Best JavaScript code snippet using best
Source: bench-hyperspace.js
...189 const result = await fn()190 histograms[key].recordValue(( - start) / 1000)191 return result192}193function executeBenchmark(name, histograms, fn) {194 for (const word of process.argv.slice(2)) {195 const pattern = new RegExp(word, 'i')196 if (!name.match(pattern)) {197 console.log(`Skipping '${name}'`)198 return199 }200 }201 console.log(`Starting '${name}'`)202 const suite = new Benchmark.Suite203 return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {204 const histogram =;205 suite206 .add(name, (deferred) => {207 record(histograms, 'total', async () => fn(deferred, histograms))208 }, { defer: true })209 .on('cycle', (event) => {210 finishBenchmark(name, event, histograms)211 resolve();212 })213 .run();214 })215}216function finishBenchmark(name, event, histograms) {217 console.log(String( globalCtx[name] = outputHistograms(histograms)219}220function allocMessage(recordSize) {221 return Buffer.allocUnsafe(recordSize).fill(Math.floor(Math.random() * 10))222}223async function runAll() {224 const message10B = allocMessage(10)225 const message1KB = allocMessage(1000)226 const message1MB = allocMessage(1000000)227 await executeBenchmark('Start and stop single RAM server',228 {},229 async function (deferred, histograms) {230 const server = new Server({231 storage: ram,232 network: { bootstrap: [] },233 noMigrate: true234 })235 await record(histograms, 'serverReady', async () => server.ready())236 await record(histograms, 'serverClose', async () => server.close())237 deferred.resolve()238 })239 await executeBenchmark('Start and stop single RAM server and single client',240 {},241 async function (deferred, histograms) {242 const server = new Server({243 storage: ram,244 network: { bootstrap: [] },245 noMigrate: true246 })247 await record(histograms, 'serverReady', async () => await server.ready())248 const client = new Client()249 await record(histograms, 'clientReady', async () => await client.ready())250 await record(histograms, 'clientClose', async () => await client.close())251 await record(histograms, 'serverClose', async () => await server.close())252 deferred.resolve()253 })254 const singleServerFun = async function (deferred, histograms, useFS, options) {255 histograms['blocks.fix'] = newFixedHist(options.blocks)256 histograms['readerCount.fix'] = newFixedHist(options.readerCount)257 const cleanups = { 'deferred': () => deferred.resolve() }258 let tmpDir259 if (useFS) {260 tmpDir = await record(histograms, 'mkdir', async () => await tmp.dir({ unsafeCleanup: true }))261 cleanups['tmpdir'] = async () => await tmpDir.cleanup()262 }263 const server = new Server({264 storage: useFS ? tmpDir.path : ram,265 network: { bootstrap: [] },266 noMigrate: true267 })268 await record(histograms, 'readAndWrite', async () => await readAndWrite(histograms, server, {269 cleanups,270 ...options271 }))272 }273 const singleServerHypercoreFun = async function (deferred, histograms, useFS, message, blocks, readerCount) {274 histograms['messageLen.fix'] = newFixedHist(message.length)275 await singleServerFun(deferred, histograms, useFS, {276 writeFun: (core) => writeMessage(core, message),277 readFun: (core, idx) => readMessage(core, idx, message),278 blocks, readerCount279 })280 }281 const singleServerHyperdriveFun = async function (deferred, histograms, useFS, message, blocks, readerCount) {282 histograms['messageLen.fix'] = newFixedHist(message.length)283 await singleServerFun(deferred, histograms, useFS, {284 writeFun: (drive, idx) => writeFile(drive, idx, message),285 readFun: (drive, idx) => readFile(drive, idx, message),286 blocks, readerCount, useDrive: true287 })288 }289 await executeBenchmark('Create single RAM server, write 1 block with 10B and read from another client',290 {},291 async (deferred, histograms) =>292 await singleServerHypercoreFun(deferred, histograms, false, message10B, 1, 1)293 )294 await executeBenchmark('Create single FS server, write 1 block with 10B and read from another client',295 {},296 async (deferred, histograms) =>297 await singleServerHypercoreFun(deferred, histograms, true, message10B, 1, 1)298 )299 await executeBenchmark('Create single RAM server, write 1000 blocks with 10B and read from another client',300 {},301 async (deferred, histograms) =>302 await singleServerHypercoreFun(deferred, histograms, false, message10B, 1000, 1)303 )304 await executeBenchmark('Create single FS server, write 1000 blocks with 10B and read from another client',305 {},306 async (deferred, histograms) =>307 await