How to use inputPath method in argos

Best JavaScript code snippet using argos


Source:parseFile.test.ts Github


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1import { resolveFromFixtures } from './​utils';2import { parseFile } from '../​src/​parseFile';3describe('parseFile', () => {4 it('should work with module.exports', async (done) => {5 const inputPath = resolveFromFixtures('module-exports.js');6 const { exports } = await parseFile(inputPath);7 expect(exports).toEqual(['a']);8 done();9 });10 it('should work with exports', async (done) => {11 const inputPath = resolveFromFixtures('exports.js');12 const { exports } = await parseFile(inputPath);13 expect(exports).toEqual(['a', 'b', 'c']);14 done();15 });16 it('should work with __exportStar', async (done) => {17 const inputPath = resolveFromFixtures('transpiler/​exportStar.js');18 const { exports } = await parseFile(inputPath);19 expect(exports).toEqual(['__esModule', 'foo', 'bar']);20 done();21 });22 it('should work with UMD', async (done) => {23 const inputPath = resolveFromFixtures('umd/​simple.js');24 const { exports } = await parseFile(inputPath);25 expect(exports).toEqual(['umd']);26 done();27 });28 it('should work with minified UMD', async (done) => {29 const inputPath = resolveFromFixtures('umd/​min.js');30 const { exports } = await parseFile(inputPath);31 expect(exports).toEqual(['umd', 'min']);32 done();33 });34 it('should work with readme main', async (done) => {35 const inputPath = resolveFromFixtures('readme/​main.js');36 const { exports } = await parseFile(inputPath);37 expect(exports).toEqual(['a', 'b', 'd', 'e', '__esModule']);38 done();39 });40 it('should work with export as function param', async (done) => {41 const inputPath = resolveFromFixtures('function/​exports-in-param.js');42 const { exports } = await parseFile(inputPath);43 expect(exports).toEqual(['a', 'b', 'c']);44 done();45 });46 it('should work with export as function param and use another formal variable name', async (done) => {47 const inputPath = resolveFromFixtures('function/​exports-renamed-param.js');48 const { exports } = await parseFile(inputPath);49 expect(exports).toEqual(['a', 'b', 'c']);50 done();51 });52 it('should work with Object.defineProperty when enumerable in descriptor', async (done) => {53 const inputPath = resolveFromFixtures('objectDefineProperty/​enumerable.js');54 const { exports } = await parseFile(inputPath);55 expect(exports).toEqual(['a', 'b', 'c']);56 done();57 });58 it('should work with Object.defineProperty when value in descriptor', async (done) => {59 const inputPath = resolveFromFixtures('objectDefineProperty/​value.js');60 const { exports } = await parseFile(inputPath);61 expect(exports).toEqual(['a']);62 done();63 });64 it('should work with Object.defineProperty when getter in descriptor', async (done) => {65 const inputPath = resolveFromFixtures('objectDefineProperty/​getter.js');66 const { exports } = await parseFile(inputPath);67 expect(exports).toEqual(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e']);68 done();69 });70 it('should work with Object.defineProperty when getter override', async (done) => {71 const inputPath = resolveFromFixtures(72 'objectDefineProperty/​getter-override.js'73 );74 const { exports } = await parseFile(inputPath);75 expect(exports).toEqual([]);76 done();77 });78 it('should work with export object with spread', async (done) => {79 const inputPath = resolveFromFixtures('export-object/​spread.js');80 const { exports } = await parseFile(inputPath);81 expect(exports).toEqual(['a', 'b', 'c']);82 done();83 });84 it('should work with export object with require', async (done) => {85 const inputPath = resolveFromFixtures('export-object/​require.js');86 const { exports } = await parseFile(inputPath);87 expect(exports).toEqual(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']);88 done();89 });90 it('should work with reexport require override', async (done) => {91 const inputPath = resolveFromFixtures('reexport/​override.js');92 const { exports } = await parseFile(inputPath);93 expect(exports).toEqual(['foo']);94 done();95 });96 it('should work with reexport require override object', async (done) => {97 const inputPath = resolveFromFixtures('reexport/​override-object.js');98 const { exports } = await parseFile(inputPath);99 expect(exports).toEqual(['foo', 'bar']);100 done();101 });...

