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Source: runner-stream.ts
1/*2 * Copyright (c) 2019,, inc.3 * All rights reserved.4 * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT5 * For full license text, see the LICENSE file in the repo root or*/7import path from "path";8import { isInteractive as globaIsInteractive } from "@best/utils";9import chalk from "chalk";10import trimPath from "./utils/trim-path";11import countEOL from "./utils/count-eod";12import { ProxiedStream, proxyStream } from "./utils/proxy-stream";13import {14 BenchmarkRuntimeConfig,15 RunnerStream,16 BenchmarksBundle,17 BenchmarkUpdateState,18} from "@best/types";19enum State {20 QUEUED = 'QUEUED',21 RUNNING = 'RUNNING',22 DONE = 'DONE',23 ERROR = 'ERROR',24}25interface BenchmarkStatus { state: State; displayPath: string; projectName: string, progress?: BenchmarkProgress }26type AllBencharkRunnerState = Map<string, BenchmarkStatus>27interface BenchmarkProgress {28 executedIterations: number,29 estimated: number,30 runtime: number,31 avgIteration: number,32}33const STATE_ANSI = {34 RUNNING: chalk.reset.inverse.yellow.bold(` ${State.RUNNING} `),35 QUEUED: chalk.reset.inverse.gray.bold(` ${State.QUEUED} `),36 ERROR: chalk.reset.inverse.redBright.bold(` ${State.ERROR} `),37 DONE:` ${State.DONE} `),38};39const INIT_MSG = '\n Running benchmarks... \n\n';40const PROGRESS_TEXT = chalk.dim('Progress running: ');41const PROGRESS_BAR_WIDTH = 40;42const DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 60;43function printState(state: State) {44 return STATE_ANSI[state];45}46function printDisplayName(displayPath: string, overflow: number) {47 const dirname = overflow ? trimPath(path.dirname(displayPath), overflow) : path.dirname(displayPath);48 const basename = path.basename(displayPath);49 return chalk.dim(dirname + path.sep) + chalk.bold(basename);50}51function printProjectName(projectName: string) {52 return ' ' + chalk.reset.cyan.dim(`(${projectName})`);53}54function calculateBenchmarkProgress(progress: BenchmarkUpdateState, { iterations, maxDuration, minSampleCount }: BenchmarkRuntimeConfig): BenchmarkProgress {55 const { executedIterations, executedTime } = progress;56 const avgIteration = executedTime / executedIterations;57 const runtime = parseInt((executedTime / 1000) + '', 10);58 let estimated: number;59 if (iterations) {60 estimated = Math.round(iterations * avgIteration / 1000) + 1;61 } else if (avgIteration * minSampleCount > maxDuration) {62 estimated = Math.round(minSampleCount * avgIteration / 1000) + 1;63 } else {64 estimated = maxDuration / 1000;65 }66 return {67 executedIterations,68 estimated,69 runtime,70 avgIteration,71 };72}73function printProgressBar(runTime: number, estimatedTime: number, width: number) {74 // If we are more than one second over the estimated time, highlight it.75 const renderedTime = estimatedTime && runTime >= estimatedTime + 1 ? chalk.bold.yellow(runTime + 's') : runTime + 's';76 let time = chalk.bold(`Time:`) + ` ${renderedTime}`;77 if (runTime < estimatedTime) {78 time += `, estimated ${estimatedTime}s`;79 }80 // Only show a progress bar if the test run is actually going to take some time81 if (estimatedTime > 2 && runTime < estimatedTime && width) {82 const availableWidth = Math.min(PROGRESS_BAR_WIDTH, width);83 const length = Math.min(Math.floor(runTime / estimatedTime * availableWidth), availableWidth);84 if (availableWidth >= 2) {85 time += '\n' +'â').repeat(length) + chalk.white('â').repeat(availableWidth - length);86 }87 }88 return time;89}90export default class RunnerOutputStream implements RunnerStream {91 stdoutColumns: number;92 stdoutWrite: Function;93 isInteractive: boolean;94 _streamBuffer: string = '';95 _state: AllBencharkRunnerState;96 _innerLog: string = '';97 _scheduled: NodeJS.Timeout | null = null;98 _proxyStream: ProxiedStream;99 constructor(buildConfig: BenchmarksBundle[], stream: NodeJS.WriteStream, isInteractive?: boolean) {100 this.stdoutColumns = stream.columns || 80;101 this.stdoutWrite = stream.write.bind(stream);102 this.isInteractive = isInteractive !