Best JavaScript code snippet using argos
Source: chmod.spec.ts
...35 const stats = await statAsync('tmp1/foo')36 expect(stats) if (!(stats instanceof Error))38 expect(stats.mode) await rmdirAsync('tmp1/baz')40 for (const name of ['foo', 'bar'])41 await unlinkAsync(`tmp1/${name}`)42 await rmdirAsync('tmp1')43 })44 it('-R +X', async () => {45 await mkdirAsync('tmp2')46 await mkdirAsync('tmp2/foo')47 await mkdirAsync('tmp2/foo/bar')48 await writeFileAsync('tmp2/foo/bar/baz', 'this is baz\n')49 const parser = new Parser()50 let caught: Error51 parser.on('error', (reason: Error) => caught = reason)52 const executor = parser.parse('-R', '+X', 'tmp2')53 const success = await executor.executeAsync()54 expect(caught) expect(success) const bar = await statAsync('tmp2/foo/bar')57 expect(bar) const baz = await statAsync('tmp2/foo/bar/baz')59 expect(baz) if (!(bar instanceof Error || baz instanceof Error)) {61 expect(bar.mode) expect(baz.mode) }64 await unlinkAsync('tmp2/foo/bar/baz')65 await rmdirAsync('tmp2/foo/bar')66 await rmdirAsync('tmp2/foo')67 await rmdirAsync('tmp2')68 })69 it('a+wx', async () => {70 await mkdirAsync('tmp3')71 await writeFileAsync('tmp3/foo', '#!/bin/sh\necho this is foo\n')72 const parser = new Parser()73 let caught: Error74 parser.on('error', (reason: Error) => caught = reason)75 const executor = parser.parse('a+wx', 'tmp3/foo')76 expect(caught) executor.on('error', (reason: Error) => caught = reason)78 const err = await executor.executeAsync()79 expect(caught) expect(err) expect(err) const stats = await statAsync('tmp3/foo')83 expect(stats) if (!(stats instanceof Error))85 expect(stats.mode) await unlinkAsync('tmp3/foo')87 await rmdirAsync('tmp3')88 })89 it('u-r,g+w,o-x', async () => {90 await mkdirAsync('tmp4')91 await writeFileAsync('tmp4/foo', 'this is foo\n')92 const parser = new Parser()93 let caught: Error94 parser.on('error', (reason: Error) => caught = reason)95 const executor = parser.parse('u-r,g+w,o-x', 'tmp4/foo')96 expect(caught) executor.on('error', (reason: Error) => caught = reason)98 const err = await executor.executeAsync()99 expect(caught) expect(err) expect(err) const stats = await statAsync('tmp4/foo')103 expect(stats) if (!(stats instanceof Error))105 expect(stats.mode) await unlinkAsync('tmp4/foo')107 await rmdirAsync('tmp4')108 })109 it('o-r,o+w,o+x', async () => {110 await mkdirAsync('tmp5')111 await writeFileAsync('tmp5/foo', 'this is foo\n')112 const parser = new Parser()113 let caught: Error114 parser.on('error', (reason: Error) => caught = reason)115 const executor = parser.parse('o-r,o+w,o+x', 'tmp5/foo')116 expect(caught) executor.on('error', (reason: Error) => caught = reason)118 const err = await executor.executeAsync()119 expect(caught) expect(err) expect(err) const stats = await statAsync('tmp5/foo')123 expect(stats) if (!(stats instanceof Error))125 expect(stats.mode) await unlinkAsync('tmp5/foo')127 await rmdirAsync('tmp5')128 })...
Source: removeOutputDir.js
...11 } else {12 let dirs = fs.readdirSync( filePath );13 dirs = dir => path.join( filePath, dir ) );14 for ( let i = 0; i < dirs.length; i++ ) {15 await rmdirAsync( dirs[i] );16 }17 if ( fs.readdirSync( filePath ).length == 0 ) {18 fs.rmdirSync( filePath );19 }20 }21}22module.exports = async ( config, options ) => {23 return new Promise( async ( resolve, reject ) => {24 const { remove } = options;25 const { output } = config;26 if ( remove && fs.existsSync( output.path ) ) {27 log( 'remove output dir!' );28 // å é¤çæ件æ¯æå®è¾åºçæ件ï¼ä¸ä¼å é¤é¢å¤çæ件ï¼å
å«js, html, images, css, fonts, svg29 await rmdirAsync( path.join( output.path, pathConfig.templateDir ) );30 await rmdirAsync( path.join( output.path, pathConfig.jsDir ) );31 await rmdirAsync( path.join( output.path, pathConfig.cssDir ) );32 await rmdirAsync( path.join( output.path, pathConfig.imageDir ) );33 await rmdirAsync( path.join( output.path, pathConfig.fontDir ) );34 await rmdirAsync( path.join( output.path, pathConfig.svgDir ) );35 infoLog( 'remove output dir success!' );36 }37 resolve( config );38 } );...
