How to use shas method in argos

Best JavaScript code snippet using argos


Source: scripto.js Github


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1var fs = require('fs');2var path = require('path');3var debug = require('debug')('scripto');4function Scripto (redisClient) {5 6 var scripts = {};7 var scriptShas = this._scriptShas = {};8 this.load = function load(scriptObject) {9 mergeObjects(scripts, scriptObject);10 loadScriptsIntoRedis(redisClient, scriptObject, afterShasLoaded);11 };12 this.loadFromFile = function loadFromFile(name, filepath) {13 var loadedScripts = {};14 loadedScripts[name] = fs.readFileSync(filepath, 'utf8');15 this.load(loadedScripts);16 };17 this.loadFromDir = function loadFromDir(scriptsDir) {18 var loadedScripts = loadScriptsFromDir(scriptsDir);19 this.load(loadedScripts);20 };21 = function run(scriptName, keys, args, callback) {22 if(scripts[scriptName]) { 23 if(scriptShas[scriptName]) {24 var sha = scriptShas[scriptName];25 evalShaScript(redisClient, sha, keys, args, callback);26 } else {27 var script = scripts[scriptName];28 evalScript(redisClient, script, keys, args, callback);29 }30 } else {31 callback(new Error('NO_SUCH_SCRIPT'));32 }33 };34 this.eval = function eval(scriptName, keys, args, callback) {35 if(scripts[scriptName]) {36 var script = scripts[scriptName];37 evalScript(redisClient, script, keys, args, callback);38 } else {39 callback(new Error('NO_SUCH_SCRIPT'));40 }41 };42 this.evalSha = function evalSha(scriptName, keys, args, callback) {43 if(scriptShas[scriptName]) {44 var sha = scriptShas[scriptName];45 evalShaScript(redisClient, sha, keys, args, callback);46 } else {47 callback(new Error('NO_SUCH_SCRIPT_SHA'));48 }49 };50 /​/​load scripts into redis in every time it connects to it51 redisClient.on('connect', function() {52 debug('loading scripts into redis again, aftet-reconnect');53 loadScriptsIntoRedis(redisClient, scripts, afterShasLoaded);54 }); 55 /​/​reset shas after error occured56 redisClient.on('error', function(err) {57 var errorMessage = (err)? err.toString() : "";58 debug('resetting scriptShas due to redis connection error: ' + errorMessage);59 scriptShas = {};60 }); 61 function afterShasLoaded(err, shas) {62 if(err) {63 debug('scripts loading failed due to redis command error: ' + err.toString());64 } else {65 debug('loaded scriptShas');66 mergeObjects(scriptShas, shas);67 }68 }69 function mergeObjects (obj1, obj2) {70 71 for(var key in obj2) {72 obj1[key] = obj2[key];73 }74 }75}76module.exports = Scripto;77function loadScriptsFromDir(scriptsDir) {78 var names = fs.readdirSync(scriptsDir);79 var scripts = {};80 names.forEach(function(name) {81 var filename = path.resolve(scriptsDir, name);82 var key = name.replace('.lua', '');83 scripts[key] = fs.readFileSync(filename, 'utf8');84 });85 return scripts;86}87function loadScriptsIntoRedis (redisClient, scripts, callback) {88 var cnt = 0;89 var keys = Object.keys(scripts);90 var shas = {};91 (function doLoad() {92 if(cnt < keys.length) {93 var key = keys[cnt++];94 redisClient.send_command('script', ['load', scripts[key]], function(err, sha) {95 if(err) {96 callback(err);97 } else {98 shas[key] = sha;99 doLoad();100 }101 });102 } else {103 callback(null, shas);104 }105 })();106}107function evalScript(redisClient, script, keys, args, callback) {108 var keysLength= keys.length || 0;109 var arguments = [keysLength].concat(keys, args);110 arguments.unshift(script);111 redisClient.send_command('eval', arguments, callback);112}113function evalShaScript(redisClient, sha, keys, args, callback) {114 var keysLength= keys.length || 0;115 var arguments = [keysLength].concat(keys, args);116 arguments.unshift(sha);117 redisClient.send_command('evalsha', arguments, callback);...

