Best JavaScript code snippet using argos
Source: webpack.config.js
1const path = require("path");2const HtmlWebpackPlugin = require("html-webpack-plugin");3const MiniCssExtractPlugin = require("mini-css-extract-plugin");4// const CleanWebpackPlugin = require('clean-webpack-plugin');5module.exports = {6 entry: "./assets/index.js",7 output: {8 path: path.resolve(__dirname, "dist"),9 filename: "./js/index.bundle.js"10 },11 // Generate sourcemaps for proper error messages12 devtool: "source-map",13 performance: {14 // Turn off size warnings for entry points15 hints: false16 },17 module: {18 rules: [19 {20 test: /\.(html)$/,21 loader: "html-loader",22 options: {23 // Interpolation syntax for ES6 template strings24 interpolate: true,25 // Disable minifcation during production mode26 minimize: false27 },28 exclude: /node_modules/29 },30 {31 test: /\.(css|sass|scss)$/,32 use: [33 {34 loader: MiniCssExtractPlugin.loader,35 options: {36 publicPath: "../",37 hmr: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production',38 }39 },40 {41 loader: "css-loader",42 options: {43 importLoaders: 2,44 sourceMap: true,45 }46 },47 {48 loader: "resolve-url-loader"49 },50 {51 loader: "postcss-loader",52 options: {53 plugins: () => [require("autoprefixer")],54 sourceMap: true55 }56 },57 {58 loader: "sass-loader",59 options: {60 sourceMap: true61 }62 }63 ],64 exclude: /node_modules/65 },66 {67 enforce: "pre", // checked before being processed by babel-loader68 test: /\.(js)$/,69 loader: "eslint-loader",70 exclude: /node_modules/71 },72 {73 test: /\.(js)$/,74 loader: "babel-loader",75 exclude: /node_modules/76 },77 {78 test: /\.(jpe?g|png|gif|svg)$/,79 use: [80 {81 loader: "file-loader",82 options: {83 outputPath: (url, resourcePath, context) => {84 if (/icon\.png|tile\.png|tile-wide\.png/.test(resourcePath)) {85 return url;86 } else {87 return `images/${url}`;88 }89 },90 name: "[name].[ext]"91 }92 },93 {94 loader: "image-webpack-loader",95 options: {96 disable: process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production", // Disable during development97 mozjpeg: {98 progressive: true,99 quality: 75100 }101 }102 }103 ],104 exclude: /node_modules/105 },106 {107 test: /(favicon\.ico|site\.webmanifest|browserconfig\.xml|robots\.txt|humans\.txt)$/,108 loader: "file-loader",109 options: {110 name: "[name].[ext]"111 },112 exclude: /node_modules/113 },114 {115 test: /\.(woff(2)?|ttf|eot|svg)(\?v=\d+\.\d+\.\d+)?$/,116 loader: "file-loader",117 options: {118 outputPath: "fonts",119 name: "[name].[ext]"120 },121 exclude: /node_modules/122 }123 ]124 },125 // DevServer126 // devServer: {128 contentBase: path.join(__dirname, "dist"),129 compress: true,130 port: 9000131 },132 plugins: [133 new HtmlWebpackPlugin({134 template: "./assets/html/homepage-v1.html",135 filename: "homepage-v1.html",136 hash: true137 }),138 new HtmlWebpackPlugin({139 template: "./assets/html/homepage-v2.html",140 filename: "homepage-v2.html",141 hash: true142 }),143 new HtmlWebpackPlugin({144 template: "./assets/html/homepage-v3.html",145 filename: "homepage-v3.html",146 hash: true147 }),148 new HtmlWebpackPlugin({149 template: "./assets/html/homepage-v4.html",150 filename: "homepage-v4.html",151 hash: true152 }),153 new HtmlWebpackPlugin({154 template: "./assets/html/homepage-v5.html",155 filename: "homepage-v5.html",156 hash: true157 }),158 new HtmlWebpackPlugin({159 template: "./assets/html/single-detail-v1.html",160 filename: "single-detail-v1.html",161 hash: true162 }),163 new HtmlWebpackPlugin({164 template: "./assets/html/single-detail-v2.html",165 filename: "single-detail-v2.html",166 hash: true167 }),168 new HtmlWebpackPlugin({169 template: "./assets/html/single-detail-v3.html",170 filename: "single-detail-v3.html",171 hash: true172 }),173 new HtmlWebpackPlugin({174 template: "./assets/html/single-detail-v4.html",175 filename: "single-detail-v4.html",176 hash: true177 }),178 new HtmlWebpackPlugin({179 template: "./assets/html/single-detail-v5.html",180 filename: "single-detail-v5.html",181 hash: true182 }),183 new HtmlWebpackPlugin({184 template: "./assets/html/listing-style-v1.html",185 filename: "listing-style-v1.html",186 hash: true187 }),188 new HtmlWebpackPlugin({189 template: "./assets/html/listing-style-v2.html",190 filename: "listing-style-v2.html",191 hash: true192 }),193 new HtmlWebpackPlugin({194 template: "./assets/html/listing-style-v3.html",195 filename: "listing-style-v3.html",196 hash: true197 }),198 new HtmlWebpackPlugin({199 template: "./assets/html/listing-style-v4.html",200 filename: "listing-style-v4.html",201 hash: true202 }),203 new HtmlWebpackPlugin({204 template: "./assets/html/listing-style-v5.html",205 filename: "listing-style-v5.html",206 hash: true207 }),208 new HtmlWebpackPlugin({209 template: "./assets/html/agents-v1.html",210 filename: "agents-v1.html",211 hash: true212 }),213 new HtmlWebpackPlugin({214 template: "./assets/html/agents-v2.html",215 filename: "agents-v2.html",216 hash: true217 }),218 new HtmlWebpackPlugin({219 template: "./assets/html/agents-detail.html",220 filename: "agents-detail.html",221 hash: true222 }),223 new HtmlWebpackPlugin({224 template: "./assets/html/agency-v1.html",225 filename: "agency-v1.html",226 hash: true227 }),228 new HtmlWebpackPlugin({229 template: "./assets/html/agency-v2.html",230 filename: "agency-v2.html",231 hash: true232 }),233 new HtmlWebpackPlugin({234 template: "./assets/html/agency-detail.html",235 filename: "agency-detail.html",236 hash: true237 }),238 new HtmlWebpackPlugin({239 template: "./assets/html/blog.html",240 filename: "blog.html",241 hash: true242 }),243 new HtmlWebpackPlugin({244 template: "./assets/html/blog-single.html",245 filename: "blog-single.html",246 hash: true247 }),248 new HtmlWebpackPlugin({249 template: "./assets/html/about-us.html",250 filename: "about-us.html",251 hash: true252 }),253 new HtmlWebpackPlugin({254 template: "./assets/html/login.html",255 filename: "login.html",256 hash: true257 }),258 new HtmlWebpackPlugin({259 template: "./assets/html/register.html",260 filename: "register.html",261 hash: true262 }),263 new HtmlWebpackPlugin({264 template: "./assets/html/contact.html",265 filename: "contact.html",266 hash: true267 }),268 new HtmlWebpackPlugin({269 template: "./assets/html/404.html",270 filename: "404.html",271 hash: true272 }),273 new MiniCssExtractPlugin({274 filename: "./css/styles.css"275 }),276 ]...
Source: webpack.common.js
1const path = require("path");2var HtmlWebpackPlugin = require('html-webpack-plugin');3module.exports = {4 entry: { 5 main: "./src/index.js",6 vendor: "./src/vendor.js"7 },8 plugins: [new HtmlWebpackPlugin({9 template: "./src/template.html" 10 }),new HtmlWebpackPlugin({11 template: "./src/offers.html",12 filename: "offers.html",13 }),new HtmlWebpackPlugin({14 template: "./src/offers/1.html",15 filename: "offers/1.html",16 }),new HtmlWebpackPlugin({17 template: "./src/offers/2.html",18 filename: "offers/2.html",19 }),new HtmlWebpackPlugin({20 template: "./src/offers/3.html",21 filename: "offers/3.html",22 }),new HtmlWebpackPlugin({23 template: "./src/offers/4.html",24 filename: "offers/4.html",25 }),new HtmlWebpackPlugin({26 template: "./src/offers/5.html",27 filename: "offers/5.html",28 }),new HtmlWebpackPlugin({29 template: "./src/offers/6.html",30 filename: "offers/6.html",31 }),new HtmlWebpackPlugin({32 template: "./src/offers/7.html",33 filename: "offers/7.html",34 }),new HtmlWebpackPlugin({35 template: "./src/offers/8.html",36 filename: "offers/8.html",37 }),new HtmlWebpackPlugin({38 template: "./src/offers/9.html",39 filename: "offers/9.html",40 }),new HtmlWebpackPlugin({41 template: "./src/offers/10.html",42 filename: "offers/10.html",43 }),new HtmlWebpackPlugin({44 template: "./src/offers/11.html",45 filename: "offers/11.html",46 }),new HtmlWebpackPlugin({47 template: "./src/offers/12.html",48 filename: "offers/12.html",49 }),new