How to use getRedisLock method in argos

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Source:short-link.service.spec.ts Github


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...46 it('get lock', async () => {47 const lockKey = `testGetLock`,48 lockValue = `testGetLock`,49 ex = 5;50 expect(await service.getRedisLock(lockKey, lockValue, ex)).toBeTruthy();51 expect(52 await service.getRedisLock(lockKey, lockValue, ex),53 ).not.toBeTruthy();54 });55 /​/​ 删除redis锁测试56 it('del lock', async () => {57 const lockKey = `testDelLock1`,58 lockValue = `testDelLock1`,59 ex = 5;60 expect(await service.getRedisLock(lockKey, lockValue, ex)).toBeTruthy();61 expect(await service.delRedisLock(lockKey, lockValue)).toBeTruthy();62 });63 /​/​ 删除超时的redis锁测试64 const testDelLockTimeOut = 10000;65 it(66 'del expired lock ',67 async () => {68 const lockKey = `testDelLock2`,69 lockValue = `testDelLock2`,70 ex = 5;71 expect(await service.getRedisLock(lockKey, lockValue, ex)).toBeTruthy();72 const waitBef =;73 await service.wait(ex * 1000);74 const waitAft =;75 console.log('wait', waitAft, waitBef);76 expect(waitAft - waitBef - ex * 1000).toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(0);77 expect(await service.delRedisLock(lockKey, lockValue)).not.toBeTruthy();78 },79 testDelLockTimeOut,80 );81 });82 /​/​ 链接转换服务测试用例83 describe('short-link service case', () => {84 /​/​ 创建新链接85 it('should be created', async () => {...

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Source:index.js Github


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1import Promise from 'bluebird';2import _ from 'lodash';3import log from 'utils/​Log';4import mysql from 'mysql2';5import Redis from 'redis';6import Redlock from 'redlock';7/​/​ loaders8/​/​ .........9/​/​ = { mysql: null, redis: null, redisLock: null, redisRedlock: null };11const bootstrap = async () => {12 /​/​ mysql pool13 if (process.env.APP_ACTIVE_MYSQL === '1') {14 = mysql.createPool({15 host: process.env.APP_MYSQL_HOSTNAME,16 user: process.env.APP_MYSQL_USERNAME,17 password: process.env.APP_MYSQL_PASSWORD,18 database: process.env.APP_MYSQL_DATABASE,19 waitForConnections: true,20 connectionLimit: 2,21 queueLimit: 0,22 Promise23 }).promise();24'connection', () =>'Mysql connected!'));25 }26 /​/​ redis27 if (process.env.APP_ACTIVE_REDIS === '1') {28 Promise.promisifyAll(Redis.RedisClient.prototype)29 Promise.promisifyAll(Redis.Multi.prototype)30 = Redis.createClient({31 host: process.env.APP_REDIS_HOSTNAME,32 user: process.env.APP_REDIS_USERNAME,33 password: process.env.APP_REDIS_PASSWORD,34 db: process.env.APP_REDIS_DB,35 })36 = new Redlock([]);37'connect').then(() =>'Redis connected!'))38 }39 return;40}41const getRedis = () =>;42const getRedisLock = () =>;43const getRedisRedlock = () =>;44const getMysql = () =>;45export {46 bootstrap,47 getRedis,48 getRedisLock,49 getRedisRedlock,50 getMysql,...

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Source:redis.js Github


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1const config = require('../​config/​db-config');2const Redis = require('ioredis');3/​/​ const redis = new Redis(config.REDIS.PORT, config.REDIS.IP);4const redis = new Redis({5 port: config.REDIS.PORT, /​/​ Redis port6 host: config.REDIS.IP, /​/​ Redis host7 family: 4, /​/​ 4 (IPv4) or 6 (IPv6)8 password: config.REDIS.PWD9 /​/​ db: 010});11/​/​ 使用2号库;13/​/​ key在baowan/​ot文件夹下14const PRE_KEY = 'baowang:ot:';15/​/​ const redislock = require('ioredis-lock');16/​/​ const lock = redislock.createLock(redis, {17/​/​ timeout: 20000,18/​/​ retries: 3,19/​/​ delay: 60020/​/​ });21console.log('@@##redis init success!');22module.exports = {23 /​/​ getLock () {24 /​/​ return lock;25 /​/​ },26 /​/​ getRedislock () {27 /​/​ return redislock;28 /​/​ },29 set (key, value) {30 redis.set(PRE_KEY + key, value);31 },32 async get (key) {33 let value = await redis.get(PRE_KEY + key);34 return value;35 },36 del (key) {37 redis.del(PRE_KEY + key);38 },39 setEX (key, value, timeout) { /​/​ 设置key过期时间40 redis.setex(PRE_KEY + key, timeout, value);41 }...

