How to use renderRoot method in argos

Best JavaScript code snippet using argos


Source:App.js Github


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1import logo from './logo.svg';2import './App.css';3import {BrowserRouter, Route, Routes, useParams} from "react-router-dom";4import MainPage from "./Pages/MainPage/MainPage";5import AuthPage from "./Pages/Auth/AuthPage";6import Ratings from "./Pages/MainPage/Ratings/Ratings";7import Profile from "./Pages/MainPage/Profile/Profile";8import Tasks from "./Pages/MainPage/Tasks/Tasks";9import st from './Stores/MainStore';10import MyGroups from "./Pages/MainPage/MyGroups/MyGroups";11import ProfileSettings from "./Pages/MainPage/ProfileSettings/ProfileSettings";12import Task from "./Pages/MainPage/Task/Task";13import Test_Element from "./Pages/MainPage/Tasks/Test-Element/Test_Element";14import Notification from "./Pages/MainPage/Notification/Notification";15import {observer} from 'mobx-react';16function App(props) {17 let routes = [];18 if(!st.user.auth){19 routes.push(<Route path={'*'} element={<AuthPage/>}/>)20 }21 else{22 routes.push(<Route path={'/'} element={<MainPage content={<MyGroups user={st.user}/>} state={st}/>} renderRoot={props.renderRoot}/>);23 routes.push(<Route path={'/profile'} element={<MainPage content={<Profile user={st.user}/>} state={st} renderRoot={props.renderRoot}/>}/>);24 routes.push(<Route path={'/ratings'} element={<MainPage content={<Ratings/>} state={st} renderRoot={props.renderRoot}/>}/>);25 routes.push(<Route path={'/groups'} element={<MainPage content={<MyGroups user={st.user} state={st}/>} state={st} renderRoot={props.renderRoot}/>}/>);26 routes.push(<Route path={'/tasks'} element={<MainPage content={<Tasks user={st.user} tasks={st.tasks} state={st}/>} state={st} renderRoot={props.renderRoot}/>}/>);27 routes.push(<Route path={'/admin'} element={<MainPage content={<h2>Админка</h2>} state={st} renderRoot={props.renderRoot}/>}/>);28 routes.push(<Route path={'/settings'} element={<MainPage content={<ProfileSettings/>} state={st} renderRoot={props.renderRoot}/>}/>);29 routes.push(<Route path={'task'}>30 <Route path=':id' element={<MainPage content={<Task tasks={st.tasks} state={st}/>} state={st} renderRoot={props.renderRoot}/>}/>31 </Route>);32 routes.push(<Route path={'/notification'} element={<MainPage content={<Notification/>} state={st} renderRoot={props.renderRoot}/>}/>);33 routes.push(<Route path={'/test'} element={<Test_Element/>}/>);34 routes.push(<Route path={'/*'} element={<h2>Not Found 404!</h2>}/>);35 }36 return (37 <div className="App">38 <BrowserRouter>39 <Routes>40 {routes}41 </Routes>42 </BrowserRouter>43 </div>44 );45}...

