How to use handleIncomingMessage method in Best

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Source:kafkaThrottlingManager-test.js Github


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...45 partition: 4,46 msg: 'some-message1',47 offset: 100048 };49 kafkaThrottlingManager.handleIncomingMessage(message);50 await sleep(1000);51 should(commitFunctionStub.calledOnce).eql(true);52 should(logTraceStub.args[0][0]).equal(`kafkaThrottlingManager finished handling message: topic: ${message.topic}, partition: ${message.partition}, offset: ${message.offset}`);53 });54 it('Second call to handleIncomingMessage should write to inner queue ', async () => {55 sandbox.resetHistory();56 let message = {57 topic: 'TopicA',58 partition: 4,59 msg: 'some-message2',60 offset: 100261 };62 kafkaThrottlingManager.handleIncomingMessage(message);63 await sleep(100);64 should(commitFunctionStub.calledOnce).eql(true);65 should(logTraceStub.args[0][0]).equal(`kafkaThrottlingManager finished handling message: topic: ${message.topic}, partition: ${message.partition}, offset: ${message.offset}`);66 });67 });68 describe('handleIncomingMessage is failing', () => {69 let errorCallbackStub;70 before(async () => {71 logInfoStub = sandbox.stub();72 logTraceStub = sandbox.stub();73 logErrorStub = sandbox.stub();74 errorCallbackStub = sandbox.stub();75 logger = { error: logErrorStub, trace: logTraceStub, info: logInfoStub };76 commitFunctionStub = sandbox.stub();77 kafkaStreamConsumer.commit = commitFunctionStub;78 kafkaThrottlingManager = new KafkaThrottlingManager();79 kafkaThrottlingManager.init(1, 5000, ['TopicA', 'TopicB'],80 () => Promise.reject(new Error('some error message')),81 (msg, err) => {82 return errorCallbackStub(msg, err);83 },84 kafkaStreamConsumer, logger);85 });86 afterEach(() => {87 sandbox.reset();88 });89 after(() => {90 kafkaThrottlingManager.stop();91 sandbox.restore();92 });93 it('handleIncomingMessage should rejected and write it to log ', async () => {94 sandbox.resetHistory();95 errorCallbackStub.yields('error function that resolves');96 let message = {97 topic: 'TopicA',98 partition: 4,99 msg: 'some-message',100 offset: 1005101 };102 let endStub = sandbox.stub();103 let histogram = {104 startTimer: sandbox.stub()105 };106 histogram.startTimer.returns(endStub);107 kafkaThrottlingManager.handleIncomingMessage(message, histogram);108 await sleep(100);109 should(commitFunctionStub.calledOnce).eql(true);110 should(errorCallbackStub.calledOnce).eql(true);111 should(errorCallbackStub.args[0][0]).deepEqual(message);112 should(errorCallbackStub.args[0][1]).deepEqual(new Error('some error message'));113 should(logErrorStub.args[0]).eql(['MessageFunction was rejected', new Error('some error message')]);114 });115 it('handleIncomingMessage should rejected and write it to log ', async () => {116 sandbox.resetHistory();117 errorCallbackStub.rejects('error function that rejects');118 let message = {119 topic: 'TopicA',120 partition: 4,121 msg: 'some-message',122 offset: 1005123 };124 let endStub = sandbox.stub();125 let histogram = {126 startTimer: sandbox.stub()127 };128 histogram.startTimer.returns(endStub);129 kafkaThrottlingManager.handleIncomingMessage(message, histogram);130 await sleep(100);131 should(commitFunctionStub.calledOnce).eql(true);132 should(errorCallbackStub.calledOnce).eql(true);133 should(errorCallbackStub.args[0][0]).deepEqual(message);134 should(logErrorStub.args[0]).eql(['MessageFunction was rejected', new Error('some error message')]);135 should(logErrorStub.args[1][0]).eql('ErrorMessageFunction invocation was rejected');136 });137 });138 describe('Testing init and the manageQueue by interval', () => {139 let interval = 1000;140 let thresholdMessages = 20;141 let callbackFunc = () => {142 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {143 setTimeout(() => {144 return resolve();145 }, 200);146 });147 };148 let callbackErrorFunc = () => {149 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {150 setTimeout(() => {151 return resolve();152 }, 200);153 });154 };155 before(() => {156 logInfoStub = sandbox.stub();157 logTraceStub = sandbox.stub();158 logger = { error: sandbox.stub(), trace: logTraceStub, info: logInfoStub };159 });160 after(() => {161 kafkaThrottlingManager.stop();162 sandbox.resetHistory();163 sandbox.restore();164 });165 it('Successful init to inner async queues', () => {166 kafkaThrottlingManager = new KafkaThrottlingManager();167 kafkaThrottlingManager.init(thresholdMessages,168 interval, ['TopicA', 'TopicB'], callbackFunc, callbackErrorFunc, kafkaStreamConsumer, logger);169 let queues = kafkaThrottlingManager.innerQueues;170 queues.should.eql({ TopicA: {}, TopicB: {} });171 });172 it('Wait for first interval', (done) => {173 setTimeout(() => done(), interval);174 });175 it('Verify manageQueues was called and not paused', () => {176 should(logTraceStub.args[0][0]).eql('managing queues..');177 should(logTraceStub.args[1][0]).eql('Total messages in queues are: 0');178 should(consumerSetThirstyStub.args[0][0]).eql(true);179 should(consumerResumeStub.calledOnce).eql(true);180 should(consumerPauseStub.callCount).eql(0);181 sandbox.reset();182 });183 it('set number of messages to above the threshold', () => {184 for (let i = 0; i < thresholdMessages + 30; i++) {185 kafkaThrottlingManager.handleIncomingMessage({ partition: 0, topic: 'TopicA', offset: i });186 }187 });188 it('Wait for second interval', (done) => {189 setTimeout(() => done(), interval);190 });191 it('Verify manageQueues was called and paused', () => {192 should(consumerSetThirstyStub.args[consumerSetThirstyStub.args.length - 1][0]).eql(false);193 should(consumerPauseStub.calledOnce).eql(true);194 });195 });...

