How to use comparisonSummary method in Best

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Source: TestWorker.js Github


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1/​/​2/​/​ TestWorker.js3/​/​4/​/​ Normally called from TestWorker.asp5/​/​6/​/​ Global variables7/​/​ baseLegacyURL: from submitting form - will determine which legacy query to run.8/​/​ baseCoreURL: from submitting form to determine which Fusion environment9/​/​ to go to for the employee information. Initially DEV URL's for now.10/​/​ legacyqueryid: for selecting which query to run. Dependent on legacysource.11/​/​ curperson: current person (ID) that we are dealing with12/​/​ debugging: Boolean - true = write debug statements to console.log13/​/​14var defaultlegacyqueryid = "?id=49";15/​/​ N.B. baseCoreURL may chnage aftre each major Oracle upgrade16var baseCoreURL = "https:/​/​​hcmCoreApi/​resources/​​";17/​/​ N.B. baseLegacyURL will chnage depending on whic legacy system is selected (paramSetup)18var baseLegacyURL = "http:/​/​its-n-jcnc-01/​UoB/​fetchJSON.asp";19var baselegacyqueryid = "49";20var curperson = 5500165;21var debugging = true;22var comparisonSummary = new Object();23var fusionuser = "TECHADMIN6";24var fusionpassword = "Banzai29";25/​/​ ============================================================================26function debugwrite(text) {27 if ( debugging ) {28 console.log(text);29 }30}31/​/​ ============================================================================32function paramSetup() {33 var whichlegacy;34 var whichfusion;35 var debugchoice;36 /​/​ Fetch parameters from CheckWorker.asp form37 curperson = $('#personcode').val();38 whichlegacy = $('#legacysystem').val();39 whichfusion = $('#targetsystem').val();40 debugchoice = $('#debugmode').val();41 /​/​ Establish debugging mode42 if ( debugchoice == "Y" ) {43 debugging = true;44 } else {45 debugging=false;46 }47 debugwrite("Values from CheckWorker form before any checks or defaults applied:");48 debugwrite(curperson);49 debugwrite(whichlegacy);50 debugwrite(whichfusion);51 debugwrite(debugchoice);52 debugwrite(baselegacyqueryid);53 curperson = curperson || 5500165;54 /​/​ Construct appropriate starting Fusion url55 /​/​ N.B. This URL usually changes with each major release of Fusion HCm Cloud56 baseCoreURL = "https:/​/​"+whichfusion+"​hcmCoreApi/​resources/​​";57 /​/​ Construct appropriate starting legacy URL58 /​/​ Done this way to preserve consistent use of query ID's across the legacy queries59 if ( whichlegacy == "ACCESS") {60 baselegacyqueryid = "";61 baseLegacyURL = "http:/​/​its-n-jcnc-01/​UoB/​fetchJSON.asp";62 }63 if ( whichlegacy == "ALTAHRN") {64 baselegacyqueryid = "49";65 baseLegacyURL = "http:/​/​its-n-jcnc-01/​UoB/​fetchALTA.asp?id=";66 }67 if ( whichlegacy == "WORKLINK") {68 baselegacyqueryid = "21";69 baseLegacyURL = "http:/​/​its-n-jcnc-01/​UoB/​fetchALTA.asp?id=";70 }71 /​/​ Adjust URLs to reflect submitted person code (in curperson)72 debugwrite("Values from CheckWorker form AFTER any checks or defaults applied:");73 debugwrite(curperson);74 debugwrite(whichlegacy);75 debugwrite(whichfusion);76 debugwrite(debugchoice);77 debugwrite(baselegacyqueryid);78}79/​/​ ============================================================================80/​/​ Needs refactoring to use getLegacyEmployee and get FusionEmployee81function generateEmployeeComparisonTable() {82 var myperson = curperson || '5500165';83 var fusionurl = baseCoreURL + "emps?onlyData&limit=10000&q=PersonNumber=";84 var legacyurl = baseLegacyURL + "?id=" + baselegacyqueryid + "&p1=";85 var thefusionemployee = {};86 var thelegacyemployee = {};87 debugwrite("Calling paramSetup");88 paramSetup();89 debugwrite("After paramSetup");90 legacyurl += myperson;91 fusionurl += myperson;92 thelegacyemployee = getLegacyEmployee(myperson);93 console.log("thelegacyemployee ");94 console.table(thelegacyemployee);95 thefusionemployee = getFusionEmployee(myperson);96 console.log("thefusionemployee ");97 console.table(thefusionemployee);98 var comparison = {};99 /​/​ Must apply developed transforms before doing Y/​N comparison100 var dummy = fusionTitleCode(thelegacyemployee.TITLE);101 comparison.Title = thefusionemployee.Salutation == dummy ? "OK" : "Titles differ";102 comparison.Forename = thefusionemployee.FirstName == thelegacyemployee.FORENAME ? "OK" : "Forenames differ";103 comparison.Surname = thefusionemployee.LastName == thelegacyemployee.SURNAME ? "OK" : "Surnames differ";104 comparison.Preferredname = thefusionemployee.PreferredName == thelegacyemployee.PREFERREDNAME ? "OK" : "Preferred names differ";105 comparison.PersonCode = thefusionemployee.PersonNumber == thelegacyemployee.PERSONNUMBER ? "OK" : "Person ID's differ";106 comparison.HomeTelephone = thefusionemployee.HomeTelephone == thelegacyemployee.HOMEPHONENUMBER ? "OK" : "Home telephone numbers differ";107 comparison.WorkEmail = thefusionemployee.WorkEmail == thelegacyemployee.WORKEMAIL ? "OK" : "Titles differ";108 /​/​ Now do checks on address components109 var addressmessage = "";110 addressmessage += thefusionemployee.AddressLine1 == thelegacyemployee.ADDRESSLINE1 ? "" : " line 1 different,";111 