How to use unlinkAsync method in argos

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Source: contractController.js Github


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...26exports.uploadDs = multer(multerOptions).single('ds');27exports.uploadActs = multer(multerOptions).single('acts');28exports.deleteContractFile = async (req, res) => {29 const contract = await Contract.findOneAndUpdate({ _id: }, { $pull: { files: { path: req.params.path} } });30 await unlinkAsync('./​public/​uploads/​' + req.params.path);31 req.flash('success', `Файл успешно удален`);32 res.redirect(`/​contracts/​${contract.slug}`);33}34exports.deleteContractDs = async (req, res) => {35 const contract = await Contract.findOneAndUpdate({ _id: }, { $pull: { ds: { path: req.params.path} } });36 await unlinkAsync('./​public/​uploads/​' + req.params.path);37 req.flash('success', `Файл успешно удален`);38 res.redirect(`/​contracts/​${contract.slug}`);39}40exports.deleteContractAct = async (req, res) => {41 const contract = await Contract.findOneAndUpdate({ _id: }, { $pull: { acts: { path: req.params.path} } });42 await unlinkAsync('./​public/​uploads/​' + req.params.path);43 req.flash('success', `Файл успешно удален`);44 res.redirect(`/​contracts/​${contract.slug}`);45}46exports.deleteContractClaim = async (req, res) => {47 const contract = await Contract.findOneAndUpdate({ _id: }, { $pull: { claims: { path: req.params.path} } });48 await unlinkAsync('./​public/​uploads/​' + req.params.path);49 req.flash('success', `Файл успешно удален`);50 res.redirect(`/​contracts/​${contract.slug}`);51}52exports.updateFiles = async (req, res) => {53 const contract = await Contract.findOneAndUpdate({ _id: }, { $push: { files: { path: req.file.filename, name: req.file.originalname } } }, {54 new: true,55 runValidators: true56 }).exec();57 req.flash('success', `Файлы успешно добавлены`);58 res.redirect(`/​contracts/​${contract.slug}`);59}60exports.updateDs = async (req, res) => {61 const contract = await Contract.findOneAndUpdate({ _id: }, { $push: { ds: { path: req.file.filename, name: req.file.originalname } } }, {62 new: true,63 runValidators: true64 }).exec();65 req.flash('success', `Файлы успешно добавлены`);66 res.redirect(`/​contracts/​${contract.slug}`);67}68exports.updateActs = async (req, res) => {69 const contract = await Contract.findOneAndUpdate({ _id: }, { $push: { acts: { path: req.file.filename, name: req.file.originalname } } }, {70 new: true,71 runValidators: true72 }).exec();73 req.flash('success', `Файлы успешно добавлены`);74 res.redirect(`/​contracts/​${contract.slug}`);75}76exports.updateClaims = async (req, res) => {77 const contract = await Contract.findOneAndUpdate({ _id: }, { $push: { claims: { path: req.file.filename, name: req.file.originalname } } }, {78 new: true,79 runValidators: true80 }).exec();81 req.flash('success', `Файлы успешно добавлены`);82 res.redirect(`/​contracts/​${contract.slug}`);83}84exports.addContract = async (req, res) => {85 const tenantsSearch = Tenant.find();86 const buildingSearch = Building.findOne({ _id: });87 const [tenants, building] = await Promise.all([tenantsSearch, buildingSearch]);88 res.render('addContract', { mainTitle: 'Объекты', title: 'Добавить договор', tenants, building});89}90exports.createContract = async (req, res) => {91 req.body.debt = 0;92 const contract = await (new Contract(req.body).save())93 req.flash('success', `договор добавлен.`);94 res.redirect(`/​buildings/​${req.body.buildingSlug}`);95}96exports.chartContractDistricts = async (req, res) => {97 const result = await Building.getContractDistrictList();98 res.json(result);99}100exports.placeDistricts = async (req, res) => {101 const result = await Building.getPlaceDistrict();102 res.json(result);103}104exports.getContracts = async (req, res) => {105 const contracts = await Contract.find();106 res.render('contracts', { mainTitle: 'Договоры', contracts });107}108exports.deleteContract = async (req, res) => {109 const contract = await Contract.findOne({_id:});110 const inspections = await Inspection.find({contract:});111 await Contract.deleteOne({ _id: });112 await contract.files.forEach(item => unlinkAsync('./​public/​uploads/​' + item.path));113 await => unlinkAsync('./​public/​uploads/​' + item.path));114 await contract.ds.forEach(item => unlinkAsync('./​public/​uploads/​' + item.path));115 await contract.acts.forEach(item => unlinkAsync('./​public/​uploads/​' + item.path));116 if(inspections) {117 await Inspection.deleteMany({contract:});118 for(let i = 0; i < inspections.length; i++) {119 await unlinkAsync('./​public/​uploads/​' + inspections[i].mainfile.path);120 if(inspections[i].gallery) {121 for(let y = 0; y < inspections[i].gallery.length; y++) {122 await unlinkAsync('./​public/​uploads/​' + inspections[i].gallery[y])123 }124 }125 }126 }127 req.flash('success', `Договор удален.`);128 res.redirect(`/​contracts/​`);129}130exports.deleteBuilding = async (req, res) => {131 const building = await Building132 .findOne({_id:})133 .populate({134 path: 'contracts',135 populate: { path: 'building' } 136 });...

