Best JavaScript code snippet using ava
...25/**26 * Compile the source code into the distribution directory27 * @param {Boolean} keepSources Include the TypeScript SourceMaps28 */29function buildSource(keepSources, minifySources = false, output = null) {30 return () => {31 var stream = gulp.src(SOURCE + GLOB);32 if (keepSources) stream = stream.pipe(sm.init())33 stream = stream.pipe(ts.createProject("tsconfig.json")())34 if (keepSources) stream = stream.pipe(sm.write())35 if (minifySources) stream = stream.pipe(minify({36 ext: { min: '.js' },37 mangle: false,38 noSource: true39 }));40 else stream = stream.pipe(tabify(4, false));41 return stream.pipe(gulp.dest((output || DIST) + SOURCE));42 }43}44exports.step_buildSourceDev = buildSource(true);45exports.step_buildSource = buildSource(false);46exports.step_buildSourceMin = buildSource(false, true);47/**48 * Builds the module manifest based on the package, sources, and css.49 */50function buildManifest(output = null) {51 const files = []; // Collector for all the file paths52 return (cb) => gulp.src(PACKAGE.main) // collect the source files53 .pipe(rename({ extname: '.js' })) // rename their extensions to `.js`54 .pipe(gulp.src(CSS + GLOB)) // grab all the CSS files55 .on('data', file => files.push(path.relative(file.cwd, file.path))) // Collect all the file paths56 .on('end', () => { // output the filepaths to the module.json57 if (files.length == 0)58 throw Error('No files found in ' + SOURCE + GLOB + " or " + CSS + GLOB);59 const js = files.filter(e => e.endsWith('js')); // split the CSS and JS files60 const css = files.filter(e => e.endsWith('css'));61 fs.readFile('module.json', (err, data) => {62 const module = data.toString() // Inject the data into the module.json63 .replaceAll('{{name}}', .replaceAll('{{title}}', PACKAGE.title)65 .replaceAll('{{version}}', PACKAGE.version)66 .replaceAll('{{description}}', PACKAGE.description)67 .replace('"{{sources}}"', stringify(js, null, '\t').replaceAll('\n', '\n\t'))68 .replace('"{{css}}"', stringify(css, null, '\t').replaceAll('\n', '\n\t'));69 fs.writeFile((output || DIST) + 'module.json', module, cb); // save the module to the distribution directory70 });71 });72}73exports.step_buildManifest = buildManifest();74function outputLanguages(output = null) { return () => gulp.src(LANG + GLOB).pipe(gulp.dest((output || DIST) + LANG)); }75function outputTemplates(output = null) { return () => gulp.src(TEMPLATES + GLOB).pipe(gulp.dest((output || DIST) + TEMPLATES)); }76function outputStylesCSS(output = null) { return () => gulp.src(CSS + GLOB).pipe(gulp.dest((output || DIST) + CSS)); }77function outputMetaFiles(output = null) { return () => gulp.src(['LICENSE', '', '']).pipe(gulp.dest((output || DIST))); }78/**79 * Copy files to module named directory and then compress that folder into a zip80 */81function compressDistribution() {82 return gulp.series(83 // Copy files to folder with module's name84 () => gulp.src(DIST + GLOB)85 .pipe(gulp.dest(DIST + `${}/${}`))86 // Compress the new folder into a ZIP and save it to the `bundle` folder87 , () => gulp.src(DIST + + '/' + GLOB)88 .pipe(zip( + '.zip'))89 .pipe(gulp.dest(BUNDLE))90 // Copy the module.json to the bundle directory91 , () => gulp.src(DIST + '/module.json')92 .pipe(gulp.dest(BUNDLE))93 // Cleanup by deleting the intermediate module named folder94 , pdel(DIST + );96}97exports.step_compressDistribution = compressDistribution();98/**99 * Simple clean command100 */101exports.clean = pdel([DIST, BUNDLE]);102exports.devClean = pdel([DEV_DIST()]);103/**104 * Default Build operation105 */106exports.default = gulp.series(107 pdel([DIST])108 , gulp.parallel(109 buildSource(true, false)110 , buildManifest()111 , outputLanguages()112 , outputTemplates()113 , outputStylesCSS()114 , outputMetaFiles()115 )116);117/**118 * Extends the default build task by copying the result to the Development Environment119 */ = gulp.series(121 pdel([DEV_DIST() + GLOB], { force: true }),122 gulp.parallel(123 buildSource(true, false, DEV_DIST())124 , buildManifest(DEV_DIST())125 , outputLanguages(DEV_DIST())126 , outputTemplates(DEV_DIST())127 , outputStylesCSS(DEV_DIST())128 , outputMetaFiles(DEV_DIST())129 )130);131/**132 * Performs a default build and then zips the result into a bundle133 */ = gulp.series(135 pdel([DIST])136 , gulp.parallel(137 buildSource(false, false)138 , buildManifest()139 , outputLanguages()140 , outputTemplates()141 , outputStylesCSS()142 , outputMetaFiles()143 )144 , compressDistribution()145 , pdel([DIST])146);147/**148 * Sets up a file watch on the project to detect any file changes and automatically rebuild those components.149 */ = function () {151 exports.default();152 + GLOB, gulp.series(pdel(DIST + SOURCE), buildSource(true, false)));153[CSS + GLOB, 'module.json', 'package.json'], buildManifest());154 + GLOB, gulp.series(pdel(DIST + LANG), outputLanguages()));155 + GLOB, gulp.series(pdel(DIST + TEMPLATES), outputTemplates()));156 + GLOB, gulp.series(pdel(DIST + CSS), outputStylesCSS()));157['LICENSE', '', ''], outputMetaFiles());158}159/**160 * Sets up a file watch on the project to detect any file changes and automatically rebuild those components, and then copy them to the Development Environment.161 */162exports.devWatch = function () {163 const devDist = DEV_DIST();164;165 + GLOB, gulp.series(plog('deleting: ' + devDist + SOURCE + GLOB), pdel(devDist + SOURCE + GLOB, { force: true }), buildSource(true, false, devDist), plog('sources done.')));166[CSS + GLOB, 'module.json', 'package.json'], gulp.series(reloadPackage, buildManifest(devDist), plog('manifest done.')));167 + GLOB, gulp.series(pdel(devDist + LANG + GLOB, { force: true }), outputLanguages(devDist), plog('langs done.')));168 + GLOB, gulp.series(pdel(devDist + TEMPLATES + GLOB, { force: true }), outputTemplates(devDist), plog('templates done.')));169 + GLOB, gulp.series(pdel(devDist + CSS + GLOB, { force: true }), outputStylesCSS(devDist), plog('css done.')));170['LICENSE', '', ''], gulp.series(outputMetaFiles(devDist), plog('metas done.')));...
1import sinon from 'sinon';2import chai from 'chai';3import sinonChai from 'sinon-chai';4import { stateNames } from '../constants/stateNames.js';5chai.use(sinonChai);6const { expect } = chai;7const win = global.window;8const HTMLElement = global.HTMLElement;9const Document = global.Document;10const customElements = global.customElements;11describe('stringToMethod', () => {12 let stringToMethod;13 beforeEach(async () => {14 global.window = {};15 global.HTMLElement = class {};16 global.Document = class {};17 global.customElements = {};18 ({ stringToMethod } = await import('./StateWrapperView.js'));19 });20 afterEach(() => {21 global.window = win;22 global.HTMLElement = HTMLElement;23 global.Document = Document;24 global.customElements = customElements;25 stringToMethod = null;26 });27 it('Should return the method of an element given its name', () => {28 const result = 'some str';29 const element = {30 add () { return result; }31 };32 expect(stringToMethod(element, 'add')()).to.equal(result);33 });34 it('Should return undefined if there is no element', () => {35 expect(stringToMethod(null, 'add'));36 });37 it('Should return undefined if the name is not an element\'s method', () => {38 const result = 'some str';39 const element = {40 add () { return result; }41 };42 expect(stringToMethod(element, 'multiply'));43 });44 it('Should return undefined if the name is an element\'s ' +45 'property but not a method', () => {46 const result = 'some str';47 const element = {48 add () { return result; },49 extra: 5050 };51 expect(stringToMethod(element, 'extra'));52 });53 it('Should bind the element to its method', () => {54 const element = {55 add () { return this.extra; },56 extra: 5057 };58 expect(stringToMethod(element, 'add')()).to.equal(50);59 });60});61describe('prepareView', () => {62 let prepareView;63 beforeEach(async () => {64 global.window = {};65 global.HTMLElement = class {};66 global.Document = class {};67 global.customElements = {};68 ({ prepareView } = await import('./StateWrapperView.js'));69 });70 afterEach(() => {71 global.window = win;72 global.HTMLElement = HTMLElement;73 global.Document = Document;74 global.customElements = customElements;75 prepareView = null;76 });77 it('Should send a function as the view\'s action', () => {78 const state = {79 name: stateNames.RECOVERY,80 action: 'buildSource',81 view: sinon.spy()82 };83 const wrapped = {84 buildInput: sinon.spy(),85 buildSource: sinon.spy()86 };87 const recovery = sinon.spy();88 prepareView(state, wrapped, recovery);89 const { args } = state.view.firstCall;90 expect(state.view).to.have.been.calledOnce;91 expect(args[0].wrapped).to.equal(wrapped);92 expect(args[0].view);93 args[0].action();94 expect(recovery).to.have.been.calledOnce;95 });96 it('Should send an element\'s method as the view\'s action', () => {97 