How to use incr method in ava

Best JavaScript code snippet using ava


Source: functions.js Github


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1$(document).ready(function() {2 module("Functions");3 test("bind", function() {4 var context = {name : 'moe'};5 var func = function(arg) { return "name: " + ( || arg); };6 var bound = _.bind(func, context);7 equal(bound(), 'name: moe', 'can bind a function to a context');8 bound = _(func).bind(context);9 equal(bound(), 'name: moe', 'can do OO-style binding');10 bound = _.bind(func, null, 'curly');11 equal(bound(), 'name: curly', 'can bind without specifying a context');12 func = function(salutation, name) { return salutation + ': ' + name; };13 func = _.bind(func, this, 'hello');14 equal(func('moe'), 'hello: moe', 'the function was partially applied in advance');15 func = _.bind(func, this, 'curly');16 equal(func(), 'hello: curly', 'the function was completely applied in advance');17 func = function(salutation, firstname, lastname) { return salutation + ': ' + firstname + ' ' + lastname; };18 func = _.bind(func, this, 'hello', 'moe', 'curly');19 equal(func(), 'hello: moe curly', 'the function was partially applied in advance and can accept multiple arguments');20 func = function(context, message) { equal(this, context, message); };21 _.bind(func, 0, 0, 'can bind a function to `0`')();22 _.bind(func, '', '', 'can bind a function to an empty string')();23 _.bind(func, false, false, 'can bind a function to `false`')();24 /​/​ These tests are only meaningful when using a browser without a native bind function25 /​/​ To test this with a modern browser, set underscore's nativeBind to undefined26 var F = function () { return this; };27 var Boundf = _.bind(F, {hello: "moe curly"});28 var newBoundf = new Boundf();29 equal(newBoundf.hello, undefined, "function should not be bound to the context, to comply with ECMAScript 5");30 equal(Boundf().hello, "moe curly", "When called without the new operator, it's OK to be bound to the context");31 ok(newBoundf instanceof F, "a bound instance is an instance of the original function");32 });33 test("partial", function() {34 var obj = {name: 'moe'};35 var func = function() { return + ' ' + _.toArray(arguments).join(' '); };36 obj.func = _.partial(func, 'a', 'b');37 equal(obj.func('c', 'd'), 'moe a b c d', 'can partially apply');38 });39 test("bindAll", function() {40 var curly = {name : 'curly'}, moe = {41 name : 'moe',42 getName : function() { return 'name: ' +; },43 sayHi : function() { return 'hi: ' +; }44 };45 curly.getName = moe.getName;46 _.bindAll(moe, 'getName', 'sayHi');47 curly.sayHi = moe.sayHi;48 equal(curly.getName(), 'name: curly', 'unbound function is bound to current object');49 equal(curly.sayHi(), 'hi: moe', 'bound function is still bound to original object');50 curly = {name : 'curly'};51 moe = {52 name : 'moe',53 getName : function() { return 'name: ' +; },54 sayHi : function() { return 'hi: ' +; }55 };56 raises(function() { _.bindAll(moe); }, Error, 'throws an error for bindAll with no functions named');57 _.bindAll(moe, 'sayHi');58 curly.sayHi = moe.sayHi;59 equal(curly.sayHi(), 'hi: moe');60 });61 test("memoize", function() {62 var fib = function(n) {63 return n < 2 ? n : fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2);64 };65 equal(fib(10), 55, 'a memoized version of fibonacci produces identical results');66 fib = _.memoize(fib); /​/​ Redefine `fib` for memoization67 equal(fib(10), 55, 'a memoized version of fibonacci produces identical results');68 var o = function(str) {69 return str;70 };71 var fastO = _.memoize(o);72 equal(o('toString'), 'toString', 'checks hasOwnProperty');73 equal(fastO('toString'), 'toString', 'checks hasOwnProperty');74 });75 asyncTest("delay", 2, function() {76 var delayed = false;77 _.delay(function(){ delayed = true; }, 100);78 setTimeout(function(){ ok(!delayed, "didn't delay the function quite yet"); }, 50);79 setTimeout(function(){ ok(delayed, 'delayed the function'); start(); }, 150);80 });81 asyncTest("defer", 1, function() {82 var deferred = false;83 _.defer(function(bool){ deferred = bool; }, true);84 _.delay(function(){ ok(deferred, "deferred the function"); start(); }, 50);85 });86 asyncTest("throttle", 2, function() {87 var counter = 0;88 var incr = function(){ counter++; };89 var throttledIncr = _.throttle(incr, 32);90 throttledIncr(); throttledIncr();91 equal(counter, 1, "incr was called immediately");92 _.delay(function(){ equal(counter, 2, "incr was throttled"); start(); }, 64);93 });94 asyncTest("throttle arguments", 2, function() {95 var value = 0;96 var update = function(val){ value = val; };97 var throttledUpdate = _.throttle(update, 32);98 throttledUpdate(1); throttledUpdate(2);99 _.delay(function(){ throttledUpdate(3); }, 64);100 equal(value, 1, "updated to latest value");101 _.delay(function(){ equal(value, 3, "updated to latest value"); start(); }, 96);102 });103 asyncTest("throttle once", 2, function() {104 var counter = 0;105 var incr = function(){ return ++counter; };106 var throttledIncr = _.throttle(incr, 32);107 var result = throttledIncr();108 _.delay(function(){109 equal(result, 1, "throttled functions return their value");110 equal(counter, 1, "incr was called once"); start();111 }, 64);112 });113 asyncTest("throttle twice", 1, function() {114 var counter = 0;115 var incr = function(){ counter++; };116 var throttledIncr = _.throttle(incr, 32);117 throttledIncr(); throttledIncr();118 _.delay(function(){ equal(counter, 2, "incr was called twice"); start(); }, 64);119 });120 asyncTest("more throttling", 3, function() {121 var counter = 0;122 var incr = function(){ counter++; };123 var throttledIncr = _.throttle(incr, 30);124 throttledIncr(); throttledIncr();125 ok(counter == 1);126 _.delay(function(){127 ok(counter == 2);128 throttledIncr();129 ok(counter == 3);130 start();131 }, 85);132 });133 asyncTest("throttle repeatedly with results", 6, function() {134 var counter = 0;135 var incr = function(){ return ++counter; };136 var throttledIncr = _.throttle(incr, 100);137 var results = [];138 var saveResult = function() { results.push(throttledIncr()); };139 saveResult(); saveResult();140 _.delay(saveResult, 50);141 _.delay(saveResult, 150);142 _.delay(saveResult, 160);143 _.delay(saveResult, 230);144 _.delay(function() {145 equal(results[0], 1, "incr was called once");146 equal(results[1], 1, "incr was throttled");147 equal(results[2], 1, "incr was throttled");148 equal(results[3], 2, "incr was called twice");149 equal(results[4], 2, "incr was throttled");150 equal(results[5], 3, "incr was called trailing");151 start();152 }, 300);153 });154 asyncTest("throttle triggers trailing call when invoked repeatedly", 2, function() {155 var counter = 0;156 var limit = 48;157 var incr = function(){ counter++; };158 var throttledIncr = _.throttle(incr, 32);159 var stamp = new Date;160 while ((new Date - stamp) < limit) {161 throttledIncr();162 }163 var lastCount = counter;164 ok(counter > 1);165 _.delay(function() {166 ok(counter > lastCount);167 start();168 }, 96);169 });170 asyncTest("throttle does not trigger leading call when leading is set to false", 2, function() {171 var counter = 0;172 var incr = function(){ counter++; };173 var throttledIncr = _.throttle(incr, 60, {leading: false});174 throttledIncr(); throttledIncr();175 ok(counter === 0);176 _.delay(function() {177 ok(counter == 1);178 start();179 }, 96);180 });181 asyncTest("more throttle does not trigger leading call when leading is set to false", 3, function() {182 var counter = 0;183 var incr = function(){ counter++; };184 var throttledIncr = _.throttle(incr, 100, {leading: false});185 throttledIncr();186 _.delay(throttledIncr, 50);187 _.delay(throttledIncr, 60);188 _.delay(throttledIncr, 200);189 ok(counter === 0);190 _.delay(function() {191 ok(counter == 1);192 }, 250);193 _.delay(function() {194 ok(counter == 2);195 start();196 }, 350);197 });198 asyncTest("one more throttle with leading: false test", 2, function() {199 var counter = 0;200 var incr = function(){ counter++; };201 var throttledIncr = _.throttle(incr, 100, {leading: false});202 var time = new Date;203 while (new Date - time < 350) throttledIncr();204 