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Source: generate-aligned-shas.js Github


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1'use strict';2/​**3 * A helper script to generate a set of SHAs for aligned runs over time.4 *5 * The goal is to generate a comparable, representative set of SHAs that can be6 * used to compare results from browsers over time.7 */​8const fetch = require('node-fetch');9const flags = require('flags');10const fs = require('fs');11const moment = require('moment');12flags.defineString('from', '2017-08-19', 'Starting date for SHAs');13flags.defineString('to', moment().format('YYYY-MM-DD'), 'Ending date for SHAs');14flags.defineString('output', null, 'Output file to write SHAs to. Defaults to {stable, experimental}-shas.txt');15flags.defineStringList('products', ['chrome', 'safari', 'firefox'], 'Products that must align in the returned SHAs');16flags.defineBoolean('experimental', false, 'Fetch SHAs for experimental runs rather than stable');17flags.parse();18const SHAS_API = 'https:/​/​​api/​shas?aligned=true';19async function readShasFromFile(output) {20 let shas = new Map();21 /​/​ Check whether the file exists; on failure just return the empty map.22 try {23 await fs.promises.access(output);24 } catch (error) {25 return shas;26 }27 /​/​ Otherwise, read the file and then attempt to parse it as a list of28 /​/​ [date,sha] pairs, newline separated.29 let data = await fs.promises.readFile(output, 'utf-8');30 let lines = data.split('\n');31 for (const line of lines) {32 if (!line)33 continue;34 const parts = line.split(',');35 shas.set(parts[0], parts[1]);36 }37 console.log(`Reusing ${shas.size} SHAs from ${output}`);38 return shas;39}40async function main() {41 const experimental = flags.get('experimental');42 let output = flags.get('output');43 if (!output)44 output = experimental ? 'experimental-shas.txt' : 'stable-shas.txt';45 let shas = await readShasFromFile(output);46 let labels = '&labels=master,';47 labels += experimental ? 'experimental' : 'stable';48 let products = '';49 for (const product of flags.get('products')) {50 products += `&product=${product}`;51 }52 const shasUrl = `${SHAS_API}${labels}${products}`;53 console.log(`Base URL: ${shasUrl}`);54 let from = moment(flags.get('from'));55 let to = moment(flags.get('to'));56 console.log(`Fetching SHAs from ${from.format('YYYY-MM-DD')} to ${to.format('YYYY-MM-DD')}`);57 /​/​ TODO(smcgruer): This loop is surprisingly slow even when all the SHAs are58 /​/​ cached. I suspect both formatting and incrementing dates may be quite slow.59 let cachedCount = 0;60 let before = moment();61 while (from < to) {62 const formatted_from = from.format('YYYY-MM-DDT[00:00:00Z]');63 const formatted_to = from.format('YYYY-MM-DDT[23:59:59Z]');64 /​/​ Walk the date forward here so later code can bail without having to check65 /​/​ whether they have updated it.66 from.add(1, 'days');67 /​/​ Check whether our cache already has this date.68 if (shas.has(formatted_from)) {69 cachedCount++;70 continue;71 }72 /​/​ Fetch the list of SHAs from the server.73 const url = `${shasUrl}&from=${formatted_from}&to=${formatted_to}`;74 let response = await fetch(url);75 let json = await response.json();76 /​/​ Many days do not have an aligned run.77 if (json.length == 0) {78 continue;79 }80 /​/​ Otherwise, pick a random SHA for the day.81 shas.set(formatted_from, json[Math.floor(Math.random() * json.length)]);82 }83 let after = moment();84 console.log(`Fetched ${shas.size} SHAs in ${after - before} ms (${cachedCount} cached)`);85 /​/​ Sort the SHAs for writing to the file, otherwise the cached entries will be86 /​/​ before earlier (in date) entries.87 shas = new Map([...shas].sort((a, b) => {88 /​/​ Keys should never be equal.89 return a[0] < b[0] ? '-1' : '1';90 }));91 console.log(`Writing SHAs to ${output}`);92 let data = '';93 shas.forEach((value, key) => {94 data += key + ',' + value + '\n';95 });96 await fs.promises.writeFile(output, data, 'utf-8');97}98main().catch(reason => {99 console.error(reason);100 process.exit(1);...

