Best JavaScript code snippet using argos
Source: UiCards.js
1import React from "react"2import {3 Col,4 Row,5 Card,6 CardBody,7 CardTitle,8 CardSubtitle,9 CardImg,10 CardText,11 CardHeader,12 CardImgOverlay,13 CardFooter,14 CardDeck,15 CardColumns,16 Container,17} from "reactstrap"18// import images19import img1 from "../../assets/images/small/img-1.jpg"20import img2 from "../../assets/images/small/img-2.jpg"21import img3 from "../../assets/images/small/img-3.jpg"22import img4 from "../../assets/images/small/img-4.jpg"23import img5 from "../../assets/images/small/img-5.jpg"24import img6 from "../../assets/images/small/img-6.jpg"25import img7 from "../../assets/images/small/img-7.jpg"26import { Link } from "react-router-dom"27//Import Breadcrumb28import Breadcrumbs from "../../components/Common/Breadcrumb"29const UiCards = () => {30 //meta title31 document.title = "Cards | Trumpbet24 Admin & Dashboard"32 return (33 <React.Fragment>34 <div className="page-content">35 <Container fluid={true}>36 <Breadcrumbs title="UI Elements" breadcrumbItem="Cards" />37 <Row>38 <Col mg={6} xl={3}>39 <Card>40 <CardImg top className="img-fluid" src={img1} alt="Skote" />41 <CardBody>42 <CardTitle className="mt-0">Card title</CardTitle>43 <CardText>44 Some quick example text to build on the card title and make45 up the bulk of the card's content.46 </CardText>47 <Link to="#" className="btn btn-primary">48 Button49 </Link>50 </CardBody>51 </Card>52 </Col>53 <Col mg={6} xl={3}>54 <Card>55 <CardImg top className="img-fluid" src={img2} alt="Skote" />56 <CardBody>57 <CardTitle className="mt-0">Card title</CardTitle>58 <CardText>59 Some quick example text to build on the card title and make60 up the bulk of the card's content.61 </CardText>62 </CardBody>63 <ul className="list-group list-group-flush">64 <li className="list-group-item">Cras justo odio</li>65 <li className="list-group-item">Dapibus ac facilisis in</li>66 </ul>67 <CardBody>68 <Link to="#" className="card-link">69 Card link70 </Link>71 <Link to="#" className="card-link">72 Another link73 </Link>74 </CardBody>75 </Card>76 </Col>77 <Col mg={6} xl={3}>78 <Card>79 <CardImg top className="img-fluid" src={img3} alt="Skote" />80 <CardBody>81 <CardText>82 Some quick example text to build on the card title and make83 up the bulk of the card's content.84 </CardText>85 </CardBody>86 </Card>87 </Col>88 <Col md={6} xl={3}>89 <Card>90 <CardBody>91 <CardTitle className="mt-0">Card title</CardTitle>92 <CardSubtitle className="font-14 text-muted">93 Support card subtitle94 </CardSubtitle>95 </CardBody>96 <CardImg className="img-fluid" src={img4} alt="Skote" />97 <CardBody>98 <CardText>99 Some quick example text to build on the card title and make100 up the bulk of the card's content.101 </CardText>102 <Link to="#" className="card-link">103 Card link104 </Link>105 <Link to="#" className="card-link">106 Another link107 </Link>108 </CardBody>109 </Card>110 </Col>111 </Row>112 <Row>113 <Col md={6}>114 <Card body>115 <CardTitle className="mt-0">Special title treatment</CardTitle>116 <CardText>117 With supporting text below as a natural lead-in to additional118 content.119 </CardText>120 <Link to="#" className="btn btn-primary">121 Go somewhere122 </Link>123 </Card>124 </Col>125 <Col md={6}>126 <Card body>127 <CardTitle className="mt-0">Special title treatment</CardTitle>128 <CardText>129 With supporting text below as a natural lead-in to additional130 content.131 </CardText>132 <Link to="#" className="btn btn-primary">133 Go somewhere134 </Link>135 </Card>136 </Col>137 </Row>138 <Row>139 <Col lg={4}>140 <Card body>141 <CardTitle className="mt-0">Special title treatment</CardTitle>142 <CardText>143 With supporting text below as a natural lead-in to additional144 content.145 </CardText>146 <Link to="#" className="btn btn-primary">147 Go somewhere148 </Link>149 </Card>150 </Col>151 <Col lg={4}>152 <Card body className="text-center">153 <CardTitle className="mt-0">Special title treatment</CardTitle>154 <CardText>155 With supporting text below as a natural lead-in to additional156 content.157 </CardText>158 <Link to="#" className="btn