How to use benchmarkFolder method in Best

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Source:inspector.js Github


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1import * as THREE from 'three';2import { OrbitControls } from 'three/​examples/​jsm/​controls/​OrbitControls.js';3import { GLTFLoader } from 'three/​examples/​jsm/​loaders/​GLTFLoader.js';4import { FullScreenQuad } from 'three/​examples/​jsm/​postprocessing/​Pass.js';5import { GUI } from 'three/​examples/​jsm/​libs/​lil-gui.module.min.js';6import {7 acceleratedRaycast, computeBoundsTree, disposeBoundsTree, MeshBVHVisualizer,8 SAH, CENTER, AVERAGE, getBVHExtremes, estimateMemoryInBytes,9} from '..';10THREE.Mesh.prototype.raycast = acceleratedRaycast;11THREE.BufferGeometry.prototype.computeBoundsTree = computeBoundsTree;12THREE.BufferGeometry.prototype.disposeBoundsTree = disposeBoundsTree;13let scene, camera, renderer, helper, mesh, outputContainer, benchmarkContainer;14let benchmarkViz, renderTarget, fsQuad;15let mouse = new THREE.Vector2();16const readBuffer = new Float32Array( 1 );17const modelPath = '../​models/​DragonAttenuation.glb';18const params = {19 options: {20 strategy: SAH,21 maxLeafTris: 10,22 maxDepth: 40,23 rebuild: function () {24 updateBVH();25 },26 },27 visualization: {28 displayMesh: true,29 simpleColors: false,30 outline: true,31 traversalThreshold: 50,32 },33 benchmark: {34 displayRays: false,35 firstHitOnly: true,36 rotations: 10,37 castCount: 1000,38 }39};40const BOUNDS_COLOR = 0xffca28;41const BG_COLOR = 0x002027;42const THRESHOLD_COLOR = 0xe91e63;43class TraverseMaterial extends THREE.ShaderMaterial {44 constructor( params ) {45 super( {46 uniforms: {47 map: { value: null },48 threshold: { value: 35 },49 boundsColor: { value: new THREE.Color( 0xffffff ) },50 backgroundColor: { value: new THREE.Color( 0x000000 ) },51 thresholdColor: { value: new THREE.Color( 0xff0000 ) },52 resolution: { value: new THREE.Vector2() },53 outlineAlpha: { value: 0.5 },54 },55 vertexShader: /​* glsl */​`56 varying vec2 vUv;57 void main() {58 vUv = uv;59 gl_Position = projectionMatrix * modelViewMatrix * vec4( position, 1.0 );60 }61 `,62 fragmentShader: /​* glsl */​`63 uniform sampler2D map;64 uniform float threshold;65 uniform vec3 thresholdColor;66 uniform vec3 boundsColor;67 uniform vec3 backgroundColor;68 uniform vec2 resolution;69 uniform float outlineAlpha;70 varying vec2 vUv;71 void main() {72 float count = texture2D( map, vUv ).r;73 if ( count == 0.0 ) {74 vec2 offset = 1.0 /​ resolution;75 float c1 = texture2D( map, vUv + offset * vec2( 1.0, 0.0 ) ).r;76 float c2 = texture2D( map, vUv + offset * vec2( - 1.0, 0.0 ) ).r;77 float c3 = texture2D( map, vUv + offset * vec2( 0.0, 1.0 ) ).r;78 float c4 = texture2D( map, vUv + offset * vec2( 0.0, - 1.0 ) ).r;79 float maxC = max( c1, max( c2, max( c3, c4 ) ) );80 if ( maxC != 0.0 ) {81 gl_FragColor.rgb = mix( backgroundColor, mix( boundsColor, vec3( 1.0 ), 0.5 ), outlineAlpha );82 gl_FragColor.a = 1.0;83 return;84 }85 }86 if ( count > threshold ) {87 gl_FragColor.rgb = thresholdColor.rgb;88 gl_FragColor.a = 1.0;89 } else {90 float alpha = count /​ threshold;91 vec3 color = mix( boundsColor, vec3( 1.0 ), pow( alpha, 1.75 ) );92 gl_FragColor.rgb = mix( backgroundColor, color, alpha ).rgb ;93 gl_FragColor.a = 1.0;94 }95 }96 `,97 } );98 const uniforms = this.uniforms;99 for ( const key in uniforms ) {100 Object.defineProperty( this, key, {101 get() {102 return this.uniforms[ key ].value;103 },104 set( v ) {105 this.uniforms[ key ].value = v;106 }107 } );108 }109 this.setValues( params );110 }111}112function init() {113 outputContainer = document.getElementById( 'output' );114 benchmarkContainer = document.getElementById( 'benchmark' );115 /​/​ renderer setup116 renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer( { antialias: true } );117 renderer.setPixelRatio( window.devicePixelRatio );118 renderer.setSize( window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight );119 renderer.setClearColor( 0, 1 );120 document.body.appendChild( renderer.domElement );121 /​/​ render target122 renderTarget = new THREE.WebGLRenderTarget( 1, 1, {123 format: THREE.RedFormat,124 type: THREE.FloatType,125 /​/​ TODO: Use integer buffers once better supported in three.js126 /​/​ format: THREE.RedIntegerFormat,127 /​/​ type: THREE.UnsignedIntType,128 /​/​ internalFormat: 'R16UI'129 } );130 fsQuad = new FullScreenQuad( new TraverseMaterial( {131 map: renderTarget.texture,132 depthWrite: false,133 } ) );134 /​/​ scene setup135 scene = new THREE.Scene();136 /​/​ camera setup137 camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera( 75, window.innerWidth /​ window.innerHeight, 0.1, 50 );138 camera.position.set( - 2.5, 1.5, 2.5 );139 camera.far = 100;140 camera.updateProjectionMatrix();141 new OrbitControls( camera, renderer.domElement );142 window.addEventListener( 'resize', onResize, false );143 onResize();144 /​/​ Load dragon145 const loader = new GLTFLoader();146 loader.load( modelPath, gltf => {147 gltf.scene.traverse( c => {148 if ( c.isMesh && === 'Dragon' ) {149 mesh = c;150 }151 } );152 mesh.material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( { colorWrite: false } );153;154 mesh.position.set( 0, 0, 0 );155 scene.add( mesh );156 helper = new MeshBVHVisualizer( mesh, 40 );157 helper.displayEdges = false;158 helper.displayParents = true;159 helper.color.set( 0xffffff );160 helper.opacity = 1;161 helper.depth = 40;162 const material = helper.meshMaterial;163 material.blending = THREE.CustomBlending;164 material.blendDst = THREE.OneFactor;165 scene.add( helper );166 updateBVH();167 runBenchmark( true );168 } );169 benchmarkViz = new THREE.LineSegments();170 benchmarkViz.material.opacity = 0.1;171 benchmarkViz.material.transparent = true;172 benchmarkViz.material.depthWrite = false;173 benchmarkViz.frustumCulled = false;174 scene.add( benchmarkViz );175 const gui = new GUI();176 const bvhFolder = gui.addFolder( 'BVH' );177 bvhFolder.add( params.options, 'strategy', { CENTER, AVERAGE, SAH } );178 bvhFolder.add( params.options, 'maxLeafTris', 1, 30, 1 );179 bvhFolder.add( params.options, 'maxDepth', 1, 40, 1 );180 bvhFolder.add( params.options, 'rebuild' );181;182 const vizFolder = gui.addFolder( 'Visualization' );183 vizFolder.add( params.visualization, 'displayMesh' );184 vizFolder.add( params.visualization, 'simpleColors' );185 vizFolder.add( params.visualization, 'outline' );186 vizFolder.add( params.visualization, 'traversalThreshold', 1, 300, 1 );187;188 const benchmarkFolder = gui.addFolder( 'Benchmark' );189 benchmarkFolder.add( params.benchmark, 'displayRays' );190 benchmarkFolder.add( params.benchmark, 'firstHitOnly' ).onChange( resetBenchmark );191 benchmarkFolder.add( params.benchmark, 'castCount', 100, 5000, 1 ).onChange( () => {192 resetBenchmark();193 runBenchmark( true );194 } );195 benchmarkFolder.add( params.benchmark, 'rotations', 1, 20, 1 ).onChange( () => {196 resetBenchmark();197 runBenchmark( true );198 } );199;200 window.addEventListener( 'pointermove', e => {201 mouse.set( e.clientX, window.innerHeight - e.clientY );202 } );203}204function onResize() {205 camera.aspect = window.innerWidth /​ window.innerHeight;206 camera.updateProjectionMatrix();207 renderer.setSize( window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight );208 renderer.setPixelRatio( window.devicePixelRatio );209 renderTarget.setSize(210 window.innerWidth * window.devicePixelRatio,211 window.innerHeight * window.devicePixelRatio,212 );213}214function updateBVH() {215 const startTime =;216 mesh.geometry.computeBoundsTree( {217 strategy: parseInt( params.options.strategy ),218 maxLeafTris: params.options.maxLeafTris,219 maxDepth: params.options.maxDepth,220 } );221 const deltaTime = - startTime;222 helper.update();223 resetBenchmark();224 const info = getBVHExtremes( mesh.geometry.boundsTree )[ 0 ];225 outputContainer.innerText =226 `construction time : ${ deltaTime.toFixed( 2 ) }ms\n` +227 `surface area score : ${ info.surfaceAreaScore.toFixed( 2 ) }\n` +228 `total nodes : ${ info.nodeCount }\n` +229 `total leaf nodes : ${ info.leafNodeCount }\n` +230 `min /​ max tris per leaf : ${ info.tris.min } /​ ${ info.tris.max }\n` +231 `min /​ max depth : ${ info.depth.min } /​ ${ info.depth.max }\n` +232 `memory (incl. geometry) : ${ ( estimateMemoryInBytes( mesh.geometry.boundsTree ) * 1e-6 ).toFixed( 3 ) } mb \n` +233 `memory (excl. geometry) : ${ ( estimateMemoryInBytes( mesh.geometry.boundsTree._roots ) * 1e-6 ).toFixed( 3 ) } mb`;234}235function runBenchmark( updateGeom = false ) {236 let points = null;237 let newGeometry = null;238 if ( updateGeom ) {239 mesh.updateMatrixWorld();240 newGeometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry();241 benchmarkViz.geometry.dispose();242 points = [];243 }244 const raycaster = new THREE.Raycaster();245 raycaster.firstHitOnly = params.benchmark.firstHitOnly;246 const rayCount = params.benchmark.castCount;247 const rotations = params.benchmark.rotations;248 const { ray } = raycaster;249 const { origin, direction } = ray;250 const startTime =;251 for ( let i = 0; i < rayCount; i ++ ) {252 const step = i /​ rayCount;253 const y = step - 0.5;254 origin.set(255 Math.cos( 0.75 * Math.PI * y ) * Math.sin( rotations * 2 * Math.PI * i /​ rayCount ),256 2 * y,257 Math.cos( 0.75 * Math.PI * y ) * Math.cos( rotations * 2 * Math.PI * i /​ rayCount ),258 ).multiplyScalar( 2.5 );259 direction.set(260 Math.cos( rotations * 5 * y ),261 Math.sin( rotations * 10 * y ),262 Math.sin( rotations * 5 * y ),263 ).sub( origin ).normalize();264 raycaster.intersectObject( mesh );265 if ( updateGeom ) {266 const hit = raycaster.intersectObject( mesh )[ 0 ];267 points.push( origin.clone() );268 if ( hit ) {269 points.push( hit.point.clone() );270 } else {271 const v = new THREE.Vector3();272 5, v );273 points.push( v );274 }275 }276 }277 const deltaTime = - startTime;278 if ( updateGeom ) {279 newGeometry.setFromPoints( points );280 benchmarkViz.geometry = newGeometry;281 }282 return deltaTime;283}284let sampleCount = 0;285let currTime = 0;286function resetBenchmark() {287 sampleCount = 0;288 currTime = 0;289}290function render() {291 requestAnimationFrame( render );292 /​/​ read the buffer from the last frame of rendering so we don't block293 /​/​ waiting for this frame to finish.294 const pixelRatio = renderer.getPixelRatio();295 renderer.readRenderTargetPixels(296 renderTarget,297 mouse.x * pixelRatio, mouse.y * pixelRatio, 1, 1,298 readBuffer,299 );300 if ( mesh ) {301 sampleCount = Math.min( sampleCount + 1, 50 );302 currTime += ( runBenchmark() - currTime ) /​ sampleCount;303 benchmarkContainer.innerText =304 `\ntraversal depth at mouse : ${ Math.round( readBuffer[ 0 ] ) }\n` +305 `benchmark rolling avg : ${ currTime.toFixed( 3 ) } ms`;306 }307 if ( params.visualization.simpleColors ) {308 fsQuad.material.boundsColor.set( 0xffffff );309 fsQuad.material.thresholdColor.set( 0xff0000 );310 fsQuad.material.backgroundColor.set( 0x000000 );311 } else {312 fsQuad.material.boundsColor.set( BOUNDS_COLOR );313 fsQuad.material.thresholdColor.set( THRESHOLD_COLOR );314 fsQuad.material.backgroundColor.set( BG_COLOR );315 }316 fsQuad.material.threshold = params.visualization.traversalThreshold;317 fsQuad.material.outlineAlpha = params.visualization.outline ? 0.5 : 0.0;318 fsQuad.material.resolution.set( renderTarget.width, renderTarget.height );319 /​/​ render bvh320 benchmarkViz.visible = false;321 renderer.autoClear = true;322 if ( mesh ) mesh.visible = params.visualization.displayMesh;323 renderer.setRenderTarget( renderTarget );324 renderer.render( scene, camera );325 renderer.setRenderTarget( null );326 fsQuad.render( renderer );327 /​/​ render rays328 renderer.autoClear = false;329 benchmarkViz.visible = params.benchmark.displayRays;330 if ( mesh ) renderer.render( mesh, camera );331 renderer.render( benchmarkViz, camera );332}333init();...

