How to use urlParts method in argos

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Source:abstract-file-manager.js Github


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1var abstractFileManager = function() {2};3abstractFileManager.prototype.getPath = function (filename) {4 var j = filename.lastIndexOf('?');5 if (j > 0) {6 filename = filename.slice(0, j);7 }8 j = filename.lastIndexOf('/​');9 if (j < 0) {10 j = filename.lastIndexOf('\\');11 }12 if (j < 0) {13 return "";14 }15 return filename.slice(0, j + 1);16};17abstractFileManager.prototype.tryAppendExtension = function(path, ext) {18 return /​(\.[a-z]*$)|([\?;].*)$/​.test(path) ? path : path + ext;19};20abstractFileManager.prototype.tryAppendLessExtension = function(path) {21 return this.tryAppendExtension(path, '.less');22};23abstractFileManager.prototype.supportsSync = function() {24 return false;25};26abstractFileManager.prototype.alwaysMakePathsAbsolute = function() {27 return false;28};29abstractFileManager.prototype.isPathAbsolute = function(filename) {30 return (/​^(?:[a-z-]+:|\/​|\\|#)/​i).test(filename);31};32abstractFileManager.prototype.join = function(basePath, laterPath) {33 if (!basePath) {34 return laterPath;35 }36 return basePath + laterPath;37};38abstractFileManager.prototype.pathDiff = function pathDiff(url, baseUrl) {39 /​/​ diff between two paths to create a relative path40 var urlParts = this.extractUrlParts(url),41 baseUrlParts = this.extractUrlParts(baseUrl),42 i, max, urlDirectories, baseUrlDirectories, diff = "";43 if (urlParts.hostPart !== baseUrlParts.hostPart) {44 return "";45 }46 max = Math.max(baseUrlParts.directories.length, urlParts.directories.length);47 for (i = 0; i < max; i++) {48 if (baseUrlParts.directories[i] !== urlParts.directories[i]) { break; }49 }50 baseUrlDirectories = baseUrlParts.directories.slice(i);51 urlDirectories = urlParts.directories.slice(i);52 for (i = 0; i < baseUrlDirectories.length - 1; i++) {53 diff += "../​";54 }55 for (i = 0; i < urlDirectories.length - 1; i++) {56 diff += urlDirectories[i] + "/​";57 }58 return diff;59};60/​/​ helper function, not part of API61abstractFileManager.prototype.extractUrlParts = function extractUrlParts(url, baseUrl) {62 /​/​ urlParts[1] = protocol&hostname || /​63 /​/​ urlParts[2] = /​ if path relative to host base64 /​/​ urlParts[3] = directories65 /​/​ urlParts[4] = filename66 /​/​ urlParts[5] = parameters67 var urlPartsRegex = /​^((?:[a-z-]+:)?\/​+?(?:[^\/​\?#]*\/​)|([\/​\\]))?((?:[^\/​\\\?#]*[\/​\\])*)([^\/​\\\?#]*)([#\?].*)?$/​i,68 urlParts = url.match(urlPartsRegex),69 returner = {}, directories = [], i, baseUrlParts;70 if (!urlParts) {71 throw new Error("Could not parse sheet href - '" + url + "'");72 }73 /​/​ Stylesheets in IE don't always return the full path74 if (baseUrl && (!urlParts[1] || urlParts[2])) {75 baseUrlParts = baseUrl.match(urlPartsRegex);76 if (!baseUrlParts) {77 throw new Error("Could not parse page url - '" + baseUrl + "'");78 }79 urlParts[1] = urlParts[1] || baseUrlParts[1] || "";80 if (!urlParts[2]) {81 urlParts[3] = baseUrlParts[3] + urlParts[3];82 }83 }84 if (urlParts[3]) {85 directories = urlParts[3].replace(/​\\/​g, "/​").split("/​");86 /​/​ extract out . before .. so .. doesn't absorb a non-directory87 for (i = 0; i < directories.length; i++) {88 if (directories[i] === ".") {89 directories.splice(i, 1);90 i -= 1;91 }92 }93 for (i = 0; i < directories.length; i++) {94 if (directories[i] === ".." && i > 0) {95 directories.splice(i - 1, 2);96 i -= 2;97 }98 }99 }100 returner.hostPart = urlParts[1];101 returner.directories = directories;102 returner.path = (urlParts[1] || "") + directories.join("/​");103 returner.fileUrl = returner.path + (urlParts[4] || "");104 returner.url = returner.fileUrl + (urlParts[5] || "");105 return returner;106};...

