How to use UserInitializer method in argos

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Source:user.js Github


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1/​**2 * This module handles the currently logged in user.3 */​4(function(ng, $) {5 var module = ng.module("user", [6 "router",7 "resources"8 ]);9 /​/​ define url /​register and /​login10 module.config(function(routerProvider) {11 routerProvider.when("login", "/​login", {12 controller: "loginCtrl",13 templateUrl: "/​html/​login.html"14 });15 routerProvider.when("register", "/​register", {16 controller: "registerCtrl",17 templateUrl: "/​html/​register.html"18 });19 routerProvider.when("logout", "/​logout", {20 controller: "logoutCtrl",21 templateUrl: "/​html/​login.html"22 });23 });24 /​**25 * This provider returns a function which can be used to get the current logged in user.26 * The function returns a promise which will be resolved when the user was loaded.27 * If rejectIfNotLoggedIn was set to true then the promise will be rejected if no user28 * is logged in and the user will redirected to the login page.29 *30 * If the user is already in the scope then the user in the scope will be used.31 *32 * The user can be used to block controllers which requires the user.33 */​34 module.provider("getUser", function() {35 var userChecked = false;36 this.$get = function($rootScope, loggedInUserResource, userInitializer, $q, router) {37 return function(rejectIfNotLoggedIn) {38 return $q(function(resolve, reject) {39 /​/​ handles the promise when no user is logged in.40 var handleNotLoggedIn = function() {41 if(rejectIfNotLoggedIn) {42 /​/​ reject and redirect to login43 reject("User is not logged in.");44 router.go("login");45 }46 else {47 resolve(null);48 }49 };50 if(userChecked) {51 /​/​ if the user was already checked52 if($rootScope.user) {53 resolve($rootScope.user);54 }55 else {56 handleNotLoggedIn();57 }58 return;59 }60 /​/​ load the logged in user from the server.61 loggedInUserResource.get().$promise.then(function(data) {62 userInitializer(data);63 resolve($rootScope.user);64 userChecked = true;65 }, function() {66 userInitializer(null);67 handleNotLoggedIn();68 userChecked = true;69 });70 });71 };72 };73 });74 /​**75 * Puts the given user in the scope and sets functions on it to fly with, fly away and check if it is flying with a user.76 * Every change (logouts too) has to be made with this service.77 */​78 module.service("userInitializer", function($rootScope, $injector) {79 return function(user) {80 if(user) {81 if($rootScope.user) {82 /​/​ new user data -> extend with old user83 ng.extend($rootScope.user, user);84 }85 else {86 /​/​ login -> add to scope.87 $rootScope.user = user;88 }89 }90 else {91 /​/​ logout -> remove from scope.92 delete $rootScope.user;93 }94 if($rootScope.user) {95 /​/​ remove properties which aren't in the model96 delete $rootScope.user.$promise;97 delete $rootScope.user.$resolved;98 /​/​ load flyWithResource asynchronously to avoid circular dependencies99 var flyWithResource = $injector.get("flyWithResource");100 /​**101 * The logged in user starts flying with the given user.102 * @param flyWithId number - the user to fly with.103 * @param callback function - which will be called after the API call was successful.104 */​105 $rootScope.user.flyWith = function(flyWithId, callback) {106{107 userId: $,108 flyWithId: flyWithId109 }).$promise.then(function(data) {110 /​/​ update model111 $rootScope.user.flyWiths.push(data);112 /​/​ call callback if existing113 if(ng.isFunction(callback)) {114 callback(data);115 }116 });117 };118 /​**119 * The logged in user stops flying with the given user.120 * @param flyWithId number - the user to fly away.121 * @param callback function - which will be called after the API call was successful.122 */​123 $rootScope.user.flyAway = function(flyWithId, callback) {124 flyWithResource.delete({125 userId: $,126 flyWithId: flyWithId127 }).