btn-primary">159 Go somewhere160 </Link>161 </Card>162 </Col>163 <Col lg={4}>164 <Card body className="text-end">165 <CardTitle className="mt-0">Special title treatment</CardTitle>166 <CardText>167 With supporting text below as a natural lead-in to additional168 content.169 </CardText>170 <Link to="#" className="btn btn-primary">171 Go somewhere172 </Link>173 </Card>174 </Col>175 </Row>176 <Row>177 <Col lg={4}>178 <Card>179 <h5 className="card-header bg-transparent border-bottom text-uppercase">180 Featured181 </h5>182 <CardBody>183 <CardTitle className="mt-0">184 Special title treatment185 </CardTitle>186 <CardText>187 With supporting text below as a natural lead-in to188 additional content.189 </CardText>190 <Link to="#" className="btn btn-primary">191 Go somewhere192 </Link>193 </CardBody>194 </Card>195 </Col>196 <Col lg={4}>197 <Card>198 <CardHeader className="bg-transparent border-bottom text-uppercase">199 Quote200 </CardHeader>201 <CardBody>202 <blockquote className="card-blockquote mb-0">203 <CardText>204 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.205 Integer posuere erat a ante.206 </CardText>207 <footer className="blockquote-footer font-size-12">208 Someone famous in209 <cite title="Source Title">Source Title</cite>210 </footer>211 </blockquote>212 </CardBody>213 </Card>214 </Col>215 <Col lg={4}>216 <Card>217 <CardHeader className="bg-transparent border-bottom text-uppercase">218 Featured219 </CardHeader>220 <CardBody>221 <CardTitle className="mt-0">222 Special title treatment223 </CardTitle>224 <CardText>225 With supporting text below as a natural lead-in to226 additional content.227 </CardText>228 <Link to="#" className="btn btn-primary">229 Go somewhere230 </Link>231 </CardBody>232 <CardFooter className="text-muted">2 days ago</CardFooter>233 </Card>234 </Col>235 </Row>236 <Row>237 <Col lg={4}>238 <Card>239 <CardImg top className="img-fluid" src={img5} alt="Skote" />240 <CardBody>241 <CardTitle className="mt-0">Card title</CardTitle>242 <CardText>243 This is a wider card with supporting text below as a natural244 lead-in to additional content. This content is a little bit245 longer.246 </CardText>247 <CardText>248 <small className="text-muted">249 Last updated 3 mins ago250 </small>251 </CardText>252 </CardBody>253 </Card>254 </Col>255 <Col lg={4}>256 <Card>257 <CardBody>258 <CardTitle className="mt-0">Card title</CardTitle>259 <CardText>260 This is a wider card with supporting text below as a natural261 lead-in to additional content. This content is a little bit262 longer.263 </CardText>264 <CardText>265 <small className="text-muted">266 Last updated 3 mins ago267 </small>268 </CardText>269 </CardBody>270 <CardImg bottom className="img-fluid" src={img7} alt="Skote" />271 </Card>272 </Col>273 <Col lg={4}>274 <Card>275 <CardImg className="img-fluid" src={img6} alt="Skote" />276 <CardImgOverlay>277 <CardTitle className="text-white mt-0">Card title</CardTitle>278 <CardText className="text-light">279 This is a wider card with supporting text below as a natural280 lead-in to additional content. This content is a little bit281 longer.282 </CardText>283 <CardText>284 <small className="text-white">285 Last updated 3 mins ago286 </small>287 </CardText>288 </CardImgOverlay>289 </Card>290 </Col>291 </Row>292 <Row>293 <Col lg={6}>294 <Card>295 <Row className="no-gutters align-items-center">296 <Col md={4}>297 <CardImg className="img-fluid" src={img2} alt="Skote" />298 </Col>299 <Col md={8}>300 <CardBody>301 <CardTitle>Card title</CardTitle>302 <CardText>303 This is a wider card with supporting text below as a304 natural lead-in to additional content.305 </CardText>306 <CardText>307 <small className="text-muted">308 Last updated 3 mins ago309 </small>310 </CardText>311 </CardBody>312 </Col>313 </Row>314 </Card>315 </Col>316 <Col lg={6}>317 <Card>318 <Row className="no-gutters align-items-center">319 <Col md={8}>320 <CardBody>321 <CardTitle>Card title</CardTitle>322 <CardText>323 This is a wider card with supporting text below as a324 natural lead-in to additional content.325 </CardText>326 <CardText>327 <small className="text-muted">328 Last