How to use InnerCode method in argos

Best JavaScript code snippet using argos


Source: 89885.user.js Github


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1/​/​ ==UserScript==2/​/​ @name Graphical Scheduler3/​/​ @namespace https:/​/​​site/​kinalibangon/​ventures/​javascript/​graphical-scheduler4/​/​ @description My.IIT Graphical Scheduler for COR5/​/​ @include http:/​/​​my/​student/​cor.php6/​/​ @include https:/​/​​my/​student/​cor.php7/​/​ @include​my/​student/​cor.php8/​/​ @include​my/​student/​cor.php9/​/​ @include http:/​/​​my/​student/​cor.php10/​/​ @version 1.1.711/​/​ ==/​UserScript==1213/​/​ subject/​course counters.14var showSetting = "section";15var afterLoad = false;16var buttonListenerAdded = false;1718window.addEventListener("load", function(e) {19 injectCss();20 doMonkey();21 /​/​if (buttonListenerAdded==false){22 /​/​ addButtonListener();23 /​/​ buttonListenerAdded=true;24 /​/​}25}, false);2627function appendStyle(styleCode) {28var styleElement = document.createElement("style");29 styleElement.type = "text/​css";30 if (styleElement.styleSheet) {31 styleElement.styleSheet.cssText = styleCode;32 } else {33 styleElement.appendChild(document.createTextNode(styleCode));34 }35 document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(styleElement);36}3738/​/​function addButtonListener(){39/​/​ var button = document.getElementById("greasemonkeyButton");40/​/​ button.addEventListener('click', doMonkey, true);41/​/​}42 43function doMonkey(){ 44 if (showSetting == "section") showSetting = "subject"45 else if (showSetting == "subject") showSetting = "showall"46 else if (showSetting == "showall") showSetting = "section"47 48 var subjects = new Array();49 var subjecCount = 0;50 51 /​/​ important iterators. :)52 var days=new Array("Sun","M","T","W","Th","F","Sa");53 var days_SPELLED=new Array("Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday", "Saturday");54 var percentage = 730 /​ (days.length + 1);55 /​/​days[-1]='<input id="greasemonkeyButton" type="button" value="Toggle" /​>';56 days_SPELLED[-1]="Time";57 days[-1]="Time";58 /​/​days_SPELLED[-1]='<input id="greasemonkeyButton" type="button" value="Toggle" /​>';59 var hemis = new Array("AM", "PM");60 var timeframe = new Array( "07:00AM-09:00AM",61 "07:30AM-09:00AM",62 "09:00AM-10:30AM",63 "10:30AM-12:00PM",64 "12:00AM-01:30PM",65 "12:30PM-01:30PM",66 "01:00PM-02:00PM",67 "01:30PM-03:00PM",68 "03:00PM-04:30PM",69 "04:30PM-06:00PM",70 "04:30PM-06:30PM",71 "06:00PM-07:30PM",72 "07:30PM-09:00PM");73 74 /​/​ etirate throught the document object model starting75 /​/​ from the id'ed content-body towards the table that76 /​/​ contains the relevant data.77 var mybody, rightcol, contendiv, scheduleTable; 78 mybody = document.getElementById("content-body");79 rightcol = mybody.firstChild.nextSibling.nextSibling.nextSibling;80 contendiv = rightcol.firstChild.nextSibling.nextSibling.nextSibling;81 if (afterLoad==false) scheduleTable = contendiv.firstChild.nextSibling.nextSibling.nextSibling;82 else if (afterLoad==true){83 scheduleTable.removeChild(scheduleTable.previousSibling);84 scheduleTable = contendiv.firstChild.nextSibling.nextSibling.nextSibling.nextSibling;85 GM_log(scheduleTable.innerHTML);86 return false;87 }88 89 /​/​ get the subject information from the document model and put it in the subject90 /​/​ object. also check for lab's that have no name as class code. L is affixed to unnamed labs.91 for (var i = 1; i < scheduleTable.rows.length; i++){92 subject = new Object();93 subject.code = scheduleTable.rows[i].cells[0].innerHTML.replace("&nbsp;","");94 if (subject.code == ''){95 prevSubject = new Object();96 