How to use ProgressBar method in argos

Best JavaScript code snippet using argos


Source:progressbar.js Github


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1import $ from 'dom7';2import Utils from '../../utils/utils';3const Progressbar = {4 set(...args) {5 const app = this;6 let [el, progress, duration] = args;7 if (typeof args[0] === 'number') {8 [progress, duration] = args;9 el = app.root;10 }11 if (typeof progress === 'undefined' || progress === null) return el;12 if (!progress) progress = 0;13 const $el = $(el || app.root);14 if ($el.length === 0) {15 return el;16 }17 const progressNormalized = Math.min(Math.max(progress, 0), 100);18 let $progressbarEl;19 if ($el.hasClass('progressbar')) $progressbarEl = $el.eq(0);20 else {21 $progressbarEl = $el.children('.progressbar');22 }23 if ($progressbarEl.length === 0 || $progressbarEl.hasClass('progressbar-infinite')) {24 return $progressbarEl;25 }26 let $progressbarLine = $progressbarEl.children('span');27 if ($progressbarLine.length === 0) {28 $progressbarLine = $('<span></span>');29 $progressbarEl.append($progressbarLine);30 }31 $progressbarLine32 .transition(typeof duration !== 'undefined' ? duration : '')33 .transform(`translate3d(${(-100 + progressNormalized)}%,0,0)`);34 return $progressbarEl[0];35 },36 show(...args) {37 const app = this;38 // '.page', 50, 'multi'39 let [el, progress, color] = args;40 let type = 'determined';41 if (args.length === 2) {42 if ((typeof args[0] === 'string' || typeof args[0] === 'object') && typeof args[1] === 'string') {43 // '.page', 'multi'44 [el, color, progress] = args;45 type = 'infinite';46 } else if (typeof args[0] === 'number' && typeof args[1] === 'string') {47 // 50, 'multi'48 [progress, color] = args;49 el = app.root;50 }51 } else if (args.length === 1) {52 if (typeof args[0] === 'number') {53 el = app.root;54 progress = args[0];55 } else if (typeof args[0] === 'string') {56 type = 'infinite';57 el = app.root;58 color = args[0];59 }60 } else if (args.length === 0) {61 type = 'infinite';62 el = app.root;63 }64 const $el = $(el);65 if ($el.length === 0) return undefined;66 let $progressbarEl;67 if ($el.hasClass('progressbar') || $el.hasClass('progressbar-infinite')) {68 $progressbarEl = $el;69 } else {70 $progressbarEl = $el.children('.progressbar:not(.progressbar-out), .progressbar-infinite:not(.progressbar-out)');71 if ($progressbarEl.length === 0) {72 $progressbarEl = $(`73 <span class="progressbar${type === 'infinite' ? '-infinite' : ''}${color ? ` color-${color}` : ''} progressbar-in">74 ${type === 'infinite' ? '' : '<span></span>'}75 </span>`);76 $el.append($progressbarEl);77 }78 }79 if (typeof progress !== 'undefined') {80 app.progressbar.set($progressbarEl, progress);81 }82 return $progressbarEl[0];83 },84 hide(el, removeAfterHide = true) {85 const app = this;86 const $el = $(el || app.root);87 if ($el.length === 0) return undefined;88 let $progressbarEl;89 if ($el.hasClass('progressbar') || $el.hasClass('progressbar-infinite')) {90 $progressbarEl = $el;91 } else {92 $progressbarEl = $el.children('.progressbar, .progressbar-infinite');93 }94 if ($progressbarEl.length === 0 || !$progressbarEl.hasClass('progressbar-in') || $progressbarEl.hasClass('progressbar-out')) {95 return $progressbarEl;96 }97 $progressbarEl98 .removeClass('progressbar-in')99 .addClass('progressbar-out')100 .animationEnd(() => {101 if (removeAfterHide) {102 $progressbarEl.remove();103 }104 });105 return $progressbarEl;106 },107};108export default {109 name: 'progressbar',110 create() {111 const app = this;112 Utils.extend(app, {113 progressbar: {114 set: Progressbar.set.bind(app),115 show:,116 hide: Progressbar.hide.bind(app),117 },118 });119 },120 on: {121 pageInit(page) {122 const app = this;123 page.$el.find('.progressbar').each((index, progressbarEl) => {124 const $progressbarEl = $(progressbarEl);125 app.progressbar.set($progressbarEl, $progressbarEl.attr('data-progress'));126 });127 },128 },129 vnode: {130 progressbar: {131 insert(vnode) {132 const app = this;133 const el = vnode.elm;134 app.progressbar.set(el, el.getAttribute('data-progress'));135 },136 update(vnode) {137 const app = this;138 const el = vnode.elm;139 app.progressbar.set(el, el.getAttribute('data-progress'));140 },141 },142 },...

