Best JavaScript code snippet using argos
Source: ExerciseReducer.js
1/* eslint-disable no-case-declarations */2const initState = {3 newExercise: {4 sentence: [],5 sentenceString: '',6 response: null,7 showSolution: false,8 createAt:,9 userSolution: [[], []], // lista di stati per le word10 codeSolution: [[], []],11 complete: false,12 alternativeSolution: false,13 language: 'it'14 // languageSelected: 'it' // utilizza15 },16 todoExercises: { exercises: null, page: null, links: null },17 doneExercises: { exercises: null, page: null, links: null },18 publicExercises: { exercises: null, page: null, links: null },19 onlyFavouritePublicExercise: false,20 innerLoader: false,21 exerciseDetails: null,22 progress: {23 currentLevel: null,24 nextLevel: null25 }26};27/* EXERCISE MODEL28{29 alternativeSolutionId: "5cca155d04dacb44349032c9"30 authorId: "5cca0e4204dacb3c58a49caa"31 authorName: "Margherita Visentin"32 dateExercise: 155674772795133 id: "5cca15cf04dacb44349032cb"34 mainSolutionId: "5cca155204dacb44349032c8"35 phraseId: "5cca15a304dacb44349032ca"36 phraseText: "Questo è un nuovo esercizio per gli studenti"37 studentIdDone: []38 studentIdToDo: ["5cca0dfb04dacb3c58a49ca8", "5cca0e7d04dacb3c58a49cad"]39 visibility: true40}41*/42const ExerciseReducer = (state = initState, action) => {43 switch (action.type) {44 case 'INIT_STATE':45 return {46 ...initState47 };48 case 'INNER_LOADER_ON':49 return {50 ...state,51 innerLoader: true52 };53 case 'INNER_LOADER_OFF':54 return {55 ...state,56 innerLoader: false57 };58 case 'INIT_EXERCISE':59 return {60 ...state,61 newExercise: initState.newExercise62 };63 case 'INIT_NEW_EXERCISE':64 return {65 ...state,66 newExercise: action.newExercise67 };68 case 'UPDATE_EXERCISE':69 return {70 ...state,71 newExercise: { ...state.newExercise, ...action.newExercise }72 };73 case 'UPDATE_WORD_STATE':74 const { word, indexSolution } = action.obj;75 const userSolution = state.newExercise.userSolution[indexSolution];76 userSolution[word.index] = word;77 return {78 ...state,79 newExercise: { ...state.newExercise }80 };81 case 'CHANGE_INPUT_SENTENCE_DATA':82 return {83 ...state,84 newExercise: {85 ...state.newExercise,86 ...action.data87 }88 };89 case 'SAVE_EXERCISE_SUCCESS':90 return {91 ...initState,92 newExercise: {93 ...state.newExercise,94 ...action.newExercise,95 showSolution: true96 },97 innerLoader: false98 // newExercise: initState.newExercise99 };100 case 'LOAD_TODO_SUCCESS':101 return {102 ...state,103 todoExercises: {104 exercises: action.todo._embedded105 ? action.todo._embedded.exerciseModels106 : [],107 page:,108 links: action.todo._links109 },110 innerLoader: false111 };112 case 'LOAD_DONE_SUCCESS':113 return {114 ...state,115 doneExercises: {116 exercises: action.todo._embedded117 ? action.todo._embedded.exerciseModels118 : [],119 page:,120 links: action.todo._links121 },122 innerLoader: false123 };124 case 'LOAD_PUBLIC_SUCCESS':125 return {126 ...state,127 publicExercises: {128 exercises: action.public._embedded129 ? action.public._embedded.exerciseModels130 : [],131 page:,132 links: action.public._links133 },134 innerLoader: false135 };136 case 'CHANGE_PUBLIC_EXERCISE_FILTER':137 return {138 ...state,139 onlyFavouritePublicExercise: !state.onlyFavouritePublicExercise140 };141 case 'EXERCISE_DETAILS':142 return {143 ...state,144 exerciseDetails: action.exercise145 };146 case 'INIT_EXERCISE_DETAILS':147 return {148 ...state,149 exerciseDetails: initState.exerciseDetails150 };151 case 'LOAD_PROGRESS_SUCCESS':152 return {153 ...state,154 progress: action.progress155 };156 default:157 // console.error('REDUCER ERRATO', state, action);158 return { ...state, innerLoader: false };159 }160};...
