How to use hasWritePermission method in argos

Best JavaScript code snippet using argos


Source: CollectionHeader.jsx Github


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1/​* eslint-disable react/​prop-types */​2import React from "react";3import { Flex } from "grid-styled";4import { t } from "ttag";5import * as Urls from "metabase/​lib/​urls";6import { isPersonalCollection } from "metabase/​collections/​utils";7import Icon, { IconWrapper } from "metabase/​components/​Icon";8import Link from "metabase/​components/​Link";9import PageHeading from "metabase/​components/​type/​PageHeading";10import Tooltip from "metabase/​components/​Tooltip";11import CollectionEditMenu from "metabase/​collections/​components/​CollectionEditMenu";12import { PLUGIN_COLLECTION_COMPONENTS } from "metabase/​plugins";13import {14 Container,15 DescriptionTooltipIcon,16 MenuContainer,17 ToggleMobileSidebarIcon,18} from "./​CollectionHeader.styled";19function Title({ collection, handleToggleMobileSidebar }) {20 return (21 <Flex align="center">22 <ToggleMobileSidebarIcon onClick={handleToggleMobileSidebar} /​>23 <PLUGIN_COLLECTION_COMPONENTS.CollectionAuthorityLevelIcon24 collection={collection}25 mr={1}26 size={24}27 /​>28 <PageHeading className="text-wrap">{}</​PageHeading>29 {collection.description && (30 <Tooltip tooltip={collection.description}>31 <DescriptionTooltipIcon /​>32 </​Tooltip>33 )}34 </​Flex>35 );36}37function PermissionsLink({38 collection,39 isAdmin,40 isPersonal,41 isPersonalCollectionChild,42}) {43 const tooltip = t`Edit the permissions for this collection`;44 const link = `${Urls.collection(collection)}/​permissions`;45 const canChangePermissions =46 isAdmin && !isPersonal && !isPersonalCollectionChild;47 return canChangePermissions ? (48 <Tooltip tooltip={tooltip}>49 <Link to={link}>50 <IconWrapper>51 <Icon name="lock" /​>52 </​IconWrapper>53 </​Link>54 </​Tooltip>55 ) : null;56}57function EditMenu({58 collection,59 hasWritePermission,60 isAdmin,61 isPersonal,62 isRoot,63}) {64 const tooltip = t`Edit collection`;65 const canEditCollection = hasWritePermission && !isPersonal;66 return canEditCollection ? (67 <CollectionEditMenu68 tooltip={tooltip}69 collection={collection}70 isAdmin={isAdmin}71 isRoot={isRoot}72 /​>73 ) : null;74}75function CreateCollectionLink({76 collection,77 collectionId,78 hasWritePermission,79}) {80 const tooltip = t`New collection`;81 const link = Urls.newCollection(collectionId);82 return hasWritePermission ? (83 <Tooltip tooltip={tooltip}>84 <Link to={link}>85 <IconWrapper>86 <Icon name="new_folder" /​>87 </​IconWrapper>88 </​Link>89 </​Tooltip>90 ) : null;91}92function Menu(props) {93 return (94 <MenuContainer>95 <EditMenu {...props} /​>96 <CreateCollectionLink {...props} /​>97 <PermissionsLink {...props} /​>98 </​MenuContainer>99 );100}101export default function CollectionHeader(props) {102 const { collection } = props;103 const isPersonal = isPersonalCollection(collection);104 const hasWritePermission = collection && collection.can_write;105 return (106 <Container>107 <Title {...props} /​>108 <Menu109 {...props}110 isPersonal={isPersonal}111 hasWritePermission={hasWritePermission}112 /​>113 </​Container>114 );...

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Source: folder-handler.ts Github


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1import RNFS from "react-native-fs"2import { fullPathRoot, fullPathRootExternal, fullPathExported, fullPathEncrypted, fullPathDecrypted } from "./​constant"3import { log } from "./​log"4import { getWritePermission } from "./​permission"5async function createRootFolder() {6 const hasWritePermission = await getWritePermission()7 if (!hasWritePermission) {8 log.warn("Can't create root folder without write external storage permission")9 return10 }11 try {12 await RNFS.mkdir(fullPathRoot)13 } catch (error) {14 log.error(`folder-handler createRootFolder - Erro ao criar pasta. Mensagem: "${error}"`)15 }16}17async function createRootFolderExternal() {18 const hasWritePermission = await getWritePermission()19 if (!hasWritePermission) {20 log.warn("Can't create external root folder without write external storage permission")21 return22 }23 try {24 await RNFS.mkdir(fullPathRootExternal)25 } catch (error) {26 log.error(`folder-handler createRootFolderExternal - Erro ao criar pasta. Mensagem: "${error}"`)27 }28}29export async function createExportedFolder() {30 const hasWritePermission = await getWritePermission()31 if (!hasWritePermission) {32 log.warn("Can't create exported folder without write external storage permission")33 return34 }35 try {36 await RNFS.mkdir(fullPathExported)37 } catch (error) {38 log.error(`folder-handler createExportedFolder - Erro ao criar pasta. Mensagem: "${error}"`)39 }40}41export async function createEncryptedFolder() {42 const hasWritePermission = await getWritePermission()43 if (!hasWritePermission) {44 log.warn("Can't create encrypted folder without write external storage permission")45 return46 }47 try {48 await RNFS.mkdir(fullPathEncrypted)49 } catch (error) {50 log.error(`folder-handler createEncryptedFolder - Erro ao criar pasta. Mensagem: "${error}"`)51 }52}53export async function createDecryptedFolder() {54 const hasWritePermission = await getWritePermission()55 if (!hasWritePermission) {56 log.warn("Can't create decrypted folder without write external storage permission")57 return58 }59 try {60 await RNFS.mkdir(fullPathDecrypted)61 } catch (error) {62 log.error(`folder-handler createDecryptedFolder - Erro ao criar pasta. Mensagem: "${error}"`)63 }64}65export function createAllFolder() {66 /​/​ createRootFolder()67 /​/​ createRootFolderExternal()68 createExportedFolder()69 createEncryptedFolder()70 createDecryptedFolder()...