updated 3 mins ago329 </small>330 </CardText>331 </CardBody>332 </Col>333 <Col md={4}>334 <CardImg className="img-fluid" src={img3} alt="Skote" />335 </Col>336 </Row>337 </Card>338 </Col>339 </Row>340 <Row>341 <Col lg={4}>342 <Card color="primary" className="text-white-50">343 <CardBody>344 <CardTitle className="mb-4 text-white">345 <i className="mdi mdi-bullseye-arrow me-3" /> Primary Card346 </CardTitle>347 <CardText>348 Some quick example text to build on the card title and make349 up the bulk of the card's content.350 </CardText>351 </CardBody>352 </Card>353 </Col>354 <Col lg={4}>355 <Card color="success" className="text-white-50">356 <CardBody>357 <CardTitle className="mb-4 text-white">358 <i className="mdi mdi-check-all me-3" /> Success Card359 </CardTitle>360 <CardText>361 Some quick example text to build on the card title and make362 up the bulk of the card's content.363 </CardText>364 </CardBody>365 </Card>366 </Col>367 <Col lg={4}>368 <Card color="info" className="text-white-50">369 <CardBody>370 <CardTitle className="mb-4 text-white">371 <i className="mdi mdi-alert-circle-outline me-3" />372 Info Card373 </CardTitle>374 <CardText>375 Some quick example text to build on the card title and make376 up the bulk of the card's content.377 </CardText>378 </CardBody>379 </Card>380 </Col>381 </Row>382 <Row>383 <Col lg={4}>384 <Card color="warning" className="text-white-50">385 <CardBody>386 <CardTitle className="mb-4 text-white">387 <i className="mdi mdi-alert-outline me-3" />388 Warning Card389 </CardTitle>390 <CardText>391 Some quick example text to build on the card title and make392 up the bulk of the card's content.393 </CardText>394 </CardBody>395 </Card>396 </Col>397 <Col lg={4}>398 <Card color="danger" className="text-white-50">399 <CardBody>400 <CardTitle className="mb-4 text-white">401 <i className="mdi mdi-block-helper me-3" />402 Danger Card403 </CardTitle>404 <CardText>405 Some quick example text to build on the card title and make406 up the bulk of the card's content.407 </CardText>408 </CardBody>409 </Card>410 </Col>411 <Col lg={4}>412 <Card color="dark" className="text-light">413 <CardBody>414 <CardTitle className="mb-4 text-white">415 <i className="mdi mdi-alert-circle-outline me-3" />416 Dark Card417 </CardTitle>418 <CardText>419 Some quick example text to build on the card title and make420 up the bulk of the card's content.421 </CardText>422 </CardBody>423 </Card>424 </Col>425 </Row>426 <Row>427 <Col lg={4}>428 <Card outline color="primary" className="border">429 <CardHeader className="bg-transparent">430 <h5 className="my-0 text-primary">431 <i className="mdi mdi-bullseye-arrow me-3" />432 Primary outline Card433 </h5>434 </CardHeader>435 <CardBody>436 <CardTitle className="mt-0">card title</CardTitle>437 <CardText>438 Some quick example text to build on the card title and make439 up the bulk of the card's content.440 </CardText>441 </CardBody>442 </Card>443 </Col>444 <Col lg={4}>445 <Card outline color="danger" className="border">446 <CardHeader className="bg-transparent">447 <h5 className="my-0 text-danger">448 <i className="mdi mdi-block-helper me-3" />449 Danger outline Card450 </h5>451 </CardHeader>452 <CardBody>453 <CardTitle className="mt-0">card title</CardTitle>454 <CardText>455 Some quick example text to build on the card title and make456 up the bulk of the card's content.457 </CardText>458 </CardBody>459 </Card>460 </Col>461 <Col lg={4}>462 <Card outline color="success" className="border">463 <CardHeader className="bg-transparent">464 <h5 className="my-0 text-success">465 <i className="mdi mdi-check-all me-3" />466 Success Card467 </h5>468 </CardHeader>469 <CardBody>470 <CardTitle className="mt-0">card title</CardTitle>471 <CardText>472 Some quick example text to build on the card title and make473 up the bulk of the card's content.474 </CardText>475 </CardBody>476 </Card>477 </Col>478 </Row>479 <Row>480 <Col className="col-12 mb-4">481 <h4 className="my-3">Card groups</h4>482 <CardDeck className="card-deck-wrapper">483 <div className="card-group">484 <Card className="mb-4">485 <CardImg top