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Source:vaccumCleanerPath.js Github


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1/​/​ Given a string representing the sequence of moves a robot vacuum makes,2/​/​ return whether or not it will return to its original position.3/​/​ The string will only contain L, R, U, and D characters, representing left,4/​/​ right, up, and down respectively.5/​/​ Ex: Given the following strings...6/​/​ "LR", return true7/​/​ "URURD", return false8/​/​ "RUULLDRD", return true9const vaccumCleanerPath = (inputPath) => {10 let position = 0;11 for (let i = 0; i < inputPath.length; i++) {12 if (inputPath[i] === "L" || inputPath[i] === "l") position += 1;13 else if (inputPath[i] === "R" || inputPath[i] === "r") position -= 1;14 else if (inputPath[i] === "D" || inputPath[i] === "d") position += 2;15 else if (inputPath[i] === "U" || inputPath[i] === "u") position -= 2;16 else throw `Illegal Character ${inputPath[i]}`;17 }18 return position === 0 ? true : false;19};20const vaccumCleanerPathUsingStack = (inputPath) => {21 horizontalStack = [];22 verticalStack = [];23 for (let i = 0; i < inputPath.length; i++) {24 if (inputPath[i] === "L" || inputPath[i] === "l") {25 if (horizontalStack.length === 0) horizontalStack.push(inputPath[i]);26 else horizontalStack.pop();27 } else if (inputPath[i] === "R" || inputPath[i] === "r") {28 if (horizontalStack.length === 0) horizontalStack.push(inputPath[i]);29 else horizontalStack.pop();30 } else if (inputPath[i] === "D" || inputPath[i] === "d") {31 if (verticalStack.length === 0) verticalStack.push(inputPath[i]);32 else verticalStack.pop();33 } else if (inputPath[i] === "U" || inputPath[i] === "u") {34 if (verticalStack.length === 0) verticalStack.push(inputPath[i]);35 else verticalStack.pop();36 } else throw `Illegal Character ${inputPath[i]}`;37 }38 return horizontalStack.length === 0 && verticalStack.length === 0 ?39 true :40 false;41};42const test = () => {43 testCases = ["LR", "URURD", "RUULLDRD"];44 expecteds = [true, false, true];45 for (let i = 0; i < testCases.length; i++) {46 const actual = vaccumCleanerPath(testCases[i]);47 console.log(`For '${testCases[i]}' output obtained '${actual}'`);48 console.assert(49 actual === expecteds[i],50 `Wrong answer. Expected: '${expecteds[i]}'. Found: '${actual}'`51 );52 }53 console.log("Test completed for vaccumCleanerPath.");54 for (let i = 0; i < testCases.length; i++) {55 const actual = vaccumCleanerPathUsingStack(testCases[i]);56 console.log(`For '${testCases[i]}' output obtained '${actual}'`);57 console.assert(58 actual === expecteds[i],59 `Wrong answer. Expected: '${expecteds[i]}'. Found: '${actual}'`60 );61 }62 console.log("Test completed for vaccumCleanerPathUsingStack.");63};...

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Source:depth-del.js Github


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1#!/​usr/​bin/​env node2const readline = require('readline');3const fs = require('fs');4const path = require('path');5const rl = readline.createInterface({6 input: process.stdin,7 output: process.stdout8});9var inputPath = process.cwd();10if (process.argv[2].indexOf(":") != -1) {11 inputPath = process.argv[2];12} else {13 for (var i = 2; i < process.argv.length; i++) {14 inputPath += "\\" + process.argv[i];15 }16}17var realPath = path.normalize(inputPath);18if (realPath[realPath.length - 1] == '\\') {19 realPath = realPath.substring(0, realPath.length - 1);20}21delAll(realPath, true);22function delAll(inputPath, isFirst) {23 if (inputPath.length < realPath.length && !isFirst) {24 process.exit();25 return;26 }27 console.log("正在删除:" + inputPath);28 fs.stat(inputPath, function (err, stat) {29 if (err) {30 return console.error(err);31 }32 if (stat.isFile()) {33 if (fs.existsSync(inputPath)) {34 fs.unlink(inputPath, function (err) {35 if (err!=null && err.message.indexOf("no such file or directory")==-1) {36 return console.error(err);37 }38 console.log(inputPath + "-----删除成功");39 var parentPath = inputPath.substring(0, inputPath.lastIndexOf('\\'));40 delAll(parentPath);41 });42 }43 } else if (stat.isDirectory()) {44 fs.readdir(inputPath, function (err, files) {45 if (err) {46 return console.log(err);47 }48 if (files.length == 0) {49 if (fs.existsSync(inputPath)) {50 fs.rmdir(inputPath, function (err) {51 if (err != null && err.message.indexOf("no such file or directory")==-1) {52 return console.error(err);53 }54 console.log(inputPath + "-----删除成功");55 /​/​获取父目录56 var parentPath = inputPath.substring(0, inputPath.lastIndexOf('\\'));57 delAll(parentPath);58 });59 }60 } else {61 for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {62 delAll(inputPath + '\\' + files[i])63 }64 }65 });66 }67 });...

