How to use job method in argos

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Source:job-manager.test.js Github


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1/​/​ Switch these lines once there are useful utils2/​/​ const testUtils = require('./​utils');3require('./​utils');4const assert = require('assert');5const path = require('path');6const sinon = require('sinon');7const delay = require('delay');8const FakeTimers = require('@sinonjs/​fake-timers');9const logging = require('@tryghost/​logging');10const JobManager = require('../​index');11const sandbox = sinon.createSandbox();12const jobModelInstance = {13 id: 'unique',14 get: (field) => {15 if (field === 'status') {16 return 'finished';17 }18 }19};20describe('Job Manager', function () {21 beforeEach(function () {22 sandbox.stub(logging, 'info');23 sandbox.stub(logging, 'warn');24 sandbox.stub(logging, 'error');25 });26 afterEach(function () {27 sandbox.restore();28 });29 it('public interface', function () {30 const jobManager = new JobManager({});31 should.exist(jobManager.addJob);32 should.exist(jobManager.hasExecutedSuccessfully);33 should.exist(jobManager.awaitCompletion);34 });35 describe('Add a job', function () {36 describe('Inline jobs', function () {37 it('adds a job to a queue', async function () {38 const spy = sinon.spy();39 const jobManager = new JobManager({40 JobModel: sinon.stub().resolves()41 });42 jobManager.addJob({43 job: spy,44 data: 'test data',45 offloaded: false46 });47 should(jobManager.queue.idle()).be.false();48 /​/​ give time to execute the job49 await delay(1);50 should(jobManager.queue.idle()).be.true();51 should(spy.called).be.true();52 should(spy.args[0][0]).equal('test data');53 });54 it('handles failed job gracefully', async function () {55 const spy = sinon.stub().throws();56 const jobManager = new JobManager({});57 jobManager.addJob({58 job: spy,59 data: 'test data',60 offloaded: false61 });62 should(jobManager.queue.idle()).be.false();63 /​/​ give time to execute the job64 await delay(1);65 should(jobManager.queue.idle()).be.true();66 should(spy.called).be.true();67 should(spy.args[0][0]).equal('test data');68 should(logging.error.called).be.true();69 });70 });71 describe('Offloaded jobs', function () {72 it('fails to schedule for invalid scheduling expression', function () {73 const jobManager = new JobManager({});74 try {75 jobManager.addJob({76 at: 'invalid expression',77 name: 'jobName'78 });79 } catch (err) {80 err.message.should.equal('Invalid schedule format');81 }82 });83 it('fails to schedule for no job name', function () {84 const jobManager = new JobManager({});85 try {86 jobManager.addJob({87 at: 'invalid expression',88 job: () => {}89 });90 } catch (err) {91 err.message.should.equal('Name parameter should be present if job is a function');92 }93 });94 it('schedules a job using date format', async function () {95 const jobManager = new JobManager({});96 const timeInTenSeconds = new Date( + 10);97 const jobPath = path.resolve(__dirname, './​jobs/​simple.js');98 const clock = FakeTimers.install({now:});99 jobManager.addJob({100 at: timeInTenSeconds,101 job: jobPath,102 name: 'job-in-ten'103 });104 should(jobManager.bree.timeouts['job-in-ten']).type('object');105 should(jobManager.bree.workers['job-in-ten']).type('undefined');106 /​/​ allow to run the job and start the worker107 await clock.nextAsync();108 should(jobManager.bree.workers['job-in-ten']).type('object');109 const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {110 jobManager.bree.workers['job-in-ten'].on('error', reject);111 jobManager.bree.workers['job-in-ten'].on('exit', (code) => {112 should(code).equal(0);113 resolve();114 });115 });116 /​/​ allow job to finish execution and exit117;118 await promise;119 should(jobManager.bree.workers['job-in-ten']).type('undefined');120 clock.uninstall();121 });122 it('schedules a job to run immediately', async function () {123 const jobManager = new JobManager({});124 const clock = FakeTimers.install({now:});125 const jobPath = path.resolve(__dirname, './​jobs/​simple.js');126 jobManager.addJob({127 job: jobPath,128 name: 'job-now'129 });130 should(jobManager.bree.timeouts['job-now']).type('object');131 /​/​ allow scheduler to pick up the job132 clock.tick(1);133 should(jobManager.bree.workers['job-now']).type('object');134 const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {135 jobManager.bree.workers['job-now'].on('error', reject);136 jobManager.bree.workers['job-now'].on('exit', (code) => {137 should(code).equal(0);138 resolve();139 });140 });141 await promise;142 should(jobManager.bree.workers['job-now']).type('undefined');143 clock.uninstall();144 });145 it('fails to schedule a job with the same name to run immediately one after another', async function () {146 const jobManager = new JobManager({});147 const clock = FakeTimers.install({now:});148 const jobPath = path.resolve(__dirname, './​jobs/​simple.js');149 jobManager.addJob({150 job: jobPath,151 name: 'job-now'152 });153 should(jobManager.bree.timeouts['job-now']).type('object');154 /​/​ allow scheduler to pick up the job155 clock.tick(1);156 should(jobManager.bree.workers['job-now']).type('object');157 const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {158 jobManager.bree.workers['job-now'].on('error', reject);159 jobManager.bree.workers['job-now'].on('exit', (code) => {160 should(code).equal(0);161 resolve();162 });163 });164 await promise;165 should(jobManager.bree.workers['job-now']).type('undefined');166 (() => {167 jobManager.addJob({168 job: jobPath,169 name: 'job-now'170 });171 }).should.throw('Job #1 has a duplicate job name of job-now');172 clock.uninstall();173 });174 it('uses custom error handler when job fails', async function (){175 let job = function namedJob() {176 throw new Error('job error');177 };178 const spyHandler = sinon.spy();179 const jobManager = new JobManager({errorHandler: spyHandler});180 jobManager.addJob({181 job,182 name: 'will-fail'183 });184 /​/​ give time to execute the job185 /​/​ has to be this long because in Node v10 the communication is186 /​/​ done through processes, which takes longer comparing to worker_threads187 /​/​ can be reduced to 100 when Node v10 support is dropped188 await delay(600);189 should(spyHandler.called).be.true();190 should(spyHandler.args[0][0].message).equal('job error');191 should(spyHandler.args[0][1].name).equal('will-fail');192 });193 it('uses worker message handler when job sends a message', async function (){194 const workerMessageHandlerSpy = sinon.spy();195 const jobManager = new JobManager({workerMessageHandler: workerMessageHandlerSpy});196 jobManager.addJob({197 job: path.resolve(__dirname, './​jobs/​message.js'),198 name: 'will-send-msg'199 });200'will-send-msg');201 jobManager.bree.workers['will-send-msg'].postMessage('hello from Ghost!');202 /​/​ Give time for worker (worker thread) <-> parent process (job manager) communication203 await delay(100);204 should(workerMessageHandlerSpy.called).be.true();205 should(workerMessageHandlerSpy.args[0][0].name).equal('will-send-msg');206 should(workerMessageHandlerSpy.args[0][0].message).equal('Worker received: hello from Ghost!');207 });208 });209 });210 describe('Add one off job', function () {211 it('throws if name parameter is not provided', async function () {212 const jobManager = new JobManager({});213 try {214 await jobManager.addOneOffJob({215 job: () => {}216 });217 throw new Error('should have thrown');218 } catch (err) {219 should.equal(err.message, 'The name parameter is required for a one off job.');220 }221 });222 describe('Inline jobs', function () {223 it('adds job to the queue when it is a unique one', async function () {224 const spy = sinon.spy();225 const JobModel = {226 findOne: sinon.stub().resolves(undefined),227 add: sinon.stub().resolves()228 };229 const jobManager = new JobManager({JobModel});230 await jobManager.addOneOffJob({231 job: spy,232 name: 'unique name',233 data: 'test data',234 offloaded: false235 });236 assert.equal(JobModel.add.called, true);237 });238 it('does not add a job to the queue when it already exists', async function () {239 const spy = sinon.spy();240 const JobModel = {241 findOne: sinon.stub().resolves(jobModelInstance),242 add: sinon.stub().throws('should not be called')243 };244 const jobManager = new JobManager({JobModel});245 try {246 await jobManager.addOneOffJob({247 job: spy,248 name: 'I am the only one',249 data: 'test data',250 offloaded: false251 });252 throw new Error('should not reach this point');253 } catch (error) {254 assert.equal(error.message, 'A "I am the only one" one off job has already been executed.');255 }256 });257 it('sets a finished state on an inline job', async function () {258 const JobModel = {259 findOne: sinon.stub()260 .onCall(0)261 .resolves(null)262 .resolves({id: 'unique', name: 'successful-oneoff'}),263 add: sinon.stub().resolves({name: 'successful-oneoff'}),264 edit: sinon.stub().resolves({name: 'successful-oneoff'})265 };266 const jobManager = new JobManager({JobModel});267 jobManager.addOneOffJob({268 job: async () => {269 return await delay(10);270 },271 name: 'successful-oneoff',272 offloaded: false273 });274 /​/​ allow job to get picked up and executed275 await delay(20);276 /​/​ tracks the job queued277 should(JobModel.add.args[0][0].status).equal('queued');278 should(JobModel.add.args[0][0].name).equal('successful-oneoff');279 /​/​ tracks the job started280 should(JobModel.edit.args[0][0].status).equal('started');281 should(JobModel.edit.args[0][0].started_at).not.equal(undefined);282 should(JobModel.edit.args[0][1].id).equal('unique');283 /​/​ tracks the job finish284 should(JobModel.edit.args[1][0].status).equal('finished');285 should(JobModel.edit.args[1][0].finished_at).not.equal(undefined);286 should(JobModel.edit.args[1][1].id).equal('unique');287 });288 it('sets a failed state on a job', async function () {289 const JobModel = {290 findOne: sinon.stub()291 .onCall(0)292 .resolves(null)293 .resolves({id: 'unique', name: 'failed-oneoff'}),294 add: sinon.stub().resolves({name: 'failed-oneoff'}),295 edit: sinon.stub().resolves({name: 'failed-oneoff'})296 };297 let job = function namedJob() {298 throw new Error('job error');299 };300 const spyHandler = sinon.spy();301 const jobManager = new JobManager({errorHandler: spyHandler, JobModel});302 await jobManager.addOneOffJob({303 job,304 name: 'failed-oneoff',305 offloaded: false306 });307 /​/​ give time to execute the job308 await delay(50);309 /​/​ tracks the job start310 should(JobModel.edit.args[0][0].status).equal('started');311 should(JobModel.edit.args[0][0].started_at).not.equal(undefined);312 should(JobModel.edit.args[0][1].id).equal('unique');313 /​/​ tracks the job failure314 should(JobModel.edit.args[1][0].status).equal('failed');315 should(JobModel.edit.args[1][1].id).equal('unique');316 });317 it('adds job to the queue after failing', async function () {318 const JobModel = {319 findOne: sinon.stub()320 .onCall(0)321 .resolves(null)322 .onCall(1)323 .resolves({id: 'unique'})324 .resolves({325 id: 'unique',326 get: (field) => {327 if (field === 'status') {328 return 'failed';329 }330 }331 }),332 add: sinon.stub().resolves({}),333 edit: sinon.stub().resolves()334 };335 let job = function namedJob() {336 throw new Error('job error');337 };338 const spyHandler = sinon.spy();339 const jobManager = new JobManager({errorHandler: spyHandler, JobModel});340 await jobManager.addOneOffJob({341 job,342 name: 'failed-oneoff',343 offloaded: false344 });345 /​/​ give time to execute the job and fail346 await delay(50);347 should(JobModel.edit.args[1][0].status).equal('failed');348 /​/​ simulate process restart and "fresh" slate to add the job349 jobManager.removeJob('failed-oneoff');350 await jobManager.addOneOffJob({351 job,352 name: 'failed-oneoff',353 offloaded: false354 });355 /​/​ give time to execute the job and fail AGAIN356 await delay(50);357 should(JobModel.edit.args[3][0].status).equal('started');358 should(JobModel.edit.args[4][0].status).equal('failed');359 });360 });361 describe('Offloaded jobs', function () {362 it('adds job to the queue when it is a unique one', async function () {363 const spy = sinon.spy();364 const JobModel = {365 findOne: sinon.stub().resolves(undefined),366 add: sinon.stub().resolves()367 };368 const jobManager = new JobManager({JobModel});369 await jobManager.addOneOffJob({370 job: spy,371 name: 'unique name',372 data: 'test data'373 });374 assert.equal(JobModel.add.called, true);375 });376 it('does not add a job to the queue when it already exists', async function () {377 const spy = sinon.spy();378 const JobModel = {379 findOne: sinon.stub().resolves(jobModelInstance),380 add: sinon.stub().throws('should not be called')381 };382 const jobManager = new JobManager({JobModel});383 try {384 await jobManager.addOneOffJob({385 job: spy,386 name: 'I am the only one',387 data: 'test data'388 });389 throw new Error('should not reach this point');390 } catch (error) {391 assert.equal(error.message, 'A "I am the only one" one off job has already been executed.');392 }393 });394 it('sets a finished state on a job', async function () {395 const JobModel = {396 findOne: sinon.stub()397 .onCall(0)398 .resolves(null)399 .resolves({id: 'unique', name: 'successful-oneoff'}),400 add: sinon.stub().resolves({name: 'successful-oneoff'}),401 edit: sinon.stub().resolves({name: 'successful-oneoff'})402 };403 const jobManager = new JobManager({JobModel});404 await jobManager.addOneOffJob({405 job: path.resolve(__dirname, './​jobs/​message.js'),406 name: 'successful-oneoff'407 });408 /​/​ allow job to get picked up and executed409 await delay(50);410 jobManager.bree.workers['successful-oneoff'].postMessage('be done!');411 /​/​ allow the message to be passed around412 await delay(50);413 /​/​ tracks the job start414 should(JobModel.edit.args[0][0].status).equal('started');415 should(JobModel.edit.args[0][0].started_at).not.equal(undefined);416 should(JobModel.edit.args[0][1].id).equal('unique');417 /​/​ tracks the job finish418 should(JobModel.edit.args[1][0].status).equal('finished');419 should(JobModel.edit.args[1][0].finished_at).not.equal(undefined);420 should(JobModel.edit.args[1][1].id).equal('unique');421 });422 it('handles a failed job', async function () {423 const JobModel = {424 findOne: sinon.stub()425 .onCall(0)426 .resolves(null)427 .resolves(jobModelInstance),428 add: sinon.stub().resolves({name: 'failed-oneoff'}),429 edit: sinon.stub().resolves({name: 'failed-oneoff'})430 };431 let job = function namedJob() {432 throw new Error('job error');433 };434 const spyHandler = sinon.spy();435 const jobManager = new JobManager({errorHandler: spyHandler, JobModel});436 await jobManager.addOneOffJob({437 job,438 name: 'failed-oneoff'439 });440 /​/​ give time to execute the job441 /​/​ has to be this long because in Node v10 the communication is442 /​/​ done through processes, which takes longer comparing to worker_threads443 /​/​ can be reduced to 100 when Node v10 support is dropped444 await delay(100);445 /​/​ still calls the original error handler446 should(spyHandler.called).be.true();447 should(spyHandler.args[0][0].message).equal('job error');448 should(spyHandler.args[0][1].name).equal('failed-oneoff');449 /​/​ tracks the job start450 should(JobModel.edit.args[0][0].status).equal('started');451 should(JobModel.edit.args[0][0].started_at).not.equal(undefined);452 should(JobModel.edit.args[0][1].id).equal('unique');453 /​/​ tracks the job failure454 should(JobModel.edit.args[1][0].status).equal('failed');455 should(JobModel.edit.args[1][1].id).equal('unique');456 });457 });458 });459 describe('Job execution progress', function () {460 it('checks if job has ever been executed', async function () {461 const JobModel = {462 findOne: sinon.stub()463 .withArgs('solovei')464 .onCall(0)465 .resolves(null)466 .onCall(1)467 .resolves({468 id: 'unique',469 get: (field) => {470 if (field === 'status') {471 return 'finished';472 }473 }474 })475 .onCall(2)476 .resolves({477 id: 'unique',478 get: (field) => {479 if (field === 'status') {480 return 'failed';481 }482 }483 })484 };485 const jobManager = new JobManager({JobModel});486 let executed = await jobManager.hasExecutedSuccessfully('solovei');487 should.equal(executed, false);488 executed = await jobManager.hasExecutedSuccessfully('solovei');489 should.equal(executed, true);490 executed = await jobManager.hasExecutedSuccessfully('solovei');491 should.equal(executed, false);492 });493 it('can wait for job completion', async function () {494 const spy = sinon.spy();495 let status = 'queued';496 const jobWithDelay = async () => {497 await delay(80);498 status = 'finished';499 spy();500 };501 const JobModel = {502 findOne: sinon.stub()503 /​/​ first call when adding a job504 .withArgs('solovei')505 .onCall(0)506 /​/​ first call when adding a job507 .resolves(null)508 .onCall(1)509 .resolves(null)510 .resolves({511 id: 'unique',512 get: () => status513 }),514 add: sinon.stub().resolves()515 };516 const jobManager = new JobManager({JobModel});517 await jobManager.addOneOffJob({518 job: jobWithDelay,519 name: 'solovei',520 offloaded: false521 });522 should.equal(spy.called, false);523 await jobManager.awaitCompletion('solovei');524 should.equal(spy.called, true);525 });526 });527 describe('Remove a job', function () {528 it('removes a scheduled job from the queue', async function () {529 const jobManager = new JobManager({});530 const timeInTenSeconds = new Date( + 10);531 const jobPath = path.resolve(__dirname, './​jobs/​simple.js');532 jobManager.addJob({533 at: timeInTenSeconds,534 job: jobPath,535 name: 'job-in-ten'536 });537[0].name.should.equal('job-in-ten');538 await jobManager.removeJob('job-in-ten');539 should([0]).be.undefined;540 });541 });542 describe('Shutdown', function () {543 it('gracefully shuts down an inline jobs', async function () {544 const jobManager = new JobManager({});545 jobManager.addJob({546 job: require('./​jobs/​timed-job'),547 data: 200,548 offloaded: false549 });550 should(jobManager.queue.idle()).be.false();551 await jobManager.shutdown();552 should(jobManager.queue.idle()).be.true();553 });554 it('gracefully shuts down an interval job', async function () {555 const jobManager = new JobManager({});556 jobManager.addJob({557 at: 'every 5 seconds',558 job: path.resolve(__dirname, './​jobs/​graceful.js')559 });560 await delay(1); /​/​ let the job execution kick in561 should(Object.keys(jobManager.bree.workers).length).equal(0);562 should(Object.keys(jobManager.bree.timeouts).length).equal(0);563 should(Object.keys(jobManager.bree.intervals).length).equal(1);564 await jobManager.shutdown();565 should(Object.keys(jobManager.bree.intervals).length).equal(0);566 });567 });...

