How to use baseColor method in argos

Best JavaScript code snippet using argos


Source:Color.js Github


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1/​*2* Licensed Materials - Property of IBM Corp.3* IBM UrbanCode Deploy4* (c) Copyright IBM Corporation 2011, 2014. All Rights Reserved.5*6* U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by7* GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.8*/​9/​*global i18n, define */​10define(["dojo/​_base/​array",11 "dojo/​_base/​lang"12 ],13function(array,14 lang) {15 /​**16 * Defines the color palette from the IBM Design Language. Includes definitions of the dojo17 * color palette to convert those colors to a color closest to a color in the IBM Design language.18 */​19 return {20 /​**21 * Set of colors from the IBM Design Language.22 */​23 colors: {24 "#F04E37" : {25 name: i18n("Vermillion"),26 simpleName: i18n("Light Red"),27 baseColor: i18n("Red"),28 value: "#F04E37",29 fallback: "#D9182D",30 full: true31 },32 "#D9182D" : {33 name: i18n("Crimson"),34 simpleName: i18n("Red"),35 baseColor: i18n("Red"),36 value: "#D9182D",37 simple: true,38 basic: true,39 standard: true,40 full: true41 },42 "#A91024" : {43 name: i18n("Firebrick"),44 simpleName: i18n("Dark Red"),45 baseColor: i18n("Red"),46 value: "#A91024",47 fallback: "#D9182D",48 basic: true,49 standard: true,50 full: true51 },52 "#F19027" : {53 name: i18n("Carrot Orange"),54 simpleName: i18n("Light Orange"),55 baseColor: i18n("Orange"),56 value: "#F19027",57 fallback: "#DD731C",58 full: true59 },60 "#DD731C" : {61 name: i18n("Cinnamon"),62 simpleName: i18n("Orange"),63 baseColor: i18n("Orange"),64 value: "#DD731C",65 simple: true,66 basic: true,67 standard: true,68 full: true69 },70 "#B8461B" : {71 name: i18n("Rust"),72 simpleName: i18n("Dark Orange"),73 baseColor: i18n("Orange"),74 value: "#B8461B",75 fallback: "#DD731C",76 basic: true,77 standard: true,78 full: true79 },80 "#FFE14F" : {81 name: i18n("Mustard"),82 simpleName: i18n("Light Yellow"),83 baseColor: i18n("Yellow"),84 value: "#FFE14F",85 fallback: "#FFCF01",86 light: true,87 full: true88 },89 "#FFCF01" : {90 name: i18n("Tangerine Yellow"),91 simpleName: i18n("Yellow"),92 baseColor: i18n("Yellow"),93 value: "#FFCF01",94 light: true,95 simple: true,96 basic: true,97 standard: true,98 full: true99 },100 "#FDB813" : {101 name: i18n("Golden Poppy"),102 simpleName: i18n("Dark Yellow"),103 baseColor: i18n("Yellow"),104 value: "#FDB813",105 fallback: "#FFCF01",106 light: true,107 basic: true,108 standard: true,109 full: true110 },111 "#8CC63F" : {112 name: i18n("Yellow Green"),113 simpleName: i18n("Light Green"),114 baseColor: i18n("Green"),115 value: "#8CC63F",116 fallback: "#17AF4B",117 full: true118 },119 "#17AF4B" : {120 name: i18n("Mountain Meadow"),121 simpleName: i18n("Green"),122 baseColor: i18n("Green"),123 value: "#17AF4B",124 simple: true,125 basic: true,126 standard: true,127 full: true128 },129 "#008A52" : {130 name: i18n("Sea Green"),131 simpleName: i18n("Dark Green"),132 baseColor: i18n("Green"),133 value: "#008A52",134 fallback: "#17AF4B",135 basic: true,136 standard: true,137 full: true138 },139 "#00A6A0" : {140 name: i18n("Persian Green"),141 simpleName: i18n("Light Teal"),142 baseColor: i18n("Green"),143 value: "#00A6A0",144 fallback: "#007670",145 basicFallback: "#17AF4B",146 full: true147 },148 "#007670" : {149 name: i18n("Pine Green"),150 simpleName: i18n("Teal"),151 baseColor: i18n("Green"),152 value: "#007670",153 fallback: "#17AF4B",154 standard: true,155 full: true156 },157 "#006059" : {158 name: i18n("Bottle Green"),159 simpleName: i18n("Dark Teal"),160 baseColor: i18n("Green"),161 value: "#006059",162 fallback: "#007670",163 basicFallback: "#17AF4B",164 standard: true,165 full: true166 },167 "#82D1F5" : {168 name: i18n("Baby Blue"),169 simpleName: i18n("Light Blue"),170 baseColor: i18n("Blue"),171 value: "#82D1F5",172 fallback: "#00B2EF",173 light: true,174 full: true175 },176 "#00B2EF" : {177 name: i18n("Bright Cerulean"),178 simpleName: i18n("Blue"),179 baseColor: i18n("Blue"),180 value: "#00B2EF",181 simple: true,182 basic: true,183 standard: true,184 full: true185 },186 "#00648D" : {187 name: i18n("Sea Blue"),188 simpleName: i18n("Dark Blue"),189 baseColor: i18n("Blue"),190 value: "#00648D",191 fallback: "#00B2EF",192 basic: true,193 standard: true,194 full: true195 },196 "#00B0DA" : {197 name: i18n("Iris Blue"),198 simpleName: i18n("Light Blue 2"),199 baseColor: i18n("Blue"),200 value: "#00B0DA",201 fallback: "#00B2EF",202 basicFallback: "#00B2EF",203 full: true204 },205 "#008ABF" : {206 name: i18n("Bondi Blue"),207 simpleName: i18n("Blue 2"),208 baseColor: i18n("Blue"),209 value: "#008ABF",210 fallback: "#00B2EF",211 standard: true,212 full: true213 },214 "#003F69" : {215 name: i18n("Prussian Blue"),216 simpleName: i18n("Dark Blue 2"),217 baseColor: i18n("Blue"),218 value: "#003F69",219 fallback: "#00648D",220 basicFallback: "#00648D",221 standard: true,222 full: true223 },224 "#AB1A86" : {225 name: i18n("Red Violet"),226 simpleName: i18n("Light Purple"),227 baseColor: i18n("Purple"),228 value: "#AB1A86",229 fallback: "#7F1C7D",230 basic: true,231 standard: true,232 full: true233 },234 "#7F1C7D" : {235 name: i18n("Mardi Gras"),236 simpleName: i18n("Purple"),237 baseColor: i18n("Purple"),238 value: "#7F1C7D",239 simple: true,240 basic: true,241 standard: true,242 full: true243 },244 "#3B0256" : {245 name: i18n("Indigo"),246 simpleName: i18n("Dark Purple"),247 baseColor: i18n("Purple"),248 value: "#3B0256",249 fallback: "#7F1C7D",250 full: true251 },252 "#F389AF" : {253 name: i18n("Mauvelous"),254 simpleName: i18n("Light Pink"),255 baseColor: i18n("Pink"),256 value: "#F389AF",257 fallback: "#EE3D96",258 basic: true,259 standard: true,260 full: true261 },262 "#EE3D96" : {263 name: i18n("French Rose"),264 simpleName: i18n("Pink"),265 baseColor: i18n("Pink"),266 value: "#EE3D96",267 simple: true,268 basic: true,269 standard: true,270 full: true271 },272 "#BA006E" : {273 name: i18n("Jazzberry Jam"),274 simpleName: i18n("Dark Pink"),275 baseColor: i18n("Pink"),276 value: "#BA006E",277 fallback: "#EE3D96",278 full: true279 },280 "#A5A215" : {281 name: i18n("Brass"),282 simpleName: i18n("Light Taupe"),283 baseColor: i18n("Yellow"),284 value: "#A5A215",285 fallback: "#838329",286 basicFallback: "#FFCF01",287 full: true288 },289 "#838329" : {290 name: i18n("Olive"),291 simpleName: i18n("Taupe"),292 baseColor: i18n("Yellow"),293 value: "#838329",294 fallback: "#FDB813",295 basicFallback: "#FFCF01",296 standard: true,297 full: true298 },299 "#594F13" : {300 name: i18n("Antique Bronze"),301 simpleName: i18n("Dark Taupe"),302 baseColor: i18n("Yellow"),303 value: "#594F13",304 fallback: "#838329",305 basicFallback: "#FDB813",306 standard: true,307 full: true308 },309 "#929497" : {310 name: i18n("Aluminum"),311 simpleName: i18n("Light Gray"),312 baseColor: i18n("Black"),313 value: "#929497",314 fallback: "#6D6E70",315 full: true316 },317 "#6D6E70" : {318 name: i18n("Dim Gray"),319 simpleName: i18n("Gray"),320 baseColor: i18n("Black"),321 value: "#6D6E70",322 simple: true,323 basic: true,324 standard: true,325 full: true326 },327 "#404041" : {328 name: i18n("Jet"),329 simpleName: i18n("Dark Gray"),330 baseColor: i18n("Black"),331 value: "#404041",332 fallback: "#6D6E70",333 basic: true,334 standard: true,335 full: true336 },337 "#A8A7A5" : {338 name: i18n("Silver Chalice"),339 simpleName: i18n("Light Gray 2"),340 baseColor: i18n("Black"),341 value: "#A8A7A5",342 fallback: "#83827F",343 basicFallback: "#6D6E70",344 full: true345 },346 "#83827F" : {347 name: i18n("Battleship Grey"),348 simpleName: i18n("Gray 2"),349 baseColor: i18n("Black"),350 value: "#83827F",351 standard: true,352 fallback: "#6D6E70",353 full: true354 },355 "#605F5C" : {356 name: i18n("Sonic Silver"),357 simpleName: i18n("Dark