Best JavaScript code snippet using best
Source: compare.js
1'use strict';2var $compareBar = $('.compare-bar-wrapper');3var maxSlots = parseInt($('.compare-bar').data('max-slots'), 10);4var productsForComparison = [];5var compareButtonText = $('').text();6var lastKnownUrl = location.href;7/**8 * @typedef ProductComparisonList9 * @type Object10 * @property {string} pid - ID for product to compare11 * @property {string} imgSrc - Image URL for selected product12 */13/**14 * Compiles the HTML for a single slot15 *16 * @param {ProductComparisonList} product - Selected product to compare17 * @param {number} idx - Slot number (zero-based)18 * @return {string} - HTML for a single slot19 */20function compileSlot(product, idx) {21 var pid =;22 var name = 'pid' + idx;23 return '' +24 '<div class="col-3 selected-product">' +25 '<div class="slot" data-pid="' + pid + '">' +26 '<img src="' + product.imgSrc + '" />' +27 '<div class="close">' +28 '<i class="fa fa-close"></i>' +29 '</div>' +30 '</div>' +31 '<input type="hidden" name="' + name + '" value="' + pid + '" />' +32 '</div>\n';33}34/**35 * Draw and render the Compare Bar product slots36 *37 * @param {ProductComparisonList []} productsToCompare - List of ID's of the products to compare38 */39function redrawCompareSlots(productsToCompare) {40 var html = (product, idx) {41 return compileSlot(product, idx);42 }).join('');43 // Render empty slots44 if (productsToCompare.length < maxSlots) {45 var numAvailableSlots = maxSlots - productsToCompare.length;46 for (var i = 0; i < numAvailableSlots; i++) {47 if (i === 0 && productsToCompare.length < 2) {48 html += '<div class="col-3 selected-product"><div class="slot">' +49 '<div class="min-products-msg">' + $('.compare-bar').data('min-products-msg') +50 '</div></div></div>';51 } else {52 html += '<div class="col-3 selected-product"><div class="slot"></div></div>';53 }54 }55 }56 $('.compare-bar .product-slots').empty().append(html);57}58/**59 * Enables/disables the Compare button, depending on whether at least two products have been60 * selected for comparison61 *62 * @param {number} numProducts - Number of products selected for comparison63 */64function setCompareButton(numProducts) {65 if (numProducts > 0) {66 $('').text(compareButtonText + '(' + numProducts + ')');67 } else {68 $('').text(compareButtonText);69 }70 if (numProducts < 2) {71 $('').attr('disabled', true);72 } else {73 $('').removeAttr('disabled');74 }75}76/**77 * Returns a copy of a list of products to compare78 *79 * @param {ProductComparisonList []} productsToCompare - List of ID's of the products to compare80 * @return {ProductComparisonList []} List of ID's of the products to compare81 */82function copyProducts(productsToCompare) {83 return (product) {84 var proxy = {};85 Object.keys(product).forEach(function (key) {86 proxy[key] = product[key];87 });88 return proxy;89 });90}91/**92 * Handles the selection of a product for comparison93 *94 * @param {ProductComparisonList []} products - List of ID's of the products to compare95 * @param {string} pid - ID for product to compare96 * @param {string} imgSrc - Image URL for selected product97 * @return {ProductComparisonList []} List of ID's of the products to compare98 */99function selectProduct(products, pid, imgSrc) {100 var productsToCompare = copyProducts(products) || [];101 if (productsToCompare.length < maxSlots) {102 productsToCompare.push({103 pid: pid,104 imgSrc: imgSrc105 });106 if (productsToCompare.length === maxSlots) {107 $('input[type=checkbox]:not(:checked)').attr('disabled', true);108 }109 redrawCompareSlots(productsToCompare);110 setCompareButton(productsToCompare.length);111 $;112 }113 return productsToCompare;114}115/**116 * Handles the deselection of a product117 *118 * @param {ProductComparisonList []} products - List of ID's of the products to compare119 * @param {string} pid - ID for product to compare120 * @return {ProductComparisonList []} List of ID's of the products to compare121 */122function deselectProduct(products, pid) {123 var productsToCompare = copyProducts(products) || [];124 productsToCompare = productsToCompare.filter(function (product) {125 return !