How to use getDerivedStateFromError method in argos

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Source: getDerivedStateFromError.test.js Github


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...21 /​** @type {typeof import('../​../​../​').Component} */​22 let ThrowErr;23 let thrower;24 class Receiver extends Component {25 static getDerivedStateFromError(error) {26 return { error };27 }28 render() {29 return this.state.error30 ? String(this.state.error)31 : this.props.children;32 }33 }34 sinon.spy(Receiver, 'getDerivedStateFromError');35 sinon.spy(Receiver.prototype, 'render');36 function throwExpectedError() {37 throw (expectedError = new Error('Error!'));38 }39 beforeEach(() => {40 ThrowErr = class ThrowErr extends Component {41 constructor(props) {42 super(props);43 thrower = this;44 }45 static getDerivedStateFromError() {46"Throwing component should not catch it's own error.");47 return {};48 }49 render() {50 return <div>ThrowErr: getDerivedStateFromError</​div>;51 }52 };53 sinon.spy(ThrowErr, 'getDerivedStateFromError');54 expectedError = undefined;55 Receiver.getDerivedStateFromError.resetHistory();56 Receiver.prototype.render.resetHistory();57 });58 afterEach(() => {59 expect(60 ThrowErr.getDerivedStateFromError,61 "Throwing component should not catch it's own error."62 );63 thrower = undefined;64 });65 it('should be called when child fails in constructor', () => {66 class ThrowErr extends Component {67 constructor(props, context) {68 super(props, context);69 throwExpectedError();70 }71 static getDerivedStateFromError() {72"Throwing component should not catch it's own error");73 return {};74 }75 render() {76 return <div /​>;77 }78 }79 render(80 <Receiver>81 <ThrowErr /​>82 </​Receiver>,83 scratch84 );85 rerender();86 expect(Receiver.getDerivedStateFromError).to.have.been.calledWith(87 expectedError88 );89 });90 /​/​ https:/​/​​preactjs/​preact/​issues/​157091 it('should handle double child throws', () => {92 const Child = ({ i }) => {93 throw new Error(`error! ${i}`);94 };95 const fn = () =>96 render(97 <Receiver>98 {[1, 2].map(i => (99 <Child key={i} i={i} /​>100 ))}101 </​Receiver>,102 scratch103 );104 expect(fn).to.not.throw();105 rerender();106 expect(scratch.innerHTML).to.equal('Error: error! 2');107 });108 it('should be called when child fails in componentWillMount', () => {109 ThrowErr.prototype.componentWillMount = throwExpectedError;110 render(111 <Receiver>112 <ThrowErr /​>113 </​Receiver>,114 scratch115 );116 expect(Receiver.getDerivedStateFromError).to.have.been.calledWith(117 expectedError118 );119 });120 it('should be called when child fails in render', () => {121 ThrowErr.prototype.render = throwExpectedError;122 render(123 <Receiver>124 <ThrowErr /​>125 </​Receiver>,126 scratch127 );128 expect(Receiver.getDerivedStateFromError).to.have.been.calledWith(129 expectedError130 );131 });132 it('should be called when child fails in componentDidMount', () => {133 ThrowErr.prototype.componentDidMount = throwExpectedError;134 render(135 <Receiver>136 <ThrowErr /​>137 </​Receiver>,138 scratch139 );140 expect(Receiver.getDerivedStateFromError).to.have.been.calledWith(141 expectedError142 );143 });144 it('should be called when child fails in getDerivedStateFromProps', () => {145 ThrowErr.getDerivedStateFromProps = throwExpectedError;146 sinon.spy(ThrowErr.prototype, 'render');147 render(148 <Receiver>149 <ThrowErr /​>150 </​Receiver>,151 scratch152 );153 expect(Receiver.getDerivedStateFromError).to.have.been.calledWith(154 expectedError155 );156 expect(ThrowErr.prototype.render);157 });158 it('should be called when child fails in getSnapshotBeforeUpdate', () => {159 ThrowErr.prototype.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate = throwExpectedError;160 render(161 <Receiver>162 <ThrowErr /​>163 </​Receiver>,164 scratch165 );166 thrower.forceUpdate();167 rerender();168 expect(Receiver.getDerivedStateFromError).to.have.been.calledWith(169 expectedError170 );171 });172 it('should be called when child fails in componentDidUpdate', () => {173 ThrowErr.prototype.componentDidUpdate = throwExpectedError;174 render(175 <Receiver>176 <ThrowErr /​>177 </​Receiver>,178 scratch179 );180 thrower.forceUpdate();181 rerender();182 expect(Receiver.getDerivedStateFromError).to.have.been.calledWith(183 expectedError184 );185 });186 it('should be called when child fails in componentWillUpdate', () => {187 ThrowErr.prototype.componentWillUpdate = throwExpectedError;188 render(189 <Receiver>190 <ThrowErr /​>191 </​Receiver>,192 scratch193 );194 thrower.forceUpdate();195 rerender();196 expect(Receiver.getDerivedStateFromError).to.have.been.calledWith(197 expectedError198 );199 });200 it('should be called when child fails in componentWillReceiveProps', () => {201 ThrowErr.prototype.componentWillReceiveProps = throwExpectedError;202 let receiver;203 class Receiver extends Component {204 constructor() {205 super();206 this.state = { foo: 'bar' };207 receiver = this;208 }209 static getDerivedStateFromError(error) {210 return { error };211 }212 render() {213 return this.state.error ? (214 String(this.state.error)215 ) : (216 <ThrowErr foo={} /​>217 );218 }219 }220 sinon.spy(Receiver, 'getDerivedStateFromError');221 render(<Receiver /​>, scratch);222 receiver.setState({ foo: 'baz' });223 rerender();224 expect(Receiver.getDerivedStateFromError).to.have.been.calledWith(225 expectedError226 );227 });228 it('should be called when child fails in shouldComponentUpdate', () => {229 ThrowErr.prototype.shouldComponentUpdate = throwExpectedError;230 let receiver;231 class Receiver extends Component {232 constructor() {233 super();234 this.state = { foo: 'bar' };235 receiver = this;236 }237 static getDerivedStateFromError(error) {238 return { error };239 }240 render() {241 return this.state.error ? (242 