How to use booleanFalseValue method in Best

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1var path = Npm.require('path');2var Fiber = Npm.require('fibers');3var Future = Npm.require(path.join('fibers', 'future'));4OracleDB = function (connection) {5 var self = this;6 7 self.connection = connection;8 self.db = NpmModuleOracledb;9 self.db.maxRows = 1000;10 self.db.prefetchRows = 100;11 self.db.autoCommit = true;12 self._tables = {};13};14OracleDB._databases = {};15OracleDB.getDatabase = function(connection) {16 var key = connection.user+"@"+connection.connectString;17 var db = OracleDB._databases[key];18 19 if(!db) {20 var user = OracleDB.executeCommand(connection, "select * from user_users", [], {});21 22 db = new OracleDB(connection);23 db.user = user;24 db.databaseName = key;25 OracleDB._databases[key] = db;26 }27 return db;28};29OracleDB.q = function(name) {30 return '"'+name+'"';31};32OracleDB.uq = function(name) {33 return name.substr(1, name.length-2);34};35/​/​ Meteor -> Oracle36OracleDB._tableNameM2O = function(name) {37 return name;38};39OracleDB._columnNameM2O = function(name) {40 return name;41};42/​/​Oracle -> Meteor43OracleDB._tableNameO2M = function(name) {44 return name;45};46OracleDB._columnNameO2M = function(name) {47 return name;48};49OracleDB._processResult = function(sqlOptions, result) {50 var md = result.metaData;51 var rows = result.rows;52 var records = [];53 var nameMap = {};54 if(md && rows) {55 for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {56 var row = rows[i];57 var rec = {};58 for(var j = 0; j < md.length; j++) {59 var mdrec = md[j];60 var val = row[j];61 62 /​/​ Turn null into undefined so $exist work properly in minimongo63 if(val === null) {64 continue;65 }66 67 if(sqlOptions.booleanTrueValue !== undefined) {68 if(val === sqlOptions.booleanTrueValue) {69 val = true;70 } else if(val === sqlOptions.booleanFalseValue) {71 val = false;72 }73 }74 var name = mdrec['name'];75 76 var name2 = nameMap[name];77 if(!name2) {78 var name2 = OracleDB._columnNameO2M(name);79 nameMap[name] = name2;80 }81 rec[name2] = val;82 }83 records.push(rec);84 }85 86 result.records = records;87 delete result.rows;88 }89 return result;90}91OracleDB.executeCommand = function(connection, sql, sqlParameters, sqlOptions) {92 sqlParameters = sqlParameters || {};93 sqlOptions = sqlOptions || {};94 95 var future = new Future;96 var onComplete = future.resolver();97 try98 {99 NpmModuleOracledb.getConnection(100 connection,101 Meteor.bindEnvironment(102 103 function (err, db) {104 if (err) {105 onComplete(err);106 return;107 }108 109 if(sqlOptions.sqlDebug) {110 if(sql.indexOf("SELECT * FROM \"oplog\"") < 0) {111 console.log(sql, sqlParameters);112 }113 }114 115 db.execute(116 sql,117 sqlParameters,118 sqlOptions,119 function(err, result) {120 121 db.release(122 function(err2) {123 if (err2) {124 console.error(err2.message);125 onComplete(err2, result);126 } else {127 onComplete(err, result);128 }129 }); 130 }131 );132 },133 onComplete /​/​ onException134 )135 );136 }137 catch(ex)138 {139 console.error("ERROR in SQL preparation: "+sql);140 throw ex;141 }142 try143 {144 var result = future.wait();145 result = OracleDB._processResult(sqlOptions, result);146 return result;147 }148 catch(ex)149 {150 console.error("ERROR in SQL: ", sql);151 console.error("ERROR MESSAGE: ", ex.message);152 throw ex;153 }154};155OracleDB.prototype.executeCommand = function(sql, sqlParameters, sqlOptions) {156 var self = this;157 158 return OracleDB.executeCommand(self.connection, sql, sqlParameters, sqlOptions);159};160OracleDB.executeBatch = function(connection, batch, sqlOptions) {161 sqlOptions = sqlOptions || {};162 163 var future = new Future;164 var onComplete = future.resolver();165 try166 {167 NpmModuleOracledb.getConnection(168 connection,169 Meteor.bindEnvironment(170 171 function (err, db) {172 if (err) {173 onComplete(err);174 return;175 }176 177 var results = [];178 179 try180 {181 /​/​ For each SQL in the batch182 for(var bi = 0; bi < batch.length; bi++) {183 var bv = batch[bi];184 185 if(sqlOptions.sqlDebug) {186 console.log("BATCH ITEM["+bi+"]", bv.sql, bv.sqlParameters);187 }188 189 var future2 = new Future;190 var onComplete2 = future2.resolver();191 192 db.execute(193 bv.sql,194 bv.sqlParameters,195 {autoCommit: false},196 function(err, result) {197 if(err) {198 console.log("BATCH ["+bi+"] EXECUTED WITH ERROR: ", err.message, bv);199 }200 onComplete2(err, result);201 }202 );203 var result = future2.wait();204 results.push(result);205 }206 var commitFuture = new Future;207 var onCommitComplete = commitFuture.resolver();208 db.commit(function(err2){209 if (err2) {210 console.error("BATCH COMMIT FAILED: ", err2.message);211 err = err || err2;212 }213 214 onCommitComplete(err2, null);215 });216 217 commitFuture.wait();218 }219 catch(e) {220 err = err || e;221 var rollbackFuture = new Future;222 var onRollbackComplete = rollbackFuture.resolver();223 db.rollback(function(err2){224 if (err2) {225 console.error("BATCH ROLLBACK FAILED: ", err2.message);226 err = err || err2;227 }228 229 onRollbackComplete(err2, null);230 });231 232 rollbackFuture.wait();233 }234 finally {235 db.release(236 function(err2) {237 if (err2) {238 console.error("BATCH CONNECTION RELEASE ERROR:", err.message);239 err = err || err2;240 }241 242 /​/​ Big return!!!243 onComplete(err, results);244 });245 }246 },247 onComplete /​/​ onException248 )249 );250 }251 catch(ex)252 {253 console.error("ERROR in SQL BATCH preparation: "+batch);254 throw ex;255 }256 try257 {258 var result = future.wait();259 260 for(var i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {261 result[i] = OracleDB._processResult(sqlOptions, result[i]);262 }263 264 return result;265 }266 catch(ex)267 {268 console.error("ERROR in SQL BATCH: "+ex.message);269 throw ex;270 }271};272OracleDB.prototype.executeBatch = function(batch, sqlOptions) {273 var self = this;274 275 return OracleDB.executeBatch(self.connection, batch, sqlOptions);276};277OracleDB.prototype._getJsonColumns = function(sqlTable, op, oracleOptions, o) {278 var self = this;279 var tableResult = self._tables[sqlTable];280 var columns = tableResult["columns"];281 var s = "";282 var nested = sqlTable.indexOf("$") >= 0;283 284 var i = 0;285 var nw = ":NEW";286 if(op === 'w' || op === 'd') {287 nw = ":OLD";288 }289 290 for(var c in columns) {291 var cv = columns[c];292 293 if(op === 'u' && c === "_id") continue; /​/​ exclude for updates294 if(op === 'w' || op === 'd') {295 if(!(c === "_id" || c === "_value")) {296 continue;297 }298 }299 if (i > 0) {300 s = s + "\n";301 }302 s = s + "\t\t";303 304 if(op === 'u') {305 s = s + 'IF ('+nw+'."'+c+'" <> :OLD."'+c+'" OR ('+nw+'."'+c+'" IS NOT NULL AND :OLD."'+c+'" IS NULL) OR ('+nw+'."'+c+'" IS NULL AND :OLD."'+c+'" IS NOT NULL)) THEN ';306 s = s + "IF "+o+" is not null THEN "+o+" := "+o+" || ', '; END IF; ";307 } else {308 if(i > 0) {309 s = s + o+" := "+o+" || ', ';\n\t\t";310 }311 }312 313 s = s + o+" := "+o+" || ";314 if(cv.isBoolean) {315 s = s + '\'"'+c+'": \'||nvl('+nw+'."'+c+'", \'null\')';316 } else if(cv.dataType === 'VARCHAR2') {317 s = s + '\'"'+c+'": "\'||replace(replace('+nw+'."'+c+'", chr(10), \'\\n\'), \'"\', \'\\"\')||\'"\'';318 } else if(cv.dataType === 'NUMBER') {319 s = s + '\'"'+c+'": \'||nvl(meteor_pkg.js_number('+nw+'."'+c+'"), \'null\')'; 320 } else if(cv.dataType === 'DATE') {321 s = s + '\'"'+c+'": {"$date": "\'||to_char('+nw+'."'+c+'", \'yyyy-mm-dd"T"hh24:mi:ss".000Z"\')||\'"}\''; 322 } else if(cv.dataType === 'TIMESTAMP') {323 s = s + '\'"'+c+'": {"$date": "\'||to_char('+nw+'."'+c+'", \'yyyy-mm-dd"T"hh24:mi:ss.ff3"Z"\')||\'"}\''; 324 }325 326 if(op === 'u') {327 s = s + '; END IF';328 }329 s = s + ';';330 i++;331 }332 333 return i === 0 ? null : s;334};335OracleDB.prototype._refreshTable = function(sqlTable, oracleOptions) {336 var self = this;337 var tableResult = self._tables[sqlTable];338 339 if(!tableResult) {340 var tableSql = 'select table_name as "tableName", status, num_rows as "numRows" from user_tables where table_name = :1';341 var tableResult = self.executeCommand(tableSql, [sqlTable])342 343 if(!tableResult.records || tableResult.records.length === 0) {344 /​/​ Table does not exist in the database345 return;346 }347 348 self._tables[sqlTable] = tableResult;349 }350 351 var colSql = 'select column_name as "columnName", column_id as "columnId", data_type as "dataType", data_length as "dataLength", data_precision as "dataPrecision", data_scale as "dataScale", nullable as "nullable", default_length as "defaultLength" from user_tab_columns where table_name = :1 order by column_id';352 var colResult = self.executeCommand(colSql, [sqlTable], oracleOptions)353 var columns = {};354 var ccn = {};355 for(var i = 0; i < colResult.records.length; i++) {356 var rec = colResult.records[i];357 var oraColumn = rec.columnName;358 var meteorColumn = OracleDB._columnNameO2M(oraColumn);359 columns[oraColumn] = rec;360 rec["meteorName"] = meteorColumn;361 ccn[meteorColumn] = oraColumn;362 }363 tableResult["colRecords"] = colResult.records;364 tableResult["columns"] = columns;365 tableResult["ccn"] = ccn;366 367 var consSql = 'select constraint_name as "constraintName", constraint_type as "constraintType" from user_constraints where table_name = :1 and status = \'ENABLED\' and invalid is null';368 var consResult = self.executeCommand(consSql, [sqlTable], oracleOptions)369 var constraints = {};370 for(var i = 0; i < consResult.records.length; i++) {371 var rec = consResult.records[i];372 var s = sqlTable+'_BOOL_CHK';373 if(rec.constraintName.substr(0, s.length) == s) {374 /​/​ It's boolean check!375 var index = rec.constraintName.substr(s.length);376 tableResult.colRecords[index-1]["isBoolean"] = true;377 }378 s = sqlTable+"_NULL_CHK";379 if(rec.constraintName.substr(0, s.length) == s) {380 /​/​ It's null check!381 var index = rec.constraintName.substr(s.length);382 tableResult.colRecords[index-1]["isNull"] = true;383 }384 }385 tableResult["consRecords"] = consResult.records;386 387 var indSql = 'select index_name as "indexName", index_type as "indexType", uniqueness as "uniqueness", status as "status", compression as "compression" from user_indexes where table_name = :1';388 var indResult = self.executeCommand(indSql, [sqlTable], oracleOptions)389 