ok(counter <= 3);205 _.delay(function() {206 ok(counter <= 4);207 start();208 }, 200);209 });210 asyncTest("throttle does not trigger trailing call when trailing is set to false", 4, function() {211 var counter = 0;212 var incr = function(){ counter++; };213 var throttledIncr = _.throttle(incr, 60, {trailing: false});214 throttledIncr(); throttledIncr(); throttledIncr();215 ok(counter === 1);216 _.delay(function() {217 ok(counter == 1);218 throttledIncr(); throttledIncr();219 ok(counter == 2);220 _.delay(function() {221 ok(counter == 2);222 start();223 }, 96);224 }, 96);225 });226 asyncTest("debounce", 1, function() {227 var counter = 0;228 var incr = function(){ counter++; };229 var debouncedIncr = _.debounce(incr, 32);230 debouncedIncr(); debouncedIncr();231 _.delay(debouncedIncr, 16);232 _.delay(function(){ equal(counter, 1, "incr was debounced"); start(); }, 96);233 });234 asyncTest("debounce asap", 4, function() {235 var a, b;236 var counter = 0;237 var incr = function(){ return ++counter; };238 var debouncedIncr = _.debounce(incr, 64, true);239 a = debouncedIncr();240 b = debouncedIncr();241 equal(a, 1);242 equal(b, 1);243 equal(counter, 1, 'incr was called immediately');244 _.delay(debouncedIncr, 16);245 _.delay(debouncedIncr, 32);246 _.delay(debouncedIncr, 48);247 _.delay(function(){ equal(counter, 1, "incr was debounced"); start(); }, 128);248 });249 asyncTest("debounce asap recursively", 2, function() {250 var counter = 0;251 var debouncedIncr = _.debounce(function(){252 counter++;253 if (counter < 10) debouncedIncr();254 }, 32, true);255 debouncedIncr();256 equal(counter, 1, "incr was called immediately");257 _.delay(function(){ equal(counter, 1, "incr was debounced"); start(); }, 96);258 });259 test("once", function() {260 var num = 0;261 var increment = _.once(function(){ num++; });262 increment();263 increment();264 equal(num, 1);265 });266 test("Recursive onced function.", 1, function() {267 var f = _.once(function(){268 ok(true);269 f();270 });271 f();272 });273 test("wrap", function() {274 var greet = function(name){ return "hi: " + name; };275 var backwards = _.wrap(greet, function(func, name){ return func(name) + ' ' + name.split('').reverse().join(''); });276 equal(backwards('moe'), 'hi: moe eom', 'wrapped the salutation function');277 var inner = function(){ return "Hello "; };278 var obj = {name : "Moe"};279 obj.hi = _.wrap(inner, function(fn){ return fn() +; });280 equal(obj.hi(), "Hello Moe");281 var noop = function(){};282 var wrapped = _.wrap(noop, function(fn){ return, 0); });283 var ret = wrapped(['whats', 'your'], 'vector', 'victor');284 deepEqual(ret, [noop, ['whats', 'your'], 'vector', 'victor']);285 });286 test("compose", function() {287 var greet = function(name){ return "hi: " + name; };288 var exclaim = function(sentence){ return sentence + '!'; };289 var composed = _.compose(exclaim, greet);290 equal(composed('moe'), 'hi: moe!', 'can compose a function that takes another');291 composed = _.compose(greet, exclaim);292 equal(composed('moe'), 'hi: moe!', 'in this case, the functions are also commutative');293 });294 test("after", function() {295 var testAfter = function(afterAmount, timesCalled) {296 var afterCalled = 0;297 var after = _.after(afterAmount, function() {298 afterCalled++;299 });300 while (timesCalled--) after();301 return afterCalled;302 };303 equal(testAfter(5, 5), 1, "after(N) should fire after being called N times");304 equal(testAfter(5, 4), 0, "after(N) should not fire unless called N times");305 equal(testAfter(0, 0), 0, "after(0) should not fire immediately");306 equal(testAfter(0, 1), 1, "after(0) should fire when first invoked");307 });...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var counter = require('./​counter');2console.log(counter.counter(['shaun', 'crystal', 'ryu']));3console.log(counter.adder(5,6));4console.log(counter.adder(counter.pi, 5));5var counter = function(arr){6 return 'There are ' + arr.length + ' elements in this array';7};8var adder = function(a,b){9 return `The sum of the 2 numbers is ${a+b}`;10};11var pi = 3.142;12module.exports = {13};