== undefined ? isInteractive : globaIsInteractive;103 this._state = this.initState(buildConfig);104 this._proxyStream = proxyStream(stream, this.isInteractive);105 }106 initState(buildConfigs: BenchmarksBundle[]): AllBencharkRunnerState {107 return buildConfigs.reduce((state: AllBencharkRunnerState, benchmarkBundle: BenchmarksBundle): AllBencharkRunnerState => {108 benchmarkBundle.benchmarkBuilds.forEach(({ benchmarkEntry, benchmarkSignature, projectConfig: { projectName }}) => {109 state.set(benchmarkSignature, {110 projectName,111 state: State.QUEUED,112 displayPath: benchmarkEntry,113 });114 });115 return state;116 }, new Map());117 }118 clearBufferStream() {119 let buffer = this._streamBuffer;120 const lines = countEOL(buffer);121 if (lines) {122 buffer = '\r\x1B[K\r\x1B[1A'.repeat(lines);123 }124 if (this.isInteractive) {125 // clear last line126 this.stdoutWrite('\x1b[999D\x1b[K');127 }128 this.stdoutWrite(buffer);129 this._streamBuffer = '';130 }131 writeBufferStream(str: string) {132 this._streamBuffer += str;133 this.stdoutWrite(str);134 }135 updateRunnerState(benchmarkSignature: string, state: State) {136 const stateConfig = this._state.get(benchmarkSignature);137 if (!stateConfig) {138 throw new Error(`Unknown benchmark build started (${benchmarkSignature})`);139 }140 if (stateConfig.state !== State.ERROR) {141 stateConfig.state = state;142 }143 }144 scheduleUpdate(time?: number, fn?: Function) {145 if (!this._scheduled) {146 this._scheduled = setTimeout(() => {147 fn ? fn() : this.updateStream();148 this._scheduled = null;149 }, time || DEFAULT_TIMEOUT);150 }151 }152 printBenchmarkState({ state, projectName, displayPath }: { state: State, projectName: string, displayPath: string }) {153 const columns = this.stdoutColumns;154 const overflow = columns - (state.length + projectName.length + displayPath.length + /* for padding */ 14);155 const hasOverflow = overflow < 0;156 const ansiState = printState(state);157 const ansiProjectName = printProjectName(projectName);158 const ansiDisplayname = printDisplayName(displayPath, hasOverflow ? Math.abs(overflow): 0);159 return `${ansiState} ${ansiProjectName} ${ansiDisplayname}\n`;160 }161 printProgress(progress: BenchmarkProgress, { displayPath }: BenchmarkStatus): string {162 const benchmarkName =;163 return [164 `\n${PROGRESS_TEXT} ${benchmarkName}`,165'Avg iteration: ') + progress.avgIteration.toFixed(2) + 'ms',166'Completed iterations: ') + progress.executedIterations,167 printProgressBar(progress.runtime, progress.estimated, 40)168 ].join('\n') + '\n\n';169 }170 updateStream() {171 let buffer = INIT_MSG;172 let progressStr: string = '';173 for (const benchmarkState of this._state.values()) {174 const { state, displayPath, projectName, progress } = benchmarkState;175 buffer += this.printBenchmarkState({ state, displayPath, projectName });176 if (state === State.RUNNING && progress) {177 progressStr += this.printProgress(progress, benchmarkState);178 }179 }180 const streamProxyBuffer = this._proxyStream.readBuffer();181 streamProxyBuffer ? `Buffered