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Source:recruitment.sagas.js Github


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1import {2 all,3 call,4 put,5 select,6 takeLatest,7 takeEvery,8} from "redux-saga/​effects";9import { path, pathOr, prop, propOr } from "ramda";10import { toast } from "react-toastify";11import en from "../​lang/​en";12import {13 getDecisionFromClient,14 STATUS_NO_GO,15 DECISION_NO_GO,16} from "../​utils/​kanban";17import {18 GET_RECRUITMENT,19 updateClientCorporationsIds,20 updateClientCorporations,21 getJobOrders as getJobOrdersAction,22 updateJobOrders,23 getJobSubmissions as getJobSubmissionsAction,24 updateJobSubmissions,25 GET_RECRUITMENT_JOB_SUBMISSIONS,26 GET_RECRUITMENT_JOB_ORDERS,27 updateHrs,28 UPDATE_RECRUITMENT_JOB_SUBMISSION,29 setJobOrders,30 setJobSubmissions,31 CREATE_RECRUITMENT_JOB_SUBMISSION,32 DELETE_RECRUITMENT_JOB_SUBMISSION,33 removeJobSubmission,34} from "./​recruitment.actions";35import {36 getTalentAcquisitionManagers,37 getJobSubmissions as getJobSubmissionsService,38 updateJobSubmission as updateJobSubmissionService,39 getCandidate,40 updateCandidateDecision,41 getClientCorporation,42} from "./​recruitment.service";43import {44 getJobOrders as getJobOrdersService,45 createJobSubmission as createJobSubmissionService,46 getJobSubmission,47 deleteJobSubmission as deleteJobSubmissionService,48} from "../​kanban/​kanban.service";49import {50 getStateJobSubmissions as getStateJobSubmissionsKanban,51 deleteJobSubmission as deleteJobSubmissionKanban,52} from "../​kanban/​kanban.sagas";53export const getStateClientCorporation = (state, ccId) =>54 pathOr({}, ["recruitment", "clientCorporations", ccId], state);55export const getStateJobSubmissions = (state) =>56 pathOr({}, ["recruitment", "jobSubmissions"], state);57export const getStateJobSubmission = (state, joId) =>58 pathOr({}, ["recruitment", "jobSubmissions", joId], state);59export const getStateJobOrders = (state) =>60 pathOr({}, ["recruitment", "jobOrders"], state);61export const getStateJobOrder = (state, jobOrderId) =>62 pathOr({}, ["recruitment", "jobOrders", jobOrderId], state);63export function* getRecruitment() {64 yield call(getTams);65}66export function* getTams(start = 0) {67 try {68 const tamsResponse = yield call(getTalentAcquisitionManagers, start);69 const tamList = yield call(propOr, [], "data", tamsResponse);70 yield all( => put(getJobOrdersAction(prop("id", tam)))));71 if (propOr(0, "count", tamsResponse) > 0)72 yield call(73 getTalentAcquisitionManagers,74 propOr(0, "start", tamsResponse) + propOr(0, "count", tamsResponse)75 );76 } catch (e) {77 /​/​78 }79}80export function* getClientCorporations(tamId, jobOrders) {81 const ccList = [];82 const clientCorporations = yield all(83 jobOrders.reduce((acc, jo) => {84 const cc = prop("clientCorporation", jo);85 ccList.push(prop("id", cc));86 const jos = pathOr([], [prop("id", cc), "jobOrders"], acc).concat(87 prop("id", jo)88 );89 acc[prop("id", cc)] = {90,91 jobOrders: jos,92 };93 return acc;94 }, {})95 );96 for (let ccId of ccList) {97 const ccResponse = yield call(getClientCorporation, ccId);98 const clientCorporation = propOr({}, "data", ccResponse);99 clientCorporations[ccId] = {100 ...clientCorporations[ccId],101 ...clientCorporation,102 };103 }104 yield put(updateClientCorporations(clientCorporations));105 yield put(updateClientCorporationsIds(ccList));106}107export function* getJobOrders(action, start = 0) {108 const tamId = prop("payload", action);109 try {110 const jobOrdersResponse = yield call(getJobOrdersService, tamId, start);111 const jobOrderList = yield call(propOr, [], "data", jobOrdersResponse);112 yield call(getClientCorporations, tamId, jobOrderList);113 const jobOrders = yield all(114 jobOrderList.reduce((acc, jo) => {115 acc[prop("id", jo)] = {, jobSubmissions: {} };116 return acc;117 }, {})118 );119 yield put(updateJobOrders(jobOrders));120 yield all(121 =>122 put(123 getJobSubmissionsAction(124 prop("id", jobOrder),125 path(["clientCorporation", "id"], jobOrder)126 )127 )128 )129 );130 const newStart =131 propOr(0, "start", jobOrdersResponse) +132 propOr(0, "count", jobOrdersResponse);133 if (newStart < propOr(0, "total", jobOrdersResponse))134 yield call(getJobOrders, action, newStart);135 } catch (e) {136 /​/​137 }138}139export function* getJobSubmissions(action, start = 0) {140 const { joId, ccId } = prop("payload", action);141 try {142 const jobSubmissionsResponse = yield call(143 getJobSubmissionsService,144 joId,145 start146 );147 const jsList = propOr([], "data", jobSubmissionsResponse);148 const jobOrders = {};149 const hrs = [];150 const jobSubmissions = yield all(151 jsList.reduce((acc, js) => {152 acc[prop("id", js)] = {153 ...js,154 clientCorporationId: ccId,155 };156 const joId = path(["jobOrder", "id"], js);157 const jojss = pathOr(158 [],159 [joId, "jobSubmissions", js.status],160 jobOrders161 ).concat([]);162 jobOrders[joId] = {163 jobSubmissions: {164 ...pathOr({}, [joId, "jobSubmissions"], jobOrders),165 [js.status]: jojss,166 },167 };168 return acc;169 }, {})170 );171 for (let js of jsList) {172 const candidateResponse = yield call(173 getCandidate,174 path(["candidate", "id"], js)175 );176 const candidate = propOr({}, "data", candidateResponse);177 jobSubmissions[prop("id", js)].candidate = candidate;178 const hr = prop("owner", candidate);179 if (hr) hrs.push(hr);180 }181 yield put(updateJobSubmissions(jobSubmissions));182 yield put(updateJobOrders(jobOrders));183 yield put(updateHrs(hrs));184 } catch (e) {185 /​/​186 }187}188export function* getDecision(jobOrderId, status) {189 const jo = yield select(getStateJobOrder, jobOrderId);190 const cc = yield select(191 getStateClientCorporation,192 path(["clientCorporation", "id"], jo)193 );194 if (status === STATUS_NO_GO) return DECISION_NO_GO;195 else return yield call(getDecisionFromClient, propOr("", "name", cc));196}197export function* updateJobSubmission(action) {198 const {199 payload: {200 prevStatus,201 jobSubmissionId,202 prevJobOrderId,203 jobOrderId,204 status,205 },206 } = action;207 const jobSubmission = yield select(getStateJobSubmission, jobSubmissionId);208 try {209 const decision = yield call(getDecision, jobOrderId, status);210 yield call(updateStateJobSubmission, {211 ...action,212 payload: {213 ...action.payload,214 decision,215 dateLastModified: new Date().getTime(),216 },217 });218 yield call(updateJobSubmissionService, jobSubmissionId, status, jobOrderId);219 yield call(toast.success, en.UPDATE_STATUS_SUCCESS);220 } catch (e) {221 const decision = yield call(getDecision, prevJobOrderId, prevStatus);222 yield call(updateStateJobSubmission, {223 ...action,224 payload: {225 ...action.payload,226 status: prevStatus,227 prevStatus: status,228 jobOrderId: prevJobOrderId,229 prevJobOrderId: jobOrderId,230 decision,231 dateLastModified: prop("dateLastModified", jobSubmission),232 },233 });234 yield call(toast.error, en.UPDATE_STATUS_ERROR);235 }236}237export function* updateStateJobSubmission(action) {238 const {239 payload: {240 prevJobOrderId,241 jobOrderId,242 prevStatus,243 jobSubmissionId,244 status,245 decision,246 dateLastModified,247 },248 } = action;249 const stateJobSubmissions = yield select(getStateJobSubmissions);250 const jobSubmission = stateJobSubmissions[jobSubmissionId];251 const stateNewJobOrder = yield select(getStateJobOrder, jobOrderId);252 const jobSubmissions = {253 ...stateJobSubmissions,254 [jobSubmissionId]: {255 ...jobSubmission,256 status,257 jobOrder: {258 id: prop("id", stateNewJobOrder),259 title: prop("title", stateNewJobOrder),260 },261 candidate: {262 ...jobSubmission.candidate,263 middleName: decision,264 },265 dateLastModified,266 },267 };268 yield put(setJobSubmissions(jobSubmissions));269 const statePrevJobOrder = yield select(getStateJobOrder, prevJobOrderId);270 const prevJojss = {271 ...prop("jobSubmissions", statePrevJobOrder),272 [prevStatus]: pathOr(273 [],274 ["jobSubmissions", prevStatus],275 statePrevJobOrder276 ).filter((jsId) => jsId !== jobSubmissionId),277 };278 const prevJobOrder = {279 [prevJobOrderId]: {280 ...statePrevJobOrder,281 jobSubmissions: prevJojss,282 },283 };284 const stateJobOrders1 = yield select(getStateJobOrders);285 yield put(setJobOrders({ ...stateJobOrders1, ...prevJobOrder }));286 const stateJobOrder = yield select(getStateJobOrder, jobOrderId);287 const jojss = {288 ...prop("jobSubmissions", stateJobOrder),289 [status]: pathOr([], ["jobSubmissions", status], stateJobOrder).concat([290 jobSubmissionId,291 ]),292 };293 const jobOrder = {294 [jobOrderId]: {295 ...stateJobOrder,296 jobSubmissions: jojss,297 },298 };299 const stateJobOrders2 = yield select(getStateJobOrders);300 yield put(setJobOrders({ ...stateJobOrders2, ...jobOrder }));301}302export function* createJobSubmission(action) {303 const {304 payload: { jobOrder, jobSubmission, status },305 } = action;306 try {307 const js = {308 candidate: { id: path(["candidate", "id"], jobSubmission) },309 jobOrder: { id: prop("id", jobOrder) },310 status,311 };312 const putJobSubmissionResponse = yield call(createJobSubmissionService, js);313 const createdId = prop("changedEntityId", putJobSubmissionResponse);314 const jobSubmissionResponse = yield call(getJobSubmission, createdId);315 const candidateResponse = yield call(316 getCandidate,317 path(["candidate", "id"], jobSubmission)318 );319 const decision = yield call(getDecision, prop("id", jobOrder), status);320 const newJobSubmission = {321 ...propOr({}, "data", jobSubmissionResponse),322 bmId: prop("bmId", jobOrder),323 clientCorporationId: path(["clientCorporation", "id"], jobOrder),324 jobOrderId: prop("id", jobOrder),325 candidate: prop("data", candidateResponse),326 };327 yield call(addJobSubmission, newJobSubmission);328 yield call(toast.success, en.CREATE_CANDIDATE_SUCCESS);329 yield call(330 updateCandidateDecision,331 path(["candidate", "id"], jobSubmission),332 decision333 );334 } catch (e) {335 yield call(toast.error, en.CREATE_CANDIDATE_ERROR);336 }337}338export function* addJobSubmission(jobSubmission) {339 const jobSubmissionId = propOr("", "id", jobSubmission);340 const stateJobSubmissions = yield select(getStateJobSubmissions);341 var jobSubmissions = {342 ...stateJobSubmissions,343 [jobSubmissionId]: jobSubmission,344 };345 yield put(setJobSubmissions(jobSubmissions));346 const jobOrderId = path(["jobOrder", "id"], jobSubmission);347 const stateJobOrder = yield select(getStateJobOrder, jobOrderId);348 const status = prop("status", jobSubmission);349 const jojss = {350 ...prop("jobSubmissions", stateJobOrder),351 [status]: pathOr([], ["jobSubmissions", status], stateJobOrder).concat([352 jobSubmissionId,353 ]),354 };355 const jobOrder = {356 [jobOrderId]: {357 ...stateJobOrder,358 jobSubmissions: jojss,359 },360 };361 const stateJobOrders = yield select(getStateJobOrders);362 yield put(setJobOrders({ ...stateJobOrders, ...jobOrder }));363}364export function* deleteJobSubmissions(action) {365 const jobSubmission = prop("payload", action);366 const stateJobSubmissions = yield select(getStateJobSubmissions);367 const jobSubmissionsToDelete = Object.keys(stateJobSubmissions).filter(368 (jsId) =>369 path([jsId, "candidate", "id"], stateJobSubmissions) ===370 path(["candidate", "id"], jobSubmission)371 );372 for (let jsId of jobSubmissionsToDelete) {373 yield call(deleteJobSubmission, {374 payload: prop(jsId, stateJobSubmissions),375 });376 }377 const stateKanbanJobSubmissions = yield select(getStateJobSubmissionsKanban);378 const jobSubmissionsToDeleteInKanban = Object.keys(379 stateKanbanJobSubmissions380 ).filter(381 (jsId) =>382 path([jsId, "candidate", "id"], stateKanbanJobSubmissions) ===383 path(["candidate", "id"], jobSubmission)384 );385 for (let jsId of jobSubmissionsToDeleteInKanban) {386 yield call(deleteJobSubmissionKanban, {387 payload: prop(jsId, stateKanbanJobSubmissions),388 });389 }390}391export function* deleteJobSubmission(action) {392 const jobSubmission = prop("payload", action);393 const jobSubmissionId = prop("id", jobSubmission);394 const jobOrderId = path(["jobOrder", "id"], jobSubmission);395 const status = prop("status", jobSubmission);396 try {397 yield call(deleteJobSubmissionService, jobSubmissionId);398 yield put(removeJobSubmission(jobSubmissionId));399 const stateJobOrder = yield select(getStateJobOrder, jobOrderId);400 const jojss = {401 ...prop("jobSubmissions", stateJobOrder),402 [status]: pathOr([], ["jobSubmissions", status], stateJobOrder).filter(403 (jsId) => jsId !== jobSubmissionId404 ),405 };406 const jobOrder = {407 [jobOrderId]: {408 ...stateJobOrder,409 jobSubmissions: jojss,410 },411 };412 const stateJobOrders = yield select(getStateJobOrders);413 yield put(setJobOrders({ ...stateJobOrders, ...jobOrder }));414 yield call(toast.success, en.DELETE_JS_SUCCESS);415 } catch (e) {416 yield call(toast.error, en.DELETE_JS_ERROR);417 }418}419export default function kanbanSagas() {420 return [421 takeLatest(GET_RECRUITMENT, getRecruitment),422 takeEvery(GET_RECRUITMENT_JOB_ORDERS, getJobOrders),423 takeEvery(GET_RECRUITMENT_JOB_SUBMISSIONS, getJobSubmissions),424 takeEvery(UPDATE_RECRUITMENT_JOB_SUBMISSION, updateJobSubmission),425 takeEvery(CREATE_RECRUITMENT_JOB_SUBMISSION, createJobSubmission),426 takeEvery(DELETE_RECRUITMENT_JOB_SUBMISSION, deleteJobSubmissions),427 ];...