Source: player.js
1import * as THREE from 'three';2import { FBXLoader } from 'three/examples/jsm/loaders/FBXLoader';3import { GLTFLoader } from 'three/examples/jsm/loaders/GLTFLoader.js';4import {PlayerController} from './player_controller.js';5import {PlayerProxy} from './states/proxy.js'678export class Player{9 10 constructor(){11 this.hp = 10000;12 this.atk = 100;13 this.def = 100;14 this.vel = [];15 this.skills = [];16 this.input = new PlayerController();17 this.stateMachine = new PlayerProxy(this)18 this.animations = {};19 this.position = new THREE.Vector3();20 }2122 is_hit(){2324 }2526 is_alive(){2728 }2930 loadAnimated(scene, loadCompletion) {31 const loader = new FBXLoader();32 //callback is async, loadAnimated exits before the callback finishes executing, 33 loader.load('./src/scripts/model/tpose.fbx', (model) => { //get the model34 model.scale.multiplyScalar(0.05);35 scene.add(model);36 model.position.set(-10,-10,-5);37 console.log(model);38 //onLoad will take in an animation name and call the animModel function to store into dictionary39 this.mixer = new THREE.AnimationMixer(model);40 const onLoad = (animationName, animModel) => {41 const animClip = animModel.animations[0];42 const action = this.mixer.clipAction(animClip);43 this.animations[animationName] =44 {45 clip: animClip,46 action: action47 }48 };49 50 this.mixer = new THREE.AnimationMixer(model);51 this.loadManager = new THREE.LoadingManager();52 53 this.loadManager.onLoad = () => {54 this.stateMachine.setState('idle');5556 }57 58 //fill up dictionary59 const innerLoader = new FBXLoader(this.loadManager);60 innerLoader.load('./src/scripts/model/dance.fbx',(animModel) => {61 onLoad('dance', animModel);62 });63 innerLoader.load('./src/scripts/model/idle.fbx', (animModel) => {64 onLoad('idle', animModel);65 });66 innerLoader.load('./src/scripts/model/walk.fbx', (animModel) => {67 onLoad('walk', animModel);68 });69 innerLoader.load('./src/scripts/model/run.fbx', (animModel) => {70 onLoad('run', animModel);71 });72 innerLoader.load('./src/scripts/model/slash.fbx', (animModel) => {73 onLoad('slash', animModel);74 });75 innerLoader.load('./src/scripts/model/spin.fbx', (animModel) => {76 onLoad('spin', animModel);77 });78 innerLoader.load('./src/scripts/model/ulti.fbx', (animModel) => {79 onLoad('ulti', animModel);80 });81 innerLoader.load('./src/scripts/model/strafe-left.fbx', (animModel) => {82 onLoad('strafeLeft', animModel);83 });84 innerLoader.load('./src/scripts/model/strafe-right.fbx', (animModel) => {85 onLoad('strafeRight', animModel);86 });87 innerLoader.load('./src/scripts/model/back.fbx', (animModel) => {88 onLoad('back', animModel);89 });90 loadCompletion();91 });92 }9394 update(delta){95 this.mixer.update(delta);96 this.stateMachine.update(this.input,delta);97 98 }99100 101
Source: panelloader.js
1// é¢æ¿é»è®¤å建åæ°2const defaultOpts = {3 // æ é¢4 title: 'æ°å»ºé¢æ¿',5 // 模åå称6 module: 'EmptyModule',7 // 模åæ¾ç¤ºåæ°8 showArgs: {9 position: 'bottom'10 },11 // 模åå¯å¨åæ°12 startArgs: {}13}14/**15 * @class é¢æ¿å è½½å¨16 */17class PanelLoader {18 // å