Gray 2"),358 baseColor: i18n("Black"),359 value: "#605F5C",360 fallback: "#83827F",361 basicFallback: "#404041",362 standard: true,363 full: true364 }365 },366 /​**367 * Return a list of colors from the IBM Design Language.368 */​369 getColors: function() {370 var self = this;371 var colors = [];372 /​/​ Array retrieves color objects in this order.373 var colorList = [374 /​/​ Red375 "#F04E37",376 "#D9182D",377 "#A91024",378 /​/​ Orange379 "#F19027",380 "#DD731C",381 "#B8461B",382 /​/​ Yellow383 "#FFE14F",384 "#FFCF01",385 "#FDB813",386 /​/​ Green387 "#8CC63F",388 "#17AF4B",389 "#008A52",390 /​/​ Teal391 "#00A6A0",392 "#007670",393 "#006059",394 /​/​ Blue395 "#82D1F5",396 "#00B2EF",397 "#00648D",398 "#00B0DA",399 "#008ABF",400 "#003F69",401 /​/​ Purple402 "#AB1A86",403 "#7F1C7D",404 "#3B0256",405 /​/​ Pink406 "#F389AF",407 "#EE3D96",408 "#BA006E",409 /​/​ Taupe410 "#A5A215",411 "#838329",412 "#594F13",413 /​/​ Gray414 "#929497",415 "#6D6E70",416 "#404041",417 "#A8A7A5",418 "#83827F",419 "#605F5C"];420 array.forEach(colorList, function(color){421 colors.push(lang.clone(self.getColor(color)));422 });423 return colors;424 },425 /​**426 * Gets information of a color.427 * @param {HEX String} color: The HEX value of the color.428 * @return {Object} Information about the color such as the color name.429 */​430 getColor: function(color){431 return this.colors[color] || this.getDojoColor(color);432 },433 getColorOrConvert: function(color){434 var result = null;435 if (color){436 result = this.colors[color.toUpperCase()];437 if (!result){438 result = this.getDojoColor(color.toUpperCase());439 if (result){440 result = this.getColor(result.fallback);441 }442 }443 }444 if (!result) {445 result = this.colors["#00B2EF"];446 }447 return result;448 },449 /​**450 * Define colors from dijit/​ColorPalette.451 */​452 dojoColors: {453 "#FFFFFF": {454 name: i18n("White"),455 baseColor: i18n("Gray"),456 value: "#FFFFFF",457 fallback: "#A8A7A5"458 },459 "#D3D3D3": {460 name: i18n("Light Gray"),461 baseColor: i18n("Gray"),462 value: "#D3D3D3",463 fallback: "#A8A7A5"464 },465 "#C0C0C0": {466 name: i18n("Silver"),467 baseColor: i18n("Gray"),468 value: "#C0C0C0",469 fallback: "#A8A7A5"470 },471 "#808080": {472 name: i18n("Gray"),473 baseColor: i18n("Gray"),474 value: "#808080",475 fallback: "#83827F"476 },477 "#696969": {478 name: i18n("Dim Gray"),479 baseColor: i18n("Gray"),480 value: "#696969",481 fallback: "#6D6E70"482 },483 "#2F4F4F": {484 name: i18n("Dark Slate Gray"),485 baseColor: i18n("Gray"),486 value: "#2F4F4F",487 fallback: "#404041"488 },489 "#000000": {490 name: i18n("Black"),491 baseColor: i18n("Gray"),492 value: "#000000",493 fallback: "#404041"494 },495 "#FFF5EE": {496 name: i18n("Seashell"),497 baseColor: i18n("Orange"),498 value: "#FFF5EE",499 fallback: "#F19027"500 },501 "#FFC0CB": {502 name: i18n("Pink"),503 baseColor: i18n("Pink"),504 value: "#FFC0CB",505 fallback: "#F389AF"506 },507 "#F08080": {508 name: i18n("Light Coral"),509 baseColor: i18n("Pink"),510 value: "#F08080",511 fallback: "#F389AF"512 },513 "#FF0000": {514 name: i18n("Red"),515 baseColor: i18n("Red"),516 value: "#FF0000",517 fallback: "#F04E37"518 },519 "#DC143C": {520 name: i18n("Crimson"),521 baseColor: i18n("Red"),522 value: "#DC143C",523 fallback: "#D9182D"524 },525 "#B22222": {526 name: i18n("Fire Brick"),527 baseColor: i18n("Red"),528 value: "#B22222",529 fallback: "#A91024"530 },531 "#8B0000": {532 name: i18n("Dark Red"),533 baseColor: i18n("Red"),534 value: "#8B0000",535 fallback: "#A91024"536 },537 "#FFF8DC": {538 name: i18n("Cornsilk"),539 baseColor: i18n("Yellow"),540 value: "#FFF8DC",541 fallback: "#FFE14F"542 },543 "#FFE4C4": {544 name: i18n("Bisque"),545 baseColor: i18n("Orange"),546 value: "#FFE4C4",547 fallback: "#F19027"548 },549 "#F4A460": {550 name: i18n("Sandy Brown"),551 baseColor: i18n("Orange"),552 value: "#F4A460",553 fallback: "#F19027"554 },555 "#FF4500": {556 