Best JavaScript code snippet using argos
Source: model_tags_spec.js
1/*globals describe, before, beforeEach, afterEach, it */2/*jshint expr:true*/3var testUtils = require('../../utils'),4 should = require('should'),5 sinon = require('sinon'),6 Promise = require('bluebird'),7 _ = require('lodash'),8 // Stuff we are testing9 ModelsTag = require('../../../server/models/tag'),10 ModelsPost = require('../../../server/models/post'),11 events = require('../../../server/events'),12 context = testUtils.context.admin,13 TagModel,14 PostModel,15 sandbox = sinon.sandbox.create();16describe('Tag Model', function () {17 var eventSpy;18 // Keep the DB clean19 before(testUtils.teardown);20 afterEach(testUtils.teardown);21 beforeEach(testUtils.setup());22 afterEach(function () {23 sandbox.restore();24 });25 beforeEach(function () {26 eventSpy = sandbox.spy(events, 'emit');27 });28 before(function () {29 TagModel = ModelsTag.Tag;30 PostModel = ModelsPost.Post;31 should.exist(TagModel);32 should.exist(PostModel);33 });34 it('uses Date objects for dateTime fields', function (done) {35 TagModel.add(testUtils.DataGenerator.forModel.tags[0], context).then(function (tag) {36 return TagModel.findOne({id:});37 }).then(function (tag) {38 should.exist(tag);39 tag.get('created_at');40 done();41 }).catch(done);42 });43 it('returns post_count if include post_count', function (done) {44 testUtils.fixtures.insertPosts().then(function () {45 TagModel.findOne({slug: 'kitchen-sink'}, {include: 'post_count'}).then(function (tag) {46 should.exist(tag);47 tag.get('post_count').should.equal(2);48 done();49 }).catch(done);50 });51 });52 describe('findPage', function () {53 beforeEach(function (done) {54 testUtils.fixtures.insertPosts().then(function () {55 done();56 }).catch(done);57 });58 it('with limit all', function (done) {59 TagModel.findPage({limit: 'all'}).then(function (results) {60;61 results.meta.pagination.limit.should.equal('all');62 results.meta.pagination.pages.should.equal(1);63 results.tags.length.should.equal(5);64 done();65 }).catch(done);66 });67 it('with include post_count', function (done) {68 TagModel.findPage({limit: 'all', include: 'post_count'}).then(function (results) {69;70 results.meta.pagination.limit.should.equal('all');71 results.meta.pagination.pages.should.equal(1);72 results.tags.length.should.equal(5);73 should.exist(results.tags[0].post_count);74 done();75 }).catch(done);76 });77 });78 describe('findOne', function () {79 beforeEach(function (done) {80 testUtils.fixtures.insertPosts().then(function () {81 done();82 }).catch(done);83 });84 it('with slug', function (done) {85 var firstTag;86 TagModel.findPage().then(function (results) {87 should.exist(results);88 should.exist(results.tags);89;90 firstTag = results.tags[0];91 return TagModel.findOne({slug: firstTag.slug});92 }).then(function (found) {93 should.exist(found);94 done();95 }).catch(done);96 });97 });98 describe('Post tag handling, post with NO tags', function () {99 var postJSON,100 tagJSON,101 editOptions,102 createTag = testUtils.DataGenerator.forKnex.createTag;103 beforeEach(function (done) {104 tagJSON = [];105 var post = testUtils.DataGenerator.forModel.posts[0],106 extraTag1 = createTag({name: 'existing tag a'}),107 extraTag2 = createTag({name: 'existing-tag-b'}),108 extraTag3 = createTag({name: 'existing_tag_c'});109 return Promise.props({110 post: PostModel.add(post, _.extend({}, context, {withRelated: ['tags']})),111 tag1: TagModel.add(extraTag1, context),112 tag2: TagModel.add(extraTag2, context),113 tag3: TagModel.add(extraTag3, context)114 }).then(function (result) {115 postJSON ={include: ['tags']});116 tagJSON.push(result.tag1.toJSON());117 tagJSON.push(result.tag2.toJSON());118 tagJSON.push(result.tag3.toJSON());119 editOptions = _.extend({}, context, {id:, withRelated: ['tags']});120 done();121 }).catch(done);122 });123 it('should create the test data correctly', function () {124 // creates two test tags125 should.exist(tagJSON);126;127 tagJSON.should.have.enumerable(0)'name', 'existing tag a');128 tagJSON.should.have.enumerable(1)'name', 'existing-tag-b');129 tagJSON.should.have.enumerable(2)'name', 'existing_tag_c');130 // creates a test post with no tags131 should.exist(postJSON);132 postJSON.title.should.eql('HTML Ipsum');133 should.exist(postJSON.tags);134 });135 describe('Adding brand new tags', function () {136 it('can add a single tag', function (done) {137 var newJSON = _.cloneDeep(postJSON);138 // Add a single tag to the end of the array139 newJSON.tags.push(createTag({name: 'tag1'}));140 // Edit the post141 return PostModel.edit(newJSON, editOptions).then(function (updatedPost) {142 updatedPost = updatedPost.toJSON({include: ['tags']});143 updatedPost.tags.should.have.lengthOf(1);144 