/​/​ file at the top-level directory of this distribution.3/​/​4/​/​ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or5/​/​ http:/​/​​licenses/​LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license6/​/​ <LICENSE-MIT or http:/​/​​licenses/​MIT>, at your7/​/​ option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed8/​/​ except according to those terms.9var fs = require('fs')10 , path = require('path')11 ;12var hardwareResolve = require('hardware-resolve')13 , effess = require('effess')14 , humanize = require('humanize')15 , tessel = require('../​')16 , logs = require('../​src/​logs')17 ;18/​/​ analyzeScript (string arg, { verbose, single }) -> { pushdir, relpath, files, size }19/​/​ Given a command-line file path, resolve whether we are bundling a file, 20/​/​ its directory, or its ancestral node module.21function analyzeScript (arg, opts)22{23 function duparg (arr) {24 var obj = {};25 arr.forEach(function (arg) {26 obj[arg] = arg;27 })28 return obj;29 }30 var ret = {};31 hardwareResolve.root(arg, function (err, pushdir, relpath) {32 var files;33 if (opts.single || !pushdir) {34 if (!opts.single && fs.lstatSync(arg).isDirectory()) {35 ret.warning = String(err ? err.message : 'Warning.').replace(/​\.( |$)/​, '. Deploying just this directory.');36 pushdir = fs.realpathSync(arg);37 relpath = fs.lstatSync(path.join(arg, 'index.js')) && 'index.js';38 files = duparg(effess.readdirRecursiveSync(arg, {39 inflateSymlinks: true,40 excludeHiddenUnix: true41 }))42 } else {43 ret.warning = String(err ? err.message : 'Warning.').replace(/​\.( |$)/​, '. Deploying just this file.');44 pushdir = path.dirname(fs.realpathSync(arg));45 relpath = path.basename(arg);46 files = duparg([path.basename(arg)]);47 }48 } else {49 /​/​ Parse defaults from command line for inclusion or exclusion50 var defaults = {};51 if (typeof opts.x == 'string') {52 opts.x = [opts.x];53 }54 if (opts.x) {55 opts.x.forEach(function (arg) {56 defaults[arg] = false;57 })58 }59 if (typeof opts.i == 'string') {60 opts.i = [opts.i];61 }62 if (opts.i) {63 opts.i.forEach(function (arg) {64 defaults[arg] = true;65 })66 }67 /​/​ Get list of hardware files.68 files = hardwareResolve.list(pushdir, null, null, defaults);69 /​/​ Ensure the requested file from command line is included, even if blacklisted70 if (!(relpath in files)) {71 files[relpath] = relpath;72 }73 }74 ret.pushdir = pushdir;75 ret.relpath = relpath;76 ret.files = files;77 /​/​ Update files values to be full paths in pushFiles.78 Object.keys(ret.files).forEach(function (file) {79 ret.files[file] = fs.realpathSync(path.join(pushdir, ret.files[file]));80 })81 })82 /​/​ Dump stats for files and their sizes.83 var sizelookup = {};84 Object.keys(ret.files).forEach(function (file) {85 sizelookup[file] = fs.lstatSync(ret.files[file]).size;86 var dir = file;87 do {88 dir = path.dirname(dir);89 sizelookup[dir + '/​'] = (sizelookup[dir + '/​'] || 0) + sizelookup[file];90 } while (path.dirname(dir) != dir);91 });92 if (opts.verbose) {93 Object.keys(sizelookup).sort().forEach(function (file) {94​\/​$/​) ? ' ' + file.underline : ' \u2192 ' + file, '(' + humanize.filesize(sizelookup[file]) + ')');95 });96'Total file size:', humanize.filesize(sizelookup['./​'] || 0));97 }98 ret.size = sizelookup['./​'] || 0;99 return ret;100}101/​/​ tessel.bundleScript(pushpath, args, opts, next(err, tarbundle))102/​/​ Bundles a script path and arguments into a packed bundle.103tessel.bundleScript = function (pushpath, argv, bundleopts, next)104{105 var self = this;106 if (typeof bundleopts == 'function') {107 next = bundleopts;108 bundleopts = {};109 }110 var verbose = !bundleopts.quiet;111 var ret = analyzeScript(pushpath, bundleopts);112 if (ret.warning) {113 verbose && logs.warn(ret.warning);114 }115 verbose &&'Bundling directory ' + ret.pushdir);116 /​/​ Create archive and deploy it to tessel.117 tessel.bundleFiles(ret.relpath, argv, ret.files, bundleopts, next);118}119/​/​ client#run(pushpath, args, next(err))120/​/​ Run and deploy a script to this Tessel.121/​/​ Meant to be a simplification of the bundling = function (pushpath, argv, bundleopts, next)123{124 var self = this;125 if (typeof bundleopts == 'function') {126 next = bundleopts;127 bundleopts = {};128 }129 var verbose = !bundleopts.quiet;130 /​/​ Bundle code based on file path.131 tessel.bundleScript(pushpath, argv, bundleopts, function (err, tarbundle) {132 verbose &&'Deploying bundle (' + humanize.filesize(tarbundle.length) + ')...');133 if (bundleopts.savePath){134 fs.writeFile(bundleopts.savePath, tarbundle, function(){135 self.deployBundle(tarbundle, bundleopts, next);136 });137 } else {138 self.deployBundle(tarbundle, bundleopts, next);139 }140 })141}142/​/​ tessel.script(pushpath, args, next(err))143/​/​ Dead-simple mechanism for pushing code to Tessel.144function script (pushpath, args, next)145{146 tessel.findTessel({}, function (err, client) {147 /​/​ client.listen(true, [10, 11, 12, 13, 20, 21, 22])148 if (err) {149 throw new Error('No tessel connected, aborting: ' + err);150 }151, args, function (err) {152 /​/​ Log errors.153 client.on('error', function (err) {154 logs.err('Cannot connect to Tessel locally.', err);155 })156 /​/​ Bundle and upload code.157'uploading tessel code...');158 /​/​ When this script ends, stop the client.159 client.once('script-stop', function (code) {160 client.close();161 });162 /​/​ Handle running script.163 next(err, client);164 })165 });166}167tessel.analyzeScript = analyzeScript;...