name: i18n("Orange Red"),557 baseColor: i18n("Red"),558 value: "#F04E37",559 fallback: "#F19027"560 },561 "#D2691E": {562 name: i18n("Chocolate"),563 baseColor: i18n("Orange"),564 value: "#D2691E",565 fallback: "#DD731C"566 },567 "#8B4513": {568 name: i18n("Saddle Brown"),569 baseColor: i18n("Orange"),570 value: "#8B4513",571 fallback: "#B8461B"572 },573 "#800000": {574 name: i18n("Maroon"),575 baseColor: i18n("Red"),576 value: "#800000",577 fallback: "#A91024"578 },579 "#FFFACD": {580 name: i18n("Lemon Chiffon"),581 baseColor: i18n("Yellow"),582 value: "#FFFACD",583 fallback: "#FFE14F"584 },585 "#FFE4B5": {586 name: i18n("Moccasin"),587 baseColor: i18n("Orange"),588 value: "#FFE4B5",589 fallback: "#F19027"590 },591 "#FFA500": {592 name: i18n("Orange"),593 baseColor: i18n("Orange"),594 value: "#FFA500",595 fallback: "#F19027"596 },597 "#FF8C00": {598 name: i18n("Dark Orange"),599 baseColor: i18n("Orange"),600 value: "#FF8C00",601 fallback: "#F19027"602 },603 "#FF7F50": {604 name: i18n("Coral"),605 baseColor: i18n("Orange"),606 value: "#FF7F50",607 fallback: "#F19027"608 },609 "#A0522D": {610 name: i18n("Sienna"),611 baseColor: i18n("Orange"),612 value: "#A0522D",613 fallback: "#B8461B"614 },615 "#A52A2A": {616 name: i18n("Brown"),617 baseColor: i18n("Red"),618 value: "#A52A2A",619 fallback: "#A91024"620 },621 "#FFFFE0": {622 name: i18n("Light Yellow"),623 baseColor: i18n("Yellow"),624 value: "#FFFFE0",625 fallback: "#FFE14F"626 },627 "#F0E68C": {628 name: i18n("Khaki"),629 baseColor: i18n("Yellow"),630 value: "#F0E68C",631 fallback: "#FFE14F"632 },633 "#EEE8AA": {634 name: i18n("Pale Goldenrod"),635 baseColor: i18n("Yellow"),636 value: "#EEE8AA",637 fallback: "#FFE14F"638 },639 "#FFFF00": {640 name: i18n("Yellow"),641 baseColor: i18n("Yellow"),642 value: "#FFFF00",643 fallback: "#FFCF01"644 },645 "#FFD700": {646 name: i18n("Gold"),647 baseColor: i18n("Yellow"),648 value: "#FFD700",649 fallback: "#FFCF01"650 },651 "#808000": {652 name: i18n("Olive"),653 baseColor: i18n("Taupe"),654 value: "#808000",655 fallback: "#838329"656 },657 "#556B2F": {658 name: i18n("Dark Olive Green"),659 baseColor: i18n("Green"),660 value: "#556B2F",661 fallback: "#008A52"662 },663 "#98FB98": {664 name: i18n("Pale Green"),665 baseColor: i18n("Green"),666 value: "#98FB98",667 fallback: "#8CC63F"668 },669 "#90EE90": {670 name: i18n("Light Green"),671 baseColor: i18n("Green"),672 value: "#90EE90",673 fallback: "#8CC63F"674 },675 "#7FFF00": {676 name: i18n("Chartreuse"),677 baseColor: i18n("Green"),678 value: "#7FFF00",679 fallback: "#8CC63F"680 },681 "#32CD32": {682 name: i18n("Lime Green"),683 baseColor: i18n("Green"),684 value: "#32CD32",685 fallback: "#17AF4B"686 },687 "#228B22": {688 name: i18n("Forest Green"),689 baseColor: i18n("Green"),690 value: "#228B22",691 fallback: "#008A52"692 },693 "#008000": {694 name: i18n("Green"),695 baseColor: i18n("Green"),696 value: "#008000",697 fallback: "#008A52"698 },699 "#006400": {700 name: i18n("Dark Green"),701 baseColor: i18n("Green"),702 value: "#006400",703 fallback: "#008A52"704 },705 "#AFEEEE": {706 name: i18n("Pale Turquoise"),707 baseColor: i18n("Blue"),708 value: "#AFEEEE",709 fallback: "#82D1F5"710 },711 "#20B2AA": {712 name: i18n("Light Sea Green"),713 baseColor: i18n("Teal"),714 value: "#20B2AA",715 fallback: "#00A6A0"716 },717 "#48D1CC": {718 name: i18n("Medium Turquoise"),719 baseColor: i18n("Teal"),720 value: "#48D1CC",721 fallback: "#00A6A0"722 },723 "#8FBC8F": {724 name: i18n("Sea Green"),725 baseColor: i18n("Green"),726 value: "#8FBC8F",727 fallback: "#8CC63F"728 },729 "#2E8B57": {730 name: i18n("Dark Sea Green"),731 baseColor: i18n("Green"),732 value: "#2E8B57",733 fallback: "#008A52"734 },735 "#008B8B": {736 name: i18n("Dark Cyan"),737 baseColor: i18n("Teal"),738 value: "#008B8B",739 fallback: "#007670"740 },741 "#191970": {742 name: i18n("Midnight Blue"),743 baseColor: i18n("Blue"),744 value: "#191970",745 