How to use task method in argos

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1/​**2 * Support for concurrent task management and synchronization in web3 * applications.4 *5 * @author Dave Longley6 * @author David I. Lehn <>7 *8 * Copyright (c) 2009-2013 Digital Bazaar, Inc.9 */​10var forge = require('./​forge');11require('./​debug');12require('./​log');13require('./​util');14/​/​ logging category15var cat = 'forge.task';16/​/​ verbose level17/​/​ 0: off, 1: a little, 2: a whole lot18/​/​ Verbose debug logging is surrounded by a level check to avoid the19/​/​ performance issues with even calling the logging code regardless if it20/​/​ is actually logged. For performance reasons this should not be set to 221/​/​ for production use.22/​/​ ex: if(sVL >= 2) forge.log.verbose(....)23var sVL = 0;24/​/​ track tasks for debugging25var sTasks = {};26var sNextTaskId = 0;27/​/​ debug access28forge.debug.set(cat, 'tasks', sTasks);29/​/​ a map of task type to task queue30var sTaskQueues = {};31/​/​ debug access32forge.debug.set(cat, 'queues', sTaskQueues);33/​/​ name for unnamed tasks34var sNoTaskName = '?';35/​/​ maximum number of doNext() recursions before a context swap occurs36/​/​ FIXME: might need to tweak this based on the browser37var sMaxRecursions = 30;38/​/​ time slice for doing tasks before a context swap occurs39/​/​ FIXME: might need to tweak this based on the browser40var sTimeSlice = 20;41/​**42 * Task states.43 *44 * READY: ready to start processing45 * RUNNING: task or a subtask is running46 * BLOCKED: task is waiting to acquire N permits to continue47 * SLEEPING: task is sleeping for a period of time48 * DONE: task is done49 * ERROR: task has an error50 */​51var READY = 'ready';52var RUNNING = 'running';53var BLOCKED = 'blocked';54var SLEEPING = 'sleeping';55var DONE = 'done';56var ERROR = 'error';57/​**58 * Task actions. Used to control state transitions.59 *60 * STOP: stop processing61 * START: start processing tasks62 * BLOCK: block task from continuing until 1 or more permits are released63 * UNBLOCK: release one or more permits64 * SLEEP: sleep for a period of time65 * WAKEUP: wakeup early from SLEEPING state66 * CANCEL: cancel further tasks67 * FAIL: a failure occured68 */​69var STOP = 'stop';70var START = 'start';71var BLOCK = 'block';72var UNBLOCK = 'unblock';73var SLEEP = 'sleep';74var WAKEUP = 'wakeup';75var CANCEL = 'cancel';76var FAIL = 'fail';77/​**78 * State transition table.79 *80 * nextState = sStateTable[currentState][action]81 */​82var sStateTable = {};83sStateTable[READY] = {};84sStateTable[READY][STOP] = READY;85sStateTable[READY][START] = RUNNING;86sStateTable[READY][CANCEL] = DONE;87sStateTable[READY][FAIL] = ERROR;88sStateTable[RUNNING] = {};89sStateTable[RUNNING][STOP] = READY;90sStateTable[RUNNING][START] = RUNNING;91sStateTable[RUNNING][BLOCK] = BLOCKED;92sStateTable[RUNNING][UNBLOCK] = RUNNING;93sStateTable[RUNNING][SLEEP] = SLEEPING;94sStateTable[RUNNING][WAKEUP] = RUNNING;95sStateTable[RUNNING][CANCEL] = DONE;96sStateTable[RUNNING][FAIL] = ERROR;97sStateTable[BLOCKED] = {};98sStateTable[BLOCKED][STOP] = BLOCKED;99sStateTable[BLOCKED][START] = BLOCKED;100sStateTable[BLOCKED][BLOCK] = BLOCKED;101sStateTable[BLOCKED][UNBLOCK] = BLOCKED;102sStateTable[BLOCKED][SLEEP] = BLOCKED;103sStateTable[BLOCKED][WAKEUP] = BLOCKED;104sStateTable[BLOCKED][CANCEL] = DONE;105sStateTable[BLOCKED][FAIL] = ERROR;106sStateTable[SLEEPING] = {};107sStateTable[SLEEPING][STOP] = SLEEPING;108sStateTable[SLEEPING][START] = SLEEPING;109sStateTable[SLEEPING][BLOCK] = SLEEPING;110sStateTable[SLEEPING][UNBLOCK] = SLEEPING;111sStateTable[SLEEPING][SLEEP] = SLEEPING;112sStateTable[SLEEPING][WAKEUP] = SLEEPING;113sStateTable[SLEEPING][CANCEL] = DONE;114sStateTable[SLEEPING][FAIL] = ERROR;115sStateTable[DONE] = {};116sStateTable[DONE][STOP] = DONE;117sStateTable[DONE][START] = DONE;118sStateTable[DONE][BLOCK] = DONE;119sStateTable[DONE][UNBLOCK] = DONE;120sStateTable[DONE][SLEEP] = DONE;121sStateTable[DONE][WAKEUP] = DONE;122sStateTable[DONE][CANCEL] = DONE;123sStateTable[DONE][FAIL] = ERROR;124sStateTable[ERROR] = {};125sStateTable[ERROR][STOP] = ERROR;126sStateTable[ERROR][START] = ERROR;127sStateTable[ERROR][BLOCK] = ERROR;128sStateTable[ERROR][UNBLOCK] = ERROR;129sStateTable[ERROR][SLEEP] = ERROR;130sStateTable[ERROR][WAKEUP] = ERROR;131sStateTable[ERROR][CANCEL] = ERROR;132sStateTable[ERROR][FAIL] = ERROR;133/​**134 * Creates a new task.135 *136 * @param options options for this task137 * run: the run function for the task (required)138 * name: the run function for the task (optional)139 * parent: parent of this task (optional)140 *141 * @return the empty task.142 */​143var Task = function(options) {144 /​/​ task id145 = -1;146 /​/​ task name147 = || sNoTaskName;148 /​/​ task has no parent149 this.parent = options.parent || null;150 /​/​ save run function151 =;152 /​/​ create a queue of subtasks to run153 this.subtasks = [];154 /​/​ error flag155 this.error = false;156 /​/​ state of the task157 this.state = READY;158 /​/​ number of times the task has been blocked (also the number159 /​/​ of permits needed to be released to continue running)160 this.blocks = 0;161 /​/​ timeout id when sleeping162 this.timeoutId = null;163 /​/​ no swap time yet164 this.swapTime = null;165 /​/​ no user data166 this.userData = null;167 /​/​ initialize task168 /​/​ FIXME: deal with overflow169 = sNextTaskId++;170 sTasks[] = this;171 if(sVL >= 1) {172 forge.log.verbose(cat, '[%s][%s] init',,, this);173 }174};175/​**176 * Logs debug information on this task and the system state.177 */​178Task.prototype.debug = function(msg) {179 msg = msg || '';180 forge.log.debug(cat, msg,181 '[%s][%s] task:',,, this,182 'subtasks:', this.subtasks.length,183 'queue:', sTaskQueues);184};185/​**186 * Adds a subtask to run after task.doNext() or is called.187 *188 * @param name human readable name for this task (optional).189 * @param subrun a function to run that takes the current task as190 * its first parameter.191 *192 * @return the current task (useful for chaining next() calls).193 */​ = function(name, subrun) {195 /​/​ juggle parameters if it looks like no name is given196 if(typeof(name) === 'function') {197 subrun = name;198 /​/​ inherit parent's name199 name =;200 }201 /​/​ create subtask, set parent to this task, propagate callbacks202 var subtask = new Task({203 run: subrun,204 name: name,205 parent: this206 });207 /​/​ start subtasks running208 subtask.state = RUNNING;209 subtask.type = this.type;210 subtask.successCallback = this.successCallback || null;211 subtask.failureCallback = this.failureCallback || null;212 /​/​ queue a new subtask213 this.subtasks.push(subtask);214 return this;215};216/​**217 * Adds subtasks to run in parallel after task.doNext() or * is called.219 *220 * @param name human readable name for this task (optional).221 * @param subrun functions to run that take the current task as222 * their first parameter.223 *224 * @return the current task (useful for chaining next() calls).225 */​226Task.prototype.parallel = function(name, subrun) {227 /​/​ juggle parameters if it looks like no name is given228 if(forge.util.isArray(name)) {229 subrun = name;230 /​/​ inherit parent's name231 name =;232 }233 /​/​ Wrap parallel tasks in a regular task so they are started at the234 /​/​ proper time.235 return, function(task) {236 /​/​ block waiting for subtasks237 var ptask = task;238 ptask.block(subrun.length);239 /​/​ we pass the iterator from the loop below as a parameter240 /​/​ to a function because it is otherwise included in the241 /​/​ closure and changes as the loop changes -- causing i242 /​/​ to always be set to its highest value243 var startParallelTask = function(pname, pi) {244 forge.task.start({245 type: pname,246 run: function(task) {247 subrun[pi](task);248 },249 success: function(task) {250 ptask.unblock();251 },252 failure: function(task) {253 ptask.unblock();254 }255 });256 };257 for(var i = 0; i < subrun.length; i++) {258 /​/​ Type must be unique so task starts in parallel:259 /​/​ name + private string + task id + sub-task index260 /​/​ start tasks in parallel and unblock when the finish261 var pname = name + '__parallel-' + + '-' + i;262 var pi = i;263 startParallelTask(pname, pi);264 }265 });266};267/​**268 * Stops a running task.269 */​270Task.prototype.stop = function() {271 this.state = sStateTable[this.state][STOP];272};273/​**274 * Starts running a task.275 */​276Task.prototype.start = function() {277 this.error = false;278 this.state = sStateTable[this.state][START];279 /​/​ try to restart280 if(this.state === RUNNING) {281 this.start = new Date();282;283 runNext(this, 0);284 }285};286/​**287 * Blocks a task until it one or more permits have been released. The288 * task will not resume until the requested number of permits have289 * been released with call(s) to unblock().290 *291 * @param n number of permits to wait for(default: 1).292 */​293Task.prototype.block = function(n) {294 n = typeof(n) === 'undefined' ? 1 : n;295 this.blocks += n;296 if(this.blocks > 0) {297 this.state = sStateTable[this.state][BLOCK];298 }299};300/​**301 * Releases a permit to unblock a task. If a task was blocked by302 * requesting N permits via block(), then it will only continue303 * running once enough permits have been released via unblock() calls.304 *305 * If multiple processes need to synchronize with a single task then306 * use a condition variable (see forge.task.createCondition). It is307 * an error to unblock a task more times than it has been blocked.308 *309 * @param n number of permits to release (default: 1).310 *311 * @return the current block count (task is unblocked when count is 0)312 */​313Task.prototype.unblock = function(n) {314 n = typeof(n) === 'undefined' ? 1 : n;315 this.blocks -= n;316 if(this.blocks === 0 && this.state !== DONE) {317 this.state = RUNNING;318 runNext(this, 0);319 }320 return this.blocks;321};322/​**323 * Sleep for a period of time before resuming tasks.324 *325 * @param n number of milliseconds to sleep (default: 0).326 */​327Task.prototype.sleep = function(n) {328 n = typeof(n) === 'undefined' ? 0 : n;329 this.state = sStateTable[this.state][SLEEP];330 var self = this;331 this.timeoutId = setTimeout(function() {332 self.timeoutId = null;333 self.state = RUNNING;334 runNext(self, 0);335 }, n);336};337/​**338 * Waits on a condition variable until notified. The next task will339 * not be scheduled until notification. A condition variable can be340 * created with forge.task.createCondition().341 *342 * Once cond.notify() is called, the task will continue.343 *344 * @param cond the condition variable to wait on.345 */​346Task.prototype.wait = function(cond) {347 cond.wait(this);348};349/​**350 * If sleeping, wakeup and continue running tasks.351 */​352Task.prototype.wakeup = function() {353 if(this.state === SLEEPING) {354 cancelTimeout(this.timeoutId);355 this.timeoutId = null;356 this.state = RUNNING;357 runNext(this, 0);358 }359};360/​**361 * Cancel all remaining subtasks of this task.362 */​363Task.prototype.cancel = function() {364 this.state = sStateTable[this.state][CANCEL];365 /​/​ remove permits needed366 this.permitsNeeded = 0;367 /​/​ cancel timeouts368 if(this.timeoutId !== null) {369 cancelTimeout(this.timeoutId);370 this.timeoutId = null;371 }372 /​/​ remove subtasks373 this.subtasks = [];374};375/​**376 * Finishes this task with failure and sets error flag. The entire377 * task will be aborted unless the next task that should execute378 * is passed as a parameter. This allows levels of subtasks to be379 * skipped. For instance, to abort only this tasks's subtasks, then380 * call fail(task.parent). To abort this task's subtasks and its381 * parent's subtasks, call fail(task.parent.parent). To abort382 * all tasks and simply call the task callback, call fail() or383 * fail(null).384 *385 * The task callback (success or failure) will always, eventually, be386 * called.387 *388 * @param next the task to continue at, or null to abort entirely.389 */​ = function(next) {391 /​/​ set error flag392 this.error = true;393 /​/​ finish task394 finish(this, true);395 if(next) {396 /​/​ propagate task info397 next.error = this.error;398 next.swapTime = this.swapTime;399 next.userData = this.userData;400 /​/​ do next task as specified401 runNext(next, 0);402 } else {403 if(this.parent !== null) {404 /​/​ finish root task (ensures it is removed from task queue)405 var parent = this.parent;406 while(parent.parent !