HtmlWebpackPlugin({50 template: "./src/offers/13.html",51 filename: "offers/13.html",52 }),new HtmlWebpackPlugin({53 template: "./src/offers/14.html",54 filename: "offers/14.html",55 }),new HtmlWebpackPlugin({56 template: "./src/offers/15.html",57 filename: "offers/15.html",58 }),new HtmlWebpackPlugin({59 template: "./src/offers/16.html",60 filename: "offers/16.html",61 }),new HtmlWebpackPlugin({62 template: "./src/offers/17.html",63 filename: "offers/17.html",64 }),new HtmlWebpackPlugin({65 template: "./src/offers/18.html",66 filename: "offers/18.html",67 }),new HtmlWebpackPlugin({68 template: "./src/offers/19.html",69 filename: "offers/19.html",70 }),new HtmlWebpackPlugin({71 template: "./src/offers/20.html",72 filename: "offers/20.html",73 }),new HtmlWebpackPlugin({74 template: "./src/cart.html",75 filename: "cart.html"76 }),new HtmlWebpackPlugin({77 template: "./src/admin/login.html",78 filename: "admin/login.html"79 }),new HtmlWebpackPlugin({80 template: "./src/admin/products.html",81 filename: "admin/products.html"82 }),new HtmlWebpackPlugin({83 template: "./src/admin/products/add.html",84 filename: "admin/products/add.html"85 }),new HtmlWebpackPlugin({86 template: "./src/admin.html",87 filename: "admin.html"})],88 module: {89 rules: [90 {91 test: /\.html$/i,92 use: ["html-loader"]93 },94 {95 test: /\.(svg|png|jpg|gif)$/i,96 type: 'asset/resource'97 },98 {99 test: /\.js$/,100 exclude: /node_modules/,101 use: {102 loader: 'babel-loader'103 }104 }105 ]106 }...
Using AI Code Generation
1const HtmlWebpackPlugin = require('html-webpack-plugin');2const path = require('path');3module.exports = {4 output: {5 path: path.resolve(__dirname, 'dist'),6 },7 new HtmlWebpackPlugin({8 }),9 module: {10 {11 },12 },13};14"scripts": {15 },16import _ from 'lodash';17import './style.css';18import Icon from './icon.png';19import Data from './data.xml';20function component() {21 var element = document.createElement('div');22 var btn = document.createElement('button');23 element.innerHTML = _.join(['Hello', 'webpack'], ' ');24 element.classList.add('hello');25 btn.innerHTML = 'Click me and check the console!';26 btn.onclick = printMe;27 element.appendChild(btn);28 var myIcon = new Image();29 myIcon.src = Icon;30 element.appendChild(myIcon);31 console.log(Data);32 return element;33}34document.body.appendChild(component());35.hello {36 color: red;37}38(window["webpackJsonp"] = window["webpackJsonp"] || []).push([["main"],{39/***/ (
Using AI Code Generation
1var htmlWebpackPlugin = require('html-webpack-plugin');2module.exports = {3 output: {4 },5 module: {6 {test: /\.js$/, loader: 'babel-loader', exclude: /node_modules/},7 {test: /\.css$/, loader: 'style-loader!css-loader'}8 },9 new htmlWebpackPlugin({10 })11};12import React from 'react';13import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';14ReactDOM.render(<h1>Hello World!</h1>, document.getElementById('root'));15var htmlWebpackPlugin = require('html-webpack-plugin');16module.exports = {17 output: {18 },19 module: {20 {test: /\.js$/, loader: 'babel-loader', exclude: /node_modules/},21 {test: /\.css$/, loader: 'style-loader!css-loader'}22 },23 new htmlWebpackPlugin({24 })25};
Using AI Code Generation
1const HtmlWebpackPlugin = require('html-webpack-plugin');2const path = require('path');3module.exports = {4 output: {5 path: path.resolve(__dirname, 'dist'),6 },7 new HtmlWebpackPlugin({8 }),9 module: {10 {11 },12 },13};14"scripts": {15 },16import _ from 'lodash';17import './style.css';18import Icon from './icon.png';19import Data from './data.xml';20function component() {21 var element = document.createElement('div');22 var btn = document.createElement('button');23 element.innerHTML = _.join(['Hello', 'webpack'], ' ');24 element.classList.add('hello');25 btn.innerHTML = 'Click me and check the console!';26 btn.onclick = printMe;27 element.appendChild(btn);28 var myIcon = new Image();29 myIcon.src = Icon;30 element.appendChild(myIcon);31 console.log(Data);32 return element;33}34document.body.appendChild(component());35.hello {36 color: red;37}38(window["webpackJsonp"] = window["webpackJsonp"] || []).push([["main"],{39/***/ (