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Source:progressbar.module.ts Github


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1import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';2import { NgbdSharedModule } from '../../shared';3import { ComponentWrapper } from '../../shared/component-wrapper/component-wrapper.component';4import { NgbdComponentsSharedModule, NgbdDemoList } from '../shared';5import { NgbdApiPage } from '../shared/api-page/api.component';6import { NgbdExamplesPage } from '../shared/examples-page/examples.component';7import { NgbdProgressbarBasic } from './demos/basic/progressbar-basic';8import { NgbdProgressbarBasicModule } from './demos/basic/progressbar-basic.module';9import { NgbdProgressbarConfig } from './demos/config/progressbar-config';10import { NgbdProgressbarConfigModule } from './demos/config/progressbar-config.module';11import { NgbdProgressbarHeight } from './demos/height/progressbar-height';12import { NgbdProgressbarHeightModule } from './demos/height/progressbar-height.module';13import { NgbdProgressbarLabels } from './demos/labels/progressbar-labels';14import { NgbdProgressbarLabelsModule } from './demos/labels/progressbar-labels.module';15import { NgbdProgressbarShowValueModule } from './demos/showvalue/progressbar-show-value.module';16import { NgbdProgressbarShowvalue } from './demos/showvalue/progressbar-showvalue';17import { NgbdProgressbarStriped } from './demos/striped/progressbar-striped';18import { NgbdProgressbarStripedModule } from './demos/striped/progressbar-striped.module';19import { NgbdProgressbarTextTypes } from './demos/texttypes/progressbar-texttypes';20import { NgbdProgressbarTextTypesModule } from './demos/texttypes/progressbar-texttypes.module';21const DEMOS = {22 basic: {23 title: 'Contextual progress bars',24 type: NgbdProgressbarBasic,25 code: require('!!raw-loader!./demos/basic/progressbar-basic').default,26 markup: require('!!raw-loader!./demos/basic/progressbar-basic.html').default27 },28 texttypes: {29 title: 'Contextual text progress bars',30 type: NgbdProgressbarTextTypes,31 code: require('!!raw-loader!./demos/texttypes/progressbar-texttypes').default,32 markup: require('!!raw-loader!./demos/texttypes/progressbar-texttypes.html').default33 },34 showvalue: {35 title: 'Progress bars with current value labels',36 type: NgbdProgressbarShowvalue,37 code: require('!!raw-loader!./demos/showvalue/progressbar-showvalue').default,38 markup: require('!!raw-loader!./demos/showvalue/progressbar-showvalue.html').default39 },40 striped: {41 title: 'Striped progress bars',42 type: NgbdProgressbarStriped,43 code: require('!!raw-loader!./demos/striped/progressbar-striped').default,44 markup: require('!!raw-loader!./demos/striped/progressbar-striped.html').default45 },46 labels: {47 title: 'Progress bars with custom labels',48 type: NgbdProgressbarLabels,49 code: require('!!raw-loader!./demos/labels/progressbar-labels').default,50 markup: require('!!raw-loader!./demos/labels/progressbar-labels.html').default51 },52 height: {53 title: 'Progress bars with height',54 type: NgbdProgressbarHeight,55 code: require('!!raw-loader!./demos/height/progressbar-height').default,56 markup: require('!!raw-loader!./demos/height/progressbar-height.html').default57 },58 config: {59 title: 'Global configuration of progress bars',60 type: NgbdProgressbarConfig,61 code: require('!!raw-loader!./demos/config/progressbar-config').default,62 markup: require('!!raw-loader!./demos/config/progressbar-config.html').default63 }64};65export const ROUTES = [66 { path: '', pathMatch: 'full', redirectTo: 'examples' },67 {68 path: '',69 component: ComponentWrapper,70 data: {71 bootstrap: ''72 },73 children: [74 { path: 'examples', component: NgbdExamplesPage },75 { path: 'api', component: NgbdApiPage }76 ]77 }78];79@NgModule({80 imports: [81 NgbdSharedModule,82 NgbdComponentsSharedModule,83 NgbdProgressbarBasicModule,84 NgbdProgressbarShowValueModule,85 NgbdProgressbarStripedModule,86 NgbdProgressbarConfigModule,87 NgbdProgressbarLabelsModule,88 NgbdProgressbarHeightModule,89 NgbdProgressbarTextTypesModule,90 ]91})92export class NgbdProgressbarModule {93 constructor(demoList: NgbdDemoList) {94 demoList.register('progressbar', DEMOS);95 }...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var ProgressBar = require('argosy').ProgressBar;2var bar = new ProgressBar(' downloading [:bar] :percent :etas', {3});4var timer = setInterval(function () {5 bar.tick();6 if (bar.complete) {7 console.log('8download complete');9 clearInterval(timer);10 }11}, 100);

