How to use LinkBlock method in argos

Best JavaScript code snippet using argos


Source:index.js Github


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1/** @jsxRuntime classic */2/** @jsx jsx */3import { jsx } from 'theme-ui'4import Head from 'next/head'5import data from '../data/index'6import Video from '../components/video'7import LinkBlock from '../components/link-block'8import Image from '../components/image'9import sample from 'lodash.sample'10const ImageMeta = ({...props}) => {11 return <span sx={{fontFamily: 'monospace', fontSize: 1, textAlign: 'center', display: 'block', mb: 3 }} {...props}/>12}13const videos = [14 //'0208c',15 //'0208b',16 //'0208a',17 '0207d',18 '0207c',19 '0207b',20 '0207a',21 //'0206d',22 '0206c',23 '0206b',24 '0206a',25 '0204d',26 '0204c',27 '0204b',28 //'0204a',29 '0203c',30 '0204b',31 '0204a',32 'orangewobble3',33 'orangewobble2',34 'orangewobble',35 'gold',36 'subtleripple3',37 'slowriver',38 'riverrunsthroughit',39 'marble',40 'heart-beating',41 'pearl',42 'sparkle',43 'okay026',44 '01026',45 'gradientheight',46 'gradientblend',47 'pinkwaves',48 'bendysubtlewaves',49 'liquid-gold',50 'purpleblob',51]52export default function Home() {53 return (54 <div>55 <Head>56 <title>Adam Morse - Computational designer and generative artist</title>57 <link rel="icon" href="/favicon.ico" />58 </Head>59 <header>60 </header>61 <main>62 <Video filename={sample(videos)} />63 <div sx={{ pt: 4, px: 3, fontSize: [ 2,3,4 ], maxWidth: '34em', mx: 'auto'}}>64 <p>65 I'm Adam Morse, a computational designer and generative artist based in Toronto. I'm currently the co-founder of <a href="" title="Components AI - Generative design tools for the web">Components AI</a>, a startup working on new types of generative design tools. 66 </p>67 <p>68 In the past I've helped design and build product at OPower, Stitch Fix, Salesforce, The Grid, and Cloudflare.69 </p>70 <section>71 <h3 sx={{ fontSize: 3, mt: 5, mb: 2 }}>Pen Plots</h3>72 <p>73 Generative SVG pieces are plotted with an Axidraw SE/A3 through Inkscape and the Axidraw CLI.74 For pens, I most often use Lamy Safari EF, Micron 01 and 005, Staedtler pigment liner 0.1.75 Ink: Mont Blanc, Iroshizuku, Diamine. 76 </p>77<Image src="" />78 <ImageMeta>17"x11"</ImageMeta>79<Image src="" />80 <ImageMeta >17"x11"</ImageMeta>81 <Image src="" />82 <ImageMeta >17"x11"</ImageMeta><Image src="" />83 <ImageMeta >17"x11"</ImageMeta>84 <div sx={{display: 'flex' }}>85 <div sx={{ width: '50%'}}>86 <Image src="" />87 <ImageMeta >11"x17"</ImageMeta>88 </div>89 <div sx={{ width: '50%'}}>90 <Image src="" />91 <ImageMeta >11"x17"</ImageMeta>92 </div>93 </div>94 </section>95 <section>96 <h3>3D</h3>97 <p>98 Recently I've been experimenting with material shaders and99 procedural animations. It is an attempt to make combinations of100 form and motion that relax me.101 </p>102 <Video filename={sample(videos)} />103 </section>104 <section>105 <h3 sx={{ mt: 5 }}>Writing</h3>106 <LinkBlock href="">Designing generative logos</LinkBlock>107 <LinkBlock href="">Components AI</LinkBlock>108 <LinkBlock href="">Component styling API</LinkBlock>109 <LinkBlock href="">Thinking about color</LinkBlock>110 <LinkBlock href="">Css and scalability</LinkBlock>111 <LinkBlock href="">The Veil of ignorance</LinkBlock>112 <LinkBlock href="">Dogma</LinkBlock>113 <LinkBlock href="">Too many tools and frameworks</LinkBlock>114 <LinkBlock href="">Design systems</LinkBlock>115 <LinkBlock href="">Webfonts</LinkBlock>116 <LinkBlock href="">Developing UI</LinkBlock>117 <LinkBlock href="">Getting Critiqued</LinkBlock>118 <LinkBlock href="" >Common Vim</LinkBlock>119 <LinkBlock href="">Vim as a design tool</LinkBlock>120 <LinkBlock href="">What are classes for</LinkBlock>121 </section>122 <section sx={{pb: 6 }}>123 <h3 sx={{ mt: 5 }}>Other work</h3>124 <LinkBlock title="Visualize your CSS" href="">CSS Stats</LinkBlock>125 <LinkBlock title="A responsive CSS toolkit for building UI" href="">Tachyons</LinkBlock>126 <LinkBlock title="Contrast accessible color combos" href="">RandomA11y</LinkBlock>127 <LinkBlock title="Post future beats" href="">MrsJxn</LinkBlock>128 </section>129 </div>130 </main>131 <footer>132 </footer>133 </div>134 )...