String(this.state.error)243 ) : (244 <ThrowErr foo={} /​>245 );246 }247 }248 sinon.spy(Receiver, 'getDerivedStateFromError');249 render(<Receiver /​>, scratch);250 receiver.setState({ foo: 'baz' });251 rerender();252 expect(Receiver.getDerivedStateFromError).to.have.been.calledWith(253 expectedError254 );255 });256 it('should be called when child fails in componentWillUnmount', () => {257 ThrowErr.prototype.componentWillUnmount = throwExpectedError;258 render(259 <Receiver>260 <ThrowErr /​>261 </​Receiver>,262 scratch263 );264 render(265 <Receiver>266 <div /​>267 </​Receiver>,268 scratch269 );270 expect(Receiver.getDerivedStateFromError).to.have.been.calledWith(271 expectedError272 );273 });274 it('should be called when applying a Component ref', () => {275 const Foo = () => <div /​>;276 const ref = value => {277 if (value) {278 throwExpectedError();279 }280 };281 /​/​ In React, an error boundary handles it's own refs:282 /​/​ https:/​/​​s/​react-throwing-refs-lk958283 class Receiver extends Component {284 static getDerivedStateFromError(error) {285 return { error };286 }287 render() {288 return this.state.error ? (289 String(this.state.error)290 ) : (291 <Foo ref={ref} /​>292 );293 }294 }295 sinon.spy(Receiver, 'getDerivedStateFromError');296 render(<Receiver /​>, scratch);297 expect(Receiver.getDerivedStateFromError).to.have.been.calledWith(298 expectedError299 );300 });301 it('should be called when applying a DOM ref', () => {302 const ref = value => {303 if (value) {304 throwExpectedError();305 }306 };307 /​/​ In React, an error boundary handles it's own refs:308 /​/​ https:/​/​​s/​react-throwing-refs-lk958309 class Receiver extends Component {310 static getDerivedStateFromError(error) {311 return { error };312 }313 render() {314 return this.state.error ? (315 String(this.state.error)316 ) : (317 <div ref={ref} /​>318 );319 }320 }321 sinon.spy(Receiver, 'getDerivedStateFromError');322 render(323 <Receiver>324 <ThrowErr /​>325 </​Receiver>,326 scratch327 );328 expect(Receiver.getDerivedStateFromError).to.have.been.calledWith(329 expectedError330 );331 });332 it('should be called when unmounting a ref', () => {333 const ref = value => {334 if (value == null) {335 throwExpectedError();336 }337 };338 ThrowErr.prototype.render = () => <div ref={ref} /​>;339 render(340 <Receiver>341 <ThrowErr /​>342 </​Receiver>,343 scratch344 );345 render(346 <Receiver>347 <div /​>348 </​Receiver>,349 scratch350 );351 expect(Receiver.getDerivedStateFromError).to.have.been.calledOnceWith(352 expectedError353 );354 });355 it('should be called when functional child fails', () => {356 function ThrowErr() {357 throwExpectedError();358 }359 render(360 <Receiver>361 <ThrowErr /​>362 </​Receiver>,363 scratch364 );365 expect(Receiver.getDerivedStateFromError).to.have.been.calledWith(366 expectedError367 );368 });369 it('should re-render with new content', () => {370 class ThrowErr extends Component {371 componentWillMount() {372 throw new Error('Error contents');373 }374 render() {375 return 'No error!?!?';376 }377 }378 render(379 <Receiver>380 <ThrowErr /​>381 </​Receiver>,382 scratch383 );384 rerender();385 expect(scratch)'textContent', 'Error: Error contents');386 });387 it('should be able to adapt and rethrow errors', () => {388 let adaptedError;389 class Adapter extends Component {390 static getDerivedStateFromError(error) {391 throw (adaptedError = new Error(392 'Adapted ' +393 String(error && 'message' in error ? error.message : error)394 ));395 }396 render() {397 return <div>{this.props.children}</​div>;398 }399 }400 function ThrowErr() {401 throwExpectedError();402 }403 sinon.spy(Adapter, 'getDerivedStateFromError');404 render(405 <Receiver>406 <Adapter>407 <ThrowErr /​>408 </​Adapter>409 </​Receiver>,410 scratch411 );412 expect(Adapter.getDerivedStateFromError).to.have.been.calledWith(413 expectedError414 );415 expect(Receiver.getDerivedStateFromError).to.have.been.calledWith(416 adaptedError417 );418 rerender();419 expect(scratch)'textContent', 'Error: Adapted Error!');420 });421 it('should bubble on repeated errors', () => {422 class Adapter extends Component {423 static getDerivedStateFromError(error) {424 return { error };425 }426 render() {427 /​/​ But fail at doing so428 if (this.state.error) {429 throw this.state.error;430 }431 return <div>{this.props.children}</​div>;432 }433 }434 function ThrowErr() {435 throwExpectedError();436 }437 sinon.spy(Adapter, 'getDerivedStateFromError');438 render(439 <Receiver>440 <Adapter>441 <ThrowErr /​>442 </​Adapter>443 </​Receiver>,444 scratch445 );446 rerender();447 expect(Adapter.getDerivedStateFromError).to.have.been.calledWith(448 expectedError449 );450 expect(Receiver.getDerivedStateFromError).to.have.been.calledWith(451 expectedError452 );453 expect(scratch)'textContent', 'Error: Error!');454 });455 it('should bubble on ignored errors', () => {456 class Adapter extends Component {457 static getDerivedStateFromError(error) {458 /​/​ Ignore the error459 return null;460 }461 render() {462 return <div>{this.props.children}</​div>;463 }464 }465 function ThrowErr() {466 throw new Error('Error!');467 }468 sinon.spy(Adapter, 'getDerivedStateFromError');469 render(470 <Receiver>471 <Adapter>472 <ThrowErr /​>473 </​Adapter>474 </​Receiver>,475 scratch476 );477 rerender();478 expect(Adapter.getDerivedStateFromError).to.have.been.called;479 expect(Receiver.getDerivedStateFromError).to.have.been.called;480 expect(scratch)'textContent', 'Error: Error!');481 });482 it('should not bubble on caught errors', () => {483 class TopReceiver extends Component {484 static getDerivedStateFromError(error) {485 return { error };486 }487 render() {488 return (489 <div>490 {this.state.error491 ? String(this.state.error)492 : this.props.children}493 </​div>494 );495 }496 }497 function ThrowErr() {498 throwExpectedError();...