updatedPost.tags.should.have.enumerable(0)'name', 'tag1');145 done();146 }).catch(done);147 });148 it('can add multiple tags', function (done) {149 var newJSON = _.cloneDeep(postJSON);150 // Add a bunch of tags to the end of the array151 newJSON.tags.push(createTag({name: 'tag1'}));152 newJSON.tags.push(createTag({name: 'tag2'}));153 newJSON.tags.push(createTag({name: 'tag3'}));154 newJSON.tags.push(createTag({name: 'tag4'}));155 newJSON.tags.push(createTag({name: 'tag5'}));156 // Edit the post157 return PostModel.edit(newJSON, editOptions).then(function (updatedPost) {158 updatedPost = updatedPost.toJSON({include: ['tags']});159 updatedPost.tags.should.have.lengthOf(5);160 updatedPost.tags.should.have.enumerable(0)'name', 'tag1');161 updatedPost.tags.should.have.enumerable(1)'name', 'tag2');162 updatedPost.tags.should.have.enumerable(2)'name', 'tag3');163 updatedPost.tags.should.have.enumerable(3)'name', 'tag4');164 updatedPost.tags.should.have.enumerable(4)'name', 'tag5');165 done();166 }).catch(done);167 });168 it('can add multiple tags with conflicting slugs', function (done) {169 var newJSON = _.cloneDeep(postJSON);170 // Add conflicting tags to the end of the array171 newJSON.tags.push({name: 'C'});172 newJSON.tags.push({name: 'C++'});173 newJSON.tags.push({name: 'C#'});174 // Edit the post175 return PostModel.edit(newJSON, editOptions).then(function (updatedPost) {176 updatedPost = updatedPost.toJSON({include: ['tags']});177 updatedPost.tags.should.have.lengthOf(3);178 updatedPost.tags.should.have.enumerable(0){name: 'C', slug: 'c'});179 updatedPost.tags.should.have.enumerable(1){name: 'C++', slug: 'c-2'});180 updatedPost.tags.should.have.enumerable(2){name: 'C#', slug: 'c-3'});181 done();182 }).catch(done);183 });184 });185 describe('Adding pre-existing tags', function () {186 it('can add a single tag', function (done) {187 var newJSON = _.cloneDeep(postJSON);188 // Add a single pre-existing tag189 newJSON.tags.push(tagJSON[0]);190 // Edit the post191 return PostModel.edit(newJSON, editOptions).then(function (updatedPost) {192 updatedPost = updatedPost.toJSON({include: ['tags']});193 updatedPost.tags.should.have.lengthOf(1);194 updatedPost.tags.should.have.enumerable(0){name: 'existing tag a', id: tagJSON[0].id});195 done();196 }).catch(done);197 });198 it('can add multiple tags', function (done) {199 var newJSON = _.cloneDeep(postJSON);200 // Add many preexisting tags201 newJSON.tags.push(tagJSON[0]);202 newJSON.tags.push(tagJSON[1]);203 newJSON.tags.push(tagJSON[2]);204 // Edit the post205 return PostModel.edit(newJSON, editOptions).then(function (updatedPost) {206 updatedPost = updatedPost.toJSON({include: ['tags']});207 updatedPost.tags.should.have.lengthOf(3);208 updatedPost.tags.should.have.enumerable(0){name: 'existing tag a', id: tagJSON[0].id});209 updatedPost.tags.should.have.enumerable(1){name: 'existing-tag-b', id: tagJSON[1].id});210 updatedPost.tags.should.have.enumerable(2){name: 'existing_tag_c', id: tagJSON[2].id});211 done();212 }).catch(done);213 });214 it('can add multiple tags in wrong order', function (done) {215 var newJSON = _.cloneDeep(postJSON);216 // Add tags to the array217 newJSON.tags.push(tagJSON[2]);218 newJSON.tags.push(tagJSON[0]);219 newJSON.tags.push(tagJSON[1]);220 // Edit the post221 return PostModel.edit(newJSON, editOptions).then(function (updatedPost) {222 updatedPost = updatedPost.toJSON({include: ['tags']});223 updatedPost.tags.should.have.lengthOf(3);224 updatedPost.tags.should.have.enumerable(0){name: 'existing_tag_c', id: tagJSON[2].id});225 updatedPost.tags.should.have.enumerable(1){name: 'existing tag a', id: tagJSON[0].id});226 updatedPost.tags.should.have.enumerable(2){name: 'existing-tag-b', id: tagJSON[1].id});227 done();228 }).catch(done);229 });230 });231 describe('Adding combinations', function () {232 it('can add a combination of new and pre-existing tags', function (done) {233 var newJSON = _.cloneDeep(postJSON);234 // Add a bunch of new and existing tags to the array235 newJSON.tags.push({name: 'tag1'});236 newJSON.tags.push({name: 'existing tag a'});237 newJSON.tags.push({name: 'tag3'});238 newJSON.tags.push({name: 'existing-tag-b'});239 newJSON.tags.push({name: 'tag5'});240 newJSON.tags.push({name: 'existing_tag_c'});241 // Edit the post242 return PostModel.edit(newJSON, editOptions).then(function (updatedPost) {243 updatedPost = updatedPost.toJSON({include: ['tags']});244 updatedPost.tags.should.have.lengthOf(6);245 updatedPost.tags.should.have.enumerable(0)'name', 'tag1');246 updatedPost.tags.should.have.enumerable(1){name: 'existing tag a', id: tagJSON[0].id});247 updatedPost.tags.should.have.enumerable(2)'name', 'tag3');248 updatedPost.tags.should.have.enumerable(3){name: 