prevSubject = subjects[i-1];97 subject.code = prevSubject.code + "L";98 }99 subject.section = scheduleTable.rows[i].cells[1].innerHTML.replace("&nbsp;","");100 subject.description = scheduleTable.rows[i].cells[2].innerHTML.replace("&nbsp;","");101 subject.days = scheduleTable.rows[i].cells[3].innerHTML.replace("&nbsp;","");102 subject.time = scheduleTable.rows[i].cells[4].innerHTML.replace("&nbsp;","");103 = scheduleTable.rows[i].cells[5].innerHTML.replace("&nbsp;","");104 subject.grade = scheduleTable.rows[i].cells[6].innerHTML.replace("&nbsp;","");105 subject.compl = scheduleTable.rows[i].cells[7].innerHTML.replace("&nbsp;","");106 subject.begin = subject.time.substring(0,7); /​/​get rid of the zeroes in the first character107 if ( subject.begin[0]=='0') subject.begin = subject.begin.substring(1,subject.begin.length);108 subject.end = subject.time.substring(8,15); /​/​get rid of the zeroes in the first character109 if ( subject.end[0]=='0') subject.end = subject.end.substring(1,subject.end.length);110 subjects[i] = subject;111 }112 113 /​/​ container of the arrays of subjects taken each day114 /​/​ hence this will be like a double dimension array.115 var weekday = new Array();116 117 /​/​ get the days of which every course is taken118 /​/​ for example if, TThF then put it in the119 /​/​ proper index at weekday array.120 for (var day = 0; day < days.length; day++){121 var subjectCountOfTheDay = 0;122 var subjectsOfTheDay = new Array();123 for (var i = 1; i < scheduleTable.rows.length; i++){124 subject = new Object();125 subject = subjects[i];126 if (subject.days.indexOf(days[day]) > -1) {127 if (days[day] == "T"){128 var tFound = subject.days.indexOf(days[day]);129 if (subject.days.indexOf("Th", tFound + 1) > -1){130 subjectsOfTheDay[subjectCountOfTheDay] = subject;131 subjectCountOfTheDay++;132 }133 else {134 if (subject.days.indexOf("Th") < 0){135 subjectsOfTheDay[subjectCountOfTheDay] = subject;136 subjectCountOfTheDay++;137 } 138 }139 }140 else {141 subjectsOfTheDay[subjectCountOfTheDay] = subject;142 subjectCountOfTheDay++;143 }144 }145 }146 weekday[day] = subjectsOfTheDay;147 }148 149 var myDay = new Array();150 151 for (var day = 0; day < days.length; day++){152 153 var x;154 var subjectsOfTheDay = new Array();155 var subjectsofMyDay = new Array();156 subjectsOfTheDay = weekday[day];157 for (x in subjectsOfTheDay){158 subject = new Object();159 subject = subjectsOfTheDay[x];160 161 162 /​/​ add timeframes to subject163 var totalSubjTimeFrames = 0;164 var subjTimeFrames = new Array();165 var exactMatch = false;166 for (i=0; i<timeframe.length; i++){167 if (timeframe[i]==subject.time){168 subjTimeFrames[totalSubjTimeFrames]=timeframe[i];169 170 totalSubjTimeFrames++;171 exactMatch = true;172 break;173 }174 }175 if (exactMatch==false){176 for (i=0; i<timeframe.length; i++){177 if(timeframe[i].substring(0,7)==subject.time.substring(0,7)){178 subjTimeFrames[totalSubjTimeFrames]=timeframe[i];179 180 totalSubjTimeFrames++;181 }182 else if(timeframe[i].substring(8,15)==subject.time.substring(8,15)){183 subjTimeFrames[totalSubjTimeFrames]=timeframe[i];184 185 totalSubjTimeFrames++;186 }187 }188 }189 subject.timecells=subjTimeFrames;190 subjectsOfTheDay[x] = subject;191 subjectsofMyDay[x] = subject;192 }193 myDay[day] = subjectsofMyDay;194 }195 196 newTable = document.createElement("div");197 var innerCode = "<table id= \"mySchedule\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"730\" class=\"mytable\" style=\"margin-bottom:0; border-bottom:none\">";198 199 innerCode = innerCode + "<tbody><tr>";200 201 for (var day = -1; day < days.length; day++){202 innerCode = innerCode + "<th width=\"" + percentage + "\" align=\"center\">" + days_SPELLED[day] + "</​th>";203 }204 innerCode = innerCode + "</​tr>";205 206 for (var t=0; t<timeframe.length;t++){207 /​/​GM_log("begin " + timeframe[t]);208 innerCode = innerCode + "<tr>";209 innerCode = innerCode + "<td width=\"" + percentage + "\" align=\"center\">" + timeframe[t] + "</​td>";210 for (var d=0; d<days.length;d++){211 /​/​GM_log("day " + days[d]);212 var resfound = false;213 var mySubjs = myDay[d];214 for (var s=0; s<mySubjs.length;s++){215 subject = new Object();216 subject = mySubjs[s];217 var subjTimes = subject.timecells;218 for (var st=0; st<subjTimes.length;st++){219 if (subjTimes[st] == timeframe[t]){220 resfound=true;221 /​/​GM_log("subject " + subject.code);222 if (showSetting=="section") innerCode = innerCode + "<td width=\"" + percentage + "\" align=\"center\">" + subject.section + "</​td>"223 else if(showSetting=="subject") {224 if (subjHover(subject).length > 0) {225 innerCode = innerCode + wrapTableItem(subject.code, subjHover(subject), percentage);226 }227 else {228 innerCode = innerCode + wrapTableItem(subject.code, "No info.", percentage);229 }230 }231 else if(showSetting=="showall") innerCode = innerCode + "<td width=\"" + percentage + "\" align=\"center\">" + subject.code + subject.section + ' ' + ' (' + + ")</​td>"232 break;233 }234 }235 if (resfound==true){236 break;237 }238 }239 if (resfound==false) {240 /​/​GM_log("subject " + "none");241 innerCode = innerCode + "<td width=\"" + percentage + "\" align=\"center\"> </​td>";242 }243 }244 /​/​GM_log("end " + timeframe[t]);245 innerCode = innerCode + "</​tr>";246 }247 248 249 /​/​ begin presentation layer250 innerCode = innerCode + "<tr><td colspan=\"8\"><center><a href=\"http:/​/​​site/​kinalibangon/​ventures/​javascript/​graphical-scheduler\" target=\"_blank\">Open Source Product by Kinalibangon Software</​a></​center></​td></​tr>"251 innerCode =innerCode + "</​tbody></​table>";252 if (afterLoad==false){253 newTable.innerHTML = innerCode;254 newTable.DOCUMENT_NODE255 contendiv.insertBefore(newTable,scheduleTable);256 }257 else{258 259 newTable.innerHTML = innerCode;260 newTable.DOCUMENT_NODE261 contendiv.insertBefore(newTable,scheduleTable);262 }263 264 afterLoad=true;265 return true;266}267268function wrapTableItem(text, hover, percentage){269 return "<td width=\"" + percentage + "\" align=\"center\"><a class=\"info_hovering\">" + text + "<span class=\"hovering\">" + hover+ "</​span></​a></​td>";270}271272function subjHover(subj){273 subject = new Object();274 subject = subj;275 var retVal = "";276 if (subject.description.length > 1) retVal = retVal + "Description: <strong>" + subject.description + "</​strong><br>";277 if (subject.section.length > 1) retVal = retVal + "Section: <strong>" + subject.section + "</​strong><br>";278 if ( > 1) retVal = retVal + "Room: <strong>" + + "</​strong>";279 return retVal;280} 281282function injectCss(width){283 var info = "a.info_hovering{position:relative; z-index:24; background-color:#FFFFFF; color:#4F6B72; text-decoration:none}";284 var info_hover = "a.info_hovering:hover{z-index:25; background-color:#D2EBEF}";285 var info_span = "a.info_hovering span.hovering{display: none}";286 var info_hover_span ="a.info_hovering:hover span.hovering{ display:block; position:absolute; top:2em; left:2em; width:20em; border:1px solid #D2EBEF; background-color:#FFFFFF; color:#4F6B72; text-align: left;-moz-box-shadow:0 0 10px #8F1A1A;-webkit-box-shadow:0 0 10px #8F1A1A}";287 288 appendStyle(info);289 appendStyle(info_hover);290 appendStyle(info_span);291 appendStyle(info_hover_span);292 293 return true; ...

