How to use spy2 method in argos

Best JavaScript code snippet using argos


Source:callOrder.js Github


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...23 spy1.should.have.been.calledBefore(spy2);24 }).to.not.throw();25 });26 it("should throw an assertion error when only spy 2 is called", function () {27 spy2();28 expect(function () {29 spy1.should.have.been.calledBefore(spy2);30 }).to.throw(AssertionError);31 });32 it("should not throw when spy 1 is called before spy 2", function () {33 spy1();34 spy2();35 expect(function () {36 spy1.should.have.been.calledBefore(spy2);37 }).to.not.throw();38 });39 it("should throw an assertion error when spy 1 is called after spy 2", function () {40 spy2();41 spy1();42 expect(function () {43 spy1.should.have.been.calledBefore(spy2);44 }).to.throw(AssertionError);45 });46 });47 if (spy1.calledImmediatelyBefore) {48 describe("spy1 calledImmediatelyBefore spy2", function () {49 it("should throw an assertion error when neither spy is called", function () {50 expect(function () {51 spy1.should.have.been.calledImmediatelyBefore(spy2);52 }).to.throw(AssertionError);53 });54 it("should throw an assertion error when only spy 1 is called", function () {55 spy1();56 expect(function () {57 spy1.should.have.been.calledImmediatelyBefore(spy2);58 }).to.throw(AssertionError);59 });60 it("should throw an assertion error when only spy 2 is called", function () {61 spy2();62 expect(function () {63 spy1.should.have.been.calledImmediatelyBefore(spy2);64 }).to.throw(AssertionError);65 });66 it("should not throw when spy 1 is called immediately before spy 2", function () {67 spy1();68 spy2();69 expect(function () {70 spy1.should.have.been.calledImmediatelyBefore(spy2);71 }).to.not.throw();72 });73 it("should throw an assertion error when spy 1 is called before spy 2, but not immediately", function () {74 spy2();75 spy3();76 spy1();77 expect(function () {78 spy1.should.have.been.calledImmediatelyBefore(spy2);79 }).to.throw(AssertionError);80 });81 it("should throw an assertion error when spy 1 is called after spy 2", function () {82 spy2();83 spy1();84 expect(function () {85 spy1.should.have.been.calledImmediatelyBefore(spy2);86 }).to.throw(AssertionError);87 });88 });89 }90 describe("spy1 calledAfter spy2", function () {91 it("should throw an assertion error when neither spy is called", function () {92 expect(function () {93 spy1.should.have.been.calledAfter(spy2);94 }).to.throw(AssertionError);95 });96 it("should throw an assertion error when only spy 1 is called", function () {97 spy1();98 expect(function () {99 spy1.should.have.been.calledAfter(spy2);100 }).to.throw(AssertionError);101 });102 it("should throw an assertion error when only spy 2 is called", function () {103 spy2();104 expect(function () {105 spy1.should.have.been.calledAfter(spy2);106 }).to.throw(AssertionError);107 });108 it("should throw an assertion error when spy 1 is called before spy 2", function () {109 spy1();110 spy2();111 expect(function () {112 spy1.should.have.been.calledAfter(spy2);113 }).to.throw(AssertionError);114 });115 it("should not throw when spy 1 is called after spy 2", function () {116 spy2();117 spy1();118 expect(function () {119 spy1.should.have.been.calledAfter(spy2);120 }).to.not.throw();121 });122 });123 if (spy1.calledImmediatelyAfter) {124 describe("spy1 calledImmediatelyAfter spy2", function () {125 it("should throw an assertion error when neither spy is called", function () {126 expect(function () {127 spy1.should.have.been.calledImmediatelyAfter(spy2);128 }).to.throw(AssertionError);129 });130 it("should throw an assertion error when only spy 1 is called", function () {131 spy1();132 expect(function () {133 spy1.should.have.been.calledImmediatelyAfter(spy2);134 }).to.throw(AssertionError);135 });136 it("should throw an assertion error when only spy 2 is called", function () {137 spy2();138 expect(function () {139 spy1.should.have.been.calledImmediatelyAfter(spy2);140 }).to.throw(AssertionError);141 });142 it("should throw an assertion error when spy 1 is called before spy 2", function () {143 spy1();144 spy2();145 expect(function () {146 spy1.should.have.been.calledImmediatelyAfter(spy2);147 }).to.throw(AssertionError);148 });149 it("should not throw when spy 1 is called immediately after spy 2", function () {150 spy2();151 spy1();152 expect(function () {153 spy1.should.have.been.calledImmediatelyAfter(spy2);154 }).to.not.throw();155 });156 it("should throw an assertion error when spy 1 is called after spy 2, but not immediately", function () {157 spy1();158 spy3();159 spy2();160 expect(function () {161 spy1.should.have.been.calledImmediatelyAfter(spy2);162 }).to.throw(AssertionError);163 });164 });165 }...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var argosy = require('argosy')2var argosyPattern = require('argosy-pattern')3var argosyRpc = require('argosy-rpc')4var argosyRpcSpy = require('../​index')5var argosyRpcSpy2 = require('../​index2')6var myService = argosy()7myService.pipe(argosyRpc({ hello: hello }))8.pipe(argosyRpcSpy())9.pipe(argosyRpcSpy2())10.pipe(myService)11function hello (name, cb) {12cb(null, 'hello ' + name)13}14myService.accept({ hello: argosyPattern.match.string })15myService.act({ hello: 'world' }, function (err, result) {16})17var argosy = require('argosy')18var argosyPattern = require('argosy-pattern')19var argosyRpc = require('argosy-rpc')20var argosyRpcSpy = require('../​index')21var argosyRpcSpy2 = require('../​index2')22var myService = argosy()23myService.pipe(argosyRpc({ hello: hello }))24.pipe(argosyRpcSpy())25.pipe(argosyRpcSpy2())26.pipe(myService)27function hello (name, cb) {28cb(null, 'hello ' + name)29}30myService.accept({ hello: argosyPattern.match.string })31myService.act({ hello: 'world' }, function (err, result) {32})33var argosy = require('argosy')34var argosyPattern = require('argosy-pattern')35var argosyRpc = require('argosy-rpc')36var argosyRpcSpy = require('../​index')37var argosyRpcSpy2 = require('../​index2')38var myService = argosy()39myService.pipe(argosyRpc({ hello: hello }))40.pipe(argosyRpcSpy())41.pipe(argosyRpcSpy2())42.pipe(myService)43function hello (name, cb) {44cb(null, 'hello ' + name)45}46myService.accept({ hello: argosyPattern.match.string })47myService.act({ hello: 'world' }, function