singleServerHypercoreFun(deferred, histograms, true, message10B, 1000, 1)308 )309 await executeBenchmark('Create single RAM server, write 1000 blocks with 10B and read from another 10 clients',310 {},311 async (deferred, histograms) =>312 await singleServerHypercoreFun(deferred, histograms, false, message10B, 1000, 10)313 )314 await executeBenchmark('Create single FS server, write 1000 blocks with 10B and read from another 10 clients',315 {},316 async (deferred, histograms) =>317 await singleServerHypercoreFun(deferred, histograms, true, message10B, 1000, 10)318 )319 await executeBenchmark('Create single RAM server, write 1000 blocks with 1KB and read from another client',320 {},321 async (deferred, histograms) =>322 await singleServerHypercoreFun(deferred, histograms, false, message1KB, 1000, 1)323 )324 await executeBenchmark('Create single FS server, write 1000 blocks with 1KB and read from another client',325 {},326 async (deferred, histograms) =>327 await singleServerHypercoreFun(deferred, histograms, true, message1KB, 1000, 1)328 )329 await executeBenchmark('Create single RAM server, write 100 blocks with 1MB and read from another client',330 {},331 async (deferred, histograms) =>332 await singleServerHypercoreFun(deferred, histograms, false, message1MB, 100, 1)333 )334 await executeBenchmark('Create single FS server, write 100 blocks with 1MB and read from another client',335 {},336 async (deferred, histograms) =>337 await singleServerHypercoreFun(deferred, histograms, true, message1MB, 100, 1)338 )339 // DHT340 const benchmarkDHTFn = function (message, blocks) {341 return async function (deferred, histograms) {342 let cleanups = {}343 const { bootstrap, dhtCleanup } = await record(histograms, 'dht.init',344 async () => await createDHTServer())345 cleanups.dht = async () => dhtCleanup()346 const writerServer = new Server({347 storage: ram,348 network: { bootstrap },349 noMigrate: true,350 host: 'hyperspace-writer'351 })352 // ready() and close() are called in readAndWrite353 const readerServer = new Server({354 storage: ram,355 network: {356 bootstrap357 },358 noMigrate: true,359 host: 'hyperspace-reader'360 })361 cleanups.readerServer = async () => readerServer.close()362 await record(histograms, 'readerServer.init', async () => await readerServer.ready())363 await record(histograms, 'readAndWrite', async () => await readAndWrite(histograms, writerServer, {364 blocks,365 writerClientFun: () => new Client({ host: 'hyperspace-writer' }),366 readerClientFun: (idx) => new Client({ host: 'hyperspace-reader' }),367 writeFun: async (feed, blockIdx, client) => {368 await writeMessage(feed, message)369 await, { announce: true, lookup: true, flush: true })370 },371 readFun: async (feed, blockIdx, client, discoveryKey) => {372 if (blockIdx == 0) {373 // one time configuration374 await, { announce: false, lookup: true })375 }376 await readMessage(feed, blockIdx, message)377 },378 cleanups379 }))380 deferred.resolve()381 }382 }383 await executeBenchmark('Create DHT, two RAM servers, write 1 block with 10B and read using another server and client',384 {},385 benchmarkDHTFn(message10B, 1))386 await executeBenchmark('Create DHT, two RAM servers, write 1000 blocks with 1KB and read using another server and client',387 {},388 benchmarkDHTFn(message1KB, 1000))389 await executeBenchmark('Create DHT, two RAM servers, write 100 blocks with 1MB and read using another server and client',390 {},391 benchmarkDHTFn(message1MB, 100))392 // hyperdrive393 await executeBenchmark('Hyperdrive - Create single RAM server, write 1 block with 10B and read from another client',394 {},395 async (deferred, histograms) =>396 await singleServerHyperdriveFun(deferred, histograms, false, message10B, 1, 1)397 )398 await executeBenchmark('Hyperdrive - Create single FS server, write 1 block with 10B and read from another client',399 {},400 async (deferred, histograms) =>401 await singleServerHyperdriveFun(deferred, histograms, true, message10B, 1, 1)402 )403 await executeBenchmark('Hyperdrive - Create single RAM server, write 1000 blocks with 10B and read from another client',404 {},405 async (deferred, histograms) =>406 await singleServerHyperdriveFun(deferred, histograms, false, message10B, 1000, 1)407 )408 await executeBenchmark('Hyperdrive - Create single FS server, write 1000 blocks with 10B and read from another client',409 {},410 async (deferred, histograms) =>411 await singleServerHyperdriveFun(deferred, histograms, true, message10B, 1000, 1)412 )413 await executeBenchmark('Hyperdrive - Create single RAM server, write 1000 