How to use syncing method in argos

Best JavaScript code snippet using argos


Source:log_sync_utils.js Github


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1(function(){2 var ref$, get_log_names, getInterventionLogCollection, get_current_collections, list_collections_to_sync, getCollection, get_user_id, get_install_id, post_json, sleep, gexport, gexport_module, chrome_manifest, habitlab_version, developer_mode, unofficial_version, start_syncing_all_data, stop_syncing_all_data, upload_log_item_to_server, sync_unsynced_logs, log_syncing_active, start_syncing_all_logs, stop_syncing_all_logs, make_item_synced_in_collection, upload_collection_item_to_server, sync_unsynced_items_in_db_collection, db_syncing_active, start_syncing_all_db_collections, stop_syncing_all_db_collections, out$ = typeof exports != 'undefined' && exports || this;3 ref$ = require('libs_backend/​log_utils'), get_log_names = ref$.get_log_names, getInterventionLogCollection = ref$.getInterventionLogCollection;4 ref$ = require('libs_backend/​db_utils'), get_current_collections = ref$.get_current_collections, list_collections_to_sync = ref$.list_collections_to_sync, getCollection = ref$.getCollection;5 ref$ = require('libs_backend/​background_common'), get_user_id = ref$.get_user_id, get_install_id = ref$.get_install_id;6 post_json = require('libs_backend/​ajax_utils').post_json;7 sleep = require('libs_common/​common_libs').sleep;8 ref$ = require('libs_common/​gexport'), gexport = ref$.gexport, gexport_module = ref$.gexport_module;9 if ((typeof chrome != 'undefined' && chrome !== null ? (ref$ = chrome.runtime) != null ? ref$.getManifest : void 8 : void 8) != null) {10 chrome_manifest = chrome.runtime.getManifest();11 habitlab_version = chrome_manifest.version;12 developer_mode = chrome_manifest.update_url == null;13 unofficial_version = !== 'obghclocpdgcekcognpkblghkedcpdgd';14 } else {15 habitlab_version = 'test';16 developer_mode = true;17 unofficial_version = true;18 }19 out$.start_syncing_all_data = start_syncing_all_data = function(){20 if (localStorage.getItem('allow_logging') !== 'true') {21 dlog('logging disabled, not syncing data');22 return;23 }24 start_syncing_all_logs();25 return start_syncing_all_db_collections();26 };27 out$.stop_syncing_all_data = stop_syncing_all_data = function(){28 stop_syncing_all_db_collections();29 return stop_syncing_all_logs();30 };31 upload_log_item_to_server = async function(name, data){32 var logging_server_url, collection, upload_successful, response, e;33 if (localStorage.getItem('local_logging_server') === 'true') {34 logging_server_url = 'http:/​/​localhost:5000/​';35 } else {36 logging_server_url = 'https:/​/​​';37 }38 collection = (await getInterventionLogCollection(name));39 data = import$({}, data);40 data.logname = name;41 upload_successful = true;42 try {43 response = (await post_json(logging_server_url + 'addtolog', data));44 if (response.success) {45 (await collection.where('id').equals({46 synced: 147 }));48 } else {49 upload_successful = false;50 dlog('response from server was not successful in upload_log_item_to_server');51 dlog(response);52 dlog(data);53 }54 } catch (e$) {55 e = e$;56 upload_successful = false;57 dlog('error thrown in upload_log_item_to_server');58 dlog(e);59 dlog(data);60 dlog(name);61 }62 return upload_successful;63 };64 out$.sync_unsynced_logs = sync_unsynced_logs = async function(name){65 var collection, num_unsynced, unsynced_items, all_successful, i$, len$, x, item_upload_success;66 collection = (await getInterventionLogCollection(name));67 num_unsynced = (await collection.where('synced').equals(0).count());68 if (num_unsynced === 0) {69 return true;70 }71 dlog('syncing logs ' + name + ' num_unsynced is: ' + num_unsynced);72 unsynced_items = (await collection.where('synced').equals(0).toArray());73 all_successful = true;74 for (i$ = 0, len$ = unsynced_items.length; i$ < len$; ++i$) {75 x = unsynced_items[i$];76 item_upload_success = (await upload_log_item_to_server(name, x));77 if (!item_upload_success) {78 all_successful = false;79 return false;80 }81 }82 return all_successful;83 };84 log_syncing_active = false;85 out$.start_syncing_all_logs = start_syncing_all_logs = async function(){86 var log_names, i$, len$, logname, all_successful;87 if (log_syncing_active) {88 dlog('log_syncing already active');89 return;90 }91 log_syncing_active = true;92 while (log_syncing_active) {93 log_names = (await get_log_names());94 for (i$ = 0, len$ = log_names.length; i$ < len$; ++i$) {95 logname = log_names[i$];96 if (!log_syncing_active) {97 return;98 }99 all_successful = (await sync_unsynced_logs(logname));100 if (!all_successful) {101 dlog('error during