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1var argosyRedisLock = require('argosy-redis-lock');2var argosy = require('argosy');3var redis = require('redis');4var client = redis.createClient();5var argosyRedisLockClient = argosyRedisLock(client);6var argosyClient = argosy();7 .use(argosyRedisLockClient)8 .use(function (pattern, cb) {9 console.log('pattern', pattern);10 cb(null, pattern);11 })12 .act({redisLock: 'test'}, function (err, result) {13 console.log('result', result);14 });

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1const argosy = require('argosy')2const redis = require('redis')3const redisLock = require('argosy-redis-lock')4const client = redis.createClient()5const lock = redisLock(client)6const service = argosy()7 .use('getRedisLock', lock)8 .listen(3000)9const argosy = require('argosy')10const redis = require('redis')11const redisLock = require('argosy-redis-lock')12const client = redis.createClient()13const lock = redisLock(client)14const service = argosy()15 .use('getRedisLock', lock)16 .listen(3000)17const argosy = require('argosy')18const redis = require('redis')19const redisLock = require('argosy-redis-lock')20const client = redis.createClient()21const lock = redisLock(client)22const service = argosy()23 .use('getRedisLock', lock)24 .listen(3000)25const argosy = require('argosy')26const redis = require('redis')27const redisLock = require('argosy-redis-lock')28const client = redis.createClient()29const lock = redisLock(client)30const service = argosy()31 .use('getRedisLock', lock)32 .listen(3000)33const argosy = require('argosy')34const redis = require('redis')35const redisLock = require('argosy-redis-lock')36const client = redis.createClient()37const lock = redisLock(client)38const service = argosy()39 .use('getRedisLock', lock)40 .listen(3000)41const argosy = require('argosy')42const redis = require('redis')43const redisLock = require('argosy-redis

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1var redisConnector = require('argos-redis-connector');2var redisLock = redisConnector.getRedisLock();3var redisClient = redisConnector.getRedisClient();4redisLock.acquire('lockKey', function (done) {5 done();6});7redisClient.get('key', function (err, value) {8 if (err) throw err;9 console.log(value);10});11var redisLock = require('argos-redis-connector').getRedisLock();12var redisClient = require('argos-redis-connector').getRedisClient();13redisLock.acquire('lockKey', function (done) {14 done();15});16redisClient.get('key', function (err, value) {17 if (err) throw err;18 console.log(value);19});20[MIT](LICENSE)

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1var argosRedisLock = require('argos-redis-lock');2var redisConfig = {3};4var lockName = 'test';5var lock = new argosRedisLock(redisConfig);6lock.getRedisLock(lockName, 5000, function (err, res) {7 if (err) {8 console.log(err);9 } else {10 console.log('Lock acquired');11 console.log(res);12 lock.releaseRedisLock(lockName, function (err, res) {13 if (err) {14 console.log(err);15 } else {16 console.log('Lock released');17 console.log(res);18 }19 });20 }21});22### getRedisLock(lockName, lockTimeout, callback)23### releaseRedisLock(lockName, callback)

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1var argos = require('argos');2var redis = require('redis');3lock.acquire(function(err, lock) {4 if (err) throw err;5 lock.release(function(err) {6 if (err) throw err;7 });8});9### getRedisLock(client, key, maxLockTime)10Returns a new redis lock object. The lock object is an instance of [Lock](

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1var redisLock = require('argos-redis-lock');2var lockKey = 'lockKey';3var lockValue = 'lockValue';4var ttl = 30000;5var redisClient = require('redis').createClient();6redisLock.getRedisLock(redisClient, lockKey, lockValue, ttl, function(err, res) {7 if (err) {8 console.log('Error:', err);9 return;10 }11 if (res) {12 console.log('Lock acquired');13 redisLock.releaseRedisLock(redisClient, lockKey, lockValue, function(err, res) {14 if (err) {15 console.log('Error:', err);16 return;17 }18 if (res) {19 console.log('Lock released');20 }21 });22 } else {23 console.log('Lock not acquired');24 }25});26[MIT](LICENSE)

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1const redisLock = require('argos-redis-lock');2const redisLockInstance = new redisLock({3});4async function runRedisLock() {5 const lock = await redisLockInstance.getRedisLock('test', 10000);6 if (!lock) {7 return;8 }9 console.log('lock acquired');10 await lock.release();11 console.log('lock released');12}13runRedisLock();14### new RedisLock(options)15 * `host` - (optional) Redis server host address. Defaults to `

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1var redisLock = require('argos-redis-lock');2redisLock.getRedisLock('test', 5000, function(err, lock){3 if (err) {4 console.log('Error in getting lock');5 } else {6 console.log('Lock acquired');7 lock.release(function(err){8 if (err) {9 console.log('Error in releasing lock');10 } else {11 console.log('Lock released');12 }13 });14 }15});16 [MIT](LICENSE)

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