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Source:tester-utils.ts Github


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1import { BenchmarkInfo } from './​benchmarks';2import { relative, resolve } from 'path';3import {4 AFL_INSTRUMENTER_BIN,5 BENCHMARKS_FOLDER,6 CANARIES_INSTRUMENTER_BIN,7 LAVA_BENCHMARKS_FOLDER,8} from '../​constants';9import { exec, ExecException } from 'child_process';10export function getBenchmarkFolder(benchmarkName: string): string {11 if (['base64', 'uniq', 'md5sum'].some((b) => b === benchmarkName)) {12 return resolve(LAVA_BENCHMARKS_FOLDER, benchmarkName);13 }14 return resolve(BENCHMARKS_FOLDER, benchmarkName);15}16export function getDiffTestFolder(benchmarkName: string): string {17 return resolve(getBenchmarkFolder(benchmarkName), 'differential-tests');18}19export async function insertCanaries(20 bin: string,21 binOut: string,22 skipHeap: boolean = false,23 skipStack: boolean = false24): Promise<void> {25 const instrumentCmd = `${CANARIES_INSTRUMENTER_BIN} ${bin} ${binOut} --skip-print ${skipHeap ? '--skip-heap' : ''} ${26 skipStack ? '--skip-stack' : ''27 }`;28 await new Promise<void>((res, rej) => {29 exec(instrumentCmd, (err, stdout, stderr) => {30 if (err) {31 console.log(stdout, stderr);32 rej();33 }34 res();35 });36 });37}38export async function insertAFLInstrumentation(bin: string, binOut: string): Promise<void> {39 const instrumentCmd = `${AFL_INSTRUMENTER_BIN} ${bin} ${binOut}`;40 await new Promise<void>((res, rej) => {41 exec(instrumentCmd, (err, stdout, stderr) => {42 if (err) {43 console.log(stdout, stderr);44 rej();45 }46 res();47 });48 });49}50export async function execute<T>(51 binary: string,52 testFilePath: string,53 outFilePrefix: string,54 benchmarkFolder: string,55 bMarkInfo: BenchmarkInfo,56 cb: (e: ExecException | null, out: string, err: string, timeMS: number) => T57): Promise<T> {58 let cmdTestFilePath = testFilePath;59 if (bMarkInfo.useRelativeInput) {60 cmdTestFilePath = relative(benchmarkFolder, cmdTestFilePath);61 }62 const cmd = bMarkInfo.cmd.replace('@@', cmdTestFilePath).replace('##', outFilePrefix);63 const wasmCmd = `wasmtime ${binary} --dir=${bMarkInfo.useRelativeInput ? '.' : '/​'} -- ${cmd}`;64 return new Promise((res) => {65 const hrstart = process.hrtime();66 exec(wasmCmd, { cwd: benchmarkFolder, encoding: 'utf-8' }, (err, stdout, stderr) => {67 const hrend = process.hrtime(hrstart);68 res(cb(err, stdout, stderr, hrend[0] * 1000 + hrend[1] /​ 1000000));69 });70 });...

