How to use purchaseQuery method in argos

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Source:purchase.js Github


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1const { gql, ForbiddenError, UserInputError } = require('apollo-server-express');2const { Branch } = require('../​models/​branch');3const { Products } = require('../​models/​products');4const { Inventory } = require('../​models/​inventory');5const { Purchases } = require('../​models/​purchases');6const { ProductPurchases } = require('../​models/​productPurchases');7const { IdError } = require('../​func/​errors');8const typeDefs = gql`9 "Represents a Customer purchase"10 type Purchase{11 PurchaseID: ID12 CustomerFirstName: String13 CustomerLastName: String14 BillingAddress: String15 DeliveryAddress: String16 Paid: Boolean17 TotalPrice: Float18 Dispatched: Boolean19 Branch: Branch20 Products: [OrderItem]21 }22 extend type Query{23 "Get a purchase as a customer"24 getPurchase(25 PurchaseID: ID!, 26 CustomerFirstName: String!, 27 CustomerLastName: String!28 ): Purchase29 "Get the purchase orders per branch"30 getBranchPurchases(31 BranchID: ID!32 Dispatched: Boolean33 ): [Purchase]34 }35 input purchaseDetails{36 "Branch you want to order from"37 Branch: ID!38 CustomerFirstName: String!39 CustomerLastName: String!40 BillingAddress: String!41 DeliveryAddress: String!42 Products: [43 ProductOrder44 ]!45 }46 extend type Mutation{47 "Add an order to the system as a customer"48 createPurchase(49 Details: purchaseDetails!50 ): Purchase51 "Set dispatch of a Purchase"52 dispatchPurchase(53 PurchaseID: ID!54 Dispatched: Boolean!55 ): Purchase56 }57`;58const resolvers = {59 Query: {60 getPurchase: async (parent, arg, ctx, info) => {61 purchaseQuery = await Purchases.query().findById(arg.PurchaseID)62 if (purchaseQuery instanceof Purchases) {63 /​/​ Check if details match64 if ((purchaseQuery.CustomerFirstName != arg.CustomerFirstName) || (purchaseQuery.CustomerLastName != arg.CustomerLastName)) {65 throw new UserInputError(66 'Invalid Purchase Details', { invalidArgs: Object.keys(arg) }67 )68 }69 /​/​ Building reply70 purchaseProductQuery = await ProductPurchases.query().where('PurchaseID', arg.PurchaseID)71 /​/​ Get products to reply with72 replyProducts = []73 for (const item in purchaseProductQuery) {74 inventoryQuery = await Inventory.query().findById(purchaseProductQuery[item].InventoryID)75 replyProducts.push({76 Qty: purchaseProductQuery[item].QTY,77 Product: (await Products.query().findById(inventoryQuery.ProductID))78 })79 }80 /​/​ Builds return81 return {82 PurchaseID: purchaseQuery.PurchaseID,83 CustomerFirstName: purchaseQuery.CustomerFirstName,84 CustomerLastName: purchaseQuery.CustomerLastName,85 BillingAddress: purchaseQuery.BillingAddress,86 DeliveryAddress: purchaseQuery.DeliveryAddress,87 Paid: purchaseQuery.Paid,88 TotalPrice: purchaseQuery.TotalPrice,89 Dispatched: purchaseQuery.Dispatched,90 Branch: (await Branch.query().findById(purchaseQuery.BranchID)),91 Products: replyProducts,92 }93 } else {94 throw new IdError(95 'Purchase does not exist', { invalidArgs: Object.keys(arg) }96 )97 }98 },99 getBranchPurchases: async (parent, arg, ctx, info) => {100 if (ctx.auth) {101 /​/​ Check if branch exists102 branchQuery = await Branch.query().findById(arg.BranchID)103 if (!