== null) {407 /​/​ propagate task info408 parent.error = this.error;409 parent.swapTime = this.swapTime;410 parent.userData = this.userData;411 parent = parent.parent;412 }413 finish(parent, true);414 }415 /​/​ call failure callback if one exists416 if(this.failureCallback) {417 this.failureCallback(this);418 }419 }420};421/​**422 * Asynchronously start a task.423 *424 * @param task the task to start.425 */​426var start = function(task) {427 task.error = false;428 task.state = sStateTable[task.state][START];429 setTimeout(function() {430 if(task.state === RUNNING) {431 task.swapTime = +new Date();432;433 runNext(task, 0);434 }435 }, 0);436};437/​**438 * Run the next subtask or finish this task.439 *440 * @param task the task to process.441 * @param recurse the recursion count.442 */​443var runNext = function(task, recurse) {444 /​/​ get time since last context swap (ms), if enough time has passed set445 /​/​ swap to true to indicate that doNext was performed asynchronously446 /​/​ also, if recurse is too high do asynchronously447 var swap =448 (recurse > sMaxRecursions) ||449 (+new Date() - task.swapTime) > sTimeSlice;450 var doNext = function(recurse) {451 recurse++;452 if(task.state === RUNNING) {453 if(swap) {454 /​/​ update swap time455 task.swapTime = +new Date();456 }457 if(task.subtasks.length > 0) {458 /​/​ run next subtask459 var subtask = task.subtasks.shift();460 subtask.error = task.error;461 subtask.swapTime = task.swapTime;462 subtask.userData = task.userData;463;464 if(!subtask.error) {465 runNext(subtask, recurse);466 }467 } else {468 finish(task);469 if(!task.error) {470 /​/​ chain back up and run parent471 if(task.parent !== null) {472 /​/​ propagate task info473 task.parent.error = task.error;474 task.parent.swapTime = task.swapTime;475 task.parent.userData = task.userData;476 /​/​ no subtasks left, call run next subtask on parent477 runNext(task.parent, recurse);478 }479 }480 }481 }482 };483 if(swap) {484 /​/​ we're swapping, so run asynchronously485 setTimeout(doNext, 0);486 } else {487 /​/​ not swapping, so run synchronously488 doNext(recurse);489 }490};491/​**492 * Finishes a task and looks for the next task in the queue to start.493 *494 * @param task the task to finish.495 * @param suppressCallbacks true to suppress callbacks.496 */​497var finish = function(task, suppressCallbacks) {498 /​/​ subtask is now done499 task.state = DONE;500 delete sTasks[];501 if(sVL >= 1) {502 forge.log.verbose(cat, '[%s][%s] finish',503,, task);504 }505 /​/​ only do queue processing for root tasks506 if(task.parent === null) {507 /​/​ report error if queue is missing508 if(!(task.type in sTaskQueues)) {509 forge.log.error(cat,510 '[%s][%s] task queue missing [%s]',511,, task.type);512 } else if(sTaskQueues[task.type].length === 0) {513 /​/​ report error if queue is empty514 forge.log.error(cat,515 '[%s][%s] task queue empty [%s]',516,, task.type);517 } else if(sTaskQueues[task.type][0] !== task) {518 /​/​ report error if this task isn't the first in the queue519 forge.log.error(cat,520 '[%s][%s] task not first in queue [%s]',521,, task.type);522 } else {523 /​/​ remove ourselves from the queue524 sTaskQueues[task.type].shift();525 /​/​ clean up queue if it is empty526 if(sTaskQueues[task.type].length === 0) {527 if(sVL >= 1) {528 forge.log.verbose(cat, '[%s][%s] delete queue [%s]',529,, task.type);530 }531 /​* Note: Only a task can delete a queue of its own type. This532 is used as a way to synchronize tasks. If a queue for a certain533 task type exists, then a task of that type is running.534 */​535 delete sTaskQueues[task.type];536 } else {537 /​/​ dequeue the next task and start it538 if(sVL >= 1) {539 forge.log.verbose(cat,540 '[%s][%s] queue start next [%s] remain:%s',541,, task.type,542 sTaskQueues[task.type].length);543 }544 sTaskQueues[task.type][0].start();545 }546 }547 if(!suppressCallbacks) {548 /​/​ call final callback if one exists549 if(task.error && task.failureCallback) {550 task.failureCallback(task);551 } else if(!task.error && task.successCallback) {552 task.successCallback(task);553 }554 }555 }556};557/​* Tasks API */​558module.exports = forge.task = forge.task || {};559/​**560 * Starts a new task that will run the passed function asynchronously.561 *562 * In order to finish the task, either task.doNext() or * *must* be called.564 *565 * The task must have a type (a string identifier) that can be used to566 * synchronize it with other tasks of the same type. That type can also567 * be used to cancel tasks that haven't started yet.568 *569 * To start a task, the following object must be provided as a parameter570 * (each function takes a task object as its first parameter):571 *572 * {573 * type: the type of task.574 * run: the function to run to execute the task.575 * success: a callback to call when the task succeeds (optional).576 * failure: a callback to call when the task fails (optional).577 * }578 *579 * @param options the object as described above.580 */​581forge.task.start = function(options) {582 /​/​ create a new task583 var task = new Task({584 run:,585 name: || sNoTaskName586 });587 task.type = options.type;588 task.successCallback = options.success || null;589 task.failureCallback = options.failure || null;590 /​/​ append the task onto the appropriate queue591 if(!(task.type in sTaskQueues)) {592 if(sVL >= 1) {593 forge.log.verbose(cat, '[%s][%s] create queue [%s]',594,, task.type);595 }596 /​/​ create the queue with the new task597 sTaskQueues[task.type] = [task];598 start(task);599 } else {600 /​/​ push the task onto the queue, it will be run after a task601 /​/​ with the same type completes602 sTaskQueues[options.type].push(task);603 }604};605/​**606 * Cancels all tasks of the given type that haven't started yet.607 *608 * @param type the type of task to cancel.609 */​610forge.task.cancel = function(type) {611 /​/​ find the task queue612 if(type in sTaskQueues) {613 /​/​ empty all but the current task from the queue614 sTaskQueues[type] = [sTaskQueues[type][0]];615 }616};617/​**618 * Creates a condition variable to synchronize tasks. To make a task wait619 * on the condition variable, call task.wait(condition). To notify all620 * tasks that are waiting, call condition.notify().621 *622 * @return the condition variable.623 */​624forge.task.createCondition = function() {625 var cond = {626 /​/​ all tasks that are blocked627 tasks: {}628 };629 /​**630 * Causes the given task to block until notify is called. If the task631 * is already waiting on this condition then this is a no-op.632 *633 * @param task the task to cause to wait.634 */​635 cond.wait = function(task) {636 /​/​ only block once637 if(!( in cond.tasks)) {638 task.block();639 cond.tasks[] = task;640 }641 };642 /​**643 * Notifies all waiting tasks to wake up.644 */​645 cond.notify = function() {646 /​/​ since unblock() will run the next task from here, make sure to647 /​/​ clear the condition's blocked task list before unblocking648 var tmp = cond.tasks;649 cond.tasks = {};650 for(var id in tmp) {651 tmp[id].unblock();652 }653 };654 return cond;...