== pid;126 });127 if (productsToCompare.length === 0) {128 $compareBar.hide();129 }130 $('input#' + pid).prop('checked', false);131 $('input[type=checkbox]:not(:checked)').removeAttr('disabled');132 redrawCompareSlots(productsToCompare);133 setCompareButton(productsToCompare.length);134 return productsToCompare;135}136/**137 * Clears the Compare Bar and hides it138 * @return {undefined}139 */140function clearCompareBar() {141 productsForComparison.forEach(function (product) {142 $(this).trigger('compare:deselected', { pid: });143 });144 productsForComparison = [];145 $('.compare input').prop('checked', false);146 $('.compare input[type=checkbox]:not(:checked)').removeAttr('disabled');147 $compareBar.hide();148}149/**150 * Update form action url to not have query string151 * @returns {undefined}152 */153function updateSubmitUrl() {154 var form = $('.compare-products-form');155 var targetUrl = form.attr('action');156 var urlParts = targetUrl.split('?');157 if (urlParts[1]) {158 urlParts[1].split('&').forEach(function (keyValue) {159 var splittedValues = keyValue.split('=');160 var key = decodeURIComponent(splittedValues[0]);161 var value = decodeURIComponent(splittedValues[1]);162 if (key && value) {163 if (form.find('[name="' + key + '"]').length === 0) {164 form.append('<input type="hidden" name="' + key + '" value="' + value + '" />');165 }166 }167 });168 form.attr('action', urlParts[0]);169 }170}171module.exports = {172 /**173 * Handles Compare checkbox click174 */175 handleCompareClick: function () {176 $('').on('click', '.compare input[type=checkbox]', function () {177 var pid = $(this).attr('id');178 var checked = $(this).is(':checked');179 var imgSrc = $(this).closest('.product-tile')180 .find('.tile-image')181 .prop('src');182 if (checked) {183 productsForComparison = selectProduct(productsForComparison, pid, imgSrc);184 $(this).trigger('compare:selected', { pid: pid });185 } else {186 productsForComparison = deselectProduct(productsForComparison, pid);187 $(this).trigger('compare:deselected', { pid: pid });188 }189 });190 },191 /**192 * Handles the Clear All link193 */194 handleClearAll: function () {195 $('.compare-bar a.clear-all').on('click', function (e) {196 e.preventDefault();197 clearCompareBar();198 });199 },200 /**201 * Handles deselection of a product on the Compare Bar202 */203 deselectProductOnCompareBar: function () {204 $('.compare-bar').on('click', '.close', function () {205 var pid = $(this).closest('.slot').data('pid').toString();206 productsForComparison = deselectProduct(productsForComparison, pid);207 $(this).trigger('compare:deselected', { pid: pid });208 });209 },210 /**211 * Selects products for comparison based on the checked status of the Compare checkboxes in212 * each product tile. Used when user goes back from the Compare Products page.213 */214 selectCheckedProducts: function () {215 $('.product-grid').ready(function () {216 if (location.hash) {217 location.hash.replace('#', '').split(',').forEach(function (id) {218 $('input#' + id).prop('checked', 'checked');219 });220 }221 $('.compare input:checked').each(function () {222 var pid = $(this).prop('id');223 var imgSrc = $(this).closest('.product-tile')224 .find('img.tile-image')225 .prop('src');226 productsForComparison = selectProduct(productsForComparison, pid, imgSrc);227 $(this).trigger('compare:selected', { pid: pid });228 });229 });230 },231 /**232 * Sets the "backUrl" property to the last attribute selected URL to ensure that when the user233 * goes back from the Compare Products page, the previously selected attributes are still234 * selected and applied to the previous search.235 */236 setBackUrl: function () {237 $('.search-results').on('click', '.refinements a', function () {238 $('input[name="backUrl"]').val($(this).prop('href'));239 });240 },241 /**242 * Sets the history.pushState for history.back() to work from the Compare Products page.243 */244 setPushState: function () {245 $('.compare-products-form').on('submit', function () {246 updateSubmitUrl();247 var selectedProducts = $('.compare input:checked').map(function () { return; }).get().join(',');248 history.pushState({}, document.title, lastKnownUrl + '#' + selectedProducts);249 location.hash = selectedProducts;250 $(this).find('input[name="cgid"]').attr('value', $('input.category-id').val());251 });252 },253 catchFilterChange: function () {254 $('.container').on('click', '.refinements li a, .refinement-bar a.reset', function (e) {255 e.preventDefault();256 clearCompareBar();257 });258 },259 listenToFilterChange: function () {260 $('body').on('search:filter', function (e, data) {261 lastKnownUrl = data.currentTarget.href;262 });263 }...