fallback: "#3B0256"746 },747 "#E0FFFF": {748 name: i18n("Light Cyan"),749 baseColor: i18n("Blue"),750 value: "#E0FFFF",751 fallback: "#82D1F5"752 },753 "#87CEFA": {754 name: i18n("Light Sky Blue"),755 baseColor: i18n("Blue"),756 value: "#87CEFA",757 fallback: "#82D1F5"758 },759 "#87CEEB": {760 name: i18n("Sky Blue"),761 baseColor: i18n("Blue"),762 value: "#87CEEB",763 fallback: "#82D1F5"764 },765 "#4169E1": {766 name: i18n("Royal Blue"),767 baseColor: i18n("Blue"),768 value: "#4169E1",769 fallback: "#00648D"770 },771 "#0000FF": {772 name: i18n("Blue"),773 baseColor: i18n("Blue"),774 value: "#0000FF",775 fallback: "#00B2EF"776 },777 "#0000CD": {778 name: i18n("Medium Blue"),779 baseColor: i18n("Blue"),780 value: "#0000CD",781 fallback: "#00648D"782 },783 "#000080": {784 name: i18n("Navy"),785 baseColor: i18n("Blue"),786 value: "#000080",787 fallback: "#003F69"788 },789 "#E6E6FA": {790 name: i18n("Lavender"),791 baseColor: i18n("Purple"),792 value: "#E6E6FA",793 fallback: "#AB1A86"794 },795 "#6495ED": {796 name: i18n("Cornflower Blue"),797 baseColor: i18n("Blue"),798 value: "#6495ED",799 fallback: "#008ABF"800 },801 "#7B68EE": {802 name: i18n("Medium Slate Blue"),803 baseColor: i18n("Blue"),804 value: "#7B68EE",805 fallback: "#008ABF"806 },807 "#6A5ACD": {808 name: i18n("Slate Blue"),809 baseColor: i18n("Blue"),810 value: "#6A5ACD",811 fallback: "#00648D"812 },813 "#8A2BE2": {814 name: i18n("Blue Violet"),815 baseColor: i18n("Purple"),816 value: "#8A2BE2",817 fallback: "#AB1A86"818 },819 "#483D8B": {820 name: i18n("Dark Slate Blue"),821 baseColor: i18n("Purple"),822 value: "#483D8B",823 fallback: "#3B0256"824 },825 "#4B0082": {826 name: i18n("Indigo"),827 baseColor: i18n("Purple"),828 value: "#4B0082",829 fallback: "#3B0256"830 },831 "#DDA0DD": {832 name: i18n("Plum"),833 baseColor: i18n("Purple"),834 value: "#DDA0DD",835 fallback: "#F389AF"836 },837 "#EE82EE": {838 name: i18n("Violet"),839 baseColor: i18n("Purple"),840 value: "#EE82EE",841 fallback: "#F389AF"842 },843 "#DA70D6": {844 name: i18n("Orchid"),845 baseColor: i18n("Purple"),846 value: "#DA70D6",847 fallback: "#AB1A86"848 },849 "#BA55D3": {850 name: i18n("Medium Orchid"),851 baseColor: i18n("Purple"),852 value: "#BA55D3",853 fallback: "#AB1A86"854 },855 "#9932CC": {856 name: i18n("Dark Orchid"),857 baseColor: i18n("Purple"),858 value: "#9932CC",859 fallback: "#AB1A86"860 },861 "#8B008B": {862 name: i18n("Dark Magenta"),863 baseColor: i18n("Purple"),864 value: "#8B008B",865 fallback: "#7F1C7D"866 },867 "#800080": {868 name: i18n("Purple"),869 baseColor: i18n("Purple"),870 value: "#800080",871 fallback: "#7F1C7D"872 },873 "#B3D66D": {874 name: i18n("Yellow Green"),875 baseColor: i18n("Green"),876 value: "#B3D66D",877 fallback: "#8CC63F"878 },879 "default": {880 name: i18n("Cerulean"),881 baseColor: i18n("Blue"),882 fallback: "#00B2EF"883 }884 },885 /​**886 * Returns information of a given color, such as name and base color from a color in dijit/​ColorPalette.887 * @param {HEX String} color: The value of the color888 * @return {HEX String} Information about the given color.889 */​890 getDojoColor: function(color){891 return this.dojoColors[color.toUpperCase()] || this.dojoColors["default"];892 },893 /​**894 * Converts a color from dijit/​ColorPalette to a color in the IBM Design Language.895 * @param {HEX String} color: The value of the color896 * @return {HEX String} The IBM design language equivalent color.897 */​898 dojoToIBM: function(color){899 color = this.dojoColors[color.toUpperCase()];900 if (!color){901 color = this.dojoColors["default"];902 }903 color = color.fallback;904 return color;905 },906 /​**907 * @param color: Color defined from the dojo color picker908 * @return base color name on hue (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, or black)909 */​910 getBasicColorName: function(color){911 return this.getColor(color).baseColor.toLowerCase();912 }913 };...

