Best JavaScript code snippet using argos
Source: SettingsSidebar.spec.js
1import SettingsSidebar from '@/components/SettingsSidebar'2describe('SettingsSidebar.vue', () => {3 describe('should render properly', () => {4 it('should render the General section', () => {5 // const mockEditorUndo = jest.fn()6 const wrapper = shallowMount(SettingsSidebar, {7 ...i18n(),8 propsData: {9 sections: [10 {11 name: 'General',12 description: 'Language, appearence ...',13 route: '/settings/general',14 },15 {16 name: 'Alerts',17 description: 'Notifications',18 route: '/settings/notifications',19 },20 {21 name: 'About',22 description: 'Follow Witnet Foundation',23 route: '/settings/about',24 },25 ],26 activeSection: '/settings/general',27 },28 })29 expect(wrapper.find('[data-test="General"]').text()).toBe('General')30 expect(31 wrapper.find('[data-test="Language, appearence ..."]').text(),32 ).toBe('Language, appearence ...')33 })34 it('should render the Alerts section', () => {35 const wrapper = shallowMount(SettingsSidebar, {36 ...i18n(),37 propsData: {38 sections: [39 {40 name: 'General',41 description: 'Language, appearence ...',42 route: '/settings/general',43 },44 {45 name: 'Alerts',46 description: 'Notifications',47 route: '/settings/notifications',48 },49 {50 name: 'About',51 description: 'Follow Witnet Foundation',52 route: '/settings/about',53 },54 ],55 activeSection: '/settings/general',56 },57 })58 expect(wrapper.find('[data-test="Alerts"]').text()).toBe('Alerts')59 expect(wrapper.find('[data-test="Notifications"]').text()).toBe(60 'Notifications',61 )62 })63 it('the element General should have the class active', async () => {64 const wrapper = mount(SettingsSidebar, {65 ...createComponentMocks({66 router: true,67 }),68 propsData: {69 sections: [70 {71 name: 'General',72 description: 'Language, appearence ...',73 route: '/settings/general',74 },75 {76 name: 'Alerts',77 description: 'Notifications',78 route: '/settings/notifications',79 },80 {81 name: 'About',82 description: 'Follow Witnet Foundation',83 route: '/settings/about',84 },85 ],86 activeSection: '/settings/general',87 },88 })89 expect(90 wrapper.find('[data-test="section-Alerts"]').classes('active'),91 ).toBe(false)92 expect(93 wrapper.find('[data-test="section-General"]').classes('active'),94 ).toBe(true)95 expect(96 wrapper.find('[data-test="section-About"]').classes('active'),97 ).toBe(false)98 })99 it('the element Alerts should have the class active', async () => {100 const wrapper = mount(SettingsSidebar, {101 ...createComponentMocks({102 router: true,103 }),104 propsData: {105 sections: [106 {107 name: 'General',108 description: 'Language, appearence ...',109 route: '/settings/general',110 },111 {112 name: 'Alerts',113 description: 'Notifications',114 route: '/settings/notifications',115 },116 {117 name: 'About',118 description: 'Follow Witnet Foundation',119 route: '/settings/about',120 },121 ],122 activeSection: '/settings/notifications',123 },124 })125 expect(126 wrapper.find('[data-test="section-Alerts"]').classes('active'),127 ).toBe(true)128 expect(129 wrapper.find('[data-test="section-General"]').classes('active'),130 ).toBe(false)131 expect(132 wrapper.find('[data-test="section-About"]').classes('active'),133 ).toBe(false)134 })135 it('the element About should have the class active', async () => {136 const wrapper = mount(SettingsSidebar, {137 ...createComponentMocks({138 router: true,139 }),140 propsData: {141 sections: [142 {143 name: 'General',144 description: 'Language, appearence ...',145 route: '/settings/general',146 },147 {148 name: 'Alerts',149 description: 'Notifications',150 route: '/settings/notifications',151 },152 {153 name: 'About',154 description: 'Follow Witnet Foundation',155 route: '/settings/about',156 },157 ],158 activeSection: '/settings/about',159 },160 })161 expect(162 wrapper.find('[data-test="section-Alerts"]').classes('active'),163 ).toBe(false)164 expect(165 wrapper.find('[data-test="section-General"]').classes('active'),166 ).toBe(false)167 expect(168 wrapper.find('[data-test="section-About"]').classes('active'),169 ).toBe(true)170 })171 })...
