Best JavaScript code snippet using argos
1import mongoose from 'mongoose';2import request from 'supertest';3import bcypt from 'bcryptjs';4import { sign } from 'jsonwebtoken';5import User from '@users/User';6import connectToDB from '@utilities/connectToDB';7import sendEmail from '@utilities/sendEmail';8import app from 'src/app';9jest.mock('@utilities/sendEmail');10const sendEmailMock = sendEmail as jest.MockedFunction<typeof sendEmail>;11describe('User routes', () => {12 const port = process.env.PORT || 8080;13 const {14 MONGO_USER,15 MONGO_PASSWORD,16 MONGO_DATABASE,17 JWT_SECRET,18 } = process.env;19 const mongoURI = `mongodb+srv://${MONGO_USER}:${MONGO_PASSWORD}${MONGO_DATABASE}?retryWrites=true`;20 const username = 'username';21 const email = '';22 const password = 'testPassword';23 const hashedPassword = bcypt.hashSync(password);24 beforeAll(async () => {25 await mongoose.disconnect();26 await connectToDB(mongoURI);27 app.listen(port);28 await User.deleteMany({}).exec();29 });30 beforeEach(async () => {31 await User.deleteMany({}).exec();32 });33 afterEach(async () => {34 await User.deleteMany({}).exec();35 });36 afterAll(async () => {37 await mongoose.disconnect();38 });39 describe('Login route - post:/users/user/login', () => {40 it('should respond with a status of 200 on successful login', async () => {41 expect.assertions(1);42 await User.insertMany([43 {44 username,45 email,46 password: hashedPassword,47 isConfirmed: true,48 },49 ]);50 const { status } = await request(app)51 .post('/users/user/login')52 .send({53 email,54 password,55 });56 expect(status).toBe(200);57 });58 it("should respond with a status of 401 when the user hasn't confirmed his email", async () => {59 expect.assertions(1);60 await User.insertMany([61 {62 username,63 email,64 password: hashedPassword,65 isConfirmed: false,66 },67 ]);68 const { status } = await request(app)69 .post('/users/user/login')70 .send({71 email,72 password,73 });74 expect(status).toBe(401);75 });76 it("should respond with a status of 401 when the passwords don't match", async () => {77 expect.assertions(1);78 await User.insertMany([79 {80 username,81 email,82 password: hashedPassword,83 isConfirmed: true,84 },85 ]);86 const { status } = await request(app)87 .post('/users/user/login')88 .send({89 email,90 password: 'nonMatchingPassword',91 });92 expect(status).toBe(401);93 });94 it("should respond with a status of 404 when an user with a matching email isn't found", async () => {95 expect.assertions(1);96 const { status } = await request(app)97 .post('/users/user/login')98 .send({99 email,100 password,101 });102 expect(status).toBe(404);103 });104 });105 describe('Sign up route - post:/users', () => {106 it('should respond with a status of 201 on successful sign up', async () => {107 expect.assertions(1);108 const { status } = await request(app)109 .post('/users')110 .send({111 username,112 email,113 password,114 confirmationPassword: password,115 });116 expect(status).toBe(201);117 });118 it("should respond with a status of 400 if the request body doesn't pass validation", async () => {119 expect.assertions(1);120 const { status } = await request(app)121 .post('/users')122 .send({});123 expect(status).toBe(400);124 });125 });126 describe('Edit profile route - patch:/users/user authentication required', () => {127 let token: string;128 beforeEach(async () => {129 const user = new User({130 username,131 email,132 password,133 isConfirmed: true,134 });135 await;136 token = sign(137 {138 userId: user._id,139 },140 JWT_SECRET,141 { expiresIn: '1h' },142 );143 });144 it('should respond with a status of 200 on successful edit', async () => {145 expect.assertions(1);146 const { status } = await request(app)147 .patch('/users/user')148 .set('Authorization', `Bearer ${token}`)149 .send({150 username: 'UpdatedUsername',151 });152 expect(status).toBe(200);153 });154 it("should respond with a status of 400 if the request body doesn't pass validation", async () => {155 expect.assertions(1);156 const { status } = await request(app)157 .post('/users')158 .set('Authorization', `Bearer ${token}`)159 .send({});160 expect(status).toBe(400);161 });162 it("should respond with a status of 401 if there is no authorization header or it's contents are invalid", async () => {163 expect.assertions(1);164 const { status } = await request(app)165 .post('/users')166 .send({167 username: 'UpdatedUsername',168 });169 expect(status).toBe(400);170 });171 it("should respond with a status of 404 when the user isn't found", async () => {172 expect.assertions(1);173 const notFoundToken = sign(174 {175 userId: mongoose.Types.ObjectId(),176 },177 JWT_SECRET,178 { expiresIn: '1h' },179 );180 const { status } = await request(app)181 .patch('/users/user')182 .set('Authorization', `Bearer ${notFoundToken}`)183 .send({184 username: 'UpdatedUsername',185 });186 expect(status).toBe(404);187 });188 });189 describe('verify user email - patch:/users/user/verify', () => {190 let token: string;191 beforeEach(async () => {192 const user = new User({193 username,194 email,195 password,196 confirmed: false,197 });198 await;199 token = sign(200 {201 userId: user._id,202 },203 JWT_SECRET,204 { expiresIn: '1h' },205 );206 });207 it('should respond with a status of 204', async () => {208 expect.assertions(1);209 const { status } = await request(app).patch(210 `/users/user/verify/${token}`,211 );212 expect(status).toBe(204);213 });214 it("should respond with a status of 404 when the user isn't found", async () => {215 expect.assertions(1);216 const notFoundToken = sign(217 {218 userId: mongoose.Types.ObjectId(),219 },220 JWT_SECRET,221 { expiresIn: '1h' },222 );223 const { status } = await request(app).patch(224 `/users/user/verify/${notFoundToken}`,225 );226 expect(status).toBe(404);227 });228 });229 describe('reset password profile route - patch:/users/user/reset,authentication required', () => {230 let token: string;231 beforeEach(async () => {232 const user = new User({233 username,234 email,235 password,236 confirmed: true,237 });238 await;239 token = sign(240 {241 userId: user._id,242 },243 JWT_SECRET,244 { expiresIn: '1h' },245 );246 });247 it('should respond with a status of 200 on successful edit', async () => {248 expect.assertions(1);249 const { status } = await request(app)250 .patch('/users/user/reset')251 .set('Authorization', `Bearer ${token}`)252 .send({253 password: 'newValidPassword',254 });255 expect(status).toBe(204);256 });257 it("should respond with a status of 400 if the request body doesn't pass validation", async () => {258 expect.assertions(1);259 const { status } = await request(app)260 .patch('/users/user/reset')261 .set('Authorization', `Bearer ${token}`)262 .send({});263 expect(status).toBe(400);264 });265 it("should respond with a status of 404 when the user isn't found", async () => {266 expect.assertions(1);267 const notFoundToken = sign(268 {269 userId: mongoose.Types.ObjectId(),270 },271 JWT_SECRET,272 { expiresIn: '1h' },273 );274 const { status } = await request(app)275 .patch('/users/user/reset')276 .set('Authorization', `Bearer ${notFoundToken}`)277 .send({ password: 'newValidPassword' });278 expect(status).toBe(404);279 });280 });281 describe('request password reset email - post:/users/user/request/reset', () => {282 beforeEach(async () => {283 const user = new User({284 username,285 email,286 password,287 isConfirmed: true,288 });289 await;290 });291 it('should respond with a status of 204 on successful request', async () => {292 expect.assertions(1);293 const { status } = await request(app)294 .post('/users/user/request/reset')295 .send({296 email,297 });298 expect(status).toBe(204);299 });300 it("should respond with a status of 400 if the request body doesn't pass validation", async () => {301 expect.assertions(1);302 const { status } = await request(app)303 .post('/users/user/request/reset')304 .send({});305 expect(status).toBe(400);306 });307 it("should respond with a status of 404 when the user isn't found", async () => {308 expect.assertions(1);309 const { status } = await request(app)310 .post('/users/user/request/reset')311 .send({ email: 'unusedEmail@test.test' });312 expect(status).toBe(404);313 });314 });...