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1var ProgressBar = require('argosy').ProgressBar;2var progress = new ProgressBar('downloading [:bar] :percent :etas', {3});4var timer = setInterval(function () {5 progress.tick();6 if (progress.complete) {7 console.log('8download complete');9 clearInterval(timer);10 }11}, 100);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1define('crm/Views/MyView', [2], function(3) {4 return declare('crm.Views.MyView', [View], {5 init: function() {6 this.inherited(arguments);7 this.progressBar = new ProgressBar({8 });9 this.add(this.progressBar);10 },11 updateProgress: function(progress) {12 this.progressBar.updateProgress(progress);13 }14 });15});16 <script src="lib/dojo/dojo.js" data-dojo-config="async: true, parseOnLoad: true, isDebug: true, packages: [{name: 'argos', location: 'argos'}]"></script>

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var ProgressBar = require('argosy').ProgressBar;2var progress = new ProgressBar();3progress.start();4progress.update(0.5);5progress.stop();6var ProgressBar = require('argosy').ProgressBar;7var progress = new ProgressBar();8progress.start();9progress.update(0.5);10progress.stop();11var ProgressBar = require('argosy').ProgressBar;12var progress = new ProgressBar();13progress.start();14progress.update(0.5);15progress.stop();16var ProgressBar = require('argosy').ProgressBar;17var progress = new ProgressBar();18progress.start();19progress.update(0.5);20progress.stop();21var ProgressBar = require('argosy').ProgressBar;22var progress = new ProgressBar();23progress.start();24progress.update(0.5);25progress.stop();26var ProgressBar = require('argosy').ProgressBar;27var progress = new ProgressBar();28progress.start();29progress.update(0.5);30progress.stop();31var ProgressBar = require('argosy').ProgressBar;32var progress = new ProgressBar();33progress.start();34progress.update(0.5);35progress.stop();36var ProgressBar = require('argosy').ProgressBar;37var progress = new ProgressBar();38progress.start();39progress.update(0.5);40progress.stop();41var ProgressBar = require('argosy').ProgressBar;42var progress = new ProgressBar();43progress.start();44progress.update(0.5);45progress.stop();46var ProgressBar = require('argosy').ProgressBar;47var progress = new ProgressBar();48progress.start();49progress.update(0.5);50progress.stop();51var ProgressBar = require('argosy').ProgressBar;52var progress = new ProgressBar();53progress.start();54progress.update(0.5);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var ProgressBar = require('argosy_progressbar');2var bar = new ProgressBar('Progress: [:bar] :percent :etas', { complete: '=', incomplete: ' ', width: 50, total: 100 });3var timer = setInterval(function () {4 bar.tick();5 if (bar.complete) {6 console.log('7');8 clearInterval(timer);9 }10}, 100);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var ProgressBar = require('argosy_progressbar');2var bar = new ProgressBar('Progress: [:bar] :percent :etas', { complete: '=', incomplete: ' ', width: 50, total: 100 });3var timer = setInterval(function () {4 bar.tick();5 if (bar.complete) {6 console.log('7');8 clearInterval(timer);9 }10}, 100);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var ProgressBar = require('argosy_progressbar');2var bar = new ProgressBar('Progress: [:bar] :percent :etas', { complete: '=', incomplete: ' ', width: 50, total: 100 });3var timer = setInterval(function () {4 bar.tick();5 if (bar.complete) {6 console.log('7');8 clearInterval(timer);9 }10}, 100);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var ProgressBar = require('argosy_progressbar');2var bar = new ProgressBar('Progress: [:bar] :percent :etas', { complete: '=', incomplete: ' ', width: 50, total: 100 });3var timer = setInterval(function () {4 bar.tick();5 if (bar.complete) {6 console.log('7');8 clearInterval(timer);9 }10}, 100);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var ProgressBar = require('argosy_progressbar');2var bar = new ProgressBar('Progress: [:bar] :percent :etas', { complete: '=', incomplete: ' ', width: 50, total: 100 });3var timer = setInterval(function () {4 bar.tick();5 if (bar.complete) {6 console.log('7');8 clearInterval(timer);9 }10},