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Source:LoadKernel.js Github


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1laraImport("lara.Io");2laraImport("clava.Clava");3laraImport("weaver.Query");4function loadBenchmark(benchmarkName, extraFlags = "") {5 println(`Loading ${benchmarkName}`);6 const config = Clava.getData();7 const currentFolderFolder = config.getContextFolder();8 config.setFlags("-Wall -pedantic -DRUN_CLAVA " + extraFlags);9 const benchmarkFolder = Io.getPath(currentFolderFolder, "./​benchmarks");10 const kernelFile = Io.getPath(benchmarkFolder, benchmarkName + "/​kernel.c");11 /​* Make Commun.h accessible to compile kernel.c */​12 config.setUserIncludes(benchmarkFolder.getAbsolutePath());13 Query.root().addFileFromPath(kernelFile);14 Clava.rebuild();...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var fs = require('fs');2var path = require('path');3var Benchmark = require('benchmark');4var suite = new Benchmark.Suite;5var bestPractices = require('./​bestPractices.js');6var testFolder = './​testFolder';7suite.add('Benchmarking folder', function() {8 bestPractices.benchmarkFolder(testFolder);9})10.on('cycle', function(event) {11 console.log(String(;12}){ 'async': true });

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var BestBenchmark = require('./​BestBenchmark.js');2var benchmark = new BestBenchmark();3var folder = 'testFolder';4benchmark.benchmarkFolder(folder, function(err, data) {5 if (err) {6 console.log(err);7 }8 else {9 console.log(data);10 }11});12var BestBenchmark = require('./​BestBenchmark.js');13var benchmark = new BestBenchmark();14var file = 'testFolder/​testFile';15benchmark.benchmarkFile(file, function(err, data) {16 if (err) {17 console.log(err);18 }19 else {20 console.log(data);21 }22});23var BestBenchmark = require('./​BestBenchmark.js');24var benchmark = new BestBenchmark();25var file = 'testFolder/​testFile';26benchmark.benchmarkFile(file, function(err, data) {27 if (err) {28 console.log(err);29 }30 else {31 console.log(data);32 }33});34var BestBenchmark = require('./​BestBenchmark.js');35var benchmark = new BestBenchmark();36var file = 'testFolder/​testFile';37benchmark.benchmarkFile(file, function(err, data) {38 if (err) {39 console.log(err);40 }41 else {42 console.log(data);43 }44});45var BestBenchmark = require('./​BestBenchmark.js');46var benchmark = new BestBenchmark();47var file = 'testFolder/​testFile';48benchmark.benchmarkFile(file, function(err, data) {49 if (err) {50 console.log(err);51 }52 else {53 console.log(data);54 }55});56var BestBenchmark = require('./​BestBenchmark.js');57var benchmark = new BestBenchmark();58var file = 'testFolder/​testFile';59benchmark.benchmarkFile(file, function(err, data) {60 if (err) {61 console.log(err);62 }63 else {64 console.log(data);65 }66});67var BestBenchmark = require('./​BestBenchmark.js');68var benchmark = new BestBenchmark();

