How to use trimTime method in argos

Best JavaScript code snippet using argos


Source:index.js Github


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1import React, { useEffect, useRef, useState } from 'react';2import { useTranslation } from 'react-i18next';3import {4 Text,5 TouchableOpacity,6 View,7 TouchableWithoutFeedback,8 Keyboard,9 Dimensions,10 Image,11 Platform,12} from 'react-native';13import Ionicons from 'react-native-vector-icons/​Ionicons';14import { Navigation } from 'react-native-navigation';15import { VideoPlayer, Trimmer } from 'react-native-video-processing';16import { Layout, NavBar } from '../​../​../​components';17import style from './​styles';18import colors from '../​../​../​theme/​colors';19import { wp } from '../​../​../​commons/​responsive';20import images from '../​../​../​assets/​images';21import AppSlider from '../​../​../​components/​slider';22import { createThumbnail } from 'react-native-create-thumbnail';23import _ from 'lodash';24import { useNavigation } from '../​../​../​hooks';25import Screens from '../​../​screens';26import Video from 'react-native-video';27const TrimmerView = ({28 componentId,29 videoFile,30 maxDuration,31 onCreateSuccess,32 onFinish,33}) => {34 const { t } = useTranslation();35 const navigation = useNavigation(componentId);36 const [trimTime, setTrimTime] = useState({ start: 0, end: 10 });37 const [play, setPlay] = useState(true);38 const [videoThumbs, setVideoThumbs] = useState([]);39 const [videoOrientation, setVideoOrientation] = useState(40 Platform.OS === 'android'41 ? videoFile.width < videoFile.height42 ? 'portrait'43 : 'landscape'44 : '',45 );46 const videoPlayerRef = useRef(null);47 useEffect(() => {48 setTrimTime({49 start: 0,50 end: Platform.OS === 'android' ? maxDuration : videoFile.duration,51 });52 var thumbRequests = [];53 for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {54 thumbRequests.push(55 createThumbnail({56 url: videoFile.path,57 timeStamp: i * (videoFile.duration /​ 10),58 }),59 );60 }61 Promise.all(thumbRequests)62 .then(results => {63 setVideoThumbs(results);64 })65 .catch(e => {66 console.log('###createThumbnail - eror: ', e);67 });68 /​/​ eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/​exhaustive-deps69 }, []);70 const onPressDone = () => {71 const options = {72 startTime: trimTime.start,73 endTime: trimTime.end,74 quality:75 Platform.OS === 'ios'76 ? VideoPlayer.Constants.quality.QUALITY_1280x72077 : null, /​/​ iOS only78 saveToCameraRoll: true, /​/​ default is false /​/​ iOS only79 saveWithCurrentDate: true, /​/​ default is false /​/​ iOS only80 };81 videoPlayerRef.current82 .trim(options)83 .then(newSource => {84 console.log(newSource);85 if (_.isFunction(onFinish)) {86 Navigation.dismissModal(componentId);87 onFinish({88 ...videoFile,89 path: `${90 !newSource.includes('file:/​/​') ? 'file:/​/​' : ''91 }${newSource}`,92 duration: maxDuration,93 });94 } else {95 navigation.push(Screens.CreateVideoStory, {96 videoFile: {97 path: `${98 !newSource.includes('file:/​/​') ? 'file:/​/​' : ''99 }${newSource}`,100 width: videoFile.width,101 height: videoFile.height,102 },103 onCreateSuccess,104 });105 }106 })107 .catch(error => {108 console.log('###trim - error: ', error);109 });110 };111 const renderPostButton = () => {112 return (113 <TouchableOpacity114 onPress={() => onPressDone()}115 disabled={trimTime.end - trimTime.start > maxDuration}>116 <Text117 style={[118 style.doneButtonText,119 {120 color:121 trimTime.end - trimTime.start > maxDuration122 ? colors.flatGrey11123 :,124 },125 ]}>126 {t('done')}127 </​Text>128 </​TouchableOpacity>129 );130 };131 return (132 <Layout style={style.container}>133 <TouchableWithoutFeedback134 style={style.container}135 onPress={Keyboard.dismiss}>136 <View style={style.container}>137 <NavBar138 parentComponentId={componentId}139 showCloseButton140 accessoryRight={renderPostButton}141 title={t('trimmerViewTitle')}142 onLeftPress={() => Navigation.dismissModal(componentId)}143 /​>144 <View style={style.separator} /​>145 <View style={{ flex: 1, justifyContent: 'center' }}>146 <View style={style.videoContainer}>147 {videoOrientation === '' && (148 <Video149 style={{ width: 0, height: 0 }}150 source={{ uri: videoFile.path }}151 onLoad={response => {152 const { width, height, orientation } = response.naturalSize;153 setVideoOrientation(orientation);154 console.log(orientation);155 }}156 /​>157 )}158 {(videoOrientation !== '' || Platform.OS === 'android') && (159 <VideoPlayer160 ref={videoPlayerRef}161 rotate={videoOrientation === 'portrait' ? true : false}162 startTime={trimTime.start} /​/​ seconds163 endTime={trimTime.end} /​/​ seconds164 currentTime={trimTime.start}165 play={play} /​/​ default false166 replay={true} /​/​ should player play video again if it's ended167 source={videoFile.path}168 playerWidth={Dimensions.get('screen').width} /​/​ iOS only169 playerHeight={wp(250)} /​/​ iOS only170 style={{ flex: 1 }}171 resizeMode={VideoPlayer.Constants.resizeMode.CONTAIN}172 /​/​ onChange={({ nativeEvent }) => console.log({ nativeEvent })} /​/​ get Current time on every second173 /​>174 )}175 <TouchableOpacity176 style={{177 position: 'absolute',178 bottom: 0,179 left: 0,180 height: 50,181 width: 50,182 justifyContent: 'center',183 alignItems: 'center',184 }}185 onPress={() => setPlay(!play)}>186 <Ionicons187 name={play ? images.icon_pause : images.icon_play}188 size={24}189 color={colors.white}190 /​>191 </​TouchableOpacity>192 </​View>193 <View style={{ alignItems: 'center', marginBottom: wp(10) }}>194 <Text195 style={{196 color:197 trimTime.end - trimTime.start > maxDuration198 ? colors.red199 :,200 }}>{`${t('totalSelected')}: ${Math.ceil(201 trimTime.end - trimTime.start,202 )}s (${t('maxSelection')} ${maxDuration}s)`}</​Text>203 </​View>204 <View style={{ flexDirection: 'row' }}>205 <View>206 {/​* {Platform.OS === 'ios' && (207 <Trimmer208 source={videoFile.path}209 height={50}210 width={Dimensions.get('screen').width - 16}211 /​/​ onTrackerMove={e => console.log(e.currentTime)} /​/​ iOS only212 currentTime={trimTime.start} /​/​ use this prop to set tracker position iOS only213 themeColor={colors.appYellow} /​/​ iOS only214 thumbWidth={20} /​/​ iOS only215 trackerColor={'white'} /​/​ iOS only216 onChange={e => {217 setTrimTime({ start: e.startTime, end: e.endTime });218 setPlay(false);219 }}220 /​>221 )}222 {Platform.OS === 'android' && ( */​}223 <AppSlider224 style={style.sliderStyle}225 rangeSlider={true}226 min={0}227 max={videoFile.duration}228 selectedMin={trimTime.start}229 selectedMax={trimTime.end}230 step={1}231 onValueChanged={(low, high, _) => {232 if (233 trimTime.start !== parseInt(low) ||234 trimTime.end !== parseInt(high)235 ) {236 setTrimTime({ start: low, end: high });237 setPlay(false);238 }239 }}240 renderRail={() => (241 <View style={style.sliderRailContainer}>242 { => (243 <Image244 key={thumb.path}245 source={{ uri: thumb.path }}246 style={style.videoThumb}247 /​>248 ))}249 </​View>250 )}251 renderRailSelected={() => (252 <View style={style.sliderRailSelectedContainer} /​>253 )}254 renderThumb={() => (255 <View style={style.sliderThumbContainer}>256 <View style={style.sliderThumbInside} /​>257 </​View>258 )}259 /​>260 {/​* )} */​}261 </​View>262 </​View>263 </​View>264 </​View>265 </​TouchableWithoutFeedback>266 </​Layout>267 );268};...

