How to use NavbarBrandLink method in argos

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Source:sanpham.js Github


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1import React, { Component } from 'react';2import { Link } from 'react-router-dom';3import {Nav, NavbarBrand, Collapse, NavItem} from 'reactstrap';4import Axios from 'axios';5import Pagination from '../​components/​pagination';6import Products from '../​components/​products.js';7import '../​styles/​sanpham.css';8import Search from '../​components/​search_form.js';9import products from '../​components/​products.js';10class Sanpham extends Component{11 constructor(props){12 super(props)13 this.state={14 products:[15 ],16 product1:[17 ],18 productTemp: [],19 type: "",20 number:121 }22 this.onSubmit = this.onSubmit.bind(this)23 this.clickPag = this.clickPag.bind(this)24 this.getData = this.getData.bind(this)25 }26 componentDidMount(){27 this.getData();28 console.log(this.props.match.params.type);29 }30 componentDidUpdate(){31 if(this.state.type !=this.props.match.params.type ) {32 this.getData()33 /​/​ console.log(this.props.match.params.type);34 }35 }36 37 onSubmit(event){38 event.preventDefault();39 const key =;40 /​/​ this.props.history.push('/​products/​search?q=' + key)41 /​/​ window.localtion.href = "/​searchProduct?q=" + key42 console.log('sadasdsadasdasda'+key);43 if (key === ''){44 this.setState({ products : ''})45 }else{46 Axios.get('http:/​/​localhost:216/​search/​key='+key).then(res =>{47 this.setState({ products :})48 49 }).catch(error =>{50 51 })52 }53 54 55 56 }57 58 clickPag(e){59 e.preventDefault();60 const num =;61 this.setState({number : Number(num)}) 62 this.getData();63 }64 65 getData(){ 66 if(!this.props.match.params.type) {67 Axios.get('http:/​/​localhost:216/​data').then(result =>{68 this.setState({product1:,69 productTemp:,70 type: this.props.match.params.type,71 })72 73 })74 } else {75 const type = this.props.match.params.type;76 Axios.get('http:/​/​localhost:216/​data/​type='+type).then(result =>{77 this.setState({product1:,78 productTemp:,79 type: this.props.match.params.type,80 })81 82 })83 }84 85 }86 render(){87 console.log(this.state.products);88 const product1 = this.state.productTemp;89 const limit = 9;90 let array = [];91 let page;92 const numpage = this.state.number;93 if((numpage!==0)) {94 page = numpage;95 96 const start = (page-1) * limit;97 const tt = product1.length;98 for(let i=start ; i<start+limit && i<tt ; i++) {99 array.push(product1[i]);100 }101 }else{102 page = 1;103 }104 const pages = Math.ceil(product1.length/​limit); 105 let numberpage = [];106 for (let i=page-1 ; i<page+2 ; i++ ){107 if ((i > 0) && (i<=pages)) {108 numberpage.push(i);109 }110 }111 /​/​ console.log(array);112 /​/​ console.log(numberpage);113 return(114 <div className="PhXe">115 <h3>116 117 </​h3>118 <Search onSubmit={this.onSubmit} /​>119 <div className="TypeProduct"> 120 {/​* <Nav light expand="mt"> */​}121 <Link className="LinkTypeProduct" to='/​sanpham/​loai/​kinhchieuhau'>122 <NavbarBrand className='navbarbrandlink'> 123 Kính Chiếu Hậu124 </​NavbarBrand> 125 </​Link>126 127 128 <Link className="LinkTypeProduct" to='/​sanpham/​loai/​dauden'>129 <NavbarBrand className='navbarbrandlink'>130 Đèn Xe131 </​NavbarBrand > 132 </​Link>133 134 135 <Link className="LinkTypeProduct" to='/​sanpham/​loai/​banhxe'>136 <NavbarBrand className='navbarbrandlink'>137 Vỏ Xe138 </​NavbarBrand> 139 </​Link> 140 <Link className="LinkTypeProduct" to='/​sanpham/​loai/​mamxe'>141 <NavbarBrand className='navbarbrandlink'> 142 Mâm Xe143 </​NavbarBrand> 144 </​Link>145 <Link className="LinkTypeProduct" to='/​sanpham/​loai/​binhdau'>146 147 <NavbarBrand className='navbarbrandlink'>148 Bình Dầu149 </​NavbarBrand>150 </​Link>151 <Link className="LinkTypeProduct" to='/​sanpham/​loai/​baoho'>152 <NavbarBrand className='navbarbrandlink'>153 Đồ Bảo Hộ154 </​NavbarBrand>155 </​Link> 156 <Link className="LinkTypeProduct" to='/​sanpham/​loai/​nonbaohiem'>157 <NavbarBrand className='navbarbrandlink'>158 MÅ© Bảo Hộ159 </​NavbarBrand>160 </​Link>161 <Link className="LinkTypeProduct" to='/​sanpham/​loai/​boxe'>162 <NavbarBrand className='navbarbrandlink'>163 Bô Xe164 </​NavbarBrand>165 </​Link>166 <Link className="LinkTypeProduct" to='/​sanpham/​loai/​cumcongtac'>167 <NavbarBrand className='navbarbrandlink'>168 Cùm Công Tắc169 </​NavbarBrand>170 </​Link>171 <Link className="LinkTypeProduct" to='/​sanpham/​loai/​ghidong'>172 <NavbarBrand className='navbarbrandlink'>173 Ghi Đông174 </​NavbarBrand>175 </​Link> 176 <Link className="LinkTypeProduct" to='/​sanpham/​loai/​giadodienthoai'>177 <NavbarBrand className='navbarbrandlink'>178 Giá Đỡ Điện Thoại179 </​NavbarBrand>180 </​Link>181 <Link className="LinkTypeProduct" to='/​sanpham/​loai/​guxe'>182 <NavbarBrand className='navbarbrandlink'>183 Gù Xe184 </​NavbarBrand> 185 </​Link>186 <Link className="LinkTypeProduct" to='/​sanpham/​loai/​kinhchangio'>187 <NavbarBrand className='navbarbrandlink'>188 Kính Chắng Gió189 </​NavbarBrand> 190 </​Link>191 <Link className="LinkTypeProduct" to='/​sanpham/​loai/​taycon'>192 <NavbarBrand className='navbarbrandlink'>193 Tay Công194 </​NavbarBrand> 195 </​Link> 196 <Link className="LinkTypeProduct" to='/​sanpham/​loai/​troluc'>197 <NavbarBrand className='navbarbrandlink'>198 Trợ lá»±c Xe199 </​NavbarBrand> 200 </​Link> 201 {/​* </​Nav> */​}202 </​div>203 <div className='showproduct'>204 { 205 (this.state.products.length !== 0)?206 <Products products={this.state.products}/​>207 :208 (numpage!==0)?209 <Products products={array}/​>210 :((page) && (this.props.match.params.type))?211 <Products products={array} type={this.props.match.params.type}/​>212 :213 <Products products={this.state.products} type={this.props.match.params.type} /​>214 }215 216 {/​* <Products products={this.state.products} type={this.props.match.params.type} /​> */​}217 </​div>218 219 <div className='parent-pagination'> 220 221 <div className='pagination'>222 <button id='previous' className='nhanbtt' name='previous' value={0}>&laquo;</​button>223 {224 => (225 <button onClick={this.clickPag} className='active' name='o1' id='o1' value={page}>{page}</​button>226 227 ))228 }229 <button className='active' id='next' className='nhanbtt' name='next'value={0}>&raquo;</​button>230 </​div>231 </​div> 232 </​div>233 234 )235 }236}...