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Source:footer.js Github


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1import React from 'react'2import img from '../../img'3import {4 FooterSide,5 Container,6 Contact,7 Text,8 Button,9 FooterBlock,10 Colomns,11 Colomn,12 LinkBlock,13 Logo,14 Copyright,15 ColomnName,16 LinksBlocks,17 Block,18 Link,19 Icon,20 LinkSocial21} from './styles'22function Footer() {23 return (24 <FooterSide>25 <Contact>26 <Text>Do you wnat to discuss your project?</Text>27 <Button>Contact Us</Button>28 </Contact>29 <FooterBlock>30 <Container>31 <Colomns>32 <Colomn>33 <Logo src={img.logoWhite} />34 <Copyright>OXIOS © 2020 All Rights Reserved</Copyright>35 </Colomn>36 <Colomn>37 <ColomnName>Links</ColomnName>38 <LinksBlocks>39 <Block>40 <LinkBlock>41 <Link>Our works</Link>42 </LinkBlock>43 <LinkBlock>44 <Link>Technologies</Link>45 </LinkBlock>46 <LinkBlock>47 <Link>About Us</Link>48 </LinkBlock>49 </Block>50 <Block>51 <LinkBlock>52 <Link>Blog</Link>53 </LinkBlock>54 <LinkBlock>55 <Link>Contact Us</Link>56 </LinkBlock>57 <LinkBlock>58 <Link>Get a Checklist</Link>59 </LinkBlock>60 </Block>61 </LinksBlocks>62 </Colomn>63 <Colomn>64 <ColomnName>Follow Us</ColomnName>65 <LinksBlocks>66 <Block>67 <LinkBlock>68 <Icon src={img.twitter} /><LinkSocial>Twitter</LinkSocial>69 </LinkBlock>70 <LinkBlock>71 <Icon src={img.instagram} /><LinkSocial>Instagram</LinkSocial>72 </LinkBlock>73 <LinkBlock>74 <Icon src={img.facebook} /><LinkSocial>Facebook</LinkSocial>75 </LinkBlock>76 <LinkBlock>77 <Icon src={img.linkedin} /><LinkSocial>Linkedin</LinkSocial>78 </LinkBlock>79 </Block>80 </LinksBlocks>81 </Colomn>82 </Colomns>83 </Container>84 </FooterBlock>85 </FooterSide>86 )87}...

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Source:linkSection.jsx Github