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Source: CompUtils.js Github


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1import Utils from '../​../​public/​utils';2var EMPTY_FN = function(){};3var CompUtils = {4 dataPlatToTinper : (datas = [], handlerdata = EMPTY_FN) => {5 return data => {6 var values = data.values,7 newValues = {};8 for (let [name, vals] of Object.entries(values)) {9 newValues[name] = vals.display || vals.value;10 handlerdata(newValues, name, newValues[name], vals);11 }12 return newValues;13 });14 },15 tempPlatToTinper : (items = []) =>{16 return => {17 var label = item.label,18 dataIndex = item.attrcode,19 render = function(text, record){20 return text[dataIndex] + '';21 },22 column = {23 title: item.label,24 dataIndex: item.attrcode25 /​/​ render: render26 }27 return col;28 });29 },30 /​/​innercode31 listDataToTreeDataByInnercode : (datas = []) => {32 var sortdatas = datas.sort( ( d1, d2) => {33 return ('' + d1) > (''+ d2 );34 });35 var treedata = [],36 queue = {37 array: [],38 porinter: -1,39 push:function(node){40 this.porinter = this.array.push(node) - 1;41 },42 pop: function(){43 if(this.porinter < 0)44 return undefined;45 this.porinter = this.porinter--;46 return this.array.pop(node);47 },48 currect: function(){49 if(this.porinter < 0)50 return undefined;51 return this.array[this.porinter];52 }53 };54 55 for(var i = 0; i < sortdatas.length; i++){56 var node = sortdatas[i],57 queueNode = queue.currect();58 if(!queueNode){59 treedata.push(node);60 queueNode.push(node);61 continue;62 }63 var curInnercode = queueNode.innercode,64 nodeInncode = node.innercode;65 66 if(nodeInncode.indexOf(curInnercode) == 0 && curInnercode.length < nodeInncode){/​/​当前堆栈节点的子节点67 queueNode.children.push(node);68 queueNode.push(node);69 }else{70 var isContine = true;71 do{72 var lastQueueNode = queue.pop();73 if(!lastQueueNode){74 treedata.push(node);75 queueNode.push(node);76 isContine = false;77 }else{78 var lastInnercode = lastQueueNode.innercode;79 if(nodeInncode.indexOf(lastInnercode) == 0 && lastInnercode.length < nodeInncode){/​/​当前堆栈节点的子节点80 lastInnercode.children.push(node);81 isContine = false;82 }83 }84 }while(isContine);85 }86 } 87 return treedata;88 },89 listDataToTreeData : (datas = [], idname, pidname ) => {90 var copyData = Utils.clone(datas);91 var dataObj = [];92 copyData.forEach(d => {93 d.children = [];94 var id = '' + d[idname]; /​/​确保是一个字符串95 dataObj[id] = d;96 });97 var newDatas = [];98 copyData.forEach(d => {99 var pid = d[pidname],100 pobj = dataObj[pid];101 if(pobj)102 pobj.children.push(d);103 else104 newDatas.push(d);105 106 });107 return newDatas;108 }109 110};...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var argosy = require('argosy');2var argosyPattern = require('argosy-pattern');3var argosyService = argosy();4argosyService.pipe(argosyService);5argosyService.accept({6 InnerCode: argosyPattern.match(function (data) {7 console.log('data', data);8 return data;9 })10});11var argosy = require('argosy');12var argosyPattern = require('argosy-pattern');13var argosyService = argosy();14argosyService.pipe(argosyService);15argosyService.accept({16 InnerCode: argosyPattern.match(function (data) {17 console.log('data2', data);18 return data;19 })20});21var argosy = require('argosy');22var argosyPattern = require('argosy-pattern');23var argosyService = argosy();24argosyService.pipe(argosyService);25argosyService.accept({26 InnerCode: argosyPattern.match(function (data) {27 console.log('data3', data);28 return data;29 })30});31var argosy = require('argosy');32var argosyPattern = require('argosy-pattern');33var argosyService = argosy();34argosyService.pipe(argosyService);35argosyService.accept({36 InnerCode: argosyPattern.match(function (data) {37 console.log('data4', data);38 return data;39 })40});41var argosy = require('argosy');42var argosyPattern = require('argosy-pattern');43var argosyService = argosy();44argosyService.pipe(argosyService);45argosyService.accept({46 InnerCode: argosyPattern.match(function (data) {47 console.log('data5', data);48 return data;49 })50});