console logs:\n ${streamProxyBuffer}` : '';182 this.clearBufferStream();183 this.writeBufferStream(buffer + progressStr + streamProxyBuffer);184 }185 log(message: string) {186 this._innerLog = message;187 if (this.isInteractive) {188 this.scheduleUpdate();189 } else {190 this.stdoutWrite(` :: ${message}\n`);191 }192 }193 _clearTimeout() {194 if (this._scheduled) {195 clearTimeout(this._scheduled);196 this._scheduled = null;197 }198 }199 // -- Lifecycle200 onBenchmarkStart(benchmarkSignature: string) {201 this.updateRunnerState(benchmarkSignature, State.RUNNING);202 if (this.isInteractive) {203 this.scheduleUpdate();204 } else {205 const benchmarkState = this._state.get(benchmarkSignature);206 if (benchmarkState) {207 this.stdoutWrite(this.printBenchmarkState(benchmarkState));208 }209 }210 }211 onBenchmarkEnd(benchmarkSignature: string) {212 this.updateRunnerState(benchmarkSignature, State.DONE);213 this._innerLog = '';214 const benchmarkState = this._state.get(benchmarkSignature);215 if (benchmarkState) {216 if (this.isInteractive) {217 if (benchmarkState.state === State.ERROR) {218 this.updateStream();219 this.stdoutWrite('\n');220 } else {221 this.scheduleUpdate();222 }223 } else {224 this._clearTimeout();225 this.stdoutWrite(this.printBenchmarkState(benchmarkState) + '\n');226 }227 }228 }229 onBenchmarkError(benchmarkSignature: string) {230 this.updateRunnerState(benchmarkSignature, State.ERROR);231 }232 updateBenchmarkProgress(benchmarkSignature: string, updatedBenchmarkState: BenchmarkUpdateState, runtimeOpts: BenchmarkRuntimeConfig) {233 const progress = calculateBenchmarkProgress(updatedBenchmarkState, runtimeOpts);234 const benchmarkState = this._state.get(benchmarkSignature);235 benchmarkState!.progress = progress;236 const { executedIterations, avgIteration, estimated, runtime } = progress;237 const runIter = executedIterations.toString().padEnd(5, " ");238 const avgIter = `${avgIteration.toFixed(2)}ms`.padEnd(10, " ");239 const remaining = estimated - runtime;240 if (this.isInteractive) {241 this.scheduleUpdate();242 } else {243 this.scheduleUpdate(2500, () => {244 this.stdoutWrite(245 ` :: ${benchmarkState!.displayPath} > ran: ${runIter} | avg: ${avgIter} | remainingTime: ${remaining}s \n`246 );247 });248 }249 }250 init() {251 if (this.isInteractive) {252 this.updateStream();253 } else {254 this.stdoutWrite(INIT_MSG);255 }256 }257 finish() {258 this._clearTimeout();259 this._proxyStream.unproxyStream();260 if (this.isInteractive) {261 this.updateStream();262 } else {263 this.stdoutWrite('\n');264 }265 }...
Source: remote-client.ts
1/*2 * Copyright (c) 2019,, inc.3 * All rights reserved.4 * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT5 * For full license text, see the LICENSE file in the repo root or */7import { EventEmitter } from 'events';8import path from 'path';9import { Socket as ServerSocket } from '';10import SocketIOFile from '';11import { BEST_RPC } from '@best/shared';12import {13 BrowserSpec,14 BuildConfig,15 RunnerStream,16 BenchmarkRuntimeConfig,17 BenchmarkUpdateState,18 AgentState,19} from '@best/types';20import { RemoteClientConfig } from '@best/types';21import { getUploaderInstance, extractBenchmarkTarFile } from './utils/benchmark-loader';22enum RemoteClientState {23 IDLE = 'IDLE',24 REQUESTING_JOB_INFO = 'REQUESTING_JOB_INFO',25 REQUESTING_JOB_PAYLOAD = 'REQUESTING_JOB_PAYLOAD',26}27const { DISCONNECT, CONNECT_ERROR, ERROR, RECONNECT_FAILED, BENCHMARK_UPLOAD_RESPONSE } = BEST_RPC;28const RPC_METHODS = [DISCONNECT, CONNECT_ERROR, ERROR, RECONNECT_FAILED, BENCHMARK_UPLOAD_RESPONSE];29export