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1import React, { useState } from 'react'2import styled from 'styled-components'3import BackgroundImage from 'gatsby-background-image'4import { graphql, useStaticQuery, Link } from 'gatsby'5import Modal from '../modal'6import DirectionModal from '../directionModal'7const LinkContainer = styled.div`8 padding: 10px 0;9 display: grid;10 grid-gap: 10px;11 grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fit, minmax(320px, 1fr));12 background: var(--base);13 /* @media (max-width: 768px) {14 grid-template-columns: 1fr;15 } */16 .linkBlock {17 width: 100%;18 background-position: 50% 0;19 display: flex;20 align-items: center;21 justify-content: center;22 min-height: 35vh;23 width: 100%;24 text-align: center;25 cursor: pointer;26 p {27 font-size: clamp(22px, 2.5vw, 32px);28 line-height: 1.4;29 text-shadow: 0 0 2px #0a0a0a;30 font-weight: 700;31 transition: color 0.3s ease-in-out;32 color: #fff;33 }34 :hover {35 p {36 color: #ff2c00;37 }38 }39 }40`41const LinkBlock = styled(BackgroundImage)`42 background-position: 50% 10%;43`44const LinkSection = () => {45 const data = useStaticQuery(graphql`46 query {47 missSunday: file(name: { eq: "missSunday" }) {48 childCloudinaryAsset {49 fluid {50 ...CloudinaryAssetFluid51 }52 }53 }54 currentSeries: file(name: { eq: "currentSeries" }) {55 childCloudinaryAsset {56 fluid {57 ...CloudinaryAssetFluid58 }59 }60 }61 building: file(name: { eq: "building" }) {62 childCloudinaryAsset {63 fluid {64 ...CloudinaryAssetFluid65 }66 }67 }68 }69 `)70 const [isDirectionVisible, setIsDirectionVisible] = useState(false)71 return (72 <>73 <LinkContainer>74 <a75 href=""76 target="_blank"77 rel="noopener noreferrer"78 >79 <LinkBlock80 fluid={data.missSunday.childCloudinaryAsset.fluid}81 className="missSunday linkBlock"82 >83 <div>84 <p>85 Miss a Sunday?86 <br />87 Watch it here.88 </p>89 </div>90 </LinkBlock>91 </a>92 <Link to="/current-series">93 <LinkBlock94 fluid={data.currentSeries.childCloudinaryAsset.fluid}95 className="linkBlock"96 >97 <p>Current Series</p>98 </LinkBlock>99 </Link>100 <LinkBlock101 fluid={data.building.childCloudinaryAsset.fluid}102 className="linkBlock"103 onClick={() => setIsDirectionVisible(true)}104 >105 <p>Service Times and Directions</p>106 </LinkBlock>107 </LinkContainer>108 <Modal109 isVisible={isDirectionVisible}110 setIsVisible={setIsDirectionVisible}111 >112 <DirectionModal />113 </Modal>114 </>115 )116}...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var argosy = require('argosy');2var argosyPattern = require('argosy-pattern');3var argosyLinkBlock = require('argosy-linkblock');4var argosyService = argosy();5argosyService.use(argosyPattern());6argosyService.use(argosyLinkBlock());7argosyService.linkblock('hello', function (name, cb) {8 cb(null, 'hello ' + name);9});10argosyService.listen(8000);11var argosy = require('argosy');12var argosyPattern = require('argosy-pattern');13var argosyLinkBlock = require('argosy-linkblock');14var argosyService = argosy();15argosyService.use(argosyPattern());16argosyService.use(argosyLinkBlock());17argosyService.linkblock('hello', function (name, cb) {18 cb(null, 'hello ' + name);19});20argosyService.listen(8001);21var argosy = require('argosy');22var argosyPattern = require('argosy-pattern');23var argosyLinkBlock = require('argosy-linkblock');24var argosyService = argosy();25argosyService.use(argosyPattern());26argosyService.use(argosyLinkBlock());27argosyService.linkblock('hello', function (name, cb) {28 cb(null, 'hello ' + name);29});30argosyService.listen(8002);31var argosy = require('argosy');32var argosyPattern = require('argosy-pattern');33var argosyLinkBlock = require('argosy-linkblock');34var argosyService = argosy();35argosyService.use(argosyPattern());36argosyService.use(argosyLinkBlock());37argosyService.linkblock('hello', function (name, cb) {38 cb(null, 'hello ' + name);39});40argosyService.listen(8003);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var argosy = require('argosy');2var linkblock = require('argosy-pattern-linkblock');3var service = argosy();4service.use('linkblock', linkblock);5service.listen(8000);6service.on('error', function (err) {7 console.log(err);8});9service.on('linkblock', function (request, respond) {10 console.log(request);11 respond({ message: 'Hello from the server' });12});13var argosy = require('argosy');14var linkblock = require('argosy-pattern-linkblock');15var service = argosy();16service.use('linkblock', linkblock);17service.on('error', function (err) {18 console.log(err);19});20service.on('linkblock', function (request, respond) {21 console.log(request);22 respond({ message: 'Hello from the client' });23});24service.connect(8000);25var argosy = require('argosy');26var linkblock = require('argosy-pattern-linkblock');27var service = argosy();28service.use('linkblock', linkblock);29service.listen(8000);30service.on('error', function (err) {31 console.log(err);32});33service.on('linkblock', function (request, respond) {34 console.log(request);35 respond({ message: 'Hello from the server' });36});37var argosy = require('argosy');38var linkblock = require('argosy-pattern-linkblock');39var service = argosy();40service.use('linkblock', linkblock);41service.on('error', function (err) {42 console.log(err);43});44service.on('linkblock', function (request, respond) {45 console.log(request);46 respond({ message: 'Hello from the client' });47});48service.connect(8000);49var argosy = require('argosy');50var linkblock = require('argosy-pattern-linkblock');51var service = argosy();52service.use('linkblock', linkblock);53service.listen(8000);54service.on('error', function (