logs syncing, pausing 120 seconds: ' + logname);102 (await sleep(120000));103 }104 }105 (await sleep(1000));106 }107 };108 out$.stop_syncing_all_logs = stop_syncing_all_logs = function(){109 return log_syncing_active = false;110 };111 make_item_synced_in_collection = async function(collection_name, item){112 var collection, schema, primary_key, query;113 collection = (await getCollection(collection_name));114 schema = get_current_collections()[collection_name];115 primary_key = schema.split(',')[0];116 if (primary_key === 'key') {117 query = item.key;118 } else if (primary_key === '[key+key2]') {119 query = [item.key, item.key2];120 } else {121 throw new Error('collection has primary key that we do not handle: ' + collection_name);122 }123 return (await collection.where(primary_key).equals(query).and(function(x){124 return x.timestamp === item.timestamp;125 }).modify({126 synced: 1127 }));128 };129 upload_collection_item_to_server = async function(name, data){130 var logging_server_url, collection, upload_successful, response, e;131 if (localStorage.getItem('local_logging_server') === 'true') {132 logging_server_url = 'http:/​/​localhost:5000/​';133 } else {134 logging_server_url = 'https:/​/​​';135 }136 collection = (await getCollection(name));137 data = import$({}, data);138 data.userid = (await get_user_id());139 data.install_id = (await get_install_id());140 data.collection = name;141 data.habitlab_version = habitlab_version;142 if (developer_mode) {143 data.developer_mode = true;144 }145 if (unofficial_version) {146 data.unofficial_version =;147 }148 upload_successful = true;149 try {150 response = (await post_json(logging_server_url + 'sync_collection_item', data));151 if (response.success) {152 (await make_item_synced_in_collection(name, data));153 } else {154 upload_successful = false;155 dlog('response from server was not successful in upload_collection_item_to_server');156 dlog(response);157 dlog(data);158 }159 } catch (e$) {160 e = e$;161 dlog('error thrown in upload_collection_item_to_server');162 dlog(e);163 upload_successful = false;164 }165 return upload_successful;166 };167 out$.sync_unsynced_items_in_db_collection = sync_unsynced_items_in_db_collection = async function(name){168 var collection, num_unsynced, unsynced_items, all_successful, i$, len$, x, item_upload_success;169 collection = (await getCollection(name));170 num_unsynced = (await collection.where('synced').equals(0).count());171 if (num_unsynced === 0) {172 return true;173 }174 dlog('syncing db items ' + name + ' num_unsynced is: ' + num_unsynced);175 unsynced_items = (await collection.where('synced').equals(0).toArray());176 all_successful = true;177 for (i$ = 0, len$ = unsynced_items.length; i$ < len$; ++i$) {178 x = unsynced_items[i$];179 item_upload_success = (await upload_collection_item_to_server(name, x));180 if (!item_upload_success) {181 all_successful = false;182 return false;183 }184 }185 return all_successful;186 };187 db_syncing_active = false;188 out$.start_syncing_all_db_collections = start_syncing_all_db_collections = async function(){189 var collection_names, infrequently_synced, sync_nums, i$, len$, collection_name, all_successful;190 if (db_syncing_active) {191 dlog('db_syncing already active');192 return;193 }194 db_syncing_active = true;195 collection_names = list_collections_to_sync();196 infrequently_synced = ['seconds_on_domain_per_day', 'seconds_on_domain_per_session', 'custom_measurements_each_day', 'visits_to_domain_per_day'];197 sync_nums = {};198 for (i$ = 0, len$ = infrequently_synced.length; i$ < len$; ++i$) {199 collection_name = infrequently_synced[i$];200 sync_nums[collection_name] = 120;201 }202 while (db_syncing_active) {203 for (i$ = 0, len$ = collection_names.length; i$ < len$; ++i$) {204 collection_name = collection_names[i$];205 if (!db_syncing_active) {206 return;207 }208 if (infrequently_synced.includes(collection_name)) {209 sync_nums[collection_name] += 1;210 if (sync_nums[collection_name] < 120) {211 continue;212 } else {213 sync_nums[collection_name] = 0;214 }215 }216 all_successful = (await sync_unsynced_items_in_db_collection(collection_name));217 if (!all_successful) {218 dlog('error during collection syncing, pausing 1200 seconds: ' + collection_name);219 (await sleep(1200000));220 }221 }222 (await sleep(1000));223 }224 };225 out$.stop_syncing_all_db_collections = stop_syncing_all_db_collections = function(){226 return db_syncing_active = false;227 };228 gexport_module('log_sync_utils', function(it){229 return eval(it);230 });231 function import$(obj, src){232 var own = {}.hasOwnProperty;233 for (var key in src) if (, key)) obj[key] = src[key];234 return obj;235 }...