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1var BestPracticeChecker = require('./​BestPracticeChecker.js');2var fs = require('fs');3var checker = new BestPracticeChecker();4var folderPath = './​test4';5var results = checker.benchmarkFolder(folderPath);6fs.writeFile("test4.json", JSON.stringify(results), function(err) {7 if(err) {8 return console.log(err);9 }10 console.log("The file was saved!");11});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var BestBenchmark = require("./​BestBenchmark");2var path = require("path");3var fs = require("fs");4var util = require("util");5var benchmark = new BestBenchmark();6var path = path.join(__dirname, "test4");7var result = benchmark.benchmarkFolder(path, true);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var bestTime = require('best-time');2var path = require('path');3var folderPath = path.join(__dirname, 'testScripts');4bestTime.benchmarkFolder(folderPath, function(err, results) {5 if (err) {6 console.log(err);7 } else {8 console.log(results);9 }10});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var benchmark = require('./​benchmark.js');2var folder = process.argv[2];3var result = benchmark.benchmarkFolder(folder, function(err, data){4 if(err){5 console.log(err);6 } else {7 console.log(data);8 }9});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var BestBenchmark = require('./​bestBenchmark.js');2var bench = new BestBenchmark();3bench.benchmarkFolder(__dirname + '/​testFolder', function(err, res) {4 console.log(res);5});6#### benchmarkFolder(folderPath, [options], callback)

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var BestBenchmark = require('bestbenchmark');2var fs = require('fs');3var benchmark = new BestBenchmark();4benchmark.benchmarkFolder('./​testFolder', 1000, 1000, function(err, result){5 if(err){6 console.log(err);7 return;8 }9 fs.writeFile('benchmarkResult.txt', result, function(err){10 if(err){11 console.log(err);12 return;13 }14 console.log('benchmarkResult.txt created!');15 });16});17### benchmarkFolder(folderPath, iterations, warmup, callback)

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var BestBenchmark = require('./​BestBenchmark.js');2var path = require('path');3var bb = new BestBenchmark();4var folder = path.join(__dirname, 'testFolder');5bb.benchmarkFolder(folder, function(err, results) {6 if(err) {7 console.log(err);8 } else {9 console.log(results);10 }11});12var BestBenchmark = require('./​BestBenchmark.js');13var bb = new BestBenchmark();14var test = function() {15 var x = 0;16 for(var i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) {17 x++;18 }19};20bb.benchmark(test, function(err, results) {21 if(err) {22 console.log(err);23 } else {24 console.log(results);25 }26});27var BestBenchmark = require('./​BestBenchmark.js');28var bb = new BestBenchmark();29var test = function() {30 var x = 0;31 for(var i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) {32 x++;33 }34};35bb.benchmark(test, function(err, results) {36 if(err) {37 console.log(err);38 } else {39 console.log(results);40 }41});42var BestBenchmark = require('./​BestBenchmark.js');43var bb = new BestBenchmark();44var test = function() {45 var x = 0;46 for(var i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) {47 x++;48 }49};50bb.benchmark(test, function(err, results) {51 if(err) {52 console.log(err);53 } else {54 console.log(results);55 }56});57var BestBenchmark = require('./​BestBenchmark.js');58var bb = new BestBenchmark();59var test = function() {60 var x = 0;61 for(var i = 0;

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