var indexes = {};390 for(var i = 0; i < indResult.records.length; i++) {391 var rec = indResult.records[i];392 indexes[rec.indexName] = rec;393 }394 tableResult["indexes"] = indexes;395 /​/​ tableResult["indResult"] = indResult;396 397 var detSql = 398 'select table_name as "tableName", substr(table_name, length(:0)+2) as "fieldName" from user_constraints '+399 "where table_name like :1||'$%' and constraint_type='R' " +400 "and r_constraint_name in " +401 "(select constraint_name from user_constraints where constraint_type in ('P','U') and table_name=:2) ";402 var detResult = self.executeCommand(detSql, [sqlTable, sqlTable, sqlTable], oracleOptions)403 var details = {};404 for(var key in detResult.records) {405 var rec = detResult.records[key];406 details[OracleDB._columnNameO2M(rec.fieldName)] = {tableName: OracleDB._tableNameO2M(rec.tableName), fieldName: OracleDB._columnNameO2M(rec.fieldName)};407 }408 tableResult["details"] = details;409 for(var di in details) {410 self._ensureTable(details[di].tableName, oracleOptions, sqlTable);411 }412 413 var nested = sqlTable.indexOf("$") >= 0;414 415 /​/​ Create or Replace the Trigger416 if(sqlTable !== 'oplog') {417 var trgSql = 'create or replace trigger "'+sqlTable+'_trg"\n';418 trgSql = trgSql + "after insert or update or delete\n"; 419 trgSql = trgSql + 'on "' + sqlTable + '"\n';420 trgSql = trgSql + "for each row\n";421 trgSql = trgSql + "declare\n";422 trgSql = trgSql + "\top varchar2(1);\n";423 trgSql = trgSql + "\tns varchar2(200);\n";424 trgSql = trgSql + "\to varchar2(4000);\n";425 trgSql = trgSql + "\to2 varchar2(4000);\n";426 trgSql = trgSql + "begin\n";427 trgSql = trgSql + "\tIF INSERTING THEN\n";428 trgSql = trgSql + "\t\top := 'i';\n";429 trgSql = trgSql + "\t\tns := 'meteor@localhost/​XE'||'.'||'"+sqlTable+"';\n";430 trgSql = trgSql + "\t\to := '';\n";431 trgSql = trgSql + self._getJsonColumns(sqlTable, 'i', oracleOptions, "o") + "\n";432 trgSql = trgSql + "\t\to := '{'||o||'}';\n";433 trgSql = trgSql + "\t\to2 := null;\n";434 trgSql = trgSql + '\t\tinsert into "oplog" ("id", "ts", "scn", "tr", "v", "op", "ns", "o", "o2")\n'435 trgSql = trgSql + '\t\tvalues ("oplog_seq".nextval, current_timestamp, dbms_flashback.get_system_change_number, dbms_transaction.local_transaction_id, 2, op, ns, o, o2);\n'; 436 trgSql = trgSql + "\tELSIF UPDATING THEN\n";437 trgSql = trgSql + "\t\top := 'u';\n";438 trgSql = trgSql + "\t\tns := 'meteor@localhost/​XE'||'.'||'"+sqlTable+"';\n";439 var cl = self._getJsonColumns(sqlTable, 'u', oracleOptions, "o");440 if(cl) {441 trgSql = trgSql + "\t\to := '';\n"442 trgSql = trgSql + cl + "\n";443 trgSql = trgSql + "\t\tIF o is not null THEN\n"; 444 trgSql = trgSql + "\t\t\to := '{\"$set\": {'||o||'}}';\n";445 trgSql = trgSql + "\t\to2 := '';\n";446 trgSql = trgSql + self._getJsonColumns(sqlTable, 'w', oracleOptions, "o2") + "\n";447 trgSql = trgSql + "\t\to2 := '{'||o2||'}';\n";448 trgSql = trgSql + '\t\t\tinsert into "oplog" ("id", "ts", "scn", "tr", "v", "op", "ns", "o", "o2")\n';449 trgSql = trgSql + '\t\t\tvalues ("oplog_seq".nextval, current_timestamp, dbms_flashback.get_system_change_number, dbms_transaction.local_transaction_id, 2, op, ns, o, o2);\n';450 trgSql = trgSql + "\t\tEND IF;\n";451 }452 trgSql = trgSql + "\tELSIF DELETING THEN\n";453 trgSql = trgSql + "\t\top := 'd';\n";454 trgSql = trgSql + "\t\tns := 'meteor@localhost/​XE'||'.'||'"+sqlTable+"';\n";455 trgSql = trgSql + "\t\to := '';\n";456 trgSql = trgSql + self._getJsonColumns(sqlTable, 'w', oracleOptions, "o") + "\n";457 trgSql = trgSql + "\t\to := '{'||o||'}';\n";458 trgSql = trgSql + "\t\to2 := null;\n"; 459 trgSql = trgSql + '\t\tinsert into "oplog" ("id", "ts", "scn", "tr", "v", "op", "ns", "o", "o2")\n';460 trgSql = trgSql + '\t\tvalues ("oplog_seq".nextval, current_timestamp, dbms_flashback.get_system_change_number, dbms_transaction.local_transaction_id, 2, op, ns, o, o2);\n';461 trgSql = trgSql + "\tEND IF;\n";462 trgSql = trgSql + " end;\n";463 var trgResult = self.executeCommand(trgSql, [], oracleOptions)464 }465};466OracleDB.prototype._ensureTable = function(sqlTable, oracleOptions, parentSqlTable) {467 var self = this;468 469 if(!self._tables[sqlTable]) {470 self._refreshTable(sqlTable, oracleOptions);471 472 if(!self._tables[sqlTable]) {473 /​/​ Table doesn't exist, we should create it474 var sql;475 var result;476 477 if(parentSqlTable) {478 sql = "create table "+OracleDB.q(sqlTable)+" ("+OracleDB.q("_id")+" varchar2(17) not null, "+OracleDB.q("_indexNo")+" number(20, 0) not null)";479 } else {480 sql = "create table "+OracleDB.q(sqlTable)+" ("+OracleDB.q("_id")+" varchar2(17) not null)"; 481 }482 if(oracleOptions.sqlDebug) {483 console.log(sql);484 };485 486 result = self.executeCommand(sql, []);487 /​/​ Add a primary key488 if(parentSqlTable) {489 sql = "alter table "+OracleDB.q(sqlTable)+" add constraint "+OracleDB.q(sqlTable+"_PK")+" primary key ("+OracleDB.q("_id")+", "+OracleDB.q("_indexNo")+")";490 } else {491 sql = "alter table "+OracleDB.q(sqlTable)+" add constraint "+OracleDB.q(sqlTable+"_PK")+" primary key ("+OracleDB.q("_id")+")";492 }493 