default class RemoteClient extends EventEmitter implements RunnerStream {30 private socket: ServerSocket;31 private uploader?: SocketIOFile;32 private specs?: BrowserSpec;33 public connected: boolean;34 private pendingBenchmarksToUpload: number;35 private pendingResultsToSend: number = 0;36 private state: RemoteClientState = RemoteClientState.IDLE;37 private _requestJobSuccess: Function = function () {};38 private _requestJobError: Function = function (err: any) {39 throw new Error(err);40 };41 private debounce?: any;42 constructor(socket: ServerSocket, { specs, jobs }: RemoteClientConfig) {43 super();44 this.socket = socket;45 this.connected = this.socket.connected;46 this.specs = specs;47 this.pendingBenchmarksToUpload = jobs;48 RPC_METHODS.forEach((methodName) => this.socket.on(methodName, (this as any)[methodName].bind(this)));49 }50 // -- Socket lifecycle ------------------------------------------------------------51 [CONNECT_ERROR](reason: string) {52 console.log(`${this.getId()} - socket:connect_error`, reason);53 this.disconnectClient(reason);54 }55 [DISCONNECT](reason: string) {56 if (this.connected) {57 console.log(`${this.getId()} - socket:disconnect`, reason);58 this.disconnectClient(reason);59 }60 }61 [ERROR](reason: string) {62 console.log(`${this.getId()} - socket:error`, reason);63 this.disconnectClient(reason);64 }65 [RECONNECT_FAILED](reason: string) {66 console.log(`${this.getId()} - socket:reconnect_failed`, reason);67 this.disconnectClient(reason);68 }69 // -- Specific Best RPC Commands ------------------------------------------------------------70 async [BENCHMARK_UPLOAD_RESPONSE](benchmarkConfig: BuildConfig, emitContinuationForUpload: Function) {71 if (this.state !== RemoteClientState.REQUESTING_JOB_INFO) {72 this.disconnectClient('Client should not send jobs at this point.');73 this._requestJobError('Unexpected upload response');74 }75 console.log(76 `[AGENT_REMOTE_CLIENT] Receiving benchmark ${benchmarkConfig.benchmarkSignature} from socket ${}`,77 );78 const { benchmarkEntry, benchmarkName, benchmarkSignature } = benchmarkConfig;79 const uploader = this.getUploader();80 this.state = RemoteClientState.REQUESTING_JOB_PAYLOAD;81 emitContinuationForUpload(benchmarkSignature); // This is an ACK, telling the client that is ok to send the file now82 try {83 // Retrieve an uncompress the benchmark bundle84 const tarFile = await uploader.load(benchmarkEntry);85 await extractBenchmarkTarFile(tarFile);86 // Modify the benchmark bundle to point to the new files87 const uploadDir = path.dirname(tarFile);88 benchmarkConfig.benchmarkRemoteEntry = path.join(uploadDir, `${benchmarkName}.html`);89 benchmarkConfig.benchmarkRemoteFolder = uploadDir;90 console.log(91 `[AGENT_REMOTE_CLIENT] Completed upload for benchmark ${benchmarkConfig.benchmarkSignature} from socket ${}`,92 );93 this.state = RemoteClientState.IDLE;94 this.pendingBenchmarksToUpload -= 1;95 this.pendingResultsToSend += 1;96 this._requestJobSuccess(benchmarkConfig);97 // Notify upload updates98 this.emit(BEST_RPC.REMOTE_CLIENT_UPLOAD_COMPLETED);99 } catch (err) {100 this.disconnectClient(err as any);101 this._requestJobError(err);102 } finally {103 this.state = RemoteClientState.IDLE;104 }105 }106 // -- Private107 getUploader(): any {108 if (!this.uploader) {109 const uploader = getUploaderInstance(this.socket);110 uploader.on('stream', ({ wrote, size }: any) => {111 console.log(` :: [ARC-${}] loading benchmark (${wrote} / ${size})`);112 });113 this.uploader = uploader;114 }115 return this.uploader;116 }117 // -- RunnerStream methods ----------------------------------------------------------118 finish() {119 console.log(`[AGENT_REMOTE_CLIENT] finishingRunner`);120 }121 init() {122 console.log(`[AGENT_REMOTE_CLIENT] startingRunner`);123 }124 log(message: string) {125 if (this.socket.connected) {126 this.socket.emit(BEST_RPC.BENCHMARK_LOG, message);127 }128 }129 onBenchmarkEnd(benchmarkSignature: string) {130 console.log(`[AGENT_REMOTE_CLIENT] benchmarkEnd(${benchmarkSignature})`);131 if (this.socket.connected) {132 this.socket.emit(BEST_RPC.BENCHMARK_END, benchmarkSignature);133 this.emit(BEST_RPC.BENCHMARK_END, benchmarkSignature);134 clearTimeout(this.debounce);135 this.debounce = undefined;136 }137 }138 onBenchmarkError(benchmarkSignature: string) {139 if (this.socket.connected) {140 this.socket.emit(BEST_RPC.BENCHMARK_ERROR, benchmarkSignature);141 this.emit(BEST_RPC.BENCHMARK_ERROR, benchmarkSignature);142 }143 }144 onBenchmarkStart(benchmarkSignature: string) {145 if (this.socket.connected) {146 console.log(`[AGENT_REMOTE_CLIENT] benchmarkStart(${benchmarkSignature})`);147 this.socket.emit(BEST_RPC.BENCHMARK_START, benchmarkSignature);148 this.emit(BEST_RPC.BENCHMARK_START, benchmarkSignature);149 }150 }151 updateBenchmarkProgress(benchmarkSignature: string, state: BenchmarkUpdateState, opts: BenchmarkRuntimeConfig) {152 if (!this.debounce && this.socket.connected) {153 this.debounce = setTimeout(() => {154 this.debounce = undefined;155 if (this.socket.connected) {156 console.log(157 `[AGENT_REMOTE_CLIENT] benchmarkProgress(${benchmarkSignature}) | iterations: ${state.executedIterations}`,158 );159 this.socket.emit(BEST_RPC.BENCHMARK_UPDATE, benchmarkSignature, state, opts);160 this.emit(BEST_RPC.BENCHMARK_UPDATE, benchmarkSignature, state, opts);161 }162 }, 1000);163 }164 }165 // -- Imperative methods ------------------------------------------------------------166 disconnectClient(reason?: string) {167 if (this.connected) {168 this.connected = false;169 this.pendingBenchmarksToUpload = -1;170 this.socket.emit(BEST_RPC.AGENT_REJECTION, reason);171 this.socket.disconnect(true);172 this.emit(BEST_RPC.DISCONNECT, reason);173 }174 }175 getId() {176 return `REMOTE_CLIENT_${}`;177 }178 getPendingBenchmarks() {179 return this.pendingBenchmarksToUpload;180 }181 getSpecs() {182 return this.specs;183 }184 getState() {185 return {186 clientId: this.toString(),187 specs: this.specs,188 jobs: this.getPendingBenchmarks(),189 state: this.isIdle() ? AgentState.IDLE : AgentState.BUSY,190 };191 }192 getStatusInfo() {193 return `remining jobs: ${this.pendingBenchmarksToUpload} | specs: ${this.specs} | state: ${this.state}`;194 }195 isBusy() {196 return !this.isIdle();197 }198 isIdle() {199 return this.state === RemoteClientState.IDLE;200 }201 requestJob(): Promise<BuildConfig> {202 if (this.isIdle()) {203 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {204 this.state = RemoteClientState.REQUESTING_JOB_INFO;205 this.socket.emit(BEST_RPC.BENCHMARK_UPLOAD_REQUEST);206 this._requestJobSuccess = resolve;207 this._requestJobError = reject;208 });209 } else {210 return Promise.reject(`RemoteClient is busy`);211 }212 }213 sendResults(results: any) {214 this.pendingResultsToSend -= 1;215 console.log(`[AGENT_REMOTE_CLIENT] Sending Results | pending: ${this.pendingResultsToSend}`);216 this.socket.emit(BEST_RPC.BENCHMARK_RESULTS, results);217 if (this.pendingBenchmarksToUpload === 0 && this.pendingResultsToSend === 0) {218 this.emit(BEST_RPC.REMOTE_CLIENT_EMPTY_QUEUE);219 }220 }221 toString() {222 return this.getId();223 }...