addressmessage += thefusionemployee.AddressLine2 == thelegacyemployee.ADDRESSLINE2 ? "" : " line 2 different,";112 addressmessage += thefusionemployee.AddressLine3 == thelegacyemployee.ADDRESSLINE3 ? "" : " line 3 different,";113 addressmessage += thefusionemployee.City == thelegacyemployee.CITY ? "" : " town different,";114 addressmessage += thefusionemployee.Region == thelegacyemployee.REGION ? "" : " region different,";115 addressmessage += thefusionemployee.Country == thelegacyemployee.COUNTRY ? "" : " country different,";116 addressmessage += thefusionemployee.PostalCode == thelegacyemployee.POSTALCODE ? "" : " postcode different,";117 comparison.Address = addressmessage == "" ? "OK" : "Addresses differ:"+addressmessage;118 /​/​ End of address components checks119 comparison.DateOfBirth = thefusionemployee.DateOfBirth == thelegacyemployee.DATEOFBIRTH ? "OK" : "Dates of birth differ";120 dummy = fusionEthnicityCode(thelegacyemployee.ETHNICITY);121 comparison.Ethnicity = thefusionemployee.Ethnicity == dummy ? "OK" : "Ethnicities differ";122 comparison.Gender = thefusionemployee.Gender == thelegacyemployee.GENDER ? "OK" : "Genders differ";123 comparison.NINumber = thefusionemployee.NationalId == thelegacyemployee.NATIONALID ? "OK" : "National Insurance numbers differ";124 comparison.UserName = thefusionemployee.UserName == thelegacyemployee.USERNAME ? "OK" : "Usernames differ";125 /​/​ End of creating comparator object126 if ( debugging ) {127 $('#legacyjsonheader').html('<h1>Legacy Employee Details for '+myperson+'</​h1>');128 $('#fusionjsonheader').html('<h1>Fusion Employee Details for '+myperson+'</​h1>');129 $('#legacyreceivedjson').html(JSON.stringify(thelegacyemployee));130 $('#fusionreceivedjson').html(JSON.stringify(thefusionemployee));131 }132 /​/​ Now fill out Handlebars template table133 var context = {134 model: thefusionemployee,135 other: thelegacyemployee,136 comparison: comparison137 };138 var theTemplateScript = $("#comparator-template").html();139 /​/​ console.log(theTemplateScript);140 var theTemplate = Handlebars.compile(theTemplateScript);141 debugwrite("After compile");142 /​/​ Clear out the display area143 $("#main").empty();144 $("#main").append(theTemplate(context));145}146/​/​ ============================================================================147/​/​ Needs refactoring to use getLegacyEmployee and get FusionEmployee148function generateComparisonSpreadsheet() {149 console.log("generateComparisonSpreadsheet called");150 /​/​ Outer getJSON call for legacy store151 var legacyurl = baseLegacyURL + "48";152 var legacylist = new Array();153 var theperson; /​/​ Tne current person we are dealing with154 var index = 0;155 var comparisonSummary = new Array(); /​/​ Holds all results of comparisons for all people156 /​/​ Set up fixed array of person id's to prove concept of the157 /​/​ further logic below.158 legacylist = [5500018, 5500215, 5500165, 6704306];159 var summarylength = legacylist.length;160 /​/​ Set up loop to iterate over returned legacy list161 for (var i=0; i<summarylength; i++) {162 /​/​ Get person code163 theperson = legacylist[i];164 console.log("Comparing " + theperson + " ...");165 mylegacy = getLegacyEmployee(theperson);166 console.log("mylegacy ");167 console.table(mylegacy);168 myfusion = getFusionEmployee(theperson);169 console.log("myfusion ");170 console.table(myfusion);171 if ( mylegacy && myfusion) {172 console.log("Adding " + theperson + " to comparisonSummary");173 mycomparison = comparePeople(mylegacy, myfusion);174 comparisonSummary.push(mycomparison);175 }176 };177 downloadCSV({ data: comparisonSummary, filename: "ComparisonSummary.csv" });178}179/​/​ ============================================================================180function getLegacyEmployee(legacyemployee) {181 var result = new Object();182 /​*183 result = {"TITLE":"MRS.","FORENAME":"Keira","SURNAME":"Grobstein","PREFERREDNAME":null,"PERSONNUMBER":5500165,"HOMEPHONENUMBER":null,"WORKEMAIL":"","ADDRESSLINE1":"55 Tagwell Road","ADDRESSLINE3":null,"ADDRESSLINE4":null,"CITY":"Droitwich","REGION":"Worcestershire","COUNTRY":null,"POSTALCODE":"WR9 7AQ","DATEOFBIRTH":"1971-04-26","ETHNICITY":"White-British","GENDER":"F","NATIONALID":"NX707818A","USERNAME":"QUEENNM"}184 */​185 var myperson = legacyemployee || 5500165;186 var legacyurl = baseLegacyURL + baselegacyqueryid + "&p1=";187 var jsonstring; /​/​ Used for legacy employee data188 legacyurl += myperson;189 $.getJSON(legacyurl, function (data) {190 /​/​ console.log("Legacy url: "+url);191 jsonstring = JSON.stringify(data[0]);192 /​/​ jsonstring = new String('{"legacydata:"' + jsonstring + '}').toString();193 /​/​ debugwrite("Legacy jsonstring: "+jsonstring);194 result = JSON.parse(jsonstring);195 });196 return ( result );197}198/​/​ ============================================================================199function getFusionEmployee(fusionemployee) {200 var thefusionemployee = fusionemployee || 5500165;201 var result = new Object();202 /​*203 result = {"Title":"MRS.","FirstName":"Keira","LastName":"Grobstein","PreferredName":null,"PersonNumber":5500165,"HomePhoneNumber":null,"WorkEmail":"","AddressLine1":"55 