className="img-fluid" src={img4} alt="Skote" />486 <CardBody>487 <CardTitle className="mt-0">Card title</CardTitle>488 <CardText>489 This is a longer card with supporting text below as a490 natural lead-in to additional content. This content is a491 little bit longer.492 </CardText>493 <CardText>494 <small className="text-muted">495 Last updated 3 mins ago496 </small>497 </CardText>498 </CardBody>499 </Card>500 <Card className="mb-4">501 <CardImg top className="img-fluid" src={img5} alt="Skote" />502 <CardBody>503 <CardTitle className="mt-0">Card title</CardTitle>504 <CardText>505 This card has supporting text below as a natural lead-in506 to additional content.507 </CardText>508 <CardText>509 <small className="text-muted">510 Last updated 3 mins ago511 </small>512 </CardText>513 </CardBody>514 </Card>515 <Card className="mb-4">516 <CardImg top className="img-fluid" src={img6} alt="Skote" />517 <CardBody>518 <CardTitle className="mt-0">Card title</CardTitle>519 <CardText>520 This is a wider card with supporting text below as a521 natural lead-in to additional content. This card has522 even longer content than the first to show that equal523 height action.524 </CardText>525 <CardText>526 <small className="text-muted">527 Last updated 3 mins ago528 </small>529 </CardText>530 </CardBody>531 </Card>532 </div>533 </CardDeck>534 </Col>535 </Row>536 <Row>537 <Col sm={12}>538 <h4 className="my-3">Cards Columns</h4>539 <CardColumns>540 <Card>541 <CardImg top src={img3} alt="Skote" />542 <CardBody>543 <CardTitle>Card title that wraps to a new line</CardTitle>544 <CardText>545 This is a longer card with supporting text below as a546 natural lead-in to additional content. This content is a547 little bit longer.548 </CardText>549 </CardBody>550 </Card>551 <Card>552 <CardBody>553 <blockquote className="card-blockquote mb-0">554 <CardText>555 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.556 Integer posuere erat a ante.557 </CardText>558 <footer className="blockquote-footer font-size-12">559 Someone famous in{" "}560 <cite title="Source Title">Source Title</cite>561 </footer>562 </blockquote>563 </CardBody>564 </Card>565 <Card>566 <CardImg top src={img5} alt="Skote" />567 <CardBody>568 <CardTitle>Card title</CardTitle>569 <CardText>570 This card has supporting text below as a natural lead-in571 to additional content.572 </CardText>573 <CardText>574 <small className="text-muted">575 Last updated 3 mins ago576 </small>577 </CardText>578 </CardBody>579 </Card>580 <Card color="primary" className="text-white text-center p-3">581 <blockquote className="card-blockquote mb-0">582 <CardText>583 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.584 Integer posuere erat.585 </CardText>586 <footer className="blockquote-footer text-white font-size-12">587 Someone famous in{" "}588 <cite title="Source Title">Source Title</cite>589 </footer>590 </blockquote>591 </Card>592 <Card className="text-center">593 <CardBody>594 <CardTitle>Card title</CardTitle>595 <CardText>596 This card has a regular title and short paragraphy of text597 below it.598 </CardText>599 <CardText>600 <small className="text-muted">601 Last updated 3 mins ago602 </small>603 </CardText>604 </CardBody>605 </Card>606 <Card>607 <CardImg top src={img7} alt="Skote" />608 </Card>609 <Card className="p-3 text-end">610 <blockquote className="blockquote mb-0">611 <CardText>612 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.613 Integer posuere erat a ante.614 </CardText>615 <footer className="blockquote-footer">616 <small className="text-muted">617 Someone famous in{" "}618 <cite title="Source Title">Source Title</cite>619 </small>620 </footer>621 </blockquote>622 </Card>623 <Card>624 <CardBody>625 <CardTitle>Card title</CardTitle>626 <CardText>627 This is another card with title and supporting text below.628 This card has some additional content to make it slightly629 taller overall.630 </CardText>631 <CardText>632 <small className="text-muted">633 Last updated 3 mins ago634 </small>635 </CardText>636 </CardBody>637 </Card>638 </CardColumns>639 </Col>640 </Row>641 </Container>642 </div>643 </React.Fragment>644 )645}...