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...137 )138 # lookup up an original task139 target_task = p._entries[0].tasks[0].block[0]140 task_copy = target_task.copy(exclude_parent=True)141 found_task = itr.get_original_task(hosts[0], task_copy)142 self.assertEqual(target_task, found_task)143 bad_task = Task()144 found_task = itr.get_original_task(hosts[0], bad_task)145 self.assertIsNone(found_task)146 # pre task147 (host_state, task) = itr.get_next_task_for_host(hosts[0])148 self.assertIsNotNone(task)149 self.assertEqual(task.action, 'debug')150 # implicit meta: flush_handlers151 (host_state, task) = itr.get_next_task_for_host(hosts[0])152 self.assertIsNotNone(task)153 self.assertEqual(task.action, 'meta')154 # role task155 (host_state, task) = itr.get_next_task_for_host(hosts[0])156 self.assertIsNotNone(task)157 self.assertEqual(task.action, 'debug')158 self.assertEqual(, "role task")...

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...184 for c in response['taskArns']:185 if c.endswith(service_name):186 return c187 return None188 def run_task(self, cluster, task_definition, overrides, count, startedBy):189 if overrides is None:190 overrides = dict()191 response = self.ecs.run_task(192 cluster=cluster,193 taskDefinition=task_definition,194 overrides=overrides,195 count=count,196 startedBy=startedBy)197 # include tasks and failures198 return response['tasks']199 def start_task(self, cluster, task_definition, overrides, container_instances, startedBy):200 args = dict()201 if cluster:202 args['cluster'] = cluster203 if task_definition:204 args['taskDefinition']=task_definition205 if overrides:206 args['overrides']=overrides207 if container_instances:208 args['containerInstances']=container_instances209 if startedBy:210 args['startedBy']=startedBy211 response = self.ecs.start_task(**args)212 # include tasks and failures213 return response['tasks']214 def stop_task(self, cluster, task):215 response = self.ecs.stop_task(cluster=cluster, task=task)216 return response['task']217def main():218 argument_spec = ec2_argument_spec()219 argument_spec.update(dict(220 operation=dict(required=True, choices=['run', 'start', 'stop'] ),221 cluster=dict(required=False, type='str' ), # R S P222 task_definition=dict(required=False, type='str' ), # R* S*223 overrides=dict(required=False, type='dict'), # R S224 count=dict(required=False, type='int' ), # R225 task=dict(required=False, type='str' ), # P*226 container_instances=dict(required=False, type='list'), # S*227 started_by=dict(required=False, type='str' ) # R S228 ))229 module = AnsibleModule(argument_spec=argument_spec, supports_check_mode=True)230 # Validate Requirements231 if not HAS_BOTO:232 module.fail_json(msg='boto is required.')233 if not HAS_BOTO3:234 module.fail_json(msg='boto3 is required.')235 # Validate Inputs236 if module.params['operation'] == 'run':237 if not 'task_definition' in module.params and module.params['task_definition'] is None:238 module.fail_json(msg="To run a task, a task_definition must be specified")239 task_to_list = module.params['task_definition']240 status_type = "RUNNING"241 if module.params['operation'] == 'start':242 if not 'task_definition' in module.params and module.params['task_definition'] is None:243 module.fail_json(msg="To start a task, a task_definition must be specified")244 if not 'container_instances' in module.params and module.params['container_instances'] is None:245 module.fail_json(msg="To start a task, container instances must be specified")246 task_to_list = module.params['task']247 status_type = "RUNNING"248 if module.params['operation'] == 'stop':249 if not 'task' in module.params and module.params['task'] is None:250 module.fail_json(msg="To stop a task, a task must be specified")251 if not 'task_definition' in module.params and module.params['task_definition'] is None:252 module.fail_json(msg="To stop a task, a task definition must be specified")253 task_to_list = module.params['task_definition']254 status_type = "STOPPED"255 service_mgr = EcsExecManager(module)256 existing = service_mgr.list_tasks(module.params['cluster'], task_to_list, status_type)257 results = dict(changed=False)258 if module.params['operation'] == 'run':259 if existing:260 # TBD - validate the rest of the details261 results['task']=existing262 else:263 if not module.check_mode:264 results['task'] = service_mgr.run_task(265 module.params['cluster'],266 module.params['task_definition'],267 module.params['overrides'],268 module.params['count'],269 module.params['started_by'])270 results['changed'] = True271 elif module.params['operation'] == 'start':272 if existing:273 # TBD - validate the rest of the details274 results['task']=existing275 else:276 if not module.check_mode:277 results['task'] = service_mgr.start_task(278 module.params['cluster'],279 module.params['task_definition'],280 module.params['overrides'],281 module.params['container_instances'],282 module.params['started_by']283 )284 results['changed'] = True285 elif module.params['operation'] == 'stop':286 if existing:287 results['task']=existing288 else:289 if not module.check_mode:290 # it exists, so we should delete it and mark changed.291 # return info about the cluster deleted292 results['task'] = service_mgr.stop_task(293 module.params['cluster'],294 module.params['task']295 )296 results['changed'] = True297 module.exit_json(**results)298if __name__ == '__main__':...

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...102 rollouts[cls][sigs] = rollout104 rollout_ids[cls][sigs] = rollout.id105 if cls is DelayTask:106 task = create_task(rollout, DelayTask, seconds=15)107 tasks[cls][sigs] = task108 else:109 t1, t2, t3 = [create_task(rollout, DelayTask, seconds=15) for _ in range(3)]110 task = create_task(rollout, cls, [t1, t2, t3])111 tasks[cls][sigs] = t3112 for cls in classes:113 for sigs in signals:114 rollout = rollouts[cls][sigs]115 rollout.rollout_async()116 # Enough time for rollouts to start117 time.sleep(0.5)118 for cls in classes:119 for sigs in signals:120 id = rollout_ids[cls][sigs]121 for sig in sigs:122 self.assertTrue(Rollout._can_signal(id, sig))123 self.assertTrue(Rollout._do_signal(id, sig))124 self.assertTrue(Rollout._is_signalling(id, sig))...