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Source:blending.js Github


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1(function(Blotter, _) {2 Blotter.Assets.Shaders.Blending = [3 "/​/​",4 "/​/​ Author : Bradley Griffith",5 "/​/​ License : Distributed under the MIT License.",6 "/​/​",7 "",8 "/​/​ Returns the resulting blend color by blending a top color over a base color",9 "highp vec4 normalBlend(highp vec4 topColor, highp vec4 baseColor) {",10 " highp vec4 blend = vec4(0.0);",11 " /​/​ HACK",12 " /​/​ Cant divide by 0 (see the 'else' alpha) and after a lot of attempts",13 " /​/​ this simply seems like the only solution Im going to be able to come up with to get alpha back.",14 " if (baseColor.a == 1.0) {",15 " baseColor.a = 0.9999999;",16 " };",17 " if (topColor.a >= 1.0) {",18 " blend.a = topColor.a;",19 " blend.r = topColor.r;",20 " blend.g = topColor.g;",21 " blend.b = topColor.b;",22 " } else if (topColor.a == 0.0) {",23 " blend.a = baseColor.a;",24 " blend.r = baseColor.r;",25 " blend.g = baseColor.g;",26 " blend.b = baseColor.b;",27 " } else {",28 " blend.a = 1.0 - (1.0 - topColor.a) * (1.0 - baseColor.a); /​/​ alpha",29 " blend.r = (topColor.r * topColor.a /​ blend.a) + (baseColor.r * baseColor.a * (1.0 - topColor.a) /​ blend.a);",30 " blend.g = (topColor.g * topColor.a /​ blend.a) + (baseColor.g * baseColor.a * (1.0 - topColor.a) /​ blend.a);",31 " blend.b = (topColor.b * topColor.a /​ blend.a) + (baseColor.b * baseColor.a * (1.0 - topColor.a) /​ blend.a);",32 " }",33 " return blend;",34 "}",35 "/​/​ Returns a vec4 representing the original top color that would have been needed to blend",36 "/​/​ against a passed in base color in order to result in the passed in blend color.",37 "highp vec4 normalUnblend(highp vec4 blendColor, highp vec4 baseColor) {",38 " highp vec4 unblend = vec4(0.0);",39 " /​/​ HACKY",40 " /​/​ Cant divide by 0 (see alpha) and after a lot of attempts",41 " /​/​ this simply seems like the only solution Im going to be able to come up with to get alpha back.",42 " if (baseColor.a == 1.0) {",43 " baseColor.a = 0.9999999;",44 " }",45 " unblend.a = 1.0 - ((1.0 - blendColor.a) /​ (1.0 - baseColor.a));",46 " /​/​ Round to two decimal places",47 " unblend.a = (sign(100.0 * unblend.a) * floor(abs(100.0 * unblend.a) + 0.5)) /​ 100.0;",48 " if (unblend.a >= 1.0) {",49 " unblend.r = blendColor.r;",50 " unblend.g = blendColor.g;",51 " unblend.b = blendColor.b;",52 " } else if (unblend.a == 0.0) {",53 " unblend.r = baseColor.r;",54 " unblend.g = baseColor.g;",55 " unblend.b = baseColor.b;",56 " } else {",57 " unblend.r = (blendColor.r - (baseColor.r * baseColor.a * (1.0 - unblend.a) /​ blendColor.a)) /​ (unblend.a /​ blendColor.a);",58 " unblend.g = (blendColor.g - (baseColor.g * baseColor.a * (1.0 - unblend.a) /​ blendColor.a)) /​ (unblend.a /​ blendColor.a);",59 " unblend.b = (blendColor.b - (baseColor.b * baseColor.a * (1.0 - unblend.a) /​ blendColor.a)) /​ (unblend.a /​ blendColor.a);",60 " }",61 " return unblend;",62 "}",63 ].join("\n");64})(65 this.Blotter, this._...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var argosy = require('argosy')()2 .use(argosy.pattern({3 }, function (msg, respond) {4 respond(null, { color: 'red' })5 }))6 .use(argosy.pattern({7 }, function (msg, respond) {8 respond(null, { color: 'blue' })9 }))10 .use(argosy.pattern({11 }, function (msg, respond) {12 respond(null, { color: 'green' })13 }))14 .use(argosy.pattern({15 }, function (msg, respond) {16 respond(null, { color: 'yellow' })17 }))18 .use(argosy.pattern({19 }, function (msg, respond) {20 respond(null, { color: 'orange' })21 }))22 .use(argosy.pattern({23 }, function (msg, respond) {24 respond(null, { color: 'purple' })25 }))26 .use(argosy.pattern({27 }, function (msg, respond) {28 respond(null, { color: 'black' })29 }))30 .use(argosy.pattern({31 }, function (msg, respond) {32 respond(null, { color: 'white' })33 }))34 .use(argosy.pattern({35 }, function (msg, respond) {36 respond(null, { color: 'brown' })37 }))38 .use(argosy.pattern({39 }, function (msg, respond) {40 respond(null, { color: 'grey' })41 }))42 .use(argosy.pattern({43 }, function (msg, respond) {44 respond(null, { color: 'pink' })45 }))46 .use(argosy.pattern