Source: settings_sidebar.js
...76 await this.customStatusAction.tap();77 await expect(this.settingsSidebar).not.toBeVisible();78 }79}80const settingsSidebar = new SettingsSidebar();...
Source: index.js
1export { default as AppProvider } from "./AppProvider";2export { default as Header } from "./Header/Header";3export { default as ButtonIcon } from "./Common/ButtonIcon";4export { default as Logo } from "./Common/Logo";5export { default as SiteNav } from "./SiteNav/SiteNav";6export { default as Overlay } from "./Common/Overlay";7export { default as MyNavLink } from "./SiteNav/MyNavLink";8export { default as NavigationLinks } from "./SiteNav/NavigationLinks";9export { default as KidWaving } from "./home/KidWaving";10export { default as SurahOverview } from "./home/SurahOverview";11export { default as SurahsOverview } from "./home/SurahsOverview";12export { default as SettingsSidebar } from "./SettingsSidebar/SettingsSidebar";13export { default as SettingsInfoSection } from "./SettingsSidebar/SettingsInfoSection";14export { default as OptionsSetcionHeader } from "./SettingsSidebar/OptionsSetcionHeader";15export { default as TranslationOptionsSection } from "./SettingsSidebar/TranslationOptionsSection";16export { default as Preloader } from "./Common/Preloader";17export { default as FetchError } from "./Common/FetchError";18export { default as RadioInput } from "./Common/RadioInput";19export { default as CheckboxInput } from "./Common/CheckboxInput";20export { default as BackToHome } from "./Common/BackToHome";21export { default as ReciterOptionsSection } from "./SettingsSidebar/ReciterOptionsSection";22export { default as SurahHeader } from "./Surah/SurahHeader";23export { default as HeaderPlayPauseBtn } from "./Surah/HeaderPlayPauseBtn";24export { default as Verse } from "./Surah/Verse";25export { default as VerseWord } from "./Surah/VerseWord";26export { default as Verses } from "./Surah/Verses";27export { default as PreloadedVerses } from "./Surah/PreloadedVerses";28export { default as PreloadedVerse } from "./Surah/PreloadedVerse";29export { default as HistoryItems } from "./BookmarksAndHistory/HistoryItems";30export { default as HistoryItem } from "./BookmarksAndHistory/HistoryItem";31export { default as BookmarksItems } from "./BookmarksAndHistory/BookmarksItems";32export { default as BookmarkItem } from "./BookmarksAndHistory/BookmarkItem";33export { default as AudioPlayer } from "./AudioPlayer/AudioPlayer";34export { default as AudioSlider } from "./AudioPlayer/AudioSlider";35export { default as MoreFeaturesMenu } from "./AudioPlayer/MoreFeaturesMenu";...