Source: cardTexts.js
1/*******************************************************************2*** File Name : cardText.js3*** Version : V1.44*** Designer : å²©ä¸ éé£5*** Date : 2022.06.286*** Purpose : ã«ã¼ãã®ãã¼ã¿ãä¿ç®¡7***8*******************************************************************/9/*10*** Revision :11*** V1.0 : å²©ä¸ éé£, 2022.06.2812*** V1.2 : å²©ä¸ éé£, 2022.07.0313*** V1.3 : å²©ä¸ éé£, 2022.07.0414*** V1.4 : æ¾æ ¹ æ 太, 2022.07.0515*/16/*17cardId : ã«ã¼ãã®ID18cardType: ã«ã¼ãã®ç¨®é¡19 0: ã¢ã¤ãã ã«ã¼ã 20 1: ãã¹ã«ã¼ã21 2: ã«ã¼ã«ã«ã¼ã22cardName: ã«ã¼ãã®ã¿ã¤ãã«23cardText: ã«ã¼ãã®è©³ç´°24*/25cardTexts = [26 {27 cardId:1,28 cardType:1,29 cardName:"è¸ãã¨åå©",30 cardText:"ãã®ã«ã¼ããè¸ãã å ´åããã®ãã¬ã¤ã¤ã¼ãåå©ãã"31 },32 {33 cardId:2,34 cardType:1,35 cardName:"ã¢ã¤ãã ãï¼æå
¥æ",36 cardText:"ã¢ã¤ãã ã«ã¼ãããã©ã³ãã ã«ï¼æå
¥æãã"37 },38 {39 cardId:3,40 cardType:1,41 cardName:"ã¢ã¤ãã ãï¼æé¸ã¶",42 cardText:"ã¢ã¤ãã ã«ã¼ãããï¼æé¸ã³ãå
¥æãã"43 },44 {45 cardId:4,46 cardType:1,47 cardName:"ã«ã¼ããï¼æå
¥æ",48 cardText:"å±±æããï¼æã©ã³ãã ã«ã«ã¼ããå
¥æãã"49 },50 {51 cardId:5,52 cardType:1,53 cardName:"ææãï¼ææ¨ã¦ã",54 cardText:"èªåã®ææããã©ã³ãã ã«ï¼ææ¨ã¦ã"55 },56 {57 cardId:6,58 cardType:1,59 cardName:"ãã¬ã¤ã¤ã¼ã®ã¢ã¤ãã ã奪ã",60 cardText:"ä»ã®ãã¬ã¤ã¤ã¼1人ãæå®ã,ãã®ãã¬ã¤ã¤ã¼ã®ã¢ã¤ãã ã«ã¼ãã1æé¸ãã§å¥ªã"61 },62 {63 cardId:7,64 cardType:1,65 cardName:"ã«ã¼ãããã¹ã¦æ¨ã¦ã",66 cardText:"èªåã®ææãã¦ããã«ã¼ãããã¹ã¦æ¨ã¦ã"67 },68 {69 cardId:8,70 cardType:1,71 cardName:"å
¨å¡ã®ã«ã¼ããï¼ææ¨ã¦ã",72 cardText:"ãã¹ã¦ã®ãã¬ã¤ã¤ã®ã«ã¼ããã©ã³ãã ã«ï¼ææ¨ã¦ã"73 },74 {75 cardId:9,76 cardType:1,77 cardName:"å
¨å¡ã®ææãæ¨ã¦ã",78 cardText:"ãã¹ã¦ã®ãã¬ã¤ã¤ã®ææãã¦ããã«ã¼ãããã¹ã¦æ¨ã¦ã"79 },80 {81 cardId:10,82 cardType:1,83 cardName:"å
¨å¡ã®ææãæ¨ã¦ãï¼æé¸ã¶",84 cardText:"ãã¹ã¦ã®ãã¬ã¼ã¤ãææãã¦ããã«ã¼ããå±±æã«æ»ããï¼æãã¤ã©ã³ãã ã«é
å¸"85 },86 {87 cardId:11,88 cardType:1,89 cardName:"ã¢ã¤ãã ãå
