How to use yargs.options method in ava

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Source:tool.js Github


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2 return {3 command: `${name} <domain>`,4 describe: `List all URLs: ${name}`,5 builder: (yargs) => {6 yargs.options('wildcard', {7 alias: ['w'],8 type: 'string',9 describe: 'Domain wildcard',10 default: '*.'11 })12 yargs.options('filter', {13 alias: ['f'],14 type: 'string',15 default: 'statuscode:200'16 })17 yargs.options('from', {18 alias: ['F'],19 type: 'string',20 describe: 'To date range',21 default: ''22 })23 yargs.options('to', {24 alias: ['T'],25 type: 'string',26 describe: 'To data range',27 default: ''28 })29 yargs.options('order', {30 alias: ['O'],31 type: 'string',32 describe: 'Order',33 choices: ['desc', 'asc'],34 default: 'desc'35 })36 yargs.options('header', {37 alias: ['H'],38 type: 'string',39 describe: 'Custom header'40 })41 yargs.options('retry', {42 alias: ['r'],43 type: 'number',44 default: 545 })46 yargs.options('timeout', {47 alias: ['t'],48 type: 'number',49 default: 3000050 })51 yargs.options('max-results', {52 alias: ['m', 'max'],53 type: 'number',54 default: Infinity55 })56 yargs.options('output-type', {57 alias: ['o', 'output'],58 type: 'string',59 choices: ['text', 'json', 'json-request'],60 default: 'text'61 })62 yargs.options('unique', {63 alias: ['u'],64 type: 'boolean',65 default: false66 })67 yargs.options('pdp', {68 alias: ['l'],69 type: 'boolean',70 default: false71 })72 yargs.options('summary', {73 alias: ['s'],74 type: 'boolean',75 default: false76 })77 yargs.options('concurrency', {78 alias: ['c'],79 type: 'number',80 default: Infinity81 })82 yargs.options('filter-extensions', {83 alias: ['extensions', 'filter-extension', 'extension'],84 type: 'string',85 default: ''86 })87 },88 handler: async(args) => {89 const { Scheduler } = require('@pown/request/lib/scheduler')90 const { wildcard, filter, from, to, order, header, retry, timeout, maxResults, outputType, unique, pdp, summary, concurrency, filterExtensions, domain: maybeDomain } = args91 let domain = maybeDomain.trim()92 if (/^https?:\/\//i.test(domain)) {93 domain = require('url').parse(domain).hostname94 }95 const headers = {}96 if (header) {...

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Source:prompt-middleware.spec.js Github