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1import { all, call, put, select, takeEvery, takeLatest } from "redux-saga/​effects"2import { ascend, dissoc, path, pathOr, prop, propOr, sortWith } from "ramda"3import { toast } from "react-toastify"4import {5 GET_KANBAN,6 GET_JOB_ORDERS,7 GET_JOB_SUBMISSIONS,8 UPDATE_JOB_SUBMISSION,9 CREATE_JOB_SUBMISSION,10 DELETE_JOB_SUBMISSION,11 updateBms,12 updateClientCorporations,13 getJobOrders as getJobOrdersAction,14 setJobOrders,15 updateJobOrders,16 getJobSubmissions as getJobSubmissionsAction,17 setJobSubmissions,18 updateJobSubmissions,19 setBms,20 removeJobSubmission,21} from "./​kanban.actions"22import {23 getBusinessManagers,24 getJobOrders as getJobOrdersService,25 getJobSubmissions as getJobSubmissionsService,26 updateJobSubmissionStatus as updateJobSubmissionStatusService,27 createJobSubmission as createJobSubmissionService,28 getJobSubmission,29 deleteJobSubmission as deleteJobSubmissionService,30} from "./​kanban.service"31import en from "../​lang/​en"32import { filterJobOrdersPerPriority, getStateFilter } from "../​priorityFilter/​priorityFilter.sagas"33export const getStateBms = (state) => pathOr([], ["kanban", "bmList"], state)34export const getStateJobOrder = (state, joId) => pathOr({}, ["kanban", "jobOrders", joId], state)35export const getStateJobOrders = (state) => pathOr([], ["kanban", "jobOrders"], state)36export const getStateJobSubmissions = (state) => pathOr([], ["kanban", "jobSubmissions"], state)37export function* getKanbanBoard() {38 yield call(getBms)39}40export function* getBms(start = 0) {41 try {42 const bmsResponse = yield call(getBusinessManagers, start)43 const bmList = yield call(propOr, [], "data", bmsResponse)44 const bms = yield all(bmList.reduce((acc, bm) => ({ ...acc, []: {, clientCorporations: [] } }), {}))45 yield put(updateBms(bms))46 yield all( => put(getJobOrdersAction(prop("id", bm)))))47 const bmIds = yield all( => prop("id", bm)))48 const stateBms = yield select(getStateBms)49 yield put(setBms(stateBms.concat(bmIds)))50 if (propOr(0, "count", bmsResponse) > 0)51 yield call(getBms, propOr(0, "start", bmsResponse) + propOr(0, "count", bmsResponse))52 } catch (e) {53 /​/​54 }55}56export function* getClientCorporations(bmId, jobOrders) {57 const bms = {}58 const joClientCorporations = yield all( => prop("clientCorporation", jo)))59 const clientCorporations = yield all(60 joClientCorporations.reduce((acc, jocc) => {61 const joccId = prop("id", jocc)62 if (!pathOr([], [bmId, "clientCorporations"], bms).find((ccId) => ccId === joccId)) {63 const bmcc = pathOr([], [bmId, "clientCorporations"], bms).concat([joccId])64 bms[bmId] = { clientCorporations: bmcc }65 }66 const clientCorporation = prop(joccId, acc)67 if (!clientCorporation) {68 acc[joccId] = { ...jocc, bmIds: { [bmId]: { jobOrders: [] } } }69 }70 return acc71 }, {})72 )73 yield put(updateClientCorporations(clientCorporations))74 yield put(updateBms(bms))75}76export function* getJobOrders(action, start = 0) {77 const bmId = action.payload78 try {79 const jobOrdersResponse = yield call(getJobOrdersService, bmId, start)80 const jobOrderList = yield call(propOr, [], "data", jobOrdersResponse)81 yield call(getClientCorporations, bmId, jobOrderList)82 const clientCorporations = {}83 const stateFilter = yield select(getStateFilter)84 const jobOrders = yield all(85 jobOrderList.reduce((acc, jobOrder) => {86 const ccId = path(["clientCorporation", "id"], jobOrder)87 const ccjos = pathOr([], [ccId, "bmIds", bmId, "jobOrders"], clientCorporations).concat([88 { id:, employmentType: jobOrder.employmentType },89 ])90 const sortedCcjos = sortWith([ascend(prop("employmentType"))], ccjos)91 clientCorporations[ccId] = {92 bmIds: {93 [bmId]: {94 jobOrders: sortedCcjos,95 filteredJobOrders: filterJobOrdersPerPriority(sortedCcjos, stateFilter),96 },97 },98 }99 acc[] = {100 ...jobOrder,101 bmId,102 clientCorporationId: ccId,103 jobSubmissions: {},104 }105 return acc106 }, {})107 )108 yield put(updateJobOrders(jobOrders))109 yield put(updateClientCorporations(clientCorporations))110 yield all(111 =>112 put(getJobSubmissionsAction(bmId, path(["clientCorporation", "id"], jobOrder), prop("id", jobOrder)))113 )114 )115 const newStart = propOr(0, "start", jobOrdersResponse) + propOr(0, "count", jobOrdersResponse)116 if (newStart < propOr(0, "total", jobOrdersResponse)) yield call(getJobOrders, action, newStart)117 } catch (e) {118 /​/​119 }120}121export function* getJobSubmissions(action, start = 0) {122 const {123 payload: { bmId, clientCorporationId, jobOrderId },124 } = action125 try {126 const jobOrders = {}127 const jobSubmissionsResponse = yield call(getJobSubmissionsService, jobOrderId, start)128 const jsList = propOr([], "data", jobSubmissionsResponse)129 const jobSubmissions = yield all(130 jsList.reduce((acc, js) => {131 const jojss = pathOr([], [jobOrderId, "jobSubmissions", js.status], jobOrders).concat([])132 jobOrders[jobOrderId] = {133 jobSubmissions: {134 ...pathOr({}, [jobOrderId, "jobSubmissions"], jobOrders),135 [js.status]: jojss,136 },137 }138 acc[] = {139 ...js,140 bmId,141 clientCorporationId,142 jobOrderId,143 }144 return acc145 }, {})146 )147 yield put(updateJobSubmissions(jobSubmissions))148 yield put(updateJobOrders(jobOrders))149 const newStart = propOr(0, "start", jobSubmissionsResponse) + propOr(0, "count", jobSubmissionsResponse)150 if (newStart < propOr(0, "total", jobSubmissionsResponse)) yield call(getJobSubmissions, action, newStart)151 } catch (e) {152 /​/​153 }154}155export function* updateJobSubmission(action) {156 const {157 payload: { prevStatus, jobSubmissionId, status },158 } = action159 try {160 yield call(updateJobSubmissionStatus, action)161 yield call(updateJobSubmissionStatusService, jobSubmissionId, status)162 yield call(toast.success, en.UPDATE_STATUS_SUCCESS)163 } catch (e) {164 yield call(updateJobSubmissionStatus, {165 ...action,166 payload: { ...action.payload, status: prevStatus, prevStatus: status },167 })168 yield call(toast.error, en.UPDATE_STATUS_ERROR)169 }170}171export function* updateJobSubmissionStatus(action) {172 const {173 payload: { jobOrderId, prevStatus, jobSubmissionId, status },174 } = action175 const stateJobSubmissions = yield select(getStateJobSubmissions)176 const jobSubmission = stateJobSubmissions[jobSubmissionId]177 const jobSubmissions = {178 ...stateJobSubmissions,179 [jobSubmissionId]: {180 ...jobSubmission,181 status,182 dateLastModified: new Date().getTime(),183 },184 }185 yield put(setJobSubmissions(jobSubmissions))186 const stateJobOrder = yield select(getStateJobOrder, jobOrderId)187 const jojss = {188 ...prop("jobSubmissions", stateJobOrder),189 [prevStatus]: pathOr([], ["jobSubmissions", prevStatus], stateJobOrder).filter((jsId) => jsId !== jobSubmissionId),190 [status]: pathOr([], ["jobSubmissions", status], stateJobOrder).concat([jobSubmissionId]),191 }192 const jobOrder = {193 [jobOrderId]: {194 ...stateJobOrder,195 jobSubmissions: jojss,196 },197 }198 const stateJobOrders = yield select(getStateJobOrders)199 yield put(setJobOrders({ ...stateJobOrders, ...jobOrder }))200}201export const createTempId = (jobOrder, jobSubmission) =>202 `temp${prop("id", jobOrder)}${path(["candidate", "id"], jobSubmission)}`203export function* createJobSubmission(action) {204 const {205 payload: { jobOrder, jobSubmission, status },206 } = action207 const tempJs = {208 id: createTempId(jobOrder, jobSubmission),209 candidate: prop("candidate", jobSubmission),210 jobOrder,211 sendingUser: { id: prop("bmId", jobOrder) },212 status,213 bmId: prop("bmId", jobOrder),214 clientCorporationId: prop("clientCorporationId", jobOrder),215 jobOrderId: prop("id", jobOrder),216 }217 try {218 yield call(addJobSubmission, tempJs)219 const js = {220 candidate: { id: path(["candidate", "id"], jobSubmission) },221 jobOrder: { id: prop("id", jobOrder) },222 sendingUser: { id: prop("bmId", jobOrder) },223 status,224 }225 const putJobSubmissionResponse = yield call(createJobSubmissionService, js)226 const createdId = prop("changedEntityId", putJobSubmissionResponse)227 const jobSubmissionResponse = yield call(getJobSubmission, createdId)228 const newJobSubmission = {229 ...propOr({}, "data", jobSubmissionResponse),230 bmId: prop("bmId", jobOrder),231 clientCorporationId: prop("clientCorporationId", jobOrder),232 jobOrderId: prop("id", jobOrder),233 }234 yield call(addJobSubmission, newJobSubmission)235 yield call(toast.success, en.CREATE_CANDIDATE_SUCCESS)236 } catch (e) {237 yield call(removeTempJobSubmission, prop("id", tempJs))238 yield call(toast.error, en.CREATE_CANDIDATE_ERROR)239 }240}241export function* addJobSubmission(jobSubmission) {242 const jobSubmissionId = propOr("", "id", jobSubmission)243 const tempId = createTempId(prop("jobOrder", jobSubmission), jobSubmission)244 const stateJobSubmissions = yield select(getStateJobSubmissions)245 var jobSubmissions = {246 ...stateJobSubmissions,247 [jobSubmissionId]: jobSubmission,248 }249 if (!jobSubmissionId.toString().includes("temp")) jobSubmissions = dissoc(tempId, jobSubmissions)250 yield put(setJobSubmissions(jobSubmissions))251 const jobOrderId = path(["jobOrder", "id"], jobSubmission)252 const stateJobOrder = yield select(getStateJobOrder, jobOrderId)253 const status = prop("status", jobSubmission)254 const jojss = {255 ...prop("jobSubmissions", stateJobOrder),256 [status]: pathOr([], ["jobSubmissions", status], stateJobOrder)257 .filter((joId) => joId !== tempId)258 .concat([jobSubmissionId]),259 }260 const jobOrder = {261 [jobOrderId]: {262 ...stateJobOrder,263 jobSubmissions: jojss,264 },265 }266 const stateJobOrders = yield select(getStateJobOrders)267 yield put(setJobOrders({ ...stateJobOrders, ...jobOrder }))268}269export function* removeTempJobSubmission(jobSubmission) {270 const jobSubmissionId = prop("id", jobSubmission)271 const stateJobSubmissions = yield select(getStateJobSubmissions)272 const jobSubmissions = dissoc(jobSubmissionId, stateJobSubmissions)273 yield put(setJobSubmissions(jobSubmissions))274 const jobOrderId = path(["jobOrder", "id"], jobSubmission)275 const stateJobOrder = yield select(getStateJobOrder, jobOrderId)276 const status = prop("status", jobSubmission)277 const jojss = {278 ...prop("jobSubmissions", stateJobOrder),279 [status]: pathOr([], ["jobSubmissions", status], stateJobOrder).filter((jsId) => jsId !== jobSubmissionId),280 }281 const jobOrder = {282 [jobOrderId]: {283 ...stateJobOrder,284 jobSubmissions: jojss,285 },286 }287 const stateJobOrders = yield select(getStateJobOrders)288 yield put(setJobOrders({ ...stateJobOrders, ...jobOrder }))289}290export function* deleteJobSubmission(action) {291 const jobSubmission = prop("payload", action)292 const jobSubmissionId = prop("id", jobSubmission)293 const jobOrderId = path(["jobOrder", "id"], jobSubmission)294 const status = prop("status", jobSubmission)295 try {296 yield call(deleteJobSubmissionService, jobSubmissionId)297 yield put(removeJobSubmission(jobSubmissionId))298 const stateJobOrder = yield select(getStateJobOrder, jobOrderId)299 const jojss = {300 ...prop("jobSubmissions", stateJobOrder),301 [status]: pathOr([], ["jobSubmissions", status], stateJobOrder).filter((jsId) => jsId !== jobSubmissionId),302 }303 const jobOrder = {304 [jobOrderId]: {305 ...stateJobOrder,306 jobSubmissions: jojss,307 },308 }309 const stateJobOrders = yield select(getStateJobOrders)310 yield put(setJobOrders({ ...stateJobOrders, ...jobOrder }))311 yield call(toast.success, en.DELETE_JS_SUCCESS)312 } catch (e) {313 yield call(toast.error, en.DELETE_JS_ERROR)314 }315}316export default function kanbanSagas() {317 return [318 takeLatest(GET_KANBAN, getKanbanBoard),319 takeEvery(GET_JOB_ORDERS, getJobOrders),320 takeEvery(GET_JOB_SUBMISSIONS, getJobSubmissions),321 takeEvery(UPDATE_JOB_SUBMISSION, updateJobSubmission),322 takeEvery(CREATE_JOB_SUBMISSION, createJobSubmission),323 takeEvery(DELETE_JOB_SUBMISSION, deleteJobSubmission),324 ]...