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Using AI Code Generation


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Using AI Code Generation


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1var argosy = require('argosy');2var argosyService = argosy();3argosyService.use(require('argosy-pattern')());4argosyService.use(function (request, response, next) {5 if (request.say) {6 response.end({7 });8 } else {9 next();10 }11});12argosyService.listen(5000);13var argosy = require('argosy');14var argosyService = argosy();15argosyService.use(require('argosy-pattern')());16argosyService.use(function (request, response, next) {17 if (request.say) {18 response.end({19 });20 } else {21 next();22 }23});24argosyService.listen(5001);25var argosy = require('argosy');26var argosyService = argosy();27argosyService.use(require('argosy-pattern')());28argosyService.use(function (request, response, next) {29 if (request.say) {30 response.end({31 });32 } else {33 next();34 }35});36argosyService.listen(5002);37var argosy = require('argosy');38var argosyService = argosy();39argosyService.use(require('argosy-pattern')());40argosyService.use(function (request, response, next) {41 if (request.say) {42 response.end({43 });44 } else {45 next();46 }47});48argosyService.listen(5003);49var argosy = require('argosy');50var argosyService = argosy();51argosyService.use(require('argosy-pattern

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var argosy = require('argosy')2var innerCode = require('argosy-pattern/​inner-code')3var pattern = require('argosy-pattern')4var service = argosy()5service.use('foo', function (msg, cb) {6 cb(null, msg + ' world')7})8service.accept({9 foo: innerCode(function (msg, cb) {10 cb(null, msg + ' world')11 })12})13service.accept(pattern({14 foo: innerCode(pattern({15 }), function (msg, cb) {16 cb(null, msg + ' world')17 })18}))19service.pipe(argosy()).pipe(service)'hello', function (err, msg) {21})'hello', function (err, msg) {23})24var argosy = require('argosy')25var innerCode = require('argosy-pattern/​inner-code')26var pattern = require('argosy-pattern')27var service = argosy()28service.use('foo', function (msg, cb) {29 cb(null, msg + ' world')30})31service.accept({32 foo: innerCode(function (msg, cb) {33 cb(null, msg + ' world')34 })35})36service.accept(pattern({37 foo: innerCode(pattern({38 }), function (msg, cb) {39 cb(null, msg + ' world')40 })41}))42service.pipe(argosy()).pipe(service)'hello', function (err, msg) {44})'hello', function (err, msg) {46})47var argosy = require('argosy')48var pattern = require('argosy-pattern')49var innerCode = require('argosy-pattern/​inner-code')50var service = argosy()51service.use('foo', function (msg, cb) {52 cb(null, msg + ' world')53})54service.accept({55 foo: innerCode(function (msg, cb) {56 cb(null, msg + ' world')57 })58})59service.accept(pattern({60 foo: innerCode(pattern({61 }),