'existing-tag-b', id: tagJSON[1].id});249 updatedPost.tags.should.have.enumerable(4)'name', 'tag5');250 updatedPost.tags.should.have.enumerable(5){name: 'existing_tag_c', id: tagJSON[2].id});251 done();252 }).catch(done);253 });254 });255 });256 describe('Post tag handling, post with tags', function () {257 var postJSON,258 tagJSON,259 editOptions,260 createTag = testUtils.DataGenerator.forKnex.createTag;261 beforeEach(function (done) {262 tagJSON = [];263 var post = testUtils.DataGenerator.forModel.posts[0],264 postTags = [265 createTag({name: 'tag1'}),266 createTag({name: 'tag2'}),267 createTag({name: 'tag3'})268 ],269 extraTags = [270 createTag({name: 'existing tag a'}),271 createTag({name: 'existing-tag-b'}),272 createTag({name: 'existing_tag_c'})273 ];274 post.tags = postTags;275 return Promise.props({276 post: PostModel.add(post, _.extend({}, context, {withRelated: ['tags']})),277 tag1: TagModel.add(extraTags[0], context),278 tag2: TagModel.add(extraTags[1], context),279 tag3: TagModel.add(extraTags[2], context)280 }).then(function (result) {281 postJSON ={include: ['tags']});282 tagJSON.push(result.tag1.toJSON());283 tagJSON.push(result.tag2.toJSON());284 tagJSON.push(result.tag3.toJSON());285 editOptions = _.extend({}, context, {id:, withRelated: ['tags']});286 done();287 });288 });289 it('should create the test data correctly', function () {290 // creates a test tag291 should.exist(tagJSON);292;293 tagJSON.should.have.enumerable(0)'name', 'existing tag a');294 tagJSON.should.have.enumerable(1)'name', 'existing-tag-b');295 tagJSON.should.have.enumerable(2)'name', 'existing_tag_c');296 // creates a test post with an array of tags in the correct order297 should.exist(postJSON);298 postJSON.title.should.eql('HTML Ipsum');299 should.exist(postJSON.tags);300;301 postJSON.tags.should.have.enumerable(0)'name', 'tag1');302 postJSON.tags.should.have.enumerable(1)'name', 'tag2');303 postJSON.tags.should.have.enumerable(2)'name', 'tag3');304 });305 describe('Adding brand new tags', function () {306 it('can add a single tag to the end of the tags array', function (done) {307 var newJSON = _.cloneDeep(postJSON);308 // Add a single tag to the end of the array309 newJSON.tags.push(createTag({name: 'tag4'}));310 // Edit the post311 return PostModel.edit(newJSON, editOptions).then(function (updatedPost) {312 updatedPost = updatedPost.toJSON({include: ['tags']});313 updatedPost.tags.should.have.lengthOf(4);314 updatedPost.tags.should.have.enumerable(0){name: 'tag1', id: postJSON.tags[0].id});315 updatedPost.tags.should.have.enumerable(1){name: 'tag2', id: postJSON.tags[1].id});316 updatedPost.tags.should.have.enumerable(2){name: 'tag3', id: postJSON.tags[2].id});317 updatedPost.tags.should.have.enumerable(3)'name', 'tag4');318 done();319 }).catch(done);320 });321 it('can add a single tag to the beginning of the tags array', function (done) {322 var newJSON = _.cloneDeep(postJSON);323 // Add a single tag to the beginning of the array324 newJSON.tags = [createTag({name: 'tag4'})].concat(postJSON.tags);325 // Edit the post326 return PostModel.edit(newJSON, editOptions).then(function (updatedPost) {327 updatedPost = updatedPost.toJSON({include: ['tags']});328 updatedPost.tags.should.have.lengthOf(4);329 updatedPost.tags.should.have.enumerable(0)'name', 'tag4');330 updatedPost.tags.should.have.enumerable(1){name: 'tag1', id: postJSON.tags[0].id});331 updatedPost.tags.should.have.enumerable(2){name: 'tag2', id: postJSON.tags[1].id});332 updatedPost.tags.should.have.enumerable(3){name: 'tag3', id: postJSON.tags[2].id});333 done();334 }).catch(done);335 });336 });337 describe('Adding pre-existing tags', function () {338 it('can add a single tag to the end of the tags array', function (done) {339 var newJSON = _.cloneDeep(postJSON);340 // Add a single pre-existing tag to the end of the array341 newJSON.tags.push(tagJSON[0]);342 // Edit the post343 return PostModel.edit(newJSON, editOptions).then(function (updatedPost) {344 updatedPost = updatedPost.toJSON({include: ['tags']});345 updatedPost.tags.should.have.lengthOf(4);346 updatedPost.tags.should.have.enumerable(0){name: 'tag1', id: postJSON.tags[0].id});347 updatedPost.tags.should.have.enumerable(1){name: 'tag2', id: postJSON.tags[1].id});348 updatedPost.tags.should.have.enumerable(2){name: 'tag3', id: postJSON.tags[2].id});349 updatedPost.tags.should.have.enumerable(3){name: 'existing tag a', id: tagJSON[0].id});350 done();351 }).catch(done);352 });353 it('can add a single tag to the beginning of the tags array', function (done) {354 var newJSON = _.cloneDeep(postJSON);355 // Add an existing tag to the beginning of the array356 newJSON.tags = [tagJSON[0]].concat(postJSON.tags);357 // Edit the post358 return