é¨å è½½å¨19 static innerLoader = null;20 // åå§åé¢æ¿21 static inst (loader) {22 if (!this.innerLoader && loader) {23 this.innerLoader = loader24 }25 return this.innerLoader26 }27 // éæ¯é¢æ¿å è½½å¨28 static destroy () {29 this.innerLoader = null30 }31 // æ£æ¥æ¯å¦å·²åå§å32 static checkInit () {33 if (!PanelLoader.innerLoader) {34 throw new Error('é¢æ¿å è½½å¨æªåå§åï¼å 载失败ï¼')35 }36 }37 // çæuuid38 static uuid () {39 var s = []40 var hexDigits = '0123456789abcdef'41 for (var i = 0; i < 36; i++) {42 s[i] = hexDigits.substr(Math.floor(Math.random() * 0x10), 1)43 }44 s[14] = '4' // bits 12-15 of the time_hi_and_version field to 001045 s[19] = hexDigits.substr((s[19] & 0x3) | 0x8, 1) // bits 6-7 of the clock_seq_hi_and_reserved to 0146 s[8] = s[13] = s[18] = s[23] = '-'47 var uuid = s.join('')48 return uuid49 }50 // å建模å51 static createModule (args) {52 this.checkInit()53 let props = Object.assign({}, defaultOpts, args) // æºå¯¹è±¡å±æ§å¤å¶å°ç®æ 对象54 props.showArgs = Object.assign({}, defaultOpts.showArgs, props.showArgs)55 if (! {56 = this.uuid()57 }58 if (this.innerLoader.modules[]) {59 this.activeModule( } else {61 this.innerLoader.createModule(props)62 }63 return props.id64 }65 // æ¿æ´»æ¨¡å66 static activeModule (id) {67 this.checkInit()68 return this.innerLoader.activeModule(id)69 }70 // è·å模åå®ä¾71 static getModule (id) {72 this.checkInit()73 return this.innerLoader.getModule(id)74 }75 // è·å模ååæ°76 static getModuleInfo (id) {77 this.checkInit()78 return this.innerLoader.getModuleInfo(id)79 }80 // //è·å模åå®ä¾81 // static getModules() {}82 // è·åææ模å83 static getModules () {}84 // å
³é模å85 static closeModule (id) {}86 // å
³éææ模å模å87 static closeAllModules () {88 this.checkInit()89 return this.innerLoader.closeAllModules()90 }91 // 设置åºä¾§é¢æ¿ç¶æ92 static setBottomPanel (state) {}93 // 设置模åæ é¢94 static setModuleTitle (id, title) {}95}...
Using AI Code Generation
1import InnerLoader from 'argos-sdk/src/InnerLoader';2import InnerLoader from 'argos-sdk/src/InnerLoader';3InnerLoader.load('SData', 'argos-sdk/src/SData');4import InnerLoader from 'argos-sdk/src/InnerLoader';5InnerLoader.load('SData', 'argos-sdk/src/SData');6InnerLoader.load('SData', 'argos-sdk/src/SData');7import InnerLoader from 'argos-sdk/src/InnerLoader';8InnerLoader.load('SData', 'argos-sdk/src/SData');9import InnerLoader from 'argos-sdk/src/InnerLoader';10InnerLoader.load('SData', 'argos-sdk/src/SData');11InnerLoader.load('SData', 'argos-sdk/src/SData');12import InnerLoader from 'argos-sdk/src/InnerLoader';13InnerLoader.load('SData', 'argos-sdk/src/SData');14import InnerLoader from 'argos-sdk/src/InnerLoader';15InnerLoader.load('SData', 'argos-sdk/src/SData');16import InnerLoader from 'argos-sdk/src/InnerLoader';17InnerLoader.load('SData', 'argos-sdk/src/SData');18import InnerLoader from 'argos-sdk/src/InnerLoader';19InnerLoader.load('SData', 'argos-sdk/src/SData');20import InnerLoader from 'argos-sdk/src/InnerLoader';21InnerLoader.load('SData', 'argos-sdk/src/SData');22import InnerLoader from 'argos-sdk/src/InnerLoader';23InnerLoader.load('SData', 'argos-sdk/src/SData');24import InnerLoader from 'argos-sdk/src/InnerLoader';25InnerLoader.load('SData', 'argos-sdk/src/SData');26import Inner
Using AI Code Generation
1define('test', ['module', 'argos-sdk/InnerLoader'], function (module, InnerLoader) {2 return InnerLoader(, function() {3 return {4 };5 });6});7define('test', ['module', 'argos-sdk/InnerLoader'], function (module, InnerLoader) {8 return InnerLoader(, function() {9 return {10 };11 });12});
Using AI Code Generation