blocks with 10B and read from another 10 clients',414 {},415 async (deferred, histograms) =>416 await singleServerHyperdriveFun(deferred, histograms, false, message10B, 1000, 10)417 )418 await executeBenchmark('Hyperdrive - Create single FS server, write 1000 blocks with 10B and read from another 10 clients',419 {},420 async (deferred, histograms) =>421 await singleServerHyperdriveFun(deferred, histograms, true, message10B, 1000, 10)422 )423 await executeBenchmark('Hyperdrive - Create single RAM server, write 1000 blocks with 1KB and read from another client',424 {},425 async (deferred, histograms) =>426 await singleServerHyperdriveFun(deferred, histograms, false, message1KB, 1000, 1)427 )428 await executeBenchmark('Hyperdrive - Create single FS server, write 1000 blocks with 1KB and read from another client',429 {},430 async (deferred, histograms) =>431 await singleServerHyperdriveFun(deferred, histograms, true, message1KB, 1000, 1)432 )433 await executeBenchmark('Hyperdrive - Create single RAM server, write 100 blocks with 1MB and read from another client',434 {},435 async (deferred, histograms) =>436 await singleServerHyperdriveFun(deferred, histograms, false, message1MB, 100, 1)437 )438 await executeBenchmark('Hyperdrive - Create single FS server, write 100 blocks with 1MB and read from another client',439 {},440 async (deferred, histograms) =>441 await singleServerHyperdriveFun(deferred, histograms, true, message1MB, 100, 1)442 )443 console.log("globalCtx")444 console.log(JSON.stringify(globalCtx))445 printCSV()446}447function printCSV() {448 // find all columns449 // globalCtx = {benchName1: {summaries: {hist1: {...}}, encodedSummaries: {hist1: {...}}}, ...}450 const histColumnNames = Object.values(globalCtx).map(it => it.summaries).map(it => Object.keys(it)).flat()451 .filter((value, index, self) => self.indexOf(value) === index) //uniq452 const interestingHistogramKeys = ['mean', 'p99', 'max']...
Source: new_benchmarks.js
...47 for(var i = 0; i < _serializers.length;i++) {48 // Warm up49 executeFunction(_warmUpCount, _serializers[i].bson, _obj);50 // Time51 executeBenchmark(_iterations, _serializers[i].name, _serializers[i].bson, _obj)52 }53}54// Parser instances55var bsonOld = new BSONJSOLD([Long, ObjectID, Binary, Code, DBRef, Symbol, Double, Timestamp, MaxKey, MinKey]);56var bsonNative = new BSONNATIVE([Long, ObjectID, Binary, Code, DBRef, Symbol, Double, Timestamp, MaxKey, MinKey]);57var bsonNew = new BSONJSNEW([Long, ObjectID, Binary, Code, DBRef, Symbol, Double, Timestamp, MaxKey, MinKey]);58// Serializers59var serializers = [60 {61 bson: bsonOld62 , name: "BSONJSOLD"63 }, 64 {65 bson: bsonNative66 , name: "BSONNATIVE"67 }, 68 {69 bson: bsonNew70 , name: "BSONJSNEW"71 }72]73// // var doc = {a:1, b: 3.4, c: "world", d: new Date(), e: /aa/, f:new Binary(new Buffer(256))}74// var doc = {a:1, b: 3.4, c: "world", d: new Date(), e: /aa/, f:new Binary(new Buffer(256))}75// // old bson76// executeFunction(varmUpCount, bsonOld, doc);77// executeFunction(varmUpCount, bsonNative, doc);78// executeFunction(varmUpCount, bsonNew, doc);79// iterations = 180// // Execute benchmarks81// console.log("+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ TEST 1")82// executeBenchmark(iterations, "BSONJSOLD", bsonOld, {a:1, "hello": "world", obj: {"dog": "days"}});83// executeBenchmark(iterations, "BSONNATIVE", bsonNative, {a:1, "hello": "world", obj: {"dog": "days"}});84// executeBenchmark(iterations, "BSONJSNEW", bsonNew, {a:1, "hello": "world", obj: {"dog": "days"}});85// console.log("+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ TEST 2")86// executeBenchmark(iterations, "BSONJSOLD", bsonOld, {a:1, "hello": "world"});87// executeBenchmark(iterations, "BSONNATIVE", bsonNative, {a:1, "hello": "world"});88// executeBenchmark(iterations, "BSONJSNEW", bsonNew, {a:1, "hello": "world"});89// // var doc = {a:1, "hello": "world", obj: [{"dog": "days"}, {"dog": "days"}, {"dog": "days"}]};90// // var doc = {a:1, "hello": "world", obj: [1, 2, 3]};91// // var doc = {doc:[1]}92var doc0 = {'hello': 'world', n: 0}93var doc1 = {94 // 'string': 'hello', 'array': [1,2,3],95 // 'hash': {'a':1, 'b':2}, 'date': new Date(),96 // 'oid': new ObjectID(), 'binary': new Binary(new Buffer("hello")),97 // 'binary': new Buffer("hello"), 'int': 42, 'float': 33.3333,98 // 'regexp': /regexp/, 'boolean': true,99 // 'long': Long.fromNumber(100), 'where': new Code('this.a > i', {i:1}), 100 'dbref': new DBRef('namespace', new ObjectID(), 'integration_tests_'),101 // 'minkey': new MinKey(), 'maxkey': new MaxKey() 102}...