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1import React from 'react';2import { getDerivedStateFromError } from 'argosy';3class ErrorBoundary extends React.Component {4 constructor(props) {5 super(props);6 this.state = { hasError: false };7 }8 static getDerivedStateFromError(error) {9 return { hasError: true };10 }11 componentDidCatch(error, errorInfo) {12 logErrorToMyService(error, errorInfo);13 }14 render() {15 if (this.state.hasError) {16 return <h1>Something went wrong.</​h1>;17 }18 return this.props.children; 19 }20}21export default ErrorBoundary;22import React from 'react';23import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';24import ErrorBoundary from './​test';25import './​index.css';26import App from './​App';27import * as serviceWorker from './​serviceWorker';28ReactDOM.render(29 document.getElementById('root')30);31serviceWorker.unregister();32import React from 'react';33import { componentDidCatch } from 'argosy';34class ErrorBoundary extends React.Component {35 constructor(props) {36 super(props);37 this.state = { hasError: false };38 }39 componentDidCatch(error, errorInfo) {40 logErrorToMyService(error, errorInfo);41 }42 render() {43 if (this.state.hasError) {44 return <h1>Something went wrong.</​h1>;45 }46 return this.props.children; 47 }48}49export default ErrorBoundary;50import React from 'react';51import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';52import ErrorBoundary from './​test';53import './​index.css';54import App from './​App';55import * as serviceWorker from './​serviceWorker';56ReactDOM.render(57 document.getElementById('root')58);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1class Test extends React.Component {2 constructor(props) {3 super(props);4 this.state = {5 };6 }7 static getDerivedStateFromError(error) {8 return { hasError: true };9 }10 componentDidCatch(error, info) {11 logErrorToMyService(error, info);12 }13 render() {14 if (this.state.hasError) {15 return <h1>Something went wrong.</​h1>;16 }17 return this.props.children;18 }19}20- **getSnapshotBeforeUpdate()**21class Test extends React.Component {22 constructor(props) {23 super(props);24 this.state = {25 };26 }27 static getSnapshotBeforeUpdate(prevProps, prevState) {28 if (prevProps.list.length < this.props.list.length) {29 const list = this.listRef.current;30 return list.scrollHeight - list.scrollTop;31 }32 return null;33 }34 componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState, snapshot) {35 if (snapshot !== null) {36 const list = this.listRef.current;37 list.scrollTop = list.scrollHeight - snapshot;38 }39 }40 render() {41 return <div ref={this.listRef}>{/​* ...contents... */​}</​div>;42 }43}44- **componentDidUpdate()**45class Test extends React.Component {46 constructor(props) {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import React from 'react'2import {getDerivedStateFromError} from 'argosy'3class MyComponent extends React.Component {4 constructor(props) {5 super(props);6 this.state = { hasError: false };7 }8 static getDerivedStateFromError(error) {9 return { hasError: true };10 }11 componentDidCatch(error, errorInfo) {12 logErrorToMyService(error, errorInfo);13 }14 render() {15 if (this.state.hasError) {16 return <h1>Something went wrong.</​h1>;17 }18 return this.props.children; 19 }20}21import React from 'react';22import MyComponent from './​test'23function App() {24 return (25 );26}27export default App;