Source: search.js
1'use strict';2var processInclude = require('base/util');3// "use strict";4// var $compareBar = $(".compare-bar-wrapper");5// var maxSlots = parseInt($(".compare-bar").data("max-slots"), 10);6// var productsForComparison = [];7// var compareButtonText = $("").text();8// var localStorageData = []; //stores the data coming from local storage of the Browser9// /**10// * @typedef ProductComparisonList11// * @type Object12// * @property {string} pid - ID for product to compare13// * @property {string} imgSrc - Image URL for selected product14// */15// /**16// * Compiles the HTML for a single slot17// *18// * @param {ProductComparisonList} product - Selected product to compare19// * @param {number} idx - Slot number (zero-based)20// * @return {string} - HTML for a single slot21// */22// function compileSlot(product, idx) {23// var pid =;24// var name = "pid" + idx;25// return (26// "" +27// '<div class="col-3 selected-product">' +28// '<div class="slot" data-pid="' +29// pid +30// '">' +31// '<img alt="' +32// product.altText +33// '" src="' +34// product.imgSrc +35// '">' +36// '<div class="close">' +37// '<svg xmlns="" width="30" height="30" fill="currentColor" class="bi bi-x" viewBox="0 0 16 16"><path d="M4.646 4.646a.5.5 0 0 1 .708 0L8 7.293l2.646-2.647a.5.5 0 0 1 .708.708L8.707 8l2.647 2.646a.5.5 0 0 1-.708.708L8 8.707l-2.646 2.647a.5.5 0 0 1-.708-.708L7.293 8 4.646 5.354a.5.5 0 0 1 0-.708z"/></svg>' +38// "</div>" +39// "</div>" +40// '<input type="hidden" name="' +41// name +42// '" value="' +43// pid +44// '">' +45// "</div>\n"46// );47// }48// /**49// * Draw and render the Compare Bar product slots50// *51// * @param {ProductComparisonList []} productsToCompare - List of ID's of the products to compare52// */53// function redrawCompareSlots(productsToCompare) {54 55// var html = productsToCompare56// .map(function (product, idx) {57 58// return compileSlot(product, idx);59// })60// .join("");61// // Render empty slots62// if (productsToCompare.length < maxSlots) {63// var numAvailableSlots = maxSlots - productsToCompare.length;64// for (var i = 0; i < numAvailableSlots; i++) {65// if (i === 0 && productsToCompare.length < 2) {66// html +=67// '<div class="col-3 selected-product"><div class="slot">' +68// '<div class="min-products-msg">' +69// $(".compare-bar").data("min-products-msg") +70// "</div></div></div>";71// } else {72// html +=73// '<div class="col-3 selected-product"><div class="slot"></div></div>';74// }75// }76// }77// $(".compare-bar .product-slots").empty().append(html);78// }79// /**80// * Enables/disables the Compare button, depending on whether at least two products have been81// * selected for comparison82// *83// * @param {number} numProducts - Number of products selected for comparison84// */85// function setCompareButton(numProducts) {86// if (numProducts > 0) {87// $("").text(compareButtonText + "(" + numProducts + ")");88// } else {89// $("").text(compareButtonText);90// }91// if (numProducts < 2) {92// $("").attr("disabled", true);93// } else {94// $("").removeAttr("disabled");95// }96// }97// /**98// * Returns a copy of a list of products to compare99// *100// * @param {ProductComparisonList []} productsToCompare - List of ID's of the products to compare101// * @return {ProductComparisonList []} List of ID's of the products to compare102// */103// function copyProducts(productsToCompare) {104// return (product) {105// var proxy = {};106// Object.keys(product).forEach(function (key) {107// proxy[key] = product[key];108// });109// return proxy;110// });111// }112// /**113// * Handles when the page/reload scenerio114// *115// * @param {ProductComparisonList []} products - List of ID's of the products available in the localStorage116// * @return {ProductComparisonList []} List of ID's of the products For comparison117// */118// function localStorageOnLoad(products) {119// var productsToCompare = copyProducts(products) || [];120// if (productsToCompare.length === maxSlots) {121// //if(!$("input[type=checkbox]").is(":checked")){122// $("input[type=checkbox]:not(:checked)").attr("disabled", true);123// // }124 125// }126// // when the page refresh then don't add the product which is alreday there in the comparison list ;127// // for that check the product id and add the product accordingly ;128 129// redrawCompareSlots(productsToCompare);130 131// setCompareButton(productsToCompare.length);132// // handle case when the user open the same page side by side on the browser ,133// // or when the page reload this code automatically pick the selected checkbox and mark as selected and 134// // enable the enable the selection of the checkbox that is alreday selected ; 135// if (products.length != 0) $;136// products.forEach(function (product) {137// $("input#" +"checked", true);138// $("input#" +"disabled");139// });140 141// return productsToCompare;142// }143$(document).ready(function () {144 processInclude(require('base/search'));145 processInclude(require('./product/compare'));146});147$( document ).ajaxComplete(function() {148 var callthis =require('./product/compare');149 callthis.handlePageOnLoad() ;150 console.log('calling the ajax complete');...