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Source:encode.js Github


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1const path = require("path");2const express = require("express");3const router = express.Router();4const upload = require("../​config/​multer");5const paths = require("../​utils/​utils");6const generateThumbnails = require("../​services/​generateThumbnails");7const { processVideo } = require("../​services/​ffmpeg");8const { killFFmpegProcess } = require("../​services/​ffmpeg");"/​killffmpeg", (req, res) => {10 killFFmpegProcess()11 .then(() => res.json({ success: true }))12 .catch((e) => {13 res.status(500);14 res.json({ success: false, message: e.message });15 });16});"/​upload", upload.single("file"), async (req, res) => {18 if (req.file) {19 const video = req.file;20 const uploadPath = video.path;21 const filename = video.filename;22 const thumbLocation = `${paths.basePath}/​uploaded/​${paths.thumb.folder}`;23 const thumbs = await generateThumbnails(24 uploadPath,25 path.parse(filename).name,26 thumbLocation,27 20,28 5029 );30 res.json({31 filename: filename,32 thumbs: thumbs,33 });34 } else {35 res.json({36 uploaded: false,37 });38 }39});"/​encode", (req, res) => {41 if (req.body.filename) {42 const filename = path.parse(req.body.filename).name;43 const ext = path.parse(req.body.filename).ext;44 const vfOptions = req.body.vfOptions;45 const adjustOptions = req.body.adjustOptions;46 const trimTime = req.body.trimTime;47 const afOptions = req.body.afOptions;48 const zoomPanOptions = req.body.zoomPanOptions;49 const panOptions = req.body.panOptions;50 const outputFormat = req.body.outputFormat;51 const duration = {52 s: trimTime[1] - trimTime[0],53 ms: (trimTime[1] - trimTime[0]) * 1000,54 };55 const resultVideoPath = `server/​public/​converted/​videos/​${filename}.${outputFormat}`;56 const resultThumbPath = `server/​public/​converted/​thumbs/​`;57 processVideo(req, res, filename, ext, {58 afOptions: afOptions,59 vfOptions: vfOptions,60 trimTime: trimTime,61 duration: duration,62 adjustOptions: adjustOptions,63 zoomPanOptions: zoomPanOptions,64 panOptions: panOptions,65 outputFormat: outputFormat,66 })67 .then(() =>68 generateThumbnails(resultVideoPath, filename, resultThumbPath, 1, 320)69 )70 .then(() => {71 res.json({72 newVideoUrl: `download/​video/​${filename}.${outputFormat}`,73 newThumbUrl: `api/​${paths.baseFolder}/​${paths.thumb.folder}/​${filename}.jpg`,74 });75 })76 .catch((e) => {77 console.error(e);78 res.status(500);79 res.json({ success: false });80 });81 } else {82 res.json({83 success: false,84 });85 }86});...

