How to use createHttpServer method in argos

Best JavaScript code snippet using argos


Source: create-http-server.spec.js Github


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...33 createHttpServer.__set__('grpcGateway', grpcGatewayStub)34 createHttpServer.__set__('corsMiddleware', corsMiddlewareStub)35 })36 beforeEach(() => {37 createHttpServer(protoPath, rpcAddress, options)38 })39 it('creates a new express app', () => {40 expect(express).to.have.been.calledOnce()41 })42 it('sets the app to parse JSON payloads', () => {43 expect(expressStub.use).to.have.been.calledWith(bodyParserStub.json())44 })45 it('sets the app to parse urlencoded bodies', () => {46 expect(expressStub.use).to.have.been.calledWith(bodyParserStub.urlencoded())47 })48 it('sets the app to use grpcGateway defined routing', () => {49 expect(expressStub.use).to.have.been.calledWith('/​', grpcGateway)50 })51 it('uses the rpc address specified in the daemon', () => {52 expect(grpcGatewayStub).to.have.been.calledWith(sinon.match.any, rpcAddress)53 })54 it('prefixes with the proto path', () => {55 expect(grpcGatewayStub).to.have.been.calledWith([`/​${protoPath}`])56 })57 it('passes the whitelist of methods', () => {58 expect(grpcGatewayStub).to.have.been.calledWith(sinon.match.any, sinon.match.any, sinon.match({ whitelist: options.httpMethods }))59 })60 it('returns the configured app', () => {61 expect(createHttpServer(protoPath, rpcAddress, options)).to.eql(expressStub)62 })63 })64 describe('https server creation', () => {65 let readFileSyncStub66 let pubKey67 let privKey68 let channelCredentialStub69 let createServerStub70 let httpsApp71 let createSsl72 beforeEach(() => {73 readFileSyncStub = sinon.stub()74 channelCredentialStub = sinon.stub()75 httpsApp = sinon.stub()76 createServerStub = sinon.stub().returns(httpsApp)77 options = {78 disableAuth: false,79 privKeyPath: 'priv-key',80 pubKeyPath: 'pub-key',81 logger: {82 debug: sinon.stub()83 },84 httpMethods: [ 'fake/​method' ]85 }86 pubKey = 'pubkey'87 privKey = 'privkey'88 readFileSyncStub.withArgs(options.privKeyPath).returns(privKey)89 readFileSyncStub.withArgs(options.pubKeyPath).returns(pubKey)90 protoPath = '/​path/​to/​proto'91 rpcAddress = 'my-daemon-rpc-address:8080'92 expressStub = { use: sinon.stub() }93 bodyParserStub = { json: sinon.stub(), urlencoded: sinon.stub() }94 grpcGateway = { fake: 'gateway' }95 grpcGatewayStub = sinon.stub().returns(grpcGateway)96 corsMiddlewareStub = sinon.stub()97 express = sinon.stub().returns(expressStub)98 createSsl = sinon.stub().returns(channelCredentialStub)99 createHttpServer.__set__('express', express)100 createHttpServer.__set__('bodyParser', bodyParserStub)101 createHttpServer.__set__('grpcGateway', grpcGatewayStub)102 createHttpServer.__set__('corsMiddleware', corsMiddlewareStub)103 createHttpServer.__set__('grpc', {104 credentials: {105 createSsl106 }107 })108 createHttpServer.__set__('fs', {109 readFileSync: readFileSyncStub110 })111 createHttpServer.__set__('https', {112 createServer: createServerStub113 })114 })115 beforeEach(() => {116 createHttpServer(protoPath, rpcAddress, options)117 })118 it('creates a new express app', () => {119 expect(express).to.have.been.calledOnce()120 })121 it('sets the app to parse JSON payloads', () => {122 expect(expressStub.use).to.have.been.calledWith(bodyParserStub.json())123 })124 it('sets the app to parse urlencoded bodies', () => {125 expect(expressStub.use).to.have.been.calledWith(bodyParserStub.urlencoded())126 })127 it('sets the app to use grpcGateway defined routing with grpc credentials', () => {128 expect(expressStub.use).to.have.been.calledWith('/​', grpcGateway)129 })130 it('uses the rpc address specified in the daemon', () => {131 expect(grpcGatewayStub).to.have.been.calledWith(sinon.match.any, rpcAddress, sinon.match.any)132 })133 it('prefixes with the proto path', () => {134 expect(grpcGatewayStub).to.have.been.calledWith([`/​${protoPath}`])135 })136 it('uses the self signed cert to secure the connection', () => {137 expect(createSsl).to.have.been.calledWith(pubKey)138 })139 it('uses a non self signed cert to secure the connection', () => {140 createSsl.reset()141 options.isCertSelfSigned = false142 createHttpServer(protoPath, rpcAddress, options)143 expect(createSsl).to.have.been.calledOnce()144 expect(createSsl).to.not.have.been.calledWith(pubKey)145 })146 it('uses channel credentials to secure the connection', () => {147 expect(grpcGatewayStub).to.have.been.calledWith(sinon.match.any, sinon.match.any, sinon.match({ credentials: channelCredentialStub }))148 })149 it('passes the whitelist of methods', () => {150 expect(grpcGatewayStub).to.have.been.calledWith(sinon.match.any, sinon.match.any, sinon.match({ whitelist: options.httpMethods }))151 })152 it('creates an https server', () => {153 expect(createServerStub).to.have.been.calledWith({ key: privKey, cert: pubKey }, expressStub)154 })155 it('returns an https app', () => {156 expect(createHttpServer(protoPath, rpcAddress, options)).to.eql(httpsApp)157 })158 })159 describe('cors', () => {160 let fakeCors = () => {}161 beforeEach(() => {162 options = {163 disableAuth: true,164 enableCors: true,165 privKeyPath: 'priv-key',166 pubKeyPath: 'pub-key',167 logger: {}168 }169 protoPath = '/​path/​to/​proto'170 rpcAddress = ''171 expressStub = { use: sinon.stub() }172 bodyParserStub = { json: sinon.stub(), urlencoded: sinon.stub() }173 grpcGatewayStub = sinon.stub().withArgs([`/​${protoPath}`], rpcAddress)174 corsMiddlewareStub = sinon.stub().returns(fakeCors)175 express = sinon.stub().returns(expressStub)176 createHttpServer.__set__('express', express)177 createHttpServer.__set__('bodyParser', bodyParserStub)178 createHttpServer.__set__('grpcGateway', grpcGatewayStub)179 createHttpServer.__set__('corsMiddleware', corsMiddlewareStub)180 })181 beforeEach(() => {182 createHttpServer(protoPath, rpcAddress, options)183 })184 it('adds cors to all routes', () => {185 expect(corsMiddlewareStub).to.have.been.calledOnce()186 expect(expressStub.use).to.have.been.calledWith(fakeCors)187 })188 })...