Using AI Code Generation
1var BestBuy = require('./bestbuy.js');2var bestBuy = new BestBuy();3 console.log(result);4});5var request = require('request');6var cheerio = require('cheerio');7var BestBuy = function() {8 this.compareButtonText = function(url, callback) {9 request(url, function(error, response, body) {10 if (!error) {11 var $ = cheerio.load(body);12 var firstProduct = $('.sku-item').first();13 var firstProductButton = firstProduct.find('.add-to-cart-button').text();14 var secondProduct = $('.sku-item').eq(1);15 var secondProductButton = secondProduct.find('.add-to-cart-button').text();16 if (firstProductButton === secondProductButton) {17 callback('The text of the button for the first product is the same as the text of the button for the second product.');18 } else {19 callback('The text of the button for the first product is not the same as the text of the button for the second product.');20 }21 } else {22 console.log('There was an error.');23 }24 });25 };26};27module.exports = BestBuy;
Using AI Code Generation
1var BestBuy = require('./bestBuy');2var bestBuy = new BestBuy();3var request = require('request');4var cheerio = require('cheerio');5var BestBuy = function() {};6BestBuy.prototype.compareButtonText = function(url, buttonText) {7 request(url, function(error, response, html) {8 if (!error) {9 var $ = cheerio.load(html);10 $('a.button').filter(function() {11 var data = $(this);12 var text = data.text();13 if (text === buttonText) {14 console.log('Button text matches');15 } else {16 console.log('Button text does not match');17 }18 });19 }20 });21};22module.exports = BestBuy;23var assert = require('assert');24var BestBuy = require('../bestBuy');25var bestBuy = new BestBuy();26describe('BestBuy', function() {27 it('should compare button text', function(done) {
Using AI Code Generation
1var BestBuy = require('./BestBuy.js');2var bestBuy = new BestBuy();3 console.log(data);4});5var cheerio = require('cheerio');6var request = require('request');7function BestBuy() {8 this.compareButtonText = function(url, callback) {9 request(url, function(err, resp, body) {10 if (err) return callback(err);11 var $ = cheerio.load(body);12 var buttonText = $('.compare').text();13 callback(null, buttonText);14 });15 };16}17module.exports = BestBuy;18var bestBuy = new BestBuy();
Using AI Code Generation
1var BestBuy = require('./BestBuy.js');2var myBestBuy = new BestBuy();3 if(err) {4 console.log(err);5 }6 else {7 console.log(result);8 }9});10var request = require('request');11var cheerio = require('cheerio');12var BestBuy = function() {13 this.compareButtonText = function(url, callback) {14 request(url, function(err, resp, body) {15 if(err) {16 callback(err);17 }18 else {19 var $ = cheerio.load(body);20 var buttonText = $('#add-to-cart-button').text();21 if(buttonText == 'Add to Cart') {22 callback(null, true);23 }24 else {25 callback(null, false);26 }27 }28 });29 }30};31module.exports = BestBuy;32{33 "dependencies": {34 }35}
Using AI Code Generation
1const BestBuyPage = require('./bestBuyPage');2const bestBuyPage = new BestBuyPage();3(async () => {4 await;5 await bestBuyPage.compareButtonText();6 await bestBuyPage.close();7})();8const { Builder, By, Key, until } = require('selenium-webdriver');9class BestBuyPage {10 constructor() {11 this.driver = new Builder().forBrowser('chrome').build();12 }13 async open() {14 }15 async compareButtonText() {16 let text = await this.driver.findElement(By.css('#shop-menu > div > div > div > div > div > div > div > div > div > div > a > span')).getText();17 if (text === 'Compare') {18 console.log('Text is correct!');19 } else {20 console.log('Text is not correct!');21 }22 }23 async close() {24 await this.driver.quit();25 }26}27module.exports = BestBuyPage;28{29 "scripts": {30 },31 "dependencies": {32 }33}34const {Builder, By, Key, until} = require('selenium-webdriver');35const chrome = require('selenium-webdriver/chrome');36const options = new chrome.Options();37const path = require('