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Source:task.spec.js Github


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1import { expect } from 'chai';2import {3 request,4 data,5 seedUsers,6 seedTasks,7 seedProjects,8 db,9 ROUTES,10 login,11} from './​config';12/​/​models13import { User, Project, Task } from '../​models';14before(async () => {15 await db.connect();16});17after(async () => {18 await db.disconnect();19});20afterEach(async () => {21 await User.deleteMany({});22 await Project.deleteMany({});23 await Task.deleteMany({});24});25describe('task API', () => {26 describe('GET /​api/​tasks/​:task_id', () => {27 const task = data.tasks[0];28 beforeEach(async () => {29 await seedUsers();30 await seedProjects();31 await seedTasks();32 });33 it('should return task when user has access to it', async () => {34 const { username, password } = data.users[2];35 await login(username, password);36 const res = await request.get(`${ROUTES.TASK.ROOT}/​${task._id}`);37 expect(res.body.task._id).to.equal(task._id);38 });39 it('should not return task when user does not have access to it', async () => {40 const { username, password } = data.users[0];41 await login(username, password);42 const res = await request.get(`${ROUTES.TASK.ROOT}/​${task._id}`);43 expect(res.body.task);44 });45 it('should not return task when task doesnt exist', async () => {46 const { username, password } = data.users[2];47 await login(username, password);48 const res = await request.get(49 `${ROUTES.TASK.ROOT}/​bdbdf88028e375d81dccee42`50 );51 expect(res.body.task);52 });53 });54 describe('PATCH /​api/​tasks/​:task_id', () => {55 const task = data.tasks[0];56 beforeEach(async () => {57 await seedUsers();58 await seedProjects();59 await seedTasks();60 });61 it('should update when user is member and updates are valid', async () => {62 const description = 'New description';63 const isCompleted = true;64 const { username, password } = data.users[2];65 await login(username, password);66 await request67 .patch(`${ROUTES.TASK.ROOT}/​${task._id}`)68 .send({ description, isCompleted });69 const $task = await Task.findById(task._id);70 expect($task.description).to.equal(description);71 });72 it('should not update when user is member and updates are not valid', async () => {73 const description = 'New description';74 const milk = 'Invalid';75 const { username, password } = data.users[2];76 await login(username, password);77 await request78 .patch(`${ROUTES.TASK.ROOT}/​${task._id}`)79 .send({ description, milk });80 const $task = await Task.findById(task._id);81 expect($task.description).to.not.equal(description);82 });83 it('should not update when user is not a member and updates are valid', async () => {84 const description = 'New description';85 const isCompleted = true;86 const { username, password } = data.users[0];87 await login(username, password);88 await request89 .patch(`${ROUTES.TASK.ROOT}/​${task._id}`)90 .send({ description, isCompleted });91 const $task = await Task.findById(task._id);92 expect($task.description).to.not.equal(description);93 });94 it('should return updated task when its updated', async () => {95 const description = 'New description';96 const isCompleted = true;97 const { username, password } = data.users[2];98 await login(username, password);99 const res = await request100 .patch(`${ROUTES.TASK.ROOT}/​${task._id}`)101 .send({ description, isCompleted });102 expect(res.body.task.description).to.equal(description);103 });104 });105 describe('DELETE /​api/​tasks/​:task_id', () => {106 beforeEach(async () => {107 await seedUsers();108 await seedProjects();109 await seedTasks();110 });111 it('should delete task when user is a project member', async () => {112 const { username, password } = data.users[1];113 const task = data.tasks[0];114 await login(username, password);115 await request.delete(`${ROUTES.TASK.ROOT}/​${task._id}`);116 const $task = await Task.findById(task._id);117 expect($task);118 });119 it('should delete child tasks when parent task is deleted', async () => {120 const { username, password } = data.users[1];121 const taskParent = data.tasks[0];122 const task = data.tasks[1];123 await login(username, password);124 await request.delete(`${ROUTES.TASK.ROOT}/​${taskParent._id}`);125 const $task = await Task.findById(task._id);126 expect($task);127 });128 it('should remove task from project tasks when task is deleted', async () => {129 const { username, password } = data.users[1];130 const task = data.tasks[0];131 const project = data.projects[0];132 await login(username, password);133 await request.delete(`${ROUTES.TASK.ROOT}/​${task._id}`);134 const $project = await Project.findById(project._id);135 const isTaskIncluded = $project.tasks.includes(task._id);136 expect(isTaskIncluded).to.equal(false);137 });138 it('should remove task from parent task when child task is deleted', async () => {139 const { username, password } = data.users[1];140 const taskParent = data.tasks[0];141 const task = data.tasks[1];142 await login(username, password);143 await request.delete(`${ROUTES.TASK.ROOT}/​${task._id}`);144 const $task = await Task.findById(taskParent._id);145 const isTaskIncluded = $task.tasks.includes(task._id);146 expect(isTaskIncluded).to.equal(false);147 });148 it('should not remove task when user is not a project member', async () => {149 const { username, password } = data.users[0];150 const task = data.tasks[0];151 await login(username, password);152 await request.delete(`${ROUTES.TASK.ROOT}/​${task._id}`);153 const $task = await Task.findById(task._id);154 expect($task);155 });156 });...