PostModel.edit(newJSON, editOptions).then(function (updatedPost) {359 updatedPost = updatedPost.toJSON({include: ['tags']});360 updatedPost.tags.should.have.lengthOf(4);361 updatedPost.tags.should.have.enumerable(0){name: 'existing tag a', id: tagJSON[0].id});362 updatedPost.tags.should.have.enumerable(1){name: 'tag1', id: postJSON.tags[0].id});363 updatedPost.tags.should.have.enumerable(2){name: 'tag2', id: postJSON.tags[1].id});364 updatedPost.tags.should.have.enumerable(3){name: 'tag3', id: postJSON.tags[2].id});365 done();366 }).catch(done);367 });368 it('can add a single tag to the middle of the tags array', function (done) {369 var newJSON = _.cloneDeep(postJSON);370 // Add a single pre-existing tag to the middle of the array371 newJSON.tags = postJSON.tags.slice(0, 1).concat([tagJSON[0]]).concat(postJSON.tags.slice(1));372 // Edit the post373 return PostModel.edit(newJSON, editOptions).then(function (updatedPost) {374 updatedPost = updatedPost.toJSON({include: ['tags']});375 updatedPost.tags.should.have.lengthOf(4);376 updatedPost.tags.should.have.enumerable(0){name: 'tag1', id: postJSON.tags[0].id});377 updatedPost.tags.should.have.enumerable(1){name: 'existing tag a', id: tagJSON[0].id});378 updatedPost.tags.should.have.enumerable(2){name: 'tag2', id: postJSON.tags[1].id});379 updatedPost.tags.should.have.enumerable(3){name: 'tag3', id: postJSON.tags[2].id});380 done();381 }).catch(done);382 });383 });384 describe('Removing tags', function () {385 it('can remove a single tag from the end of the tags array', function (done) {386 var newJSON = _.cloneDeep(postJSON);387 // Remove a single tag from the end of the array388 newJSON.tags = postJSON.tags.slice(0, -1);389 // Edit the post390 return PostModel.edit(newJSON, editOptions).then(function (updatedPost) {391 updatedPost = updatedPost.toJSON({include: ['tags']});392 updatedPost.tags.should.have.lengthOf(2);393 updatedPost.tags.should.have.enumerable(0){name: 'tag1', id: postJSON.tags[0].id});394 updatedPost.tags.should.have.enumerable(1){name: 'tag2', id: postJSON.tags[1].id});395 done();396 }).catch(done);397 });398 it('can remove a single tag from the beginning of the tags array', function (done) {399 var newJSON = _.cloneDeep(postJSON);400 // Remove a single tag from the beginning of the array401 newJSON.tags = postJSON.tags.slice(1);402 // Edit the post403 return PostModel.edit(newJSON, editOptions).then(function (updatedPost) {404 updatedPost = updatedPost.toJSON({include: ['tags']});405 updatedPost.tags.should.have.lengthOf(2);406 updatedPost.tags.should.have.enumerable(0){name: 'tag2', id: postJSON.tags[1].id});407 updatedPost.tags.should.have.enumerable(1){name: 'tag3', id: postJSON.tags[2].id});408 done();409 }).catch(done);410 });411 it('can remove all tags', function (done) {412 var newJSON = _.cloneDeep(postJSON);413 // Remove all the tags414 newJSON.tags = [];415 // Edit the post416 return PostModel.edit(newJSON, editOptions).then(function (updatedPost) {417 updatedPost = updatedPost.toJSON({include: ['tags']});418 updatedPost.tags.should.have.lengthOf(0);419 done();420 }).catch(done);421 });422 });423 describe('Reordering tags', function () {424 it('can reorder the first tag to be the last', function (done) {425 var newJSON = _.cloneDeep(postJSON),426 firstTag = [postJSON.tags[0]];427 // Reorder the tags, so that the first tag is moved to the end428 newJSON.tags = postJSON.tags.slice(1).concat(firstTag);429 // Edit the post430 return PostModel.edit(newJSON, editOptions).then(function (updatedPost) {431 updatedPost = updatedPost.toJSON({include: ['tags']});432 updatedPost.tags.should.have.lengthOf(3);433 updatedPost.tags.should.have.enumerable(0){name: 'tag2', id: postJSON.tags[1].id});434 updatedPost.tags.should.have.enumerable(1){name: 'tag3', id: postJSON.tags[2].id});435 updatedPost.tags.should.have.enumerable(2){name: 'tag1', id: postJSON.tags[0].id});436 done();437 }).catch(done);438 });439 it('can reorder the last tag to be the first', function (done) {440 var newJSON = _.cloneDeep(postJSON),441 lastTag = [postJSON.tags[2]];442 // Reorder the tags, so that the last tag is moved to the beginning443 newJSON.tags = lastTag.concat(postJSON.tags.slice(0, -1));444 // Edit the post445 return PostModel.edit(newJSON, editOptions).then(function (updatedPost) {446 updatedPost = updatedPost.toJSON({include: ['tags']});447 updatedPost.tags.should.have.lengthOf(3);448 updatedPost.tags.should.have.enumerable(0){name: 'tag3', id: postJSON.tags[2].id});449 updatedPost.tags.should.have.enumerable(1){name: 'tag1', id: postJSON.tags[0].id});450 updatedPost.tags.should.have.enumerable(2){name: 'tag2', id: postJSON.tags[1].id});451 done();452 }).catch(done);453 });454 });455 describe('Combination updates', function () {456 it('can add a combination of new and pre-existing tags', function (done) {457 var newJSON = _.cloneDeep(postJSON);458 // Push a bunch of new and existing tags to the end of the array459 newJSON.tags.push({name: 'tag4'});460 newJSON.tags.push({name: 'existing tag a'});461 newJSON.tags.push({name: 'tag5'});462 newJSON.tags.push({name: 'existing-tag-b'});463 newJSON.tags.push({name: 'bob'});464 newJSON.tags.push({name: 'existing_tag_c'});465 // Edit the post466 return PostModel.edit(newJSON, editOptions).then(function (updatedPost) {467 updatedPost = updatedPost.toJSON({include: ['tags']});468 updatedPost.tags.should.have.lengthOf(9);469 updatedPost.tags.should.have.enumerable(0){name: 'tag1', id: postJSON.tags[0].id});470 updatedPost.tags.should.have.enumerable(1){name: 'tag2', id: postJSON.tags[1].id});471 updatedPost.tags.should.have.enumerable(2){name: 'tag3', id: postJSON.tags[2].id});472 updatedPost.tags.should.have.enumerable(3)'name', 'tag4');473 updatedPost.tags.should.have.enumerable(4){name: 'existing tag a', id: tagJSON[0].id});474 updatedPost.tags.should.have.enumerable(5)'name', 'tag5');475 updatedPost.tags.should.have.enumerable(6){name: 'existing-tag-b', id: tagJSON[1].id});476 updatedPost.tags.should.have.enumerable(7)'name', 'bob');477 updatedPost.tags.should.have.enumerable(8){name: 'existing_tag_c', id: tagJSON[2].id});478 done();479 }).catch(done);480 });481 it('can reorder the first tag to be the last and add a tag to the beginning', function (done) {482 var newJSON = _.cloneDeep(postJSON),483 firstTag = [postJSON.tags[0]];484 // Add a new tag to the beginning, and move the original first tag to the end485 newJSON.tags = [tagJSON[0]].concat(postJSON.tags.slice(1)).concat(firstTag);486 // Edit the post487 return PostModel.edit(newJSON, editOptions).then(function (updatedPost) {488 updatedPost = updatedPost.toJSON({include: ['tags']});489 updatedPost.tags.should.have.lengthOf(4);490 updatedPost.tags.should.have.enumerable(0){name: 'existing tag a', id: tagJSON[0].id});491 updatedPost.tags.should.have.enumerable(1){name: 'tag2', id: postJSON.tags[1].id});492 updatedPost.tags.should.have.enumerable(2){name: 'tag3', id: postJSON.tags[2].id});493 updatedPost.tags.should.have.enumerable(3){name: 'tag1', id: postJSON.tags[0].id});494 done();495 }).catch(done);496 });497 it('can reorder the first tag to be the last, remove the original last tag & add a tag to the beginning', function (done) {498 var newJSON = _.cloneDeep(postJSON),499 firstTag = [newJSON.tags[0]];500 // And an existing tag to the beginning of the array, move the original first tag to the end and remove the original last tag501 newJSON.tags = [tagJSON[0]].concat(newJSON.tags.slice(1, -1)).concat(firstTag);502 // Edit the post503 return PostModel.edit(newJSON, editOptions).then(function (updatedPost) {504 updatedPost = updatedPost.toJSON({include: ['tags']});505 updatedPost.tags.should.have.lengthOf(3);506 updatedPost.tags.should.have.enumerable(0){name: 'existing tag a', id: tagJSON[0].id});507 updatedPost.tags.should.have.enumerable(1){name: 'tag2', id: postJSON.tags[1].id});508 updatedPost.tags.should.have.enumerable(2){name: 'tag1', id: postJSON.tags[0].id});509 done();510 }).catch(done);511 });512 it('can reorder original tags, remove one, and add new and existing tags', function (done) {513 var newJSON = _.cloneDeep(postJSON),514 firstTag = [newJSON.tags[0]];515 // Reorder original 3 so that first is at the end516 newJSON.tags = newJSON.tags.slice(1).concat(firstTag);517 // add an existing tag in the middle518 newJSON.tags = newJSON.tags.slice(0, 1).concat({name: 'existing-tag-b'}).concat(newJSON.tags.slice(1));519 // add a brand new tag in the middle520 newJSON.tags = newJSON.tags.slice(0, 3).concat({name: 'betty'}).concat(newJSON.tags.slice(3));521 // Add some more tags to the end522 newJSON.tags.push({name: 'bob'});523 newJSON.tags.push({name: 'existing tag a'});524 // Edit the post525 return PostModel.edit(newJSON, editOptions).then(function (updatedPost) {526 updatedPost = updatedPost.toJSON({include: ['tags']});527 updatedPost.tags.should.have.lengthOf(7);528 updatedPost.tags.should.have.enumerable(0){name: 'tag2', id: postJSON.tags[1].id});529 updatedPost.tags.should.have.enumerable(1){name: 'existing-tag-b', id: tagJSON[1].id});530 updatedPost.tags.should.have.enumerable(2){name: 'tag3', id: postJSON.tags[2].id});531 updatedPost.tags.should.have.enumerable(3)'name', 'betty');532 updatedPost.tags.should.have.enumerable(4){name: 'tag1', id: postJSON.tags[0].id});533 updatedPost.tags.should.have.enumerable(5)'name', 'bob');534 updatedPost.tags.should.have.enumerable(6){name: 'existing tag a', id: tagJSON[0].id});535 done();536 }).catch(done);537 });538 });539 });...
