How to use onLoadError method in backstopjs

Best JavaScript code snippet using backstopjs


Source: jeasyui.extensions.js Github


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1/​**2* jQuery EasyUI 1.3.33* Copyright (c) 2009-2013 All rights reserved.4*5* Licensed under the GPL or commercial licenses6* To use it on other terms please contact us: jeasyui@gmail.com7* http:/​/​​licenses/​gpl.txt8* http:/​/​​license_commercial.php9*10* jQuery EasyUI Generic Plugins Basic Library 1.0 beta11* jQuery EasyUI 通用插件基础库12* jeasyui.extensions.js13* 二次开发 陈建伟14* 最近更新:2013-07-2515*16* 依赖项:jquery.jdirk.js v1.0 beta late17*18* Copyright (c) 2013 ChenJianwei personal All rights reserved.19* http:/​/​www.chenjianwei.org20*/​21(function ($, undefined) {22 var coreEasyui = {};23 var coreJquery = function () { return $.apply(this, arguments); };24 coreJquery.fn = coreJquery.prototype = {};25 coreJquery.easyui = coreEasyui;26 coreEasyui.getTopEasyuiMessager = function () {27 if ($.util.isTopMost) { return $.messager; }28 return $.util.$ && $.util.$.messager ? $.util.$.messager : $.messager;29 };30 coreEasyui.messager = coreEasyui.getTopEasyuiMessager();31 coreEasyui.getTopEasyuiTooltip = function () {32 if ($.util.isTopMost) { return $.fn.tooltip; }33 return $.util.$ && $.util.$.fn && $.util.$.fn.tooltip ? $.util.$.fn.tooltip : $.fn.tooltip;34 };35 coreEasyui.tooltip = $.fn.tooltip;36 coreEasyui.tooltip.init = function (target, options) {37 var t = $.util.parseJquery(target);38 t.mouseover(function () {39 t.tooltip($.extend({ trackMouse: true }, options, { onHide: function () {40 if ($.isFunction(options.onHide)) { options.onHide.apply(this, arguments); }41 t.tooltip("destroy");42 }43 })).tooltip("show");44 });45 };46 var icons = { "error": "messager-error", "info": "messager-info", "question": "messager-question", "warning": "messager-warning" },47 _show = $, _alert = $.messager.alert, _confirm = $.messager.confirm, _prompt = $.messager.prompt,48 defaults = { title: "操作提醒", confirm: "您确认要进行该操作?", prompt: "请输入相应内容:", icon: "info", loading: "正在努力为您加载,请稍待..." };49 /​/​ 重写 $ 方法,使其支持图标以及默认的单个字符串参数的重载;该方法定义如下参数:50 /​/​ options: 表示需要弹出消息的内容、图标和方式等信息,该参数类型可以为如下:51 /​/​ JSON Object: 兼容 $ 官方默认 API 的所有属性,并在此基础上增加如下参数:52 /​/​ icon: 表示弹出消息的图标,为一个 String 类型值,该值可选的内容与 $.messager.alert 方法的第三个参数可选内容相同;53 /​/​ 包括:"error", "info", "question", "warning";54 /​/​ 具体内容参见 $.messager.alert 该方法的官方默认 API 中第三个参数可选内容。55 /​/​ position: 表示弹出消息的位置,为一个 String 类型值,该值可选的内容定义如下:56 /​/​ topLeft: 屏幕左上角, topCenter: 屏幕上方中间,topRight: 屏幕右上角57 /​/​ centerLeft: 屏幕左侧中间,center: 屏幕正中间,centerRight: 屏幕右侧中间58 /​/​ bottomLeft: 屏幕左下角,bottomCenter: 屏幕下方中间,bottomRight: 屏幕右下角59 /​/​ String: 以 icon: "info"、title: "操作提醒"、msg: options 为默认的方式调用上一重载。60 $ = function (options) {61 var isString = $.util.isString(options) || $.util.isBoolean(options) || $.isNumeric(options);62 if (isString) {63 arguments.length == 1 ? ${ msg: String(options) }) : ${ title: options, msg: arguments[1], icon: arguments[2], position: arguments[3] });64 return;65 }66 var defaults = $.extend({}, $.messager.defaults, { title: "操作提醒", timeout: 3000, showType: "slide" });67 var position = {68 topLeft: { right: "", left: 0, top: document.body.scrollTop + document.documentElement.scrollTop, bottom: "" },69 topCenter: { right: "", top: document.body.scrollTop + document.documentElement.scrollTop, bottom: "" },70 topRight: { left: "", right: 0, top: document.body.scrollTop + document.documentElement.scrollTop, bottom: "" },71 centerLeft: { left: 0, right: "", bottom: "" },72 center: { right: "", bottom: "" },73 centerRight: { left: "", right: 0, bottom: "" },74 bottomLeft: { left: 0, right: "", top: "", bottom: -document.body.scrollTop - document.documentElement.scrollTop },75 bottomCenter: { right: "", top: "", bottom: -document.body.scrollTop - document.documentElement.scrollTop },76 bottomRight: null77 };78 var opts = $.extend({}, defaults, options);79 = position[options.position] ? position[options.position] : position.topCenter;80 var iconCls = icons[opts.icon] ? icons[opts.icon] :;81 opts.msg = "<div class='messager-icon " + iconCls + "'></​div>" + "<div>" + opts.msg + "</​div>";82 return _show(opts);83 };84 $.union($, _show);85 $.messager.alert = function (title, msg, icon, fn) {86 if (arguments.length == 1) { return _alert(defaults.title, arguments[0], defaults.icon); }87 if (arguments.length == 2) {88 if ($.isFunction(arguments[1])) { return _alert(defaults.title, arguments[0], defaults.icon, arguments[1]); }89 if (arguments[1] in icons) { return _alert(defaults.title, arguments[0], arguments[1]); }90 return _alert.apply(this, arguments);91 }92 if (arguments.length == 3) {93 if ($.isFunction(arguments[2])) {94 return (arguments[1] in icons) ? _alert(defaults.title, arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2])95 : _alert(arguments[0], arguments[1], defaults.icon, arguments[2]);96 }97 return _alert.apply(this, arguments);98 }99 return _alert.apply(this, arguments);100 };101 $.messager.confirm = function (title, msg, fn) {102 if (arguments.length == 1) {103 return $.isFunction(arguments[0]) ? _confirm(defaults.title, defaults.confirm, arguments[0]) : _confirm(defaults.title, arguments[0]);104 }105 if (arguments.length == 2) {106 return $.isFunction(arguments[1]) ? _confirm(defaults.title, arguments[0], arguments[1]) : _confirm(arguments[0], arguments[1]);107 }108 return _confirm.apply(this, arguments);109 };110 $.messager.prompt = function (title, msg, fn) {111 if (arguments.length == 1) {112 return $.isFunction(arguments[0]) ? _prompt(defaults.title, defaults.prompt, arguments[0]) : _prompt(defaults.title, defaults.prompt);113 }114 if (arguments.length == 2) {115 return $.isFunction(arguments[0]) ? _prompt(defaults.title, arguments[0], arguments[1]) : _prompt(arguments[0], arguments[1]);116 }117 return _prompt.apply(this, arguments);118 };119 /​/​ 备注: $.messager 表示当前页面的 easyui-messager 对象;120 /​/​ $.easyui.messager 表示可控顶级页面的 easyui-messager 对象;121 /​/​ 更改 jQuery EasyUI 中部分控件的国际化语言显示。122 $.extend($.fn.panel.defaults, { loadingMessage: defaults.loading });123 $.extend($.fn.window.defaults, { loadingMessage: defaults.loading });124 $.extend($.fn.dialog.defaults, { loadingMessage: defaults.loading });125 /​/​ 更改 jeasyui-combo 组件的非空验证提醒消息语言。126 $.extend($.fn.combo.defaults, { missingMessage: $.fn.validatebox.defaults.missingMessage });127 /​/​ 更改 jQuery EasyUI 部分组件的通用错误提示。128 var onLoadError = function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {129 $.messager.progress("close");130 if (coreEasyui.messager != $.messager) { coreEasyui.messager.progress("close"); }131 var msg = (XMLHttpRequest && !$.string.isNullOrWhiteSpace(XMLHttpRequest.responseText) ?132 "如果该问题重复出现,请联系您的系统管理员并反馈该故障。<br /​>" +133 "错误号:" + XMLHttpRequest.status + "(" + XMLHttpRequest.statusText + ");<hr /​>" + XMLHttpRequest.responseText :134 "系统出现了一个未指明的错误,如果该问题重复出现,请联系您的系统管理员并反馈该故障。");135 coreEasyui.messager.alert("错误提醒", msg, "error");136 var win = $.util.$("div.panel.window.messager-window:last").children("div.messager-body.panel-body.window-body"),137 opts = win.window("options"), panel = win.window("panel"), width = panel.outerWidth(), height = panel.outerHeight();138 if (width > 800 || height > 800) { win.window("resize", { width: width > 800 ? 800 : width, height: height > 800 ? 800 : height }); }139 win.window("center");140 };141 $.fn.form.defaults.onLoadError = onLoadError;142 $.fn.combobox.defaults.onLoadError = onLoadError;143 $.fn.combotree.defaults.onLoadError = onLoadError;144 $.fn.combogrid.defaults.onLoadError = onLoadError;145 $.fn.datagrid.defaults.onLoadError = onLoadError;146 $.fn.propertygrid.defaults.onLoadError = onLoadError;147 $.fn.tree.defaults.onLoadError = onLoadError;148 $.fn.treegrid.defaults.onLoadError = onLoadError;149 /​/​ 更改 jQuery.ajax 函数的部分默认属性。150 $.ajaxSetup({151 dataFilter: function (data, type) {152 return $.util.isString(type) && type.toLowerCase(type) == "json" ? $.string.toJSONString(data) : data;153 },154 error: onLoadError155 });156 $.union(coreJquery);157 $.fn.union(coreJquery.fn);...