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Source:AppNavbar.js Github


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1import React from 'react'2import {3 Navbar,4 NavbarBrand,5 NavbarBrandLink,6 NavbarSecondary,7 NavbarLink,8} from '../​components/​Navbar'9import { useLangKey, I18nLink } from '../​components/​I18nContext'10const locales = {11 en: {12 about: 'About',13 blog: 'Blog',14 workshops: 'Workshops',15 projects: 'Projects',16 },17 fr: {18 about: 'A propos',19 blog: 'Blog',20 workshops: 'Formations',21 projects: 'Projets',22 },23}24export function AppNavbar() {25 const langKey = useLangKey()26 const t = locales[langKey]27 return (28 <Navbar>29 <NavbarBrandLink as={I18nLink} to="/​">30 <NavbarBrand>NlogN</​NavbarBrand>31 </​NavbarBrandLink>32 <NavbarSecondary>33 <NavbarLink as={I18nLink} to="https:/​/​​">34 {t.about}35 </​NavbarLink>36 <NavbarLink as={I18nLink} to="/​blog">37 {}38 </​NavbarLink>39 40 </​NavbarSecondary>41 </​Navbar>42 )...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1define('Mobile/​Sample/​Views/​Test', [2], function(3) {4 return declare('Mobile.Sample.Views.Test', [View], {5 init: function() {6 this.inherited(arguments);7 },8 createToolLayout: function() {9 return || ( = {10 tbar: [{11 }]12 });13 },14 onHome: function() {15 NavBar.setNavBarTitle('Home');16 }17 });18});19define('Mobile/​Sample/​Views/​Test', [20], function(21) {22 return declare('Mobile.Sample.Views.Test', [View], {23 init: function() {24 this.inherited(arguments);25 },26 createToolLayout: function() {27 return || ( = {28 tbar: [{29 }]30 });31 },32 onHome: function() {33 this.navigateToHomeView();34 }35 });36});37define('Mobile/​Sample/​Controllers/​Test', [