1import { ZeroEx } from '0x.js'2import { BigNumber } from '@0xproject/utils'3import pickedTokenSymbols from '../constants/pickedTokenSymbols'4import moreTokens from '../constants/moreTokens'5const getCurrentNetworkId = (_web3) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {6 _web3.version.getNetwork((err, networkId) => {7 if (err) return reject(err)8 resolve(+networkId)9 })10})11let zeroEx = null12export const getZeroExInstatnce = async () => {13 const web3 = window.web314 if (typeof web3 === 'undefined') {15 throw Error('æªåµæ¸¬å° web3 ç©ä»¶')16 }17 if (zeroEx) {18 return zeroEx19 }20 try {21 const networkId = await getCurrentNetworkId(web3) // 1 for Mainnet, 42 for Kovan22 zeroEx = new ZeroEx(web3.currentProvider, { networkId: networkId })23 return zeroEx24 } catch (error) {25 console.log(error)26 throw error27 }28}29let pickedTokens = []30export const getPickedTokens = async () => {31 if (pickedTokens.length > 0) {32 return pickedTokens33 }34 const zeroEx = await getZeroExInstatnce()35 const allTokens = await zeroEx.tokenRegistry.getTokensAsync()36 pickedTokens = [37 ...allTokens.filter((token) => pickedTokenSymbols.includes(token.symbol)),38 ...moreTokens,39 ].sort((a, b) => (40 pickedTokenSymbols.indexOf(a.symbol) - pickedTokenSymbols.indexOf(b.symbol)41 ))42 return pickedTokens43}44export const getEthBalance = () => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {45 const web3 = window.web346 if (typeof web3 === 'undefined') {47 throw Error('æªåµæ¸¬å° web3 ç©ä»¶')48 }49 const coinbase = web3.eth.coinbase50 web3.eth.getBalance(coinbase, (err, result) => {51 if (err) return reject(err)52 resolve(result)53 })54})55const notFoundToken = {56 address: null,57 decimals: null,58 name: null,59 symbol: null60}61export const getTokenByAddress = (address) => [62 ...pickedTokens.filter(item => item.address === address),63 notFoundToken64][0]65export const getTokenBySymbol = (symbol) => [66 ...pickedTokens.filter(item => item.symbol === symbol),67 notFoundToken68][0]69export const toUnitAmount = (tokenAmount, tokenAddress) => {70 const tokenInfo = getTokenByAddress(tokenAddress)71 return ZeroEx.toUnitAmount(tokenAmount, tokenInfo.decimals)72}73export const toBaseUnitAmount = (strTokenAmount, tokenAddress) => {74 const tokenInfo = getTokenByAddress(tokenAddress)75 return ZeroEx.toBaseUnitAmount(new BigNumber(strTokenAmount), tokenInfo.decimals)76}77export const displayAddress = (address) => (78 address.toUpperCase().replace('0X', '0x')...
1const jwt = require('jsonwebtoken');2const SECRET = process.env.JWT_SECRET || 'akldhkjladadhjksvdhj';3// jwtConfig = {5 // expiresIn: '7d',6 algorithm: 'HS256',7};8const generateJWTToken = (payload) =>9 jwt.sign(payload, SECRET, jwtConfig);10const authenticateToken = (token) => {11 if (!token) {12 const notFoundToken = { status: 401, message: 'Token not found' };13 throw notFoundToken;14 }15 try {16 const introspection = jwt.verify(token, SECRET, jwtConfig);17 return introspection;18 } catch (e) {19 console.log('error', e.message);20 const tokenInvalid = { status: 401, message: 'Expired or invalid token' };21 throw tokenInvalid;22 }23};24module.exports = {25 generateJWTToken,26 authenticateToken,...