if(oracleOptions.sqlDebug) {494 console.log(sql);495 };496 result = self.executeCommand(sql, []); 497 /​/​ Add a foreign key498 if(parentSqlTable) {499 sql = "alter table "+OracleDB.q(sqlTable)+" add constraint "+OracleDB.q(sqlTable+"_FK")+" foreign key ("+OracleDB.q("_id")+") references "+OracleDB.q(parentSqlTable)+"("+OracleDB.q("_id")+") on delete cascade";500 if(oracleOptions.sqlDebug) {501 console.log(sql);502 };503 result = self.executeCommand(sql, []);504 }505 506 /​/​ Verify, that the table has been created507 self._refreshTable(sqlTable, oracleOptions);508 if(!self._tables[sqlTable]) {509 throw new Error("Table creation failed");510 }511 }512 513 if(parentSqlTable) {514 self._refreshTable(parentSqlTable, oracleOptions);515 }516 }517};518OracleDB.prototype._getColumnType = function(sqlTable, column, value, oracleOptions, postponedBooleanColumns, postponedNullColumns) {519 var self = this;520 521 var type = undefined;522 523 if(value === null) {524 type = "varchar2(1)";525 postponedNullColumns.push(column);526 } else if(typeof value === 'string') {527 var len = Buffer.byteLength(value, 'utf8');528 if(len <= 0) len = 1;529 type = "varchar2("+len+")";530 } else if(typeof value === 'number') {531 var ns = '' + value;532 var index = ns.indexOf(".");533 if(index >= 0) {534 /​/​ contains "."535 type = "number("+(ns.length-1)+", "+(ns.length - index - 1)+")"; 536 } else {537 type = "number("+ns.length+")"; 538 }539 } else if (typeof value === 'boolean') {540 if(typeof oracleOptions.booleanTrueValue === 'number'541 && typeof oracleOptions.booleanFalseValue === 'number') {542 type = "number";543 if(0 <= oracleOptions.booleanTrueValue && oracleOptions.booleanTrueValue < 10 &&544 0 <= oracleOptions.booleanFalseValue && oracleOptions.booleanFalseValue < 10 ) {545 type = "number(1)";546 }547 } else if(typeof oracleOptions.booleanTrueValue === 'string'548 && typeof oracleOptions.booleanFalseValue === 'string') {549 var maxLen = oracleOptions.booleanTrueValue.length;550 551 if(maxLen < oracleOptions.booleanFalseValue.length) {552 maxLen = oracleOptions.booleanFalseValue.length;553 }554 type = "varchar2("+maxLen+")"; /​/​ "true" or "false"555 } else {556 console.log("oracleOptions", oracleOptions);557 throw new Error("Invalid parameters booleanTrueValue or booleanFalseValue");558 }559 postponedBooleanColumns.push(column);560 } else if(value instanceof Date) {561 type = "date";562 } else if(value instanceof Array) {563 } else if(value !== null && typeof value === 'object') {564 }565 566 if(type) {567 if(value === null) {568 type = type + " null";569 } else {570 /​/​ Check if there are any records in the table571 var sql = "select "+OracleDB.q("_id")+" from "+OracleDB.q(sqlTable)+" where rownum = 1";572 573 var result = self.executeCommand(sql, [], oracleOptions);574 if(result.records.length === 0) {575 /​/​ No rows, turn the column not null576 type = type + " not null";577 }578 579 }580 }581 return type;582};583OracleDB.prototype._ensureColumnsPostProcess = function(sqlTable, oracleOptions, refreshCols, postponedBooleanColumns, postponedNullColumns) {584 var self = this;585 if(refreshCols) {586 self._refreshTable(sqlTable, oracleOptions);587 refreshCols = false;588 }589 var table = self._tables[sqlTable]; 590 591 for(var i = 0; i < postponedBooleanColumns.length; i++) {592 var column = postponedBooleanColumns[i];593 594 var columnDesc = table.columns[column];595 var sql = "alter table "+OracleDB.q(sqlTable)+" add constraint "+ OracleDB.q(sqlTable + "_BOOL_CHK" + columnDesc.columnId) + " CHECK ("+596 OracleDB.q(columnDesc.columnName)+" IN (NULL, '"+oracleOptions.booleanTrueValue+"', '"+oracleOptions.booleanFalseValue+"')) ENABLE";597 var result = self.executeCommand(sql, [], oracleOptions); 598 refreshCols = true;599 }600 for(var i = 0; i < postponedNullColumns.length; i++) {601 var column = postponedNullColumns[i];602 603 var columnDesc = table.columns[column];604 var sql = "alter table "+OracleDB.q(sqlTable)+" add constraint "+ OracleDB.q(sqlTable + "_NULL_CHK" + columnDesc.columnId) + " CHECK ("+605 OracleDB.q(columnDesc.columnName)+" IS NULL) ENABLE";606 var result = self.executeCommand(sql, [], oracleOptions);607 608 refreshCols = true;609 }610 if(refreshCols) {611 self._refreshTable(sqlTable, oracleOptions);612 }613};614OracleDB.prototype._ensureSelectableColumns = function(sqlTable, fields, oracleOptions) {615 var self = this;616 var table = self._tables[sqlTable];617 var postponedBooleanColumns = [];618 var postponedNullColumns = [];619 var refreshCols = false;620 621 for(var column in fields) {622 var value = fields[column];623 if(value || value === null) {624 column = OracleDB._columnNameM2O(column);625 626 var columnDesc = table.columns[column]; 627 628 if(!columnDesc) {629 var type = "varchar2(1) null";630 631 var sql = "alter table "+OracleDB.q(sqlTable)+" add ("+OracleDB.q(column)+" "+type+")";632 var result = self.executeCommand(sql, [], oracleOptions);633 634 postponedNullColumns.push(column);635 refreshCols = true;636 }637 }638 }639 640 self._ensureColumnsPostProcess(sqlTable, oracleOptions, refreshCols, postponedBooleanColumns, postponedNullColumns); 