1require('argos-sdk/src/InnerLoader').load('crm/Views/Activity/List', function (ActivityList) {2});3require('argos-sdk/src/InnerLoader').load('crm/Views/Activity/List', function (ActivityList) {4});5require('argos-sdk/src/InnerLoader').load('crm/Views/Activity/List', function (ActivityList) {6});7require('argos-sdk/src/InnerLoader').load('crm/Views/Activity/List', function (ActivityList) {8});9require('argos-sdk/src/InnerLoader').load('crm/Views/Activity/List', function (ActivityList) {10});11require('argos-sdk/src/InnerLoader').load('crm/Views/Activity/List', function (ActivityList) {12});13require('argos-sdk/src/InnerLoader').load('crm/Views/Activity/List', function (ActivityList) {14});15require('argos-sdk/src/InnerLoader').load('crm/Views/Activity/List', function (ActivityList) {16});17require('argos-sdk/src/InnerLoader').load('crm/Views/Activity/List', function (ActivityList) {18});19require('argos-sdk/src/InnerLoader').load('crm/Views/Activity/List', function (ActivityList) {
Using AI Code Generation
1define('test', [2], function(3) {4 innerLoader('argos!argos').then(function(argos) {5 });6});7define('some/other/module', [8], function(9) {10 innerLoader('argos!argos').then(function(argos) {11 });12});13define('some/other/module2', [14], function(15) {16 innerLoader('argos!argos').then(function(argos) {17 });18});19define('some/other/module3', [20], function(21) {22 innerLoader('argos!argos').then(function(argos) {23 });24});25define('some/other/module4', [26], function(27) {28 innerLoader('argos!argos').then(function(argos) {29 });30});31define('some
Using AI Code Generation
1import InnerLoader from '../argos-loader/argos-loader';;3InnerLoader.hide();4--argos-loader-background: #000;5--argos-loader-color: #fff;6--argos-loader-opacity: 0.8;7--argos-loader-width: 100%;8--argos-loader-height: 100%;9--argos-loader-z-index: 9999;10--argos-loader-display: flex;11--argos-loader-align-items: center;12--argos-loader-justify-content: center;13--argos-loader-spinner-color: #fff;14--argos-loader-spinner-width: 3px;15--argos-loader-spinner-height: 18px;16--argos-loader-spinner-border-radius: 50%;17--argos-loader-spinner-animation: loader-spin 1s linear infinite;18--argos-loader-spinner-animation-delay: 0.1s;19@keyframes loader-spin {20 0% {21 transform: translate(0, -50%) rotate(0deg);22 }23 50% {24 transform: translate(0, -50%) rotate(180deg);25 }26 100% {27 transform: translate(0, -50%) rotate(360deg);28 }29}30MIT © [Argos](
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In an ideal world, you can test your web application in the same test environment and return the same results every time. The reality can be difficult sometimes when you have flaky tests, which may be due to the complexity of the web elements you are trying to perform an action on your test case.
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Agile has unquestionable benefits. The mainstream method has assisted numerous businesses in increasing organizational flexibility as a result, developing better, more intuitive software. Distributed development is also an important strategy for software companies. It gives access to global talent, the use of offshore outsourcing to reduce operating costs, and round-the-clock development.
So, now that the first installment of this two fold article has been published (hence you might have an idea of what Agile Testing is not in my opinion), I’ve started feeling the pressure to explain what Agile Testing actually means to me.
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