Using AI Code Generation
1var argosy = require('argosy')2var pattern = require('argosy-pattern')3var service = argosy()4service.accept({5})6service.pipe(argosy()).pipe(service)7service.on('request', function (req, cb) {8 cb(null, req.notFoundToken)9})10var argosy = require('argosy')11var pattern = require('argosy-pattern')12var service = argosy()13service.accept({14})15service.pipe(argosy()).pipe(service)16service.on('request', function (req, cb) {17 cb(null, req.notFoundToken)18})19var argosy = require('argosy')20var pattern = require('argosy-pattern')21var service = argosy()22service.accept({23})24service.pipe(argosy()).pipe(service)25service.on('request', function (req, cb) {26 cb(null, req.notFoundToken)27})28var argosy = require('argosy')29var pattern = require('argosy-pattern')30var service = argosy()31service.accept({32})33service.pipe(argosy()).pipe(service)34service.on('request', function (req, cb) {35 cb(null, req.notFoundToken)36})37var argosy = require('argosy')38var pattern = require('argosy-pattern')39var service = argosy()40service.accept({41})42service.pipe(argosy()).pipe(service)43service.on('request', function (req, cb) {44 cb(null, req.notFoundToken)45})
Using AI Code Generation
1var argosy = require('argosy')2var notFoundToken = require('argosy-pattern/not-found-token')3var service = argosy()4service.accept({ role: 'math', cmd: 'sum' }, function (msg, cb) {5 cb(null, msg.left + msg.right)6})7service.accept({ role: 'math', cmd: 'product' }, function (msg, cb) {8 cb(null, msg.left * msg.right)9})10service.accept({ role: 'math', cmd: 'div' }, function (msg, cb) {11 cb(null, msg.left / msg.right)12})13service.on('error', function (err) {14 console.error(err)15})16service.listen(8000)17var argosy = require('argosy')18var pattern = require('argosy-pattern')19var service = argosy()20service.accept({ role: 'math', cmd: 'sum' }, function (msg, cb) {21 cb(null, msg.left + msg.right)22})23service.accept({ role: 'math', cmd: 'product' }, function (msg, cb) {24 cb(null, msg.left * msg.right)25})26service.accept({ role: 'math', cmd: 'div' }, function (msg, cb) {27 cb(null, msg.left / msg.right)28})29service.on('error', function (err) {30 console.error(err)31})32service.listen(8000)
Using AI Code Generation
1var argosy = require('argosy')2var pattern = require('argosy-pattern')3var service = argosy()4service.accept({role: 'math', cmd: 'sum'}, function (msg, respond) {5 respond(null, {answer: msg.left + msg.right})6})7service.accept({role: 'math', cmd: 'product'}, function (msg, respond) {8 respond(null, {answer: msg.left * msg.right})9})10service.accept({role: 'math', cmd: notFoundToken()}, function (msg, respond) {11 respond(new Error('unknown math command: ' + msg.cmd))12})13service.pipe(service).pipe(process.stdout)14{"role":"math","cmd":"sum","left":1,"right":2}15{"role":"math","cmd":"product","left":3,"right":4}16{"role":"math","cmd":"subtraction","left":3,"right":4}17{"role":"math","cmd":"sum","left":1,"right":2}18{"role":"math","cmd":"product","left":3,"right":4}19{"role":"math","cmd":"subtraction","left":3,"right":4}
Using AI Code Generation
1const argosy = require('argosy')2const pattern = require('argosy-pattern')3const service = argosy()4service.pipe(process.stdout)5service.accept({ hello: notFoundToken })6 .pipe(pattern({ hello: 'world' }))7 .pipe(service.provide({ hello: 'world' }))8### <a name="pattern"></a> `pattern(pattern, [options])`9const argosy = require('argosy')10const pattern = require('argosy-pattern')11const service = argosy()12service.pipe(process.stdout)13service.accept({ hello: 'world' })14 .pipe(pattern({ hello: 'world' }))15 .pipe(service.provide({ hello: 'world' }))
Using AI Code Generation
1var argosy = require('argosy')2var pattern = require('argosy-pattern')3var service = argosy()4service.pipe(pattern({5}, function (msg, respond) {6 respond(null, 'not found')7})).pipe(service)8service.act('foo', function (err, result) {9})
Using AI Code Generation