Source: index.ts
1/*2 * Copyright (c) 2019,, inc.3 * All rights reserved.4 * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT5 * For full license text, see the LICENSE file in the repo root or*/7import { FrozenGlobalConfig, FrozenProjectConfig, BuildConfig, BenchmarkRuntimeConfig, BenchmarkResults, BenchmarkResultsState, BenchmarkResultsSnapshot, Interruption } from '@best/types';8import AbstractRunner from '@best/runner-abstract';9import HeadlessBrowser from "./headless";10import { RunnerStream } from "@best/types";11declare var BEST: any;12const UPDATE_INTERVAL = 300;13export default class Runner extends AbstractRunner {14 async run(benchmarkBuilds: BuildConfig[], projectConfig: FrozenProjectConfig, globalConfig: FrozenGlobalConfig, runnerLogStream: RunnerStream, interruption?: Interruption): Promise<BenchmarkResultsSnapshot[]> {15 const snapshotResults: BenchmarkResultsSnapshot[] = [];16 for (const benchmarkInfo of benchmarkBuilds) {17 const { benchmarkEntry, benchmarkRemoteEntry, benchmarkSignature } = benchmarkInfo;18 const runtimeOptions = this.getRuntimeOptions(projectConfig);19 const state = this.initializeBenchmarkState();20 const { url, terminate } = await this.initializeServer(benchmarkRemoteEntry || benchmarkEntry, projectConfig);21 const browser = new HeadlessBrowser(url, projectConfig);22 try {23 await browser.initialize();24 runnerLogStream.onBenchmarkStart(benchmarkSignature);25 const { results } = await this.runIterations(benchmarkSignature, browser, state, runtimeOptions, runnerLogStream, interruption);26 const version = await browser.version();27 const environment = await this.getEnvironment({ version }, projectConfig, globalConfig);28 snapshotResults.push({ results, environment, benchmarkInfo, projectConfig });29 } catch (e) {30 runnerLogStream.onBenchmarkError(benchmarkSignature);31 throw e;32 } finally {33 runnerLogStream.onBenchmarkEnd(benchmarkSignature);34 await browser.close();35 terminate();36 }37 }38 return snapshotResults;39 }40 initializeBenchmarkState(): BenchmarkResultsState {41 return { executedTime: 0, executedIterations: 0, results: [] };42 }43 async runIterations(benchmarkSignature: string, browser: HeadlessBrowser, state: BenchmarkResultsState, runtimeOptions: BenchmarkRuntimeConfig, runnnerLogStream: RunnerStream, interruption?: Interruption): Promise<BenchmarkResultsState> {44 return runtimeOptions.iterateOnClient45 ? this.runClientIterations(benchmarkSignature, browser, state, runtimeOptions, runnnerLogStream)46 : this.runServerIterations(benchmarkSignature, browser, state, runtimeOptions, runnnerLogStream, interruption);47 }48 async runClientIterations(benchmarkSignature: string, browser: HeadlessBrowser, state: BenchmarkResultsState, runtimeOptions: BenchmarkRuntimeConfig, runnerLogStream: RunnerStream): Promise<BenchmarkResultsState> {49 // Run an iteration to estimate the time it will take50 const testResult = await this.runIteration(browser, { iterations: 1 });51 const estimatedIterationTime = testResult.aggregate;52 const start =;53 // eslint-disable-next-line lwc/no-set-interval54 const intervalId = setInterval(() => {55 const executing = - start;56 state.executedTime = executing;57 state.executedIterations = Math.round(executing / estimatedIterationTime);58 const updatedState = { executedIterations: state.executedIterations, executedTime: state.executedTime };59 runnerLogStream.updateBenchmarkProgress(benchmarkSignature, updatedState, runtimeOptions);60 }, UPDATE_INTERVAL);61 await browser.reloadPage();62 const { results: [root,] } = await this.runIteration(browser, runtimeOptions);63 state.results.push(root);64 clearInterval(intervalId);65 return state;66 }67 async runServerIterations(benchmarkSignature: string, browser: HeadlessBrowser, state: BenchmarkResultsState, runtimeOptions: BenchmarkRuntimeConfig, runnnerLogStream: RunnerStream, interruption?: Interruption): Promise<BenchmarkResultsState> {68 if (interruption && interruption.requestedInterruption) {69 throw new Error(`Halted execution: interruption`);70 }71 if (state.executedTime < runtimeOptions.maxDuration || state.executedIterations < runtimeOptions.minSampleCount) {72 const start =;73 const benchmarkResults = await this.runIteration(browser, runtimeOptions);74 const { results: [root,] } = benchmarkResults;75 await browser.reloadPage();76 state.executedTime += - start;77 state.executedIterations += 1;78 if (root) {79 state.results.push(root);80 }81 const updatedState = { executedIterations: state.executedIterations, executedTime: state.executedTime };82 runnnerLogStream.updateBenchmarkProgress(benchmarkSignature, updatedState, runtimeOptions);83 return this.runIterations(benchmarkSignature, browser, state, runtimeOptions, runnnerLogStream, interruption);84 }85 return state;86 }87 runIteration(browser: HeadlessBrowser, payload: any): Promise<BenchmarkResults> {88 return browser.evaluate((o: any) => BEST.runBenchmark(o), payload);89 }90 static async getBrowserSpecs() {91 return HeadlessBrowser.getSpecs();92 }...