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Source:urire.js Github


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1/​*jslint regexp: true, indent: 2 */​2/​*global module */​3var urire, urireObject = {4 parse : function (string) {5 "use strict";6 var regex, i, urlparts = {};7 function countChars(string, split) {8 string = string.split(split);9 if (typeof string === 'object') {10 return string.length - 1;11 }12 return 0;13 }14 regex = /​(([a-z]{3,}:\/​\/​\/​?)?([\.:\/​?&]+)?([^\.:\/​?&]+)?)/​gm;15 urlparts.clean = {16 'protocol': '',17 'domain': '',18 'port': '',19 'path': '',20 'fileextension': '',21 'query': '',22 'fragment': ''23 };24 if (string === undefined) {25 return urlparts.clean;26 }27 if (string.length < 2) {28 return urlparts.clean;29 }30 urlparts.regex = string.match(regex);31 for (i = 0; i < urlparts.regex.length; i += 1) {32 if (countChars(urlparts.regex[i], ':/​/​') === 1) {33 urlparts.clean.protocol = urlparts.regex[i] === undefined ? false : urlparts.regex[i].split(':/​/​')[0];34 urlparts.clean.domain = urlparts.regex[i] === undefined ? false : urlparts.regex[i].split(':/​/​')[1];35 } else if ((countChars(urlparts.regex[i], '/​') === 0) && (countChars(urlparts.regex[i], ':') === 0) && (urlparts.clean.path === '')) {36 urlparts.clean.domain += urlparts.regex[i] === undefined ? false : urlparts.regex[i];37 } else if ((countChars(urlparts.regex[i], ':') === 1) && (urlparts.clean.path === '')) {38 urlparts.clean.port = urlparts.regex[i] === undefined ? false : urlparts.regex[i].split(':')[1];39 } else if ((countChars(urlparts.regex[i], '?') === 0) && (countChars(urlparts.regex[i], '&') === 0) && (urlparts.clean.query === '')) {40 if (urlparts.regex[i].substr(0, 1) === ':') {41 urlparts.regex[i] = urlparts.regex[i].substr(1);42 }43 if (countChars(urlparts.regex[i], '#') === 0) {44 urlparts.clean.path += urlparts.regex[i] === undefined ? false : urlparts.regex[i];45 } else {46 urlparts.clean.path += urlparts.regex[i] === undefined ? false : urlparts.regex[i].split('#', 2)[0];47 urlparts.clean.fragment += urlparts.regex[i] === undefined ? false : urlparts.regex[i].split('#', 2)[1];48 }49 } else {50 if (countChars(urlparts.regex[i], '#') === 0) {51 urlparts.clean.query += urlparts.regex[i] === undefined ? false : urlparts.regex[i];52 } else {53 urlparts.clean.query += urlparts.regex[i] === undefined ? false : urlparts.regex[i].split('#', 2)[0];54 urlparts.clean.fragment += urlparts.regex[i] === undefined ? false : urlparts.regex[i].split('#', 2)[1];55 }56 }57 }58 if (urlparts.clean.path.indexOf(".") !== -1) {59 urlparts.clean.fileextension = urlparts.clean.path.split('.')[urlparts.clean.path.split('.').length - 1];60 }61 return urlparts.clean;62 }63};64if (typeof module === 'undefined') {65 urire = urireObject.parse;66} else {67 module.exports = exports = urireObject;...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const argosy = require('argosy')2const argosyService = require('argosy-service')3const urlParts = require('argosy-service/​url-parts')4const service = argosyService({5 urlParts: urlParts('/​test')6})7service.pipe(argosy()).pipe(service)8### urlParts(path, [options])9const argosy = require('argosy')10const argosyService = require('argosy-service')11const urlParts = require('argosy-service/​url-parts')12const service = argosyService({13 urlParts: urlParts('/​test', {14 })15})16service.pipe(argosy()).pipe(service)

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var argosy = require('argosy')2var url = require('url')3var argosyPattern = require('argosy-pattern')4var argosyUrl = require('..')5var service = argosy()6service.pipe(argosyUrl()).pipe(service)7service.accept(argosyPattern({8})).process(function (msg, respond) {9 var parsedUrl = url.parse(msg.urlParts.href)10 respond(null, parsedUrl)11})12service.act('urlParts:

