How to use getRepositoryUrl method in argos

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Source:rdf4j.service.ts Github


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...38 }39 console.log('Endpoint URL: ' + this.endpointUrl);40 }41 query(query: string): Observable<any[]> {42 const url = this.getRepositoryUrl();43 return, query, httpOptionsQuery).pipe(map(res => this.bindingsToArray(res)));44 }45 getTimelines(): Observable<Timeline[]> {46 const url = this.getRepositoryUrl();47 const q = this.getPrefixes() +48 `SELECT DISTINCT ?uri ?sourceId ?label49 WHERE {50 ?uri rdf:type ta:Timeline .51 ?uri ta:sourceId ?sourceId .52 ?uri rdfs:label ?label53 }`;54 return, q, httpOptionsQuery).pipe(map(res => this.bindingsToTimelines(res)));55 }56 getMinDate(t: Timeline[]): Observable<Date> {57 const url = this.getRepositoryUrl();58 let values = 'VALUES ?src {';59 for (let i = 0; i < t.length; i++) {60 values += '<' + t[i].uri + '> ';61 }62 values += '}';63 const q = this.getPrefixes() +64 `SELECT ?o65 WHERE {66 ${values}67 ?s ta:timestamp ?o .68 ?s ta:sourceTimeline ?src .69 ?s rdf:type ?etype .70 ?etype rdfs:subClassOf ta:Event .71 }72 ORDER BY ASC(?o)73 LIMIT 1`;74 return, q, httpOptionsQuery).pipe(map(res => this.bindingsToDate(res)));75 }76 getMaxDate(t: Timeline[]): Observable<Date> {77 const url = this.getRepositoryUrl();78 let values = 'VALUES ?src {';79 for (let i = 0; i < t.length; i++) {80 values += '<' + t[i].uri + '> ';81 }82 values += '}';83 const q = this.getPrefixes() +84 `SELECT ?o85 WHERE {86 ${values}87 ?s ta:timestamp ?o .88 ?s ta:sourceTimeline ?src .89 ?s rdf:type ?etype .90 ?etype rdfs:subClassOf ta:Event .91 }92 ORDER BY DESC(?o)93 LIMIT 1`;94 return, q, httpOptionsQuery).pipe(map(res => this.bindingsToDate(res)));95 }96 getEvents(t: Timeline, startDate: Date, endDate: Date, limit: number): Observable<Event[]> {97 const url = this.getRepositoryUrl();98 const q = this.getPrefixes() +99 `SELECT ?uri ?time ?label100 WHERE {101 ?etype rdfs:subClassOf ta:Event .102 ?uri ta:sourceTimeline <${t.uri}> .103 ?uri rdf:type ?etype .104 ?uri ta:timestamp ?time .105 OPTIONAL {?uri rdfs:label ?label}106 FILTER (?time >= "${startDate.toISOString()}"^^xsd:dateTime && ?time <= "${endDate.toISOString()}"^^xsd:dateTime)107 } ORDER BY ASC(?time)108 LIMIT ${limit}`;109 return, q, httpOptionsQuery).pipe(map(res => this.bindingsToEvents(res, t)));110 }111 getEventsForObject(objectUri: string): Observable<Event[]> {112 const url = this.getRepositoryUrl();113 const q = this.getPrefixes() +114 `SELECT ?uri ?time ?label ?timeline ?tlid115 WHERE {116 ?etype rdfs:subClassOf ta:Event .117 ?uri ta:refersTo <${objectUri}> .118 ?uri rdf:type ?etype .119 ?uri ta:timestamp ?time .120 ?uri ta:sourceTimeline ?timeline .121 ?timeline rdfs:label ?tlid .122 OPTIONAL {?uri rdfs:label ?label}123 } ORDER BY ASC(?time)`;124 return, q, httpOptionsQuery).pipe(map(res => this.bindingsToEvents(res, null)));125 }126 getReferredObjectUris(eventUri: string): Observable<string[]> {127 const url = this.getRepositoryUrl();128 const q = this.getPrefixes() +129 `SELECT ?s130 WHERE {131 <${eventUri}> ta:refersTo ?s132 }`;133 return, q, httpOptionsQuery).pipe(map(res => this.bindingsToStrings(res)));134 }135 getReferredObjects(eventUri: string): Observable<TAObject[]> {136 const url = this.getRepositoryUrl();137 const q = this.getPrefixes() +138 `SELECT DISTINCT ?o ?type ?sourceId ?fileName ?path ?refUrl ?refTitle139 WHERE {140 VALUES ?src { <${eventUri}> }141 ?src ta:refersTo ?o .142 ?o rdf:type ?type .143 OPTIONAL { ?o ta:sourceId ?sourceId }144 OPTIONAL { ?o ta:fileName ?fileName . ?o ta:path ?path }145 OPTIONAL { ?o ta:sourceUrl ?refUrl . OPTIONAL {?o ta:resourceTitle ?refTitle} }146 }`;147 return, q, httpOptionsQuery).pipe(map(res => this.bindingsToObjects(res)));148 }149 getObjectData(objectUri: string): Observable<TAObject[]> {150 const url = this.getRepositoryUrl();151 const q = this.getPrefixes() +152 `SELECT DISTINCT ?o ?type ?sourceId ?fileName ?path ?refUrl ?refTitle153 WHERE {154 VALUES ?o { <${objectUri}> }155 ?o rdf:type ?type .156 OPTIONAL { ?o ta:sourceId ?sourceId }157 OPTIONAL { ?o ta:fileName ?fileName . ?o ta:path ?path }158 OPTIONAL { ?o ta:sourceUrl ?refUrl . OPTIONAL {?o ta:resourceTitle ?refTitle} }159 }`;160 return, q, httpOptionsQuery).pipe(map(res => this.bindingsToObjects(res)));161 }162 getContentsForEntry(entry: Entry): Observable<any[]> {163 const repo = this.getRepositoryUrl();164 const q = this.getPrefixes() +165 `SELECT ?s ?type ?text ?resUri166 WHERE {167 <${entry.uri}> ta:contains ?s .168 ?s rdf:type ?type .169 OPTIONAL { ?s ta:text ?text }170 OPTIONAL { ?s ta:linksResource ?resUri }171 }`;172 return, q, httpOptionsQuery).pipe(map(res => this.bindingsToArray(res)));173 }174 getContentsForEntryById(entryId: string): Observable<any[]> {175 const repo = this.getRepositoryUrl();176 const q = this.getPrefixes()177 + 'SELECT ?s ?text ?resUri ?type'178 + ' WHERE {'179 + ' ?entry ta:contains ?s'180 + ' . ?entry ta:sourceId ?id'181 + ' . ?entry rdf:type ?type'182 + ' . OPTIONAL { ?s ta:text ?text }'183 + ' . OPTIONAL { ?s ta:linksResource ?resUri }'184 + ' FILTER( ?id = "' + entryId + '" )'185 + ' }';186 return, q, httpOptionsQuery).pipe(map(res => this.bindingsToArray(res)));187 }188 getURLPrefixes(): Observable<string[]> {189 const url = this.getRepositoryUrl();190 const q = this.getPrefixes() +191 `SELECT DISTINCT (STRBEFORE(?u,":") as ?s)192 WHERE {193 ?r rdf:type ta:WebResource .194 ?r ta:sourceUrl ?u195 }`;196 return, q, httpOptionsQuery).pipe(map(res => this.bindingsToStrings(res)));197 }198 getURLsFiltered(prefix: string, contents: string): Observable<string[]> {199 const url = this.getRepositoryUrl();200 let filter = 'contains(?s, "' + contents + '")';201 if (prefix !== '*') {202 filter += ' && strStarts(?s, "' + prefix + '")';203 }204 const q = this.getPrefixes() +205 `SELECT DISTINCT ?s206 WHERE {207 ?u rdf:type ta:WebResource .208 ?u ta:sourceUrl ?s209 FILTER(${filter})210 }211 LIMIT 20`;212 return, q, httpOptionsQuery).pipe(map(res => this.bindingsToStrings(res)));213 }214 getResourcesForURL(urlstring: string): Observable<string[]> {215 const url = this.getRepositoryUrl();216 const q = this.getPrefixes() +217 `SELECT DISTINCT ?s218 WHERE {219 ?s rdf:type ta:WebResource .220 ?s ta:sourceUrl ?url221 FILTER(?url='${urlstring}')222 }223 LIMIT 20`;224 return, q, httpOptionsQuery).pipe(map(res => this.bindingsToStrings(res)));225 }226 getPathsFiltered(pathPrefix: string, name: string): Observable<string[]> {227 const url = this.getRepositoryUrl();228 let filter = '';229 if (name !