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1#* This file is part of the MOOSE framework2#* https:/​/​www.mooseframework.org3#*4#* All rights reserved, see COPYRIGHT for full restrictions5#* https:/​/​​idaholab/​moose/​blob/​master/​COPYRIGHT6#*7#* Licensed under LGPL 2.1, please see LICENSE for details8#* https:/​/​​licenses/​lgpl-2.1.html9from schedulers.Job import Job10from contrib import dag11class JobDAG(object):12 """ Class which builds a Job DAG for use by the Scheduler """13 def __init__(self, options):14 self.__job_dag = dag.DAG()15 self.options = options16 def createJobs(self, testers):17 """ Return a usable Job DAG based on supplied list of tester objects """18 # for each tester, instance a job and create a DAG node for that job19 self.__name_to_job = {}20 for tester in testers:21 job = Job(tester, self.__job_dag, self.options)22 name = job.getUniqueIdentifier()23 if name not in self.__name_to_job:24 self.__name_to_job[name] = job25 else:26 job.addCaveats('duplicate test')27 job.setStatus(job.skip)28 self.__job_dag.add_node(job)29 return self._checkDAG()30 def getDAG(self):31 """ return the running DAG object """32 return self.__job_dag33 def getJobs(self):34 """ return current job group """35 return self.__job_dag.ind_nodes()36 def getJobsAndAdvance(self):37 """38 return finished jobs, and remove them from the DAG, thus39 advancing to the next set of jobs when called again.40 """41 # handle any skipped dependencies42 self._doSkippedDependencies()43 # delete finished jobs44 next_jobs = set([])45 for job in list(self.__job_dag.ind_nodes()):46 if job.isFinished():47 next_jobs.add(job)48 self.__job_dag.delete_node(job)49 next_jobs.update(self.getJobs())50 return next_jobs51 def removeAllDependencies(self):52 """ Flatten current DAG so that it no longer contains any dependency information """53 if self.__name_to_job and self.__job_dag.size():54 tmp_job_dag = dag.DAG()55 for job in self.__job_dag.topological_sort():56 tmp_job_dag.add_node(job)57 self.__job_dag = tmp_job_dag58 return self.__job_dag59 def _checkDAG(self):60 """ perform some sanity checks on the current DAG """61 if self.__job_dag.size():62 self._doMakeDependencies()63 self._doSkippedDependencies()64 # If there are race conditions, then there may be more skipped jobs65 if self._doRaceConditions():66 self._doSkippedDependencies()67 return self.__job_dag68 def _doMakeDependencies(self):69 """ Setup dependencies within the current Job DAG """70 for job in self.__job_dag.ind_nodes():71 prereq_jobs = job.getUniquePrereqs()72 for prereq_job in prereq_jobs:73 try:74 self.__name_to_job[prereq_job]75 self.__job_dag.add_edge(self.__name_to_job[prereq_job], job)76 # Cyclic errors77 except dag.DAGValidationError:78 err_output = self._printDownstreams(job)79 err_output += ' %s <--> %s' % (job.getTestName().split('.')[1],80 self.__name_to_job[prereq_job].getTestName().split('.')[1])81 job.setOutput('Cyclic dependency error!\n\t' + err_output)82 job.setStatus(job.error, 'Cyclic or Invalid Dependency Detected!')83 # test file has invalid prereq set84 except KeyError:85 job.setStatus(job.error, 'unknown dependency')86 def _doSkippedDependencies(self):87 """ Determine which jobs in the DAG should be skipped """88 for job in list(self.__job_dag.topological_sort()):89 tester = job.getTester()90 dep_jobs = set([])91 if not job.getRunnable() or self._haltDescent(job):92 job.setStatus(job.skip)93 dep_jobs.update(self.__job_dag.all_downstreams(job))94 # Remove parent dependency so it can launch individually95 for p_job in self.__job_dag.predecessors(job):96 self.__job_dag.delete_edge_if_exists(p_job, job)97 for d_job in dep_jobs:98 d_tester = d_job.getTester()99 if tester.isSilent() and not d_job.getRunnable():100 d_tester.setStatus(d_tester.silent)101 elif not self._skipPrereqs():102 d_job.setStatus(d_job.skip)103 d_job.addCaveats('skipped dependency')104 self.__job_dag.delete_edge_if_exists(job, d_job)105 def _doRaceConditions(self):106 """ Check for race condition errors within in the DAG"""107 # Build output_file in relation to job dictionary108 output_to_job = {}109 for job in self.__job_dag.topological_sort():110 if job.getRunnable() and not job.isFinished():111 for output_file in job.getOutputFiles():112 output_to_job[output_file] = output_to_job.get(output_file, [])113 output_to_job[output_file].append(job)114 # Remove jobs which have accurate dependencies115 for outfile, job_list in output_to_job.iteritems():116 for job in list(job_list):117 for match_job in self.__job_dag.all_downstreams(job):118 if match_job in job_list:119 job_list.remove(match_job)120 # Left over multiple items in job_list are problematic121 for outfile, job_list in output_to_job.iteritems():122 # Same test has duplicate output files123 if len(job_list) > 1 and len(set(job_list)) == 1:124 job_list[0].setOutput('Duplicate output files:\n\t%s\n' % (outfile))125 job_list[0].setStatus(job.error, 'DUPLICATE OUTFILES')126 # Multiple tests will clobber eachothers output file127 elif len(job_list) > 1:128 for job in job_list:129 job.setOutput('Output file will over write pre-existing output file:\n\t%s\n' % (outfile))130 job.setStatus(job.error, 'OUTFILE RACE CONDITION')131 def _haltDescent(self, job):132 """ return boolean if this job should not allow its children to run """133 tester = job.getTester()134 if (job.isFail()135 or job.isSkip()136 or tester.isFail()137 or tester.isSkip()138 or tester.isSilent()139 or tester.isDeleted()):140 return True141 def _skipPrereqs(self):142 """143 Method to return boolean to skip dependency prerequisites checks.144 """145 if (self.options.ignored_caveats146 and ('all' in self.options.ignored_caveats147 or 'prereq' in self.options.ignored_caveats)):148 return True149 def _printDownstreams(self, job):150 """151 create a printable dependency chart of for supplied job152 # TODO: It would be super cool to print the entire DAG153 in this fashion.154 """155 downstreams = self.__job_dag.all_downstreams(job)156 cyclic_path = []157 for d_job in downstreams:158 cyclic_path.append('%s -->'% (d_job.getTestNameShort()))...