Using AI Code Generation
1var BestBuy = require('./bestbuy');2var bestBuy = new BestBuy();3var Walmart = require('./walmart');4var walmart = new Walmart();5var request = require('request');6var cheerio = require('cheerio');7var BestBuy = function() {8 this.compareButtonText = function(url, buttonText) {9 request(url, function (error, response, body) {10 if (!error && response.statusCode == 200) {11 var $ = cheerio.load(body);12 var button = $('.add-to-cart-button').text().trim();13 if(button === buttonText) {14 console.log('Button text is matched');15 } else {16 console.log('Button text is not matched');17 }18 }19 });20 }21}22module.exports = BestBuy;23var request = require('request');24var cheerio = require('cheerio');25var Walmart = function() {26 this.compareButtonText = function(url, buttonText) {27 request(url, function (error, response, body) {28 if (!error && response.statusCode == 200) {29 var $ = cheerio.load(body);30 var button = $('.btn.btn-primary.btn-lg.btn-block').text().trim();31 if(button === buttonText) {32 console.log('Button text is matched');33 } else {34 console.log('Button text is not matched');35 }36 }37 });38 }39}40module.exports = Walmart;41In this example, we have created two classes BestBuy and Walmart. We have created a method compareButtonText() in both the classes. This method will take two parameters, one is the URL of the website and the other is the button text. We have used request module to make a
Using AI Code Generation
1var BestBuyPage = require('./BestBuyPage.js');2var bestBuyPage = new BestBuyPage();3bestBuyPage.compareButtonText('Compare');4function BestBuyPage() {5 this.compareButtonText = function (expectedText) {6 var compareButton = element('compareButton'));7 compareButton.getText().then(function (actualText) {8 expect(actualText).toEqual(expectedText);9 });10 }11}12module.exports = BestBuyPage;13var BestBuyPage = require('./BestBuyPage.js');14var bestBuyPage = new BestBuyPage();15bestBuyPage.compareButtonText('Compare');16at Object.<anonymous> (C:/Users/Anand/Desktop/Protractor/Protractor/BestBuy.js:8:9)17at Module._compile (module.js:556:32)18at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:565:10)19at Module.load (module.js:473:32)20at tryModuleLoad (module.js:432:12)21at Function.Module._load (module.js:424:3)22at Module.runMain (module.js:590:10)23at run (bootstrap_node.js:394:7)24at startup (bootstrap_node.js:149:9)25var BestBuyPage = require('./BestBuyPage.js');26var bestBuyPage = new BestBuyPage();
Using AI Code Generation
1var BestBuyHomePage = require('./BestBuyHomePage.js');2var BestBuyHomePage = new BestBuyHomePage();3BestBuyHomePage.compareButtonText();4var BestBuyHomePage = function () {5 this.compareButtonText = function () {6 var compareButton = element(by.css('#compareBtn'));7 compareButton.getText().then(function (text) {8 console.log(text);9 });10 };11};12module.exports = BestBuyHomePage;
Using AI Code Generation
1var bestBuy = require('./bestBuy.js');2var bestBuyObject = new bestBuy();3 if (err) {4 console.log('Error: ' + err);5 } else {6 console.log(result);7 }8});9var request = require('request');10var cheerio = require('cheerio');11module.exports = BestBuy;12function BestBuy() {13 this.compareButtonText = function (url, callback) {14 request(url, function (error, response, body) {15 if (error) {16 callback(error, null);17 } else {18 var $ = cheerio.load(body);19 var buttonText = $('button#atcBtn').text();20 callback(null, buttonText);21 }22 });23 };24}
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