Source: jsl.format.js
1/*jslint white: true, devel: true, onevar: true, browser: true, undef: true, nomen: true, regexp: true, plusplus: false, bitwise: true, newcap: true, maxerr: 50, indent: 4 */2var jsl = typeof jsl === 'undefined' ? {} : jsl;3/**4 * jsl.format - Provide json reformatting in a character-by-character approach, so that even invalid JSON may be reformatted (to the best of its ability).5 *6**/7jsl.format = (function () {8 function repeat(s, count) {9 return new Array(count + 1).join(s);10 }11 function formatJson(json) {12 var i = 0,13 il = 0,14 tab = " ",15 newJson = "",16 indentLevel = 0,17 inString = false,18 currentChar = null;19 for (i = 0, il = json.length; i < il; i += 1) { 20 currentChar = json.charAt(i);21 switch (currentChar) {22 case '{': 23 case '[': 24 if (!inString) { 25 newJson += currentChar + "\n" + repeat(tab, indentLevel + 1);26 indentLevel += 1; 27 } else { 28 newJson += currentChar; 29 }30 break; 31 case '}': 32 case ']': 33 if (!inString) { 34 indentLevel -= 1; 35 newJson += "\n" + repeat(tab, indentLevel) + currentChar; 36 } else { 37 newJson += currentChar; 38 } 39 break; 40 case ',': 41 if (!inString) { 42 newJson += ",\n" + repeat(tab, indentLevel); 43 } else { 44 newJson += currentChar; 45 } 46 break; 47 case ':': 48 if (!inString) { 49 newJson += ": "; 50 } else { 51 newJson += currentChar; 52 } 53 break; 54 case ' ':55 case "\n":56 case "\t":57 if (inString) {58 newJson += currentChar;59 }60 break;61 case '"': 62 if (i > 0 && json.charAt(i - 1) !== '\\') {63 inString = !inString; 64 }65 newJson += currentChar; 66 break;67 default: 68 newJson += currentChar; 69 break; 70 } 71 } 72 return newJson; 73 }74 return { "formatJson": formatJson };...
Source: JsonFormatter.js
1/*jslint white: true, devel: true, onevar: true, browser: true, undef: true, nomen: true, regexp: true, plusplus: false, bitwise: true, newcap: true, maxerr: 50, indent: 4 */2var jsl = typeof jsl === 'undefined' ? {} : jsl;3/**4 * jsl.format - Provide json reformatting in a character-by-character approach, so that even invalid JSON may be reformatted (to the best of its ability).5 *6**/7jsl.format = (function () {8 function repeat(s, count) {9 return new Array(count + 1).join(s);10 }11 function formatJson(json) {12 var i = 0,13 il = 0,14 tab = " ",15 newJson = "",16 indentLevel = 0,17 inString = false,18 currentChar = null;19 for (i = 0, il = json.length; i < il; i += 1) { 20 currentChar = json.charAt(i);21 switch (currentChar) {22 case '{': 23 case '[': 24 if (!inString) { 25 newJson += currentChar + "\n" + repeat(tab, indentLevel + 1);26 indentLevel += 1; 27 } else { 28 newJson += currentChar; 29 }30 break; 31 case '}': 32 case ']': 33 if (!inString) { 34 indentLevel -= 1; 35 newJson += "\n" + repeat(tab, indentLevel) + currentChar; 36 } else { 37 newJson += currentChar; 38 } 39 break; 40 case ',': 41 if (!inString) { 42 newJson += ",\n" + repeat(tab, indentLevel); 43 } else { 44 newJson += currentChar; 45 } 46 break; 47 case ':': 48 if (!inString) { 49 newJson += ": "; 50 } else { 51 newJson += currentChar; 52 } 53 break; 54 case ' ':55 case "\n":56 case "\t":57 if (inString) {58 newJson += currentChar;59 }60 break;61 case '"': 62 if (i > 0 && json.charAt(i - 1) !== '\\') {63 inString = !inString; 64 }65 newJson += currentChar; 66 break;67 default: 68 newJson += currentChar; 69 break; 70 } 71 } 72 return newJson; 73 }74 return { "formatJson": formatJson };...