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Source:styles.ts Github


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1/**2 * Whether the current browser supports `adoptedStyleSheets`.3 */4export const supportsAdoptingStyleSheets =5 window.ShadowRoot && 'adoptedStyleSheets' in Document.prototype && 'replaceSync' in CSSStyleSheet.prototype6/**7 * Add constructed Stylesheet or style tag to Shadowroot of VueCE.8 * @param renderRoot The shadowroot of the vueCE..9 * @param styles The styles of the Element.10 * @param __hmrId hmr id of vite used as an UUID.11 */12export const adoptStyles = (13 renderRoot: ShadowRoot | Document,14 styles: string[] | CSSStyleSheet,15 __hmrId: string | undefined16) => {17 // If passed a CSSStylesheet just apply it.18 if (styles instanceof CSSStyleSheet) {19 renderRoot.adoptedStyleSheets = [styles]20 return21 }22 const css = styles.join('').replace(/\\\\/g, '\\')23 if (supportsAdoptingStyleSheets) {24 const sheets = renderRoot.adoptedStyleSheets || []25 const oldSheet = import.meta.env.DEV && __hmrId ? sheets.find((sheet) => sheet.__hmrId === __hmrId) : false26 // Check if this StyleSheet exists already. Replace content if it does. Otherwise construct a new CSSStyleSheet.27 if (oldSheet) {28 oldSheet.replaceSync(css)29 } else {30 const styleSheet: CSSStyleSheet = new CSSStyleSheet()31 if (import.meta.env.DEV && __hmrId) {32 styleSheet.__hmrId = __hmrId33 }34 styleSheet.replaceSync(css)35 renderRoot.adoptedStyleSheets = [...(renderRoot.adoptedStyleSheets || []), styleSheet]36 }37 } else {38 const existingStyleElements = renderRoot.querySelectorAll('style')39 const oldStyleElement =40 import.meta.env.DEV && __hmrId41 ? Array.from(existingStyleElements).find((sheet) => sheet.title === __hmrId)42 : false43 // Check if this Style Element exists already. Replace content if it does. Otherwise construct a new HTMLStyleElement.44 if (oldStyleElement) {45 oldStyleElement.textContent = css46 } else {47 const styleElement = document.createElement('style')48 if (import.meta.env.DEV && __hmrId) {49 styleElement.title = __hmrId50 }51 styleElement.textContent = css52 renderRoot instanceof ShadowRoot53 ? renderRoot.appendChild(styleElement)54 : renderRoot.head.appendChild(styleElement)55 }56 }57}58export const baseStyles = `59 @layer base {60 :host {61 box-sizing: border-box;62 display: block;63 }64 :host *,65 :host *::before,66 :host *::after {67 box-sizing: inherit;68 }69 [hidden] {70 display: none !important;71 }72 }...

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Source:engine.ts Github


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1import type {FunctionComponent} from 'react'2import React from 'react'3import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'4export interface LitCreatable<P = {children?: React.ReactNode}> {5 container?: HTMLElement | null6 renderRoot: HTMLElement | ShadowRoot7 Component: FunctionComponent<P>8 create?: () => P9}10export function unmount<P, T extends LitCreatable<P>> (this: T): boolean {11 const {12 container: c, renderRoot13 } = this14 let container = renderRoot15 if(c) {16 container = c17 }18 return ReactDOM.unmountComponentAtNode(container as HTMLElement)19}20export function reactRender<P extends Record<string, any>, T extends LitCreatable<P>> (21 this: T,22 conditionalRender = true,23 ...children: React.ReactNode[]24): P | undefined {25 const {26 Component, create, container: c, renderRoot27 } = this28 let container = renderRoot29 if(c) {30 container = c31 }32 const props = create?.call(this)33 if (props && conditionalRender) {34 ReactDOM.render(35 React.createElement(Component, {...props}, ...children),36 container37 )38 }39 return props...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import declare from 'dojo/_base/declare';2import connect from 'dojo/_base/connect';3import lang from 'dojo/_base/lang';4import array from 'dojo/_base/array';5import domConstruct from 'dojo/dom-construct';6import domAttr from 'dojo/dom-attr';7import domClass from 'dojo/dom-class';8import domStyle from 'dojo/dom-style';9import domGeom from 'dojo/dom-geometry';10import dom from 'dojo/dom';11import query from 'dojo/query';12import string from 'dojo/string';13import List from 'argos/List';14import getResource from 'argos/I18n';15const resource = getResource('test');16const __class = declare('crm.Integrations.BOE.Views.Test', [List], {17 itemTemplate: new Simplate([18 '<h3>{%: $.Name %}</h3>',