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Source: helper.js Github


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...56 sizeArray: [ [1920, 1080], [1280, 720], [500, Jimp.AUTO], [50, 50] ],57 removeFiles: async function (fileName) {58 for (let i in this.sizeArray) {59 try {60 this.unlinkAsync(path.join(config.imagesPath, 'thumbs', `${this.sizeArray[i][0] || ''}_${this.sizeArray[i][1] || ''}`, fileName))61 } catch (e) {62 console.log('cant find file ', path.join(config.imagesPath, 'thumbs', `${this.sizeArray[i][0] || ''}_${this.sizeArray[i][1] || ''}`, fileName))63 }64 }65 try {66 this.unlinkAsync(path.join(config.imagesPath, 'original', fileName))67 } catch (e) {68 console.log('cant find file ', path.join(config.imagesPath, 'original', fileName))69 }70 },71 saveAndCrop: async function (file) {72 let filename = `${}_${this.genRandomString(10)}.jpg`73 let image = await`${file.destination}${file.filename}`)74 /​/​ image.write(path.join(config.imagesPath, 'original', filename))75 for (let i in this.sizeArray) {76 image.scaleToFit(...this.sizeArray[i]).quality(81).write(77 path.join(config.imagesPath, 'thumbs', `${this.sizeArray[i][0] !== Jimp.AUTO ? this.sizeArray[i][0] : ''}_${this.sizeArray[i][1] !== Jimp.AUTO ? this.sizeArray[i][1] : ''}`, filename)78 )79 }80 /​/​ this.renameAsync(path.join(file.destination, file.filename), path.join(config.imagesPath, 'original', filename))81 /​/​ this.unlinkAsync(path.join(file.destination, file.filename))82 return filename83 },84 getImageLink: async function (filename, size = 'original') {85 return `${config.hostName}routes/​file/​get/​${size}/​${filename}`86 }...

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Source: index.js Github


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...48 console.log(err)49 }else{50 console.log('send!')51 /​/​ Delete the file like normal52 unlinkAsync(req.files[0].path)53 unlinkAsync(req.files[1].path)54 console.log(data)55 console.log(data[0]['resultImages'])56 res.send({57 resultImages: data[0]['resultImages'] /​/​pythonで実施した演算結果をフロントエンドに返している。58 })59 }60 })61})...