== '') {230 filter = 'contains(?name, "' + name + '")';231 }232 if (pathPrefix !== '') {233 if (filter !== '') {234 filter += ' && ';235 }236 filter += 'strStarts(?s, "' + pathPrefix + '")';237 }238 const q = this.getPrefixes() +239 `SELECT DISTINCT ?s240 WHERE {241 ?u rdf:type ta:LocalFile .242 ?u ta:path ?s .243 ?u ta:fileName ?name244 FILTER(${filter})245 }246 LIMIT 20`;247 return, q, httpOptionsQuery).pipe(map(res => this.bindingsToStrings(res)));248 }249 getResourcesForPath(path: string): Observable<string[]> {250 const url = this.getRepositoryUrl();251 const q = this.getPrefixes() +252 `SELECT DISTINCT ?s253 WHERE {254 ?s rdf:type ta:LocalFile .255 ?s ta:path ?path256 FILTER(?path='${path}')257 }258 LIMIT 20`;259 return, q, httpOptionsQuery).pipe(map(res => this.bindingsToStrings(res)));260 }261 /​/​ =========================================================================262 private getRepositoryUrl(): string {263 return this.endpointUrl + '/​repositories/​' + this.repositoryName;264 }265 private getPrefixes(): string {266 let ret = '';267 for (const ns in this.ns) {268 if (this.ns.hasOwnProperty(ns)) {269 ret += 'PREFIX ' + ns + ': <' + this.ns[ns] + '>\n';270 }271 }272 return ret;273 }274 /​/​ =========================================================================275 private bindingsToStrings(res: any): string[] {276 const bindings = res.results.bindings;...

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Source:github.test.ts Github


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1import { GithubDatabaseEntry, GithubEntry } from "./​github";2import "isomorphic-unfetch";3/​* eslint-env jest */​4const testDbEntry: GithubDatabaseEntry = {5 type: "github",6 desc: "A entry for testing",7 owner: "octocat",8 repo: "test-repo1",9 /​/​ eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/​camelcase10 default_version: "master",11};12const testEntry = new GithubEntry(testDbEntry);13test("source url", () => {14 expect(testEntry.getSourceURL("/​index.js", "1.0")).toEqual(15 "https:/​/​​octocat/​test-repo1/​1.0/​index.js"16 );17});18test("source url with default version", () => {19 expect(testEntry.getSourceURL("/​index.js", undefined)).toEqual(20 "https:/​/​​octocat/​test-repo1/​master/​index.js"21 );22});23test("source url with custom default version", () => {24 expect(25 new GithubEntry({26 ...testDbEntry,27 /​/​ eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/​camelcase28 default_version: "custom",29 }).getRepositoryURL("/​index.js", undefined)30 ).toEqual("https:/​/​​octocat/​test-repo1/​tree/​custom/​index.js");31});32test("source url with empty path", () => {33 expect(testEntry.getSourceURL("", "1.0")).toEqual(34 "https:/​/​​octocat/​test-repo1/​1.0"35 );36});37test("source url with subdirectory", () => {38 expect(39 new GithubEntry({40 ...testDbEntry,41 path: "/​test",42 }).getSourceURL("/​index.js", "1.0")43 ).toEqual(44 "https:/​/​​octocat/​test-repo1/​1.0/​test/​index.js"45 );46});47test("repo url", () => {48 expect(testEntry.getRepositoryURL("/​index.js", "1.0")).toEqual(49 "https:/​/​​octocat/​test-repo1/​tree/​1.0/​index.js"50 );51});52test("repo url with default version", () => {53 expect(testEntry.getRepositoryURL("/​index.js", undefined)).toEqual(54 "https:/​/​​octocat/​test-repo1/​tree/​master/​index.js"55 );56});57test("repo url with custom default version", () => {58 expect(59 new GithubEntry({60 ...testDbEntry,61 /​/​ eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/​camelcase62 default_version: "custom",63 }).getRepositoryURL("/​index.js", undefined)64 ).toEqual("https:/​/​​octocat/​test-repo1/​tree/​custom/​index.js");65});66test("repo url with empty path", () => {67 expect(testEntry.getRepositoryURL("", "1.0")).toEqual(68 "https:/​/​​octocat/​test-repo1/​tree/​1.0"69 );70});71test("repo url with subdirectory", () => {72 expect(73 new GithubEntry({74 ...testDbEntry,75 path: "/​test",76 }).getRepositoryURL("/​index.js", "1.0")77 ).toEqual("https:/​/​​octocat/​test-repo1/​tree/​1.0/​test/​index.js");78});79test("directory listing", async () => {80 expect(await testEntry.getDirectoryListing("", "1.0")).toEqual([81 {82 name: "",83 size: 171,84 target: undefined,85 type: "file",86 },87 {88 name: "",89 size: 287,90 target: undefined,91 type: "file",92 },93 {94 name: "",95 size: 1041,96 target: undefined,97 type: "file",98 },99 ]);100});101test("version list", async () => {102 expect(await testEntry.getVersionList()).toEqual(["2.0", "1.0"]);...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var argosSdk = require('argos-sdk');2var url = argosSdk.getRepositoryUrl();3var argosSdk = require('argos-sdk');4var url = argosSdk.getRepositoryUrl();5var argosSdk = require('argos-sdk');6var url = argosSdk.getRepositoryUrl();7var argosSdk = require('argos-sdk');8var url = argosSdk.getRepositoryUrl();9var argosSdk = require('argos-sdk');10var branch = argosSdk.getRepositoryBranch();11var argosSdk = require('argos-sdk');12var commit = argosSdk.getRepositoryCommit();13var argosSdk = require('argos-sdk');14var tag = argosSdk.getRepositoryTag();15var argosSdk = require('argos-sdk');16var version = argosSdk.getRepositoryVersion();17var argosSdk = require('argos-sdk');18var isDirty = argosSdk.isRepositoryDirty();19var argosSdk = require('argos-sdk');20var path = argosSdk.getRepositoryPath();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1define('Sage/​Platform/​Mobile/​Utility', ['Sage/​Platform/​Mobile/​Utility'], function(Utility) {2 return Utility;3});4define('Mobile/​SalesLogix/​Utility', ['Mobile/​SalesLogix/​Utility'], function(Utility) {5 return Utility;6});7define('Mobile/​SalesLogix/​Views/​Account/​Detail', ['Mobile/​SalesLogix/​Views/​Account/​Detail'], function(Detail) {8 return Detail;9});10define('Mobile/​SalesLogix/​Views/​Account/​Edit', ['Mobile/​SalesLogix/​Views/​Account/​Edit'], function(Edit) {11 return Edit;12});13define('Mobile/​SalesLogix/​Views/​Account/​List', ['Mobile/​SalesLogix/​Views/​Account/​List'], function(List) {14 return List;15});16define('Mobile/​SalesLogix/​Views/​Activity/​AttendeeLookup', ['Mobile/​SalesLogix/​Views/​Activity/​AttendeeLookup'], function(AttendeeLookup) {17 return AttendeeLookup;18});19define('Mobile/​SalesLogix/​Views/​Activity/​Calendar', ['Mobile/​SalesLogix/​Views/​Activity/​Calendar'], function(Calendar) {20 