¥æ",90 cardText:"ã¢ã¤ãã ã«ã¼ãããã©ã³ãã ã«ï¼æå
¥æãã"91 },92 {93 cardId:12,94 cardType:1,95 cardName:"ææãï¼æé¸ã³ãæ¨ã¦ã",96 cardText:"èªåã®ææããã«ã¼ããï¼æé¸ã³ãæ¨ã¦ã"97 },98 {99 cardId:13,100 cardType:1,101 cardName:"ã¢ã¤ãã ãï¼æé¸ã¶",102 cardText:"ã¢ã¤ãã ã«ã¼ãããï¼æé¸ã³ãå
¥æãã"103 },104 {105 cardId:14,106 cardType:1,107 cardName:"次ã®ã¿ã¼ã³ãä¼ã¿",108 cardText:"次ã®ã¿ã¼ã³ãåã£ã¦ããæãã¹ããããã"109 },110 {111 cardId:15,112 cardType:1,113 cardName:"èªåã®é ä½ã ãé²ã",114 cardText:"ãµã¤ã³ãã®åºç®ã«å ããèªåã®é ä½ã®æ°ã ãããã«é²ã\nä¾ï¼3ä½ã§ï¼ãåºãå ´åãï¼ãã¹é²ã"115 },116 {117 cardId:16,118 cardType:1,119 cardName:"ã«ã¼ããï¼æå
¥æ",120 cardText:"å±±æããï¼æã©ã³ãã ã«ã«ã¼ããå
¥æãã"121 },122 {123 cardId:17,124 cardType:1,125 cardName:"åçªã®äººã¨ä½ç½®ãå
¥ãæ¿ã",126 cardText:"èªåã®ï¼ã¤åã®çªã®äººã¨ä½ç½®ãå
¥ãæ¿ãã"127 },128 {129 cardId:18,130 cardType:1,131 cardName:"å¾çªã®äººã¨ä½ç½®ãå
¥ãæ¿ã",132 cardText:"èªåã®ï¼ã¤å¾ã®çªã®äººã¨ä½ç½®ãå
¥ãæ¿ãã"133 },134 {135 cardId:19,136 cardType:1,137 cardName:"èªåã¨ã©ã³ãã ã«å
¥ãæ¿ã",138 cardText:"èªåã¨ã©ã³ãã ã«é¸ã°ãããã¬ã¤ã¤ã¼ã¨ã®ä½ç½®ãå
¥ãæ¿ãã"139 },140 {141 cardId:20,142 cardType:1,143 cardName:"ãµã¤ã³ããããä¸åº¦æ¯ã",144 cardText:"ããä¸åº¦ãµã¤ã³ããæ¯ããã¨ãã§ãã"145 },146 {147 cardId:21,148 cardType:1,149 cardName:"ãµã¤ã³ããããä¸åº¦æ¯ã*",150 cardText:"ããä¸åº¦ãµã¤ã³ããæ¯ããåºãç®ãå¥æ°ãªããã®åé²ã¿ãåºãç®ãå¶æ°ãªããã®åæ»ã"151 },152 {153 cardId:22,154 cardType:1,155 cardName:"ãµã¤ã³ããããä¸åº¦æ¯ã*",156 cardText:"ããä¸åº¦ãµã¤ã³ããæ¯ããåºãç®ãå¥æ°ãªããã®åæ»ããåºãç®ãå¶æ°ãªããã®åé²ã"157 },158 {159 cardId:23,160 cardType:1,161 cardName:"ãã¬ã¤ã¤ã¼ã®ã«ã¼ããæ¨ã¦ã",162 cardText:"ä»ã®ãã¬ã¤ã¤ã¼1人ãæå®ãããã®ãã¬ã¤ã¤ã¼ã®ã«ã¼ãã1æã©ã³ãã ã«æ¨ã¦ã"163 },164 {165 cardId:24,166 cardType:1,167 cardName:"ãã¬ã¤ã¤ã¼ã®ã«ã¼ãã奪ã",168 cardText:"ä»ã®ãã¬ã¤ã¤ã¼1人ãæå®ãããã®ãã¬ã¤ã¤ã¼ã®ã«ã¼ãã1æã©ã³ãã ã«å¥ªã"169 },170 {171 cardId:25,172 cardType:1,173 cardName:"ãã¬ã¤ã¤ã¼ã¨ã«ã¼ãã交æ",174 cardText:"ä»ã®ãã¬ã¤ã¤ã¼1人ãæå®ãããã®ãã¬ã¤ã¤ã¼ã®ã«ã¼ãã1æã©ã³ãã ã«äº¤æãã"175 },176 {177 cardId:26,178 cardType:1,179 cardName:"ã«ã¼ããå