Using AI Code Generation
1var BestSigner = require('bestsigner');2var bestSigner = new BestSigner();3bestSigner.benchmarkSignature(function(err, result) {4 if (err) {5 console.log(err);6 } else {7 console.log(result);8 }9});10var BestSigner = require('bestsigner');11var bestSigner = new BestSigner();12bestSigner.benchmarkSignature(function(err, result) {13 if (err) {14 console.log(err);15 } else {16 console.log(result);17 }18});19var BestSigner = require('bestsigner');20var bestSigner = new BestSigner();21bestSigner.benchmarkSignature(function(err, result) {22 if (err) {23 console.log(err);24 } else {25 console.log(result);26 }27});28var BestSigner = require('bestsigner');29var bestSigner = new BestSigner();30bestSigner.benchmarkSignature(function(err, result) {31 if (err) {32 console.log(err);33 } else {34 console.log(result);35 }36});37var BestSigner = require('bestsigner');38var bestSigner = new BestSigner();39bestSigner.benchmarkSignature(function(err, result) {40 if (err) {41 console.log(err);42 } else {43 console.log(result);44 }45});46var BestSigner = require('bestsigner');47var bestSigner = new BestSigner();48bestSigner.benchmarkSignature(function(err, result) {49 if (err) {50 console.log(err);51 } else {52 console.log(result);53 }54});55var BestSigner = require('bestsigner');56var bestSigner = new BestSigner();57bestSigner.benchmarkSignature(function(err, result) {58 if (err) {59 console.log(err);60 }
Using AI Code Generation
1var BestSigner = require('bestsigner');2var fs = require('fs');3var bestsigner = new BestSigner();4var message = 'Hello World!';5var algorithm = 'sha1';6var privateKey = fs.readFileSync('private.pem');7var publicKey = fs.readFileSync('public.pem');8var signature = bestsigner.sign(message, algorithm, privateKey);9var verified = bestsigner.verify(message, algorithm, signature, publicKey);10console.log('Signature: ' + signature);11console.log('Verified: ' + verified);12var benchmark = bestsigner.benchmarkSignature('sha1', 1000, privateKey, publicKey);13console.log('Benchmark: ' + benchmark);14var benchmark2 = bestsigner.benchmarkSignature('sha1', 1000, privateKey, publicKey);15console.log('Benchmark: ' + benchmark2);16var benchmark3 = bestsigner.benchmarkSignature('sha1', 1000, privateKey, publicKey);17console.log('Benchmark: ' + benchmark3);18var benchmark4 = bestsigner.benchmarkSignature('sha1', 1000, privateKey, publicKey);19console.log('Benchmark: ' + benchmark4);20var benchmark5 = bestsigner.benchmarkSignature('sha1', 1000, privateKey, publicKey);21console.log('Benchmark: ' + benchmark5);22var benchmark6 = bestsigner.benchmarkSignature('sha1', 1000, privateKey, publicKey);23console.log('Benchmark: ' + benchmark6);24var benchmark7 = bestsigner.benchmarkSignature('sha1', 1000, privateKey, publicKey);25console.log('Benchmark: ' + benchmark7);26var benchmark8 = bestsigner.benchmarkSignature('sha1', 1000, privateKey, publicKey);27console.log('Benchmark: ' + benchmark8);28var benchmark9 = bestsigner.benchmarkSignature('sha1', 1000, privateKey, publicKey);29console.log('Benchmark: ' + benchmark9);30var benchmark10 = bestsigner.benchmarkSignature('sha1', 1000, privateKey, publicKey);31console.log('Benchmark: ' + benchmark10);32var benchmark11 = bestsigner.benchmarkSignature('sha1', 1000, privateKey, publicKey);33console.log('Benchmark: ' + benchmark11);34var benchmark12 = bestsigner.benchmarkSignature('sha1', 1000, privateKey, publicKey
Using AI Code Generation
1var BestSigner = require('bestsigner');2var signer = new BestSigner();3signer.benchmarkSignature('test.txt', function (err, result) {4 if (err) {5 console.log(err);6 } else {7 console.log(result);8 }9});10var BestSigner = require('bestsigner');11var signer = new BestSigner();12signer.benchmarkSignature('test.txt', function (err, result) {13 if (err) {14 console.log(err);15 } else {16 console.log(result);17 }18});19var BestSigner = require('bestsigner');20var signer = new BestSigner();21signer.benchmarkVerification('test.txt', function (err, result) {22 if (err) {23 console.log(err);24 } else {25 console.log(result);26 }27});28var BestSigner = require('bestsigner');29var signer = new BestSigner();30signer.benchmarkVerification('test.txt', function (err, result) {31 if (err) {32 console.log(err);33 } else {34 console.log(result);35 }36});
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