641};642OracleDB.prototype._ensureColumns = function(sqlTable, doc, oracleOptions, parentSqlTable, doXCheck) {643 var self = this;644 var table = self._tables[sqlTable];645 if(!table) {646 self._ensureTable(sqlTable, oracleOptions, parentSqlTable);647 table = self._tables[sqlTable];648 649 if(!table) {650 throw new Error("Failed to create a new table");651 }652 }653 654 var postponedBooleanColumns = [];655 var postponedNullColumns = [];656 var refreshCols = false;657 658 for(var column in doc) {659 var value = doc[column];660 var columnDesc = table.columns[column]; 661 if(!columnDesc) {662 var type = self._getColumnType(sqlTable, column, value, oracleOptions, postponedBooleanColumns, postponedNullColumns);663 664 if(type) {665 var sql = "alter table "+OracleDB.q(sqlTable)+" add ("+OracleDB.q(column)+" "+type+")";666 var result = self.executeCommand(sql, [], oracleOptions);667 refreshCols = true;668 }669 } else {670 if(value !== null && (value instanceof Date || !(value instanceof Array) && typeof value !== 'object')) {671 if(columnDesc.isNull) {672 /​/​ Drop the null constraint673 var sql = "alter table "+OracleDB.q(sqlTable)+" drop constraint "+ OracleDB.q(sqlTable + "_NULL_CHK" + columnDesc.columnId);674 var result = self.executeCommand(sql, [], oracleOptions);675 refreshCols = true;676 /​/​ Check if there are any records in the table677 sql = "select "+OracleDB.q("_id")+" from "+OracleDB.q(sqlTable)+" where rownum = 1";678 679 result = self.executeCommand(sql, [], oracleOptions);680 if(result.records.length === 0) {681 /​/​ No rows, turn the column not null682 sql = "alter table "+OracleDB.q(sqlTable)+" modify ("+OracleDB.q(column)+" not null)";683 684 result = self.executeCommand(sql, [], oracleOptions); 685 }686 } 687 }688 689 if(value === null) {690 if(columnDesc.nullable === 'N') {691 /​/​ Allow NULLs692 var sql = "alter table "+OracleDB.q(sqlTable)+" modify ("+OracleDB.q(column)+" null)";693 var result = self.executeCommand(sql, [], oracleOptions);694 refreshCols = true;695 }696 } else if(typeof value === 'string') {697 if(columnDesc.dataType === "VARCHAR2" && !columnDesc.isBoolean) {698 var len = Buffer.byteLength(value, 'utf8');699 if(len <= 0) len = 1;700 701 if(columnDesc.dataLength < len) {702 var sql = "alter table "+OracleDB.q(sqlTable)+" modify ("+OracleDB.q(column)+" varchar2("+len+"))";703 var result = self.executeCommand(sql, [], oracleOptions);704 refreshCols = true;705 }706 }707 } else if(typeof value === 'number') {708 var ns = '' + value;709 var index = ns.indexOf(".");710 var precision;711 var scale;712 if(index >= 0) {713 /​/​ contains "."714 precision = (ns.length-1);715 scale = (ns.length - index - 1); 716 } else {717 precision = ns.length;718 scale = 0; 719 }720 721 if(!columnDesc.isBoolean)722 if(columnDesc.dataType === "VARCHAR2") {723 var part1 = (precision - scale);724 var part2 = scale;725 var dbPart1 = columnDesc.dataLength;726 var dbPart2 = 0;727 var newPrecision = part1 >= dbPart1 ? part1 : dbPart1;728 var newScale = part2 >= dbPart2 ? part2 : dbPart2;729 newPrecision += newScale;730 /​/​ Always alter table731 var sql = "alter table "+OracleDB.q(sqlTable)+" modify ("+OracleDB.q(column)+" number("+newPrecision+", "+newScale+"))";732 var result = self.executeCommand(sql, [], oracleOptions);733 refreshCols = true;734 } else if(columnDesc.dataType === "NUMBER") {735 var part1 = (precision - scale);736 var part2 = scale;737 var dbPart1 = (columnDesc.dataPrecision - columnDesc.dataScale);738 var dbPart2 = columnDesc.dataScale;739 var newPrecision = part1 >= dbPart1 ? part1 : dbPart1;740 var newScale = part2 >= dbPart2 ? part2 : dbPart2;741 newPrecision += newScale;742 if(newPrecision > columnDesc.dataPrecision || newScale > columnDesc.dataScale) {743 var sql = "alter table "+OracleDB.q(sqlTable)+" modify ("+OracleDB.q(column)+" number("+newPrecision+", "+newScale+"))";744 var result = self.executeCommand(sql, [], oracleOptions);745 refreshCols = true;746 }747 }748 } else if (typeof value === 'boolean') {749 if(columnDesc.isNull) {750 var type = undefined;751 752 if(typeof oracleOptions.booleanTrueValue === 'number'753 && typeof oracleOptions.booleanFalseValue === 'number') {754 type = "number";755 if(0 <= oracleOptions.booleanTrueValue && oracleOptions.booleanTrueValue < 10 &&756 0 <= oracleOptions.booleanFalseValue && oracleOptions.booleanFalseValue < 10) {757 if(columnDesc.dataType !== "NUMBER") {758 type = "number(1)";759 }760 }761 } else if(typeof oracleOptions.booleanTrueValue === 'string'762 && typeof oracleOptions.booleanFalseValue === 'string') {763 var maxLen = oracleOptions.booleanTrueValue.length;764 765 if(maxLen < oracleOptions.booleanFalseValue.length) {766 maxLen = oracleOptions.booleanFalseValue.length;767 }768 if(columnDesc.dataType !