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var argosy = require('argosy');2var progress = argosy.progress();3var p = progress(100);4p.on('data', function (data) {5 console.log(data);6});7for (var i = 0; i <= 100; i++) {8 p.write(i);9}10p.end();11{ value: 0, percent: 0, eta: 0 }12{ value: 1, percent: 1, eta: 0 }13{ value: 2, percent: 2, eta: 0 }14{ value: 3, percent: 3, eta: 0 }15{ value: 4, percent: 4, eta: 0 }16{ value: 5, percent: 5, eta: 0 }17{ value: 6, percent: 6, eta: 0 }18{ value: 7, percent: 7, eta: 0 }19{ value: 8, percent: 8, eta: 0 }20{ value: 9, percent: 9, eta: 0 }21{ value: 10, percent: 10, eta: 0 }22{ value: 11, percent: 11, eta: 0 }23{ value: 12, percent: 12, eta: 0 }24{ value: 13, percent: 13, eta: 0 }25{ value: 14, percent: 14, eta: 0 }26{ value: 15, percent: 15, eta: 0 }27{ value: 16, percent: 16, eta: 0 }28{ value: 17, percent: 17, eta: 0 }29{ value: 18, percent: 18, eta: 0 }30{ value: 19, percent: 19, eta: 0 }31{ value: 20, percent: 20, eta: 0 }32{ value: 21, percent: 21, eta: 0 }33{ value: 22, percent: 22, eta: 0 }34{ value: 23, percent: 23, eta: 0 }35{ value: 24, percent: 24, eta: 0 }36{ value: 25, percent: 25, eta: 0 }37{ value: 26, percent: 26,

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Using AI Code Generation


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1define('test', ['ProgressBar'], function(ProgressBar) {2 var progress = new ProgressBar({3 });4 progress.start();5 progress.update(50);6 progress.stop();7});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var ProgressBar = require('argos/ProgressBar');2var progress = new ProgressBar({3});4progress.start();5progress.update(50);6progress.complete();7var ProgressBar = require('argos/ProgressBar');8var progress = new ProgressBar({9});10progress.start();11progress.update(50);12progress.complete();13var ProgressBar = require('argos/ProgressBar');14var progress = new ProgressBar({15});16progress.start();17progress.update(50);18progress.complete();19var ProgressBar = require('argos/ProgressBar');20var progress = new ProgressBar({21});22progress.start();23progress.update(50);24progress.complete();25var ProgressBar = require('argos/ProgressBar');26var progress = new ProgressBar({27});28progress.start();29progress.update(50);30progress.complete();31var ProgressBar = require('argos/ProgressBar');32var progress = new ProgressBar({33});34progress.start();35progress.update(50);36progress.complete();37var ProgressBar = require('argos/ProgressBar');38var progress = new ProgressBar({39});40progress.start();41progress.update(50);42progress.complete();43var ProgressBar = require('argos/ProgressBar');44var progress = new ProgressBar({45});46progress.start();47progress.update(50);48progress.complete();49var ProgressBar = require('argos/ProgressBar');50var progress = new ProgressBar({51});52progress.start();53progress.update(50);54progress.complete();

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