return Calendar;21});22define('Mobile/​SalesLogix/​Views/​Activity/​ConfirmList', ['Mobile/​SalesLogix/​Views/​Activity/​ConfirmList'], function(ConfirmList) {23 return ConfirmList;24});25define('Mobile/​SalesLogix/​Views/​Activity/​Detail', ['Mobile/​SalesLogix/​Views/​Activity/​Detail'], function(Detail) {26 return Detail;27});28define('Mobile/​SalesLogix/​Views/​Activity/​Edit', ['Mobile/​SalesLogix/​Views/​Activity/​Edit'], function(Edit) {29 return Edit;30});31define('Mobile/​SalesLogix/​Views/​Activity/​List', ['Mobile/​SalesLogix/​Views/​Activity/​List'], function(List) {32 return List;33});34define('Mobile/​SalesLogix/​Views/​Activity/​MyList', ['Mobile/​SalesLogix/​Views/​Activity/​MyList'], function(MyList) {35 return MyList;36});37define('Mobile/​SalesLogix/​Views/​Activity/​Recurring', ['Mobile/​SalesLogix/​Views/​Activity/​Recurring'], function(Recurring) {38 return Recurring;39});40define('Mobile/​SalesLogix/​Views/​Activity/​TypesList', ['Mobile/​SalesLogix/​

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const argos = require('argos-cli');2const url = argos.getRepositoryUrl();3console.log(url);4const argos = require('argos-cli');5const url = argos.getRepositoryUrl();6console.log(url);7const argos = require('argos-cli');8const url = argos.getRepositoryUrl();9console.log(url);10const argos = require('argos-cli');11const url = argos.getRepositoryUrl();12console.log(url);13const argos = require('argos-cli');14const url = argos.getRepositoryUrl();15console.log(url);16const argos = require('argos-cli');17const url = argos.getRepositoryUrl();18console.log(url);19const argos = require('argos-cli');20const url = argos.getRepositoryUrl();21console.log(url);22const argos = require('argos-cli');23const url = argos.getRepositoryUrl();24console.log(url);25const argos = require('argos-cli');26const url = argos.getRepositoryUrl();27console.log(url);28const argos = require('argos-cli');29const url = argos.getRepositoryUrl();30console.log(url);31const argos = require('argos-cli');32const url = argos.getRepositoryUrl();33console.log(url);34const argos = require('argos-cli');35const url = argos.getRepositoryUrl();36console.log(url);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var argosRepoMgr = require('argos-repo-mgr');2argosRepoMgr.getRepositoryUrl('testRepo', function(err, repoUrl) {3 if (err) {4 console.log('Error getting repository url', err);5 } else {6 console.log('Repository url is', repoUrl);7 }8});9var argosRepoMgr = require('argos-repo-mgr');10argosRepoMgr.getRepository('testRepo', function(err, repo) {11 if (err) {12 console.log('Error getting repository', err);13 } else {14 console.log('Repository is', repo);15 }16});17var argosRepoMgr = require('argos-repo-mgr');18argosRepoMgr.getRepository('testRepo', function(err, repo) {19 if (err) {20 console.log('Error getting repository', err);21 } else {22 console.log('Repository is', repo);23 }24});25var argosRepoMgr = require('argos-repo-mgr');26argosRepoMgr.getRepository('testRepo', function(err, repo) {27 if (err) {28 console.log('Error getting repository', err);29 } else {30 console.log('Repository is', repo);31 }32});

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