How to use compareWithBaseline method in argos

Best JavaScript code snippet using argos


Source: createBuildDiffs.js Github


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1import { transaction } from "@argos-ci/​database";2import { ScreenshotDiff, Build } from "@argos-ci/​database/​models";3import { baseCompare } from "./​baseCompare";4async function getOrCreateBaseScreenshotBucket(build, { trx } = {}) {5 /​/​ It can already be present, for instance by the sample build feature.6 if (build.baseScreenshotBucket) {7 return build.baseScreenshotBucket;8 }9 const baseScreenshotBucket = await baseCompare({10 baseCommit: build.repository.referenceBranch,11 compareCommit: build.compareScreenshotBucket.commit,12 build,13 trx,14 });15 if (baseScreenshotBucket) {16 await Build.query(trx)17 .findById( .patch({ baseScreenshotBucketId: });19 return baseScreenshotBucket.$query(trx).withGraphFetched("screenshots");20 }21 return null;22}23function getJobStatus({ compareWithBaseline, baseScreenshot, sameFileId }) {24 if (compareWithBaseline) return "complete";25 if (!baseScreenshot) return "complete";26 if (sameFileId) return "complete";27 return "pending";28}29export async function createBuildDiffs(build) {30 return transaction(async (trx) => {31 const richBuild = await build32 .$query(trx)33 .withGraphFetched(34 "[repository, baseScreenshotBucket.screenshots, compareScreenshotBucket.screenshots]"35 );36 const baseScreenshotBucket = await getOrCreateBaseScreenshotBucket(37 richBuild,38 { trx }39 );40 const compareWithBaseline = Boolean(41 baseScreenshotBucket &&42 baseScreenshotBucket.commit === richBuild.compareScreenshotBucket.commit43 );44 const sameBucket = Boolean(45 baseScreenshotBucket &&46 === richBuild.compareScreenshotBucket.id47 );48 const inserts = (compareScreenshot) => {50 const baseScreenshot =51 !sameBucket && baseScreenshotBucket52 ? baseScreenshotBucket.screenshots.find(53 ({ name }) => name === compareScreenshot.name54 )55 : null;56 const sameFileId = Boolean(57 baseScreenshot &&58 baseScreenshot.fileId &&59 compareScreenshot.fileId &&60 baseScreenshot.fileId === compareScreenshot.fileId61 );62 return {63 buildId:,64 baseScreenshotId: baseScreenshot ? : null,65 compareScreenshotId:,66 jobStatus: getJobStatus({67 compareWithBaseline,68 baseScreenshot,69 sameFileId,70 }),71 score: sameFileId ? 0 : null,72 validationStatus: ScreenshotDiff.VALIDATION_STATUSES.unknown,73 };74 },75 []76 );77 return ScreenshotDiff.query(trx).insert(inserts);78 });...

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Source: baselinesCommon.js Github


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1/​**2 * Copyright by Intland Software3 *4 * All rights reserved.5 *6 * This software is the confidential and proprietary information7 * of Intland Software. ("Confidential Information"). You8 * shall not disclose such Confidential Information and shall use9 * it only in accordance with the terms of the license agreement10 * you entered into with Intland.11 */​12/​**13 * Common functions for baselines.14 * This file is included in every page, so keep it as short and simple as possible.15 */​16codebeamer.Baselines = codebeamer["Baselines"] || (function($) {17 var changeDefaultBaseline = function(projectId, baselineParamName) {18 var url = contextPath + "/​branching/​trackerBaselinesAndBranches.spr?project_id=" + (projectId || "");19 if (baselineParamName) {20 url += "&baseline_param_name=" + baselineParamName;21 }22 showPopupInline(url, {23 geometry: "large"24 });25 };26 var selectBaseline = function(projectId, side) {27 showPopupInline(contextPath + "/​proj/​ajax/​baselines.spr?proj_id=" + (projectId || "") + "&selection_side=" + side, {28 geometry: "half_half"29 });30 };31 var createNewBaseline = function(projectId) {32 window.location.href = contextPath + "/​proj/​baselines.spr?proj_id=" + projectId + "&create_new_baseline=true";33 };34 var compareWithBaseline = function(projectId, baselineId) {35 window.location.href = contextPath + "/​proj/​baselines.spr?proj_id=" + projectId + "&compare_with=" + baselineId;36 };37 var switchToHead = function(baselineParamName) {38 var url = UrlUtils.addOrReplaceParameter(parent.window.location.href, baselineParamName.split(","), "");39 if (baselineParamName == "branchId") {40 url = UrlUtils.addOrReplaceParameter(url, "skipBranchSwitchWarning", "true");41 }42 window.location.href = url;43 };44 var compareBaselinesButtonHandler = function(parentEl, compareURL, compareParamName, avoidCache) {45 compareParamName = compareParamName || "baseline";46 var $selectedCheckboxes = $(parentEl).find("input:checked");47 if ($selectedCheckboxes.length != 2) {48 alert(i18n.message(""));49 return false;50 }51 var requestURL = compareURL +52 "&" + compareParamName + "1=" + ($selectedCheckboxes.get(1).value || "0") +53 "&" + compareParamName + "2=" + ($selectedCheckboxes.get(0).value || "0");54 if (avoidCache) {55 var timestamp = new Date();56 requestURL += "&avoidCache=" + timestamp.getTime();57 }58 launch_url(requestURL, "large");59 return false;60 };61 return {62 changeDefaultBaseline: changeDefaultBaseline,63 createNewBaseline: createNewBaseline,64 compareWithBaseline: compareWithBaseline,65 switchToHead: switchToHead,66 selectBaseline: selectBaseline,67 compareBaselinesButtonHandler: compareBaselinesButtonHandler68 };...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1define('Mobile/​SalesLogix/​Views/​OpportunityContact/​List', [2], function(3) {4 return declare('Mobile.SalesLogix.Views.OpportunityContact.List', [List], {5 itemTemplate: new Simplate([6 '<h3>{%: $.ContactName %}</​h3>',7 '<h4>{%: $.ContactTitle %}</​h4>',8 '<h4>{%: $.AccountName %}</​h4>',9 '<h4>{%: $.Role %}</​h4>',10 '{% if ($.WebAddress) { %}',11 '{% } %}'12 calledText: 'Called ${0}',13 calledMobileNumberText: 'Called Mobile Number ${0}',14 calledWorkNumberText: 'Called Work Number ${0}',