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import declare from 'dojo/​_base/​declare';2import lang from 'dojo/​_base/​lang';3import _Templated from 'argos/​_Templated';4import _Widget from 'argos/​_Widget';5import getResource from 'argos/​I18n';6const resource = getResource('test');7const __class = declare('crm.Views.test', [_Widget, _Templated], {8 widgetTemplate: new Simplate([9 '<div id="{%= $.id %}" title="{%= $.titleText %}" class="panel {%= $.cls %}" {% if ($.resourceKind) { %}data-resource-kind="{%= $.resourceKind %}"{% } %}>',10 constructor: function constructor() {11 this.inherited(constructor, arguments);12 },13 createLayout: function createLayout() {14 return this.layout || (this.layout = []);15 },16 init: function init() {17 },18 postCreate: function postCreate() {19 this.inherited(postCreate, arguments);20 },21 startup: function startup() {22 this.inherited(startup, arguments);23 },24});25lang.setObject('Mobile.SalesLogix.Views.test', __class);26export default __class;27Email Address (Required, will not be published)

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { NavbarBrandLink } from 'argos-sdk';2const { NavbarBrandLink } = require('argos-sdk');3import { NavbarBrandLink } from 'argos-sdk';4const { NavbarBrandLink } = require('argos-sdk');5import { NavbarBrandLink } from 'argos-sdk';6const { NavbarBrandLink } = require('argos-sdk');7import { NavbarBrandLink } from 'argos-sdk';8const { NavbarBrandLink } = require('argos-sdk');9import { NavbarBrandLink } from 'argos-sdk';10const { NavbarBrandLink } = require('argos-sdk');11import { NavbarBrandLink } from 'argos-sdk';12const { NavbarBrandLink } = require('argos-sdk');13import { NavbarBrandLink } from 'argos-sdk';14const { NavbarBrandLink } = require('argos-sdk');15import { NavbarBrandLink } from 'argos-sdk';16const { NavbarBrandLink } = require('argos-sdk');17import { NavbarBrandLink } from 'argos-sdk';18const { NavbarBrandLink } = require('argos-sdk');

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { NavbarBrandLink } from 'argos-test';2import { NavbarBrandLink } from 'argos-test';3import { NavbarBrandLink } from 'argos-test';4import { NavbarBrandLink } from 'argos-test';5import { NavbarBrandLink } from 'argos-test';6import { NavbarBrandLink } from 'argos-test';7import { NavbarBrandLink } from 'argos-test';8import { NavbarBrandLink } from 'argos-test';9import { NavbarBrandLink } from 'argos-test';10import { NavbarBrandLink } from 'argos-test';11import { NavbarBrandLink } from 'argos-test';12import { NavbarBrandLink } from 'argos-test';

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { NavbarBrandLink } from 'argos-sdk/​src/​Toolbar';2 createToolLayout: function createToolLayout() {3 return || ( = {4 tbar: [{5 }],6 });7 },8 onBrand: function onBrand() {9 console.log('brand clicked');10 },11import { NavbarBrandLink } from 'argos-sdk/​src/​Toolbar';12 createToolLayout: function createToolLayout() {13 return || ( = {14 tbar: [{15 }],16 });17 },18 onBrand: function onBrand() {19 console.log('brand clicked');20 },

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { NavbarBrandLink } from 'argos-sdk'2const NavbarBrandLink = (props) => {3 return (4 );5};6export default NavbarBrandLink;

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { NavbarBrandLink } from 'argos-sdk/​src/​Views/​NavBar';2const HomeLink = () => (3);4export default HomeLink;5import HomeLink from 'test.js';6const Home = declare([NavBar], {7 createToolLayout: function createToolLayout() {8 return || ( = {9 tbar: [HomeLink()],10 });11 },12});13import Home from 'src/​views/​home.js';14const App = declare([ApplicationModule], {15 loadViews: function loadViews() {16 this.registerView(new Home());17 },18});19import App from 'src/​app.js';20const myApp = new App();21myApp.loadCustomizations().then(() => {22 myApp.start().then(() => {23 myApp.loadViews();24 });25});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { NavbarBrandLink } from 'argos-sdk/​src/​Views/​Navbar';2import { NavbarBrand } from 'argos-sdk/​src/​Views/​Navbar';3const navbarBrand = NavbarBrand(this, 'Google');4import { NavbarBrandImage } from 'argos-sdk/​src/​Views/​Navbar';5import { NavbarBrandImageLink } from 'argos-sdk/​src/​Views/​Navbar';6import { Navbar } from 'argos-sdk/​src/​Views/​Navbar';7const navbar = Navbar(this, navbarBrand

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