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Using AI Code Generation


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1define('Mobile/Sample/Views/Test', [2], function(3) {4 return declare('Mobile.Sample.Views.Test', [View], {5 init: function() {6 },7 createToolLayout: function() {8 return || ( = {9 });10 },11 render: function() {12 var html = '<div id="testDiv" class="test"></div>';13 this.renderRoot(html);14 return this;15 },16 createLayout: function() {17 return this.layout || (this.layout = []);18 },19 show: function() {20 this.inherited(arguments);21 this.render();22 },23 destroy: function() {24 this.inherited(arguments);25 domConstruct.destroy('testDiv');26 }27 });28});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1define('Mobile/Sample/Views/Test', [2], function(3) {4 return declare('Mobile.Sample.Views.Test', [View], {5 init: function() {6 },7 createToolLayout: function() {8 return || ( = {9 });10 },11 render: function() {12 var html = '<div id="testDiv" class="test"></div>';13 this.renderRoot(html);14 return this;15 },16 createLayout: function() {17 return this.layout || (this.layout = []);18 },19 show: function() {20 this.inherited(arguments);21 this.render();22 },23 destroy: function() {24 this.inherited(arguments);25 domConstruct.destroy('testDiv');26 }27 });28});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1define('Sage/Platform/Mobile/View', [2], function(3) {4 return declare('Mobile.SalesLogix.View', [View], {5 widgetTemplate: new Simplate([6 '<div id="{%= $.id %}" title="{%= $.titleText %}" class="view {%= $.cls %}">',7 _onBeforeTransitionTo: function() {8 this.inherited(arguments);9 this.refreshRequired = true;10 },11 _onTransitionTo: function() {12 this.inherited(arguments);13 if (this.refreshRequired) {14 this.refreshRequired = false;15 this.refreshRequiredFor = false;16 this.refresh();17 }18 },19 _onTransitionAway: function() {20 this.inherited(arguments);21 this.refreshRequiredFor = false;22 },23 _onBeforeTransitionFrom: function() {24 this.inherited(arguments);25 this.refreshRequired = true;26 },27 _onTransitionFrom: function() {28 this.inherited(arguments);29 this.refreshRequired = false;30 },31 _onShow: function() {32 this.inherited(arguments);33 if (this.refreshRequired) {34 this.refresh();35 }36 },37 _onRefresh: function() {38 this.inherited(arguments);39 this.refreshRequired = false;40 },41 _onUpdate: function() {42 this.inherited(arguments);43 this.refreshRequired = false;44 },45 _onActivate: function() {46 this.inherited(arguments);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1define('Mobile/SalesLogix/Views/MyAccount/MyAccount', [2], function(3) {4 return declare('Mobile.SalesLogix.Views.MyAccount.MyAccount', [argosView], {5 widgetTemplate: new Simplate([6 '<div class="overthrow {%= $.cls %}" {% if ($.resourceKind) { %}data-resource-kind="{%= $.resourceKind %}"{% } %}>',7 '<img src="{%= $.user.AvatarUrl %}" />',8 '<div class="myaccount__header__user__name">{%= $.user.UserName %}</div>',9 '<div class="myaccount__header__user__title">{%= $.user.Title %}</div>',10 '<div class="myaccount__header__company__name">{%= $.user.CompanyName %}</div>',11 '<div>{%= $.user.Address %}</div>',12 '<div>{%= $.user.City %}, {%= $.user.State %} {%= $.user.PostalCode %}</div>',

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Using AI Code Generation


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1define('Sage/Platform/Mobile/View', [2], function(3) {4 return declare('Mobile.SalesLogix.View', [View], {5 widgetTemplate: new Simplate([6 '<div id="{%= $.id %}" title="{%= $.titleText %}" class="view {%= $.cls %}">',7 _onBeforeTransitionTo: function() {8 this.inherited(arguments);9 this.refreshRequired = true;10 },11 _onTransitionTo: function() {12 this.inherited(arguments);13 if (this.refreshRequired) {14 this.refreshRequired = false;15 this.refreshRequiredFor = false;16 this.refresh();17 }18 },19 _onTransitionAway: function() {20 this.inherited(arguments);21 this.refreshRequiredFor = false;22 },23 _onBeforeTransitionFrom: function() {24 this.inherited(arguments);25 this.refreshRequired = true;26 },27 _onTransitionFrom: function() {28 this.inherited(arguments);29 this.refreshRequired = false;30 },31 _onShow: function() {32 this.inherited(arguments);33 if (this.refreshRequired) {34 this.refresh();35 }36 },37 _onRefresh: function() {38 this.inherited(arguments);39 this.refreshRequired = false;40 },41 _onUpdate: function() {42 this.inherited(arguments);43 this.refreshRequired = false;44 },45 _onActivate: function() {46 this.inherited(arguments);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1define('test', [2], function(3) {4 var test = {5 init: function() {6 var root = document.getElementById('root');7 sdk.renderRoot(root);8 }9 };10 return test;11});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1define('test', ['argos-sdk'], function( sdk ){2 var renderRoot = sdk.renderRoot;3 var root = document.getElementById('root');4 renderRoot( root, { test: 'test' } );5});6[contributing guidelines](

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