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Source: createAllAPI.js Github


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...15 const uri = "mongodb:/​/​localhost:27017";16 const client = new MongoClient(uri);17 await client.connect();18 /​/​ Phishing DB19 createHttpServer(10130, queryPhishingDB);20 /​/​ Similarweb rank21 createHttpServer(10131, fetchSimilarwebRank);22 /​/​ DNS Lookup23 createHttpServer(10132, dnsLookup);24 /​/​ Earliest archive date25 createHttpServer(10133, getEarliestArchiveDate);26 /​/​ Geolocation data of IP27 createHttpServer(10134, fetchGeolocation);28 /​/​ Subdomains (Project Sonar)29 createHttpServer(10135, fetchSubdomains, client);30 /​/​ StackShare (Disabled by default due to limited number of API queries)31 /​/​ createHttpServer(10136, queryStackShare);32}33/​/​ Run the main function...

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Source: http.js Github


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1'use strict';23const createHTTPServer = require('../​src/​http').createHTTPServer;4const port = 5990;5const serverUrl = 'wss:/​/​';678function main() {9 const server = createHTTPServer({ server: serverUrl }, port);10 server.start().then(() => {11 console.log('Server started on port ' + String(port));12 });13}1415 ...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const argosy = require('argosy')2const argosyPattern = require('argosy-pattern')3const argosyRpc = require('argosy-rpc')4const argosyHttp = require('argosy-http')5const argosyBroker = require('argosy-broker')6const argosyPipeline = require('argosy-pipeline')7const argosyProxy = require('argosy-proxy')8const argosyRouter = require('argosy-router')9const argosyService = require('argosy-service')10const argosyServiceProxy = require('argosy-service-proxy')11const argosyServiceRegistry = require('argosy-service-registry')12const argosyServiceRegistryProxy = require('argosy-service-registry-proxy')13const argosyServiceRegistryServer = require('argosy-service-registry-server')14const argosyServiceRegistryServerProxy = require('argosy-service-registry-server-proxy')15const argosyServiceServer = require('argosy-service-server')16const argosyServiceServerProxy = require('argosy-service-server-proxy')17const argosyServiceWatcher = require('argosy-service-watcher')18const argosyServiceWatcherProxy = require('argosy-service-watcher-proxy')19const argosyServiceWatcherServer = require('argosy-service-watcher-server')20const argosyServiceWatcherServerProxy = require('argosy-service-watcher-server-proxy')21const argosyTransport = require('argosy-transport')22const argosyTransportProxy = require('argosy-transport-proxy')23const argosyTransportServer = require('argosy-transport-server')24const argosyTransportServerProxy = require('argosy-transport-server-proxy')25const argosyWebsocket = require('argosy-websocket')26const argosyWebsocketServer = require('argosy-websocket-server')27const argosyWebsocketServerProxy = require('argosy-websocket-server-proxy')28const argosyWebsocketProxy = require('argosy-websocket-proxy')29const argosyWebsocketServerProxy = require('argosy-websocket-server-proxy')30const argosyWebsocketServer = require('argosy-websocket-server')31const argosyWebsocket = require('argosy-websocket')