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var argosy = require('argosy')2var services = argosy()3services.on('services', function (services) {4 console.log('services available:', Object.keys(services))5})6services.on('error', function (err) {7 console.log('error:', err)8})9services.on('service', function (service) {10 console.log('service:', service)11})12services.on('peer', function (peer) {13 console.log('peer:', peer)14})15services.on('peer:leave', function (peer) {16 console.log('peer left:', peer)17})18services.on('peer:join', function (peer) {19 console.log('peer joined:', peer)20})21services.on('request', function (req) {22 console.log('request:', req)23})24services.on('response', function (res) {25 console.log('response:', res)26})27services.on('request:complete', function (req) {28 console.log('request complete:', req)29})30services.on('response:complete', function (res) {31 console.log('response complete:', res)32})33var argosy = require('argosy')34var services = argosy()35services.on('services', function (services) {36 console.log('services available:', Object.keys(services))37})38services.on('error', function (err) {39 console.log('error:', err)40})41services.on('service', function (service) {42 console.log('service:', service)43})44services.on('peer', function (peer) {45 console.log('peer:', peer)46})47services.on('peer:leave', function (peer) {48 console.log('peer left:', peer)49})50services.on('peer:join', function (peer) {51 console.log('peer joined:', peer)52})53services.on('request', function (req) {54 console.log('request:', req)55})56services.on('response', function (res) {57 console.log('response:', res)58})59services.on('request:complete', function (req) {60 console.log('request complete:', req)61})62services.on('response:complete', function (res) {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { LinkBlock } from 'argos-sdk';2const linkBlock = new LinkBlock();3import { LinkBlock } from 'argos-sdk';4const linkBlock = new LinkBlock();5import { LinkBlock } from 'argos-sdk';6const linkBlock = new LinkBlock();7import { LinkBlock } from 'argos-sdk';8const linkBlock = new LinkBlock();9import { LinkBlock } from 'argos-sdk';10const linkBlock = new LinkBlock();11import { LinkBlock } from 'argos-sdk';12const linkBlock = new LinkBlock();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var argosy = require('argosy')2var link = require('argosy-pattern/link')3var pattern = require('argosy-pattern')4var service = argosy()5service.use('test', function (msg, cb) {6 console.log('called')7 cb(null, 'test')8})9service.listen(8000)10var client = argosy()11client.pipe(service).pipe(client)12client.accept({13}, function (err, remote) {14 console.log('remote', remote)15 remote.test('hello', function (err, res) {16 console.log('res', res)17 })18})19var argosy = require('argosy')20var link = require('argosy-pattern/link')21var pattern = require('argosy-pattern')22var service = argosy()23service.use('test', function (msg, cb) {24 console.log('called')25 cb(null, 'test')26})27service.listen(8000)28var client = argosy()29client.pipe(service).pipe(client)30client.accept({31}, function (err, remote) {32 console.log('remote', remote)33 remote.test('hello', function (err, res) {34 console.log('res', res)35 })36})37var argosy = require('argosy')38var link = require('argosy-pattern/link')39var pattern = require('argosy-pattern')40var service = argosy()41service.use('test', function (msg, cb) {42 console.log('called')43 cb(null, 'test')44})45service.listen(8000)46var client = argosy()