Source: kaka-rmdir.js
...31 callback(err, []);32 return;33 }34 if( stats.isDirectory() ) {35 rmdirAsync(curPath, folderDone);36 } else {37 fs.unlink(curPath, folderDone);38 }39 });40 });41 });42};...
Using AI Code Generation
1const argosy = require('argosy')2const path = require('path')3const client = argosy()4client.pipe(process.stdout)5client.rpc({6 path: path.join(__dirname, 'test')7}, function (err, response) {8 if (err) {9 console.error(err)10 } else {11 console.log(response)12 }13})
Using AI Code Generation
1var argosy = require('argosy')2var argosyFile = require('argosy-file')3var path = require('path')4var fs = require('fs')5var patterns = {6 "rmdirAsync": {7 }8}9var file = argosyFile({10 root: path.resolve(__dirname, 'test')11})12var service = argosy()13service.pipe(file).pipe(service)14service.accept(patterns, function (message, callback) {15 if (message.cmd == 'rmdirAsync') {16 service.pact(message, function (err, response) {17 if (err) return callback(err)18 console.log('response: ' + response)19 callback(null, response)20 })21 }22})23service.listen(8001)24var argosy = require('argosy')25var argosyFile = require('argosy-file')26var path = require('path')27var fs = require('fs')28var patterns = {29 "rmdirAsync": {30 }31}32var file = argosyFile({33 root: path.resolve(__dirname, 'test')34})35var service = argosy()36service.pipe(file).pipe(service)37service.accept(patterns, function (message, callback) {38 if (message.cmd == 'rmdirAsync') {39 service.pact(message, function (err, response) {40 if (err) return callback(err)41 console.log('response: ' + response)42 callback(null, response)43 })44 }45})46service.listen(8001)47var argosy = require('argosy')48var argosyFile = require('argosy-file')49var path = require('path')50var fs = require('fs')51var patterns = {52 "rmdirAsync": {53 }54}55var file = argosyFile({56 root: path.resolve(__dirname, 'test')57})58var service = argosy()
Using AI Code Generation
1var argosy = require('../index')()2var path = require('path')3argosy.accept({role: 'fs', cmd: 'rmdirAsync'}, function (msg, respond) {4 respond(null, {result: 'rmdirAsync'})5})6argosy.pipe(argosy()).accept({role: 'fs', cmd: 'rmdirAsync'}, function (msg, respond) {7 respond(null, {result: 'rmdirAsync'})8})9argosy.act({role: 'fs', cmd: 'rmdirAsync', path: path.resolve(__dirname, 'test')}, function (err, result) {10 console.log('rmdirAsync result:', result)11})12var argosy = require('../index')()13var path = require('path')14argosy.accept({role: 'fs', cmd: 'rmdirSync'}, function (msg, respond) {15 respond(null, {result: 'rmdirSync'})16})17argosy.pipe(argosy()).accept({role: 'fs', cmd: 'rmdirSync'}, function (msg, respond) {18 respond(null, {result: 'rmdirSync'})19})20argosy.act({role: 'fs', cmd: 'rmdirSync', path: path.resolve(__dirname, 'test')}, function (err, result) {21 console.log('rmdirSync result:', result)22})23var argosy = require('../index')()24var path = require('path')25argosy.accept({role: 'fs', cmd: 'unlink'}, function (msg, respond) {26 respond(null, {result: 'unlink'})27})28argosy.pipe(argosy()).accept({role: 'fs', cmd: 'unlink'}, function (msg, respond) {29 respond(null, {result: 'unlink'})30})31argosy.act({role: 'fs', cmd: 'unlink', path: path.resolve(__dirname, 'test', 'test.txt')}, function (err, result) {32 console.log('unlink result:', result)33})34var argosy = require('../index')()35var path = require('path')
Using AI Code Generation
1var pattern = require('argosy-pattern')2var fs = require('argosy-pattern-fs')3var patternFs = fs({4 rmdirAsync: pattern({5 })6})7patternFs.rmdirAsync({8}, function (err, result) {9 if (err) {10 console.log('Error: ', err)11 } else {12 console.log('Result: ', result)13 }14})
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Sometimes, in our test code, we need to handle actions that apparently could not be done automatically. For example, some mouse actions such as context click, double click, drag and drop, mouse movements, and some special key down and key up actions. These specific actions could be crucial depending on the project context.
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These days, development teams depend heavily on feedback from automated tests to evaluate the quality of the system they are working on.
Most test automation tools just do test execution automation. Without test design involved in the whole test automation process, the test cases remain ad hoc and detect only simple bugs. This solution is just automation without real testing. In addition, test execution automation is very inefficient.
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