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...12 def test_generate_tasks_clears(self):14 class GenTasksRollout(Rollout):15 def _generate_tasks(self):16 create_task(self)17 rollout = GenTasksRollout({})18 rollout.generate_tasks()20 self.assertEqual(len(rollout.tasks), 1)21 rollout.generate_tasks()22 self.assertEqual(len(rollout.tasks), 1)23 def test_generate_tasks_after_run(self):24 rollout = Rollout({})25 create_task(rollout)27 rollout.rollout()28 self.assertRaises(Exception, rollout.generate_tasks)29 def test_single_task_rollout(self):30 rollout = Rollout({})31 root = create_task(rollout)33 rollout.rollout()34 self.assertRun(root)35 self.assertNotReverted(root)36 def test_single_task_rollback(self):37 rollout = Rollout({})38 root = create_task(rollout, TestTaskFail)40 rollout.rollout()41 self.assertRun(root)42 self.assertReverted(root)43 def _test_exec_rollout(self, exec_cls):44 rollout = Rollout({})45 task1 = create_task(rollout)47 task2 = create_task(rollout)48 task3 = create_task(rollout)49 task4 = create_task(rollout)50 root = create_task(rollout, exec_cls, [task1, task2, task3, task4])51 rollout.rollout()52 # Do not assert parents or root is run since otherwise we'd have to53 # override their call methods54 for task in task1, task2, task3, task4:55 self.assertRun(task)56 self.assertNotReverted(task)57 def _test_exec_rollout_nested(self, exec_cls):58 rollout = Rollout({})59 task1 = create_task(rollout)61 task2 = create_task(rollout)62 task3 = create_task(rollout)63 task4 = create_task(rollout)64 parent1 = create_task(rollout, exec_cls, [task1, task2])65 parent2 = create_task(rollout, exec_cls, [task3, task4])66 root = create_task(rollout, exec_cls, [parent1, parent2])67 rollout.rollout()68 # Do not assert parents or root is run since otherwise we'd have to69 # override their call methods70 for task in task1, task2, task3, task4:71 self.assertRun(task)72 self.assertNotReverted(task)73 def test_sequential_exec_rollout(self):74 self._test_exec_rollout(SequentialExecTask)75 def test_parallel_exec_rollout(self):76 self._test_exec_rollout(ParallelExecTask)77 def test_sequential_exec_rollout_nested(self):78 self._test_exec_rollout_nested(SequentialExecTask)79 def test_parallel_exec_rollout_nested(self):80 self._test_exec_rollout_nested(ParallelExecTask)81 def test_sequential_quit_and_rollback_on_failure(self):82 class RecordedRollout(Rollout):83 rollback_calls = []84 def rollback(self):85 self.rollback_calls.append(self)86 super(RecordedRollout, self).rollback()87 rollout = RecordedRollout({})88 task1 = create_task(rollout)90 task_error = create_task(rollout, TestTaskFail)91 task2 = create_task(rollout)92 root = create_task(rollout, SequentialExecTask, [task1, task_error, task2])93 rollout.rollout()94 self.assertRun(task1)95 self.assertRun(task_error)96 self.assertNotRun(task2)97 self.assertEqual(RecordedRollout.rollback_calls, [rollout])98 self.assertReverted(task_error)99 self.assertReverted(task1)100 self.assertNotReverted(task2)101 102 def test_monitor_rolls_back(self):103 monitor_wake_event = Event()104 finish_step_event = Event()105 def monitor(monitor_event, abort_event):106 monitor_wake_event.wait()107 abort_event.set()108 finish_step_event.set()109 class MonitoredRollout(Rollout):110 monitors = {111 'mon': monitor,112 }113 rollback_calls = []114 def rollback(self):115 self.rollback_calls.append(self)116 super(MonitoredRollout, self).rollback()117 rollout = MonitoredRollout({'monitors': ['mon']})118 def wake_monitor_then_wait():120 monitor_wake_event.set()121 finish_step_event.wait()122 self.assertFalse(MonitoredRollout.rollback_calls)123 class WakeMonitorWaitTask(TestTask):124 @classmethod125 def _run(cls, state, children, abort, term):126 wake_monitor_then_wait()127 task_run = create_task(rollout)128 task_wake_monitor_wait = create_task(rollout, WakeMonitorWaitTask)129 task_not_called = create_task(rollout)130 root = create_task(rollout, SequentialExecTask, [task_run, task_wake_monitor_wait, task_not_called])131 rollout.rollout()132 self.assertRun(task_run)133 self.assertRun(task_wake_monitor_wait)134 self.assertNotRun(task_not_called)135 self.assertEqual(MonitoredRollout.rollback_calls, [rollout])136 self.assertReverted(task_run)...

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Source:currentTask.js Github


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1/​/​constants2import NOTIFICATIONS from '../​../​../​constants/​notifications';3import { CURRENT_TASK, MODALS } from '../​constants';4/​/​actions5import {6 addSuccessNotification,7 addErrorNotification,8} from '../​../​shared/​actions/​notifications';9import { startRequest, endRequest } from '../​../​shared/​actions/​requests';10import { closeModal } from '../​actions/​activeModals';11/​/​services12import { getTask, updateTask, deleteTask } from '../​services/​tasks';13import { createTask } from '../​services/​projects';14const getCurrentTaskSuccess = (task) => ({15 type: CURRENT_TASK.GET_SUCCESS,16 payload: { task },17});18const getCurrentTaskError = () => ({ type: CURRENT_TASK.GET_ERROR });19const getCurrentTask = (id) => async (dispatch) => {20 dispatch(startRequest(CURRENT_TASK.GET));21 try {22 const { task } = await getTask(id);23 dispatch(getCurrentTaskSuccess(task));24 } catch (err) {25 dispatch(getCurrentTaskError());26 }27 dispatch(endRequest(CURRENT_TASK.GET));28};29const createTaskSuccess = (task) => ({30 type: CURRENT_TASK.CREATE_SUCCESS,31 payload: { task },32});33const _createTask = ({ title, description, projectId, parentTask }) => async (34 dispatch35) => {36 dispatch(startRequest(CURRENT_TASK.CREATE));37 try {38 const { task } = await createTask({39 title,40 description,41 projectId,42 parentTask,43 });44 dispatch(createTaskSuccess(task));45 dispatch(addSuccessNotification(NOTIFICATIONS.TASK.CREATE_SUCCESS));46 } catch {47 dispatch(addErrorNotification(NOTIFICATIONS.TASK.CREATE_ERROR));48 }49 dispatch(endRequest(CURRENT_TASK.CREATE));50 dispatch(closeModal(MODALS.TASK_CREATE));51};52const deleteCurrentTaskSuccess = () => ({53 type: CURRENT_TASK.DELETE_SUCCESS,54});55const deleteCurrentTask = (id) => async (dispatch) => {56 dispatch(startRequest(CURRENT_TASK.DELETE));57 let error = null;58 try {59 await deleteTask(id);60 dispatch(deleteCurrentTaskSuccess());61 dispatch(addSuccessNotification(NOTIFICATIONS.TASK.DELETE_SUCCESS));62 } catch (err) {63 dispatch(addErrorNotification(NOTIFICATIONS.TASK.DELETE_ERROR));64 error = err;65 }66 dispatch(endRequest(CURRENT_TASK.DELETE));67 return error;68};69const updateCurrentTaskSuccess = (task) => ({70 type: CURRENT_TASK.UPDATE_SUCCESS,71 payload: { task },72});73const updateCurrentTask = ({ taskId, updates }) => async (dispatch) => {74 dispatch(startRequest(CURRENT_TASK.UPDATE));75 let error = null;76 try {77 const { task } = await updateTask({ taskId, updates });78 dispatch(updateCurrentTaskSuccess(task));79 dispatch(addSuccessNotification(NOTIFICATIONS.TASK.UPDATE_SUCCESS));80 } catch (err) {81 dispatch(addErrorNotification(NOTIFICATIONS.TASK.UPDATE_ERROR));82 erorr = err;83 }84 dispatch(endRequest(CURRENT_TASK.UPDATE));85 return error;86};87const clearCurrentTask = () => ({88 type: CURRENT_TASK.CLEAR,89});90export {91 getCurrentTask,92 clearCurrentTask,93 _createTask as createTask,94 deleteCurrentTask,95 updateCurrentTask,...