(branchQuery instanceof Branch)) {104 throw new IdError(105 'Branch does not exist', { invalidArgs: Object.keys(arg) }106 )107 }108 /​/​ Builds query for purchases109 purchaseQuery = Purchases.query().where('BranchID', arg.BranchID)110 if ('Dispatched' in arg) { /​/​ If dispatched has been specified in query111 purchaseQuery = purchaseQuery.where('Dispatched', arg.Dispatched)112 }113 purchaseQuery = await purchaseQuery114 reply = [] /​/​ Array to hold reply to return115 for (const item in purchaseQuery) {116 purchaseProductQuery = await ProductPurchases.query().where('PurchaseID', purchaseQuery[item].PurchaseID)117 /​/​ Get products to reply with118 replyProducts = []119 for (const item in purchaseProductQuery) {120 inventoryQuery = await Inventory.query().findById(purchaseProductQuery[item].InventoryID)121 replyProducts.push({122 Qty: purchaseProductQuery[item].QTY,123 Product: (await Products.query().findById(inventoryQuery.ProductID))124 })125 }126 reply.push({127 PurchaseID: purchaseQuery[item].PurchaseID,128 CustomerFirstName: purchaseQuery[item].CustomerFirstName,129 CustomerLastName: purchaseQuery[item].CustomerLastName,130 BillingAddress: purchaseQuery[item].BillingAddress,131 DeliveryAddress: purchaseQuery[item].DeliveryAddress,132 Paid: purchaseQuery[item].Paid,133 TotalPrice: purchaseQuery[item].TotalPrice,134 Dispatched: purchaseQuery[item].Dispatched,135 Branch: branchQuery, /​/​ As this queury is ever for one branch, we can reuse the same branch query136 Products: replyProducts,137 })138 }139 return reply140 } else {141 throw new ForbiddenError(142 'Authentication token is invalid, please log in'143 )144 }145 },146 },147 Mutation: {148 createPurchase: async (parent, arg, ctx, info) => {149 /​*150 In Theory IRL you would also have a check in place to make sure that the payment went151 through via service like Stripe (A payment gateway), also if any of the checks failed 152 and a payment was already taken you would initate a refund here as well. 153 We haven't added and logic or fields for said infomation here.154 */​155 /​/​ Check if branch exists in system156 branchQuery = await Branch.query().findById(arg.Details.Branch)157 if (!(branchQuery instanceof Branch)) {158 throw new IdError(159 'Branch does not exist', { invalidArgs: Object.keys(arg) }160 )161 }162 /​/​ Check product and stock of product in branch & tabulate order cost163 purchaseProductStore = [] /​/​ Place to store products164 purchaseTotalCost = 0.0 /​/​ Stores total cost165 for (const item in arg.Details.Products) {166 productQuery = await Products.query().findById(arg.Details.Products[item].ProductID)167 if (productQuery instanceof Products) {168 /​/​ Check Inventory and stock exist for branch169 inventoryQuery = await Inventory.query().where('BranchID', arg.Details.Branch).where('ProductID', productQuery.ProductID)170 if (inventoryQuery.length > 1) {171 throw new Error(172 `Internal Error on Product: ${arg.Details.Products[item].ProductID} Branch: ${arg.Details.Branch}`173 )174 } else if (inventoryQuery.length == 1) {175 /​/​ check if inventory of branch is enough to process order176 if (inventoryQuery[0].QTY >= arg.Details.Products[item].Qty) {177 /​/​ We add the product to the array if we have enough product to proces the order178 purchaseProductStore.push({179 InventoryID: inventoryQuery[0].InventoryID,180 QTY: arg.Details.Products[item].Qty181 })182 /​/​ Add item to total cost of purchase183 purchaseTotalCost = purchaseTotalCost + (productQuery.Price * arg.Details.Products[item].Qty)184 } else {185 throw new UserInputError(186 `Branch does not have enough stock of ${arg.Details.Products[item].ProductID}`, { invalidArgs: Object.keys(arg) }187 )188 }189 } else {190 throw new UserInputError(191 `Product: ${arg.Details.Products[item].ProductID} not stocked by branch`, { invalidArgs: Object.keys(arg) }192 )193 }194 } else {195 throw new IdError(196 `Product: ${arg.Details.Products[item].ProductID} does not exist`, { invalidArgs: Object.keys(arg) }197 )198 }199 }200 /​/​ Create the order in a transaction201 try {202 purchaseTrans = await Purchases.transaction(async trx => {203 purchaseInsert = await Purchases.query(trx).insertGraphAndFetch({204 CustomerFirstName: arg.Details.CustomerFirstName,205 CustomerLastName: arg.Details.CustomerLastName,206 BillingAddress: arg.Details.BillingAddress,207 