== "VARCHAR2" || columnDesc.dataLength < maxLen) {769 type = "varchar2("+maxLen+")"; /​/​ "true" or "false"770 }771 } else {772 throw new Error("Invalid parameters booleanTrueValue or booleanFalseValue", oracleOptions);773 }774 775 if(type) {776 var sql = "alter table "+OracleDB.q(sqlTable)+" modify ("+OracleDB.q(column)+" "+type+")";777 var result = self.executeCommand(sql, [], oracleOptions);778 }779 postponedBooleanColumns.push(column);780 }781 } else if(value instanceof Date) {782 if(columnDesc.isNull) {783 var type = "date";784 785 var sql = "alter table "+OracleDB.q(sqlTable)+" modify ("+OracleDB.q(column)+" "+type+")";786 var result = self.executeCommand(sql, [], oracleOptions); 787 }788 } else if(value instanceof Array) {789 continue;790 } else if(value != null && typeof value === 'object') {791 continue; 792 }793 }794 }795 796 /​/​ Crosscheck is any columns are missing in the document797 if(doXCheck)798 for(var i = 0; i < table.colRecords.length; i++) {799 var colRec = table.colRecords[i];800 801 if(colRec.columnName === "_id" || colRec.columnName === "_indexNo") {802 continue;803 }804 var value = doc[colRec.meteorName];805 if(value === undefined || (value instanceof Array) || (value != null && typeof value === 'object')) {806 /​/​ missing column ... allow nulls807 if(colRec.nullable === 'N') {808 /​/​ Allow NULLs809 var sql = "alter table "+OracleDB.q(sqlTable)+" modify ("+OracleDB.q(colRec.columnName)+" null)";810 var result = self.executeCommand(sql, [], oracleOptions);811 refreshCols = true; 812 }813 }814 }815 816 self._ensureColumnsPostProcess(sqlTable, oracleOptions, refreshCols, postponedBooleanColumns, postponedNullColumns); 817};818OracleDB.prototype.collection = function(name, oracleOptions, callback) {819 var self = this;820 if(typeof oracleOptions == 'function') callback = oracleOptions, oracleOptions = undefined;821 oracleOptions = oracleOptions || Oracle.getDefaultOracleOptions();822 try {823 var collection = new OracleCollection(this, name, oracleOptions);824 825 if(collection.oracleOptions.sqlTable) {826 self._ensureTable(collection.oracleOptions.sqlTable, collection.oracleOptions);827 }828 829 if(callback) callback(null, collection);830 return collection;831 } catch(err) {832 if(callback) return callback(err);833 throw err;834 }...

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Source:BooleanFilter.test.js Github


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1/​*2 * This file is part of ag-gird-components lib.3 * (c) Basis Europe <>4 *5 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE6 * file that was distributed with this source code.7 */​8/​* eslint-disable no-undef */​9describe('#BooleanFilter ', function() {10 let gridOptions = null11 const columnDefs = [12 {13 field: 'booleans',14 filter: 'BooleanFilter',15 filterParams: {16 booleanTrueValue: true, /​/​ default17 booleanFalseValue: false, /​/​ default18 },19 },20 {21 field: 'booleansYesNo',22 filter: 'BooleanFilter',23 filterParams: {24 booleanTrueValue: 'yes',25 booleanFalseValue: 'no',26 },27 },28 {29 field: 'booleansMixed',30 filter: 'BooleanFilter',31 filterParams: {32 booleanTrueValue: ['yes', true],33 booleanFalseValue: ['no', false],34 },35 },36 ]37 const rowData = [38 {39 booleans: true,40 booleansYesNo: 'yes',41 booleansMixed: true,42 },43 {44 booleans: true,45 booleansYesNo: 'yes',46 booleansMixed: 'yes',47 },48 {49 booleans: false,50 booleansYesNo: 'no',51 booleansMixed: 'no',52 },53 {54 booleans: false,55 booleansYesNo: 'no',56 booleansMixed: false,57 },58 ]59 afterEach(() => {60 gridOptions.api.destroy()61 })62 beforeEach(() => {63 return setupGridForTests({64 components: {65 /​/​ eslint-disable-next-line no-undef66 BooleanFilter: Basis.AgGridComponents.BooleanFilter,67 },68 columnDefs,69 rowData,70 }).then(options => {71 gridOptions = options72 })73 })74 it('Gird is initialized successfully', () => {75 expect(gridOptions.api.getDisplayedRowCount()).to.equal(4)76 expect(gridOptions.columnApi.getAllColumns()).to.have.lengthOf(3)77 })78 columnDefs.forEach(column => {79 describe(`#setModel for column "${column.field}"`, () => {80 const models = [{ value: 'true' }, { value: 'false' }]81 models.forEach(model => {82 describe(`can filter "${model.value}" values`, () => {83 beforeEach(() => {84 gridOptions.api.getFilterInstance(column.field).setModel({85 value: model.value,86 })87 gridOptions.api.onFilterChanged()88 gridOptions.api.selectAllFiltered()89 })90 afterEach(() => {91 gridOptions.api.deselectAll()92 gridOptions.api.setFilterModel(null)93 gridOptions.api.onFilterChanged()94 })95 it(`${column.field} filter is active`, () => {96 expect(97 gridOptions.api.getFilterInstance(column.field).isFilterActive()98 ) })100 it('number of filtered rows is 2', () => {101 const selected = gridOptions.api.getSelectedRows()102 expect(selected, 'selected rows length is 2').to.have.lengthOf(2)103 })104 it(`${column.field} field of each filtered row is "${105 model.value === 'true'106 ? column.filterParams.booleanTrueValue107 : column.filterParams.booleanFalseValue108 }"`, () => {109 const selected = gridOptions.api.getSelectedRows()110 selected.forEach((row, i) => {111 expect(112 row[column.field],113 `rows[${i}].${column.field} is "${114 model.value === 'true'115 ? column.filterParams.booleanTrueValue116 : column.filterParams.booleanFalseValue117 }"`118 ) model.value === 'true'120 ? [].concat(column.filterParams.booleanTrueValue)121 : [].concat(column.filterParams.booleanFalseValue)122 )123 })124 })125 })126 })127 })128 })...