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1import pandas as pd 2from bs4 import BeautifulSoup 3from selenium.webdriver import Chrome4import pandas as pd5import re 6import time7import json8import math9headers = {'User-Agent':'Mozilla/​5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_9_5) AppleWebKit/​537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/​44.0.2403.157 Safari/​537.36'}10path = "/​usr/​local/​Caskroom/​chromedriver/​88.0.4324.96/​chromedriver"11driver = Chrome(executable_path=path)12time.sleep(2)13base_url = "https:/​/​​en/​job-search/​{}-jobs/​{}/​"14def get_page_number(keyword):15 #input: keyword for job_postings16 #output: number of pages17 url = base_url.format(keyword, 1)18 driver.get(url)19 soup = BeautifulSoup(driver.page_source, 'html.parser')20 result_text = soup.find("span",{"class": "FYwKg _2Bz3E C6ZIU_0 _1_nER_0 _2DNlq_0 _29m7__0 _1PM5y_0"})21 results = result_text.text.split()22 result = int(result_text.text.split()[-2])23 page_number = math.ceil(result/​30)24 25 return page_number26def job_page_scraper(link):27 url = "https:/​/​"+link28 print("scraping...", url)29 driver.get(url)30 soup = BeautifulSoup(driver.page_source, 'html.parser')31 scripts = soup.find_all("script")32 for script in scripts:33 if script.contents:34 txt = script.contents[0].strip()35 if 'window.REDUX_STATE = ' in txt:36 jsonStr = script.contents[0].strip()37 jsonStr = jsonStr.split('window.REDUX_STATE = ')[1].strip()38 jsonStr = jsonStr.split('}}}};')[0].strip()39 jsonStr = jsonStr+"}}}}"40 jsonObj = json.loads(jsonStr)41 42 job = jsonObj['details']43 job_id = job['id']44 job_expired = job['isExpired']45 job_confidential = job['isConfidential']46 job_salary_min = job['header']['salary']['min']47 job_salary_max = job['header']['salary']['max']48 job_salary_currency = job['header']['salary']['currency']49 job_title = job['header']['jobTitle']50 company = job['header']['company']['name']51 job_post_date = job['header']['postedDate']52 job_internship = job['header']['isInternship']53 company_website = job['companyDetail']['companyWebsite']54 company_avgProcessTime = job['companyDetail']['companySnapshot']['avgProcessTime']55 company_registrationNo = job['companyDetail']['companySnapshot']['registrationNo']56 company_workingHours = job['companyDetail']['companySnapshot']['workingHours']57 company_facebook = job['companyDetail']['companySnapshot']['facebook']58 company_size = job['companyDetail']['companySnapshot']['size']59 company_dressCode = job['companyDetail']['companySnapshot']['dressCode']60 company_nearbyLocations = job['companyDetail']['companySnapshot']['nearbyLocations']61 company_overview = job['companyDetail']['companyOverview']['html']62 job_description = job['jobDetail']['jobDescription']['html']63 job_summary = job['jobDetail']['summary']64 job_requirement_career_level = job['jobDetail']['jobRequirement']['careerLevel']65 job_requirement_yearsOfExperience = job['jobDetail']['jobRequirement']['yearsOfExperience']66 job_requirement_qualification = job['jobDetail']['jobRequirement']['qualification']67 job_requirement_fieldOfStudy = job['jobDetail']['jobRequirement']['fieldOfStudy']68 #job_requirement_industry = job['jobDetail']['jobRequirement']['industryValue']['label']69 job_requirement_skill = job['jobDetail']['jobRequirement']['skills']70 job_employment_type = job['jobDetail']['jobRequirement']['employmentType']71 job_languages = job['jobDetail']['jobRequirement']['languages']72 job_benefits = job['jobDetail']['jobRequirement']['benefits']73 job_apply_url = job['applyUrl']['url']74 job_location_zipcode = job['location'][0]['locationId']75 job_location = job['location'][0]['location']76 job_country = job['sourceCountry']77 return [job_id, job_title, job_expired, job_confidential, job_salary_max, job_salary_max, job_salary_currency, company, job_post_date, job_internship, company_website, company_avgProcessTime, company_registrationNo, company_workingHours, company_facebook, company_size, company_dressCode, company_nearbyLocations, company_overview, job_description, job_summary, job_requirement_career_level, job_requirement_fieldOfStudy, job_requirement_yearsOfExperience, job_requirement_qualification, job_requirement_skill, job_employment_type, job_languages, job_benefits, job_apply_url, job_location_zipcode, job_location, job_country]78def page_crawler(keyword):79 # input: keyword for job postings80 # output: dataframe of links scraped from each page81 # page number82 page_number = get_page_number(keyword)83 job_links = []84 for n in range(page_number):85 print('Loading page {} ...'.format(n+1))86 url = base_url.format(keyword, n+1)87 driver.get(url)88 soup = BeautifulSoup(driver.page_source, 'html.parser')89 90 #extract all job links91 links = soup.find_all('a',{'class':'DvvsL_0 _1p9OP'})92 job_links += links93 94 jobs = []95 for link in job_links:96 job_link = link['href'].strip().split('?', 1)[0]97 jobs.append([keyword, job_link] + job_page_scraper(job_link))98 result_df = pd.DataFrame(jobs, columns = ['keyword', 'link', 'job_id', 'job_title', 'job_expired', 'job_confidential', 'job_salary_max', 'job_salary_max', 'job_salary_currency', 'company', 'job_post_date', 'job_internship', 'company_website', 'company_avgProcessTime', 'company_registrationNo', 'company_workingHours', 'company_facebook', 'company_size', 'company_dressCode', 'company_nearbyLocations', 'company_overview', 'job_description', 'job_summary', 'job_requirement_career_level', 'job_requirement_fieldOfStudy', 'job_requirement_yearsOfExperience', 'job_requirement_qualification', 'job_requirement_skill', 'job_employment_type', 'job_languages', 'job_benefits', 'job_apply_url', 'job_location_zipcode', 'job_location', 'job_country'])99 return result_df100def main():101 # a list of job roles to be crawled102 key_words = ['agriculture','crop']103 dfs = []104 for key in key_words:105 key_df = page_crawler(key)106 dfs.append(key_df)107 # save scraped information as csv108 pd.concat(dfs).to_csv("job_postings_results.csv")109if __name__ == '__main__':...