Using AI Code Generation
1import declare from 'dojo/_base/declare';2import Settings from 'argos/Settings';3import SettingsSidebar from 'argos/SettingsSidebar';4import lang from 'dojo/_base/lang';5const __class = declare('crm.Views.Test', [SettingsSidebar], {6 init: function init() {7 this.inherited(arguments);8 },9 createLayout: function createLayout() {10 return this.layout || (this.layout = [{11 children: [{12 }, {13 }, {14 }],15 }]);16 },17 createToolLayout: function createToolLayout() {18 return || ( = {19 tbar: [{20 }],21 });22 },23});24lang.setObject('Mobile.SalesLogix.Views.Test', __class);25export default __class;26import declare from 'dojo/_base/declare';27import Settings from 'argos/Settings';28import SettingsList from 'argos/SettingsList';29import lang from 'dojo/_base/lang';30const __class = declare('crm.Views.Settings.List', [SettingsList], {31 init: function init() {32 this.inherited(arguments);33 },34 createLayout: function createLayout() {35 return this.layout || (this.layout = [{36 children: [{37 }, {38 }, {
Using AI Code Generation
1define('test', [2], function(3) {4 return declare('test', [Settings], {5 itemTemplate: new Simplate([6 '<p class="micro-text">{%: $.text %}</p>'7 createToolLayout: function() {8 return || ( = {9 'tbar': [{10 }]11 });12 },13 createLayout: function() {14 return this.layout || (this.layout = [{15 children: [{16 }]17 }]);18 },19 formatSearchQuery: function(searchQuery) {20 var q = this.escapeSearchQuery(searchQuery.toUpperCase());21 return 'upper(text) like "%' + q + '%"';22 }23 });24});25define('test', [26], function(27) {28 return declare('test', [Settings], {29 itemTemplate: new Simplate([30 '<p class="micro-text">{%: $.text %}</p>'31 createToolLayout: function() {32 return || ( = {
Using AI Code Generation
1require('argos-sdk/src/SettingsSidebar');2require('argos-sdk/src/Settings');3require('argos-sdk/src/SettingsGroup');4require('argos-sdk/src/SettingsView');5require('argos-sdk/src/SettingItem');6window.App = {7 init: function() {8 var view = new SettingsView();9 var group = new SettingsGroup({10 });11 group.add(new SettingItem({12 }));13 view.add(group);14 var group = new SettingsGroup({15 });16 group.add(new SettingItem({17 }));18 view.add(group);19 var group = new SettingsGroup({20 });21 group.add(new SettingItem({22 }));23 view.add(group);24 var sidebar = new SettingsSidebar({25 });26 sidebar.placeAt(document.body);27;28 }29};30window.App.init();31* [Argos SDK](
Using AI Code Generation
1define('test', ['SettingsSidebar'], function(SettingsSidebar) {2 return SettingsSidebar.extend({3 createLayout: function() {4 return this.layout || (this.layout = [{5 children: [{6 }]7 }]);8 }9 });10});11<div data-dojo-type="SettingsView" data-dojo-props="settingsViews: [{id: 'test', title: 'Test', view: 'test'}]"></div>12<div data-dojo-type="Settings" data-dojo-props="settingsViews: [{id: 'test', title: 'Test', view: 'test'}]"></div>13 <div data-dojo-type="SettingsItem" data-dojo-props="title: 'Test', options: [{value: 'test', text: 'Test'}]"></div>
Using AI Code Generation
1define('test', [2], function(3) {4 return declare('test', SettingsSidebar, {5 });6});7define('Mobile/Sample/ApplicationModule', [8], function(9) {10 return declare('Mobile.Sample.ApplicationModule', [ApplicationModule], {11 init: function() {12 this.inherited(arguments);13 this.settingsSidebar = {14 {15 },16 {17 view: {18 options: {19 }20 }21 }22 };23 }24 });25});26define('Mobile/Sample/ApplicationModule', [27], function(28) {29 return declare('Mobile.Sample.ApplicationModule', [ApplicationModule], {30 init: function() {31 this.inherited(arguments);32 this.mainMenu = {33 {34 }35 };36 }37 });38});
Using AI Code Generation
1require('argos-sdk/src/SettingsSidebar');2### SettingsSidebar.addGroup(group)3### SettingsSidebar.addItem(item)4### SettingsSidebar.removeItem(id)5### SettingsSidebar.removeGroup(id)6### SettingsSidebar.clear()7### SettingsSidebar.hide()9### SettingsSidebar.toggle()10### SettingsSidebar.isVisible()11### SettingsSidebar.isEnabled()12### SettingsSidebar.enable()13### SettingsSidebar.disable()14### SettingsSidebar.isEnabledForCurrentView()15### SettingsSidebar.enableForCurrentView()16### SettingsSidebar.disableForCurrentView()17### SettingsSidebar.isEnabledForView(view)18### SettingsSidebar.enableForView(view)19### SettingsSidebar.disableForView(view)20### SettingsSidebar.isVisibleForCurrentView()
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