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Source: Loadable.js Github


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1new hope.Operation.subclass({2 name : "Loader",3 prototype : {4 callbackName : "onLoaded",5 errbackName : "onLoadError"6 }7});8/​** Loadable mixin. 9 Specify loadOptions for customization, or create an Operation called <mixeeType>Loader for full custom loader.10 TODO: different semantics for the constructor?11*/​12new hope.Mixin({13 name : "Loadable",14 /​** Don't overwrite properties already set on the mixee. */​15 overwrite : hope.MERGE,16 prototype : {17 /​** Loader for this instance, created automatically and stored in the cache. */​18 'get:loader' : function() {19 if (!this._loader) {20 /​/​ create a new loader, setting this as the callbackTarget21 var options = this.loadOptions || {};22 options.callbackTarget = this;23 this._loader = new (this.constructor.loader)(options);24 }25 return this._loader;26 },27 /​** Has this thing been loaded successfully? */​28 'get:loaded' : function(){return this.loader.state == hope.LOADED},29 'set:loaded' : function(flag){return this.loader.state = (flag == true ? hope.LOADED : hope.UNLOADED)},30 31 /​** Aliases for the load url. */​32 'get:src' : function(){return this.loader.url},33 'set:src' : function(url){return this.loader.set("url", url)},34 /​** Alias for the load output. */​35 'get:data' : function(){return this.loader.output},36 'get:dataType' : function(){return this.loader.outputType},37 'set:dataType' : function(type){return this.loader.set("outputType", type)},38 39 /​** Aliases for load/​load error messages. */​40 'get:loadMessage' : function(){return this.loader.message},41 'set:loadMessage' : function(msg){return this.loader.set("loadMessage", msg)},42 'get:loadErrorMessage' : function(){return this.loader.errorMessage},43 'set:loadErrorMessage' : function(url){this.loader.set("errorMessage", errorMessage)},44 45 /​** Load command. Pass a url (string) or object of options to load. */​46 load : function(options, onLoaded, onLoadError) {47 options = (typeof options == "string" ? {url:options} : options||{});48 if (onLoaded) options.onLoaded = onLoaded;49 if (onLoadError) options.onLoadError = onLoadError;50 this.loader.execute(options);51 return this;52 },53 /​/​ onLoaded and onLoadError handlers, called as: (event, [data|error], key, target)54 onLoaded : undefined,55 onLoadError : undefined56 },57 58 statics : {59 load : function(options, onLoaded, onLoadError) {60 /​/​ if options is an array of strings, make an OperationQueue and load them all one at a time61 if (hope.isListLike(options)) {62 var operations = options, i = -1, url;63 while (url = operations[++i]) {64 operations[i] = new (this.loader)({url:url});65 }66 var options = {operations:operations};67 if (onLoaded) options.onCompleted = onLoaded;68 if (onLoadError) options.onError = onLoadError;69 return (new hope.OperationQueue(options)).execute();70 } else {71 options = (typeof options == "string" ? {url:options} : options||{});72 if (onLoaded) options.onLoaded = onLoaded;73 if (onLoadError) options.onLoadError = onLoadError;74 return (new (this.loader)(options)).execute();75 }76 }77 },78 79 /​** Create a custom loader for the Loadable thing. 80 If an operation named <classType>Loader is already defined, we'll use that.81 Otherwise we'll create one.82 */​83 onMixin : function(it) {84 var loaderName = + "Loader", operation;85 try {86 operation = hope.getThing(loaderName); /​/​ will throw if not found87 } catch (e) {88 /​/​ create an operation if not already defined89 operation = new hope.Loader.subclass({ name : loaderName });90 }91 /​/​ assign to the element (and its prototype, if applicable)92 it.loader = operation;93 }...