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Source:ChatRoom.jsx Github


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1import { useEffect, useState, useRef } from 'react'2import Button from 'react-bootstrap/Button'3import Form from 'react-bootstrap/Form'4import InputGroup from 'react-bootstrap/InputGroup'5import ListGroup from 'react-bootstrap/ListGroup'6import { useNavigate, useParams } from 'react-router-dom'7import { useChatContext } from '../contexts/ChatContextProvider'8const ChatRoom = () => {9 const [message, setMessage] = useState('')10 const [messages, setMessages] = useState([])11 const [users, setUsers] = useState([])12 const [connected, setConnected] = useState(false)13 const { chatUsername, socket } = useChatContext()14 const { room_id } = useParams()15 const navigate = useNavigate()16 const messageRef = useRef()17 const handleIncomingMessage = msg => {18 console.log("Received a new chat message", msg)19 // add message to chat20 setMessages(prevMessages => [ ...prevMessages, msg ])21 }22 const handleUpdateUsers = userlist => {23 console.log("Got new userlist", userlist)24 setUsers(userlist)25 }26 const handleSubmit = async e => {27 e.preventDefault()28 if (!message.length) {29 return30 }31 // construct message object32 const msg = {33 username: chatUsername,34 room: room_id,35 content: message,36 timestamp:,37 }38 // emit chat message39 socket.emit('chat:message', msg)40 // add message to chat41 setMessages(prevMessages =>42 [43 ...prevMessages,44 { ...msg, self: true }45 ]46 )47 // clear message input and refocus on input element48 setMessage('')49 messageRef.current.focus()50 }51 // connect to room when component is mounted52 useEffect(() => {53 // if no username, redirect them to the login page54 if (!chatUsername) {55 navigate('/')56 return57 }58 // emit join request59 socket.emit('user:joined', chatUsername, room_id, status => {60 console.log(`Successfully joined ${room_id} as ${chatUsername}`, status)61 setConnected(true)62 })63 // listen for incoming messages64 socket.on('chat:message', handleIncomingMessage)65 // listen for updated userlist66 socket.on('user:list', handleUpdateUsers)67 return () => {68 console.log("Running cleanup")69 // stop listening to events70'chat:message', handleIncomingMessage)71'user:list', handleUpdateUsers)72 // rage-quit73 socket.emit('user:left', chatUsername, room_id)74 }75 }, [socket, room_id, chatUsername, navigate])76 useEffect(() => {77 // focus on message input78 messageRef.current && messageRef.current.focus()79 }, [])80 // display connecting message81 if (!connected) {82 return (83 <p>Stand by, connecting....</p>84 )85 }86 return (87 <div id="chat-room">88 <div id="chat">89 <h2>#{room_id}</h2>90 <div id="messages-wrapper">91 <ListGroup id="messages">92 {, index) => {93 const ts = new Date(message.timestamp)94 const time = ts.toLocaleTimeString()95 return (96 <ListGroup.Item key={index} className="message">97 <span className="time">{time}</span>98 <span className="user">{message.username}:</span>99 <span className="content">{message.content}</span>100 </ListGroup.Item>101 )102 }103 )}104 </ListGroup>105 </div>106 <Form onSubmit={handleSubmit} id="message-form">107 <InputGroup>108 <Form.Control109 onChange={e => setMessage(}110 placeholder="Say something nice..."111 ref={messageRef}112 required113 type="text"114 value={message}115 />116 <Button variant="success" type="submit" disabled={!message.length}>Send</Button>117 </InputGroup>118 </Form>119 </div>120 <div id="users">121 <h2>Users</h2>122 <ul id="online-users">123 {Object.values(users).map((user, index) =>124 <li key={index}><span className="user-icon">🧑</span> {user}</li>125 )}126 </ul>127 </div>128 </div>129 )130}...