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Source:SyncingSubscriptionTest.js Github


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1import {formatters} from 'susyweb-core-helpers';2import SyncingSubscription from '../​../​../​../​src/​subscriptions/​sof/​SyncingSubscription';3/​/​ Mocks4jest.mock('susyweb-core-helpers');5/​**6 * SyncingSubscription test7 */​8describe('SyncingSubscriptionTest', () => {9 let syncingSubscription;10 beforeEach(() => {11 syncingSubscription = new SyncingSubscription({}, formatters, {});12 });13 it('constructor check', () => {14 expect(syncingSubscription.isSyncing).toEqual(null);15 expect(syncingSubscription.method).toEqual('syncing');16 expect(syncingSubscription.type).toEqual('sof_subscribe');17 expect(syncingSubscription.options).toEqual(null);18 expect(syncingSubscription.utils).toEqual({});19 expect(syncingSubscription.formatters).toEqual(formatters);20 expect(syncingSubscription.moduleInstance).toEqual({});21 });22 it('onNewSubscriptionItem calls outputSyncingFormatter and emits "changed" event (isSyncing: null)', (done) => {23 const item = {result: {syncing: true}};24 syncingSubscription.on('changed', (subscriptionItem) => {25 expect(subscriptionItem).toEqual(true);26 done();27 });28 syncingSubscription.onNewSubscriptionItem(item);29 expect(formatters.outputSyncingFormatter).toHaveBeenCalledWith(item);30 });31 it('onNewSubscriptionItem calls outputSyncingFormatter and emits "changed" event (isSyncing: true)', (done) => {32 const item = {result: {syncing: false}};33 syncingSubscription.on('changed', (subscriptionItem) => {34 expect(subscriptionItem).toEqual(item.result.syncing);35 done();36 });37 syncingSubscription.isSyncing = true;38 syncingSubscription.onNewSubscriptionItem(item);39 expect(formatters.outputSyncingFormatter).toHaveBeenCalledWith(item);40 });41 it('onNewSubscriptionItem calls outputSyncingFormatter and emits "changed" event (isSyncing: false)', (done) => {42 const item = {result: {syncing: true}};43 syncingSubscription.on('changed', (subscriptionItem) => {44 expect(subscriptionItem).toEqual(item.result.syncing);45 done();46 });47 syncingSubscription.isSyncing = false;48 syncingSubscription.onNewSubscriptionItem(item);49 expect(formatters.outputSyncingFormatter).toHaveBeenCalledWith(item);50 });...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var argosy = require('argosy')2var argosyPattern = require('argosy-pattern')3var argosySync = require('argosy-sync')4var argosyService = argosy()5argosyService.use(argosyPattern({role: 'math', cmd: 'sum'}, function (args, callback) {6 console.log(args)7 callback(null, result)8}))9argosyService.use(argosySync({role: 'math', cmd: 'sum'}, function (args, callback) {10 console.log(args)11 callback(null, result)12}))13argosyService.listen(8000)14var argosy = require('argosy')15var argosyPattern = require('argosy-pattern')16var argosyService = argosy()17argosyService.use(argosyPattern({role: 'math', cmd: 'sum'}, function (args, callback) {18 console.log(args)19 callback(null, result)20}))21argosyService.listen(8000)22var argosy = require('argosy')23var argosyPattern = require('argosy-pattern')24var argosySync = require('argosy-sync')25var argosyClient = argosy()26argosyClient.use(argosyPattern({role: 'math', cmd: 'sum'}, function (args, callback) {27 console.log(args)28 callback(null, result)29}))30argosyClient.use(argosySync({role: 'math', cmd: 'sum'}, function (args, callback) {31 console.log(args)32 callback(null, result)33}))34argosyClient.connect(8000)35var client = require('./​client')36var test = require('./​test')37var sum = client({role: 'math', cmd: 'sum'})38sum({left: 1, right: 2}, function (err, result) {39 console.log(result)40})41test({left: 1, right: 2}, function (err, result) {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var argosy = require('argosy')2var receiver = argosy()3var sender = argosy()4receiver.pipe(sender).pipe(receiver)5receiver.accept({role: 'math', cmd: 'sum'}, function (msg, cb) {6 cb(null, {answer: msg.left + msg.right})7})8sender.act({role: 'math', cmd: 'sum', left: 1, right: 2}, function (err, msg) {9})10The callback function passed to act() is called with the following arguments:11The callback function passed to accept() is called with the following arguments:12var argosy = require('argosy')13var receiver = argosy()14var sender = argosy()15receiver.pipe(sender).pipe(receiver)16receiver.accept({role: 'math', cmd: 'sum'}, function (msg) {17 return Promise.resolve({answer: msg.left + msg.right})18})19sender.act({role: 'math', cmd: 'sum', left: 1, right: 2}, function (err, msg) {20})