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import React from 'react';2import ErrorBoundary from 'argosy';3class App extends React.Component {4 constructor(props) {5 super(props);6 this.state = { hasError: false };7 }8 static getDerivedStateFromError(error) {9 return { hasError: true };10 }11 render() {12 if (this.state.hasError) {13 return <h1>Something went wrong.</​h1>;14 }15 return this.props.children; 16 }17}18export default App;19import React from 'react';20import ErrorBoundary from 'argosy';21class App extends React.Component {22 constructor(props) {23 super(props);24 this.state = { hasError: false };25 }26 componentDidCatch(error, errorInfo) {27 console.log(error, errorInfo);28 }29 render() {30 if (this.state.hasError) {31 return <h1>Something went wrong.</​h1>;32 }33 return this.props.children; 34 }35}36export default App;

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import React, { Component } from "react";2import { getDerivedStateFromError } from "argosy-react";3class Test extends Component {4 constructor(props) {5 super(props);6 this.state = {7 };8 }9 static getDerivedStateFromError(error) {10 return getDerivedStateFromError(error);11 }12 render() {13 if (this.state.hasError) {14 return (15 );16 }17 return this.props.children;18 }19}20export default Test;21import React from "react";22import { ErrorBoundary } from "argosy-react";23const ErrorBoundary = () => {24 return (25 );26};27export default ErrorBoundary;