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Source: shasNote.js Github


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1import mongoose from "mongoose";2const ShasSchema = new mongoose.Schema({3 meseches: {4 type: String,5 required: [true, "Please add a meseches name."],6 },7 amud: {8 type: String,9 required: [true, "Please indicate an amud."],10 },11 title: {12 type: String,13 required: false,14 maxlength: [50, "Title cannot be more than 50 charachters."],15 },16 description: {17 type: String,18 required: true,19 maxlength: [1000, "Description cannot be more than 1000 charachters."],20 },21});22let ShasNote;23try {24 ShasNote = mongoose.model("ShasNote", ShasSchema);25} catch {26 ShasNote = mongoose.mondel("ShasNote");27}...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var argosy = require('argosy')2var argosyPattern = require('argosy-pattern')3var argosyRpc = require('argosy-rpc')4var argosyShas = require('argosy-shas')5var argosyPattern = require('argosy-pattern')6var shas = argosyShas()7var rpc = argosyRpc({8 test: argosyPattern.accepts({9 }, {10 })11})12var service = argosy()13 .use(rpc)14 .use(shas)15service.accept({16 test: {17 }18})19service.on('error', function (err) {20 console.log('error', err)21})22service.pipe(service)23service.on('service', function (service) {24 service.test({25 }, function (err, result) {26 if (err) {27 console.log('error', err)28 }29 console.log('result', result)30 })31})32var argosy = require('argosy')33var argosyPattern = require('argosy-pattern')34var argosyRpc = require('argosy-rpc')35var argosyShas = require('argosy-shas')36var argosyPattern = require('argosy-pattern')37var shas = argosyShas()38var rpc = argosyRpc({39 test: argosyPattern.accepts({40 }, {41 })42})43var service = argosy()44 .use(rpc)45 .use(shas)46service.accept({47 test: {48 }49})50service.on('error', function (err) {51 console.log('error', err)52})53service.pipe(service)54service.on('service', function (service) {55 service.test({56 }, function (err, result) {57 if (err) {58 console.log('error', err)59 }60 console.log('result', result

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var argosy = require('argosy')2var argosyPattern = require('argosy-pattern')3var argosyRpc = require('argosy-rpc')4var argosyShas = require('argosy-shas')5var shas = argosyShas()6var patterns = {7 'add': argosyPattern({8 request: {9 },10 })11}12var services = {13 'add': function (args, callback) {14 callback(null, args.a + args.b)15 }16}17var argosy = argosy()18 .use(argosyRpc(patterns, services))19 .use(shas)20argosy.accept({shas: true}).on('data', function (data) {21 console.log(data)22})23var argosy = require('argosy')24var argosyPattern = require('argosy-pattern')25var argosyRpc = require('argosy-rpc')26var argosyShas = require('argosy-shas')27var shas = argosyShas()28var patterns = {29 'add': argosyPattern({30 request: {31 },32 })33}34var services = {35 'add': function (args, callback) {36 callback(null, args.a + args.b)37 }38}39var argosy = argosy()40 .use(argosyRpc(patterns, services))41 .use(shas)42argosy.accept({shas: true}).on('data', function (data) {43 console.log(data)44})45var argosy = require('argosy')46var argosyPattern = require('argosy-pattern')47var argosyRpc = require('argosy-rpc')48var argosyShas = require('argosy-shas')49var shas = argosyShas()50var patterns = {51 'add': argosyPattern({52 request: {53 },54 })