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Source: bucket-upload.js Github


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...8 if (err) {9 reject(err);10 }11 await file.makePublic();12 await unlinkAsync(path);13 resolve(14 `http:/​/​​${bucketName}/​${options.destination}`,15 );16 });17 });18};19export const withSignedUrlUpload = (path, options, config) => {20 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {21 Bucket.upload(path, options, async (err, file) => {22 if (err) {23 reject(err);24 }25 const [url] = await file.getSignedUrl(config);26 await unlinkAsync(path);27 resolve(url);28 });29 });...

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1var unlink = require('argosy-unlink');2unlink.unlinkAsync('test.txt', function (err) {3 if (err) {4 console.log(err);5 } else {6 console.log('file deleted');7 }8});9var unlink = require('argosy-unlink');10unlink.unlinkSync('test.txt');11var unlink = require('argosy-unlink');12unlink.unlink('test.txt', function (err) {13 if (err) {14 console.log(err);15 } else {16 console.log('file deleted');17 }18});19var unlink = require('argosy-unlink');20unlink.unlink('test.txt', function (err) {21 if (err) {22 console.log(err);23 } else {24 console.log('file deleted');25 }26});27var unlink = require('argosy-unlink');28unlink.unlink('test.txt', function (err) {29 if (err) {30 console.log(err);31 } else {32 console.log('file deleted');33 }34});35var unlink = require('argosy-unlink');36unlink.unlink('test.txt', function (err) {37 if (err) {38 console.log(err);39 } else {40 console.log('file deleted');41 }42});43var unlink = require('argosy-unlink');44unlink.unlink('test.txt', function (err) {45 if (err) {46 console.log(err);47 } else {48 console.log('file deleted');49 }50});51var unlink = require('argosy-unlink');

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1var unlinkAsync = require('argosy-unlink').unlinkAsync;2var fs = require('fs');3unlinkAsync('test.txt',function(err){4 if(err){5 console.log('error');6 }7 else{8 console.log('success');9 }10});11var unlinkSync = require('argosy-unlink').unlinkSync;12var fs = require('fs');13unlinkSync('test.txt');

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const unlinkAsync = require('argosy-fs').unlinkAsync2unlinkAsync('test.txt').then(() => console.log('file deleted')).catch(console.error)3const unlinkSync = require('argosy-fs').unlinkSync4unlinkSync('test.txt')5console.log('file deleted')6const writeFileAsync = require('argosy-fs').writeFileAsync7writeFileAsync('test.txt', 'Hello World').then(() => console.log('file written')).catch(console.error)8const writeFileSync = require('argosy-fs').writeFileSync9writeFileSync('test.txt', 'Hello World')10console.log('file written')11const writeStreamAsync = require('argosy-fs').writeStreamAsync12writeStreamAsync('test.txt', 'Hello World').then(() => console.log('file written')).catch(console.error)13const writeStreamSync = require('argosy-fs').writeStreamSync14writeStreamSync('test.txt', 'Hello World')15console.log('file written')16const writeStreamAsync = require('argosy-fs').writeStreamAsync17writeStreamAsync('test.txt', 'Hello World').then(() => console.log('file written')).catch(console.error)18const writeStreamSync = require('argosy-fs').writeStreamSync19writeStreamSync('test.txt', 'Hello World')20console.log('file written')21const writeStreamAsync = require('argosy-fs').write

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Using AI Code Generation


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1unlinkAsync('path/​to/​file')2 .then(function (result) {3 })4 .catch(function (err) {5 console.error(err)6 });7MIT © [Argosy](

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const unlinkAsync = require('argosy').unlinkAsync2const unlink = require('argosy').unlink3const rename = require('argosy').rename4const renameAsync = require('argosy').renameAsync5const rmdir = require('argosy').rmdir6const rmdirAsync = require('argosy').rmdirAsync7const mkdir = require('argosy').mkdir8const mkdirAsync = require('argosy').mkdirAsync9const mkdirp = require('argosy').mkdirp

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