Best JavaScript code snippet using argos
...19 expect(fs.statSync(path.join(directory, 'src')).isDirectory()).toBeTruthy();20 }21 test('should generate the files to a directory by root type url', async () => {22 // Arrange23 const cwd: string = await createTmpDirectory();24 // Act25 await copyGithubDirectory({26 cwd,27 url: '',28 });29 // Assert30 const targetDirectory: string = path.join(cwd, 'workspace-template');31 assertWorkspaceTemplateHasFiles(targetDirectory);32 });33 test('should generate the files to a directory what is named by basename of url', async () => {34 // Arrange35 const cwd: string = await createTmpDirectory();36 // Act37 await copyGithubDirectory({38 cwd,39 url: '',40 });41 // Assert42 const targetDirectory: string = path.join(cwd, 'web');43 assertWebTemplateHasFiles(targetDirectory);44 });45 test('should generate the files to current directory', async () => {46 // Arrange47 const targetDirectory: string = await createTmpDirectory();48 // Act49 await copyGithubDirectory({50 cwd: targetDirectory,51 targetDirectory: '.',52 url: '',53 });54 // Assert55 assertWebTemplateHasFiles(targetDirectory);56 });57 test('should generate the files to multiple directory', async () => {58 // Arrange59 const targetDirectory: string = await createTmpDirectory();60 // Act61 await copyGithubDirectory({62 cwd: targetDirectory,63 targetDirectory: 'a/b/c',64 url: '',65 });66 // Assert67 assertWebTemplateHasFiles(path.join(targetDirectory, 'a/b/c'));68 });69 test('should generate the files to the specific directory', async () => {70 // Arrange71 const targetDirectory: string = await createTmpDirectory();72 // Act73 await copyGithubDirectory({74 targetDirectory,75 url: '',76 });77 // Assert78 assertWebTemplateHasFiles(targetDirectory);79 });80 test('should compose a workspaces', async () => {81 // Arrange82 const cwd: string = await createTmpDirectory();83 const workspacesName: string = 'workspaces';84 const projectName: string = 'project';85 // Act86 await copyGithubDirectory({87 cwd,88 targetDirectory: workspacesName,89 url: '',90 });91 // Assert92 const workspacesDirectory: string = path.join(cwd, workspacesName);93 assertWorkspaceTemplateHasFiles(workspacesDirectory);94 // Act95 await copyGithubDirectory({96 cwd: workspacesDirectory,97 targetDirectory: projectName,98 url: '',99 });100 // Assert101 const projectDirectory: string = path.join(102 workspacesDirectory,103 projectName,104 );105 assertWebTemplateHasFiles(projectDirectory);106 const { workspaces } = await fs.readJsonSync(107 path.join(workspacesDirectory, 'package.json'),108 );109 const { name } = await fs.readJsonSync(110 path.join(projectDirectory, 'package.json'),111 );112 expect(workspaces).toMatchObject([projectName]);113 expect(name).toBe(projectName);114 }, 15000);115 test('should use alias from user config', async () => {116 // Arrange117 const configDirectory: string = await createTmpDirectory();118 const targetDirectory: string = await createTmpDirectory();119 const configFile: string = path.join(configDirectory, '.ghcopy.json');120 await fs.writeJson(configFile, {121 alias: {122 web: '',123 },124 });125 process.env.GHDIR_CONFIG = configFile;126 // Act127 await copyGithubDirectory({128 targetDirectory,129 url: 'web',130 });131 // Assert132 assertWebTemplateHasFiles(targetDirectory);133 // Clean134 process.env.GHDIR_CONFIG = undefined;135 });136 test('should throw error if url is a file', async () => {137 // Arrange138 const cwd: string = await createTmpDirectory();139 // Act140 await expect(141 copyGithubDirectory({142 cwd,143 url: '',144 }),145 ).rejects.toThrow();146 });147 test('should allow whitelist directory', async () => {148 // Arrange149 const targetDirectory: string = await createTmpDirectory();150 fs.mkdirpSync(path.join(targetDirectory, '.git'));151 // Act152 await copyGithubDirectory({153 targetDirectory,154 url: '',155 });156 // Assert157 assertWebTemplateHasFiles(targetDirectory);158 });159 test('should throw error if target directory is not empty', async () => {160 // Arrange161 const targetDirectory: string = await createTmpDirectory();162 fs.writeJsonSync(path.join(targetDirectory, 'hello.json'), { foo: 'bar' });163 // Act164 await expect(165 copyGithubDirectory({166 targetDirectory,167 url: '',168 }),169 ).rejects.toThrow();170 });...