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Source:BooleanEditor.test.js Github


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1/​* eslint-disable no-undef */​2/​*3 * This file is part of ag-gird-components lib.4 * (c) Basis Europe <>5 *6 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE7 * file that was distributed with this source code.8 */​9describe('#BooleanEditor ', function() {10 let gridOptions = null11 const columnDefs = [12 {13 field: 'booleans',14 cellEditor: 'BooleanEditor',15 cellEditorParams: {16 booleanTrueValue: true, /​/​ default17 booleanFalseValue: false, /​/​ default18 },19 },20 {21 field: 'booleansYesNo',22 cellEditor: 'BooleanEditor',23 cellEditorParams: {24 booleanTrueValue: 'yes',25 booleanFalseValue: 'no',26 },27 },28 {29 field: 'booleansMixed',30 cellEditor: 'BooleanEditor',31 cellEditorParams: {32 booleanTrueValue: ['yes', true],33 booleanFalseValue: ['no', false],34 booleanUsedTrueValue: true,35 booleanUsedFalseValue: false,36 },37 },38 ]39 const rowData = [40 {41 booleans: true,42 booleansYesNo: 'yes',43 booleansMixed: true,44 },45 {46 booleans: true,47 booleansYesNo: 'yes',48 booleansMixed: 'yes',49 },50 {51 booleans: false,52 booleansYesNo: 'no',53 booleansMixed: false,54 },55 {56 booleans: false,57 booleansYesNo: 'no',58 booleansMixed: 'no',59 },60 ]61 afterEach(() => {62 gridOptions.api.destroy()63 })64 beforeEach(() => {65 return setupGridForTests({66 components: {67 BooleanEditor: Basis.AgGridComponents.BooleanEditor,68 },69 defaultColDef: {70 editable: true,71 },72 columnDefs,73 rowData,74 }).then(options => {75 gridOptions = options76 })77 })78 it('Gird is initialized successfully', () => {79 expect(gridOptions.api.getDisplayedRowCount()).to.equal(4)80 expect(gridOptions.columnApi.getAllColumns()).to.have.lengthOf(3)81 })82 describe('#editing cells', () => {83 rowData.forEach((row, index) => {84 columnDefs.forEach(column => {85 it(`cell [${index}][${column.field}] content by reversing the value`, () => {86 const api = gridOptions.api87 const colKey = column.field88 const currentValue = row[colKey]89 const cellEditorParams = column.cellEditorParams || {}90 const booleanTrueValue = cellEditorParams.booleanTrueValue91 ? [].concat(cellEditorParams.booleanTrueValue)92 : [true]93 const booleanFalseValue = cellEditorParams.booleanFalseValue94 ? [].concat(cellEditorParams.booleanFalseValue)95 : [false]96 const booleanUsedTrueValue =97 typeof cellEditorParams.booleanUsedTrueValue !== 'undefined'98 ? cellEditorParams.booleanUsedTrueValue99 : booleanTrueValue[0]100 const booleanUsedFalseValue =101 typeof cellEditorParams.booleanUsedFalseValue !== 'undefined'102 ? cellEditorParams.booleanUsedFalseValue103 : booleanFalseValue[0]104 let reverseValue = currentValue105 if (booleanTrueValue.indexOf(currentValue) > -1) {106 reverseValue = reverseBoolean(booleanUsedTrueValue)107 } else {108 reverseValue = reverseBoolean(booleanUsedFalseValue)109 }110 api.startEditingCell({111 rowIndex: index,112 colKey: column.field,113 charPress: reverseValue,114 })115 api.stopEditing()116 const newValue = api.getValue(117 colKey,118 api.getDisplayedRowAtIndex(index)119 )120 expect(newValue).to.deep.equal(reverseValue)121 })122 })123 })124 })...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var BestLibrary = require('bestlibrary');2var bestLibrary = new BestLibrary();3console.log(bestLibrary.booleanFalseValue());4var BestLibrary = require('bestlibrary');5var bestLibrary = new BestLibrary();6console.log(bestLibrary.booleanTrueValue());7var BestLibrary = require('bestlibrary');8var bestLibrary = new BestLibrary();9console.log(bestLibrary.booleanTrueValue());10var BestLibrary = require('bestlibrary');11var bestLibrary = new BestLibrary();12console.log(bestLibrary.booleanTrueValue());13var BestLibrary = require('bestlibrary');14var bestLibrary = new BestLibrary();15console.log(bestLibrary.booleanTrueValue());16var BestLibrary = require('bestlibrary');17var bestLibrary = new BestLibrary();18console.log(bestLibrary.booleanTrueValue());19var BestLibrary = require('bestlibrary');20var bestLibrary = new BestLibrary();21console.log(bestLibrary.booleanTrueValue());22var BestLibrary = require('bestlibrary');23var bestLibrary = new BestLibrary();24console.log(bestLibrary.booleanTrueValue());25var BestLibrary = require('bestlibrary');26var bestLibrary = new BestLibrary();27console.log(bestLibrary.booleanTrueValue());28var BestLibrary = require('bestlibrary');29var bestLibrary = new BestLibrary();30console.log(bestLibrary.booleanTrueValue());31var BestLibrary = require('bestlibrary');32var bestLibrary = new BestLibrary();33console.log(bestLibrary.booleanTrueValue());34var BestLibrary = require('bestlibrary');

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var BestLibrary = require('bestlibrary');2var bestLibrary = new BestLibrary();3bestLibrary.booleanFalseValue();4var BestLibrary = require('bestlibrary');5var bestLibrary = new BestLibrary();6bestLibrary.booleanTrueValue();7var BestLibrary = require('bestlibrary');8var bestLibrary = new BestLibrary();9bestLibrary.booleanTrueValue();10var BestLibrary = require('bestlibrary');11var bestLibrary = new BestLibrary();12bestLibrary.booleanFalseValue();13var BestLibrary = require('bestlibrary');14var bestLibrary = new BestLibrary();15bestLibrary.booleanTrueValue();16var BestLibrary = require('bestlibrary');17var bestLibrary = new BestLibrary();18bestLibrary.booleanFalseValue();19var BestLibrary = require('bestlibrary');20var bestLibrary = new BestLibrary();21bestLibrary.booleanFalseValue();22var BestLibrary = require('bestlibrary');23var bestLibrary = new BestLibrary();24bestLibrary.booleanTrueValue();25var BestLibrary = require('bestlibrary');26var bestLibrary = new BestLibrary();27bestLibrary.booleanFalseValue();28var BestLibrary = require('bestlibrary');29var bestLibrary = new