Tagwell Road","AddressLine2":null,"AddressLine3":null,"City":"Droitwich","Region":"Worcestershire","Country":null,"PostalCode":"WR9 7AQ","DateOfBirth":"1971-04-26","Ethnicity":"White-British","Gender":"F","NationalId":"NX707818A","UserName":"QUEENNM"};204 */​205 var fusionurl = baseCoreURL + "emps?onlyData&limit=10000&q=PersonNumber=" + thefusionemployee;206 var jsonstring2; /​/​ Used for Fusion employee data207 /​/​ Now issue AJAX call to get fusion employee details208 $.ajax({209 type: "GET",210 url: fusionurl,211 dataType: "json",212 headers: {"Authorization": "Basic " + btoa("TECHADMIN6:Banzai29")},213 success: function(data) {214 jsonstring2 = JSON.stringify(data.items[0]);215 /​/​ debugwrite("Fusion jsonstring2: "+jsonstring2);216 result = JSON.parse(jsonstring2);217 },218 error: function(xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) {219 $('#error').html(xhr.responseText);220 return (null);221 }222 }); /​/​ end of ajax call223 return ( result );224}225/​/​ ============================================================================226function comparePeople(legacy, fusion) {227 /​/​ Now set up comparator object228 var comparison = {};229 comparison.PersonID = legacy.PERSONNUMBER;230 /​/​ Must apply developed transforms before doing Y/​N comparison231 var dummy = fusionTitleCode({oldtitlecode: legacy.TITLE});232 comparison.Title = fusion.Salutation == dummy ? "Y" : "N";233 comparison.Forename = fusion.FirstName == legacy.FORENAME ? "Y" : "N";234 comparison.Surname = fusion.LastName == legacy.SURNAME ? "Y" : "N";235 comparison.Preferredname = fusion.PreferredName == legacy.PREFERREDNAME ? "Y" : "N";236 comparison.PersonCode = fusion.PersonNumber == legacy.PERSONNUMBER ? "Y" : "N";237 comparison.HomeTelephone = fusion.HomeTelephone == legacy.HOMEPHONENUMBER ? "Y" : "N";238 comparison.WorkEmail = fusion.WorkEmail == legacy.WORKEMAIL ? "Y" : "N";239 /​/​ Now do checks on address components240 var addressmessage = "";241 addressmessage += fusion.AddressLine1 == legacy.ADDRESSLINE1 ? "" : " line 1 different,";242 addressmessage += fusion.AddressLine2 == legacy.ADDRESSLINE2 ? "" : " line 2 different,";243 addressmessage += fusion.AddressLine3 == legacy.ADDRESSLINE3 ? "" : " line 3 different,";244 addressmessage += fusion.City == legacy.CITY ? "" : " town different,";245 addressmessage += fusion.Region == legacy.REGION ? "" : " region different,";246 addressmessage += fusion.Country == legacy.COUNTRY ? "" : " country different,";247 addressmessage += fusion.PostalCode == legacy.POSTALCODE ? "" : " postcode different,";248 comparison.Address = addressmessage == "" ? "Y" : "N";249 /​/​ End of address components checks250 comparison.DateOfBirth = fusion.DateOfBirth == legacy.DATEOFBIRTH ? "Y" : "N";251 dummy = fusionEthnicityCode({oldethnicdescription: legacy.ETHNICITY});252 comparison.Ethnicity = fusion.Ethnicity == dummy ? "Y" : "N";253 comparison.Gender = fusion.Gender == legacy.GENDER ? "Y" : "N";254 comparison.NINumber = fusion.NationalId == legacy.NATIONALID ? "Y" : "N";255 comparison.UserName = fusion.UserName == legacy.USERNAME ? "Y" : "N";256 return ( comparison );257}258/​/​ ============================================================================259function runTestSuite() {260 var mylegacy = new Object();261 var myfusion = new Object();262 var mycomparison = new Object();263 var comparisonSummary = new Array();264 var theperson;265 paramSetup(); /​/​ Set up parameters for run from submitting form.266 /​/​ For testingh purposes, set up short list of person IDs267 var legacylist = [5500018, 5500215, 5500165, 6704306];268 var summarylength = legacylist.length;269 /​/​ Set up loop to iterate over returned legacy list270 for (var i=0; i<summarylength; i++) {271 theperson = legacylist[i];272 console.log("Comparing " + theperson + " ...");273 mylegacy = getLegacyEmployee(theperson);274 console.log("mylegacy ");275 console.table(mylegacy);276 myfusion = getFusionEmployee(theperson);277 console.log("myfusion ");278 console.table(myfusion);279 if ( mylegacy && myfusion) {280 console.log("Adding " + theperson + " to comparisonSummary");281 mycomparison = comparePeople(mylegacy, myfusion);282 comparisonSummary.push(mycomparison);283 }284 myfusion= {};285 mylegacy = {};286 console.table(comparisonSummary);287 } /​/​ end of for loop288} /​/​ end of function definition289$(document).ready(function() {290 /​/​ ===========================================291 /​/​ Single Employee Comparison292 $('#personcomparator').click( function(event) {293 event.preventDefault();294 paramSetup();295 generateEmployeeComparisonTable();296 });297 /​/​ ===========================================298 /​/​ Comparison Spreadsheet299 $('#comparisonspreadsheet').click( function(event) {300 event.preventDefault();301 paramSetup(); /​/​ Pull in run parameters from submission form302 generateComparisonSpreadsheet();303 }); /​/​ end of click event for #comparisonspreadsheet304 /​/​ ===========================================305 /​/​ Test suite306 $('#functiontest').click( function(event) {307 event.preventDefault();308 runTestSuite();309 }); /​/​ end of click event for #functiontest...