DeliveryAddress: arg.Details.DeliveryAddress,208 Paid: true,209 TotalPrice: purchaseTotalCost,210 BranchID: arg.Details.Branch,211 Dispatched: false,212 /​/​ This create the entries in the productPurchases as a nested insert with relationships we specified in DB models213 productPurchases: purchaseProductStore214 })215 });216 } catch (err) {217 console.log(err)218 /​/​ Catches error from transaction219 throw new Error("Internal error create Purchase Order")220 }221 if (purchaseInsert instanceof Purchases) {222 /​/​ Build reply223 replyProducts = [] /​/​Holds products224 const inventoryTrx = await Inventory.startTransaction();225 try {226 for (const item in purchaseInsert.productPurchases) { /​/​For each product in the purchase order227 /​/​ Update Inventory228 inventoryUpdate = await Inventory.query().findById(purchaseInsert.productPurchases[item].InventoryID).decrement("QTY", purchaseInsert.productPurchases[item].QTY)229 /​/​ Add product to a hold 230 replyProducts.push({231 Product: (await Products.query().findById((await Inventory.query().findById(purchaseInsert.productPurchases[item].InventoryID)).ProductID)),232 Qty: purchaseInsert.productPurchases[item].QTY233 })234 }235 await inventoryTrx.commit();236 } catch (err) {237 await inventoryTrx.rollback();238 /​/​ We roll back manually for purchases and productPurchases instead of using transactions to roll back239 /​/​ and objection.js has an issue where it can't update inventory while using nested transactions here.240 await ProductPurchases.query().delete().where('PurchaseID', purchaseInsert.PurchaseID)241 await Purchases.query().deleteById(purchaseInsert.PurchaseID) /​/​ remove order from failed order242 throw new Error("Internal error create Purchase Order")243 }244 return {245 PurchaseID: purchaseInsert.PurchaseID,246 CustomerFirstName: purchaseInsert.CustomerFirstName,247 CustomerLastName: purchaseInsert.CustomerLastName,248 BillingAddress: purchaseInsert.BillingAddress,249 DeliveryAddress: purchaseInsert.DeliveryAddress,250 Paid: purchaseInsert.Paid,251 TotalPrice: purchaseInsert.TotalPrice,252 Dispatched: purchaseInsert.Dispatched,253 Branch: branchQuery,254 Products: replyProducts,255 }256 } else {257 throw new Error("Internal error create Purchase Order")258 }259 },260 dispatchPurchase: async (parent, arg, ctx, info) => {261 if (ctx.auth) {262 purchaseQuery = await Purchases.query().findById(arg.PurchaseID)263 if (!(purchaseQuery instanceof Purchases)) {264 throw new IdError(265 'Purchase does not exist', { invalidArgs: Object.keys(arg) }266 )267 }268 purchaseQuery = await Purchases.query().patchAndFetchById(arg.PurchaseID, { Dispatched: arg.Dispatched })269 /​/​ Building reply270 purchaseProductQuery = await ProductPurchases.query().where('PurchaseID', arg.PurchaseID)271 /​/​ Get products to reply with272 replyProducts = []273 for (const item in purchaseProductQuery) {274 inventoryQuery = await Inventory.query().findById(purchaseProductQuery[item].InventoryID)275 replyProducts.push({276 Qty: purchaseProductQuery[item].QTY,277 Product: (await Products.query().findById(inventoryQuery.ProductID))278 })279 }280 /​/​ Builds return281 return {282 PurchaseID: purchaseQuery.PurchaseID,283 CustomerFirstName: purchaseQuery.CustomerFirstName,284 CustomerLastName: purchaseQuery.CustomerLastName,285 BillingAddress: purchaseQuery.BillingAddress,286 DeliveryAddress: purchaseQuery.DeliveryAddress,287 Paid: purchaseQuery.Paid,288 TotalPrice: purchaseQuery.TotalPrice,289 Dispatched: purchaseQuery.Dispatched,290 Branch: (await Branch.query().findById(purchaseQuery.BranchID)),291 Products: replyProducts,292 }293 } else {294 throw new ForbiddenError(295 'Authentication token is invalid, please log in'296 )297 }298 }299 }300}301module.exports = {302 Purchase: typeDefs,303 PurchaseResolvers: resolvers,...