$promise.then(function() {128 /​/​ update model129 for (var i = 0; i < $rootScope.user.flyWiths.length; i ++) {130 if ($rootScope.user.flyWiths[i].id === flyWithId) {131 $rootScope.user.flyWiths.splice(i, 1);132 break;133 }134 }135 /​/​ call callback if existing136 if(ng.isFunction(callback)) {137 callback();138 }139 });140 };141 /​**142 * Checks if the logged in user is flying with the given user143 * @param flyWithId number - the user to check.144 * @return boolean - true if the logged in user is flying with the given user.145 */​146 $rootScope.user.isFlyingWith = function(flyWithId) {147 for (var i = 0; i < $rootScope.user.flyWiths.length; i ++) {148 if ($rootScope.user.flyWiths[i].id === flyWithId) {149 return true;150 }151 }152 return false;153 };154 }155 };156 });157 /​**158 * This controller provides the model for the login data and a login function which submits the data to the server.159 * If the login was successful then it will be initialized with the userInitializer and redirected to the home view160 * or the view which was set in the query params. If the login was unsuccessful then an error message will be added161 * to the scope.162 */​163 module.controller("loginCtrl", function(loggedInUserResource, router, $location, $translate, pageTitle, userInitializer, $scope) {164 /​/​ change page title165 $translate("pageTitles.login").then(function(title) {166 pageTitle.change(title);167 });168 /​/​ model for login data169 $ = {170 username: "",171 password: ""172 };173 /​/​ clear all error when the login data changes.174 $scope.$watchCollection("data", function() {175 $scope.errors = [];176 });177 /​**178 * Submits the login model to the server.179 */​180 $scope.login = function() {181 $scope.errors = [];182 /​/​ submit the login data.183$$promise.then(function(data) {184 /​/​ initialize the user model.185 userInitializer(data.model);186 /​/​ check if there is return to url param and redirect to it if it exists.187 var queryParams = $;188 if(queryParams.returnTo) {189 $location.url(queryParams.returnTo);190 }191 else {192 /​/​ redirect to home view193 router.go("home");194 }195 }, function(data) {196 if(data.status == 401) {197 /​/​ put error message into the scope.198 $translate("errors.login.wrongCredentials").then(function(error) {199 $scope.errors.push(error);200 });201 }202 });203 };204 });205 /​**206 * Provides a model for the register data. The provided register function can be used to submit this data to the server.207 * If the user was successfully registered then it will be put into the scope with the userInitializer and redirected208 * to the home view. If the registration was unsuccessful then the errors will be added to the scope.209 */​210 module.controller("registerCtrl", function(usersResource, router, $translate, pageTitle, localeUtil, userInitializer, $scope) {211 /​/​ change page title.212 $translate("pageTitles.register").then(function(title) {213 pageTitle.change(title);214 });215 /​/​ initialize model for registration data216 $ = {217 email: "",218 username: "",219 displayName: "",220 password: "",221 passwordRetype: "", /​/​ will not be sent to the server222 locale: localeUtil.getCurrent()223 };224 /​**225 * Registers the user with a server call.226 */​227 $scope.register = function() {228 var userData = ng.copy($;229 /​/​ not in the model of the server -> remove it.230 delete userData.passwordRetype;231 /​/​ call REST resource.232$promise.then(function(data) {233 userInitializer(data.model);234 delete $scope.errors; /​/​ remove old errors235 /​/​ after registration -> go to home.236 router.go("home");237 },238 function(response) {239 /​/​ add error messages to the scope.240 $scope.success =;241 delete $scope.successMsg;242 $scope.errors =;243 });244 };245 });246 /​**247 * This controller does a logout on the server and with the userInitializer and redirects248 * the user to the login view.249 */​250 module.controller("logoutCtrl", function(loggedInUserResource, router, userInitializer) {251 /​/​ call REST resource.252 loggedInUserResource.delete().$promise.then(function() {253 userInitializer(null); /​/​ remove254 /​/​ after logout -> go to login.255 router.go("login");256 });257 });258 /​/​ register authentication check interceptor259 module.config(function($httpProvider) {260 $httpProvider.interceptors.push("authCheckInterceptor");261 });262 /​**263 * Checks every response error if the response status code is 401. In this case the264 * user will be redirected to the login view.265 * The 401 code means that no user is logged in but one is required.266 */​267 module.service("authCheckInterceptor", function($q, $log, $location, userInitializer) {268 return {269 responseError: function(rejection) {270 /​/​ check if response code is 401 and we're not already on the login view.271 if (rejection.status === 401 && $location.path() != "/​login") {272 $"Response code was 401.", rejection);273 userInitializer(null); /​/​ logout user.274 /​/​ we can't use our router because of problems with DI.275 $location.path("/​login").search("returnTo", $location.path());276 }277 return $q.reject(rejection);278 }279 };280 });...