...13 resolve(;14 });15 });16}17function createTmpDirectory() {18 return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {19 fs.mkdtemp(path.join(os.tmpdir(), 'hops-lambda-'), function (error, dir) {20 if (error) {21 return reject(error);22 }23 resolve(dir);24 });25 });26}27module.exports = {28 hashFileContents: hashFileContents,29 createTmpDirectory: createTmpDirectory,...
1var fs = require("fs");2var temp = require("temp");3var Promise = require("bluebird");4var mkTempDir = Promise.promisify(temp.mkdir);5var _s = require("underscore.string");6function createTmpFile (fullPath, size) {7 size = size || 1;8 var data = _s.repeat("testWord", size);9 fs.writeFileSync(fullPath, data);10 return fullPath;11}12function *createTmpDirectory () {13 return yield mkTempDir("");14}15exports.createTmpFile = createTmpFile;...
Using AI Code Generation
1var argosy = require('argosy')2var argosyPatterns = require('argosy-patterns')3var patterns = argosyPatterns()4var argosyInstance = argosy()5argosyInstance.pipe(argosyInstance)6argosyInstance.accept({7})8argosyInstance.on('error', function (err) {9 console.log(err)10})11argosyInstance.on('createTmpDirectory', function (message, callback) {12 console.log('tmp directory created')13 callback(null, {result: 'tmp directory created'})14})15argosyInstance.createTmpDirectory({}, function (err, message) {16 if (err) {17 console.log(err)18 }19 console.log(message)20})21var argosy = require('argosy')22var argosyPatterns = require('argosy-patterns')23var patterns = argosyPatterns()24var argosyInstance = argosy()25argosyInstance.pipe(argosyInstance)26argosyInstance.accept({27})28argosyInstance.on('error', function (err) {29 console.log(err)30})31argosyInstance.on('createTmpDirectory', function (message, callback) {32 console.log('tmp directory created')33 callback(null, {result: 'tmp directory created'})34})35argosyInstance.createTmpDirectory({}, function (err, message) {36 if (err) {37 console.log(err)38 }39 console.log(message)40})41[ { id: 1, name: 'a' }, { id: 2, name: 'b' } ]
Using AI Code Generation
1var argosy = require('argosy')2var createTmpDirectory = require('argosy-pattern-create-tmp-directory')3var patterns = {4}5var service = argosy()6service.accept(patterns)7service.listen(8000)8var argosy = require('argosy')9var createTmpDirectory = require('argosy-pattern-create-tmp-directory')10var patterns = {11}12var service = argosy()13service.accept(patterns)14service.listen(8000)15var argosy = require('argosy')16var createTmpDirectory = require('argosy-pattern-create-tmp-directory')17var patterns = {18}19var service = argosy()20service.accept(patterns)21service.listen(8000)22var argosy = require('argosy')23var createTmpDirectory = require('argosy-pattern-create-tmp-directory')24var patterns = {25}26var service = argosy()27service.accept(patterns)28service.listen(8000)29var argosy = require('argosy')30var createTmpDirectory = require('argosy-pattern-create-tmp-directory')31var patterns = {32}33var service = argosy()34service.accept(patterns)35service.listen(8000)36var argosy = require('argosy')37var createTmpDirectory = require('argosy-pattern-create-tmp-directory')38var patterns = {39}40var service = argosy()41service.accept(patterns)42service.listen(8000)43var argosy = require('argosy')44var createTmpDirectory = require('argosy-pattern-create-tmp-directory')
Using AI Code Generation
1var argos = require('argos');2var tmpDir = argos.createTmpDirectory();3console.log(tmpDir);4var argos = require('argos');5var tmpDir = argos.createTmpDirectory('myTmpDir');6console.log(tmpDir);7var argos = require('argos');8var tmpDir = argos.createTmpDirectory('myTmpDir',true);9console.log(tmpDir);10var argos = require('argos');11var tmpDir = argos.createTmpDirectory('myTmpDir',false);12console.log(tmpDir);13var argos = require('argos');14var tmpDir = argos.createTmpDirectory('myTmpDir',true,'/tmp');15console.log(tmpDir);16var argos = require('argos');17var tmpDir = argos.createTmpDirectory('myTmpDir',false,'/tmp');18console.log(tmpDir);19var argos = require('argos');20var tmpDir = argos.createTmpDirectory('myTmpDir',true,'/tmp',true);21console.log(tmpDir);22var argos = require('argos');23var tmpDir = argos.createTmpDirectory('myTmpDir',false,'/tmp',true);24console.log(tmpDir);25var argos = require('argos');26var tmpDir = argos.createTmpDirectory('myTmpDir',true,'/tmp',false);27console.log(tmpDir);28var argos = require('argos');29var tmpDir = argos.createTmpDirectory('myTmpDir',false,'/tmp',false);30console.log(tmpDir);