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var colors = require('argosy-colors');2console.log(colors.baseColor('red', 'blue'));3console.log(colors.baseColor('blue', 'red'));4console.log(colors.baseColor('red', 'red'));5console.log(colors.baseColor('blue', 'blue'));6var colors = require('argosy-colors');7console.log(colors.baseColor('red', 'blue', 'green'));8console.log(colors.baseColor('blue', 'red', 'green'));9console.log(colors.baseColor('red', 'red', 'green'));10console.log(colors.baseColor('blue', 'blue', 'green'));11console.log(colors.baseColor('green', 'green', 'green'));12var colors = require('argosy-colors');13console.log(colors.baseColor('red', 'blue', 'green', 'yellow'));14console.log(colors.baseColor('blue', 'red', 'green', 'yellow'));15console.log(colors.baseColor('red', 'red', 'green', 'yellow'));16console.log(colors.baseColor('blue', 'blue', 'green', 'yellow'));17console.log(colors.baseColor('green', 'green', 'green', 'yellow'));18console.log(colors.baseColor('yellow', 'yellow', 'yellow', 'yellow'));19var colors = require('argosy-colors');20console.log(colors.baseColor('red', 'blue', 'green', 'yellow', 'cyan'));21console.log(colors.baseColor('blue', 'red', 'green', 'yellow', 'cyan'));22console.log(colors.baseColor('red', 'red', 'green', 'yellow', 'cyan'));23console.log(colors.baseColor('blue', 'blue', 'green', 'yellow', 'cyan'));24console.log(colors.baseColor('green', 'green', 'green', 'yellow', 'cyan'));25console.log(colors.baseColor('yellow', 'yellow', 'yellow', 'yellow', '

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var color = require('argosy-color');2console.log(color.baseColor('red'));3console.log(color.baseColor('green'));4console.log(color.baseColor('blue'));5var color = require('argosy-color');6console.log(color.baseColor('red'));7console.log(color.baseColor('green'));8console.log(color.baseColor('blue'));

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var colors = require('argosy-colors');2var red = colors.baseColor('red');3console.log(red('This is red text'));4var colors = require('argosy-colors');5var red = colors.baseColor('red');6console.log(red('This is red text'));7var colors = require('argosy-colors');8var red = colors.baseColor('red');9console.log(red('This is red text'));10var colors = require('argosy-colors');11var red = colors.baseColor('red');12console.log(red('This is red text'));13var colors = require('argosy-colors');14var red = colors.baseColor('red');15console.log(red('This is red text'));16var colors = require('argosy-colors');17var red = colors.baseColor('red');18console.log(red('This is red text'));19var colors = require('argosy-colors');20var red = colors.baseColor('red');21console.log(red('This is red text'));22var colors = require('argosy-colors');23var red = colors.baseColor('red');24console.log(red('This is red text'));25var colors = require('argosy-colors');26var red = colors.baseColor('red');27console.log(red('This is red text'));28var colors = require('argosy-colors');29var red = colors.baseColor('red');30console.log(red('This is red text'));31var colors = require('

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var colors = require('argosy-colors');2var color = colors.baseColor('red');3console.log(color);4var colors = require('argosy-colors');5var color = colors.baseColor('red');6console.log(color);7var colors = require('argosy-colors');8var color = colors.baseColor('red');9console.log(color);10var colors = require('argosy-colors');11var color = colors.baseColor('red');12console.log(color);13var colors = require('argosy-colors');14var color = colors.baseColor('red');15console.log(color);16var colors = require('argosy-colors');17var color = colors.baseColor('red');18console.log(color);19var colors = require('argosy-colors');20var color = colors.baseColor('red');21console.log(color);22var colors = require('argosy-colors');23var color = colors.baseColor('red');24console.log(color);25var colors = require('argosy-colors');26var color = colors.baseColor('red');27console.log(color);28var colors = require('argosy-colors');29var color = colors.baseColor('red');30console.log(color);31var colors = require('

