How to use getOrCreateAccount method in argos

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Source: tip-service.ts Github


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...24 fromTgUserId: string,25 toTgUserId: string,26 amount: bigint,27) {28 const fromAccount = await getOrCreateAccount(fromTgUserId);29 const toAccount = await getOrCreateAccount(toTgUserId);30 await acquireTxLock(fromAccount.address);31 try {32 const { balance: fromBalance } = await Nano.getBalance(fromAccount.address);33 if (fromBalance - amount < 0n) {34 throw BusinessErrors.INSUFFICIENT_BALANCE;35 }36 const fromKeyMetadata = Nano.extractAccountMetadata(37 Nano.getSecretKeyFromSeed(NANO_WALLET_SEED, fromAccount.seedIndex),38 );39 const { block } = await Nano.send(40 fromKeyMetadata.secretKey,41 toAccount.address,42 amount,43 );44 return block.hash;45 } finally {46 txLock[fromAccount.address].release();47 }48}49async function withdrawToAddress(50 fromTgUserId: string,51 toNanoAddress: string,52 amount: bigint,53) {54 const fromAccount = await getOrCreateAccount(fromTgUserId);55 await acquireTxLock(fromAccount.address);56 try {57 const { balance: fromBalance } = await Nano.getBalance(fromAccount.address);58 if (fromBalance - amount < 0n) {59 throw BusinessErrors.INSUFFICIENT_BALANCE;60 }61 const fromKeyMetadata = Nano.extractAccountMetadata(62 Nano.getSecretKeyFromSeed(NANO_WALLET_SEED, fromAccount.seedIndex),63 );64 const { block } = await Nano.send(65 fromKeyMetadata.secretKey,66 toNanoAddress,67 amount,68 );69 return block.hash;70 } finally {71 txLock[fromAccount.address].release();72 }73}74async function getAccount(tgUserId: string) {75 return await getOrCreateAccount(tgUserId);76}77async function processPendingTxs(tgUserId: string) {78 const account = await getOrCreateAccount(tgUserId);79 const { secretKey } = Nano.extractAccountMetadata(80 Nano.getSecretKeyFromSeed(NANO_WALLET_SEED, account.seedIndex)81 );82 return Nano.processPendingBlocks(secretKey);83}84async function getBalance(tgUserId: string): Promise<{balance: bigint, pending: bigint}> {85 const account = await getOrCreateAccount(tgUserId);86 const { secretKey } = Nano.extractAccountMetadata(87 Nano.getSecretKeyFromSeed(NANO_WALLET_SEED, account.seedIndex)88 );89 Nano.processPendingBlocks(secretKey)90 .catch(log.error);91 return await Nano.getBalance(account.address);92}93async function getLinkForTopUp(tgUserId: string): Promise<string> {94 const account = await getOrCreateAccount(tgUserId);95 return `https:/​/​​${account.address}`;96}97async function getLinkForAccount(tgUserId: string): Promise<string> {98 const account = await getOrCreateAccount(tgUserId);99 return Nano.getAccountExplorerUrl(account.address);100}101function getLinkForBlock(hash: string): string {102 return Nano.getBlockExplorerUrl(hash);103}104async function getOrCreateAccount(tgUserId: string): Promise<Account> {105 let account = await Accounts.getAccountByTgUserId(tgUserId);106 if (!account) {107 const seedIndex = (await Accounts.getAndIncrementLastSeedIndex()) + 1;108 const { address } = Nano.extractAccountMetadata(109 Nano.getSecretKeyFromSeed(NANO_WALLET_SEED, seedIndex),110 );111 account = {112 tgUserId,113 seedIndex,114 address,115 withdrawalAddress: null,116 hasInteractedWithBot: false,117 };118 await Accounts.saveAccount(account);...