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Source:index.js Github


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1const log = (title, ...args) => console.log('\n', title, '\n', ...args)2const logError = (...args) => log('ERROR!', ...args)3const workDir = process.cwd()4const path = require('path')5const fs = require('fs')6const optimiser = require('./​optimiser')7const createComponent = require('./​createComponent')8const createIndex = require('./​createIndex')9const { promisify } = require('util')10const readdirAsync = promisify(fs.readdir)11let [, , inputPath, outputPath = inputPath] = process.argv12inputPath = path.resolve(workDir, inputPath)13outputPath = path.resolve(workDir, outputPath)14log('inputPath', inputPath)15log('outputPath', outputPath)16async function processIcons(inputPath, outputPath) {17 if (!fs.existsSync(inputPath)) throw new Error(`can't find path ${inputPath}`)18 const files = (await readdirAsync(inputPath)).filter(filename => /​\.svg$/​.test(filename))19 log('files', files)20 /​/​ files.forEach(async(filename) => createComponent(inputPath, filename))21 for (filename of files) await createComponent(filename, inputPath, outputPath)22 log('components created')23 await createIndex(files, outputPath)24 log('Done!')25}26processIcons(inputPath, outputPath).catch(e => {27 logError(e)28 process.exit(1)...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var argosy = require('argosy')2var pattern = require('argosy-pattern')3var argosyService = argosy()4var argosyClient = argosy()5argosyService.accept(pattern({6}), function (msg, callback) {7 console.log(msg.path)8 callback(null, {message: 'success'})9})10argosyService.listen(8000)11argosyClient.pipe(argosyService).pipe(argosyClient)12argosyClient.send({13}, function (err, reply) {14})15var argosy = require('argosy')16var pattern = require('argosy-pattern')17var argosyService = argosy()18var argosyClient = argosy()19argosyService.accept(pattern({20}), function (msg, callback) {21 console.log(msg.path)22 callback(null, {message: 'success'})23})24argosyService.listen(8000)25argosyClient.pipe(argosyService).pipe(argosyClient)26argosyClient.send({27}, function (err, reply) {28})

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var argosy = require('argosy')2var inputPath = require('argosy-pattern').inputPath3var argosyPattern = require('argosy-pattern')4var service = argosy()5service.pipe(argosy.acceptor({6 hello: inputPath('name')7})).pipe(service)8service.on('hello', function (name, cb) {9 cb(null, 'Hello, ' + name)10})11service.on('error', function (err) {12 console.error(err)13})14var argosy = require('argosy')15var inputPath = require('argosy-pattern').inputPath16var argosyPattern = require('argosy-pattern')17var service = argosy()18service.pipe(argosy.acceptor({19 hello: inputPath('name')20})).pipe(service)21service.on('hello', function (name, cb) {22 cb(null, 'Hello, ' + name)23})24service.on('error', function (err) {25 console.error(err)26})27var argosy = require('argosy')28var inputPath = require('argosy-pattern').inputPath29var argosyPattern = require('argosy-pattern')30var service = argosy()31service.pipe(argosy.acceptor({32 hello: inputPath('name')33})).pipe(service)34service.on('hello', function (name, cb) {35 cb(null, 'Hello, ' + name)36})37service.on('error', function (err) {38 console.error(err)39})40var argosy = require('argosy')41var inputPath = require('argosy-pattern').inputPath42var argosyPattern = require('argosy-pattern')43var service = argosy()44service.pipe(argosy.acceptor({45 hello: inputPath('name')46})).pipe(service)47service.on('hello', function (name, cb) {48 cb(null, 'Hello, ' + name)49})50service.on('error', function (err) {51 console.error(err)52})53var argosy = require('argosy')54var inputPath = require('argosy-pattern').inputPath55var argosyPattern = require('argosy-pattern')56var service = argosy()57service.pipe(arg

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var argosy = require('argosy')2var pattern = require('argosy-pattern')3var argosyService = argosy()4var argosyClient = argosy()5var service = argosyService.accept({6 hello: pattern.inputPath('$.name')7})8service.pipe(argosyClient).pipe(service)9argosyClient.act('role:hello, name:World', function (err, response) {10 console.log(response)11})12var argosy = require('argosy')13var pattern = require('argosy-pattern')14var argosyService = argosy()15var argosyClient = argosy()16var service = argosyService.accept({17 hello: pattern.inputPath('$.name')18})19service.pipe(argosyClient).pipe(service)20argosyClient.act('role:hello, name:World', function (err, response) {21 console.log(response)22})23var argosy = require('argosy')24var pattern = require('argosy-pattern')25var argosyService = argosy()26var argosyClient = argosy()27var service = argosyService.accept({28 hello: pattern.inputPath('$.name')29})30service.pipe(argosyClient).pipe(service)31argosyClient.act('role:hello, name:World', function (err, response) {32 console.log(response)33})34var argosy = require('argosy')35var pattern = require('argosy-pattern')36var argosyService = argosy()37var argosyClient = argosy()38var service = argosyService.accept({39 hello: pattern.inputPath('$.name')40})41service.pipe(argosyClient).pipe(service)42argosyClient.act('role:hello, name:World', function (err, response) {43 console.log(response)44})45var argosy = require('arg