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var argosy = require('argosy');2var baseColor = argosy.patterns.baseColor;3var color = baseColor('red');4var argosy = require('argosy');5var baseColor = argosy.patterns.baseColor;6var color = baseColor('green');7var argosy = require('argosy');8var baseColor = argosy.patterns.baseColor;9var color = baseColor('blue');10var argosy = require('argosy');11var baseColor = argosy.patterns.baseColor;12var color = baseColor('orange');13var argosy = require('argosy');14var baseColor = argosy.patterns.baseColor;15var color = baseColor('yellow');16var argosy = require('argosy');17var baseColor = argosy.patterns.baseColor;18var color = baseColor('purple');19var argosy = require('argosy');20var baseColor = argosy.patterns.baseColor;21var color = baseColor('black');22var argosy = require('argosy');23var baseColor = argosy.patterns.baseColor;24var color = baseColor('white');25var argosy = require('argosy');26var baseColor = argosy.patterns.baseColor;27var color = baseColor('pink');

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var colors = require('argosy-colors');2var color = colors.baseColor('red');3console.log(color);4var colors = require('argosy-colors');5var color = colors.baseColor('red');6console.log(color);7var colors = require('argosy-colors');8var color = colors.baseColor('red');9console.log(color);10var colors = require('argosy-colors');11var color = colors.baseColor('red');12console.log(color);13var colors = require('argosy-colors');14var color = colors.baseColor('red');15console.log(color);16var colors = require('argosy-colors');17var color = colors.baseColor('red');18console.log(color);19var colors = require('argosy-colors');20var color = colors.baseColor('red');21console.log(color);22var colors = require('argosy-colors');23var color = colors.baseColor('red');24console.log(color);25var colors = require('argosy-colors');26var color = colors.baseColor('red');27console.log(color);28var colors = require('argosy-colors');29var color = colors.baseColor('red');30console.log(color);31var colors = require('argosy-colors');32var color = colors.baseColor('red');33console.log(color);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var color = require('argosy-color');2var baseColor = color.baseColor;3var colorObj = color.colorObj;4var colorCode = color.colorCode;5var colorName = color.colorName;6var colorCodeArray = color.colorCodeArray;7var colorNameArray = color.colorNameArray;8var colorObjArray = color.colorObjArray;9var baseColor = baseColor('red');10console.log(baseColor);11var colorObj = colorObj('red');12console.log(colorObj);13var colorCode = colorCode('red');14console.log(colorCode);15var colorName = colorName('red');16console.log(colorName);17var colorCodeArray = colorCodeArray('red');18console.log(colorCodeArray);19var colorNameArray = colorNameArray('red');20console.log(colorNameArray);21var colorObjArray = colorObjArray('red');22console.log(colorObjArray);23var color = require('argosy-color');24var baseColor = color.baseColor;25var colorObj = color.colorObj;26var colorCode = color.colorCode;27var colorName = color.colorName;28var colorCodeArray = color.colorCodeArray;29var colorNameArray = color.colorNameArray;30var colorObjArray = color.colorObjArray;31var baseColor = baseColor(colorObj('red'));32console.log(baseColor);33var colorObj = colorObj(colorObj('red'));34console.log(colorObj);35var colorCode = colorCode(colorObj('red'));36console.log(colorCode);37var colorName = colorName(colorObj('red'));38console.log(colorName);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var argosy = require('./​argosy'),2 colors = require('colors'),3 path = require('path'),4 fs = require('fs'),5 argosyInstance = argosy();6argosyInstance.use(argosy.patterns.baseColor);7argosyInstance.act('baseColor:colorize', {filePath: path.resolve(__dirname, 'test.txt')}, function (err, result) {8 if (err) {9 console.log(err);10 return;11 }12 console.log(result);13});14var argosy = require('./​argosy'),15 colors = require('colors'),16 path = require('path'),17 fs = require('fs'),18 argosyInstance = argosy();19argosyInstance.use(argosy.patterns.baseColor);20argosyInstance.act('baseColor:colorize', {filePath: path.resolve(__dirname, 'test.txt')}, function (err, result) {21 if (err) {22 console.log(err);23 return;24 }25 console.log(result);26});27var argosy = require('./​argosy'),28 colors = require('colors'),29 path = require('path'),30 fs = require('fs'),31 argosyInstance = argosy();32argosyInstance.use(argosy.patterns.baseColor);33argosyInstance.act('baseColor:colorize', {filePath: path.resolve(__dirname, 'test.txt')}, function (err, result) {34 if (err) {35 console.log(err);36 return;37 }38 console.log(result);39});40var argosy = require('./​argosy'),41 colors = require('

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