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var argosy = require('argosy')2var shas = require('shas')()3var argosyPatterns = require('argosy-patterns')4var patterns = argosyPatterns({5})6var argosyService = argosy()7argosyService.pipe(shas).pipe(argosyService)8argosyService.accept({9}, function (msg, cb) {10 cb(null, 'hello')11})12var argosy = require('argosy')13var shas = require('shas')()14var argosyPatterns = require('argosy-patterns')15var patterns = argosyPatterns({16})17var argosyService = argosy()18argosyService.pipe(shas).pipe(argosyService)19argosyService.accept({20}, function (msg, cb) {21 cb(null, 'hello')22})23var argosy = require('argosy')24var shas = require('shas')()25var argosyPatterns = require('argosy-patterns')26var patterns = argosyPatterns({27})28var argosyService = argosy()29argosyService.pipe(shas).pipe(argosyService)30argosyService.accept({31}, function (msg, cb) {32 cb(null, 'hello')33})34var argosy = require('argosy')35var shas = require('shas')()36var argosyPatterns = require('argosy-patterns')37var patterns = argosyPatterns({38})39var argosyService = argosy()40argosyService.pipe(shas).pipe(argosyService)41argosyService.accept({

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var argosy = require('argosy');2var shas = require('argosy-pattern/​shas');3var pattern = shas('test');4var service = argosy();5service.accept(pattern, function (msg, cb) {6 cb(null, msg);7});8service.use(argosy.pattern({9}, function (msg, cb) {10 cb(null, msg);11}));12service.pipe(argosy()).pipe(service);13service.on('error', console.error);14service.act('test', {role: 'test', cmd: 'test'}, function (err, msg) {15 console.log(msg);16});17var argosy = require('argosy');18var shas = require('argosy-pattern/​shas');19var pattern = shas('test');20var service = argosy();21service.accept(pattern, function (msg, cb) {22 cb(null, msg);23});24service.use(argosy.pattern({25}, function (msg, cb) {26 cb(null, msg);27}));28service.pipe(argosy()).pipe(service);29service.on('error', console.error);30service.act('test', {role: 'test', cmd: 'test'}, function (err, msg) {31 console.log(msg);32});33var argosy = require('argosy');34var shas = require('argosy-pattern/​shas');35var pattern = shas('test');36var service = argosy();37service.accept(pattern, function (msg, cb) {38 cb(null, msg);39});40service.use(argosy.pattern({41}, function (msg, cb) {42 cb(null, msg);43}));44service.pipe(argosy()).pipe(service);45service.on('error', console.error);46service.act('test', {role: 'test', cmd: 'test'}, function (err, msg) {47 console.log(msg);48});49var argosy = require('argosy');50var shas = require('argosy-pattern/​shas');

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var pattern = require('argosy-pattern')2var argosy = require('argosy')3var seneca = require('seneca')()4var service = argosy()5service.pipe(seneca).pipe(service)6service.accept({role: 'math', cmd: shas('sum', 'a', 'b')}, function (msg, cb) {7 cb(null, {answer: msg.a + msg.b})8})9var pattern = require('argosy-pattern')10var argosy = require('argosy')11var seneca = require('seneca')()12var service = argosy()13service.pipe(seneca).pipe(service)14service.accept({role: 'math', cmd: shas('sum', 'a', 'b')}, function (msg, cb) {15 cb(null, {answer: msg.a + msg.b})16})17var pattern = require('argosy-pattern')18var argosy = require('argosy')19var seneca = require('seneca')()20var service = argosy()21service.pipe(seneca).pipe(service)22service.accept({role: 'math', cmd: shas('sum', 'a', 'b')}, function (msg, cb) {23 cb(null, {answer: msg.a + msg.b})24})

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Using AI Code Generation


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1shas({2 methods: {3 test: function (arg, callback) {4 callback(null, arg);5 }6 }7}).listen(3000);8shas({9}).connect(3000, function (err, test) {10 test.test('hello', function (err, result) {11 console.log(result);12 });13});14shas({15}).connect(3000, function (err, test) {16 test.test('hello', function (err, result) {17 console.log(result);18 });19});20shas({21 methods: {22 test: function (arg, callback) {23 callback(null, arg);24 }25 }26}).listen(3000);27shas({28}).connect(3000, function (err, test) {

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