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var argosy = require('argosy')2var innerCode = require('argosy-pattern/​inner-code')3var innerCodePattern = innerCode('add', function (a, b) {4})5var service = argosy()6service.pipe(innerCodePattern).pipe(service)7service.accept({add: function (a, b, cb) {8 cb(null, a + b)9}})10service.on('request', function (req, res) {11 console.log('request', req)12})13service.on('response', function (req, res) {14 console.log('response', req)15})16service.on('error', function (err) {17 console.log('error', err)18})19service.on('warning', function (err) {20 console.log('warning', err)21})22service.on('info', function (err) {23 console.log('info', err)24})25var argosyPattern = require('argosy-pattern')26var innerCodePattern = argosyPattern.innerCode('add', function (a, b) {27})28var service = argosy()29service.pipe(innerCodePattern).pipe(service)30service.accept({add: function (a, b, cb) {31 cb(null, a + b)32}})33service.on('request', function (req, res) {34 console.log('request', req)35})36service.on('response', function (req, res) {37 console.log('response', req)38})39service.on('error', function (err) {40 console.log('error', err)41})42service.on('warning', function (err) {43 console.log('warning', err)44})45service.on('info', function (err) {46 console.log('info', err)47})48var argosyPattern = require('argosy-pattern')49var innerCodePattern = argosyPattern.innerCode('add', function (a, b) {50})51var service = argosy()52service.pipe(innerCodePattern).pipe(service)53service.accept({add: function (a, b, cb) {54 cb(null, a + b)55}})56service.on('request', function (req, res) {57 console.log('request', req)58})59service.on('response

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var argosy = require('argosy')2var myService = argosy()3myService.pipe(argosy.pattern({4})).pipe(argosy.respond(function (request, callback) {5 callback(null, {6 })7}))8myService.pipe(process.stdout)9myService.accept({10})11var argosy = require('argosy')12var myService = argosy()13myService.pipe(argosy.pattern({14})).pipe(argosy.respond(function (request, callback) {15 callback(null, {16 })17}))18myService.pipe(process.stdout)19myService.accept({20})21var argosy = require('argosy')22var myService = argosy()23myService.pipe(argosy.pattern({24})).pipe(argosy.respond(function (request, callback) {25 callback(null, {26 })27}))28myService.pipe(process.stdout)29myService.accept({30})31var argosy = require('argosy')32var myService = argosy()33myService.pipe(argosy.pattern({34})).pipe(argosy.respond(function (request, callback) {35 callback(null, {36 })37}))38myService.pipe(process.stdout)39myService.accept({40})41var argosy = require('argosy')42var myService = argosy()43myService.pipe(argosy.pattern({44})).pipe(argosy.respond(function (request, callback) {45 callback(null, {46 })47}))48myService.pipe(process.stdout)49myService.accept({50})

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var argosy = require('argosy');2var myInnerCode = function (data) {3 return data;4};5var options = {6};7var myService = argosy(options);8myService.pipe(argosy()).pipe(myService);9myService.accept({ get: '*' }).process(function (msg, respond) {10 respond(null, { hello: msg.get });11});12myService.get('hello', function (err, msg) {13});14myService.get('goodbye', function (err, msg) {15});16var argosy = require('argosy');17var myInnerCode = function (data) {18 return data;19};20var options = {21};22var myService = argosy(options);23myService.pipe(argosy()).pipe(myService);24myService.accept({ get: '*' }).process(function (msg, respond) {25 respond(null, { hello: msg.get });26});27myService.get('hello', function (err, msg) {28});29myService.get('goodbye', function (err, msg) {30});

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