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Source:App.js Github


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...22 socket.emit(JOIN_ROOM, {23 room: 'room_name',24 id: USER_ID,25 })26 handleIncomingMessage({ message: `Hi, ${USER_ID}.` })27 }28 const handleUserConnect = (userId) => {29 handleIncomingMessage({ message: `${userId} connected` })30 }31 const handleUserDisconnect = (userId) => {32 handleIncomingMessage({ message: `${userId} disconnected` })33 }34 const addSocketListeners = () => {35 socket.on(RECEIVE_MESSAGE, handleIncomingMessage)36 socket.on(USER_CONNECTED, handleUserConnect)37 socket.on(USER_DISCONNECTED, handleUserDisconnect)38 }39 const removeSocketListeners = () => {40, handleIncomingMessage)41, handleUserConnect)42, handleUserDisconnect)43 }44 useEffect(() => {45 joinSocketRoom()46 addSocketListeners()...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var BestBot = require('./BestBot');2var myBot = new BestBot();3myBot.handleIncomingMessage('hello');4myBot.handleIncomingMessage('what is your name?');5myBot.handleIncomingMessage('what is 2 + 2?');6myBot.handleIncomingMessage('what is 2 - 2?');7myBot.handleIncomingMessage('what is 2 * 2?');8myBot.handleIncomingMessage('what is 2 / 2?');9myBot.handleIncomingMessage('what is 2 ^ 2?');10myBot.handleIncomingMessage('what is 2 % 2?');11myBot.handleIncomingMessage('what is the square root of 2?');12myBot.handleIncomingMessage('what is 2 + 2 * 2?');13myBot.handleIncomingMessage('what is 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2?');

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var BestBot = require('./BestBot.js');2var bot = new BestBot();3bot.handleIncomingMessage('Hello', function (response) {4 console.log(response);5});6bot.handleIncomingMessage('How are you', function (response) {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const BestBot = require('./BestBot');2let myBot = new BestBot();3myBot.handleIncomingMessage('hello');4myBot.handleIncomingMessage('help');5myBot.handleIncomingMessage('what do you do?');6myBot.handleIncomingMessage('who are you?');7myBot.handleIncomingMessage('what is your name?');8myBot.handleIncomingMessage('goodbye');9myBot.handleIncomingMessage('bye');10myBot.handleIncomingMessage('see you later');11myBot.handleIncomingMessage('I love you');12myBot.handleIncomingMessage('I hate you');13myBot.handleIncomingMessage('I like you');14myBot.handleIncomingMessage('I am happy');15myBot.handleIncomingMessage('I am sad');16myBot.handleIncomingMessage('I am angry');17myBot.handleIncomingMessage('I am confused');18myBot.handleIncomingMessage('I am bored');19myBot.handleIncomingMessage('I am tired');20myBot.handleIncomingMessage('I am hungry');21myBot.handleIncomingMessage('I am thirsty');22myBot.handleIncomingMessage('I am scared');23myBot.handleIncomingMessage('I am excited');24myBot.handleIncomingMessage('I am worried');25myBot.handleIncomingMessage('I am anxious');26myBot.handleIncomingMessage('I am sick');27myBot.handleIncomingMessage('I am not well');28myBot.handleIncomingMessage('I am ill');29myBot.handleIncomingMessage('I am freezing');30myBot.handleIncomingMessage('I am hot');31myBot.handleIncomingMessage('I am cold');32myBot.handleIncomingMessage('I am warm');33myBot.handleIncomingMessage('I am in pain');34myBot.handleIncomingMessage('I am in trouble');35myBot.handleIncomingMessage('I am in danger');36myBot.handleIncomingMessage('I am in distres

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const BestBot = require('./BestBot.js');2const bot = new BestBot();3const message = {4};5bot.handleIncomingMessage(message, (response) => {6 console.log(response.text);7});

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