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1var argosy = require('argosy')2var pattern = require('argosy-pattern')3var service = argosy()4service.accept({5 url: urlParts('path', 'query')6}, function (req, cb) {7 console.log(req)8 cb(null, { ok: true })9})10service.listen(8000)11var argosy = require('argosy')12var pattern = require('argosy-pattern')13var service = argosy()14service.accept({15 url: urlParts('path', 'query')16}, function (req, cb) {17 console.log(req)18 cb(null, { ok: true })19})20service.listen(8000)21var argosy = require('argosy')22var pattern = require('argosy-pattern')23var service = argosy()24service.accept({25 url: urlParts('path', 'query')26}, function (req, cb) {27 console.log(req)28 cb(null, { ok: true })29})30service.listen(8000)31var argosy = require('argosy')32var pattern = require('argosy-pattern')33var service = argosy()34service.accept({35 url: urlParts('path', 'query')36}, function (req, cb) {37 console.log(req)38 cb(null, { ok: true })39})40service.listen(8000)41var argosy = require('argosy')42var pattern = require('argosy-pattern')43var service = argosy()44service.accept({45 url: urlParts('path', 'query')46}, function (req, cb) {47 console.log(req)48 cb(null, { ok: true })49})50service.listen(8000)51var argosy = require('argosy')52var pattern = require('argosy-pattern')53var service = argosy()

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var argosy = require('argosy')2var pattern = require('argosy-pattern')3var argosyService = argosy()4argosyService.use('math', pattern({5 add: pattern.match.urlParts(/​\/​add\/​(\d+)\/​(\d+)/​, function (a, b) {6 return Number(a) + Number(b)7 })8}))9argosyService.listen(3000)10var argosy = require('argosy')11var pattern = require('argosy-pattern')12var argosyClient = argosy()13argosyClient.accept({14 math: pattern({15 add: pattern.match.urlParts(/​\/​add\/​(\d+)\/​(\d+)/​, function (a, b) {16 return Number(a) + Number(b)17 })18 })19})20argosyClient.connect(3000)21argosyClient.act({math: {add: '/​add/​1/​2'}}, function (err, result) {22})23var argosy = require('argosy')24var pattern = require('argosy-pattern')25var argosyService = argosy()26argosyService.use('math', pattern({27 add: pattern.match.urlParts(/​\/​add\/​(\d+)\/​(\d+)/​, function (a, b) {28 return Number(a) + Number(b)29 })30}))31argosyService.listen(3000)32var argosy = require('argosy')33var pattern = require('argosy-pattern')34var argosyClient = argosy()35argosyClient.accept({36 math: pattern({37 add: pattern.match.urlParts(/​\/​add\/​(\d+)\/​(\d+)/​, function (a, b) {38 return Number(a) + Number(b)39 })40 })41})42argosyClient.connect(3000)43argosyClient.act({math: {add: '/​add/​1/​2'}}, function (err, result) {44})

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var argosy = require('argosy'),2 url = require('url'),3 urlParts = require('argosy-pattern').urlParts;4var service = argosy();5service.accept({6 user: urlParts('user')7});8service.on('user', function (msg, cb) {9 cb(null, {10 });11});12service.listen(8000);13var argosy = require('argosy'),14 url = require('url'),15 urlParts = require('argosy-pattern').urlParts;16var service = argosy();17service.accept({18 user: urlParts('user')19});20service.on('user', function (msg, cb) {21 cb(null, {22 });23});24service.listen(8000);25var argosy = require('argosy'),26 url = require('url'),27 urlParts = require('argosy-pattern').urlParts;28var service = argosy();29service.accept({30 user: urlParts('user')31});32service.on('user', function (msg, cb) {33 cb(null, {34 });35});36service.listen(8000);37var argosy = require('argosy'),38 url = require('url'),39 urlParts = require('argosy-pattern').urlParts;40var service = argosy();41service.accept({42 user: urlParts('user')43});44service.on('user', function (msg, cb) {45 cb(null, {46 });47});48service.listen(8000);49var argosy = require('argosy'),50 url = require('url'),51 urlParts = require('argosy-pattern').urlParts;52var service = argosy();53service.accept({54 user: urlParts('user')55});56service.on('user', function (msg, cb) {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var pattern = require('argosy-pattern')2var urlPattern = urlParts({ protocol: 'http', host: 'localhost', port: 3000, pathname: '/​api/​users/​:id' })3var match = urlPattern.match(url)4var pattern = require('argosy-pattern')5var urlPattern = url({ protocol: 'http', host: 'localhost', port: 3000, pathname: '/​api/​users/​:id' })6var pattern = require('argosy-pattern')7var argosyPattern = argosy({ protocol: 'http', host: 'localhost', port: 3000, pathname: '/​api/​users/​:id' })8var match = argosyPattern.match({ protocol: 'http', host: 'localhost', port: 3000, pathname: '/​api/​users/​1234' })9var pattern = require('argosy-pattern')10var argosyUrlPattern = argosyUrl({ protocol: 'http', host: 'localhost', port: 3000, pathname: '/​api/​users/​:id' })

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