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var avail = require('./​avail');2console.log(avail.incr());3console.log(avail.incr());4console.log(avail.incr());5console.log(avail.incr());6var count = 0;7exports.incr = function() {8 return ++count;9};10var count = 0;11exports.incr = function() {12 return ++count;13};14var count = 0;15exports.count = count;16var count = 0;17exports.incr = function() {18 return ++count;19};20exports.count = count;

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var available = require('./​available');2available.incr();3var count = 0;4exports.incr = function() {5 count += 1;6 console.log(count);7};8var available = require('./​available');9available.incr();10var count = 0;11exports.count = count;12exports.incr = function() {13 exports.count += 1;14 console.log(exports.count);15};16var available = require('./​available');17available.incr();18var count = 0;19module.exports.count = count;20module.exports.incr = function() {21 module.exports.count += 1;22 console.log(module.exports.count);23};24var available = require('./​available');25available.incr();26var count = 0;27module.exports = {28 incr: function() {29 module.exports.count += 1;30 console.log(module.exports.count);31 }32};33var available = require('./​available');34available.incr();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var available = require('./​available');2available.incr();3var counter = 0;4function incr() {5 counter++;6}7exports.incr = incr;8var counter = 0;9exports.incr = function () {10 counter++;11};12var counter = 0;13exports = {14 incr: function () {15 counter++;16 }17};18var counter = 0;19exports = {20 incr: function () {21 counter++;22 }23};24module.exports = exports;25var counter = 0;26exports = {27 incr: function () {28 counter++;29 }30};31module.exports = exports;32exports = {33 incr: function () {34 counter++;35 }36};37var counter = 0;38module.exports = {39 incr: function () {40 counter++;41 }42};43var counter = 0;44module.exports = {45 incr: function () {46 counter++;47 }48};49exports = module.exports;50var counter = 0;51module.exports = {52 incr: function () {53 counter++;54 }55};56exports = module.exports;57exports = {58 incr: function () {59 counter++;60 }61};62var counter = 0;63module.exports = {64 incr: function () {65 counter++;66 }67};68exports = {69 incr: function () {70 counter++;71 }72};73var counter = 0;74module.exports = {75 incr: function () {76 counter++;77 }78};79exports = {80 incr: function () {81 counter++;82 }83};84var counter = 0;85exports = {86 incr: function () {87 counter++;88 }89};90module.exports = exports;91var counter = 0;92exports = {93 incr: function () {94 counter++;95 }96};97module.exports = exports;98exports = {99 incr: function () {100 counter++;101 }102};103var counter = 0;104exports = {105 incr: function () {106 counter++;107 }108};109module.exports = exports;110exports = {111 incr: function () {112 counter++;113 }114};

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var myModule = require('./​myModule');2myModule.incr();3var count = 0;4exports.incr = function () {5 count++;6 console.log(count);7};8var myModule = require('./​myModule');9myModule.incr();10myModule.incr();11myModule.incr();12var count = 0;13exports.incr = function () {14 count++;15 console.log(count);16};17console.log(module.filename);18console.log(;19console.log(module.loaded);20console.log(module.parent);21Module {22 exports: {},23}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var available = require('./​available');2exports.incr = function (number) {3 return number + 1;4};5var available = require('./​available');6module.exports = {7 incr: function (number) {8 return number + 1;9 }10};11module.exports = {12 incr: function (number) {13 return number + 1;14 },15 decr: function (number) {16 return number - 1;17 }18};19module.exports = function (number) {20 return number + 1;21};22We also learned how to export a method from a module in Node.js. We also learned how to export a function and an object with methods. We also learned how to import a method from a module

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var counter = require('./​counter');2console.log(counter.incr());3var count = 0;4exports.incr = function() {5 return count += 1;6};7var http = require('http');8http.createServer(function (req, res) {9 res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/​plain'});10 res.end('Hello World');11}).listen(8080);

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