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Source: wallet-service.ts Github


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...110}>;111export type GetOrCreateAccountMutation = { __typename?: 'Mutation', getOrCreateAccount: { __typename?: 'TGetOrCreateAccountResult', dids: Array<string> } };112export const GetOrCreateAccountDocument = gql`113 mutation GetOrCreateAccount($params: TAccountGetOrCreate!) {114 getOrCreateAccount(params: $params) {115 dids116 }117}118 `;119export type SdkFunctionWrapper = <T>(action: (requestHeaders?:Record<string, string>) => Promise<T>, operationName: string, operationType?: string) => Promise<T>;120const defaultWrapper: SdkFunctionWrapper = (action, _operationName, _operationType) => action();121export function getSdk(client: GraphQLClient, withWrapper: SdkFunctionWrapper = defaultWrapper) {122 return {123 GetOrCreateAccount(variables: GetOrCreateAccountMutationVariables, requestHeaders?: Dom.RequestInit["headers"]): Promise<GetOrCreateAccountMutation> {124 return withWrapper((wrappedRequestHeaders) => client.request<GetOrCreateAccountMutation>(GetOrCreateAccountDocument, variables, {...requestHeaders, ...wrappedRequestHeaders}), 'GetOrCreateAccount', 'mutation');125 }126 };127}128export type Sdk = ReturnType<typeof getSdk>;

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Source: mapping.ts Github


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...5import { getOrCreateCollection, createSale, getOrCreateAccount } from "./​helpers"6export function handleTakerAsk(event: TakerAsk): void {7 const collection = getOrCreateCollection(event.params.collection)8 const saleID = event.params.orderHash.toHex()9 const seller = getOrCreateAccount(event.params.maker)10 const buyer = getOrCreateAccount(event.params.taker)11 createSale(saleID, buyer, seller, false, event.params.currency, collection, event.params.tokenId, event.params.amount, event.params.price, event.block.timestamp)12}13export function handleTakerBid(event: TakerBid): void {14 const collection = getOrCreateCollection(event.params.collection)15 const saleID = event.params.orderHash.toHex()16 const buyer = getOrCreateAccount(event.params.maker)17 const seller = getOrCreateAccount(event.params.taker)18 createSale(saleID, buyer, seller, true, event.params.currency, collection, event.params.tokenId, event.params.amount, event.params.price, event.block.timestamp)...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { getOrCreateAccount } = require('@argos-ci/​sdk');2const { GITHUB_TOKEN } = process.env;3const { GITHUB_REPOSITORY } = process.env;4const { GITHUB_SHA } = process.env;5const { GITHUB_RUN_ID } = process.env;6const { GITHUB_RUN_NUMBER } = process.env;7const { GITHUB_REF } = process.env;8const { GITHUB_EVENT_NAME } = process.env;9const { GITHUB_EVENT_PATH } = process.env;10const event = require(GITHUB_EVENT_PATH);11(async () => {12 const account = await getOrCreateAccount({13 buildName: `${GITHUB_REF} - ${GITHUB_EVENT_NAME}`,14 });15 console.log(account);16})();17const { getOrCreateBuild } = require('@argos-ci/​sdk');18const { GITHUB_TOKEN } = process.env;19const { GITHUB_REPOSITORY } = process.env;20const { GITHUB_SHA } = process.env;21const { GITHUB_RUN_ID } = process.env;22const { GITHUB_RUN_NUMBER } = process.env;23const { GITHUB_REF } = process.env;24const { GITHUB_EVENT_NAME } = process.env;25const { GITHUB_EVENT_PATH } = process.env;26const event = require(GITHUB_EVENT_PATH);27(async () => {28 const build = await getOrCreateBuild({29 buildName: `${GITHUB_REF} - ${GITHUB_EVENT_NAME}`,30 });31 console.log(build);32})();33const { getOrCreateScreenshotBucket } = require('@argos-ci/​sdk');34const { GITHUB_TOKEN } = process.env;35const { GITHUB_REPOSITORY } = process.env;36const { GITHUB_SHA } = process.env

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const sdk = require('@argosnotary/​argos-sdk');2const util = require('util');3const fs = require('fs');4const readFile = util.promisify(fs.readFile);5const { getOrCreateAccount } = sdk;6async function main() {7 const key = await readFile('./​key.json', 'utf8');8 const account = await getOrCreateAccount(key);9 console.log(account);10}11main();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const sdk = require('argos-sdk');2var account = sdk.getOrCreateAccount();3console.log(account.address);4const sdk = require('argos-sdk');5var account = sdk.getOrCreateAccount();6console.log(account.address);7var transaction = sdk.createTransaction(account);8console.log(transaction);9const sdk = require('argos-sdk');10var account = sdk.getOrCreateAccount();11console.log(account.address);12var transaction = sdk.createTransaction(account);13console.log(transaction);14var asset = sdk.createAsset("Product", "1");15transaction.addAsset(asset);16console.log(transaction);

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