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Source: CheckWorker.js Github


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1/​/​2/​/​ CheckWorker.js3/​/​4/​/​ All Javascript routines to generate all segments of a a Worker.dat5/​/​ as separate files6/​/​7/​/​ Normally called from CheckWorker.asp8/​/​9/​/​ Global variables10/​/​ legacysource: from submitting form - will determine which legacy query to run.11/​/​ fusionsource: eventually from submitting form to determine which Fusion environment12/​/​ to go to for the employee information. Contsant at DEV URL's for now.13/​/​ legacyqueryid: for selecting which query to run. Dependent on legacysource.14/​/​15var defaultlegacyqueryid = "?id=49";16var baseCoreURL = "https:/​/​​hcmCoreApi/​resources/​​";17var baseLegacyURL = "http:/​/​its-n-jcnc-01/​UoB/​fetchJSON.asp";18var curperson = 5500165;19var debugging = true;20var comparisonSummary = new Object();21/​/​ ============================================================================22function debugwrite(text) {23 if ( debugging ) {24 console.log(text);25 }26}27/​/​ ============================================================================28function paramSetup() {29 var whichlegacy;30 var whichfusion;31 var debugchoice;32 /​/​ Fetch parameters from CheckWorker.asp form33 curperson = $('#personcode').val();34 whichlegacy = $('#legacysystem').val();35 whichfusion = $('#targetsystem').val();36 debugchoice = $('#debugmode').val();37 /​/​ Establish debugging mode38 if ( debugchoice == "Y" ) {39 debugging = true;40 } else {41 debugging=false;42 }43 debugwrite("Values from CheckWorker form before any checks or defaults applied:");44 debugwrite(curperson);45 debugwrite(whichlegacy);46 debugwrite(whichfusion);47 debugwrite(debugchoice);48 var thelegacyemployee = "";49 var thefusionemployee = "";50 curperson = curperson || 5500165;51 /​/​ Construct appropriate starting Fusion url52 baseCoreURL = "https:/​/​"+whichfusion+"​hcmCoreApi/​resources/​​";53 /​/​ Construct appropriate starting legacy URL54 if ( whichlegacy == "ACCESS") {55 baseLegacyURL = "http:/​/​its-n-jcnc-01/​UoB/​fetchJSON.asp";56 }57 if ( whichlegacy == "ALTAHRN") {58 baseLegacyURL = "http:/​/​its-n-jcnc-01/​UoB/​fetchALTA.asp";59 }60 /​/​ Adjust URLs to reflect submitted person code (in curperson)61}62/​/​ ============================================================================63function generateEmployeeComparisonTable() {64 var myperson = curperson || '5500165';65 var fusionurl = baseCoreURL + "emps?onlyData&limit=10000&q=PersonNumber=";66 var legacyurl = baseLegacyURL + "?id=49&p1=";67 var nullobjectstring = "{}";68 var nullobject = {};69 var thefusionemployee = {};70 var thelegacyemployee = {};71 debugwrite("Calling paramSetup");72 paramSetup();73 debugwrite("After paramSetup");74 legacyurl += myperson;75 fusionurl += myperson;76 /​/​ debugwrite(legacyurl);77 /​/​ debugwrite(fusionurl);78 /​/​ blank out raw JSON divs even if not in debug mode to clear screen79 $('#legacyjsonheader').html('');80 $('#legacyreceivedjson').html('');81 $('#fusionjsonheader').html('');82 $('#fusionreceivedjson').html('');83 /​/​ Get legacy data first84 var jsonstring; /​/​ Used for legacy employee data85 var jsonstring2; /​/​ Used for Fusion employee data86 $.getJSON(legacyurl, function (data) {87 /​/​ console.log("Legacy url: "+url);88 jsonstring = JSON.stringify(data[0]);89 /​/​ jsonstring = new String('{"legacydata:"' + jsonstring + '}').toString();90 /​/​ debugwrite("Legacy jsonstring: "+jsonstring);91 thelegacyemployee =JSON.parse(jsonstring);92 /​/​ Now issue AJAX call to get fusion employee details93 $.ajax({94 type: "GET",95 url: fusionurl,96 dataType: "json",97 headers: {"Authorization": "Basic " + btoa("TECHADMIN6:Banzai29")},98 success: function(data) {99 jsonstring2 = JSON.stringify(data.items[0]);100 /​/​ debugwrite("Fusion jsonstring2: "+jsonstring2);101 thefusionemployee =JSON.parse(jsonstring2);102 /​/​ Now reinitialise comparator object103 /​/​ Look through legacy and fusion data filling in differences104 /​/​ in comparator object105 var comparison = {};106 /​/​ Must apply developed transforms before doing Y/​N comparison107 var dummy = fusionTitleCode(thelegacyemployee.TITLE);108 comparison.Title = thefusionemployee.Salutation == dummy ? "OK" : "Titles differ";109 comparison.Forename = thefusionemployee.FirstName == thelegacyemployee.FORENAME ? "OK" : "Forenames differ";110 comparison.Surname = thefusionemployee.LastName == thelegacyemployee.SURNAME ? "OK" : "Surnames differ";111 comparison.Preferredname = thefusionemployee.PreferredName == thelegacyemployee.PREFERREDNAME ? "OK" : "Preferred names differ";112 comparison.PersonCode = thefusionemployee.PersonNumber == thelegacyemployee.PERSONNUMBER ? "OK" : "Person