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Source:tessel-pack.js Github


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1#!/​usr/​bin/​env node2/​/​ Copyright 2014 Technical Machine, Inc. See the COPYRIGHT3/​/​ file at the top-level directory of this distribution.4/​/​5/​/​ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or6/​/​ http:/​/​​licenses/​LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license7/​/​ <LICENSE-MIT or http:/​/​​licenses/​MIT>, at your8/​/​ option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed9/​/​ except according to those terms.10var common = require('../​src/​cli')11 , colors = require('colors')12 , tessel = require('../​')13 , path = require('path')14 , fs = require('fs')15 , util = require('util')16 , humanize = require('humanize')17 , logs = require('../​src/​logs')18 ;19/​/​ Setup cli.20common.basic();21/​/​ Command-line arguments22var argv = require("nomnom")23 .script('tessel-push')24 .option('script', {25 position: 0,26 /​/​ required: true,27 default: '.',28 full: 'script.js',29 help: 'Pack this script as an archive.',30 })31 .option('args', {32 abbr: 'a',33 list: true,34 help: 'Arguments to pass in as process.argv.'35 })36 .option('dry', {37 abbr: 'd',38 flag: true,39 help: 'Do not output a tar bundle.'40 })41 .option('help', {42 abbr: 'h',43 flag: true,44 help: 'Show usage for tessel pack'45 })46 .parse();47function usage () {48 console.error(require('nomnom').getUsage());49 process.exit(1);50}51tessel.bundleScript(argv.script, argv.args, {52 quiet: true,53}, function (err, tarbundle) {54'wrote %s bytes', humanize.filesize(tarbundle.length))55 if (!argv.dry) {56 var file = 'tessel-' + path.basename(process.cwd()) + '.tar';57 fs.writeFileSync(file, tarbundle);59 }...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var BestZip = require('bestzip');2var fs = require('fs');3var path = require('path');4var zipPath = path.join(__dirname, '');5var sourcePath = path.join(__dirname, 'test4');6var options = {7 tar: {8 map: function (header) {9 = 'test4/​' +;10 return header;11 }12 }13};, function (err) {15 if (err) {16 console.log(err);17 }18 else {19 console.log(' created');20 }21});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const BestZip = require('bestzip');2const path = require('path');3BestZip({4 source: path.join(__dirname, 'test'),5 destination: path.join(__dirname, 'test.tar')6})7 .then(() => console.log('done'))8 .catch(err => console.error(err));

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var fs = require('fs');2var tar = require('tar');3var zlib = require('zlib');4var bestPracticeEngine = require('../​lib/​bestPracticeEngine');5var tarBundle = new bestPracticeEngine.TarBundle('test4.tar');6tarBundle.addFile('testdir/​test1.js');7tarBundle.addFile('testdir/​test2.js');8tarBundle.generateTarFile();

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