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import React from 'react';2import { render } from 'react-dom';3import { ErrorBoundary } from 'argos-sdk';4class App extends React.Component {5 constructor(props) {6 super(props);7 this.state = {8 };9 }10 static getDerivedStateFromError(error) {11 return { error: true };12 }13 render() {14 if (this.state.error) {15 return <div>Something went wrong.</​div>;16 }17 return this.props.children;18 }19}20render(21 document.getElementById('root')22);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import React, { Component } from 'react';2import ErrorBoundary from './​ErrorBoundary';3import ErrorComponent from './​ErrorComponent';4class Test extends Component {5 render() {6 return (7 );8 }9}10export default Test;11import React, { Component } from 'react';12class ErrorBoundary extends Component {13 constructor(props) {14 super(props);15 this.state = {16 };17 }18 static getDerivedStateFromError(error) {19 return { hasError: true };20 }21 componentDidCatch(error, errorInfo) {22 this.setState({ error: error, errorInfo: errorInfo });23 }24 render() {25 if (this.state.hasError) {26 return (27 );28 }29 return this.props.children;30 }31}32export default ErrorBoundary;33import React, { Component } from 'react';34class ErrorComponent extends Component {35 constructor(props) {36 super(props);37 this.state = {38 };39 }40 componentDidMount() {41 this.setState({ error: this.props.error });42 }43 render() {44 return (45 );46 }47}48export default ErrorComponent;49MIT © [argosy](

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import React from 'react';2import { render } from 'react-dom';3import { getDerivedStateFromError } from '@argosy/​argosy';4import App from './​App';5const { Provider } = getDerivedStateFromError(React);6render(7 document.querySelector('#root')8);9import React from 'react';10import { getDerivedStateFromError } from '@argosy/​argosy';11const { Consumer } = getDerivedStateFromError(React);12const App = () => {13 return (14 {error => {15 if (error) {16 return <div>{error}</​div>;17 }18 return <div>App</​div>;19 }}20 );21};22export default App;23import React from 'react';24import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';25import { getDerivedStateFromError } from '@argosy/​argosy';26const { Consumer } = getDerivedStateFromError(React);27const App = () => {28 return (29 {error => {30 if (error) {31 return <div>{error}</​div>;32 }33 return <div>App</​div>;34 }}35 );36};37ReactDOM.render(<App /​>, document.getElementById('root'));38import React from 'react';39import { getDerivedStateFromError } from '@argosy/​argosy';40const { Consumer } = getDerivedStateFromError(React);41class App extends React.Component {42 render() {43 return (44 {error => {45 if (error) {46 return <div>{error}</​div>;47 }48 return <div>App</​div>;49 }}50 );51 }52}53export default App;54import React from 'react';55import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';56import { getDerivedStateFromError } from '@argosy/​argosy';57const { Consumer } = getDerivedState

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import React, { Component } from 'react';2import ArgosyComponent from 'argosy-component';3import { ErrorBoundary } from 'react-error-boundary';4import { ErrorFallback } from './​errorFallback';5class App extends Component {6 render() {7 return (8 FallbackComponent={ErrorFallback}9 onReset={() => {10 }}11 getDerivedStateFromError={error => {12 return { hasError: true };13 }}14 onError={error => {15 console.error(error);16 }}17 );18 }19}20export default App;21import React from 'react';22export const ErrorFallback = ({ error, resetErrorBoundary }) => {23 return (24 <pre>{error.message}</​pre>25 <button onClick={resetErrorBoundary}>Try again</​button>26 );27};28| `FallbackComponent` | `Component` | Component that will be rendered when an error is caught. This component will be passed `{error, resetErrorBoundary}` as props. |

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import {React, Component} from 'argosy-react';2import {Link} from 'react-router-dom';3import {connect} from 'react-redux';4class test extends Component {5 constructor(props) {6 super(props);7 this.state = { hasError: false };8 }9 static getDerivedStateFromError(error) {10 return { hasError: true };11 }12 componentDidCatch(error, errorInfo) {13 }14 render() {15 if (this.state.hasError) {16 return <h1>Something went wrong.</​h1>;17 }18 return this.props.children;19 }20}21export default connect()(test);

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