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1const expect = require('chai').expect;2const inquirer = require('inquirer');3const questionModule = require('../../lib/cli/prompt-middleware');4describe('The prompt-middleware module', function () {5 beforeEach(function () {6 this.sut = questionModule;7 });8 describe('yargsToInquirer function', function () {9 it('returns an inquirer questions array', function () {10 const yargsOptions = {11 tenant: {12 type: 'string',13 describe: 'Specify a tenant ID',14 },15 };16 const result = this.sut.yargsToInquirer(yargsOptions);17 expect(result)'array');18 expect(result[0])'object')'name');19 expect(result[0].name).to.equal('tenant');20 });21 it('maps yargs description to inquirer message', function () {22 const yargsOptions = {23 tenant: {24 type: 'string',25 describe: 'Specify a tenant ID',26 },27 };28 const result = this.sut.yargsToInquirer(yargsOptions);29 expect(result[0])'object')'message');30 expect(result[0].message).to.equal(yargsOptions.tenant.describe);31 });32 it('converts a yargs type to inquirer type', function () {33 const yargsOptions = {34 tenant: {35 type: 'string',36 describe: 'Specify a tenant ID',37 },38 sourcemap: {39 type: 'boolean',40 describe: 'Include sourcemaps in build output',41 },42 };43 const result = this.sut.yargsToInquirer(yargsOptions);44 expect(result[0].type).to.equal('input');45 expect(result[1].type).to.equal('confirm');46 });47 it('applies inquirer-specific overrides', function () {48 const yargsOptions = {49 password: {50 type: 'string',51 describe: 'Okapi tenant password',52 inquirer: {53 type: 'password',54 mask: '*',55 },56 },57 };58 const result = this.sut.yargsToInquirer(yargsOptions);59 expect(result[0])'object')'mask');60 expect(result[0].type).to.equal('password');61 });62 });63 describe('askIfUndefined function', function () {64 beforeEach(function () {65 this.argv = {66 username: 'user',67 interactive: true,68 };69 this.yargsOptions = {70 password: {71 describe: 'Okapi tenant password',72 },73 };74 this.sandbox.stub(inquirer, 'prompt').resolves({ password: 'password input' });75 });76 afterEach(function () {77 delete this.argv;78 delete this.yargsOptions;79 delete this.commandStub;80 });81 it('generates inquirer questions for missing yargs options', function (done) {82 this.sut.askIfUndefined(this.argv, this.yargsOptions)83 .then(() => {84 expect(inquirer.prompt).to.have.been.calledOnce;85 const inquirerCall = inquirer.prompt.getCall(0);86 expect(inquirerCall.args[0][0].name).to.equal('password');87 done();88 })89 .catch(err => console.log(err));90 });91 it('does not pass populated yargs options to inquirer', function (done) {92 this.argv.password = 'password1';93 this.yargsOptions.somethingElse = { describe: 'another option for testing' };94 this.sut.askIfUndefined(this.argv, this.yargsOptions)95 .then(() => {96 expect(inquirer.prompt).to.have.been.calledOnce;97 const inquirerCall = inquirer.prompt.getCall(0);98 expect(inquirerCall.args[0].length).to.equal(1);99 expect(inquirerCall.args[0][0].name).to.equal('somethingElse');100 done();101 });102 });103 it('does not invoke inquirer when all options are populated', function (done) {104 this.argv.password = 'password1';105 this.sut.askIfUndefined(this.argv, this.yargsOptions)106 .then(() => {107 expect(inquirer.prompt);108 done();109 });110 });111 it('merges answers with argv', function (done) {112 this.sut.askIfUndefined(this.argv, this.yargsOptions)113 .then((result) => {114 expect(result)'object')'username', 'user');115 expect(result)'object')'password', 'password input');116 done();117 });118 });119 });120 describe('promptMiddleware', function () {121 beforeEach(function () {122 this.argv = {123 username: 'user',124 interactive: true,125 };126 this.yargsOptions = {127 password: {128 describe: 'Okapi tenant password',129 },130 };131 this.sandbox.stub(inquirer, 'prompt').resolves({ password: 'password input' });132 });133 afterEach(function () {134 delete this.argv;135 delete this.yargsOptions;136 });137 it('returns a function', function () {138 const result = this.sut.promptMiddleware({}, () => {});139 expect(result).is.a('function');140 });141 it('when invoked, returns answers', function (done) {142 const middleware = this.sut.promptMiddleware(this.yargsOptions);143 middleware(this.argv).then((response) => {144 expect(response)'object')'username', 'user');145 expect(response)'object')'password', 'password input');146 done();147 });148 });149 });...

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Source:jokes.js Github


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1#! /usr/bin/env node2const chalk = require('chalk');3const boxen = require('boxen');4const yargs = require('yargs');5const axios = require('axios');6const { option } = require('yargs');7const boxenOptions = {8 padding: 1,9 borderStyle: 'round'10}11const yargsOptions = yargs12.usage("Usage: -n <string>")13.option("n", { alias: "name", describe: "input your name", type: "string", demandOption: true})14.option("s", { alias: "search", describe: "search term", type: "string"})15.argv;16const greeting = `hello ${}`;17if({18 console.log(`Searching for jokes about ${}`);19}else {20 console.log(`Lemme fetch a random joke:`)21}22const url = ? `${}&/limit=1`: ``;23axios.get(url, { headers: {Accept: "application/json"}} )24.then(res => {25 if ( {26 j => {27 console.log(`\n ${j.joke}`));28 })29 }else {30 console.log(;31 }32})...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const argv = require('yargs')2.options({3 a: {4 }5})'help', 'h')8.argv;9const request = require('request');10const fs = require('fs');11const _ = require('lodash');12const yargs = require('yargs');13const geocode = require('./geocode/geocode.js');14const weather = require('./weather/weather.js');15var encodedAddress = encodeURIComponent(argv.address);16geocode.geocodeAddress(encodedAddress, (errorMessage, results) => {17 if(errorMessage){18 console.log(errorMessage);19 } else {20 console.log(results.address);21 weather.getWeather(results.latitude, results.longitude, (errorMessage, weatherResults) => {22 if(errorMessage){23 console.log(errorMessage);24 } else {25 console.log(`It's currently ${weatherResults.temperature}. It feels like ${weatherResults.apparentTemperature}.`);26 }27 });28 }29});30const request = require('request');31var geocodeAddress = (address, callback) => {32 var encodedAddress = encodeURIComponent(address);33 request({34 }, (error, response, body) => {35 if(error){36 callback('Unable to connect to Google servers.');37 } else if(body.status === 'ZERO_RESULTS'){38 callback('Unable to find that address.');39 } else if(body.status === 'OK'){40 callback(undefined, {41 });42 }43 });44};45module.exports.geocodeAddress = geocodeAddress;46const request = require('request');47var getWeather = (latitude, longitude, callback) => {48 request({49 }, (error, response, body) => {50 if(!error && response.statusCode === 200){51 callback(undefined,