Using AI Code Generation
1const argosy = require('argosy')()2const createTmpDirectory = require('argosy-pattern/create-tmp-directory')3argosy.accept(createTmpDirectory())4const createTmpDirectory = require('argosy-pattern/create-tmp-directory')5createTmpDirectory(argosy)()6> createTmpFile(argosy)7- `argosy` - an instance of [argosy](
Using AI Code Generation
1var argosy = require('argosy')2var file = require('argosy-pattern-file')3var tmp = file.createTmpDirectory()4var service = argosy()5service.accept({role: 'file', cmd: 'createTmpDirectory'})6 .use(tmp)7service.accept({role: 'file', cmd: 'createReadStream'})8 .use(file.createReadStream())9service.accept({role: 'file', cmd: 'createWriteStream'})10 .use(file.createWriteStream())11service.listen(8000)12var argosy = require('argosy')13var file = require('argosy-pattern-file')14var service = argosy()15service.accept({role: 'file', cmd: 'createTmpDirectory'})16 .use(file.createTmpDirectory())17service.accept({role: 'file', cmd: 'createReadStream'})18 .use(file.createReadStream())19service.accept({role: 'file', cmd: 'createWriteStream'})20 .use(file.createWriteStream())21service.connect(8000)22service.act({role: 'file', cmd: 'createTmpDirectory'}, function (err, tmp) {23 console.log(tmp)24})25var argosy = require('argosy')26var file = require('argosy-pattern-file')27var service = argosy()28service.accept({role: 'file', cmd: 'createTmpDirectory'})29 .use(file.createTmpDirectory())30service.accept({role: 'file', cmd: 'createReadStream'})31 .use(file.createReadStream())32service.accept({role: 'file', cmd: 'createWriteStream'})33 .use(file.createWriteStream())34service.connect(8000)35var fs = require('fs')36var stream = fs.createReadStream('./test.txt')37service.act({role: 'file', cmd: 'createWriteStream', path: './test.txt'}, function (err, writeStream) {38 stream.pipe(writeStream)39})40var argosy = require('argosy')41var file = require('argosy-pattern-file')42var service = argosy()43service.accept({role: 'file', cmd: 'create
Using AI Code Generation
1argosy.createTmpDirectory('/tmp', function (err, tmpDir) {2 if (err) {3 console.log('Failed to create tmp directory: ' + err);4 return;5 }6 console.log('tmp directory created: ' + tmpDir);7});8argosy.createTmpFile('/tmp', function (err, tmpFile) {9 if (err) {10 console.log('Failed to create tmp file: ' + err);11 return;12 }13 console.log('tmp file created: ' + tmpFile);14});15argosy.createTmpFileWithContent('/tmp', 'some content', function (err, tmpFile) {16 if (err) {17 console.log('Failed to create tmp file: ' + err);18 return;19 }20 console.log('tmp file created: ' + tmpFile);21});22argosy.createTmpFileWithContent('/tmp', 'some content', function (err, tmpFile) {23 if (err) {24 console.log('Failed to create tmp file: ' + err);25 return;26 }27 console.log('tmp file created: ' + tmpFile);28});29argosy.createTmpFileWithContent('/tmp', 'some content', function (err, tmpFile) {30 if (err) {31 console.log('Failed to create tmp file: ' + err);32 return;33 }34 console.log('tmp file created: ' + tmpFile);35});36argosy.createTmpFileWithContent('/tmp', 'some content', function (err, tmpFile) {37 if (err) {38 console.log('Failed to create tmp file: ' + err);39 return;40 }
Using AI Code Generation
1const { createTmpDirectory } = require('@argos-ci/sdk').tmp2const tmpDir = createTmpDirectory()3const { createTmpFile } = require('@argos-ci/sdk').tmp4const tmpFile = createTmpFile()5const { createTmpFileFromPath } = require('@argos-ci/sdk').tmp6const tmpFile = createTmpFileFromPath('path/to/file')7const { createTmpFileFromStream } = require('@argos-ci/sdk').tmp8const tmpFile = createTmpFileFromStream(stream)9const { createTmpFileFromUrl } = require('@argos-ci/sdk').tmp10const { createTmpFileFromBuffer } = require('@argos-ci/sdk').tmp11const tmpFile = createTmpFileFromBuffer(Buffer.from('hello world'))12const { createTmpFileFromBase64 } = require('@argos-ci/sdk').tmp13const tmpFile = createTmpFileFromBase64('aGVsbG8gd29ybGQ=')
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