Using AI Code Generation
1var argosy = require('argosy')2var argosyPattern = require('argosy-pattern')3var argosyJson = require('argosy-json')4var argosyService = argosy()5 .use(argosyJson())6 .use(argosyPattern({7 }))8 .act('get:hello', function (err, result) {9 console.log(result)10 })11argosyService.listen(8000)12var argosy = require('argosy')13var argosyPattern = require('argosy-pattern')14var argosyJson = require('argosy-json')15var argosyClient = argosy()16 .use(argosyJson())17 .use(argosyPattern({18 }))19 .act('get:hello', function (err, result) {20 console.log(result)21 })22argosyClient.connect(8000)23Error: No handler found for {"get":"hello"}
Using AI Code Generation
1var argosy = require('argosy')2var argosyPattern = require('argosy-pattern')3var argosyJson = require('argosy-json')4var argosyPipe = require('argosy-pipe')5var argosyHttp = require('argosy-http')6var pipeline = argosy()7pipeline.use(argosyPattern({8 'test': { }9}))10pipeline.use(argosyJson())11pipeline.use(argosyPipe())12pipeline.use(argosyHttp())13pipeline.listen(8000)14var argosy = require('argosy')15var argosyPattern = require('argosy-pattern')16var argosyJson = require('argosy-json')17var argosyPipe = require('argosy-pipe')18var argosyHttp = require('argosy-http')19var pipeline = argosy()20pipeline.use(argosyPattern({21 'test': { }22}))23pipeline.use(argosyJson())24pipeline.use(argosyPipe())25pipeline.use(argosyHttp())26pipeline.listen(8000)27var argosy = require('argosy')28var argosyPattern = require('argosy-pattern')29var argosyJson = require('argosy-json')30var argosyPipe = require('argosy-pipe')31var argosyHttp = require('argosy-http')32var pipeline = argosy()33pipeline.use(argosyPattern({34 'test': { }35}))36pipeline.use(argosyJson())37pipeline.use(argosyPipe())38pipeline.use(argosyHttp())39pipeline.listen(8000)40var argosy = require('argosy')41var argosyPattern = require('argosy-pattern')42var argosyJson = require('argosy-json')43var argosyPipe = require('argosy-pipe')44var argosyHttp = require('argosy-http')45var pipeline = argosy()46pipeline.use(argosyPattern({47 'test': { }48}))49pipeline.use(argosyJson())50pipeline.use(argosyPipe())51pipeline.use(argosyHttp())52pipeline.listen(8000)
Using AI Code Generation
1var argosy = require('argosy')2var pattern = require('argosy-pattern')3var newJson = require('argosy-new-json')4var service = argosy()5service.pipe(newJson()).pipe(service)6service.accept({hello: pattern.match.string})7service.on('hello', function (msg, respond) {8 respond(null, {message: 'Hello ' + msg})9})10service.act({hello: 'world'}, console.log)11var argosy = require('argosy')12var pattern = require('argosy-pattern')13var newJson = require('argosy-new-json')14var service = argosy()15service.pipe(newJson()).pipe(service)16service.accept({hello: pattern.match.string})17service.on('hello', function (msg, respond) {18 respond(null, {message: 'Hello ' + msg})19})20service.act({hello: 'world'}, console.log)21var argosy = require('argosy')22var pattern = require('argosy-pattern')23var newJson = require('argosy-new-json')24var service = argosy()25service.pipe(newJson()).pipe(service)26service.accept({hello: pattern.match.string})27service.on('hello', function (msg, respond) {28 respond(null, {message: 'Hello ' + msg})29})30service.act({hello: 'world'}, console.log)31var argosy = require('argosy')32var pattern = require('argosy-pattern')33var newJson = require('argosy-new-json')34var service = argosy()35service.pipe(newJson()).pipe(service)36service.accept({hello: pattern.match.string})37service.on('hello', function (msg, respond) {38 respond(null, {message: 'Hello ' + msg})39})40service.act({hello: 'world'}, console.log)41var argosy = require('argosy')42var pattern = require('argosy-pattern')43var newJson = require('argosy-new-json')44var service = argosy()45service.pipe(newJson()).pipe(service)46service.accept({hello: pattern.match.string})
Using AI Code Generation
1var argosy = require('argosy')2var argosyPatter = require('argosy-pattern')3var argosyJson = require('argosy-json')4var service = argosy()5service.use(argosyPatter())6service.use(argosyJson())7service.accept({role: 'test', cmd: 'newJson'}, function (msg, cb) {8 cb(null, {foo: 'bar'})9})10service.listen(5000, function () {11 var client = argosy()12 client.use(argosyPatter())13 client.use(argosyJson())14 client.connect(5000)15 client.act({role: 'test', cmd: 'newJson'}, function (err, response) {16 console.log(response)17 })18})19var argosy = require('argosy')20var argosyPatter = require('argosy-pattern')21var argosyJson = require('argosy-json')22var service = argosy()23service.use(argosyPatter())24service.use(argosyJson())25service.accept({role: 'test', cmd: 'json'}, function (msg, cb) {26 cb(null, {foo: 'bar'})27})28service.listen(5000, function () {29 var client = argosy()30 client.use(argosyPatter())31 client.use(argosyJson())32 client.connect(5000)33 client.act({role: 'test', cmd: 'json'}, function (err, response) {34 console.log(response)35 })36})
Using AI Code Generation
1var argosy = require('argosy')2var argosyPattern = require('argosy-pattern')3var argosyService = argosy()4var pattern = argosyPattern({5})6argosyService.accept(pattern).process(function (msg, respond) {7 console.log('newJson', msg.newJson)8 respond(null, msg.newJson)9})10argosyService.pipe(argosyService)11var argosy = require('argosy')12var argosyPattern = require('argosy-pattern')13var argosyService = argosy()14var pattern = argosyPattern({15})16argosyService.accept(pattern).process(function (msg, respond) {17 console.log('newJson', msg.newJson)18 respond(null, msg.newJson)19})20argosyService.pipe(argosyService)21var argosy = require('argosy')22var argosyService = argosy()23var argosyPattern = require('argosy-pattern')24var pattern = argosyPattern({25})26var argosyService2 = argosy()27var argosyPattern2 = require('argosy-pattern')28var pattern2 = argosyPattern2({29})30 .accept(pattern)31 .process(function (msg, respond) {32 console.log('newJson', msg.newJson)33 respond(null, msg.newJson)34 })35 .pipe(argosyService2)36 .accept(pattern2)37 .process(function (msg, respond) {38 console.log('newJson', msg.newJson)39 respond(null, msg.newJson)40 })41 .pipe(argosyService)42var argosy = require('argosy')43var argosyPattern = require('argosy-pattern')44var argosyService = argosy()45var pattern = argosyPattern({46})47argosyService.accept(pattern).process(function (msg, respond) {48 console.log('newJson', msg.newJson)49 respond(null, msg