const state = {98 name: stateNames.RECOVERY,99 action: 'buildSource',100 view: sinon.spy()101 };102 const wrapped = {103 buildInput: sinon.spy(),104 buildSource: sinon.spy()105 };106 prepareView(state, wrapped, 'buildInput');107 const { args } = state.view.firstCall;108 expect(state.view).to.have.been.calledOnce;109 expect(args[0].wrapped).to.equal(wrapped);110 expect(args[0].view);111 args[0].action();112 expect(wrapped.buildInput).to.have.been.calledOnce;113 expect(wrapped.buildInput.firstCall.thisValue).to.equal(wrapped);114 });115 it('Should send the state\'s default action ' +116 'as the view\'s action', () => {117 const state = {118 name: stateNames.RECOVERY,119 action: 'buildSource',120 view: sinon.spy()121 };122 const wrapped = {123 buildInput: sinon.spy(),124 buildSource: sinon.spy()125 };126 prepareView(state, wrapped);127 const { args } = state.view.firstCall;128 expect(state.view).to.have.been.calledOnce;129 expect(args[0].wrapped).to.equal(wrapped);130 expect(args[0].view);131 args[0].action();132 expect(wrapped.buildSource).to.have.been.calledOnce;133 expect(wrapped.buildSource.firstCall.thisValue).to.equal(wrapped);134 });135 it('Should not send an action to the view ' +136 'if the state is not recovery', () => {137 const state = {138 action: 'buildSource',139 view: sinon.spy()140 };141 const wrapped = {142 buildInput: sinon.spy(),143 buildSource: sinon.spy()144 };145 const recovery = sinon.spy();146 prepareView(state, wrapped, recovery);147 const { args } = state.view.firstCall;148 expect(state.view).to.have.been.calledOnce;149 expect(args[0].wrapped).to.equal(wrapped);150 expect(args[0].view);151 expect(args[0].action);152 });...
Using AI Code Generation
1const test = require('ava');2test('my passing test', t => {3 t.pass();4});5const test = require('ava');6test('my passing test', t => {7 t.pass();8});9const test = require('ava');10test('my passing test', t => {11 t.pass();12});13const test = require('ava');14test('my passing test', t => {15 t.pass();16});17const test = require('ava');18test('my passing test', t => {19 t.pass();20});21const test = require('ava');22test('my passing test', t => {23 t.pass();24});25const test = require('ava');26test('my passing test', t => {27 t.pass();28});29const test = require('ava');30test('my passing test', t => {31 t.pass();32});33Default: `process.cwd()`
Using AI Code Generation
1var availity = require('availity-angular');2var fs = require('fs');3var path = require('path');4var src = path.join(__dirname, 'src');5var dist = path.join(__dirname, 'dist');6var options = {
Using AI Code Generation
1const test = require('ava')2const buildSource = require('ava/lib/worker/build-source')3const source = buildSource(__filename)4console.log(source)5const test = require('ava')6const buildSourceSync = require('ava/lib/worker/build-source-sync')7const source = buildSourceSync(__filename)8console.log(source)9const test = require('ava')10const buildSourceString = require('ava/lib/worker/build-source-string')11const source = buildSourceString(__filename)12console.log(source)13const test = require('ava')14const buildSourceStringSync = require('ava/lib/worker/build-source-string-sync')15const source = buildSourceStringSync(__filename)16console.log(source)17const test = require('ava')18const buildSourceStringSync = require('ava/lib/worker/build-source-string-sync')19const source = buildSourceStringSync(__filename)20console.log(source)21const test = require('ava')22const {cleanCache} = require('ava/lib/worker/cache')23cleanCache()
Using AI Code Generation
1var fs = require('fs');2var path = require('path');3var buildSource = require('json-schema-to-typescript').buildSource;4var schema = require('./schema.json');5buildSource(schema).then(ts => {6 fs.writeFileSync(path.join(__dirname, 'schema.d.ts'), ts);7});8### `buildSource(schema: JSONSchema, options?: Options): Promise<string>`9### `buildFile(schemaPath: string, options?: Options): Promise<string>`10### `build(schema: JSONSchema, options?: Options): Promise<SchemaResult>`11- `cwdRelativeReplaceRegExFlags?: string | string[] = []` - The regular expression(s) flags to replace
Using AI Code Generation
1const test = require('ava');2const {buildSource} = require('../lib/build-source');3test('buildSource', t => {4 const source = buildSource('test.js', 'test', 'test');5, 'test("test", t => {test});');6});7MIT © [Rajikaimal](
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