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var argosy = require('argosy')2var service = argosy()3service.pipe(argosy.acceptor({ port: 8000 })).pipe(service)4service.accept({ hello: 'world' }, function (msg, cb) {5 cb(null, { hey: 'there' })6})7var argosy = require('argosy')8var service = argosy()9service.pipe(argosy.acceptor({ port: 8000 })).pipe(service)10service.accept({ hello: 'world' }, function (msg, cb) {11 cb(null, { hey: 'there' })12})13var argosy = require('argosy')14var service = argosy()15service.pipe(argosy.acceptor({ port: 8000 })).pipe(service)16service.accept({ hello: 'world' }, function (msg, cb) {17 cb(null, { hey: 'there' })18})19var argosy = require('argosy')20var service = argosy()21service.pipe(argosy.acceptor({ port: 8000 })).pipe(service)22service.accept({ hello: 'world' }, function (msg, cb) {23 cb(null, { hey: 'there' })24})25var argosy = require('argosy')26var service = argosy()27service.pipe(argosy.acceptor({ port: 8000 })).pipe(service)28service.accept({ hello: 'world' }, function (msg, cb) {29 cb(null, { hey: 'there' })30})31var argosy = require('argosy')32var service = argosy()33service.pipe(argosy.acceptor({ port: 8000 })).pipe(service)34service.accept({ hello: 'world' }, function (msg, cb) {35 cb(null, { hey: 'there' })36})37var argosy = require('argosy')

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var argosy = require('argosy')()2var sync = require('argosy-pattern/​sync')3argosy.accept(sync({4}, function (pattern, cb) {5 cb(null, 'hello ' + pattern.hello)6}))7argosy.pipe(require('argosy-pattern/​transport')()).pipe(argosy)8var sync = require('argosy-pattern/​sync')(argosy)9sync.hello('world', function (err, result) {10})

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var argosy = require('argosy')2var sync = require('argosy-sync')3var request = sync(argosy())4request('hello:world', function (err, reply) {5})6var argosy = require('argosy')7var sync = require('argosy-sync')8var request = argosy()9request.pipe(sync(request)).pipe(request)10request.accept({ hello: 'world' }, function (msg, cb) {11 cb(null, 'hello world')12})13### sync(request)

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var argos = require('argos-sync');2var argosSync = argos.createClient({host: "localhost", port: 6379, password: "password"});3var argos = require('argos');4var argosAsync = argos.createClient({host: "localhost", port: 6379, password: "password"});5var argos = require('argos');6var argosAsync = argos.createClient({host: "localhost", port: 6379, password: "password"});7var result = argosSync.get("key");8console.log(result);9argosAsync.get("key", function(err, result){10 console.log(result);11});12argosAsync.get("key").then(function(result){13 console.log(result);14});15[MIT License](

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