ID's differ";113 comparison.HomeTelephone = thefusionemployee.HomeTelephone == thelegacyemployee.HOMEPHONENUMBER ? "OK" : "Home telephone numbers differ";114 comparison.WorkEmail = thefusionemployee.WorkEmail == thelegacyemployee.WORKEMAIL ? "OK" : "Titles differ";115 /​/​ Now do checks on address components116 var addressmessage = "";117 addressmessage += thefusionemployee.AddressLine1 == thelegacyemployee.ADDRESSLINE1 ? "" : " line 1 different,";118 addressmessage += thefusionemployee.AddressLine2 == thelegacyemployee.ADDRESSLINE2 ? "" : " line 2 different,";119 addressmessage += thefusionemployee.AddressLine3 == thelegacyemployee.ADDRESSLINE3 ? "" : " line 3 different,";120 addressmessage += thefusionemployee.City == thelegacyemployee.CITY ? "" : " town different,";121 addressmessage += thefusionemployee.Region == thelegacyemployee.REGION ? "" : " region different,";122 addressmessage += thefusionemployee.Country == thelegacyemployee.COUNTRY ? "" : " country different,";123 addressmessage += thefusionemployee.PostalCode == thelegacyemployee.POSTALCODE ? "" : " postcode different,";124 comparison.Address = addressmessage == "" ? "OK" : "Addresses differ:"+addressmessage;125 /​/​ End of address components checks126 comparison.DateOfBirth = thefusionemployee.DateOfBirth == thelegacyemployee.DATEOFBIRTH ? "OK" : "Dates of birth differ";127 dummy = fusionEthnicityCode(thelegacyemployee.ETHNICITY);128 comparison.Ethnicity = thefusionemployee.Ethnicity == dummy ? "OK" : "Ethnicities differ";129 comparison.Gender = thefusionemployee.Gender == thelegacyemployee.GENDER ? "OK" : "Genders differ";130 comparison.NINumber = thefusionemployee.NationalId == thelegacyemployee.NATIONALID ? "OK" : "National Insurance numbers differ";131 comparison.UserName = thefusionemployee.UserName == thelegacyemployee.USERNAME ? "OK" : "Usernames differ";132 /​/​ End of creating comparator object133 if ( debugging ) {134 $('#legacyjsonheader').html('<h1>Legacy Employee Details for '+myperson+'</​h1>');135 $('#fusionjsonheader').html('<h1>Fusion Employee Details for '+myperson+'</​h1>');136 $('#legacyreceivedjson').html(jsonstring);137 $('#fusionreceivedjson').html(jsonstring2);138 }139 /​/​ Now fill out Handlebars template table140 var context = {141 model: thefusionemployee,142 other: thelegacyemployee,143 comparison: comparison144 };145 var theTemplateScript = $("#comparator-template").html();146 /​/​ console.log(theTemplateScript);147 var theTemplate = Handlebars.compile(theTemplateScript);148 debugwrite("After compile");149 /​/​ Clear out the display area150 $("#main").empty();151 $("#main").append(theTemplate(context));152 },153 error: function(xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) {154 $('#error').html(xhr.responseText);155 return (null);156 }157 }); /​/​ end of ajax call158 });159}160/​/​ ============================================================================161function compareEmployee(personcode) {162 var myperson = personcode || '5500165';163 var fusionurl = baseCoreURL + "emps?onlyData&limit=10000&q=PersonNumber=";164 var legacyurl = baseLegacyURL + "?id=49&p1=";165 var nullobjectstring = "{}";166 var nullobject = {};167 var summarylength = 0;168 var fusion = {};169 var legacy = {};170 /​/​ Now reinitialise comparator object171 var comparison = {};172 legacyurl += myperson;173 fusionurl += myperson;174 /​/​ Look through legacy and fusion data filling in differences175 /​/​ in comparator object176 /​/​ Get legacy data first177 var jsonstring; /​/​ Used for legacy employee data178 var jsonstring2; /​/​ Used for Fusion employee data179 $.getJSON(legacyurl, function (data) {180 /​/​ console.log("Legacy url: "+url);181 jsonstring = JSON.stringify(data[0]);182 /​/​ jsonstring = new String('{"legacydata:"' + jsonstring + '}').toString();183 /​/​ debugwrite("Legacy jsonstring: "+jsonstring);184 legacy = JSON.parse(jsonstring);185 /​/​ Now issue AJAX call to get fusion employee details186 $.ajax({187 type: "GET",188 url: fusionurl,189 dataType: "json",190 headers: {"Authorization": "Basic " + btoa("TECHADMIN6:Banzai29")},191 success: function(data) {192 jsonstring2 = JSON.stringify(data.items[0]);193 /​/​ debugwrite("Fusion jsonstring2: "+jsonstring2);194 fusion = JSON.parse(jsonstring2);195 comparison.PersonID = legacy.PERSONNUMBER;196 /​/​ Must apply developed transforms before doing Y/​N comparison197 var dummy = fusionTitleCode(legacy.TITLE);198 comparison.Title = fusion.Salutation == dummy ? "Y" : "N";199 comparison.Forename = fusion.FirstName == legacy.FORENAME ? "Y" : "N";200 comparison.Surname = fusion.LastName == legacy.SURNAME ? "Y" : "N";201 comparison.Preferredname = fusion.PreferredName == legacy.PREFERREDNAME ? "Y" : "N";202 comparison.PersonCode = fusion.PersonNumber == legacy.PERSONNUMBER ? "Y" : "N";203 comparison.HomeTelephone = fusion.HomeTelephone == legacy.HOMEPHONENUMBER ? "Y" : "N";204 comparison.WorkEmail = fusion.WorkEmail == legacy.WORKEMAIL ? "Y" : "N";205 /​/​ Now do checks on address components206 var addressmessage = "";207 addressmessage += fusion.AddressLine1 == legacy.ADDRESSLINE1 ? "" : " line 1 different,";208 addressmessage += fusion.AddressLine2 == legacy.ADDRESSLINE2 ? "" : " line 2 different,";209 addressmessage += fusion.AddressLine3 == legacy.ADDRESSLINE3 ? "" : " line 3 different,";210 addressmessage += fusion.City == legacy.CITY ? "" : " town different,";211 addressmessage += fusion.Region == legacy.REGION ? "" : " region different,";212 addressmessage += fusion.Country == legacy.COUNTRY ? "" : " country different,";213 addressmessage += fusion.PostalCode == legacy.POSTALCODE ? "" : " postcode different,";214 comparison.Address = addressmessage == "" ? "Y" : "N";215 /​/​ End of address components checks216 comparison.DateOfBirth = fusion.DateOfBirth == legacy.DATEOFBIRTH ? "Y" : "N";217 dummy = fusionEthnicityCode(legacy.ETHNICITY);218 comparison.Ethnicity = fusion.Ethnicity == dummy ? "Y" : "N";219 comparison.Gender = fusion.Gender == legacy.GENDER ? "Y" : "N";220 comparison.NINumber = fusion.NationalId == legacy.NATIONALID ? "Y" : "N";221 comparison.UserName = fusion.UserName == legacy.USERNAME ? "Y" : "N";222 /​/​ console.log("Inner ajax loop end for " + personcode + "- comparison object");223 /​/​ console.log( comparison );224 },225 error: function(xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) {226 $('#error').html(xhr.responseText);227 return (null);228 }229 }); /​/​ end of ajax call230 /​/​ console.log("Outside ajax but inside getJSON loops in compareEmployee for " + personcode + "- comparison object");231 /​/​ console.log( comparison );232 /​/​ This does not return correctly to calling function even though it is233 /​/​ correctly filled up here!!!!234 });235 /​/​ console.log("Outside all AJAX loops in compareEmployee for " + personcode + "- comparison object");236 /​/​ console.log( comparison );237 return ( comparison );238}239/​/​ ============================================================================240function generateComparisonSpreadsheet() {241 console.log("generateComparisonSpreadsheet called");242 /​/​ Outer getJSON call for legacy store243 var legacyurl = baseLegacyURL + "?id=48";244 var legacylist = new Array();245 var theperson; /​/​ Tne current person we are dealing with246 var index = 0;247 var comparisonSummary = new Array(); /​/​ Holds all results of comparisons for all people248 /​/​ console.log(legacyurl);249 /​/​ console.log(typeof legacylist);250 /​*251 $.ajax({252 url: legacyurl,253 dataType: 'json',254 error: function(xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) {255 $('#error').html(xhr.responseText);256 return (null);257 },258 success: function(data) {259 $.each(data, function(item) {260 theperson = this.PersonCode;261 console.log(theperson+" - "+typeof theperson);262 legacylist[index] = new Number(theperson).valueOf();263 index++;264 });265 }266 });267 /​/​ End 1st JSON loop268 console.log("End of legacy JSON loop - legacylist = ");269 console.log(typeof legacylist);270 */​271 /​/​ Set up fixed array of person id's to prove concept of the272 /​/​ further logic below.273 legacylist = [5500018, 5500215, 5500165, 6704306];274 var summarylength = legacylist.length;275 /​/​ Set up loop to iterate over returned legacy list276 for (var i=0; i<summarylength; i++) {277 /​/​ Get person code278 theperson = legacylist[i];279 /​/​ console.log(theperson);280 /​/​ Call compareEmployee for this person281 var mycomparison = compareEmployee(theperson);282 comparisonSummary.push(mycomparison);283 /​/​ console.log(mycomparison);284 /​/​ Add comparisons object from the compareEmployee return to285 /​/​ the summary array (comparisonSummary)286 /​/​ summarylength = comparisonSummary.push(mycomparison);287 };288 /​/​ Send summary array to file (.csv)289 /​/​ console.log("comparisonSummary");290 /​/​ console.log(comparisonSummary);291 downloadCSV({ data: comparisonSummary, filename: "ComparisonSummary.csv" });292}293$(document).ready(function() {294 /​/​ ===========================================295 /​/​ Single Employee Comparison296 $('#personcomparator').click( function(event) {297 event.preventDefault();298 paramSetup();299 generateEmployeeComparisonTable();300 });301 /​/​ ===========================================302 /​/​ Comparison Spreadsheet303 $('#comparisonspreadsheet').click( function(event) {304 event.preventDefault();305 paramSetup(); /​/​ Pull in run parameters from submission form306 generateComparisonSpreadsheet();307 }); /​/​ end of click event for #comparisonspreadsheet...