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1#2# gdb helper commands and functions for Linux kernel debugging3#4# task & thread tools5#6# Copyright (c) Siemens AG, 2011-20137#8# Authors:9# Jan Kiszka <>10#11# This work is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL version 2.12#13import gdb14from linux import utils15task_type = utils.CachedType("struct task_struct")16def task_lists():17 task_ptr_type = task_type.get_type().pointer()18 init_task = gdb.parse_and_eval("init_task").address19 t = g = init_task20 while True:21 while True:22 yield t23 t = utils.container_of(t['thread_group']['next'],24 task_ptr_type, "thread_group")25 if t == g:26 break27 t = g = utils.container_of(g['tasks']['next'],28 task_ptr_type, "tasks")29 if t == init_task:30 return31def get_task_by_pid(pid):32 for task in task_lists():33 if int(task['pid']) == pid:34 return task35 return None36class LxTaskByPidFunc(gdb.Function):37 """Find Linux task by PID and return the task_struct variable.38$lx_task_by_pid(PID): Given PID, iterate over all tasks of the target and39return that task_struct variable which PID matches."""40 def __init__(self):41 super(LxTaskByPidFunc, self).__init__("lx_task_by_pid")42 def invoke(self, pid):43 task = get_task_by_pid(pid)44 if task:45 return task.dereference()46 else:47 raise gdb.GdbError("No task of PID " + str(pid))48LxTaskByPidFunc()49class LxPs(gdb.Command):50 """Dump Linux tasks."""51 def __init__(self):52 super(LxPs, self).__init__("lx-ps", gdb.COMMAND_DATA)53 def invoke(self, arg, from_tty):54 for task in task_lists():55 gdb.write("{address} {pid} {comm}\n".format(56 address=task,57 pid=task["pid"],58 comm=task["comm"].string()))59LxPs()60thread_info_type = utils.CachedType("struct thread_info")61ia64_task_size = None62def get_thread_info(task):63 thread_info_ptr_type = thread_info_type.get_type().pointer()64 if utils.is_target_arch("ia64"):65 global ia64_task_size66 if ia64_task_size is None:67 ia64_task_size = gdb.parse_and_eval("sizeof(struct task_struct)")68 thread_info_addr = task.address + ia64_task_size69 thread_info = thread_info_addr.cast(thread_info_ptr_type)70 else:71 thread_info = task['stack'].cast(thread_info_ptr_type)72 return thread_info.dereference()73class LxThreadInfoFunc (gdb.Function):74 """Calculate Linux thread_info from task variable.75$lx_thread_info(TASK): Given TASK, return the corresponding thread_info76variable."""77 def __init__(self):78 super(LxThreadInfoFunc, self).__init__("lx_thread_info")79 def invoke(self, task):80 return get_thread_info(task)...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var argosy = require('argosy')2var argosyPattern = require('argosy-pattern')3var argosyTasks = require('argosy-tasks')4var argosyRpc = require('argosy-rpc')5var argosyService = require('argosy-service')6var argosyPipeline = require('argosy-pipeline')7var argosyPipelineTask = require('argosy-pipeline-task')8var argosyPipelineTaskRun = require('argosy-pipeline-task-run')9var argosyPipelineTaskRunResult = require('argosy-pipeline-task-run-result')10var argosyPipelineTaskRunError = require('argosy-pipeline-task-run-error')11var argosyPipelineTaskRunProgress = require('argosy-pipeline-task-run-progress')12var argosyPipelineTaskRunTask = require('argosy-pipeline-task-run-task')13var argosyPipelineTaskRunTaskResult = require('argosy-pipeline-task-run-task-result')14var argosyPipelineTaskRunTaskError = require('argosy-pipeline-task-run-task-error')15var argosyPipelineTaskRunTaskProgress = require('argosy-pipeline-task-run-task-progress')16var argosyPipelineTaskRunTaskLog = require('argosy-pipeline-task-run-task-log')17var argosyPipelineTaskRunTaskLogResult = require('argosy-pipeline-task-run-task-log-result')18var argosyPipelineTaskRunTaskLogError = require('argosy-pipeline-task-run-task-log-error')19var argosyPipelineTaskRunTaskLogProgress = require('argosy-pipeline-task-run-task-log-progress')20var argosyPipelineTaskRunTaskLogStdout = require('argosy-pipeline-task-run-task-log-stdout')21var argosyPipelineTaskRunTaskLogStderr = require('argosy-pipeline-task-run-task-log-stderr')22var argosyPipelineTaskRunTaskLogStdoutResult = require('argosy-pipeline-task-run-task-log-stdout-result')23var argosyPipelineTaskRunTaskLogStderrResult = require('argosy-pipeline-task-run-task-log-stderr-result')24var argosyPipelineTaskRunTaskLogStdoutError = require('argosy-pipeline-task-run-task-log-stdout-error')

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1var argosy = require('argosy')2var argosyPattern = require('argosy-pattern')3var argosyService = argosy()4argosyService.use(argosyTask({task: 'multiply'}, function (input, cb) {5 cb(null, input.a * input.b);6}));7var argosyClient = argosy()8argosyClient.use(argosyTask({task: 'multiply'}, function (input, cb) {9 cb(null, input.a * input.b);10}));11argosyClient.accept(argosyService).ready(function () {12 multiply({a: 2, b: 3}, function (err, result) {13 });14});15argosyService.use(argosyTask({task: 'add'}, function (input, cb) {16 cb(null, input.a + input.b);17}));18var argosyClient = argosy()19argosyClient.use(argosyTask({task: 'add'}, function (input, cb) {20 cb(null, input.a + input.b);21}));22argosyClient.accept(argosyService).ready(function () {23 add({a: 2, b: 3}, function (err, result) {24 });25});26argosyService.use(argosyTask({task: 'subtract'}, function (input, cb) {27 cb(null, input.a - input.b);28}));29var argosyClient = argosy()30argosyClient.use(argosyTask({task: 'subtract'}, function (input, cb) {31 cb(null, input.a - input.b);32}));33argosyClient.accept(argosyService).ready(function () {34 subtract({a: 2, b: 3}, function (err, result) {35 });36});37argosyService.use(argosyTask({task:

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1var argosy = require('argosy')2var argosyPattern = require('argosy-pattern')3var argosyTask = require('argosy-task')4var argosyTaskPattern = require('argosy-task-pattern')5var argosyTaskClient = require('argosy-task-client')6var argosyTaskClientPattern = require('argosy-task-client-pattern')7var argosyTaskClientTask = require('argosy-task-client-task')8var argosyTaskClientTaskPattern = require('argosy-task-client-task-pattern')9var argosyTaskClientTaskClient = require('argosy-task-client-task-client')10var argosyTaskClientTaskClientPattern = require('argosy-task-client-task-client-pattern')11var argosyTaskClientTaskClientTask = require('argosy-task-client-task-client-task')12var argosyTaskClientTaskClientTaskPattern = require('argosy-task-client-task-client-task-pattern')13var argosyTaskClientTaskClientTaskClient = require('argosy-task-client-task-client-task-client')14var argosyTaskClientTaskClientTaskClientPattern = require('argosy-task-client-task-client-task-client-pattern')15var argosyTaskClientTaskClientTaskClientTask = require('argosy-task-client-task-client-task-client-task')16var argosyTaskClientTaskClientTaskClientTaskPattern = require('argosy-task-client-task-client-task-client-task-pattern')17var argosyTaskClientTaskClientTaskClientTaskClient = require('argosy-task-client-task-client-task-client-task-client')18var argosyTaskClientTaskClientTaskClientTaskClientPattern = require('argosy-task-client-task-client-task-client-task-client-pattern')19var argosyTaskClientTaskClientTaskClientTaskClientTask = require('argosy-task-client-task-client-task-client-task-client-task')20var argosyTaskClientTaskClientTaskClientTaskClientTaskPattern = require('argosy-task-client-task-client-task-client-task-client-task-pattern')21var argosyTaskClientTaskClientTaskClientTaskClientTaskClient = require('argosy-task-client-task-client-task-client-task-client-task-client')22var argosyTaskClientTaskClientTaskClientTaskClientTaskClientPattern = require('argosy-task-client-task-client-task-client-task-client-task-client-pattern')