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Source:job.js Github


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1const express = require('express');2const auth_middleware = require('./​auth_middleware');3const router = express.Router();4const jobAccessor = require('./​models/​Job.Model');5/​/​ Returns all entered jobs6router.get('/​findAllJobs', function(request, response) {7 return jobAccessor.findAllJobs()8 .then(jobResponse => response.status(200).send(jobResponse))9 .catch(error => response.status(400).send(error))10})11/​/​ find all jobs with matching name 12router.get('/​findJobById/​:jobId', function(request, response) {13 const jobId = request.params.jobId;14 return jobAccessor.findJobById(jobId)15 .then(jobResponse => response.status(200).send(jobResponse))16 .catch(error => response.status(400).send("Could not find job with this id"))17})18/​/​ find all jobs with matching name 19router.get('/​findJobByTitle/​:jobTitle', function(request, response) {20 const jobTitle = request.params.jobTitle;21 return jobAccessor.findJobsByTitle(jobTitle)22 .then(jobResponse => response.status(200).send(jobResponse))23 .catch(error => response.status(400).send("Could not find job with this title"))24})25/​/​ find all the jobs created by a specific user26router.get('/​findMyJobs', function(request, response) {27 const userName = request.session.username;28 return jobAccessor.findMyJobs(userName)29 .then(jobResponse => response.status(200).send(jobResponse))30 .catch(error => response.status(400).send(error))31})32router.get('/​isMyJob/​:jobId', function(request, response) {33 const jobId = request.params.jobId;34 const user = request.session.username; 35 return jobAccessor.checkIfPublishedByUser(jobId, user)36 .then(response.status(200).send("This job is created by current user"))37 .catch(response.status(400).send("This job is not created by current user"))38})39/​/​ Creates a job'/​create', auth_middleware, (request, response) => {41 const job = request.body;42 if(!job.title) {43 return response.status(422).send("Missing title");44 } else if (! ) {45 return response.status(422).send("Missing company");46 } else if (!job.location) {47 return response.status(422).send("Missing location");48 } else if (!job.description) {49 return response.status(422).send("Missing description");50 } else if (! {51 return response.status(422).send("Missing email");52 }53 54 jobAccessor.insertJob(request.body)55 .then(jobResponse => {56 response.status(200).send(jobResponse)57 })58 .catch(error => response.status(400).send(error))59})60/​/​ edits a job 61router.put('/​edit/​:jobId', auth_middleware, (request, response) => {62 const user = request.session.username;63 const job = request.body;64 const id = request.params.jobId;65 if (!user) {66 return response.status(422).send("Must log in before editing a job.");67 }68 jobAccessor.edit(id, job)69 .then(jobResponse => {70 response.status(200).send(jobResponse);71 console.log("Just edited the job posting.")72 })73 .catch(error => response.status(400).send("Problems occurred when editing job posting."))74})75/​/​ delete a job 76router.delete('/​delete/​:jobId', auth_middleware, (request, response) => {77 const user = request.session.username;78 const id = request.params.jobId;79 if (!user) {80 return response.status(422).send("Must log in before deleting a job.");81 }82 jobAccessor.remove(id) 83 .then(jobResponse => {84 response.status(200).send("Job has been deleted");85 })86 .catch(error => response.status(400).send("Problems occurred when deleting a job posting."))87})88/​/​ a user sets a job as'/​favoriteJob/​:jobId', auth_middleware, (request, response) => {90 const user = request.session.username; 91 const jobId = request.params.jobId;92 if (!user) {93 return response.status(422).send("Must log in before favoriting a job.");94 }95 jobAccessor.favorite(jobId, user)96 .then(jobResponse => {97 if (jobResponse) {98 response.status(200).send("User has favorited this job." + } else {100 response.status(400).send("Is favoriting this job" + }102 })103 .catch(error => response.status(400).send("Problems occurred when favoriting a job."))104});105/​/​ a user unfavorites a job'/​unfavoriteJob/​:jobId', auth_middleware, (request, response) => {107 const user = request.session.username; 108 const jobId = request.params.jobId;109 if (!user) {110 return response.status(422).send("Must log in before unfavoriting a job.");111 }112 jobAccessor.unfavorite(jobId, user)113 .then(jobResponse => {114 if (jobResponse) {115 response.status(200).send("User has unfavorited this job." + } else {117 response.status(400).send("Is unfavoriting this job" + }119 })120 .catch(error => response.status(400).send("Problems occurred when unfavoriting a job. "))121})122/​/​ checks if a user has set this job as favorite123router.get('/​isMyFavorite/​:jobId', auth_middleware, (request, response) => {124 const user = request.session.username; 125 const jobId = request.params.jobId;126 if (!user) {127 return response.status(422).send("Must log in before checking if a job is favorite.");128 }129 jobAccessor.checkIsFavoriteJob(jobId, user)130 .then(jobResponse => {131 response.status(200).send("User has favorited this job!" + })133 .catch(error => response.status(400).send("Problems occurred when checking if a job is user's favorite."))134})135/​/​ finds all the favorite jobs of a user136router.get('/​myFavorites', auth_middleware, (request, response) => {137 const user = request.session.username; 138 if (!user) {139 return response.status(422).send("Must log in before favoriting a job.");140 }141 jobAccessor.findJobsFavoriteBy(user)142 .then(jobResponse => {143 response.status(200).send(jobResponse)144 console.log("These are the user's favorite jobs!")145 })146 .catch(error => response.status(400).send("Problems occurred when finding favorites."))147})...

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Source:kanban.actions.js Github


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1export const GET_KANBAN = "GET_KANBAN";2export const SET_BMS = "SET_BMS";3export const UPDATE_BMS = "UPDATE_BMS";4export const UPDATE_CLIENT_CORPORATIONS = "UPDATE_CLIENT_CORPORATIONS";5export const UPDATE_FILTERED_JOB_ORDERS = "UPDATE_FILTERED_JOB_ORDERS";6export const GET_JOB_ORDERS = "GET_JOB_ORDERS";7export const SET_JOB_ORDERS = "SET_JOB_ORDERS";8export const UPDATE_JOB_ORDERS = "UPDATE_JOB_ORDERS";9export const GET_JOB_SUBMISSIONS = "GET_JOB_SUBMISSIONS";10export const SET_JOB_SUBMISSIONS = "SET_JOB_SUBMISSIONS";11export const UPDATE_JOB_SUBMISSIONS = "UPDATE_JOB_SUBMISSIONS";12export const UPDATE_JOB_SUBMISSION = "UPDATE_JOB_SUBMISSION";13export const CREATE_JOB_SUBMISSION = "CREATE_JOB_SUBMISSION";14export const DELETE_JOB_SUBMISSION = "DELETE_JOB_SUBMISSION";15export const REMOVE_JOB_SUBMISSION = "REMOVE_JOB_SUBMISSION";16export const getKanban = () => ({ type: GET_KANBAN });17export const setBms = bms => ({18 type: SET_BMS,19 payload: bms20});21export const updateBms = bms => ({22 type: UPDATE_BMS,23 payload: bms24});25export const updateClientCorporations = clientCorporations => ({26 type: UPDATE_CLIENT_CORPORATIONS,27 payload: clientCorporations28});29export const updateFilteredJobOrdersInCCS = clientCorporations => ({30 type: UPDATE_FILTERED_JOB_ORDERS,31 payload: clientCorporations32});33export const getJobOrders = bmId => ({ type: GET_JOB_ORDERS, payload: bmId });34export const setJobOrders = jobOrders => ({35 type: SET_JOB_ORDERS,36 payload: jobOrders37});38export const updateJobOrders = jobOrders => ({39 type: UPDATE_JOB_ORDERS,40 payload: jobOrders41});42export const getJobSubmissions = (bmId, clientCorporationId, jobOrderId) => ({43 type: GET_JOB_SUBMISSIONS,44 payload: { bmId, clientCorporationId, jobOrderId }45});46export const setJobSubmissions = jobSubmissions => ({47 type: SET_JOB_SUBMISSIONS,48 payload: jobSubmissions49});50export const updateJobSubmissions = jobSubmissions => ({51 type: UPDATE_JOB_SUBMISSIONS,52 payload: jobSubmissions53});54export const updateJobSubmission = (55 jobOrderId,56 prevStatus,57 jobSubmissionId,58 status59) => ({60 type: UPDATE_JOB_SUBMISSION,61 payload: {62 jobOrderId,63 prevStatus,64 jobSubmissionId,65 status66 }67});68export const createJobSubmission = (jobOrder, jobSubmission, status) => ({69 type: CREATE_JOB_SUBMISSION,70 payload: { jobOrder, jobSubmission, status }71});72export const deleteJobSubmission = jobSubmission => ({73 type: DELETE_JOB_SUBMISSION,74 payload: jobSubmission75});76export const removeJobSubmission = jobSubmissionId => ({77 type: REMOVE_JOB_SUBMISSION,78 payload: jobSubmissionId...