BestLibrary();30bestLibrary.booleanTrueValue();31var BestLibrary = require('bestlibrary');32var bestLibrary = new BestLibrary();33bestLibrary.booleanTrueValue();34var BestLibrary = require('bestlibrary');35var bestLibrary = new BestLibrary();36bestLibrary.booleanTrueValue();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var BestLibrary = require('bestlibrary');2var result = BestLibrary.booleanFalseValue();3var BestLibrary = require('bestlibrary');4var result = BestLibrary.booleanTrueValue();5var BestLibrary = require('bestlibrary');6var result = BestLibrary.isString('Hello World');7var BestLibrary = require('bestlibrary');8var result = BestLibrary.isString(1);9var BestLibrary = require('bestlibrary');10var result = BestLibrary.isNumber(1);11var BestLibrary = require('bestlibrary');12var result = BestLibrary.isNumber('Hello World');13var BestLibrary = require('bestlibrary');14var result = BestLibrary.isBoolean(true);15var BestLibrary = require('bestlibrary');16var result = BestLibrary.isBoolean(1);17var BestLibrary = require('bestlibrary');18var result = BestLibrary.isFunction(function(){});19var BestLibrary = require('bestlibrary');20var result = BestLibrary.isFunction(1);21var BestLibrary = require('bestlibrary');22var result = BestLibrary.isArray([]);23var BestLibrary = require('best

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var bestLibrary = require('bestlibrary');2var booleanFalseValue = bestLibrary.booleanFalseValue();3console.log(booleanFalseValue);4var bestLibrary = require('bestlibrary');5var booleanTrueValue = bestLibrary.booleanTrueValue();6console.log(booleanTrueValue);7var bestLibrary = require('bestlibrary');8var booleanValue = bestLibrary.booleanValue();9console.log(booleanValue);10var bestLibrary = require('bestlibrary');11var booleanValue = bestLibrary.booleanValue();12console.log(booleanValue);13var bestLibrary = require('bestlibrary');14var booleanValue = bestLibrary.booleanValue();15console.log(booleanValue);16var bestLibrary = require('bestlibrary');17var booleanValue = bestLibrary.booleanValue();18console.log(booleanValue);19var bestLibrary = require('bestlibrary');20var booleanValue = bestLibrary.booleanValue();21console.log(booleanValue);22var bestLibrary = require('bestlibrary');23var booleanValue = bestLibrary.booleanValue();24console.log(booleanValue);25var bestLibrary = require('bestlibrary');26var booleanValue = bestLibrary.booleanValue();27console.log(booleanValue);28var bestLibrary = require('bestlibrary');29var booleanValue = bestLibrary.booleanValue();30console.log(booleanValue);31var bestLibrary = require('bestlibrary');32var booleanValue = bestLibrary.booleanValue();33console.log(booleanValue);34var bestLibrary = require('bestlibrary');35var booleanValue = bestLibrary.booleanValue();36console.log(booleanValue);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var BestLibrary = require('bestlibrary');2var bestLibrary = new BestLibrary();3var booleanFalseValue = bestLibrary.booleanFalseValue();4console.log("booleanFalseValue: ", booleanFalseValue);5var BestLibrary = require('bestlibrary');6var bestLibrary = new BestLibrary();7var booleanTrueValue = bestLibrary.booleanTrueValue();8console.log("booleanTrueValue: ", booleanTrueValue);9var BestLibrary = require('bestlibrary');10var bestLibrary = new BestLibrary();11var booleanTrueValue = bestLibrary.booleanTrueValue();12console.log("booleanTrueValue: ", booleanTrueValue);13var BestLibrary = require('bestlibrary');14var bestLibrary = new BestLibrary();15var string = bestLibrary.functionThatReturnsAString();16console.log("string: ", string);17var BestLibrary = require('bestlibrary');18var bestLibrary = new BestLibrary();19var array = bestLibrary.functionThatReturnsAnArray();20console.log("array: ", array);21var BestLibrary = require('bestlibrary');22var bestLibrary = new BestLibrary();23var object = bestLibrary.functionThatReturnsAnObject();24console.log("object: ", object);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var BestLibraryEver = require("bestlibraryever");2var bl = new BestLibraryEver();3var result = bl.booleanFalseValue();4console.log("Result: " + result);5var BestLibraryEver = require("bestlibraryever");6var bl = new BestLibraryEver();7var result = bl.booleanTrueValue();8console.log("Result: " + result);9var BestLibraryEver = require("bestlibraryever");10var bl = new BestLibraryEver();11var result = bl.stringEmptyValue();12console.log("Result: " + result);13var BestLibraryEver = require("bestlibraryever");14var bl = new BestLibraryEver();15var result = bl.stringNullValue();16console.log("Result: " + result);17var BestLibraryEver = require("bestlibraryever");18var bl = new BestLibraryEver();19var result = bl.stringSpaceValue();20console.log("Result: " + result);21var BestLibraryEver = require("bestlibraryever");22var bl = new BestLibraryEver();23var result = bl.stringStringValue();24console.log("Result: " + result);25var BestLibraryEver = require("bestlibraryever");26var bl = new BestLibraryEver();27var result = bl.numberZeroValue();28console.log("Result: " + result);29var BestLibraryEver = require("bestlibraryever");30var bl = new BestLibraryEver();31var result = bl.numberNullValue();32console.log("Result: " + result);33var BestLibraryEver = require("bestlibraryever");34var bl = new BestLibraryEver();35var result = bl.numberMaxValue();36console.log("Result: " + result);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var booleanFalseValue = require('BestLibrary').booleanFalseValue;2var booleanFalseValue = require('BestLibrary').booleanFalseValue;3var booleanFalseValue = require('BestLibrary').booleanFalseValue;4var booleanFalseValue = require('BestLibrary').booleanFalseValue;5var booleanFalseValue = require('BestLibrary').booleanFalseValue;6var booleanFalseValue = require('BestLibrary').booleanFalseValue;

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