Using AI Code Generation
1var htmlWebpackPlugin = require('html-webpack-plugin');2module.exports = {3 output: {4 },5 module: {6 {test: /\.js$/, loader: 'babel-loader', exclude: /node_modules/},7 {test: /\.css$/, loader: 'style-loader!css-loader'}8 },9 new htmlWebpackPlugin({10 })11};12import React from 'react';13import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';14ReactDOM.render(<h1>Hello World!</h1>, document.getElementById('root'));15var htmlWebpackPlugin = require('html-webpack-plugin');16module.exports = {17c:n taHput: {;18module.exports: '{19, ut lr: {20 teht: /\.jres$lve loader: 'bab-ise, exclude: /node_modules/},21 }:22He nw HWP({23 })24};ta charset="utf-8">25cntHe.exports = {26 output: {27 path', 'dit)28 },29 module: {30 {ilOupu Ma.jg$:31 }32 }33 },indxjs34H=rqui('-webpack-plugn');35moduxpor={36utu: {37 pa:hr so:ve(__der.m,'dst')38 },39pugs [import React from 'react';40oRnw HWbpckPug({41e})42};.css';43const Ht W b ackPl=gga = qhara('hame-w"App-i-ptro">');44moduae.rxpo tip=>{45 <output:/{46patpath.resolve(__dramist)47rt default App;Output Manaement48})49};50co stue, = requ re('h{m-wbpack-pluin);51module.exports = {52 output:"{53 "reapats1.path.resolve(__d1r"am 'ds)54 "eje})55};56cotstnore=requre('hm-wbpack-plugin);57module.expot={58output:{59patpath.resolve(__dramist)60ne('Mobile/Sample/Views/MyView', [61 ; I18n62) {
Using AI Code Generation
1 var resource = lang.getObject('Mobile.Sample.Views.MyView', true);2var rgosy = r quire('/ego y')te is a simple div with a data-dojo-attach-point to the3var entNode. This is e= dgqenpl('-html-wbpk-lu')4var path = qui{%('paih')5var a p = e="{%=()6lsp.uss(htvlWebpeckPlurw%({$.cls %}" {% if ($.resourceKind) { %}data-resource-kind="{%= $.resourceKind %}"{% } %}>',7 <mtlade:jpath.joon(__inrname">'</dex.him'')8}))9ppus (fu '(qcb){10 cb(ll{ms:'HlloWld'})11})12p.t(3000)
Using AI Code Generation
1define('Mobile/Sample/Views/MyView', [2], function(3) {4 var resource = lang.getObject('Mobile.Sample.Views.MyView', true);5 var __class = declare('Mobile.Sample.Views.MyView', [View], {6 widgetTemplate: new Simplate([7 '<div id="{%= $.id %}" title="{%= $.titleText %}" class="overthrow {%= $.cls %}" {% if ($.resourceKind) { %}data-resource-kind="{%= $.resourceKind %}"{% } %}>',
Using AI Code Generation
1var argosy = require('argosy')2var htmlWebpackPlugin = require('argosy-html-webpack-plugin')3var path = require('path')4var app = argosy()5app.use(htmlWebpackPlugin({6 template: path.join(__dirname, 'index.html')7}))8app.use(function (req, cb) {9 cb(null, {message: 'Hello World'})10})11app.listen(3000)
Using AI Code Generation
1var argos = require('argos-sdk');2var htmlWebpackPlugin = require('html-webpack-plugin');3module.exports = argos.makeConfig({4 entry: {5 },6 new htmlWebpackPlugin({7 })8});
Using AI Code Generation
1module.exports = function (env) {2 return {3 new HtmlWebpackPlugin({4 }),5 new HtmlWebpackPlugin({6 }),7 new HtmlWebpackPlugin({8 }),9 new HtmlWebpackPlugin({10 }),11 new HtmlWebpackPlugin({12 }),13 new HtmlWebpackPlugin({14 })15 }16}
Using AI Code Generation
1var argos = require('argos-sdk');2var htmlWebpackPlugin = require('html-webpack-plugin');3module.exports = argos.makeConfig({4 entry: {5 },6 new htmlWebpackPlugin({7 })8});
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Learn to execute automation testing from scratch with LambdaTest Learning Hub. Right from setting up the prerequisites to run your first automation test, to following best practices and diving deeper into advanced test scenarios. LambdaTest Learning Hubs compile a list of step-by-step guides to help you be proficient with different test automation frameworks i.e. Selenium, Cypress, TestNG etc.
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