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...3from meltano.core.job import Job4from meltano.core.job.stale_job_failer import StaleJobFailer5class TestStaleJobFailer:6 @pytest.fixture7 def live_job(self, session):8 job = Job(job_id="test")9 job.start()10 return job12 @pytest.fixture13 def stale_job(self, session):14 job = Job(job_id="test")15 job.start()16 job.last_heartbeat_at = datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(minutes=10)17 return job19 @pytest.fixture20 def other_stale_job(self, session):21 job = Job(job_id="other")22 job.start()23 job.last_heartbeat_at = datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(minutes=10)24 return job26 @pytest.fixture27 def complete_job(self, session):28 job = Job(job_id="other")29 job.start()30 job.success()31 return job33 def test_fail_stale_jobs(34 self, live_job, stale_job, other_stale_job, complete_job, session35 ):36 assert stale_job.is_stale()37 assert other_stale_job.is_stale()38 failer = StaleJobFailer()39 failer.fail_stale_jobs(session)40 session.refresh(live_job)41 session.refresh(stale_job)...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var argosy = require('argosy')2var argosyService = require('argosy-service')3var argosyPattern = require('argosy-pattern')4var path = require('path')5var service = argosyService({6 path: path.join(__dirname, 'services')7})8var argosy = argosy()9argosy.pipe(service).pipe(argosy)10var pattern = {11}12argosy.accept(pattern, function (msg, cb) {13 cb(null, { answer: msg.left + msg.right })14})15var pattern = {16}17var job = argosy.pattern(pattern).job({ left: 1, right: 2 })18job.on('data', function (msg) {19 console.log(msg)20})21module.exports = function math (options) {22 return function math (msg, cb) {23 if (msg.job) {24 return cb(null, { left: 1, right: 2 })25 }26 cb(null, { answer: msg.left + msg.right })27 }28}29### argosy-service([options])30Create a new instance of argosy-service. Options are passed directly to the [argosy-transport](

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1var argosy = require('argosy')2var service = require('argosy-service')3var argosyPattern = require('argosy-pattern')4var argosyService = require('argosy-service')5var seneca = require('seneca')()6var service = argosyService({7})8var argosy = argosy()9argosy.pipe(service).pipe(argosy)10argosy.accept({11 job: pattern({12 })13})14argosy.on('service', function (service) {15 service.job({16 job: function (msg, done) {17 console.log(msg)18 done()19 }20 })21})22var argosy = require('argosy')23var service = require('argosy-service')24var argosyPattern = require('argosy-pattern')25var argosyService = require('argosy-service')26var seneca = require('seneca')()27var service = argosyService({28})29var argosy = argosy()30argosy.pipe(service).pipe(argosy)31argosy.accept({32 job: pattern({33 })34})35argosy.on('service', function (service) {36 service.job({37 job: function (msg, done) {38 console.log(msg)39 done()40 }41 })42})43argosy.on('service', function (service) {44 service.job({45 job: function (msg, done) {46 console.log(msg)47 done()48 }49 })50})51var argosy = require('argosy')52var service = require('argosy-service')53var argosyPattern = require('argosy-pattern')54var argosyService = require('argosy-service')55var seneca = require('seneca')()

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1var argosy = require('argosy')2var argosyService = require('argosy-service')3var service = argosy()4service.pipe(argosyService({5 job: function (input, cb) {6 console.log('job called')7 cb(null, input)8 }9})).pipe(service)10service.accept({ job: job('job') })11service.act('job:job', 'hello world', function (err, result) {12 console.log('result: ' + result)13})14var argosy = require('argosy')15var argosyService = require('argosy-service')16var service = argosy()17service.pipe(argosyService({18 job: function (input, cb) {19 console.log('job called')20 cb(null, input)21 }22})).pipe(service)23service.accept({ job: job('job') })24service.act('job:job', 'hello world', function (err, result) {25 console.log('result: ' + result)26})27var argosy = require('argosy')28var argosyService = require('argosy-service')29var service = argosy()30service.pipe(argosyService({31 job: function (input, cb) {32 console.log('job called')33 cb(null, input)34 }35})).pipe(service)36service.accept({ job: job('job') })37service.act('job:job', 'hello world', function (err, result) {38 console.log('result: ' + result)39})40var argosy = require('argosy')41var argosyService = require('argosy-service')42var service = argosy()43service.pipe(argosyService({44 job: function (input, cb) {45 console.log('job called')46 cb(null, input)47 }48})).pipe(service)49service.accept({ job: job('job') })50service.act('job

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1var argosy = require('argosy')2var service = require('argosy-service')3var seneca = require('seneca')()4var argosyService = service({5})6var argosyInstance = argosy()7argosyInstance.pipe(argosyService).pipe(argosyInstance)8argosyService.job('test', function (payload, cb) {9 console.log('job test called with payload: ' + payload)10 cb(null, 'job test called with payload: ' + payload)11})12var argosy = require('argosy')13var service = require('argosy-service')14var seneca = require('seneca')()15var argosyService = service({16})17var argosyInstance = argosy()18argosyInstance.pipe(argosyService).pipe(argosyInstance)19argosyService.job('test2', function (payload, cb) {20 console.log('job test2 called with payload: ' + payload)21 cb(null, 'job test2 called with payload: ' + payload)22})23var argosy = require('argosy')24var service = require('argosy-service')25var seneca = require('seneca')()26var argosyService = service({27})28var argosyInstance = argosy()29argosyInstance.pipe(argosyService).pipe(argosyInstance)30argosyService.job('test3', function (payload, cb) {31 console.log('job test3 called with payload: ' + payload)32 cb(null, 'job test3 called with payload: ' + payload)33})34var argosy = require('argosy')35var service = require('argosy-service')36var seneca = require('seneca')()37var argosyService = service({38})39var argosyInstance = argosy()40argosyInstance.pipe(argosyService).pipe(argosyInstance)41argosyService.job('

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1var argosy = require('argosy')2var service = argosy()3service.pipe(argosy.accept({hello: 'world'})).pipe(service)4service.job('hello', function (done) {5 done(null, 'world')6})7var argosy = require('argosy')8var service = argosy()9service.pipe(argosy.accept({hello: 'world'})).pipe(service)10service.job('hello', function (done) {11 done(null, 'world')12})13var argosy = require('argosy')14var service = argosy()15service.pipe(argosy.accept({hello: 'world'})).pipe(service)16service.job('hello', function (done) {17 done(null, 'world')18})19var argosy = require('argosy')20var service = argosy()21service.pipe(argosy.accept({hello: 'world'})).pipe(service)22service.job('hello', function (done) {23 done(null, 'world')24})25var argosy = require('argosy')26var service = argosy()27service.pipe(argosy.accept({hello: 'world'})).pipe(service)28service.job('hello', function (done) {29 done(null, 'world')30})31var argosy = require('argosy')32var service = argosy()33service.pipe(argosy.accept({hello: 'world'})).pipe(service)34service.job('hello', function (done) {35 done(null, 'world')36})37var argosy = require('argosy')38var service = argosy()39service.pipe(argosy.accept({hello: 'world'})).pipe(service)40service.job('hello', function (done) {41 done(null, 'world')42})43var argosy = require('

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1module.exports = function (options) {2 return function (argosy) {3 argosy.accept({role: 'test', cmd: 'job'}, function (args, callback) {4 callback(null, {success: true})5 })6 }7}8var argosy = require('argosy')9var test = require('./​test')10var service = require('argosy-service')11var testService = service(test)12var mainService = argosy()13mainService.use(testService)14mainService.act({role: 'test', cmd: 'job'}, function (err, result) {15})16var argosy = require('argosy')17var test = require('./​test')18var service = require('argosy-service')19var testService = service(test)20var mainService = argosy()21mainService.use(testService)22mainService.act({role: 'test', cmd: 'job'}, function (err, result) {23})24var argosy = require('argosy')25var test = require('./​test')26var service = require('argosy-service')27var testService = service(test)28var mainService = argosy()29mainService.use(testService)30mainService.act({role: 'test', cmd: 'job'}, function (err, result) {31})32var argosy = require('argosy')33var test = require('./​test')34var service = require('argosy-service')35var testService = service(test)36var mainService = argosy()37mainService.use(testService)38mainService.act({role: 'test', cmd: 'job'}, function (err, result) {39})40var argosy = require('argosy')41var test = require('./​test')42var service = require('argosy-service')43var testService = service(test)44var mainService = argosy()45mainService.use(testService)46mainService.act({role: 'test', cmd: 'job'}, function (err, result) {47})

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1var job = require('argosy-service').job2var service = require('argosy')()3var job = require('argosy-service').job4var service = require('argosy')()5var job = require('argosy-service').job6var service = require('argosy')()7var job = require('argosy-service').job8var service = require('argosy')()9var job = require('argosy-service').job10var service = require('argosy')()11var job = require('argosy-service').job12var service = require('argosy')()13var job = require('argosy-service').job14var service = require('argosy')()15var job = require('argosy-service').job16var service = require('argosy')()17var job = require('argosy-service').job18var service = require('argosy')()19var job = require('argosy-service').job20var service = require('argosy')()21var job = require('argosy-service').job22var service = require('argosy')()23var job = require('argosy-service').job24var service = require('argosy')()25var job = require('argosy-service').job26var service = require('argosy')()27var job = require('argosy-service').job28var service = require('argosy')

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