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Source:PurchaseController.js Github


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1import { Controller, Delete, Get, Post, Put } from "../​Infrastructure/​expressUtlis";2import { inject } from "inversify";3@Controller("/​v1/​purchases", "ShouldHaveBranch")4class PurchaseController {5 @inject("PurchaseService")6 /​** @type{PurchaseService}*/​ purchaseService = undefined;7 @inject("PurchaseQuery")8 /​** @type{PurchaseQuery}*/​ purchaseQuery = undefined;9 @Get("/​")10 getAll(req) {11 return this.purchaseQuery.getAll(req.query);12 }13 @Get("/​:id")14 getById(req) {15 return this.purchaseQuery.getById(;16 }17 @Get("/​max/​number")18 maxNumber() {19 const result = this.purchaseQuery.maxNumber();20 return result.max;21 }22 @Post("/​")23 create(req) {24 const id = this.purchaseService.create(req.body);25 Utility.delay(500);26 if (req.body.status === 'confirm')27 this.purchaseService.confirm(id);28 return this.purchaseQuery.getById(id);29 }30 @Post("/​:id/​confirm")31 confirm(req) {32 const id =;33 this.purchaseService.confirm(id);34 return this.purchaseQuery.getById(id);35 }36 @Post("/​:id/​fix")37 fix(req) {38 const id =;39 this.purchaseService.fix(id);40 return this.purchaseQuery.getById(id);41 }42 @Put("/​:id")43 update(req) {44 const id =,45 before = this.purchaseQuery.getById(id);46 this.purchaseService.update(id, req.body);47 if (req.body.status === 'confirmed' && before.status === 'draft')48 this.purchaseService.confirm(id);49 return this.purchaseQuery.getById(id);50 }51 @Delete("/​:id")52 remove(req) {53 this.purchaseService.remove(;54 }55 @Post("/​:id/​generate-journal")56 generateJournal(req) {57 const id =;58 this.purchaseService.generateJournal(id);59 }60 @Delete("/​:id/​remove-journal")61 removeJournal(req) {62 const id =;63 this.purchaseService.removeJournal(id);64 }65 @Post("/​:id/​generate-inputs")66 generateInputs(req) {67 const id =;68 this.purchaseService.generateInputs(id);69 }70 @Delete("/​:id/​remove-inputs")71 removeInputs(req) {72 const id =;73 this.purchaseService.removeInputs(id);74 }...