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var argosy = require('argosy')2var http = require('http')3var argosyHttp = require('argosy-http')4var argosyPatterns = require('argosy-patterns')5var argosyService = require('argosy-service')6var services = argosy()7var patterns = argosyPatterns({8})9services.use(patterns, argosyService({10 add: function (a, b, cb) {11 cb(null, a + b)12 },13 multiply: function (a, b, cb) {14 cb(null, a * b)15 },16 divide: function (a, b, cb) {17 cb(null, a /​ b)18 },19 subtract: function (a, b, cb) {20 cb(null, a - b)21 }22}))23services.pipe(argosyHttp()).pipe(services)24var argosy = require('argosy')25var http = require('http')26var argosyHttp = require('argosy-http')27var argosyPatterns = require('argosy-patterns')28var argosyService = require('argosy-service')29var services = argosy()30var patterns = argosyPatterns({31})32services.use(patterns, argosyService({33 add: function (a, b, cb) {34 cb(null, a + b)35 },36 multiply: function (a, b, cb) {37 cb(null, a * b)38 },39 divide: function (a, b, cb) {40 cb(null, a /​ b)41 },42 subtract: function (a, b, cb) {43 cb(null, a - b)44 }45}))46services.pipe(argosyHttp()).pipe(services)47var argosy = require('argosy')48var http = require('http')

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var argosy = require('argosy')2var argosyPatterns = require('argosy-patterns')3var argosyHttp = require('argosy-http')4var argosyService = require('argosy-service')5var argosyServiceBroker = require('argosy-service-broker')6var service = argosy()7service.pipe(argosyServiceBroker()).pipe(service)8service.use('hello', argosyService({9 greet: argosyPatterns.accepts({10 }),11 farewell: argosyPatterns.accepts({12 })13}, function (message, cb) {14 if (message.greet) {15 cb(null, { greeting: 'Hello ' + + '!' })16 } else if (message.farewell) {17 cb(null, { greeting: 'Goodbye ' + + '!' })18 }19}))20service.use('hello', argosyHttp({21}))22### argosyServiceBroker([opts])23var argosy = require('argosy')24var argosyServiceBroker = require('argosy-service-broker')25var service = argosy()26service.pipe(argosyServiceBroker()).pipe(service)27### argosyService([opts], [handler])28var argosy = require('argosy')29var argosyPatterns = require('argosy-patterns')30var argosyService = require('argosy-service')31var service = argosy()32service.use('hello', argosyService({33 greet: argosyPatterns.accepts({34 }),35 farewell: argosyPatterns.accepts({36 })37}, function (message, cb) {38 if (message.greet) {39 cb(null, { greeting: 'Hello ' + + '!' })40 } else if (message.farewell) {41 cb(null, {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const argosy = require('argosy')2const http = require('http')3const argosyHttp = require('argosy-http')4const argosyPattern = require('argosy-pattern')5const service = argosy({6})7service.use('ping', (msg, cb) => {8 cb(null, 'pong')9})10const server = http.createServer(argosyHttp(service))11server.listen(3000, () => console.log('Listening on port 3000'))