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var argosy = require('argosy');2var argosyPattern = require('argosy-pattern');3var argosyPatterns = require('argosy-patterns');4var spy2 = require('spy2');5var svc = argosy();6svc.pipe(spy2()).pipe(svc);7svc.accept({8}, function (msg, cb) {9 cb(null, msg.left + msg.right);10});11svc.accept({12}, function (msg, cb) {13 cb(null, msg.left * msg.right);14});15svc.accept({16}, function (msg, cb) {17 cb(null, Math.floor(msg.left) + Math.floor(msg.right));18});19svc.accept({20}, function (msg, cb) {21 cb(null, Math.floor(msg.left) * Math.floor(msg.right));22});23svc.act({24}, console.log);25svc.act({26}, console.log);27svc.act({28}, console.log);29svc.act({30}, console.log);31svc.act({32}, console.log);33svc.act({34}, console.log);35svc.act({36}, console.log);37svc.act({

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var argosy = require('argosy')2var spy2 = require('./​spy2')3var argosyInstance = argosy()4argosyInstance.pipe(spy2()).pipe(argosyInstance)5argosyInstance.accept({role: 'foo', cmd: 'bar'}, function (msg, cb) {6 cb(null, {hello: 'world'})7})8argosyInstance.act({role: 'foo', cmd: 'bar'}, function (err, result) {9 console.log(result)10})11var argosy = require('argosy')12var spy = require('./​spy')13var argosyInstance = argosy()14argosyInstance.pipe(spy()).pipe(argosyInstance)15argosyInstance.accept({role: 'foo', cmd: 'bar'}, function (msg, cb) {16 cb(null, {hello: 'world'})17})18argosyInstance.act({role: 'foo', cmd: 'bar'}, function (err, result) {19 console.log(result)20})21var argosy = require('argosy')22var through = require('through2')23module.exports = function () {24 return through.obj(function (msg, enc, cb) {25 console.log(msg)26 this.push(msg)27 cb()28 })29}30var argosy = require('argosy')31var through = require('through2')32module.exports = function () {33 return through.obj(function (msg, enc, cb) {34 console.log(msg)35 this.push(msg)36 cb()37 })38}39{ role: 'foo', cmd: 'bar' }40{ role: 'foo', cmd: 'bar' }