¨ã¦äº¤æ",180 cardText:"ãã¬ã¤ã¤ã¼ãæå®ããããã®å¾äºãã®ã«ã¼ããå
¥ãæ¿ãã"181 },182 {183 cardId:27,184 cardType:1,185 cardName:"ææãï¼ææ¨ã¦ã",186 cardText:"èªåã®ææããã©ã³ãã ã«ï¼ææ¨ã¦ã"187 },188 {189 cardId:28,190 cardType:1,191 cardName:"ã¢ã¤ãã ããã¹ã¦æ¨ã¦ã",192 cardText:"èªåãææãã¦ããã¢ã¤ãã ãå
¨ã¦æ¨ã¦ã"193 },194 {195 cardId:29,196 cardType:1,197 cardName:"ã«ã¼ãããã¹ã¦æ¨ã¦ã",198 cardText:"èªåã®ææãã¦ããã«ã¼ãããã¹ã¦æ¨ã¦ã"199 },200 {201 cardId:30,202 cardType:1,203 cardName:"ãã¬ã¤ã¤ã¼ã¨ä½ç½®ãå
¥ãæ¿ã",204 cardText:"ä»ã®ãã¬ã¤ã¤ã¼ãæå®ãããã®ãã¬ã¤ã¤ã¼ã¨ä½ç½®ã交æãã"205 },206 {207 cardId:31,208 cardType:1,209 cardName:"ã²ã¼ã ãçµäº",210 cardText:"ã²ã¼ã ãçµäºããã¹ã³ã¢ã§é ä½ã決ãã"211 },212 {213 cardId:1,214 cardType:2,215 cardName:"ãµã¤ã³ãã®æ°åãï¼å",216 cardText:"ãã®ã«ã¼ã«ãè¨å®ããã¦ããéããµã¤ã³ããåºããæ°åã®ï¼åé²ã\nä¾ï¼ï¼ãåºãå ´åãï¼ãã¹é²ã"217 },218 {219 cardId:2,220 cardType:2,221 cardName:"ã«ã¼ããï¼å使ç¨",222 cardText:"ãã®ã«ã¼ã«ãè¨å®ããã¦ããéã\nã«ã¼ããï¼å 使ç¨ãããã¨ãã§ãã"223 },224 {225 cardId:32,226 cardType:1,227 cardName:"ã´ã¼ã«ã«ã¼ãâ ",228 cardText:"æã¨æã®ã¢ã¤ãã ã«ã¼ããéãã人ãåå©"229 },230 {231 cardId:33,232 cardType:1,233 cardName:"ã´ã¼ã«ã«ã¼ãâ¡",234 cardText:"é³æ¥½ã¨ã±ã¼ãã®ã¢ã¤ãã ã«ã¼ããéãã人ãåå©"235 },236 {237 cardId:34,238 cardType:1,239 cardName:"ã´ã¼ã«ã«ã¼ãâ¢",240 cardText:"è²éçã¨ã³ã¤ã³ã®ã¢ã¤ãã ã«ã¼ããéãã人ãåå©"241 },242 {243 cardId:35,244 cardType:1,245 cardName:"ã´ã¼ã«ã«ã¼ãâ£",246 cardText:"太é½ã¨ã³ããã®ã¢ã¤ãã ã«ã¼ããéãã人ãåå©"247 },248 {249 cardId:36,250 cardType:1,251 cardName:"ã´ã¼ã«ã«ã¼ãâ¤",252 cardText:"æã¨å¤ªé½ã®ã¢ã¤ãã ã«ã¼ããéãã人ãåå©"253 },254 {255 cardId:37,256 cardType:1,257 cardName:"ã´ã¼ã«ã«ã¼ãâ¥",258 cardText:"æã¨é³æ¥½ã®ã¢ã¤ãã ã«ã¼ããéãã人ãåå©"259 },260 {261 cardId:38,262 cardType:1,263 cardName:"ã´ã¼ã«ã«ã¼ãâ¥",264 cardText:"ã±ã¼ãã¨ã³ããã®ã¢ã¤ãã ã«ã¼ããéãã人ãåå©"265 },...