Using AI Code Generation
1var service = require('argosy-service')2var argosy = require('argosy')3var seneca = require('seneca')()4module.exports = function () {5 return seneca.use('..', {6 service: {7 }8 })9}10var service = require('argosy-service')11var argosy = require('argosy')12var seneca = require('seneca')()13module.exports = function () {14 return seneca.use('..', {15 service: {16 }17 })18}19var service = require('argosy-service')20var argosy = require('argosy')21var seneca = require('seneca')()22module.exports = function () {23 return seneca.use('..', {24 service: {25 }26 })27}28var service = require('argosy-service')29var argosy = require('argosy')30var seneca = require('seneca')()31module.exports = function () {32 return seneca.use('..', {33 service: {34 }35 })36}37var service = require('argosy-service')38var argosy = require('argosy')39var seneca = require('seneca')()40module.exports = function () {41 return seneca.use('..', {42 service: {43 }44 })45}46var service = require('argosy-service')47var argosy = require('argosy')48var seneca = require('seneca')()49module.exports = function () {50 return seneca.use('
Using AI Code Generation
1var argosy = require('argosy')2var argosyPattern = require('argosy-pattern')3var argosyService = argosy()4var pattern = argosyPattern({5})6argosyService.accept(pattern).process(function (msg, respond) {7 console.log('newJson', msg.newJson)8 respond(null, msg.newJson)9})10argosyService.pipe(argosyService)11var argosy = require('argosy')12var argosyPattern = require('argosy-pattern')13var argosyService = argosy()14var pattern = argosyPattern({15})16argosyService.accept(pattern).process(function (msg, respond) {17 console.log('newJson', msg.newJson)18 respond(null, msg.newJson)19})20argosyService.pipe(argosyService)21var argosy = require('argosy')22var argosyService = argosy()23var argosyPattern = require('argosy-pattern')24var pattern = argosyPattern({25})26var argosyService2 = argosy()27var argosyPattern2 = require('argosy-pattern')28var pattern2 = argosyPattern2({29})30 .accept(pattern)31 .process(function (msg, respond) {32 console.log('newJson', msg.newJson)33 respond(null, msg.newJson)34 })35 .pipe(argosyService2)36 .accept(pattern2)37 .process(function (msg, respond) {38 console.log('newJson', msg.newJson)39 respond(null, msg.newJson)40 })41 .pipe(argosyService)42var argosy = require('argosy')43var argosyPattern = require('argosy-pattern')44var argosyService = argosy()45var pattern = argosyPattern({46})47argosyService.accept(pattern).process(function (msg, respond) {48 console.log('newJson', msg.newJson)49 respond(null, msg
Using AI Code Generation
1const argosyPattern = require('argosy-pattern')2const pattern = newJson('hello', { name: String })3const argosyPattern = require('argosy-pattern')4const pattern = newJson('hello', { name: String })5const argosyPattern = require('argosy-pattern')6const pattern = newJson('hello', { namePath: test4.js7var argosy = require('argosy')8var pattern = require('argosy-pattern')9var newJson = require('argosy-new-json')10var service = argosy()11service.pipe(newJson()).pipe(service)12service.accept({hello: pattern.match.string})13service.on('hello', function (msg, respond) {14 respond(null, {message: 'Hello ' + msg})15})16service.act({hello: 'world'}, console.log)17var argosy = require('argosy')18var pattern = require('argosy-pattern')19var newJson = require('argosy-new-json')20var service = argosy()21service.pipe(newJson()).pipe(service)22service.accept({hello: pattern.match.string})
Using AI Code Generation
1var argosy = require('argosy')2var argosyPatter = require('argosy-pattern')3var argosyJson = require('argosy-json')4var service = argosy()5service.use(argosyPatter())6service.use(argosyJson())7service.accept({role: 'test', cmd: 'newJson'}, function (msg, cb) {8 cb(null, {foo: 'bar'})9})10service.listen(5000, function () {11 var client = argosy()12 client.use(argosyPatter())13 client.use(argosyJson())14 client.connect(5000)15 client.act({role: 'test', cmd: 'newJson'}, function (err, response) {16 console.log(response)17 })18})19var argosy = require('argosy')20var argosyPatter = require('argosy-pattern')21var argosyJson = require('argosy-json')22var service = argosy()23service.use(argosyPatter())24service.use(argosyJson())25service.accept({role: 'test', cmd: 'json'}, function (msg, cb) {26 cb(null, {foo: 'bar'})27})28service.listen(5000, function () {29 var client = argosy()30 client.use(argosyPatter())31 client.use(argosyJson())32 client.connect(5000)33 client.act({role: 'test', cmd: 'json'}, function (err, response) {34 console.log(response)35 })36})
Using AI Code Generation
1var argosyService = require('argosy-service').newJson;2var argosy = require('argosy');3var argosyPattern = require('argosy-pattern');4var service = argosyService({ 5 add: argosyPattern.accepts({6 }, {7 })8});9service.add(function (message, callback) {10 callback(null, { result: message.a + message.b });11});12argosy()13 .use('math', service)14 .use(function (req, res) {15 if (req.math) {16 req.math.add({ a: 2, b: 3 }, function (err, response) {17 });18 }19 })20 .listen(8000);
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