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Source: serverMockData.js Github


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1const buildOverlay = () => ({2 'links': {3 'self': '',4 'first': '',5 'last': '',6 'next': '',7 'prev': ''8 },9 'data': [],10});11const addPermission = (event, hasWritePermission = false) => {12 event.attributes.authorities = ['can-read'];13 if (hasWritePermission) {14 event.attributes.authorities.push('can-write');15 }16 return event;17};18const createEventScope = (type = 'scope', id, name = 'test', hasWritePermission = false, scopeType) => {19 const event = {20 type,21 id,22 attributes: {23 name,24 }25 };26 if (scopeType) {27 event.attributes.scopeType = scopeType;28 }29 return addPermission(event, hasWritePermission);30};31const addUserScope = (overlay, userId, name = 'user scope name') => {32'user', userId, name, true));33 return overlay;34};35const addCourseScope = (overlay, courseId, name, hasWritePermission = false) => {36'scope', courseId, name, hasWritePermission, 'course'));37 return overlay;38};39const addClassScope = (overlay, classId, name, hasWritePermission = false) => {40'scope', classId, name, hasWritePermission, 'class'));41 return overlay;42};43const createOverlayWithDefaultScopes = ({44 userId = '59898b4a26ffc20c510cfcf0',45 classReadId = '5db838ff8517be0028847d1d',46 classWriteId = '5d63d2738e9031001a53f82f',47 courseReadId = '58f735e4014bbf45f0be2502',48 courseWriteId = '5b51d6a582cf210011bedcb1',49} = {}) => {50 const overlay = buildOverlay();51 addUserScope(overlay, userId);52 addClassScope(overlay, classReadId, 'class read scope name');53 addClassScope(overlay, classWriteId, 'class write scope name', true);54 addCourseScope(overlay, courseReadId, 'course read scope name');55 addCourseScope(overlay, courseWriteId, 'course write scope name', true);56 return overlay;57};58module.exports = {59 createEventScope,60 buildOverlay,61 addUserScope,62 addCourseScope,63 addClassScope,64 createOverlayWithDefaultScopes,...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1define('Mobile/​SalesLogix/​Views/​Test', [2], function(3) {4 return declare('Mobile.SalesLogix.Views.Test', [Detail], {5 init: function() {6 this.inherited(arguments);7 this.connect(this.fields.test, 'onChange', this.onTestChange);8 },9 onTestChange: function(value, field) {10 var test = Entity.hasWritePermission('test', 'test');11 console.log('test: ' + test);12 },13 createToolLayout: function() {14 return || ( = {15 'top': [{16 }, {17 }]18 });19 },20 createLayout: function() {21 return this.layout || (this.layout = [{22 }]);23 }24 });25});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1define('Mobile/​salesLogix/​Views/​Tesr', [2], function(3) {4 retur declar'Mobile.SalesLogix.Views.Test', [Detail], {5 init: function() {6 this.inherited(arguments);7 this.connect(this.fields.test, 'onChange', this.onTestChange);8 },9 onTestChange: function(value, field) {10 var test = Entity.hasWritePermission('test', 'test');11 console.log('test: ' + test);12 },13 createToolLayout: function() {14 return || ( = {15 'top': [{16 }, {17 }]18 });19 },20 createLayout: function() {21 return this.layout || (this.layout = [{22 }]);23 }24 });25});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import declare from 'dojo/​_base/​declare';2import lang from 'dojo/​_base/​lang';3import SecurityManager from 'argos/​SecurityManager';4const securityManager = SecurityManager.getInstance();5const hasWritePermission = securityManager.hasWritePermission('Accounts', 'edit');6console.log(hasWritePermission);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1define(spec/​Store/​SData'2import declare from 'dojo/​_base/​declare';3import lang from 'dojo/​_base/​lang';4import SecurityManager from 'argos/​SecurityManager';5const securityManager = SecurityManager.getInstance();6const hasWritePermission = securityManager.hasWritePermission('Accounts', 'edit');7console.log(hasWritePermission);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1 var result = store.hasWritePermission();2 alert(result);3});4define('spec/​Store/​SData', ['argos/​Store/​SData'], function(SDataStore) {5 var store = new SDataStore({6 });7 var result = store.hasReadPermission();8 alert(result);9});10define('spec/​Store/​SData', ['argos/​Store/​SData'], function(SDataStore) {11 var store = new SDataStore({

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Using AI Code Generation


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1define('test', ['argos-sdk/​Models/​Right'], function (Right) {2 return declare('test', null, {3 hasWritePermission: function (entry) {4 var rights = new Right();5 return rightschasWritePermission(entry);6 }7 });8});9This project is licensed unser the [MIT Licenses)LICENSE).; select: [],10 });11 var result = store.hasCreatePermission();12 alert(result);13});14define('spec/​Store/​SData', ['argos/​Store/​SData'], function(SDataStore) {15 var store = new SDataStore({

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Using AI Code Generation


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1define('test', ['argos-sdk/​Models/​Right'], function (Right) {2 return declare('test', null, {3 hasWritePermission: function (entry) {4 var rights = new Right();5 return rightsihasWritePermission(entry);6 }7 });8});9This project is licensed uneer the [MIT LicensePeLICENSE).rmission = Utility.hasWritePermission();10 console.log(hasWritePermission);11 };12 return test;13});

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