Using AI Code Generation
1define('Mobile/SalesLogix/Views/Activity/MyActivityList', [2], function(3) {4 return declare('Mobile.SalesLogix.Views.Activity.MyActivityList', [List], {5 itemTemplate: new Simplate([6 '<h3>{%: $.Description %}</h3>',7 '<h4>{%: $.Type %}</h4>',8 '<h4>{%: $.StartDate %}</h4>'9 queryWhere: function() {10 return 'Leader eq "' + App.context['user'] + '"';11 },12 formatSearchQuery: function(searchQuery) {13 return string.substitute('(upper(Description) like "${0}%" or upper(LongNotes) like "${0}%")', [this.escapeSearchQuery(searchQuery.toUpperCase())]);14 },
Using AI Code Generation
1var argosy = require('argosy');2var argosyCardText = require('argosy-pattern-cardtext');3var argosyPattern = require('argosy-pattern');4var pattern = argosyPattern.pattern;5var cardText = argosyCardText.cardText;6argosy()7 .use('cardtext', argosyCardText())8 .act('role:cardtext,cmd:cardText', { cardText: 'This is a test' }, function (err, result) {9 if (err)10 throw err;11 console.log(result);12});13var argosy = require('argosy');14var argosyCardText = require('argosy-pattern-cardtext');15var argosyPattern = require('argosy-pattern');16var pattern = argosyPattern.pattern;17var cardText = argosyCardText.cardText;18argosy()19 .use('cardtext', argosyCardText())20 .act('role:cardtext,cmd:cardText', { cardText: 'This is a test' }, function (err, result) {21 if (err)22 throw err;23 console.log(result);24});
Using AI Code Generation
1define('crm/Views/MyView', [2], function(3) {4 var resource = window.location.pathname.split('/')[1];5 var accountResource = resource + '/Accounts';6 var accountEntityName = 'Account';7 var accountEntityDisplayName = 'Account';8 var __class = declare('crm.Views.MyView', [_ViewBase, _LegacySDataListMixin], {9 itemTemplate: new Simplate([10 '<h3>{%: $$.titleTemplate.apply($) %}</h3>',11 '<h4>{%: $$.subtitleTemplate.apply($) %}</h4>',12 '{% if ($.Address) { %}',13 '<h4>{%: $.Address.FullAddress %}</h4>',14 '{% } %}'15 itemTemplate: new Simplate([16 '<p class="micro-text">{%: $$.accountTypeText %}: {%: $.Type %}</p>',17 '<h3>{%: $$.accountNameTemplate.apply($) %}</h3>',18 '<h4>{%: $$.accountSubTitleTemplate.apply($) %}</h4>',19 '<h4>{%: $$.accountSubTitleTemplate2.apply($) %}</h4>',20 '<h4>{%: $$.accountSubTitleTemplate3.apply($) %}</h4>',21 '<h4>{%: $$.accountSub
Using AI Code Generation
1var CardText = require('argosy-card-text')2var cardText = CardText({3})4cardText.getCardText('1234567890', function (err, cardText) {5 if (err) {6 console.error(err)7 } else {8 console.log(cardText)9 }10})11### `CardText(options)`12### `cardText.getCardText(cardNumber, callback)`
Using AI Code Generation
1var CardText = require('argosy-card-text')2var cardText = new CardText()3var text = cardText.getCardText('VISA')4console.log(text)5 var cardText = new argosyCardText()6 var text = cardText.getCardText('VISA')7 console.log(text)
Using AI Code Generation
1var CardText = require('argos-sdk/src/CardText');2var cardText = new CardText();3var cardText = cardText.getCardText('testCard');4console.log(cardText);5var CardText = require('argos-sdk/src/CardText');6var cardText = new CardText();7var cardText = cardText.getCardText('testCard', 'fr');8console.log(cardText);9var CardText = require('argos-sdk/src/CardText');10var cardText = new CardText();11var cardText = cardText.getCardText('testCard', App.getCurrentLocale());12console.log(cardText);13var CardText = require('argos-sdk/src/CardText');14var cardText = new CardText();15var cardText = cardText.getCardText('testCard', App.getBaseLocale());16console.log(cardText);
Using AI Code Generation
1var CardText = require('argosy-pattern/card-text')2var argosy = require('argosy')3var service = argosy({4 cardText: CardText()5})6service.accept({7 hello: function (name, cb) {8 cb(null, 'hello ' + name)9 }10})11service.listen(3000)12#### `CardText(options)`13#### `CardText#match(cardText)`14#### `CardText#parse(cardText)`15#### `CardText#stringify(card)`
Using AI Code Generation
1var CardText = require('./argosy-cardtext');2var cardText = new CardText({3});4cardText.setCardNumber(1);5cardText.setCardText(0, 'hello world');6cardText.setCardText(1, 'hello world');7cardText.setCardText(2, 'hello world');8cardText.setCardText(3, 'hello world');9cardText.setCardText(4, 'hello world');10cardText.setCardText(5, 'hello world');11cardText.setCardText(6, 'hello world');12cardText.setCardText(7, 'hello world');13cardText.setCardText(8, 'hello world');14cardText.setCardText(9, 'hello world');15cardText.setCardText(10, 'hello world');16cardText.setCardText(11, 'hello world');17cardText.setCardText(12, 'hello world');18cardText.setCardText(13, 'hello world');19cardText.setCardText(14, 'hello world');20cardText.setCardText(15, 'hello world');21cardText.setCardText(16, 'hello world');22cardText.setCardText(17, 'hello world');23cardText.setCardText(18, 'hello world');24cardText.setCardText(19, 'hello world');25cardText.setCardText(20, 'hello world');26cardText.setCardText(21, 'hello world');
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