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Source:routes.ts Github


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...22 host: 'localhost',23 database: 'webshop',24 dialect: 'mysql'25 });26 const userInitializer = new UserInitializer();27 const fileInitializer = new FileInitializer();28 const itemInitializer = new ItemInitializer();29 userInitializer.init(this.connection);30 fileInitializer.init(this.connection);31 itemInitializer.init(this.connection);32 const userController: UserController = new UserController();33 const fileController: FileController = new FileController();34 const itemController: ItemController = new ItemController();35 this.myRoutes = [36 new MainRouter(app, Express.Router(), userController),37 new FilesRoute(app, Express.Router(), fileController),38 new ItemsRoute(app, Express.Router(), itemController),39 new UsersRoute(app, Express.Router(), userController)40 ];...

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Source:userInitializer.ts Github


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...37/​/​ };38/​/​ }39/​/​ let userInitializer: UserInitializer = null;40/​/​ if (!userInitializer) {41/​/​ userInitializer = new UserInitializer();42/​/​ }43/​/​ export default userInitializer...

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1var UserInitializer = require('argos-sdk/​src/​Models/​UserInitializer');2UserInitializer.initialize();3var UserInitializer = require('argos-sdk/​src/​Models/​UserInitializer');4UserInitializer.initialize();5var UserInitializer = require('argos-sdk/​src/​Models/​UserInitializer');6UserInitializer.initialize();7var UserInitializer = require('argos-sdk/​src/​Models/​UserInitializer');8UserInitializer.initialize();9var UserInitializer = require('argos-sdk/​src/​Models/​UserInitializer');10UserInitializer.initialize();11var UserInitializer = require('argos-sdk/​src/​Models/​UserInitializer');12UserInitializer.initialize();13var UserInitializer = require('argos-sdk/​src/​Models/​UserInitializer');14UserInitializer.initialize();15var UserInitializer = require('argos-sdk/​src/​Models/​UserInitializer');16UserInitializer.initialize();17var UserInitializer = require('argos-sdk/​src/​Models/​UserInitializer');18UserInitializer.initialize();19var UserInitializer = require('argos-sdk/​src/​Models/​UserInitializer');20UserInitializer.initialize();21var UserInitializer = require('argos-sdk/​src/​Models/​UserInitializer');22UserInitializer.initialize();23var UserInitializer = require('argos-sdk/​src/​Models/​UserInitializer');24UserInitializer.initialize();25var UserInitializer = require('argos-sdk/​src/​Models/​UserInitializer');26UserInitializer.initialize();27var UserInitializer = require('argos-sdk/​src/​Models/​UserInitializer');28UserInitializer.initialize();29var UserInitializer = require('argos-sdk/​src/​Models/​UserInitializer');30UserInitializer.initialize();

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1var UserInitializer = require('argos/​UserInitializer');2UserInitializer.initialize();3var UserInitializer = require('argos-sdk/​UserInitializer');4UserInitializer.initialize();5var UserInitializer = require('argos/​UserInitializer');6var user = UserInitializer.initialize();7var UserInitializer = require('argos-sdk/​UserInitializer');8var user = UserInitializer.initialize();9var UserInitializer = require('argos/​UserInitializer');10var user = UserInitializer.initialize({ test: 'test' });11var UserInitializer = require('argos-sdk/​UserInitializer');12var user = UserInitializer.initialize({ test: 'test' });

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1var argosSdk = require('argos-sdk');2var UserInitializer = argosSdk.UserInitializer;3var userInitializer = new UserInitializer();4userInitializer.initializeUser();5#### `initializeUser()`6#### `isUserInitialized()`7#### `initializeUser()`8#### `isUserInitialized()`9#### `initializeUser()`10#### `isUserInitialized()`11#### `initializeUser()`12#### `isUserInitialized()`

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1var UserInitializer = require('argos-sdk/​src/​UserInitializer');2var userInitializer = new UserInitializer();3userInitializer.initialize();4| initialize | (callback) | Initializes the user. If the user is authenticated, it will call the callback function. If the user is not authenticated, it will prompt for authentication. | 5| authenticate | (callback) | Prompts for authentication. If the user is authenticated, it will call the callback function. | 6| register | (callback) | Prompts for registration. If the user is registered, it will call the callback function. | 7| isUserDisabled | (callback) | Returns true if the user is disabled, otherwise false. | 8| isUserExpired | (callback) | Returns true if the user is expired, otherwise false. | 9| isUserLockedOut | (callback) | Returns true if the user is locked out, otherwise false. | 10var UserInitializer = require('argos-sdk/​src/​UserInitializer');11var userInitializer = new UserInitializer();12userInitializer.initialize(function() {13 console.log('User is authenticated');14});15* [App](./​App)16* [Environment](./​Environment)17* [User](./​User)18* [UserManager](./​UserManager)19* [UserModule](

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1const path = require('path');2const { UserInitializer } = require('argos-sdk');3const userInitializer = new UserInitializer({4 userCodePath: path.join(__dirname, 'user-code'),5 userDataPath: path.join(__dirname, 'user-data'),6 userConfigPath: path.join(__dirname, 'user-config'),7 userLogPath: path.join(__dirname, 'user-logs'),8 userTempPath: path.join(__dirname, 'user-temp'),9 userCachePath: path.join(__dirname, 'user-cache'),10});11const environmentVariables = {12};13userInitializer.initialize({14 userCodePath: path.join(userInitializer.userCodePath, 'index.js'),15});

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1var argos = require('argos-sdk');2var initializer = argos.UserInitializer;3initializer.initializeUser();4var argos = require('argos-sdk');5var analytics = argos.Analytics;6analytics.logPageView('pageName');7var argos = require('argos-sdk');8var analytics = argos.Analytics;9analytics.logEvent('eventName');10var argos = require('argos-sdk');11var analytics = argos.Analytics;12analytics.logError('errorName');13var argos = require('argos-sdk');14var analytics = argos.Analytics;15analytics.logException('exceptionName');16var argos = require('argos-sdk');17var analytics = argos.Analytics;18analytics.logCustomEvent('eventName', {customData: 'customData'});

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