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Source: comparisonspreadsheetold.js Github


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1$('#comparisonspreadsheet').click( function(event) {2 event.preventDefault();3 /​/​ Set up parameters for this run.4 paramSetup();5 /​/​ Reinitialise comparisonSummary Array6 var comparisonSummary = new Array();7 var mycomparison = {};8 var summarylength = 0;9 var peopleList = new Array();10 console.log(debugging ? "We are in debug mode" : "We are in live mode");11 /​/​ Pick up list of people to look at12 /​/​13 if (!debugging)14 {15 var legacyurl = baseLegacyURL + "?id=48";16 console.log(legacyurl);17 $.getJSON(legacyurl, function (legacydata) {18 /​/​ console.log("Data returned from getJSON call to legacy URL");19 /​/​ console.log(data);20 /​/​ console.log("Length of returned legacydata from getJSON");21 /​/​ console.log(legacydata.length);22 /​/​ console.log(legacydata.constructor === Array ? "legacydata is an Array" : "legacydata is NOT an Array");23 /​/​ console.log(legacydata[0]);24 /​/​ var jsonstring = JSON.stringify(legacydata);25 /​/​ jsonstring = new String("{allPeople:"+jsonstring+"}");26 /​/​ var peopledata = eval("("+jsonstring+")");27 /​/​ Set up array with list of person IDs28 var summarylength = 0;29 for (var i=0; i < legacydata.length; i++)30 {31 console.log(legacydata[i].PersonCode);32 peopleList[i] = legacydata[i].PersonCode;33 summarylength++;34 }35/​*36 var dummy = 0;37 $.each(legacydata, function() {38 $.each(this, function() {39 /​/​ console.log(this.PersonCode);40 dummy = this.PersonCode;41 console.log(dummy);42 summarylength = peopleList.push(dummy);43 });44 });45*/​46 });47 }48 else49 {50 peopleList = [5500018, 5500215, 5500165, 6704306];51 summarylength = 4;52 }53 console.log("List of people");54 console.log(peopleList);55 /​/​ console.log(peopleList.constructor === Array ? "peopleList is an Array" : "peopleList is NOT an Array");56 /​/​ Now loop through the set of people comparing each one and adding to resultset57 for (var i=0; i < summarylength; i++) {58 console.log("Comparing employee "+peopleList[i]);59 var mycomparison = compareEmployee(peopleList[i]);60 /​/​ console.log("Results from comparing "+peopleList[i]);61 /​/​ console.log(mycomparison);62 comparisonSummary.push(mycomparison);63 }64 if ( debugging ) {65 /​/​ console.log(comparisonSummary);66 /​/​ console.log("About to call downloadCSV");67 if ( debugging ) {68 $('#legacyjsonheader').html('<h1>Comparison matrix</​h1>');69 $('#legacyreceivedjson').html();70 $('#legacyreceivedjson').html(JSON.stringify(comparisonSummary));71 }72 }73 /​/​ Write out summary spreadsheet74 downloadCSV({ data: comparisonSummary, filename: "ComparisonSummary.csv" });...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var BestMatch = require('./​models/​bestMatch');2var bestMatch = new BestMatch();3var comparisonSummary = bestMatch.comparisonSummary();4console.log(comparisonSummary);5var BestMatch = require('./​models/​bestMatch');6var bestMatch = new BestMatch();7var comparisonSummary = bestMatch.comparisonSummary();8console.log(comparisonSummary);9var BestMatch = require('./​models/​bestMatch');10var bestMatch = new BestMatch();11var comparisonSummary = bestMatch.comparisonSummary();12console.log(comparisonSummary);13var BestMatch = require('./​models/​bestMatch');14var bestMatch = new BestMatch();15var comparisonSummary = bestMatch.comparisonSummary();16console.log(comparisonSummary);17var BestMatch = require('./​models/​bestMatch');18var bestMatch = new BestMatch();19var comparisonSummary = bestMatch.comparisonSummary();20console.log(comparisonSummary);21var BestMatch = require('./​models/​bestMatch');22var bestMatch = new BestMatch();23var comparisonSummary = bestMatch.comparisonSummary();24console.log(comparisonSummary);25var BestMatch = require('./​models/​bestMatch');26var bestMatch = new BestMatch();27var comparisonSummary = bestMatch.comparisonSummary();28console.log(comparisonSummary);29var BestMatch = require('./​models/​bestMatch');30var bestMatch = new BestMatch();31var comparisonSummary = bestMatch.comparisonSummary();32console.log(comparisonSummary);33var BestMatch = require('./​models/​bestMatch');34var bestMatch = new BestMatch();35var comparisonSummary = bestMatch.comparisonSummary();36console.log(comparisonSummary);37var BestMatch = require('./​models/​bestMatch

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var BestMatch = require('best-match');2var bm = new BestMatch();3var result = bm.comparisonSummary(['test1.js', 'test2.js', 'test3.js'], 'test4.js');4console.log(result);5#### new BestMatch()6#### .compare(a, b)7#### .comparisonSummary(list, string)8MIT © [Jon Schlinkert](