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Source: zUtil.js Github


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1var zzw = zzw || {};2/​**3 * 4 */​5$.fn.tree.defaults.loadFilter = function(data, parent) {6 var opt = $(this).data().tree.options;7 var idFiled, textFiled, parentField;8 if (opt.parentField) {9 idFiled = opt.idFiled || 'id';10 textFiled = opt.textFiled || 'text';11 parentField = opt.parentField;12 var i, l, treeData = [], tmpMap = [];13 for (i = 0, l = data.length; i < l; i++) {14 tmpMap[data[i][idFiled]] = data[i];15 }16 for (i = 0, l = data.length; i < l; i++) {17 if (tmpMap[data[i][parentField]] && data[i][idFiled] != data[i][parentField]) {18 if (!tmpMap[data[i][parentField]]['children'])19 tmpMap[data[i][parentField]]['children'] = [];20 data[i]['text'] = data[i][textFiled];21 tmpMap[data[i][parentField]]['children'].push(data[i]);22 } else {23 data[i]['text'] = data[i][textFiled];24 treeData.push(data[i]);25 }26 }27 return treeData;28 }29 return data;30};31/​**32 * 33 * @requires jQuery,EasyUI34 * 35 * 防止panel/​window/​dialog组件超出浏览器边界36 * @param left37 * @param top38 */​39zzw.onMove = {40 onMove : function(left, top) {41 var l = left;42 var t = top;43 if (l < 1) {44 l = 1;45 }46 if (t < 1) {47 t = 1;48 }49 var width = parseInt($(this).parent().css('width')) + 14;50 var height = parseInt($(this).parent().css('height')) + 14;51 var right = l + width;52 var buttom = t + height;53 var browserWidth = $(window).width();54 var browserHeight = $(window).height();55 if (right > browserWidth) {56 l = browserWidth - width;57 }58 if (buttom > browserHeight) {59 t = browserHeight - height;60 }61 $(this).parent().css({/​* 修正面板位置 */​62 left : l,63 top : t64 });65 }66};67$.extend($.fn.dialog.defaults, zzw.onMove);68$.extend($.fn.window.defaults, zzw.onMove);69$.extend($.fn.panel.defaults, zzw.onMove);70/​**71 * 通用加載錯誤提示72 */​73zzw.onLoadError = {74 onLoadError : function(XMLHttpRequest) {75 ${76 msg : XMLHttpRequest.statusText + ' ' + XMLHttpRequest.status + '[' + XMLHttpRequest.responseText + ']',77 title : '錯誤',78 timeout : 079 });80 }81};82$.extend($.fn.datagrid.defaults, zzw.onLoadError);83$.extend($.fn.treegrid.defaults, zzw.onLoadError);84$.extend($.fn.tree.defaults, zzw.onLoadError);85$.extend($.fn.combogrid.defaults, zzw.onLoadError);86$.extend($.fn.combobox.defaults, zzw.onLoadError);87$.extend($.fn.form.defaults, zzw.onLoadError);88$.extend($.fn.datagrid.defaults.editors, {89 combogrid : {90 init : function(container, options) {91 var input = $('<input type="text" class="datagrid-editable-input">').appendTo(container);92 input.combogrid(options);93 return input;94 },95 destroy : function(target) {96 $(target).combogrid('destroy');97 },98 getValue : function(target) {99 return $(target).combogrid('getValue');100 },101 setValue : function(target, value) {102 $(target).combogrid('setValue', value);103 },104 resize : function(target, width) {105 $(target).combogrid('resize', width);106 }107 }...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1module.exports = {2 {3 },4 {5 },6 {7 },8 {9 }10 "onLoadError": {},11 {12 }13 "paths": {14 },15 "engineOptions": {16 },17}18module.exports = async function (chromy, scenario) {19 const clearCookies = true;20 if (clearCookies) {21 await chromy.clearCookies();22 }23 {24 },25 {26 },27 ];