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const yargs = require('yargs');2yargs.command({3 builder: {4 title: {5 },6 body: {7 }8 },9 handler: function (argv) {10 console.log('Title: ' + argv.title);11 console.log('Body: ' + argv.body);12 }13})14const yargs = require('yargs');15yargs.command({16 handler: function () {17 console.log('Adding a new note!');18 }19})20yargs.command({21 handler: function () {22 console.log('Removing the note!');23 }24})25const yargs = require('yargs');26yargs.command({27 builder: {28 title: {29 }30 },31 handler: function (argv) {32 console.log('Title: ' + argv.title);33 }34})35yargs.command({

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const yargs = require('yargs');2const notes = require('./notes.js');3const chalk = require('chalk');4yargs.version('1.1.0');5yargs.command({6 title: {7 },8 body: {9 }10 },11 handler(argv) {12 notes.addNotes(argv.title, argv.body);13 }14});15yargs.command({16 title: {17 }18 },19 handler(argv) {20 notes.removeNotes(argv.title);21 }22});23yargs.command({24 handler() {25 notes.listNotes();26 }27});28yargs.command({29 title: {30 }31 },32 handler(argv) {33 notes.readNotes(argv.title);34 }35});36yargs.parse();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const yargs = require('yargs');2yargs.options({3 command: {4 }5})6console.log(yargs.argv);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var argv = require('yargs')2 .options({3 a: {4 }5 })6 .help()7 .alias('help', 'h')8 .argv;9var argv = require('yargs')10 .command('hello', 'Greet the user', function(yargs) {11 yargs.options({12 name: {13 },14 lastname: {15 }16 }).help('help');17 })18 .help()19 .argv;20var command = argv._[0];21if (command === 'hello' && typeof !== 'undefined' && typeof argv.lastname !== 'undefined') {22 console.log('Hello ' + + ' ' + argv.lastname + '!');23} else if (command === 'hello' && typeof !== 'undefined') {24 console.log('Hello ' + + '!');25} else if (command === 'hello') {26 console.log('Hello world!');27}28var argv = require('yargs')29 .command('hello', 'Greet the user', function(yargs) {30 yargs.options({31 name: {32 },33 lastname: {34 }35 }).help('help');36 })37 .help()38 .argv;39var command = argv._[0];40if (command === 'hello' && typeof !== 'undefined' && typeof argv.lastname !== 'undefined') {41 console.log('Hello ' + + ' ' + argv.lastname + '!');42} else if (command === 'hello' && typeof argv

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Using AI Code Generation


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1.options({2 a: {3 }4})'help', 'h')7.argv;8var encodedAddress = encodeURIComponent(argv.address);9request({10}, (error, response, body) => {11 if (error) {12 console.log('Unable to connect to Google servers.');13 } else if (body.status === 'ZERO_RESULTS') {14 console.log('Unable to find that address.');15 } else if (body.status === 'OK') {16 console.log(`Address: ${body.results[0].formatted_address}`);17 console.log(`Latitude: ${body.results[0]}`);18 console.log(`Longitude: ${body.results[0].geometry.location.lng}`);19 }20});21request({22}, (error, response, body) => {23 if (!error && response.statusCode === 200) {24 console.log(body.currently.temperature);25 } else {26 console.log('Unable to fetch weather.');27 }28});29request({30}, (error, response, body) => {31 if (!error && response.statusCode === 200) {32 console.log(body.currently.temperature);33 } else {34 console.log('Unable to fetch weather.');

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const argv = require('yargs')2 .option('help', {3 })4 .argv;5const argv = require('yargs')6 .option('name', {7 })8 .argv;9const argv = require('yargs')10 .option('age', {11 })12 .argv;13const argv = require('yargs')14 .option('address', {15 })

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