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var argosy = require('argosy')2var argosyService = require('argosy-service')3var argosyPattern = require('argosy-pattern')4var assert = require('assert')5var service = argosyService()6var spy = argosy()7spy.pipe(service.accept({ hello: 'world' }))8spy.pipe(argosy.accept({ hello: 'world' }))9var spy2 = argosy()10spy2.pipe(service.accept({ hello: 'world2' }))11spy2.pipe(argosy.accept({ hello: 'world2' }))12var spy3 = argosy()13spy3.pipe(service.accept({ hello: 'world3' }))14spy3.pipe(argosy.accept({ hello: 'world3' }))15var client = argosy()16client.pipe(service).pipe(client)17client({ hello: 'world' }, function (err, response) {18 assert.ifError(err)19 assert.equal(response, 'world')20})21client({ hello: 'world2' }, function (err, response) {22 assert.ifError(err)23 assert.equal(response, 'world2')24})25client({ hello: 'world3' }, function (err, response) {26 assert.ifError(err)27 assert.equal(response, 'world3')28})29var client2 = argosy()30client2.pipe(service).pipe(client2)31client2({ hello: 'world' }, function (err, response) {32 assert.ifError(err)33 assert.equal(response, 'world')34})35client2({ hello: 'world2' }, function (err, response) {36 assert.ifError(err)37 assert.equal(response, 'world2')38})39client2({ hello: 'world3' }, function (err, response) {40 assert.ifError(err)41 assert.equal(response, 'world3')42})43var client3 = argosy()44client3.pipe(service).pipe(client3)45client3({ hello: 'world' }, function (err, response) {46 assert.ifError(err)47 assert.equal(response, 'world')48})49client3({ hello: 'world2' }, function (err, response) {50 assert.ifError(err)51 assert.equal(response, 'world2')52})53client3({ hello: 'world3' }, function (err, response) {54 assert.ifError(err)55 assert.equal(response, '

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var argosy = require('argosy')2var spy2 = require('spy2')3var service = argosy()4service.pipe(spy2()).pipe(service)5service.accept({hello: 'world'})6service.on('data', function (data) {7 console.log(data)8})9var argosy = require('argosy')10var spy2 = require('spy2')11var service = argosy()12service.pipe(spy2()).pipe(service)13service.accept({hello: 'world'})14service.on('data', function (data) {15 console.log(data)16})17var argosy = require('argosy')18var spy2 = require('spy2')19var service = argosy()20service.pipe(spy2()).pipe(service)21service.accept({hello: 'world'})22service.on('data', function (data) {23 console.log(data)24})25var argosy = require('argosy')26var spy2 = require('spy2')27var service = argosy()28service.pipe(spy2()).pipe(service)29service.accept({hello: 'world'})30service.on('data', function (data) {31 console.log(data)32})33var argosy = require('argosy')

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var spy2 = require('argosy').spy2;2var spy = spy2();3spy('hello', function (err, result) {4 console.log(result);5});6var spy2 = require('argosy').spy2;7var spy = spy2();8spy('hello', function (err, result) {9 console.log(result);10});11at errnoException (net.js:905:11)12at Server._listen2 (net.js:1043:14)13at listen (net.js:1065:10)14at Server.listen (net.js:1149:5)15at Object. (C:\Users\MyName\Documents\GitHub\argosy\node_modules\argosy\lib\spy2.js:27:24)16at Module._compile (module.js:456:26)17at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:474:10)18at Module.load (module.js:356:32)19at Function.Module._load (module.js:312:12)20at Module.require (module.js:364:17)21at require (module.js:380:17)22at Object. (C:\Users\MyName\Documents\GitHub\argosy\test.js:2:15)23at Module._compile (module.js:456:26)24at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:474:10)25at Module.load (module.js:356:32)26at Function.Module._load (module.js:312:12)27at Function.Module.runMain (module.js:497:10)28at startup (node.js:119:16)

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var spy2 = require('argosy').spy2;2var spy = spy2();3var process = spy(function (data, cb) {4 cb(null, data);5});6process('hello', function (err, data) {7 console.log(data);8});9var spy2 = require('argosy-pattern').spy2;10var spy = spy2();11var process = spy(function (data, cb) {12 cb(null, data);13});14process('hello', function (err, data) {15 console.log(data);16});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var argos = require('argos');2var spy2 = argos.spy2;3var spy2Method = spy2.method;4var spy2Method = spy2.method;5spy2Method('test', 'test', function() {6});7var argos = require('argos');8var spy2 = argos.spy2;9var spy2Method = spy2.method;10var spy2Method = spy2.method;11spy2Method('test', 'test', function() {12});13var argos = require('argos');14var spy2 = argos.spy2;15var spy2Method = spy2.method;16var spy2Method = spy2.method;17spy2Method('test', 'test', function() {18});19var argos = require('argos');20var spy2 = argos.spy2;21var spy2Method = spy2.method;22var spy2Method = spy2.method;23spy2Method('test', 'test', function() {24});25var argos = require('argos');26var spy2 = argos.spy2;27var spy2Method = spy2.method;28var spy2Method = spy2.method;29spy2Method('test', 'test', function() {30});31var argos = require('argos');32var spy2 = argos.spy2;33var spy2Method = spy2.method;34var spy2Method = spy2.method;35spy2Method('test', 'test', function() {36});37var argos = require('argos');38var spy2 = argos.spy2;39var spy2Method = spy2.method;40var spy2Method = spy2.method;41spy2Method('test', 'test', function() {42});

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