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Source:helpers.js Github


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1import { Plan, Purchase } from "@argos-ci/​database/​models";2export async function getOrCreatePurchase({ accountId, planId }) {3 const purchase = await Purchase.query().findOne({4 accountId,5 planId,6 endDate: null,7 });8 if (purchase) return purchase;9 return Purchase.query().insertAndFetch({ accountId, planId });10}11export async function getPlanOrThrow(payload) {12 const { id: githubId } = payload.marketplace_purchase.plan;13 const plan = await Plan.query().findOne({ githubId });14 if (!plan) throw new Error(`missing plan with githubId: '${githubId}'`);15 return plan;16}17function getPayloadPlan(payload) {18 return payload.previous_marketplace_purchase19 ? payload.previous_marketplace_purchase.plan20 : payload.marketplace_purchase.plan;21}22export async function getActivePurchaseOrThrow(payload) {23 const { id: planGithubId } = getPayloadPlan(payload);24 const { id: accountGithubId } = payload.marketplace_purchase.account;25 const today = new Date().toISOString();26 const purchaseQuery = Purchase.query()27 .where("startDate", "<=", today)28 .joinRelated("plan")29 .where("plan.githubId", planGithubId)30 .where((query) =>31 query.whereNull("endDate").orWhere("endDate", ">=", today)32 );33 if (payload.marketplace_purchase.account.type === "User") {34 purchaseQuery.joinRelated("user").where("user.githubId", accountGithubId);35 } else {36 purchaseQuery37 .joinRelated("organization")38 .where("organization.githubId", accountGithubId);39 }40 const purchases = await purchaseQuery;41 if (purchases.length === 0) {42 throw new Error(43 `missing purchase with plan’s githubId: '${planGithubId}' and account’s githubId: '${accountGithubId}'`44 );45 }46 if (purchases.length > 1) {47 throw new Error(48 `multiple actives purchases for plan with githubId: '${planGithubId}' and account with githubId: '${accountGithubId}'`49 );50 }51 return purchases[0];...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1define('Mobile/​SalesLogix/​Views/​OpportunityContact/​List', [2], function(3) {4 return declare('Mobile.SalesLogix.Views.OpportunityContact.List', [List], {5 itemTemplate: new Simplate([6 '<h3>{%: $.Contact.NameLF %}</​h3>',7 '<h4>{%: $.Contact.Title %}</​h4>',8 '<h4>{%: $.Role %}</​h4>',9 '<h4>{%: $.Contact.AccountName %}</​h4>'10 calledText: 'Called ${0}',

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var argosy = require('argosy')2var argosyPattern = require('argosy-pattern')3var purchaseQuery = pattern({4})5var service = argosy()6service.use(purchaseQuery, function (msg, cb) {7 cb(null, {result: 'success'})8})9service.listen({port: 8000})10var argosy = require('argosy')11var argosyPattern = require('argosy-pattern')12var purchaseQuery = pattern({13})14var service = argosy()15service.use(purchaseQuery, function (msg, cb) {16 cb(null, {result: 'success'})17})18service.listen({port: 8000})19var argosy = require('argosy')20var argosyPattern = require('argosy-pattern')21var purchaseQuery = pattern({22})23var service = argosy()24service.use(purchaseQuery, function (msg, cb) {25 cb(null, {result: 'success'})26})27service.listen({port: 8000})28var argosy = require('argosy')29var argosyPattern = require('argosy-pattern')30var purchaseQuery = pattern({31})32var service = argosy()33service.use(purchaseQuery, function (msg, cb) {34 cb(null, {result: 'success'})35})36service.listen({port: 8000})

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Using AI Code Generation


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1define('Mobile/​SalesLogix/​Views/​Opportunity/​Detail', [2], function(3) {4 return declare('Mobile.SalesLogix.Views.Opportunity.Detail', [Detail, _RightDrawerListMixin], {5 potentialBaseText: 'potential (base)',6 potentialOpportunityText: 'potential (opportunity)',7 potentialMyText: 'potential (my)',

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Using AI Code Generation


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1define('Mobile/​SalesLogix/​Views/​Report/​PurchaseOrderStatus', [2], function(3) {4 return declare('Mobile.SalesLogix.Views.Report.PurchaseOrderStatus', [View], {5 hashTagQueries: {6 },7 hashTagQueriesText: {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var argosPurchase = require('./​argosPurchase.js');2var argos = new argosPurchase();3var item = "123456789";4argos.purchaseQuery(item, function(data) {5 console.log(data);6});7## argosPurchase.purchaseQuery(item, callback)8## argosPurchase.purchaseQueryAsync(item)

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