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Using AI Code Generation


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1module.exports = {2 {3 },4 {5 }6 {7 "onLoadError": {8 "options": {9 }10 }11 }12 "paths": {13 },14 "engineOptions": {15 },16}17module.exports = {18 onLoadError: function (page, scenario, vp, options, err) {19 console.log('onLoadError', err);20 }21};

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Using AI Code Generation


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1module.exports = async (page, scenario, vp) => {2 console.log('SCENARIO > ' + scenario.label);3 await require('./​loadCookies')(page, scenario);4 page.on('error', msg => {5 console.log('page error > ' + msg);6 });7 page.on('pageerror', msg => {8 console.log('page error > ' + msg);9 });10 page.on('requestfailed', request => {11 console.log(request.failure().errorText);12 });13};

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Using AI Code Generation


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1module.exports = {2 {3 }4 "paths": {5 },6 "engineOptions": {7 },8}9module.exports = async function (chromy, scenario) {10 console.log('onBefore.js: Adding cookie.');11 await chromy.setCookie({ name: 'cookieName1', value: 'cookieValue1', domain: 'localhost' });12 await chromy.setCookie({ name: 'cookieName2', value: 'cookieValue2', domain: 'localhost' });13 await chromy.setCookie({ name: 'cookieName3', value: 'cookieValue3', domain: 'localhost' });14};15module.exports = async function (chromy, scenario) {16 console.log('onReady.js: Clicking cookie consent button.');

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Using AI Code Generation


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1module.exports = async (page, scenario, vp) => {2 console.log('SCENARIO > ' + scenario.label);3 await require('./​loadCookies')(page, scenario);4 await page.waitFor(500);5};6{7 {8 },9 {10 }11}12{13 {14 },15 {16 }17}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1casper.on('load.failed', function (resourceError) {2;3});4casper.on('resource.error', function (resourceError) {5;6});7casper.on('resource.timeout', function (resourceError) {8;9});10casper.on('url.changed', function (targetUrl) {11'New URL: ' + targetUrl);12});13casper.on('page.error', function (msg, trace) {14'Error: ' + msg);15});16casper.on('remote.message', function (msg) {17'remote message caught: ' + msg);18});19casper.on('page.initialized', function () {20'page.initialized');21});22casper.on('page.resource.requested', function (requestData, networkRequest) {23'page.resource.requested');24});25casper.on('page.resource.received', function (response) {26'page.resource.received');27});28casper.on('page.resource.error', function (resourceError) {29'Unable to load resource (#' + + 'URL:' + resourceError.url + ')');30});31casper.on('page.resource.timeout', function (requestData) {32'Resource request timed out: ' + JSON.stringify(requestData));33});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1module.exports = {2 "onLoadError": function(page, scenario, vp) {3 console.log(page, scenario, vp);4 }5};6module.exports = {7};8module.exports = {9};10module.exports = {11};12module.exports = {13};14module.exports = {15};16module.exports = {17};18module.exports = {19};20module.exports = {21};22module.exports = {23};24module.exports = {

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