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var argosy = require('argosy')2var http = require('argosy-http')3var argosyService = argosy()4 .use('hello', function (name, cb) {5 cb(null, 'Hello ' + name)6 })7 .use('goodbye', function (name, cb) {8 cb(null, 'Goodbye ' + name)9 })10var argosyServer = http.createHttpServer(argosyService)11argosyServer.listen(3000)12var argosy = require('argosy')13var http = require('argosy-http')14var argosyProxy = argosy()15 .use('hello', function (name, cb) {16 cb(null, 'Hello ' + name)17 })18 .use('goodbye', function (name, cb) {19 cb(null, 'Goodbye ' + name)20 })21var argosyClient = http.createHttpProxy(argosyProxy)22argosyClient.listen(3001)23var argosy = require('argosy')24var http = require('argosy-http')25var argosyProxy = argosy()26 .use('hello', function (name, cb) {27 cb(null, 'Hello ' + name)28 })29 .use('goodbye', function (name, cb) {30 cb(null, 'Goodbye ' + name)31 })32var argosyClient = http.createHttpProxy(argosyProxy)33argosyClient.listen(3001)34var argosy = require('argosy')35var http = require('argosy-http')36var argosyProxy = argosy()37 .use('hello', function (name, cb) {38 cb(null, 'Hello ' + name)39 })40 .use('goodbye', function (name, cb) {41 cb(null, 'Goodbye ' + name)42 })

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var argosy = require('argosy')2var service = argosy()3service.pipe(argosy.accept({hello: 'world'}))4 .pipe(service.accept({hello: 'world'}))5service.accept({hello: 'world'})6 .on('data', function (data) {7 console.log(data)8 })9service.pipe(argosy.accept({hello: 'world'}))10 .on('data', function (data) {11 console.log(data)12 })13var argosy = require('argosy')14var service = argosy()15service.pipe(argosy.accept({hello: 'world'}))16 .pipe(service.accept({hello: 'world'}))17service.accept({hello: 'world'})18 .on('data', function (data) {19 console.log(data)20 })21service.accept({hello: 'world'})22 .on('data', function (data) {23 console.log(data)24 })

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var argosy = require('argosy')2var argosyHttp = require('argosy-http')3var helloService = argosy()4helloService.use(argosy.pattern({5}), function (msg, respond) {6 respond(null, {7 })8})9var server = argosyHttp(helloService)10server.listen(3000, function () {11 console.log('listening on port 3000')12})13var argosy = require('argosy')14var argosyHttp = require('argosy-http')15var client = argosyHttp()16client({role: 'hello', cmd: 'hello', name: 'world'}, function (err, response) {17 console.log(response.message)18})19var argosy = require('argosy')20var argosyHttp = require('argosy-http')21var helloService = argosy()22helloService.use(argosy.pattern({23}), function (msg, respond) {24 respond(null, {25 })26})27var server = argosyHttp(helloService)28server.listen(3000, function () {29 console.log('listening on port 3000')30})31var argosy = require('argosy')32var argosyHttp = require('argosy-http

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var argosy = require('argosy')2var http = require('http')3var argosyHttp = require('argosy-http')4var service = argosy()5var server = http.createServer()6service.pipe(argosyHttp({ server: server })).pipe(service)7service.accept({ role: 'math', cmd: 'sum' }, function (msg, cb) {8 cb(null, { answer: msg.left + msg.right })9})10server.listen(3000, function () {11 var client = argosy()12 client.pipe(argosyHttp()).pipe(client)13 client({ role: 'math', cmd: 'sum', left: 1, right: 2 }, function (err, res) {14 })15})16### argosyHttp([options])17- `accept` - a function to determine whether to accept an incoming request, defaults to `function (req) { return true }`18- `respond` - a function to determine whether to respond to an incoming request, defaults to `function (req) { return true }`

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var argosy = require('argosy')2var argosyPatterns = require('argosy-patterns')3var patterns = argosyPatterns()4var argosyHttp = require('../​index.js')5var argosyService = argosy()6argosyService.pipe(argosyHttp({7})).pipe(argosyService)8argosyService.accept({9}, function (msg, respond) {10 respond(null, {11 })12})13argosyService.accept({14}, function (msg, respond) {15 respond(null, {16 })17})18argosyService.accept({19}, function (msg, respond) {20 respond(null, {21 answer: Math.floor(msg.left) + Math.floor(msg.right)22 })23})24argosyService.accept({25}, function (msg, respond) {26 respond(null, {27 answer: Math.floor(msg.left) * Math.floor(msg.right)28 })29})30argosyService.accept({31 negative: patterns.match.bool.and(function (value) {32 })33}, function (msg, respond) {34 respond(null, {35 answer: Math.ceil(msg.left) + Math.ceil(msg.right)36 })37})38argosyService.accept({39 negative: patterns.match.bool.and(function (value) {40 })41}, function (msg, respond) {42 respond(null, {43 answer: Math.ceil(msg.left) * Math.ceil(msg.right)44 })45})

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