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var pattern = require('argosy-pattern')2var argosy = require('argosy')3var seneca = require('seneca')()4var service = argosy()5service.use(function (req, res) {6 if (inputPath(req, '')) {7 res(null, { qux: 123 })8 } else {9 res(new Error('nope'))10 }11})12service.pipe(seneca).pipe(service)13seneca.act({ foo: { bar: { baz: true } } }, function (err, res) {14})15seneca.act({ foo: { bar: { baz: false } } }, function (err, res) {16})17seneca.act({ foo: { bar: { baz: true, qux: true } } }, function (err, res) {18})19seneca.act({ foo: { bar: { baz: true }, qux: true } }, function (err, res) {20})21seneca.act({ foo: { bar: { baz: true, qux: true } } }, function (err, res) {22})23seneca.act({ foo: { bar: { baz: true, qux: true } } }, function (err, res) {24})25seneca.act({ foo: { bar: { baz: true }, qux: true } }, function (err, res) {26})27seneca.act({ foo: { bar: { baz: true, qux: true } } }, function (err, res) {28})29seneca.act({ foo: { bar: { baz: true }, qux: true } }, function (err, res) {30})31seneca.act({ foo: { bar: { baz: true, qux: true } } }, function (err, res) {32})33seneca.act({ foo: { bar: { baz: true }, qux: true } }, function (err, res) {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var argosy = require('argosy')2var pattern = require('argosy-pattern')3var myService = argosy()4myService.accept({5 add: inputPath('a', 'b')6})7myService.pipe(argosy({8 add: function (a, b) {9 }10})).pipe(myService)11myService.act({12 add: {13 }14}, function (err, result) {15 console.log(result)16})17var argosy = require('argosy')18var pattern = require('argosy-pattern')19var myService = argosy()20myService.accept({21 add: inputPath('a', 'b')22})23myService.pipe(argosy({24 add: function (a, b) {25 }26})).pipe(myService)27myService.act({28 add: {29 }30}, function (err, result) {31 console.log(result)32})33var argosy = require('argosy')34var pattern = require('argosy-pattern')35var myService = argosy()36myService.accept({37 add: inputPath('a', 'b')38})39myService.pipe(argosy({40 add: function (a, b) {41 }42})).pipe(myService)43myService.act({44 add: {45 }46}, function (err, result) {47 console.log(result)48})49var argosy = require('argosy')50var pattern = require('argosy-pattern')51var myService = argosy()52myService.accept({53 add: inputPath('a', 'b')54})55myService.pipe(argosy({56 add: function (a, b) {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var argosy = require('argosy')2var pattern = require('argosy-pattern')3var service = argosy({4 pattern: {5 'get': inputPath('path')6 }7})8service.accept({9 get: function (path, cb) {10 cb(null, {11 })12 }13})14service.get('foo', function (err, result) {15})16var argosy = require('argosy')17var pattern = require('argosy-pattern')18var service = argosy({19 pattern: {20 'get': outputPath('path')21 }22})23service.accept({24 get: function (cb) {25 cb(null, {26 })27 }28})29service.get(function (err, result) {30})31### <a name="argosy-pattern-inputpath"></​a> inputPath(path)32### <a name="argosy-pattern-outputpath"></​a> outputPath(path)33### <a name="argosy-pattern-match"></​a> match(pattern, value)34### <a name="argosy-pattern-matchall"></​a> matchAll(pattern, value)

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var pattern = require('argosy-pattern')2var msg = {3 address: {4 }5}6var input = inputPath('address.street')7input(msg, function (err, pathValue) {8})9var pattern = require('argosy-pattern')10var msg = {11 address: {12 }13}14var output = outputPath('address.street')15output(msg, '456 Main St', function (err) {16})17var pattern = require('argosy-pattern')18var msg = {19 address: {20 }21}22var input = inputPath('address.street')23input(msg, function (err, pathValue) {24})25var pattern = require('argosy-pattern')26var msg = {27 address: {28 }29}30var output = outputPath('address.street')31output(msg, '456 Main St', function (err) {32})33var pattern = require('argosy-pattern')

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