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1var argosy = require('argosy')2var pattern = require('argosy-pattern')3var service = argosy()4service.use('math', task({5 add: function (a, b) {6 }7}))8service.listen(8000)9var client = argosy()10client.use('math', task({11 add: function (a, b, cb) {12 cb(null, a + b)13 }14}))15client.act('math:add', [1, 2], function (err, result) {16})17client.listen(8001)18var argosy = require('argosy')19var pattern = require('argosy-pattern')20var service = argosy()21service.use('math', task({22 add: function (a, b) {23 }24}))25service.listen(8000)26var client = argosy()27client.use('math', task({28 add: function (a, b, cb) {29 cb(null, a + b)30 }31}))32client.act('math:add', [1, 2], function (err, result) {33})34client.listen(8001)

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1var argosy = require('argosy')2var path = require('path')3var test = argosy()4test.pipe(argosy.acceptor({5 task: function (task, cb) {6 cb(null, task)7 }8})).pipe(test)9var argosy = require('argosy')10var path = require('path')11var test2 = argosy()12test2.pipe(argosy.acceptor({13 send: function (task, cb) {14 cb(null, task)15 }16})).pipe(test2)17var test = require('argosy-pattern/​test')18var argosy = require('argosy')19var path = require('path')20var test = argosy()21test.pipe(argosy.acceptor({22 task: function (task, cb) {23 cb(null, task)24 }25})).pipe(test)26test({$: 'task', foo: 'bar'}, function (err, result) {27 if (err) {28 console.log('error')29 } else {30 console.log('result', result)31 }32})33test({$: 'send', foo: 'bar'}, function (err, result) {34 if (err) {35 console.log('error')36 } else {37 console.log('result', result)38 }39})40### pattern(pattern, handler)41### test(pattern)

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1var argosy = require('argosy')2var pattern = require('argosy-pattern')3var service = argosy()4service.accept({5 task: task('start', 'stop')6})7service.pipe(service)8service.on('request', function (request, cb) {9 if (request.task === 'start') {10 cb(null, 'started')11 }12 else if (request.task === 'stop') {13 cb(null, 'stopped')14 }15})16service.on('error', function (err) {17 console.log(err)18})19service.act('task:start', function (err, response) {20 if (err) {21 console.log(err)22 }23 else {24 console.log(response)25 }26})27service.act('task:stop', function (err, response) {28 if (err) {29 console.log(err)30 }31 else {32 console.log(response)33 }34})35var argosy = require('argosy')36var pattern = require('argosy-pattern')37var service = argosy()38service.accept({39 task: task('start', 'stop')40})41service.pipe(service)42service.on('request', function (request, cb) {43 if (request.task === 'start') {44 cb(null, 'started')45 }46 else if (request.task === 'stop') {47 cb(null, 'stopped')48 }49})50service.on('error', function (err) {51 console.log(err)52})53service.act('task:start', function (err, response) {54 if (err) {55 console.log(err)56 }57 else {58 console.log(response)59 }60})61service.act('task:stop', function (err, response) {62 if (err) {63 console.log(err)64 }65 else {66 console.log(response)67 }68})69var argosy = require('argosy')70var pattern = require('argosy-pattern')71var service = argosy()72service.accept({73 task: task('start', 'stop')74})75service.pipe(service)

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1var argosy = require('argosy')2var task = require('argosy-pattern/​task')3var patterns = require('argosy-pattern')4var hello = argosy()5hello.pipe(argosy.accept({6 hello: task(function (name, cb) {7 cb(null, 'Hello ' + name)8 })9})).pipe(hello)10var argosy = require('argosy')11var task = require('argosy-pattern/​task')12var patterns = require('argosy-pattern')13var hello = argosy()14hello.pipe(argosy.accept({15 hello: task(function (name, cb) {16 cb(null, 'Hello ' + name)17 })18})).pipe(hello)19var argosy = require('argosy')20var task = require('argosy-pattern/​task')21var patterns = require('argosy-pattern')22var hello = argosy()23hello.pipe(argosy.accept({24 hello: task(function (name, cb) {25 cb(null, 'Hello ' + name)26 })27})).pipe(hello)28var argosy = require('argosy')29var task = require('argosy-pattern/​task')30var patterns = require('argosy-pattern')31var hello = argosy()32hello.pipe(argosy.accept({33 hello: task(function (name, cb) {34 cb(null, 'Hello ' + name)35 })36})).pipe(hello)37var argosy = require('argosy')38var task = require('argosy-pattern/​task')39var patterns = require('argosy-pattern')40var hello = argosy()41hello.pipe(argosy.accept({42 hello: task(function (name, cb) {43 cb(null, 'Hello ' + name)44 })45})).pipe(hello)46var argosy = require('argosy')47var task = require('argosy-pattern/​task')48var patterns = require('argosy-pattern')

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Using AI Code Generation


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1argosy.task('test', function (msg, cb) {2 console.log('test task called with message: ' + msg);3 cb(null, 'test task completed');4});5argosy.task('test2', function (msg, cb) {6 console.log('test2 task called with message: ' + msg);7 cb(null, 'test2 task completed');8});9argosy.task('test3', function (msg, cb) {10 console.log('test3 task called with message: ' + msg);11 cb(null, 'test3 task completed');12});13argosy.task('test4', function (msg, cb) {14 console.log('test4 task called with message: ' + msg);15 cb(null, 'test4 task completed');16});17argosy.task('test5', function (msg, cb) {18 console.log('test5 task called with message: ' + msg);19 cb(null, 'test5 task completed');20});21argosy.task('test6', function (msg, cb) {22 console.log('test6 task called with message: ' + msg);23 cb(null, 'test6 task completed');24});25argosy.task('test7', function (msg, cb) {26 console.log('test7 task called with message: ' + msg);27 cb(null, 'test7 task completed');28});29argosy.task('test8', function (msg, cb) {30 console.log('test8 task called with message: ' + msg);31 cb(null, 'test8 task completed');32});33argosy.task('test9', function (msg, cb) {34 console.log('test9 task called with message: ' + msg);35 cb(null, 'test9 task completed');36});37argosy.task('test10', function (msg, cb) {38 console.log('test10 task called with message: ' + msg);

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Automation Testing Tutorials

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