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Using AI Code Generation


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1define('Mobile/​SalesLogix/​Views/​Account/​Edit', [2], function(3) {4 return declare('Mobile.SalesLogix.Views.Account.Edit', [Edit], {5 importSourceText: 'import source',6 init: function() {7 this.inherited(arguments);8 this.connect(this.fields.AccountManager, 'onChange', this.onAccountManagerChange);9 this.connect(this.fields.AccountSubType, 'onChange', this.onAccountSubTypeChange);10 this.connect(this.fields.AccountType, 'onChange', this.onAccountTypeChange);11 this.connect(this.fields.Status, 'onChange', this.onStatusChange);12 },13 applyContext: function(templateEntry) {14 this.inherited(arguments);15 if (this.options && this.options.fromContext) {

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1define('Mobile/​SalesLogix/​Views/​Opportunity/​Edit', [2], function(3) {4 return declare('Mobile.SalesLogix.Views.Opportunity.Edit', [Edit], {5 potentialBaseText: 'potential (base)',6 potentialMyText: 'potential (my)',7 potentialOpportunityText: 'potential (opportunity)',

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Using AI Code Generation


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1define('Mobile/​SalesLogix/​Views/​History/​Edit', [2], function(3) {4 return declare('Mobile.SalesLogix.Views.History.Edit', [Edit, _RightDrawerEditMixin], {5 priorityTitleText: 'History - ${0}',6 leaderTitleText: 'Leader - ${0}',7 categoryTitleText: 'Category - ${0}',8 scheduledTitleText: 'Scheduled - ${0}',9 alarmTitleText: 'Alarm - ${0}',10 durationTitleText: 'Duration - ${0}',11 leaderFormatText: '${0} (${1})',12 categoryTitleFormatText: '${0} - ${1}',13 scheduledFormatText: '${0} ${1}',14 alarmFormatText: '${0} ${1}',15 durationFormatText: '${0}:${1}',16 calledText: 'Called ${0}',17 calledText: 'Called ${0}',18 emailedText: 'Emailed ${0}',

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Using AI Code Generation


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1define([2], function(3) {4 describe('argos-test', function() {5 it('should be an object', function() {6 expect(argosTest).toEqual(jasmine.any(Object));7 });8 it('should have a compareWithBaseline method', function() {9 expect(argosTest.compareWithBaseline).toEqual(jasmine.any(Function));10 });11 });12});13define([14], function(15) {16 describe('argos-test', function() {17 it('should be an object', function() {18 expect(argosTest).toEqual(jasmine.any(Object));19 });20 it('should have a compareWithBaseline method', function() {21 expect(argosTest.compareWithBaseline).toEqual(jasmine.any(Function));22 });23 it('should compare the given string with a baseline string', function() {24 var baseline = 'this is a baseline string';25 var test = 'this is a test string';26 var result = argosTest.compareWithBaseline(test, baseline);27 expect(result).toEqual(jasmine.any(Object));28 expect(result).toEqual({29 });30 });31 });32});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1define('Sage/​Platform/​Mobile/​Tests/​Utility', [2], function(3) {4 return declare('Sage.Platform.Mobile.Tests.Utility', null, {5 compareWithBaseline: function compareWithBaseline(actual, baseline) {6 var deferred = new Deferred();7 when(this._compare(actual, baseline), function(result) {8 if (result)9 {10 deferred.resolve();11 }12 {13 deferred.reject(new Error('actual and baseline are not equal'));14 }15 });16 return deferred.promise;17 },18 _compare: function _compare(actual, baseline) {19 var deferred = new Deferred();20 var self = this;21 when(this._getKeys(actual), function(actualKeys) {22 when(self._getKeys(baseline), function(baselineKeys) {23 var result = true;24 if (actualKeys.length !== baselineKeys.length)25 {26 result = false;27 }28 {29 array.forEach(actualKeys, function(key) {30 if (result)31 {32 if (array.indexOf(baselineKeys, key) === -1)33 {34 result = false;35 }36 else if (lang.isObject(actual[key]) && lang.isObject(baseline[key]))37 {38 when(self._compare(actual[key], baseline[key]), function(compResult) {39 if (!comp

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Using AI Code Generation


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1define([2], function(3) {4 return describe('Test', function() {5 it('should match baseline', function() {6 var page = new argosTest.Page();7 page.navigateTo('#test');8 compareWithBaseline(page);9 });10 });11});12## compareWithBaseline(page, options)13define([14], function(15) {16 return describe('Test', function() {17 it('should match baseline', function() {18 var page = new argosTest.Page();19 page.navigateTo('#test');20 compareWithBaseline(page, {21 });22 });23 });24});

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