1var argosy = require('argosy')2var argosyPattern = require('argosy-pattern')3var test = argosy()4test.notFoundToken(function (token) {5 console.log('not found', token)6})7test.accept({8}, function (args, callback) {9 callback(null, {test: 'test'})10})11test.pipe(test)12test.on('error', console.error)13test.emit({14}, function (err, response) {15 console.log('response', err, response)16})17test.emit({18}, function (err, response) {19 console.log('response', err, response)20})21### argosy#notFoundToken(token)22### argosy#accept(pattern, handler)23### argosy#reject(pattern)24### argosy#emit(token, callback)25### argosy#close()26### argosy#on(event, handler)27### argosy#once(event, handler)28### argosy#pipe(stream)29### argosy#unpipe(stream)
Using AI Code Generation
1var pattern = require('argosy-pattern')2var myPattern = {3 a: pattern.object({4 b: pattern.object({5 c: pattern.value(String)6 })7 })8}9var myData = {10 a: {11 b: {12 }13 }14}15var result = pattern.match(myPattern, myData)16console.log('result: ', result)17var result2 = pattern.match(myPattern, {a: {b: {c: 123}}})18console.log('result2: ', result2)19var result3 = pattern.match(myPattern, {a: {b: {c: 123, d: 'hello'}}})20console.log('result3: ', result3)21var result4 = pattern.match(myPattern, {a: {b: {c: 123, d: 'hello'}}, e: 'f'})22console.log('result4: ', result4)23var result5 = pattern.match(myPattern, {a: {b: {c: 123, d: 'hello'}}, e: notFoundToken})24console.log('result5: ', result5)25var result6 = pattern.match(myPattern, {a: {b: {c: 123, d: 'hello'}}, e: notFoundToken, f: 'g'})26console.log('result6: ', result6)27var result7 = pattern.match(myPattern, {a: {b: {c: 123, d: 'hello'}}, e: notFoundToken, f: 'g', g: notFoundToken})28console.log('result7: ', result7)29var result8 = pattern.match(myPattern, {a: {b: {c: 123, d: 'hello'}}, e: notFoundToken, f: 'g', g: notFoundToken, h: 'i'})30console.log('result8: ', result8)31var result9 = pattern.match(myPattern, {a: {b: {c: 123, d: 'hello'}}, e: notFoundToken, f: 'g', g: notFoundToken, h: 'i', i: notFoundToken})32console.log('result9: ', result9)33var result10 = pattern.match(myPattern, {a: {b: {c: 123, d: '
Using AI Code Generation
1var argosy = require('../')()2argosy.pattern({3}).consume(function (msg, respond) {4 respond(null, {5 })6})7argosy.notFoundToken('404', function (msg, respond) {8 respond(null, {9 })10})11argosy.pipe(argosy).pipe(argosy)12argosy.act({13}, function (err, result) {14 console.log('1 + 2 =', result.answer)15})16argosy.act({17}, function (err, result) {18 console.log('3 + 4 =', result.answer)19})20argosy.act({21}, function (err, result) {22 console.log('5 + 6 =', result.answer)23})24argosy.act({25}, function (err, result) {26 console.log('7 + 8 =', result.answer)27})28argosy.act({29}, function (err, result) {30 console.log('9 + 10 =', result.answer)31})32argosy.act({33}, function (err, result) {34 console.log('11 + 12 =', result.answer)35})36argosy.act({37}, function (err, result) {38 console.log('13 + 14 =', result.answer)39})40argosy.act({41}, function (err
Using AI Code Generation
1const argosy = require('argosy')2const seneca = require('seneca')()3const senecaClient = require('seneca-transport')4seneca.use(senecaClient)5seneca.client({ type: 'web', port: 3000 })6const service = argosy()7service.use('seneca-transport', { seneca })8service.use('notFoundToken')9service.accept({ role: 'test', cmd: 'test' }, async function (msg) {10 return { data: 'test data' }11})12service.listen({ type: 'web', port: 3001 })13const argosy = require('argosy')14const seneca = require('seneca')()15const senecaClient = require('seneca-transport')16seneca.use(senecaClient)17seneca.client({ type: 'web', port: 3001 })18const service = argosy()19service.use('seneca-transport', { seneca })20service.use('notFoundToken')21service.accept({ role: 'test', cmd: 'test' }, async function (msg) {22 return { data: 'test data' }23})24service.listen({ type: 'web', port: 3000 })25const client = argosy()26client.use('seneca-transport', { seneca })27client.use('notFoundToken')28client.accept({ role: 'test', cmd: 'test' }, async function (msg) {29 return { data: 'test data' }30})31client.listen({ type: 'web', port: 3002 })32const argosy = require('argosy')33const seneca = require('seneca')()34const senecaClient = require('seneca-transport')35seneca.use(senecaClient)36seneca.client({ type: 'web', port: 3001 })37const service = argosy()
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