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Source:date.js Github


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...9}10export function addDays(date, days) {11 return new Date(new Date(date).getTime() + (days * DAY))12}13export function trimTime(date) {14 date = new Date(date)15 date.setMilliseconds(0)16 date.setSeconds(0)17 date.setMinutes(0)18 date.setHours(0)19 return date20}21const sameDateFormatter = date => {22 const diff = - date.getTime()23 if (diff < MINUTE) {24 return Math.floor((diff /​ SECOND)) + ' сек. тому'25 } else if (diff < HOUR) {26 return Math.floor((diff /​ MINUTE)) + ' хв. тому'27 } else {28 return Math.floor((diff /​ HOUR)) + ' год. тому'29 }30}31const yesterdayDateFormatter = time => {32 const hours = time.getHours()33 const min = time.getMinutes()34 return `вчора о ${hours}:${min}`35}36const beforeYesterdayDateFormatter = date => {37 const day = date.getDate() < 10 ? `0${date.getDate()}` : date.getDate()38 const month = date.getMonth() + 1 < 10 ? `0${date.getMonth() + 1}` : date.getMonth() + 139 const year = date.getFullYear()40 return `${day}.${month}.${year}`41}42const isSameDate = date => trimTime(date).getTime() === trimTime( isYesterdayDate = date => trimTime(date).getTime() === trimTime(addDays(, -1)).getTime()44const isBeforeYesterdayDate = date => !isSameDate(date) && !isYesterdayDate(date)45const TIME_MARKERS = [46 {47 criteria : isSameDate,48 formatter: sameDateFormatter49 },50 {51 criteria : isYesterdayDate,52 formatter: yesterdayDateFormatter53 },54 {55 criteria : isBeforeYesterdayDate,56 formatter: beforeYesterdayDateFormatter57 }...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1require('argos/​Utility').trimTime(myDate);2var Utility = require('argos/​Utility');3Utility.trimTime(myDate);4var Utility = require('argos/​Utility');5var trimTime = Utility.trimTime;6trimTime(myDate);7var Utility = require('argos/​Utility');8var trimTime = Utility.trimTime;9trimTime(myDate);10var Utility = require('argos/​Utility');11var trimTime = Utility.trimTime;12trimTime(myDate);13var Utility = require('argos/​Utility');14var trimTime = Utility.trimTime;15trimTime(myDate);16var Utility = require('argos/​Utility');17var trimTime = Utility.trimTime;18trimTime(myDate);19var Utility = require('argos/​Utility');20var trimTime = Utility.trimTime;21trimTime(myDate);22var Utility = require('argos/​Utility');23var trimTime = Utility.trimTime;24trimTime(myDate);25var Utility = require('argos/​Utility');26var trimTime = Utility.trimTime;27trimTime(myDate);28var Utility = require('argos/​Utility');29var trimTime = Utility.trimTime;30trimTime(myDate);31var Utility = require('argos/​Utility');32var trimTime = Utility.trimTime;33trimTime(myDate);34var Utility = require('argos/​Utility');

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Using AI Code Generation


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1define('test', ['argos/​Utility'], function(Utility) {2 var trimmedTime = Utility.trimTime(new Date());3 console.log(trimmedTime);4});5require(['test'], function() {6});

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Using AI Code Generation


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Using AI Code Generation


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1require([2], function(Format) {3 var time = Format.trimTime(new Date());4 console.log(time);5});6require([7], function(Format) {8 var time = Format.trimTime(new Date());9 console.log(time);10});11require([12], function(Format) {13 var time = Format.trimTime(new Date());14 console.log(time);15});16require([17], function(Format) {18 var time = Format.trimTime(new Date());19 console.log(time);20});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var argos = require('argos-sdk');2var date = new Date();3var date1 = argos.Utilities.trimTime(date);4console.log(date1);5var date2 = argos.Utilities.trimTime(date, true);6console.log(date2);7var date3 = argos.Utilities.trimTime(date, false, true);8console.log(date3);9var date4 = argos.Utilities.trimTime(date, true, true);10console.log(date4);11var argos = require('argos-sdk');12var date = new Date();13var date1 = argos.Utilities.trimTime(date);14console.log(date1);15var date2 = argos.Utilities.trimTime(date, true);16console.log(date2);17var date3 = argos.Utilities.trimTime(date, false, true);18console.log(date3);19var date4 = argos.Utilities.trimTime(date, true, true);20console.log(date4);21var date5 = argos.Utilities.trimTime(date, false, false);22console.log(date5);23var date6 = argos.Utilities.trimTime(date, true, false);24console.log(date6);25var date7 = argos.Utilities.trimTime(date, false, undefined);26console.log(date7);27var date8 = argos.Utilities.trimTime(date, true, undefined);28console.log(date8

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