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var argosy = require('argosy')2var linkBlock = require('argosy-patterns/link-block')3var _ = require('lodash')4var service = argosy()5service.use('linkBlock', linkBlock())6service.accept({hello: 'world'}, function (msg, cb) {7 cb(null, {hello: 'universe'})8})9service.listen(8000)10var argosy = require('argosy')11var linkBlock = require('argosy-patterns/link-block')12var _ = require('lodash')13var service = argosy()14service.use('linkBlock', linkBlock())15service.accept({hello: 'world'}, function (msg, cb) {16 cb(null, {hello: 'universe'})17})18service.listen(8001)19var argosy = require('argosy')20var linkBlock = require('argosy-patterns/link-block')21var _ = require('lodash')22var service = argosy()23service.use('linkBlock', linkBlock())24service.accept({hello: 'world'}, function (msg, cb) {25 cb(null, {hello: 'universe'})26})27service.listen(8002)28var argosy = require('argosy')29var linkBlock = require('argosy-patterns/link-block')30var _ = require('lodash')31var service = argosy()32service.use('linkBlock', linkBlock())33service.accept({hello: 'world'}, function (msg, cb) {34 cb(null, {hello: 'universe'})35})36service.listen(8003)37var argosy = require('argosy')38var linkBlock = require('argosy-patterns/link-block')39var _ = require('lodash')40var service = argosy()41service.use('linkBlock', linkBlock())42service.accept({hello: 'world'}, function (msg, cb) {43 cb(null, {hello: 'universe'})44})45service.listen(8004)

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var LinkBlock = require('argos-sdk').LinkBlock;2var linkBlock = new LinkBlock();3linkBlock.render();4var linkBlock = new LinkBlock();5linkBlock.set('text', 'Link to Google');6var linkBlock = new LinkBlock();7linkBlock.render();8var linkBlock = new LinkBlock();9linkBlock.render().destroy();10var linkBlock = new LinkBlock();11linkBlock.set('text', 'Link to Google').set

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var linkBlock = require('argosy').LinkBlock;2link.add(1, 2, function (err, result) {3 if (err) {4 console.log('error: ' + err);5 } else {6 console.log('result: ' + result);7 }8});9link.subtract(1, 2, function (err, result) {10 if (err) {11 console.log('error: ' + err);12 } else {13 console.log('result: ' + result);14 }15});16var argosy = require('argosy')17var client = argosy()18client.accept({add: argosy.pattern.match.number, subtract: argosy.pattern.match.number})19client.connect(8080)20client.add(1, 2, function (err, result) {21 if (err) {22 console.log('error: ' + err);23 } else {24 console.log('result: ' + result);25 }26});27client.subtract(1, 2, function (err, result) {28 if (err) {29 console.log('error: ' + err);30 } else {31 console.log('result: ' + result);32 }33});34var linkBlock = require('argosy').LinkBlock;35link.add(1, 2, function (err, result) {36 if (err) {37 console.log('error: ' + err);38 } else {39 console.log('result: ' + result);40 }41});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var linkBlock = require('argosy-linkblock')()2linkBlock({3 $block: {4 $args: {5 $block: {6 $args: {7 $block: {8 $args: {}9 }10 }11 }12 }13 }14}, function (err, response) {15})16module.exports = function () {17 return function (args, callback) {18 callback(null, 'response')19 }20}21module.exports = function () {22 return function (args, callback) {23 callback(null, 'response')24 }25}26module.exports = function () {27 return function (args, callback) {28 callback(null, 'response')29 }30}31module.exports = function () {32 return function (args, callback) {33 callback(null, 'response')34 }35}36module.exports = function () {37 return function (args, callback) {38 callback(null, 'response')39 }40}41module.exports = function () {42 return function (args, callback) {43 callback(null, 'response')44 }45}46module.exports = function () {47 return function (args, callback) {48 callback(null, 'response')49 }50}51module.exports = function () {52 return function (args, callback) {53 callback(null, 'response')54 }55}56module.exports = function () {57 return function (args, callback) {58 callback(null, 'response')59 }60}61module.exports = function () {62 return function (args, callback) {

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