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var BestMatch = require("./​BestMatch.js");2var bestMatch = new BestMatch();3var str1 = "This is a test string";4var str2 = "This is a test string";5var summary = bestMatch.comparisonSummary(str1, str2);6console.log(summary);7var BestMatch = require("./​BestMatch.js");8var bestMatch = new BestMatch();9var str1 = "This is a test string";10var str2 = "This is a test string";11var summary = bestMatch.comparisonSummary(str1, str2, true);12console.log(summary);13var BestMatch = require("./​BestMatch.js");14var bestMatch = new BestMatch();15var str1 = "This is a test string";16var str2 = "This is a test string";17var summary = bestMatch.comparisonSummary(str1, str2, false);18console.log(summary);19var BestMatch = require("./​BestMatch.js");20var bestMatch = new BestMatch();21var str1 = "This is a test string";22var str2 = "This is a test string";23var summary = bestMatch.comparisonSummary(str1, str2, "hello");24console.log(summary);25var BestMatch = require("./​BestMatch.js");26var bestMatch = new BestMatch();27var str1 = "This is a test string";28var str2 = "This is a test string";29var summary = bestMatch.comparisonSummary(str1, str2, 0);30console.log(summary);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var BestMatch = require('./​bestMatch.js');2var bestMatch = new BestMatch();3var input = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F'];4var output = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F'];5var summary = bestMatch.comparisonSummary(input, output);6console.log(summary);7var BestMatch = require('./​bestMatch.js');8var bestMatch = new BestMatch();9var input = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F'];10var output = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F'];11var summary = bestMatch.comparisonSummary(input, output);12console.log(summary);13var BestMatch = require('./​bestMatch.js');14var bestMatch = new BestMatch();15var input = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F'];16var output = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F'];17var summary = bestMatch.comparisonSummary(input, output);18console.log(summary);19var BestMatch = require('./​bestMatch.js');20var bestMatch = new BestMatch();21var input = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F'];22var output = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F'];23var summary = bestMatch.comparisonSummary(input, output);24console.log(summary);25var BestMatch = require('./​bestMatch.js');26var bestMatch = new BestMatch();27var input = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F'];28var output = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F'];29var summary = bestMatch.comparisonSummary(input, output);30console.log(summary);31var BestMatch = require('./​bestMatch.js');32var bestMatch = new BestMatch();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var BestMatch = require('best-match');2var bm = new BestMatch();3var input = "I like to play cricket";4var list = ["I like to play cricket","I like to play football","I like to play hockey","I like to play tennis","I like to play badminton"];5var result = bm.comparisonSummary(input,list);6console.log(result);7[ { score: 1, match: 'I like to play cricket' },8 { score: 0.5, match: 'I like to play football' },9 { score: 0.5, match: 'I like to play hockey' },10 { score: 0.4, match: 'I like to play tennis' },11 { score: 0.4, match: 'I like to play badminton' } ]

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var BestMatchFinder = require('./​BestMatchFinder.js');2console.log("Test case 1");3var input1 = ["hello", "world", "london"];4var input2 = ["hi", "world", "london"];5var input3 = ["hello", "world", "london"];6var input4 = ["hello", "world", "london"];7var input5 = ["hello", "world", "london"];8var input6 = ["hello", "world", "london"];9var input7 = ["hello", "world", "london"];10var input8 = ["hello", "world", "london"];11var input9 = ["hello", "world", "london"];12var input10 = ["hello", "world", "london"];13var input11 = ["hello", "world", "london"];14var input12 = ["hello", "world", "london"];15var input13 = ["hello", "world", "london"];16var input14 = ["hello", "world", "london"];17var input15 = ["hello", "world", "london"];18var input16 = ["hello", "world", "london"];19var input17 = ["hello", "world", "london"];20var input18 = ["hello", "world", "london"];21var input19 = ["hello", "world", "london"];22var input20 = ["hello", "world", "london"];23var input21 = ["hello", "world", "london"];24var input22 = ["hello", "world", "london"];25var input23 = ["hello", "world", "london"];26var input24 = ["hello", "world", "london"];27var input25 = ["hello", "world", "london"];28var input26 = ["hello", "world", "london"];29var input27 = ["hello", "world", "london"];30var input28 = ["hello", "world", "london"];31var input29 = ["hello", "world", "london"];32var input30 = ["hello", "world", "london"];33var input31 = ["hello", "world", "london"];34var input32 = ["hello", "world", "london"];35var input33 = ["hello", "world", "london"];

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