Using AI Code Generation
1var Best = require('best');2var best = new Best();3var test1 = require('./test1.js');4var test2 = require('./test2.js');5var test3 = require('./test3.js');6best.executeBenchmark(test1, 1000, function(res) {7 console.log(res);8});9best.executeBenchmark(test2, 1000, function(res) {10 console.log(res);11});12best.executeBenchmark(test3, 1000, function(res) {13 console.log(res);14});
Using AI Code Generation
1var bestOf = require('./BestOf.js');2var test = function() {3 var sum = 0;4 for (var i = 0; i < 100000000; i++) {5 sum += i;6 }7 return sum;8};9var options = {10};11bestOf.executeBenchmark(test, options);
Using AI Code Generation
1var bestPractice = require('./bestPractice');2var benchmark = new bestPractice();3benchmark.executeBenchmark();4var Benchmark = require('benchmark');5var suite = new Benchmark.Suite;6var test1 = require('./test1');7var test2 = require('./test2');8var test3 = require('./test3');9var test4 = require('./test4');10function BestPractice() {11 this.executeBenchmark = function() {12 .add('Test1', function() {13 test1();14 })15 .add('Test2', function() {16 test2();17 })18 .add('Test3', function() {19 test3();20 })21 .add('Test4', function() {22 test4();23 })24 .on('cycle', function(event) {25 console.log(String(;26 })27 .on('complete', function() {28 console.log('Fastest is ' + this.filter('fastest').map('name'));29 })30 .run({ 'async': true });31 }32}33module.exports = BestPractice;34I am trying to run a benchmark on 4 different methods, and I am getting a strange result. The fastest method is Test1, but when I run the benchmark individually, it is Test4 (the last method). I am not sure what I am doing wrong. Here is the code:
Using AI Code Generation
1var bestOf = require('./BestOf.js');2var test = function() {3 var sum = 0;4 for (var i = 0; i < 100000000; i++) {5 sum += i;6 }7 return sum;8};9v);
Using AI Code Generation
1var Benchmark = require('best.js');2var bench = new Benchmark();3bench.executeBenchmark(function() {4 var a = 1;5 var b = 2;6 var c = a + b;7 console.log(c);8}, function() {9 console.log("Benchmarking complete!");10});
Using AI Code Generation
1var BestLibraryEver = require('bestlibraryever');2var benchmark = new BestLibraryEver();3benchmark.executeBenchmark();4varBestLibraryEver = require('bestlibraryever');5var benchmark = new BesLibraryEver();6bencmark.bnchmark(10,function(index, cllback) {7 console.log('iteation ' + index);8 callback(index);9}, function(avegeExecutionTime, averageMemorUsage) {10 console.log('averageExecutionTime: ' + averageExecutionTime);11 console.log('averageMemoryUsage: ' + averageMemoryUsage);12});13var BestLibraryEver = require('bestlibraryever');14varbnchmrk = new BestLibraryEver();15benmark.benchmark(10,function(ndex, callback) {16 console.log('in ' + index);17 callback(idex);18}).then(function(averageExecutionTime, averageMemoryUsage) {19 console.log('averageExecutionTime: ' + averageExecutionTime);20 console.log('averageMemoryUsage: ' + averageMemoryUsage);21});
Using AI Code Generation
1var BestLibraryEver = require('bestlibraryever');2var benchmark = new BestLibraryEver();3benchmark.executeBenchmark();4var BestLibraryEver = require('bestlibraryever');5var benchmark = new BestLibraryEver();6benchmark.benchmark(10, function(index, callback) {7 console.log('iteration ' + index);8 callback(index);9}, function(averageExecutionTime, averageMemoryUsage) {10 console.log('averageExecutionTime: ' + averageExecutionTime);11 console.log('averageMemoryUsage: ' + averageMemoryUsage);12});13var BestLibraryEver = require('bestlibraryever');14var benchmark = new BestLibraryEver();15benchmark.benchmark(10, function(index, callback) {16 console.log('iteration ' + index);17 callback(index);18}).then(function(averageExecutionTime, averageMemoryUsage) {19 console.log('averageExecutionTime: ' + averageExecutionTime);20 console.log('averageMemoryUsage: ' + averageMemoryUsage);21});
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